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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transitions in Axisymmetric Turbulence / Transitions et Structures dans la Turbulence Axisymétrique

Qin, Zecong 19 September 2019 (has links)
La turbulence axisymétrique est un écoulement bidimensionnel trois-composantes. L’étude de ce type de turbulence est motivée par le fait que celle-ci représente la limite asymptotique des écoulements anisotropes, et qu’elle a été le sujet des investigations théoriques dans le passé. Dans ce manuscrit, la turbulence axisymétrique a étudié en géométrie fermée en utilisant des simulations numériques spectrales et pseudo-spectrales.Études antérieures concernant la génération des structures cohérentes, obtenues dans les écoulements en déclin libre, sont considérées ici dans le contexte des écoulements statistiquement stationnaires, où l’énergie est injectée soit par un forçage spectralement localisé ou par une rotation des disques en haut et en bas du cylindre. On montre que les structures observées sont conformes aux prédictions théoriques.Lorsqu’un protocole de forçage anisotrope est utilisé, une bifurcation est observée entre un état non-tourbillonnant (bidimensionnel deux-composantes, 2D2C) et un écoulement tourbillonnant turbulent (bidimensionnel trois-composante, 2D3C). Cette transition est modélisée à travers un système de deux équations différentielles ordinaires (ODE), et on montre que ce modèle retient la physique essentielle de cette transition. La transition de l’écoulement axisymétrique à un écoulement tridimensionnel (3D3C) est ensuite étudiée à l’aide d’une dimension non-entière, en introduisant de façon continue la variation azimutale dans le système. On montre que la limite 2D2C est singulière et qu’une petite variation azimutale permet une redistribution d’énergie sur les différentes composante énergétiques. Le modèle ODE est adapté pour ce système et on montre que pour l’écoulement considéré la corrélation pression-déformation est responsable d'un niveau approximativement proportionnel à la dimension non-entière. Des Simulations des Grandes Echelles sont réalisées pour évaluer la robustesse des observations à grands nombres de Reynolds. / Axisymmetric turbulence is a two-dimensional three-component flow. The investigation of this type of turbulence is motivated by the fact that it represents the asymptotic limit of anisotropic flows and since it has been the subject of theoretical investigations in the past. In the present manuscript such a flow is investigated in wall-bounded cylindrical geometry using spectral and pseudo-spectral numerical simulations.Previous results on the generation of coherent structures, obtained for freely decaying flow, are here assessed in the context of statistically steady flow, where the energy is supplied by either a spectrally localized forcing, or by moving top and bottom plates of the cylinder. It is shown that the observed structures are consistent with theoretical predictions.When an anisotropic forcing protocol is used, a bifurcation is observed from a non-swirling (two-dimensional two-component, 2D2C) flow to a swirling (two-dimensional three-component 2D3C) turbulent flow. This transition is modelled by a system of two ordinary differential equations (ODE), and it is shown that this model retains the essential physics of the transition.The transition of the axisymmetric flow to three-dimensional (3D3C) flow is then studied using non-integer dimension, by smoothly introducing azimuthal variation into the system. It is shown that the 2D2C limit is singular and that small azimuthal variation allows a redistribution of energy over the different energy components. The ODE model is adapted for this system and it is shown that for the considered flow the pressure-strain correlation is responsible for a swirl-level approximately proportional to the non-integer dimension. Large-Eddy Simulations are carried out to assess the robustness of the observations at higher Reynolds number.

A numerical study of flow hydrodynamics and mixing processes at open channel confluences

Cheng, Zhengyang 01 January 2017 (has links)
River confluences - locations where rivers join one another - are fundamental components of natural drainage networks. Differences in topography, geology, soils, land use, and human activities within watersheds upstream of confluences can produce differences in thermal or chemical properties of river flows and in the materials transported by these flows. Mixing is initiated along the mixing interface (MI) that develops between the two incoming streams with different properties. Therefore, the understanding of fluvial processes at confluences is important for determining river mixing both at and downstream of individual confluences and at the scale of drainage networks. The primary goal of this thesis is to describe the main mechanisms that control mixing and transport at river confluences and the role played by the complex flow structures in the flow and how they change with planform geometry and other flow and geometrical parameters. The study is carried out using Computational Fluid Dynamics modeling based on the state of the art Detached Eddy Simulation approach and High Performance Computing. By starting with a mixing layer between parallel streams with simple geometry, the model is validated based on laboratory experiment data. Moreover, some hypotheses regarding the growth of the mixing layer are amended with the extensive data provided by the model, which is a valuable supplement to the experiment. By performing a detailed parametric study in very long and wide domains for simplified cases one can focus on the spatial development of the MI and the large scale coherent structures forming within and in the vicinity of the MI without the complications of other factors. More specifically, the influence of velocity and density difference of the two streams, flow depth, inflow conditions and angles between the two streams on the spatial development of the MI is analyzed. The data resulting from these simulations conducted in simple geometries is a unique set of data which can be used to test and improve theoretical models used to predict global parameters describing flow and mixing at natural river confluences. In particular, this research uses for the first time well resolved Large Eddy Simulation based techniques to investigate how density differences between the incoming streams affect the spatial development of the mixing interface and mixing downstream of the confluence apex. In order to investigate flow dynamics, mixing processes and effects of temperature stratifications at natural river confluences with discordant bed, a series of simulations is performed for the confluence of the Ebro and Segre Rivers in Spain, which is one of the most studied confluences in Europe. With the detailed survey data of the confluence bed and flow conditions data provided, the goal is to understand the main mechanisms responsible for mixing at a confluence with a large bed discordance and how the velocity ratio between the two incoming streams affects mixing. Besides, more insights are provided that if temperature stratification effects affect significantly flow structure and mixing based on real conditions recorded at a natural confluence. The study provides a comprehensive set of flow data in the confluence including velocity, temperature distribution etc. It serves as important supplement to the field measurements, which are generally more difficult to obtain. It also allows estimating scale effects between field conditions and conditions at which laboratory experiments of confluence flow and mixing are conducted.

Experimental investigation of the near wall flow structure of a low Reynolds number 3-D turbulent boundary layer

Fleming, Jonathan Lee 08 August 2007 (has links)
Laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) measurements and hydrogen-bubble flow-visualization techniques were used to examine the near-wall flow structure of 2-D and 3-D turbulent boundary layers (TBLs) over a range of low Reynolds numbers. The goals of this research were (1) an increased understanding of the flow physics in the near wall region of turbulent boundary layers, (2) to observe and quantify differences between 2-D and 3-D TBL flow structures, and (3) to document Reynolds number effects for 3-D TBLs. An ultimate application of this work would be to improve turbulence modeling for 3-D flows. The LDV data have provided results detailing the turbulence structure of the 2-D and 3-D TBLs, as well as low uncertainty skin friction estimates. These results include mean Reynolds stress distributions, flow skewing results, and U and V spectra. Effects of Reynolds number for the 3-D flow were examined when possible. Comparison to results with the same 3-D flow geometry but at a significantly higher Reynolds number provided unique insight into the structure of 3-D TBLs. While the 3-D mean and fluctuating velocities were found to be highly dependent on Reynolds number, a previously defined shear stress parameter was discovered to be invariant with Reynolds number. The hydrogen-bubble technique was used as a flow-visualization tool to examine the near-wall flow structure of 2-D and 3-D TBLs. Both the quantitative and qualitative results displayed larger turbulent fluctuations with more highly concentrated vorticity regions for the 2-D flow. The 2-D low-speed streaky structures experienced greater interaction with the outer region high-momentum fluid than observed for the 3-D flow. The near-wall 3-D flow structures were generally more quiescent. Numerical parameters quantified the observed differences, and characterized the low-speed streak and high-speed sweep events. All observations indicated a more stable near-wall flow structure with less turbulent interactions occurring between the inner and log regions for a 3-D TBL. / Ph. D.

Free surface dynamics in shallow turbulent flows.

Nichols, Andrew January 2013 (has links)
This study aimed to understand the processes that govern free surface behaviour in depth-limited turbulent flows. Experimental data has shown that the turbulence properties at a point near the free surface relate directly to the properties of the free surface pattern. This would suggest a direct linkage between the free surface and the underlying turbulence field, but this cannot be true since the free surface pattern is strongly dynamic while the sub-surface turbulence field is relatively persistent. An oscillatory spatial correlation function was derived which explains the de-linkage, showing that the turbulence-generated surface pattern periodically inverts as it advects downstream. A model was developed, which shows that the observed free surfaces can be considered as an ensemble of overlapping but behaviourally independent oscillons. These are shown to influence a zone of fluid beneath the surface and invert at a frequency which is a function of the root-mean-square roughness height of the free surface. The spatial frequency of free surface oscillation relates strongly to the spatial frequency of turbulent structures, suggesting that the oscillon motion may form the trigger for near-bed bursting events. Given these relationships, it is proposed that measurement of the free surface behaviour may allow remote measurement of flow conditions. An acoustic wave probe was developed, which is able to remotely recover the key features of the water surface pattern. An array of such probes is proposed for the accurate measurement of temporal and spatial properties of turbulent free surfaces and hence the underlying bulk flow conditions.

Spatially localized self-sustaining mechanism induced by inhomogeneity in turbulence / 乱流中の非一様性により誘起された自律局在構造

Teramura, Toshiki 23 March 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第19481号 / 理博第4141号 / 新制||理||1595(附属図書館) / 32517 / 京都大学大学院理学研究科物理学・宇宙物理学専攻 / (主査)准教授 藤 定義, 教授 佐々 真一, 教授 早川 尚男 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DFAM


VERFAILLIE, SWANN January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Modifications of Coherent Structures in Fan Blade Wakes for Broadband Noise Reduction

Borgoltz, Aurelien 11 December 2007 (has links)
The effects of trailing edge flow control on the wakes of a linear cascade of idealized fan blades was investigated experiments with a view to the likely effects on broadband aircraft engine interaction noise. Single and three-component hotwire velocity measurements were made downstream of the cascade for a chord Reynolds number of 390,000 and a Mach number of 0.07. Measurements of the two-point velocity correlation were used extensively to evaluate the impact of various flow control strategies on the organization of the coherent structures of the wakes and their potential to generate noise. A baseline flow was established by measuring the wake downstream of unmodified GE-Rotor-B blades. Four sets of serrated trailing edge blades (with two different serration sizes and with two trailing edge cambers) and three sets of blades with trailing edge blowing (a simple rectangular slot, rectangular slot with Kuethe-vane vortex generators, and rectangular slot with serrated lips) were tested. The serrated trailing edges introduce corrugations into the wake, increase the wake decay and width as well as turbulence levels (possibly because of the blunt trailing edge created at the serration valley). The serrated trailing edges also increase the turbulence scales in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the wake because of the injection of streamwise vorticity. In almost all cases the serrations reduce the spanwise and streamwise turbulence scales. Serrations do not, however, affect the apparent time scale of quasi-periodic structures in the wake, and this appears to limit the potential of this trailing edge treatment to reduce broadband noise. The analysis of the characteristic eddies (obtained from proper orthogonal decomposition combined with linear estimation) revealed that the serrations do not change the qualitative form of the eddies. Trailing edge blowing was found to significantly decrease the wake deficit and width as well as the turbulence levels at all blowing rates. Blowing through the simple rectangular slot, at mass flow rates between 1.4 and 2.0% of the total passage through flow, was shown to significantly affect the size, the organization and the strength of the coherent structures. For small blowing rates the strong spanwise eddies near the trailing edge actually appear to be enhanced. For larger blowing rates, however, the turbulent scales are reduced in all directions. The addition of Kuethe vanes on the suction side of the blowing blade results in a low momentum region just downstream of the vanes that may result from flow separation there. This further enhances the shedding and increases the blowing rate needed to overcome it. The serrated blowing blades show the greatest potential to reduce broadband noise as they reduce the turbulence levels and scales without creating potentially detrimental structures. While no acoustic measurements were made, analysis of hypothetical perpendicular and parallel interactions of blades with these wakes has made possible to characterize for the first time the impact of the changes in the eddy structure of these wakes on their potential to generate broadband noise. The serrated trailing edges (especially the larger serrations) actually increase the potential of the wake to generate broadband noise (a direct consequence in the overall increase in turbulence scale and intensity). In contrast, every trailing edge blowing configuration was found to produce large reductions in the potential noise (a maximum of 6dB reduction was obtained at 2.0% blowing). The addition of Kuethe vanes on the suction side of the blowing blades significantly reduced the efficiency of the simple blowing configuration (a result of the increased coherency associated with the shedding of streamwise vorticity by the vanes). The serrated blowing configuration was found to yield reductions similar to the simple blowing configuration. / Ph. D.

Biodynamic Analysis of Human Torso Stability using Finite Time Lyapunov Exponents

Tanaka, Martin L. 15 April 2008 (has links)
Low back pain is a common medical problem around the world afflicting 80% of the population some time in their life. Low back injury can result from a loss of torso stability causing excessive strain in soft tissue. This investigation seeks to apply existing methods to new applications and to develop new methods to assess torso stability. First, the time series averaged finite time Lyapunov exponent is calculated from data obtained during seated stability experiments. The Lyapunov exponent is found to increase with increasing task difficulty. Second, a new metric for evaluating torso stability is introduced, the threshold of stability. This parameter is defined as the maximum task difficulty in which dynamic stability can be maintained for the test duration. The threshold of stability effectively differentiates torso stability at two levels of visual feedback. Third, the state space distribution of the finite time Lyapunov exponent (FTLE) field is evaluated for deterministic and stochastic systems. Two new methods are developed to generate the FTLE field from time series data. Using these methods, Lagrangian coherent structures (LCS) are found for an inverted pendulum, the Acrobot, and planar wobble chair models. The LCS are ridges in the FTLE field that separate two inherently different types of motion when applied to rigid-body dynamic systems. As a result, LCS can be used to identify the boundaries of the basin of stability. Finally, these new methods are used to find the basin of stability from time series data collected from torso stability experiments. The LCS and basins of stability provide a richer understanding into the system dynamics when compared to existing methods. By gaining a better understanding of torso stability, it is hoped this knowledge can be used to prevent low back injury and pain in the future. These new methods may also be useful in evaluating other biodynamic systems such as standing postural sway, knee stability, or hip stability as well as time series applications outside the area of biomechanics. / Ph. D.

Towards Detecting Atmospheric Coherent Structures using Small Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aircraft

McClelland, Hunter Grant 26 June 2019 (has links)
The theory of Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS) enables prediction of material transport by turbulent winds, such as those observed in the Earth's Atmospheric Boundary Layer. In this dissertation, both theory and experimental methods are developed for utilizing small fixed-wing unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in detecting these atmospheric coherent structures. The dissertation begins by presenting relevant literature on both LCS and airborne wind estimation. Because model-based wind estimation inherently depends on high quality models, a Flight Dynamic Model (FDM) suitable for a small fixed-wing aircraft in turbulent wind is derived in detail. In this presentation, some new theoretical concepts are introduced concerning the proper treatment of spatial wind gradients, and a critical review of existing theories is presented. To enable model-based wind estimation experiments, an experimental approach is detailed for identifying a FDM for a small UAS by combining existing computational aerodynamic and data-driven approaches. Additionally, a methodology for determining wind estimation error directly resulting from dynamic modeling choices is presented and demonstrated. Next, some model-based wind estimation results are presented utilizing the experimentally identified FDM, accompanied by a discussion of model fidelity concerns and other experimental issues. Finally, an algorithm for detecting LCS from a single circling fixed-wing UAS is developed and demonstrated in an Observing System Simulation Experiment. The dissertation concludes by summarizing these contributions and recommending future paths for continuing research. / Doctor of Philosophy / In a natural or man-made disaster, first responders depend on accurate predictions of where the wind might carry hazardous material. A mathematical theory of Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS) has shown promise in ocean environments to improve these predictions, and the theory is also applicable to atmospheric flows near the Earth’s surface. This dissertation presents both theoretical and experimental research efforts towards employing small fixed-wing unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) to detect coherent structures in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL). These UAS fit several “gaps” in available sensing technology: a small aircraft responds significantly to wind gusts, can be steered to regions of interest, and can be flown in dangerous environments without risking the pilot’s safety. A key focus of this dissertation is to improve the quality of airborne wind measurements provided by inexpensive UAS, specifically by leveraging mathematical models of the aircraft. The dissertation opens by presenting the motivation for this research and existing literature on the topics. Next, a detailed derivation of a suitable Flight Dynamic Model (FDM) for a fixed-wing aircraft in a turbulent wind field is presented. Special attention is paid to the theories for including aerodynamic effects of flying in non-uniform winds. In preparation for wind measurement experiments, a practical method for obtaining better quality FDMs is presented which combines theoretically based and data-driven approaches. A study into the wind-measurement error incurred solely by mathematical modeling is presented, focusing on simplified forms of the FDM which are common in aerospace engineering. Wind estimates which utilize our best available model are presented, accompanied by discussions of the model accuracy and additional wind measurement concerns. A method is developed to detect coherent structures from a circling UAS which is providing wind information, presumably via accurate model based estimation. The dissertation concludes by discussing these conclusions and directions for future research which have been identified during these pursuits.

Determination of Three Dimensional Time Varying Flow Structures

Raben, Samuel Gillooly 10 September 2013 (has links)
Time varying flow structures are involved in a large percentage of fluid flows although there is still much unknown regarding their behavior. With the development of high spatiotemporal resolution measurement systems it is becoming more feasible to measure these complex flow structures, which in turn will lead to a better understanding of their impact. One method that has been developed for studying these flow structures is finite time Lyapunov exponents (FTLEs). These exponents can reveal regions in the fluid, referred to as Lagragnian coherent structures (LCSs), where fluid elements diverge or attract. Better knowledge of how these time varying structures behave can greatly impact a wide range of applications, from aircraft design and performance, to an improved understanding of mixing and transport in the human body. This work provides the development of new methodologies for measuring and studying three-dimensional time varying structures. Provided herein is a method to improve replacement of erroneous measurements in particle image velocimetry data, which leads to increased accuracy in the data. Also, a method for directly measuring the finite time Lyapunov exponents from particle images is developed, as well as an experimental demonstration in a three-dimensional flow field. This method takes advantage of the information inherently contained in these images to improve accuracy and reduce computational requirements. Lastly, this work provides an in depth look at the flow field for developing wall jets across a wide range of Reynolds numbers investigating the mechanisms that contribute to their development. / Ph. D.

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