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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lokalinės normos kaip darbo teisės šaltinis / Local norms as source of labour law

Žuravliova, Natalija 25 June 2014 (has links)
Santrauka Šio darbo tema – lokalinės normos kaip darbo teisės šaltinis. Darbo teisiniams santykiams yra būdingas dinamiškumas. Todėl reguliuojant darbo teisinius santykius būtina derinti centralizuotą ir sutartinį metodus. Įmonės kolektyvinės sutarties norminės nuostatos yra pripažinti įstatymų leidėjo darbo teisės šaltiniu. Šio darbo teisės šaltinio specifiškumą lemia tiek jo priėmimo tvarka - tai darbuotojų ir darbdavio sutartinės teisėkūros rezultatas, tiek jo taikymo sfera – lokalinėmis normomis, įtvirtintomis įmonės kolektyvinėje sutartyje, reguliuojami darbo teisiniai santykiai tarp darbuotojų kolektyvo ir darbdavio, jos privalomos vykdyti abiems šalims. Įstatymų leidėjas skatindamas socialinį dialogą įvairiomis priemonėmis. Buvo sukurtas darbo tarybų institutas, kaip alternatyvą profesinėms sąjungoms, tačiau praktiškai jis kol kas nėra veiksmingas. Taip pat Darbo kodekse yra eilė nuostatų, kurios gali būti nustatytos tik kolektyvinėje sutartyje. Tačiau kolektyvinis sutartinis reguliavimas nėra išplėtotas Lietuvoje. Mūsų nuomone, nacionalinės kolektyvinės sutarties priėmimas pakeistų situacija, nes nacionalinė kolektyvinė sutartis būtų privaloma darbdaviams, kurios yra darbdavių organizacijų nariai. Tačiau nacionalinės kolektyvinės sutarties priėmimui iškiltų praktinių kliūčių, susijusių su šalių atstovavimu. Taip pat tokiu būdu išlaikytas ir in favorem principas. Įstatymų leidėjas skatindamas socialinį dialogą, priėmė eilę Darbo kodekso pakeitimų, kurios yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Summary The theme of this work is the Local norms as source of labour law. Dynamism is typical of the legal labour relations. Thus it is necessary to combine a centralized and a contractual method when regulating the legal labour relations. The normative provisions of a company’s collective agreement are recognized as the source of labour law of the legislator. The specificity of this source of the labour law is determined both by its adoption procedure – it is a result of the employees’ and the employer’s contractual lawmaking – and by its application field – legal labour relations between the collective of the employees and the employer are regulated by the local norms established in the collective agreement of the company, which are binding to both of the parties. The legislator stimulates a social dialogue by various means. The institute of the labour councils has been found as an alternative to the trade unions however it is still practically ineffective. In addition the Labour Code includes many provisions that can be stipulated only in a collective agreement. However the collective contractual regulation is not developed in Lithuania. In our opinion the adoption of a national collective agreement would change the situation as the national collective agreement would be mandatory to the employers that are members of employer’s organizations. A principle of in favorem would be maintained in such a way. However, the adoption of the national collective agreement would face... [to full text]

Företagshemlighet eller personligt kunnande? : En uppsats om problematiken med och behovet av företagshemligheter och konkurrensklausuler

Jönsson, Elin January 2016 (has links)
The need to maintain business confidential information within the company are increasing in today’s knowledge-based society. Today, trade secrets are an asset for entrepreneurs and important for competitiveness. These secrets are sometimes provided to the employees and the more secrets spread, the more vulnerable the employer becomes. To prevent trade secrets from being disclosed there is a law about confidential information and competition clauses could be entered in the employment contracts. Nevertheless, the need to protect confidential information must be compared to the right of workers to freely use their skills. This paper aims to highlight the legal situation and the legal balance between both parts within the law of confidential information and competition clauses on the basis of a legal science method. It also aims to highlight the use of non-compete agreements from a gender perspective. The purpose of the paper has led to the following research questions; How can the legal framework of trade secrets and compete clauses be understood from an employer and employee perspective and what are the consequences of it? From a gender perspective, what consequences does the balance between the employer’s need to protect confidential information and the employees’ need to be competitive on the labor market after an employment have? The paper shows that there are weaknesses in the law of confidential information through the employer’s perspective and the law does not stall the employees’ competitiveness. The non-compete agreements however, may jeopardize the movement of the employees and are often seen as unfair in Swedish court. However, the problem is that the freedom of enter contracts prevails and the agreements are valid until an arbitration or court shows otherwise. The study indicates that it is mostly men that are subject to compete clauses, which can lead to improvement of women’s position in the labor market.

Kolektivní smlouva / The collective contract

Neshybová, Lýdie January 2014 (has links)
Resumé Das Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit war die Zusammenfassung der bestehenden Rechtsregelung von dem Tarifvertrag und zugleich die Entwicklung der Rechtsregelung von den Tarifverträgen. Ich habe gleichzeitig auf die bestehende Rechtsregelung des Tarifvertrags hingewiesen, wie diese Regelung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland geregelt ist. In den ersten Teil meiner Arbeit habe ich mich mit der historischen Entwicklung von dem Kollektivarbeitsrecht zu der Analyse der bestehenden Rechtsregelung befasst. Der nächste Punkt war die Verankerung des Kollektivarbeitsrechts in der tschechischen Rechtsordnung, die von dem europäischen Recht und von den internationalen Verträgen, durch die die Tschechische Republik in diesem Gebiet gebunden ist, beeinflusst wird. Ich habe mich weiter mit dem einsamen Begriff von dem Tarifvertrag und mit den Begriffen befasst, die mit den Tarifvertrag zusammenhängen. Es geht vor allem über die Begriffe wie die Subjekte von den Tarifverträgen, was der Inhalt von Tarifvertrag sein kann, welche die gesetzliche Voraussetzungen für die Gültigkeit und Wirksamkeit des Tarifvertrags sind, die Speicherung des Tarifvertrags und die Bekanntmachung mit dem Inhalt der geschlossenen Tarifverträge. Am Schluss habe ich die Bedeutung der Tarifverträge für den heutigen Arbeitsmarkt versucht...

Srovnání tarifní smlouvy (SRN) a kolektivní smlouvy (ČR) / Comparison of the regulation of collective agreement in Germany and the Czech Republic

Skolková, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
Resümee Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit setzt sich mit dem Thema des Vergleichs der deutschen und tschechischen Regelung des Tarif- bzw. Kollektivvertrags auseinander. Zielsetzung der Arbeit ist, das Institut des Kollektivvertrags einschließlich der damit zusammenhängenden Institute zu verdeutlichen und zugleich mit Anwendung der vergleichenden Methode die Bewertung der aktuellen Rechtslage in der Tschechischen Republik und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland darzulegen. Der erste Teil der Arbeit untersucht den breiteren Kontext des kollektiven Arbeitsrechts, seine historische Entwicklung und Rechtsquellen. Als nächstes wird die Problematik der Formen der kollektiven Arbeitsverhältnisse mit der Zielrichtung an das Recht der kollektiven Verhandlung beschrieben. Darauf aufbauend wird im zweiten Teil die Rechtsregelung des Tarifvertrags in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland analysiert. Der Schwerpunkt liegt vor allem in der Erörterung des zu dem Tarifvertragsschluss führenden Prozesses, dessen Verlauf für den Inhalt des Vertrages entscheidend ist. Damit hängen noch die Problematik der Stellung der Koalitionen in Deutschland und die gesetzlichen Voraussetzungen zusammen, die zum Tarifvertragsschluss notwendig sind. Anschließend wird in diesem Kapitel die Entstehung der Tarifverträge erwähnt und sowohl der Vertragsinhalt...

Elitishockeyns anpassning till arbetsrätten : Föräldraledig som elitishockeyspelare?  "Nej, det går inte, helt omöjligt"

Åkerlund, Carl January 2016 (has links)
The sports in Sweden has previously been self-regulated with its own rules and provisions. As the commercialisation and professionalization have increased the common legal system has a greater impact on sports. The purpose of this study is to investigate the professional ice hockey adjustments to the labour law regulation. Furthermore the purpose is to illuminate possible advantage and disadvantage with the professional ice hockey player’s conditions of employment. To answer the purpose and the research questions of this study the legal dogmatic method, the legal sociology method and qualitative method with interviews has been used. The study shows how the professional ice hockey has adapted the labour law regulations with collective agreement due to the semi-dispositive provisions found in Swedish labour law. In Swedish professional ice hockey only the fixed-term contract is applied and most of the provisions about employment security are not available for the ice hockey players. In return the players has a stronger protection during the employment. As an employee and a parent the right to have a parental leave is statutory. The study shows a complex of problems with ice hockey player’s opportunity to have a parental leave, which is a right as an employee. This raises questions about equality between men and women in the labour market of ice hockey.

Kolektivní vyjednávání / Collective bargaining

Vejsada, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
VEJSADA, Daniel. Collective bargaining. Praha, 2012. Diplomová práce. Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Právnická fakulta. Vedoucí práce doc., JUDr. Jan Pichrt, Ph.D. The aim of the thesis is mainly to highlight the level of coverage by collective agreements in the CR and to analyze the impact of collective bargaining for employees and employers using available statistical data. By the evaluation of the processes of collective bargaining and focusing on its individual institutes I am looking for the perfect method of handling the collective bargaining so as to be beneficial for both parties involved, and try to present the method how the modern trade union should work in its interaction with the employer, different from the common practice of today's trade unions. I also point out the need for proper analysis of the situation prior to collective bargaining and the method of selecting strategy for negotiations. I chose the topic based on my personal experience with the representation of employees and involvement in the collective bargaining and also on the experience of participation in the EWC.

La négociation substitutive d'entreprise / Collective bargaining in non union enterprises

Mariano, Christophe 26 November 2018 (has links)
La place acquise par l’accord collectif d’entreprise dans le champ de la réglementation des conditions de travail et d’emploi et son positionnement en tant que vecteur préférentiel de déclinaison de dispositifs légaux interroge sur l’accessibilité de l’acte conventionnel dans l’entreprise. L’entreprise dépourvue de délégué syndical constitue à cet égard un foyer traditionnellement réfractaire à l’épanouissement conventionnel. Les dispositifs légaux se sont pourtant multipliés depuis plus de vingt ans afin de remédier à cette carence. Le législateur a créé puis développé des formes alternatives de représentation dans la négociation collective sans toutefois se soucier d’ancrer sa démarche dans un schéma clair. Il en résulte aujourd’hui un agrégat de dispositifs variés à la complexité attestée sollicitant de multiples références détournées à la volonté de la collectivité de travail. Davantage motivé par la propagation quantitative des accords collectifs d’entreprise en l’absence de délégué syndical plutôt que par un souci qualitatif de recréation du procédé conventionnel en dehors du référentiel syndical classique, le législateur livre aux utilisateurs de ce mode de négociation un système sans âme dont les malfaçons sont nombreuses. C’est à partir d’un tel constat que nous nous proposons de reprendre l’ouvrage légal en fondant la démarche sur l’exigence constitutionnelle de libre accès des salariés à la négociation collective et en reconstruisant la figure de l’acteur substitutif de négociation sur des exigences plus poussées de représentation de la collectivité de travail lors de la passation de l’acte collectif. / Non-union firms are normally excluded from collective bargaining and consequently from collective agreement. But company-level agreement had gained importance in such a way that the legislator was compelled to create some forms of alternative representation in collective bargaining. But after several evolutions, these forms are now complex and unable to satisfy constitutional principles. So this PhD work aims to rebuild the actual forms of non-union representation in collective bargaining process to give a legitimate and more attractive access to an efficient form of labour relations in spite of the unavailability of representative trade unions. The conventional activity of such substitute bargaining agent newly reconstructed needs even more to be canalized for the purposes of give an equivalent access to collective agreement to both union and non-union companies.

Influence of free labour and services movement in integration of EU : Swedish trade unions and business society views

Beltran, Daniela, Djurabaev, Sardor January 2006 (has links)
<p>The expansion of European union has posed vital changes in the European community as countries have erased their borders for their eastern neighbours and actively involved themselves in mutual business activity. Free movement of labour and service has taken place,and though some Western countries have posed obstacles for the further integration, the trend is currently occurring. In this paper we will try to take a closer look at the labour and service</p><p>movement in Sweden and cover different views from different parties – EU, Swedish tradeunions, business companies that would share their perspectives on the issue.</p>

A Study on the Development Strategies of the Bank of Kaohsiung

Chen, Jueifang 28 June 2005 (has links)
A Study on the Development Strategies of the Bank of Kaohsiung ABSTRACT There has been a trend toward financial deregulation and globalization since 1980. During this period, both Britain and France started the system of privatization of state-owned firms. And Taiwan, R.O.C. also kept up with the trend to construct the framework of economical deregulation and globalization. Meanwhile, being against the global trend fearlessly and courageously, the Kaohsiung city government, to the contrary, established the Bank of Kaohsiung (B.O.K.) to bring prosperity to residents. However, under the big pressure of the global tendency, the Kaohsiung city government finally changed its policy to implement privatization and completed all the tasks on Sep. 27, 1999. Through the establishment of privatization of state-owned firms, the B.O.K. modulate development strategies, progress enterprise renovation and upgrade the operation performance to face the increasingly strict challenges and the tendency of bank consolidation. However, privatization is not a panacea for the sustainable development of the B.O.K. Therefore, this study aims to discuss the development strategies of the B.O.K. from three aspects of employees, employer and the government, to achieve win-win-win results. The results and suggestions of this study are as follows: I. The Operation Performance The operation performance after privatization of the B.O.K. still acts as a role of state-owned bank of the Kaohsiung city government. Basically speaking, the quantities of the municipal loans of the city government will comply with the performances of the bank¡¦s assets, liabilities, and incomes. The higher the former one is, the more the latter ones are. II. The Industrial Competitive Position In late 2004, the market shares of assets and liabilities of the B.O.K. didn¡¦t exceed 1%. Besides, the scale of B.O.K. fell behind the other firms. Its operation performance was fair. Except for the growth rate, the capital adequacy, asset quality, profitability, liquidity ability, and interest rate sensibility respectively are in high-middle rankings among the domestic banks. And the competitive position of deposit, loan, and profit-risk fell in the area of the third quadrant. The major rivals against the B.O.K. on business and consolidation strategies will be Kao Shin Commercial Bank, Taiwan Cooperative Bank and First Commercial Bank. But the potential rivals against the B.O.K. on consolidation strategy include Chinese Bank, Chinfon Commercial Bank, Hwatai Bank, Cota Commercial Bank, Lucky Bank, Taitung Business Bank, Taipei Bank, China Development Industrial Bank. III. Employee Satisfaction The survey of questionnaires shows that the employees in the B.O.K. recognize the business principles of this enterprise and feel satisfied with the payoff, but express non-trust on executive officers and unfairness on personnel system. With the impact of privatization and bank consolidation, the B.O.K. Union adopted the strategy of law-compliance to complete establishing employment regulation, signing collective agreement and electing worker director, which are considered three pillars of the Union, for protecting the working rights. IV. The Competitive Strategies and Operation Policies The overall application on competitive strategies is not excellent. Especially, the implement in development strategy is the worst. The priority that the B.O.K. should do is to establish clear developmental strategies to upgrade its competitive potential through the following steps. A. Risk Management: Comply with the regulation of Basel II to enhance the ability of managing risk. B. Finance Management: Improve assets quality to increase the bank¡¦s profitability. C. Business Management: Develop diversified businesses on the basis of municipal loan. D. Human Resource: Plan proper manpower placement and hold in-service training to raise the degree of employee satisfaction. E. Interior Procedure: Implement responsibility center management and enhance financial information system. F. Developmental Perspective: Found the basis of ¡§small is beautiful, small is professional, and small is strong¡¨, and develop into the biggest financial holding company in southern Taiwan in the future. G. Organization Restructure: Consider establishing corporate banking group, consumer banking group and wealth management group. In Kaohsiung area, the B.O.K. should focus on the plan of establishing region center, and mini-individual bank with specific task outside Kaohsiung area. V. Proposal Evaluation for development strategies of the B.O.K. Considering the recognition over competitive developmental strategies of the B.O.K. from three aspects including labors, employer and the government, the study offers the following suggestions under the limitation for implement. A. The best strategy of the B.O.K. for sustainable management is to adopt the principle of ¡§small is beautiful, small is professional, and small is strong¡¨, and to expand business across the whole nation in the future. B. If the Kaohsiung city government adopts the strategy of capital withdraw, the proposal of selling to domestic general public should be the first priority to be taken into consideration. C. If the Kaohsiung city government adopts the strategy of niche, the proposal of consolidation with varied small financial holding company or being merged by non-banking financial holding company will gain the best benefits. D. Not launch the proposal of increasing capital to avoid the public¡¦s anxiety. VI. Intrinsic Value Evaluation for the B.O.K. Based on the evaluation criteria of bias, accuracy, explanatory, and investment performance, the study shows that model D of discounted free cash flow (FCF-D) ranks number one, model B of Edwards-Bell-Ohlson (EBO-B), model B of price/earning ratios (PE-B) rank number two and three respectively. The rest six ones are not recommended. Also the study suggests that the B.O.K. should adopt FCF-D to evaluate its intrinsic value. It is estimated that the intrinsic value per stock is NT$22.24 on May 3, 2005.

Influence of free labour and services movement in integration of EU : Swedish trade unions and business society views

Beltran, Daniela, Djurabaev, Sardor January 2006 (has links)
The expansion of European union has posed vital changes in the European community as countries have erased their borders for their eastern neighbours and actively involved themselves in mutual business activity. Free movement of labour and service has taken place,and though some Western countries have posed obstacles for the further integration, the trend is currently occurring. In this paper we will try to take a closer look at the labour and service movement in Sweden and cover different views from different parties – EU, Swedish tradeunions, business companies that would share their perspectives on the issue.

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