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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effects of lightning in shallow coal mines: an engineering study.

Geldenhuys, Hendrik Jacobus. January 1995 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering. / Lightning causes electrical shocks to people, the premature ignition of explosives, and the ignition of methane underground in coal mines. This study examines this problem using a theoretical study and the results of an extensive measurement programme that was conducted in several coal mines. The work that has been done, particularly in South Africa, is also reviewed. Two mechanisms are responsible for the penetration of lightning surge currents into the underground workings. A direct strike to the service structures leading into a shaft is one of the two mechanisms, and the second is that resulting from lightning strikes to the strata above the underground workings. The frequency and amplitude with which such surges can be expected is quantified using the theoretical study. This model correlates well with the observed frequencies of the empirical studies. The sensitivity of methane to lightning-type sparks is investigated. Currents as low as 10 rnA have been proved to be capable of igniting methane. The sensitivity of conventional detonators is also investigated. The thesis proposes a generalised test which can be applied to both the low-impedance protection method and a high-impedance protection method. The test methodologies have been generalised to make provision for any new innovative detonators that may be used by the industry. A risk evaluation of mines is developed which allows a mine to be categorised according to the likelihood of lightning causing an accident in a mine. The South African Recommended Practice for avoiding such accidents is also reviewed. / Andrew Chakane 2018

Evaluation of productivity trends in the South African coal mining industry

Du Toit, Anthea January 2017 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering, 2017 / Productivity is an important topic within the mining industry and advances in productivity open up opportunities to make the best possible use of South Africa’s mineral wealth. The report uses publicly available data to assess trends in productivity in the SA coal mining industry since the 1980s and to compare SA’s performance with that of the US and Australia. It is found that between 1980 and 2003, productivity growth in the SA coal mining sector was primarily driven by capital deepening. However, productivity growth has been negative from 2004 onwards, despite continued capital deepening. Possible explanations include resource depletion, investment lags, deteriorating worker quality, increased complexity, more stringent safety regulations and adverse labour market conditions. The report highlights skills development and investment in innovation as possible ways of addressing declining productivity performance in the SA coal mining sector and recommends improvements to the availability of data for productivity research purposes. / CK2018

The evaluation of employee assistance programmes in the coal mines within the Nkangala region.

Lekgothoana, Josiah Patrick. January 2013 (has links)
M. Tech. Human Resources Management / It is important to acknowledge that employees need to be physically and mentally healthy in order to be productive, thus boosting the profitability of the organisation. According to resources, employee assistance programmes have the potential of enhancing the profitability of the company by reducing absenteeism, staff turnover, tardiness, accidents and medical claims. The problem statement of this study involves the uncertainty about the perceptions of the employees in the coal mines within the Nkangala region about the outsourced employee assistance programmes. It is only one coal mining company and an Employee Assistance Programmes service provider that granted permission to conduct the research at their organisations. This research project aims to evaluate the perceptions of the employees of the coal mine within the Nkangala region in South Africa, about the outsourced employee assistance programmes. The objectives of the study are to determine if the perceptions of demographic groups differ and also to determine if there are relationships between the theoretically envisaged subscales or dimensions.

Geological and mineral economic evaluation and assessment of the Permian Karoo Supergroup coal assets owned by Eyesizwe Coal (Pty) Ltd, a Black empowerment company, South Africa

Wakerman, Boguslaw Wojciech 23 April 2014 (has links)
D.Phil. (Geology) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Managers’ attitudes towards workplace trade unionism at a coal mining company

Mphahlele, Emmanuel 18 July 2013 (has links)
M.Comm. (Business Management) / Trade unionism and trade unions activities in South Africa’s labour relations system and workplaces has a long history of racial segregation characterised by confrontation and antagonism between the employer (management) and trade unions in the workplaces. However, in the South African contemporary labour relations environment the emphasis is more on creation of constructive and cooperative relations between the employer (management) and trade unions in the workplace. The literature study cites managers’ attitudes towards trade unions as one of the factor that could facilitate genuine interaction and promote productive cooperative management – trade unions relations in the workplace. The objective of this study was to assist in identifying and understating managers’ attitudes towards workplace trade unionism in the workplace utilising a coal mining company as a case study. For the purpose of investigating managers’ attitudes towards trade unionism and trade unions in the workplace, a literature review was conducted and the self-administered questionnaire was utilised as the research instrument to collect the primary data about managers’ attitudes towards trade unionism and trade unions in the workplace. The findings of the study reveal that most of the respondents generally harbour positive attitudes towards trade unionism and trade unions in the workplace. Another significant research finding of the study is the identification and existence of four factors underlying managers’ attitudes towards trade unionism and trade unions in the workplace. The factors identified relates to the awareness and understanding of the concept trade unionism and trade unions in the workplace, operational aspects in terms of perceived destructive and constructive role and function of trade unions in the workplace and lastly, management – trade union cooperation and relationship building in the workplace. Recommendations of the study were presented that will assist in improving and entrenching managers’ positive attitudes towards trade unionism and trade unions in the workplace.

Feasibility of thin seam coal mining at Dorstfontein Coal Mine

Meyer, Petrus Cornelius 07 September 2005 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2003. / Geology / Unrestricted

A focussed approach towards safety in support of coal mining operations in the South African coal mining industry

Veldman, Kirmar Adriaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African Mining industry has had a poor safety performance over the past couple of years, which led to a lot of questions being asked about how effective mining operations are managed. Numerous concerns and opinions have been raised on the reasons why no improvement is seen in organisations’ safety trends. The general concern in the mining industry is that safety and operations are managed as separate entities and not as an integrated unit. Besides the perception of operational issues that are managed more diligently than safety issues, the associated competency levels of line personnel are also questioned. Safety management systems in mining organisations are also under the spotlight in respect of quality, effective application and a positive contribution in preventing accidents and incidents. A more intensified focus on safety is required by the respective mining houses. The main contributing factors that lead to accidents and incidents need to be determined. The possible reasons for the unsatisfactory safety results can be divided into controllable and uncontrollable elements when seen from a safety perspective. The controllable elements are all possible reasons for why a safety management system is not working. There might also be different contributors to poor safety performance but these are definitely underlying to the main reasons identified. The influence of human behaviour on accidents as well as the considered organisation safety system is essential in safety management. Human behaviour is a function of the characteristics of both the person and the environment. Individuals bring elements to the organisational setting, including abilities, personal beliefs, expectations and past experiences. The environment provided by an organisation has a number of features: jobs, relationships between people, work that needs to be done, rewards available to individuals, and so on. Behaviour results from the interaction of individual and organisational characteristics. The behaviour of humans and the understanding thereof will be a science in its own right. To prevent incidents, one should know their causes. As Louis Pasteur put it, over 100 years ago: “All things are hidden obscure and debatable if the cause of the phenomena be unknown, but everything is clear if the cause be known.” / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse mynboubedryf presteer die afgelope aantal jaar swak wat betref veiligheidsbestuur en ʼn hele aantal vrae word gevra oor hoe effektief mynbouoperasies bestuur word. Verskeie besorgdhede en opinies is gelug oor die moontlike redes waarom daar geen verbetering in ondernemings se veiligheidsindekse ervaar word nie. Die algemene bekommernis in die mynboubedryf is dat veiligheid en operasionele verantwoordelikhede afsonderlik bestuur word en nie as ʼn geïntegreerde eenheid nie. Afgesien van die persepsie dat operasionele uitdagings meer doelgerig bestuur word as veiligheid, word die gepaardgaande bevoegdheidsvlakke van lynpersoneel ook bevraagteken. Veiligheidsbestuurstelsels in mynbouondernemings is ook onder verdenking wat betref gehalte, effektiewe toepassing en ’n positiewe bydrae ten opsigte van ondersteuning en voorkoming van insidente en ongelukke. ʼn Meer intense fokus op veiligheid word benodig by die onderskeie mynhuise. Die belangrikste bydraende faktore wat tot ongelukke en insidente lei, moet bepaal word. Die moontlike redes vir onbevredigende veiligheidsresultate kan verdeel word in beheerbare en onbeheerbare elemente wanneer gesien vanuit ʼn veiligheidsperspektief. Die beheerbare elemente is moontlike redes waarom ʼn veiligheidbestuurstelsel nie werk nie. Daar kan moontlik ook ander bydraende faktore wees tot ʼn swak veiligheidsprestasie maar dit is definitief onderliggend tot die hoofredes soos geïdentifiseer. Die invloed van menslike gedrag op ongelukke sowel as die inaggenome veiligheidstelsel van die organisasie is essensieel by veiligheidsbestuur. Menslike gedrag is ʼn funksie van die eienskappe van beide die persoon en die omgewing. Individue bring sekere elemente na die organisatoriese opset wat vermoëns, persoonlike oortuigings, verwagtings en ondervinding insluit. Die omgewing geskep deur organisasies behels ʼn aantal elemente: werksomskrywing, verhoudings tussen mense, werk wat gedoen moet word, vergoeding van individue, ens. Gedrag is die resultaat van die interaksie tussen individue en die kenmerke van die organisasie. Die gedrag van mense en begrip daarvan sal ʼn wetenskap in eie reg bly. Om insidente te verhoed, moet die oorsake bekend wees. Soos Louis Pasteur dit meer as 100 jaar gelede gestel het: “All things are hidden obscure and debatable if the cause of the phenomena be unknown, but everything is clear if the cause be known.”

A constructive analysis of safety control mechanisms and production costs at a coal mine

Mokoena, Mothemba Cecilia January 2016 (has links)
M. Tech. (Cost and Management Accounting, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology / Statistics in South Africa show that the fatality and injury rates within the mining industry have dropped since the end of the apartheid era. Regardless of the drop the fact remains that the mine workers, who are often the breadwinners, are still dying in the country’s mines leaving their families behind without any source of income. If they do not die they may suffer crippling injuries due to mine accidents making it impossible for them to perform their daily duties at work which results in the loss of income, loss of quality of life and this produces a humanitarian and a socio-economic problem. Mining companies incur enormous costs due to fatalities and injuries. Hence a target for zero fatalities was set in the mining industry for 2013. However, the industry has failed to reach this target that it set for itself and it is therefore of the utmost importance to encourage mining companies to invest more than they do currently in safety in order to prevent these fatal and crippling injuries due to mine accidents. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the requirements of safety legislation are observed and complied with by a single Colliery in South Africa that was selected for this study. The study also sought to investigate whether or not the employees of this mine observe the safety regulations to ensure safety and to maintain an accident free working environment. An analysis of organizational safety control mechanisms and production cost was conducted through the use of a structured questionnaire, completed by 151 participants. Descriptive statistics, frequency tables, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and t-test were utilized to analyse the data. The results indicate that the Colliery was compliant with the safety legislations, a positive employee safety attitude had been cultivated and there was provision of adequate safety facilities through safety investments. Cost reduction due to the application of safety controls was also established, yet it was found necessary for the Colliery to enforce and encourage the application of safety measures to reduce the costs that are still incurred as it is evident that the application of safety controls results in reduced costs. Although the Colliery was considered compliant, with its employees showing a positive attitude towards safety controls, and with safety investments made and cost reduction achieved due to safety measures, ANOVA revealed different perceptions based on the departments in which the employees work, years of experience, English proficiency and qualifications. However, no differences were found in relation to gender and designation.

Die optimale benutting van steenkool met verwysing na grootte by Bosjesspruit Steenkoolmyn

04 September 2012 (has links)
M.Phil. / The study was undertaken at Bosjesspruit, one of the Sasol Collieries, to investigate aspects that contribute to the degradation of coal. Bosjesspruit is penalised with more than nine million rands per year for fine coal that exceeds the set limits. Compliance to quality is the main reason. The cost is directly deducted from the profit. The quality of coal is of importance for the effectiveness of the gasifying process. A feasibility study has indicated that this study is viable. Various factors in the process were studied to identify the system deviations such as: coal bunkers, section and main conveyor belts, geology, production section activities and coal production equipment. A literature study was done and time was spent to become conversant with the coal transport system. The process is described from where the coal is mined, through the handling action up to where it is fed into the Sasol plant gasifiers. Several coal samples of the identified bottleneck areas were taken and analysed. The four main areas that were studied are: Loading actions at East 700 bunker. Incline shaft transfer chute. The horizontal bunker on surface. The South section conveyor chutes. The free-flow technology was researched and developed for an acceptable chute design. The design is now computerised and in use at Sasol Collieries. The current design and its restrictions are compared with the proposed designs to indicate the improvements. A detailed cost analysis was done to determine the expenditures such as: Penalties for fine coal. The cost of adaptability and redesign. - Forecast cost savings after the redesigns are implemented. - Cost to produce coal as well as the income for Bosjesspruit. An economical evaluation indicates that all the suggested solutions are economically justifiable. The results of the study indicate several suggested solutions to overcome the identified bottlenecks. It is further suggested that results of this study are also implemented at the other Sasol mines as well as the mines that are being developed.

Estimation of the propensity of remnant underground coal pillars to spontaneously combust during opencast mining at a colliery in the Witbank coalfield

Gemmell, Graham Barry January 2017 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering, 2016 / Spontaneous combustion of coal may occur when coal is mined, stored or transported and is influenced by a combination of intrinsic and /or extrinsic factors. While it is unusual for intact seams to burn in the highwall, the most common occurrence is when surface mines extract seams previously partially mined by underground bord and pillar operations. The aim of the study is to provide a predictive model (matrix) of the spontaneous combustion potential of remnant pillars at Colliery X. A number of different thermal, chemical and petrographic tests (coal factors) will be undertaken to determine their individual and collective impacts on the sponcom predictive model. The primary geology at the mine is conformable with that of the Witbank Coalfield. Battacharyya (1982) described 3 main factors in the spontaneous combustion of coal, mining factor, coal factor and geological factor which have an aggregate effect. Some of the main historical and present theories of sponcom are the pyrite theory, the bacterial theory, the oxidation theory and the humidity theory. It is important to note that no single factor is responsible for spontaneous combustion. The oxidation of coal occurs constantly. The temperature of the coal is a function of the rate of heat generation versus the rate of heat loss. Fires can start at outcrops and move through interconnected workings with heat transfer by conduction (into the overburden) or convection (between panels).The overburden can also insulate the burning coal seam. Geological factors such as depth of overburden, the degree of fracturing, and the nature of the overlying strata vary between coalfields. A coal seam fire or mine fire is the underground smouldering of a coal deposit, often in a coal mine. Such fires have economic, social and ecological impacts In order to extinguish a fire, one of three elements, fuel, oxygen, or energy, must be removed. The components of the fire triangle can be further subdivided into conventional mine control techniques and more or less unconventional or unproven mine fire control techniques. The thermal techniques discussed include the crossing point temperature, thermogravimetric analyses and oxygen absorption. Macerals, the microscopically identifiable organic constituents of coal, are one of the three basic parameters that define coal. The other two parameters are the coal rank and the mineral matter Vitrinite is the principal maceral group of the No.5 seam and inertinite dominates the No.2 and No.4 seams. The results obtained from the 22 drill-core samples and 2 ROM samples were matched to the existing borehole dataset (2296 boreholes) based on similarity of heat value (figure 3.11). A total of 24 test results (thermal, chemical and petrographic) from borehole A and borehole B were thus assigned to the borehole database which has approximately 1500 samples for each seam. By linking the laboratory datasets (borehole A and B) and the existing borehole database used for resource modelling, the sponcom variables could be modelled in a similar way to the coal resources. The overall risk matrix was calculated on a full seam basis by combining 15 variable scores, each variable having a score of 0, 1 or 2 (low-mod-high probability). The overall results from this research produced clear and unambiguous contour plans of different factors effecting sponcom of coal using single variable and combined variable datasets. In conclusion, it appears that the acceptability of a method for determining spontaneous heating characteristics of coal mainly depends upon how closely it predicts the spontaneous heating behaviour in the field conditions / CK2018

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