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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Globos namuose augančių paauglių beviltiškumo, neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų ir streso įveikos strategijų sąsajos / Corellation of hopelessness, maladaptive cognitive schemes and stress coping strategies in adolescents growing in foster home

Juškaitė, Jurga 23 December 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - atskleisti globos namuose augančių paauglių beviltiškumo, neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų bei streso įveikos sąsajas. Globos namuose augantys paaugliai dažnai susiduria su psichologiniais sunkumais. Lietuvoje nėra daug tyrinėtos šių paauglių beviltiškumo, neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų bei streso įveikos psichologinės problemos. Tyrime dalyvavo 52 globos namuose augantys paaugliai. Tyrimas atliktas taikant tris metodus: A. T. Beck nevilties skalė, kitas E. J. Young ankstyvų neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų klausimynas, trumpoji forma ir trečias Ž. Grakausko bei G. Valicko keturių faktorių streso įveikos klausimynas. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė merginų imtyje beviltiškumo ir neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų sąsajas, kai tuo tarpu vaikinų imtyje šios sąsajos nenustatytos. Tyrimu nustatytos streso įveikos strategijų bei neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų sąsajos tiek vaikinų, tiek merginų imtyje. Beviltiškumo ir streso įveikos strategijų sąsajų nerasta nei merginų, nei vaikinų tarpe. Nenustatyti reikšmingi skirtumai beviltiškumo, streso įveikos strategijų: problemų sprendimo, vengimo bei socialinio palaikymo tiek vaikinų, tiek merginų imtyje. / The aim of the study was to reveal corellation of hopelessness, maladaptive cognitive schemes and stress coping strategies in adolescents growing in foster home. Adolescents growing in foster home often interfere psychological difficulties. In Lithuania there is not many researches on adolescents hopelessness, maladaptive cognitive schemes and stress coping strategies. 52 girls and boys participated in the research from foster home. In the present thesis was applied three methods: A. T. Beck’s hoplessness scale, E. J. Young maladaptive cognitive schemes questioner and Ž. Grakauskas, G. Valickas stress coping strategies scale. The survey results showed the corellation of hopelessness and maladaptive cognitive schemes of girls but the results of boys presents no corelations between hopelessness and maladaptive cognitive schemes. The results of boys and girls showed corellation of stress coping strategies and maladaptive cognitive schemes. There were no meaningful differences of boys and girls on average between hoplessness and stress coping strategies: problems solving, social support and avoidance.

Esquemas desadaptativos y motivación de logro académico en adolescentes de una institución educativa de Chiclayo, 2022

Valladolid Valladolid, Pablo Miguel January 2024 (has links)
Dado que los esquemas cognitivos son parte integrante de la formación de la identidad de una persona y desempeñan un papel crucial en todos los aspectos de la adolescencia, figuran entre los factores de desarrollo más significativos. Por otra parte, cuando estos esquemas son disfuncionales, surgen una serie de problemas y alteraciones, incluyendo los cambios en entorno del aprendizaje. Es por ello que el presente estudio se realizó con la finalidad de conocer la relación entre esquemas desadaptativos y motivación de logro académico en adolescentes de una institución educativa de Chiclayo. El estudio empleó un enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, tipología transversal y correlacional. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 256 estudiantes de quinto grado de secundaria, con edades comprendidas entre los 15 y 18 años, representantes de ambos sexos (M=16; DE=0.6). La escala de motivación de logro académico de Thornberry y la escala de esquemas desadaptativos de Young fueron los instrumentos utilizados para la de recogida de datos. Los resultados demostraron una relación inversa entre los esquemas desadaptativos insuficiente autocontrol y perfeccionismo, y la motivación de logro académico, a nivel general y dimensional; asimismo, en los varones los esquemas predominantes son insuficiente autocontrol, grandiosidad y perfeccionismo; mientras que en las mujeres, los esquemas predominantes fueron perfeccionismo, autoexigencias e insuficiente autocontrol; además, los varones tienden a presentar niveles moderados de motivación hacia el logro académico; no obstante, en las mujeres presentan niveles altos. En consecuencia, se determinó que, la motivación del logro académico de los adolescentes está negativamente condicionado por los esquemas desadaptativos. / Because cognitive schemas are integral to the formation of a person's identity and play a crucial role in all aspects of adolescence, they are among the most significant developmental factors. On the other hand, when these schemas are dysfunctional, a series of problems and alterations arise, including changes in the learning environment. That is why the present study was carried out with the purpose of knowing the relationship between maladaptive schemas and motivation for academic achievement in adolescents from an educational institution in Chiclayo. The study used a quantitative approach, non-experimental design, cross-sectional and correlational typology. The sample was made up of 256 fifth grade high school students, aged between 15 and 18 years, representatives of both sexes (M=16; SD=0.6). Thornberry's Academic Achievement Motivation Scale and Young's Maladaptive Schemas Scale were the instruments used for data collection. The results demonstrated an inverse relationship between insufficient maladaptive self-control and perfectionism schemes, and academic achievement motivation, at a general and dimensional level; Likewise, in men the predominant schemes are insufficient self-control, grandiosity and perfectionism; while in women, the predominant schemes were perfectionism, self-demands and insufficient self-control; Furthermore, men tend to present moderate levels of motivation towards academic achievement; However, in women they present high levels. Consequently, it is determined that the motivation for academic achievement of adolescents is negatively conditioned by maladaptive schemes.

Le role de l'anticipation dans l'apprentissage d'une langue seconde : etudes et applications didactiques pour l'enseignement du francais langue etrangere. / The mechanism of anticipation in language learning : studies and didactical prospective for the teaching of French as a second language

Vanleene, François 29 March 2013 (has links)
Notre étude se propose de décrypter de façon expérimentale le parcours interprétant dans l’apprentissage d’une langue étrangère telle que le français, en remettant en cause le concept traditionnel du décodage analytique et en lui substituant celui d’anticipation. Notre hypothèse est que la compréhension d’un énoncé ne repose pas sur une addition chronologique et continue de signes mais se construit à partir de procédures invariantes d’identification du sens, de reconnaissance de structures et de schèmes universaux. Le premier chapitre pose les jalons de notre recherche en introduisant trois théories fondamentales dans l’explication possible du phénomène d’anticipation : celle de la Grammaire Universelle (Chomsky), celle des Opérations Énonciatives et Prédicatives (Culioli) et celle de la Sémantique Générale (Pottier). Nous discutons des différents éclairages qu’apportent ces théories et nous les mettons en relation avec l’objet de notre recherche. Dans le second chapitre, nous présentons les supports iconographiques à partir desquels nous avons élaboré notre expérience, lesquels présentent l’avantage d’être neutres, syntaxiquement ajustables et interprétables dans la langue maternelle des participants autant que dans la langue cible. Nous introduisons notre public chinois, ainsi que la nature de l’expérience, qui consiste à convertir des énoncés oraux en séquences iconographiques. Nous présentons également la spécificité linguistique des phrases que nous utilisons en les analysant à l’aide des théories introduites dans notre première partie. Notre troisième chapitre analyse les productions des 14 sujets, en tenant compte de la nature des icônes sélectionnées, l’ordre de leur sélection et la disposition dans laquelle elles ont été placées. Ces trois paramètres permettent de révéler différents schèmes d’anticipation tout en appuyant la théorie selon laquelle la compréhension est un processus de reconstruction, à partir de savoirs conceptuels, cognitifs et linguistiques. Le dernier chapitre résume l’ensemble de l’expérience, synthétise nos conclusions et les confronte avec les théories portant sur les universaux et les invariants. Il définit également des orientations possibles dans le domaine de la didactique des langues étrangères, qui tiennent compte du concept d’anticipation / This study intends to decrypt experimentally the interpreting process in the learning of a second language such as French, by questioning the traditional concept of analytical decoding and by substituting it the principle of anticipation. Our hypothesis is that utterances are not understood through a continuous and chronological adding of signs, but is rather constructed from invariant procedures of identification of the meaning and from the recognition of structures and universal schemes. The first chapter prepares the ground for this research by introducing three essential theories which could explain the phenomenon of anticipation: the theories of Universal Grammar (Chomsky), of Enunciative and Predicative Operations (Culioli) and of General Semantics (Pottier). We discuss the various prospects brought by these theories and we relate them with the topic of our research. In the second chapter, we present the iconographic material we have conducted our experiment with, the advantages of which consist in being neutral, syntactically adjustable andinterpretable in the subjects’ native tongue as much as in the target language. We introduce the Chinese participants and the principles of our experiment, which consists in converting oral utterances to iconographic sequences. We present the linguistic features of the sentences we have used by the aid of the theories we reviewed in the first section. In our third chapter, we make the analysis of the 14 subjects’ productions by taking account of the nature of the chosen icons, the order in which they are selected and their placement in the sequences. These three parameters allow us to reveal various schemes of anticipation and to confirm the theory according to which comprehension is a process of reconstruction from conceptual, cognitive and linguistic knowledge. The last chapter sums the experiment up, summarize our conclusions and test them against the theories about language universals and invariants. It defines also some possible threads that can be followed in the field of language acquisition and which consider the role of anticipation.

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