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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of the physiological responses in soybean and common bean to water deficit

Amsalu Fenta, Berhanu 04 May 2013 (has links)
Drought causes considerable reduction of legume productivity and significantly threatens the food security, and this situation is expected to be aggravated due to climate change. In soybean and common bean, water resource capturing through plant root architectural plasticity and the role of symbiotic nitrogen fixation have not been investigated in greater detail yet. This study was therefore conducted to identify and apply useful morphological and physiological performance markers (traits) for selection of drought-tolerant common bean and soybean cultivars under both controlled phytotron and field conditions that might be applicable as markers in future legume breeding programs. In soybean, traits related to above ground performance, such as photosynthesis, biomasses, and stomatal conductance, were related to parameters for nitrogen acquisition in nodules. The ability to maintain vigorous shoot growth under drought-induced nitrogen limitation was identified as an important trait that can be used to select for improved drought tolerance. Further, experiments carried out growing different common bean inbred lines under controlled phytotron conditions revealed the importance of growth and gas exchange parameters as well as nitrogen fixing ability as performance markers to select superior performing bean lines for growth under drought. As a further result, the strong association of symbiotic nitrogen fixation with CO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance was also ascertained. In field experiments the effective use of water through enhanced lateral root development and maintaining the water status of the plant was found to be crucial for enhanced productivity under drought, with root morphology traits (root length, area and volume) as well as root architectural traits (first whorl angle, basal root number and adventitious root branching density) significantly related to seed yield. Measurement of these traits might be added to future bean varietal improvement programs. Further, a direct relationship between both water use efficiency (WUE) estimated using carbon isotope discrimination (CID) and nitrogen fixation (15N abundance) with root morphological and architectural traits (root length, area and volume, basal root number, 1st as well as 2nd whorl angles) was identified. CID (WUE) and 15N abundance (SNF ability) had a direct relationship with each other and also with productivity traits (seed yield and pod harvest index). Soybean field experiments verified the importance of root system architecture and morphology for providing drought tolerance with root architectural traits, tap and lateral roots (diameter and branching density) and morphological traits (root length, surface area and volume) contributing to better performance under drought. Moreover, the strong association of CID (WUE) with ä15N (SNF), root traits as well as seed yield in soybean exposed to drought was ascertained. Findings suggested that higher performance in CID under drought stress may be due to higher CO2 assimilation and better N2 fixation resulting in better root system architecture and morphology of the drought-tolerant cultivar through maintenance of the water status of the plant for efficient biological activity. Overall the study has generated new knowledge about the use of physiological markers (traits) that can be used widely for legume evaluation under drought suitable for both phytotron and field studies. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Plant Science / unrestricted

Mapping Ur-6, a Bean Rust Resistance Gene in Common Bean

Beerbower, Peter Edward January 2020 (has links)
Bean rust, caused by the fungus Uromyces appendiculatus (Pers.:Pers) Unger, is a disease of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) prevalent in the Americas and Africa. The most cost-effective countermeasure to bean rust is genetic resistance. While 17 dominant rust resistance genes (named with Ur- symbol) have been identified in common bean, not all of these genes have been genetically fine-mapped. To expand our knowledge of rust resistance genes in common bean, Ur-6 was mapped in the common bean genome. A GWAS analyses suggested that Ur-6 is present on chromosome Pv07 of P. vulgaris. Two InDel markers tightly linked to Ur-6 were developed by F2 bi-parental mapping and may prove effective for marker-assisted selection in bean breeding programs in the future. Further, 25 candidate genes were identified and are the potential focus of future gene validation research.

Prirodni koagulanti iz zrna pasulja (Phaseolus vulgaris) u obradi vode / Natural coagulants from common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in water treatment

Prodanović Jelena 11 March 2015 (has links)
<p>Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se ispita mogućnost dobijanja prirodnih<br />koagulanata iz zrna pasulja koji bi se koristili u obradi različitih voda i otpadnih voda. U okviru izvedenih eksperimenata su utvrđeni najbolji uslovi za ekstrakciju prirodnih koagulanata iz pasulja, određen je hemijski sastav sirovih ekstrakata dobijenih na različite načine, proverena je trajnost i određen način čuvanja sirovih ekstrakata i ispitan uticaj različitih parametara na koagulacionu aktivnost sirovih ekstrakata.<br />S obzirom na to da su prirodni koagulanti organskog porekla, oni povećavaju sadržaj organskih materija u tretiranoj vodi, pa su u okviru rada ispitane i upoređene različite metode preči&scaron;ćavanja sirovog ekstrakta pasulja, a zatim određen uticaj sirovog ekstrakta i preči&scaron;ćenih koagulanata na sadržaj organskih materija u obrađenoj vodi.<br />Kako bi se ispitala efikasnost prirodnih koagulanata iz zrna pasulja u realnim vodama,<br />oni su bili primenjeni u otpadnim vodama od proizvodnje bioetanola. Pored toga, ispitana je mogućnost njihove primene u kombinaciji sa konvencionalnim koagulantima, i na samom kraju je ispitan sastav pasulja koji preostane nakon ekstrakcije prirodnih koagulanata kako bi se utvrdilo da li je pogodan za kori&scaron;ćenje kao<br />dodatak stočnoj hrani.<br />Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se iz zrna pasulja može dobiti ekstrakt visoke koagulacione aktivnosti, koji se dalje može efikasno prečistiti tako da ne povećava sadržaj organskih materija u obrađenoj vodi, već ga naprotiv smanjuje. Takođe, prirodni koagulanti iz pasulja se mogu uspe&scaron;no primeniti za tretman otpadnih voda od proizvodnje bioetanola, mogu biti pomoćni koagulanti aluminijum-sulfatu, a pasulj nakon ekstrakcije prirodnih koagulanata sa destilovanom vodom se može iskoristiti kao<br />dodatak stočnoj hrani.</p> / <p>The aim of this PhD thesis was to investigate the possibility to obtain natural coagulants from common bean which could be used for different waters and wastewaters treatment. The optimal conditions for extraction of natural coagulants from common bean, the chemical composition of crude extracts obtained in different ways and the influence of various parameters on coagulation activity of crude extracts were determined within the performed experiments. The durability of crude extracts was checked and the way of their storage defined.<br />Considering the fact that natural coagulants are of organic origin, they increase the content of organic matter in treated water. Hence, the different methods of purification of common bean crude extract were investigated and compared, and thereafter the influence of crude extract and purified coagulants on organic matter content in treated water was determined.<br />Natural coagulants obtained from common bean were applied in bioethanol stillages in order to explore their efficiency in real waters. Besides, the possibility of their usage combined with conventional coagulants was investigated. At the end, the composition of common bean that remains after extraction of natural coagulants was determined in order to to prove if it was appropriate as addition to feed.<br />Obtained results showed that extract of high coagulation activity can be obtained from common bean. It can be efficiently purified so as not to increase the organic matter content of the water, but on the contrary, to decrease it. Natural coagulants from common bean can be successfully applied for treatment of wastewaters remained after bioethanol production, they can be used as coagulant aid with alum, and the common bean remained after extraction of natural coagulants with distilled water can be utilized as addition to feed.</p>

Avaliação de cultivares de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) para o sistema orgânico de produção / Evaluation of cultivars of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to the organic management of production

Araujo, Jacqueline Camolese de 11 August 2008 (has links)
Com o objetivo de avaliar as características, as produções e os comportamentos das diferentes cultivares de feijão de inverno irrigado em sistema de produção orgânico, conduziu-se um experimento na área experimental pertencente à Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz/Universidade de São Paulo, localizada na Fazenda Areão e no núcleo experimental do Grupo de Agricultura Orgânica Amaranthus. Os seguintes parâmetros foram avaliados: a produtividade, número de flores por planta, número de vagens por planta, número de grãos por vagem, o índice de área foliar bem como o teor de nutrientes para cada variedade. As variedades analisadas foram do Grupo Carioca: BRS-Pérola, BRS-Aporé, IAC- Votuporanga e IPR- Juriti, e do Grupo Preto: IAC-Tunã e BRS-Valente. De acordo com o que foi analisado, os resultados permitem concluir que: (i) não houve diferença estatística entre os tratamentos, (ii) todas as cultivares avaliadas apresentaram ótimo desempenho sob manejo orgânico. / The goals of this study were to evaluate the characteristics, productivities and behaviors of different cultivars of common bean in an irrigate organic management system in the winter. The experiment was carried out at the experimental area of the Group of Organic Agriculture Amaranthus from Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\"/University of São Paulo, in Fazenda Areão, in Piracicaba, São Paulo State, Brazil. The following agronomic parameters related to common bean crop were used for statistical analysis: grain yield, number of flowers per plant, number of pods per plant and grains per pod, leaf area index, as well as leaf nutrient content for each cultivar. It were tested the following varieties from Carioca Group: BRS-Pérola, BRS-Aporé, IACVotuporanga and IPR- Juriti, and from Black Group: IAC-Tunã and BRS-Valente. The results showed that: (i) there were no statistical differences between the treatments, (ii) all the tested varieties had great productivity under organic management system.

Composição e funcionalidade do microbioma da rizosfera de feijão selvagem e cultivado / Composition and functionality of the wild and cultivated common bean rhizosphere microbiome

Stalin Wladimir Sarango Flores 15 July 2015 (has links)
O processo de domesticação e posterior melhoramento das plantas cultivadas foram essenciais para o sustento do crescimento populacional observado na recente história da humanidade. Porém, no processo de melhoramento das culturas não foi considerado o importante papel que o microbioma rizosférico desempenha nas plantas. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa foi direcionada ao estudo do microbioma rizosférico do feijoeiro, considerando um genótipo selvagem e outro cultivado, a fim de determinar a composição e funcionalidade do microbioma em cada rizosfera. Assim, para testar a hipótese de que materiais ancestrais têm maior capacidade de hospedar micro-organismos benéficos na rizosfera quando comparados a cultivares modernas, os genótipos de feijão cultivado IAC Alvorada e selvagem Wild Mex foram cultivados em Terra Preta da Amazônia (TPA), solo caracterizado por abrigar uma grande diversidade microbiana. O DNA total do solo rizosférico de cada genótipo de feijão e do bulk soil foi extraído para realizar o sequenciamento metagenômico usando a plataforma Illumina MiSeq. O solo rizosférico também foi usado para isolar e selecionar bactérias antagonistas a fungos radiculares patógenos do feijoeiro, Rhizoctonia solani e Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli. A abordagem dependente de cultivo permitiu recuperar 11 bactérias que apresentaram atividade antagônica in vitro contra os patógenos avaliados, os isolados bacterianos foram identificados como pertencentes aos gêneros Streptomyces, Kitasatospora, Alcaligenes, Achromobacter, Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas, Brevibacillus e Paenibacillus. A abordagem independente de cultivo revelou que a composição da comunidade microbiana na rizosfera do feijão selvagem Wild Mex foi caracterizada pela maior abundância relativa dos filos bacterianos Acidobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Gemmatimonadetes, e do filo fúngico Glomeromycota quando comparada com a composição da rizosfera do genótipo cultivado IAC Alvorada, a qual foi constituída em maior proporção pelos filos bacterianos Firmicutes, Planctomycetes, Deinococcus-Thermus e pelo filo fúngico Ascomycota. No nível taxonômico de gênero, a comunidade microbiana da rizosfera do feijão selvagem Wild Mex apresentou maior frequência relativa de gêneros fixadores do nitrogênio, nitrificadores, antagonistas e promotores do crescimento vegetal. A rizosfera do feijão selvagem Wild Mex apresentou maior abundância relativa de funções relacionadas à fixação do nitrogênio, produção de sideróforos e de ácido indol acético (AIA), quando comparada com o genótipo cultivado IAC Alvorada. O padrão de distribuição observado na análise de ordenação das funções no microbioma da rizosfera do feijão selvagem Wild Mex foi diferente do padrão encontrado no bulk soil e na rizosfera do feijão cultivado IAC Alvorada. Os resultados indicaram que o genótipo selvagem é mais seletivo no recrutamento de micro-organismos e funções na rizosfera quando comparado com o cultivar moderno. Em conclusão, os resultados revelaram que o processo de domesticação e melhoramento genético das plantas cultivadas potencialmente debilitou a capacidade do hospedeiro em selecionar e sustentar micro-organismos e funções benéficas na rizosfera. / The process of domestication and subsequent plant breeding were key to support human population growth over the last decades. However, plant breeding has neglected the important role of the rhizosphere microbiome on plant performance. In this context, this research aimed the study of common bean rhizosphere microbiome in a wild and in a cultivated genotype to determine the composition and functionality of their microbial community. We tested the hypothesis that ancestor materials have higher ability to host beneficial microorganisms in the rhizosphere when compared to modern cultivars. The common bean genotype IAC Alvorada and wild common bean Wild Mex were grown in highly biodiverse soil (Amazonian Dark Earth - ADE) and the total DNA from bulk soil and each common bean rhizosphere was extracted for sequencing by using Illumina MiSeq platform. In addition, rhizosphere soil was also used to isolate and select antagonistic bacteria against soil borne pathogens Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli. Using cultivation-dependent approach, 11 bacteria were isolated and showed antagonistic in vitro activity against the evaluated pathogens. The bacterial isolates were identified belonging to Streptomyces, Kitasatospora, Alcaligenes, Achromobacter, Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas, Brevibacillus and Paenibacillus genus. The cultivation- independent approach revealed that microbial community composition in the Wild Mex bean rhizosphere was characterized by higher relative abundance of bacterial phyla Acidobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Gemmatimonadetes and fungal phylum Glomeromycota when compared with IAC Alvorada cultivated bean, which showed a higher relative abundance of bacterial phyla Firmicutes, Planctomycetes, Deinococcus-Thermus and fungal phylum Ascomycota. Wild Mex rhizosphere microbiome showed higher relative frequency of nitrogenfixing, nitrifying, antagonists and plant growth promoting microorganisms. The wild bean also showed higher relative abundance of functions related to nitrogen fixation, siderophore and indole acetic acid (IAA) production, when compared with IAC Alvorada bean. The distribut ion pattern observed in the functions ordination analysis of Wild Mex was different from the bulk soil and IAC Alvorada patterns. The results showed that wild genotype is more selective for recruiting microorganisms and functions in the rhizosphere when compared with modern cultivar. In conclusion, the results revealed that domestication and plant breeding potentially undermined rhizosphere microbiome composition and functions debilitating the host\'s abilit y to select and support beneficial microbes.

Aumento do comprimento e peso do intestino delgado, do peso do figado e pancreas de ratos devido a ingestão de feijão-comum cozido e de caseina acrescida de fibras dieteticas com teores crescentes e solubilidade similar a do feijão-comum / Increase of the small intestine length and weight and liver and pancreas weigth of rats due to the ingestion of cooked common bean and casein added of dietetic fibers with growing proportion and similar solubility of the common bean

Correa, Telma Angelina Faraldo 18 April 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Admar Costa de Oliveira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-11T21:09:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Correa_TelmaAngelinaFaraldo_M.pdf: 4962684 bytes, checksum: 2000422f2a9e08ad65b8c8de5228c9f4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: O consumo de feijão-comum cozido está associado a efeito trófico no intestino delgado, fígado e pâncreas de ratos. A baixa digestibilidade e valor biológico das proteínas do feijão e as fibras dietéticas estão entre os principais fatores responsáveis por este efeito causando aumento de peso no fígado e no pâncreas. Diante desse fato, o presente estudo objetivou verificar o efeito das fibras dietéticas no aumento de órgãos digestórios (fígado, pâncreas e intestino delgado) de ratos. Para tanto, foram feitas adições crescentes de 5,0% (grupocontrole), 10,0%, 12,5% e 15,0% de fibras dietéticas e amido resistente, com as mesmas proporções de fibras insolúveis, solúveis e amido resistente encontradas no feijão (8: 3: 1), às dietas contendo caseína como fonte protéica. A dieta cuja fonte protéica era o feijão-comum cozido continha 11,9% de fibras dietéticas e 1,0% de amido resistente. Foram utilizados 60 ratos Wistar, recém-desmamados (21-23 dias), os quais foram divididos, aleatoriamente, em 6 grupos. Os animais tiveram livre acesso à água e dieta durante os 14 dias de ensaio biológico, sendo 4 de adaptação e 10 de experimento. Os grupos alimentados com dietas contendo feijão-comum e caseína acrescida de crescentes adições de fibras dietéticas de solubilidade similar à do feijão, apresentaram aumento do intestino delgado, do fígado e do pâncreas quando comparado ao grupo controle em dieta contendo caseína (AIN ¿ 93G). Isto foi verificado no comprimento e peso do intestino delgado e no peso do fígado e do pâncreas que foram: 47,12%, 33,42%, 25,14% e 50,00%, respectivamente, para os ratos em dieta contendo feijão-comum (FC) e 21,43% para peso do pâncreas no grupo que recebeu dieta contendo caseína acrescida de 15,0% de fibras dietéticas e amido resistente (C15,0%), quando comparados ao grupo controle (p<0,05). Em relação à espessura do intestino delgado, não houve diferença estatística (p>0,05) entre os grupos. Assim, a dieta contendo feijão-comum como fonte protéica causou aumento do peso de todos os órgãos estudados e do comprimento do intestino delgado e a dieta de caseína acrescida de 15,0% de fibras dietéticas e amido resistente causou aumento no peso do pâncreas / Abstract: The consumption of the cooked common bean is associated to trophic effect in the small intestine, in the liver and pancreas. The low digestibility and biological value of the bean proteins and the dietetic fibers are major factors for this effect, causing increase of weight in the liver and the pancreas. Thus, the present study was made in order to quantify the digestive organs enlargement (liver, pancreas and small intestine) of rats fed diets with increasing additions of 5.0% (control group), 10.0%, 12.5% and 15.0% of dietetic fibers and resistant starch to the diets containing casein as protein source, with the same proportion of insoluble, soluble and resistant starch found in the beans (8: 3: 1). The diet containing cooked common bean as protein source contained 11.9% of dietetic fibers and 1.0% of resistant starch. Sixty male growing rats of the Wistar strain with 21 to 23 days-old were randomly divided in 6 groups. The animals had free access to water and food during the 14 days of biological assay (4 days of adaptation and 10 of experiment). Groups maintained on the common bean diet and casein diet with increasing addition of dietetic fibers showed an enlargement of small intestine, liver and pancreas as compared (p<0.05) to the rats fed the casein diet (control group), with an increase in the length and weight of the small intestine and in the liver and pancreas weight of: 47.12%, 33.42%, 25.14% e 50.00% respectively, for rats fed the common bean diet (CB) and 21.43% for the rats fed the casein plus 15.0% of dietetic fibers and resistant starch (C15.0%). In relation to small intestine thickness, there was no statistical differences (p>0.05) among the groups. Diet containing cooked common bean as protein source increased organs weight and the small intestine length and the casein diet with 15.0% of dietetic fibers and resistant starch increased the pancreas weight / Mestrado / Nutrição Experimental e Aplicada à Tecnologia de Alimentos / Mestre em Alimentos e Nutrição

Alterações nos atributos químicos do solo e comportamento de cultivares de feijão em resposta à calagem superficial em sistema plantio direto /

Silva, Tiago Roque Benetoli da, 1977- January 2005 (has links)
Resumo: O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido na Fazenda Experimental Lageado, pertencente à Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - UNESP, campus de Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo, objetivando avaliar o comportamento de cultivares de feijão, quando semeados no período "da seca", à aplicação superficial de doses de calcário, durante dois anos agrícolas, na implantação do sistema de plantio direto. O tipo de solo do local é LATOSSOLO VERMELHO Distrófico com V = 41%. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. As parcelas foram representadas por cultivares de feijão (C1 - Carioca; C2 - IAC Carioca Eté; C3 - Pérola; C4 - IAPAR 81 e C5 - Campeão 2) e as subparcelas formadas pelas doses de calcário dolomítico (D0 =zero - sem aplicação de calcário; D1 = 1,8 t ha-1 - quantidade de calcário para elevar a saturação por bases a 54%; D2 = 3,6 t ha-1 - quantidade de calcário para elevar a saturação por bases a 68% e D3 = 5,4 t ha-1 - quantidade de calcário para elevar a saturação por bases a 80%), totalizando 20 tratamentos. O experimento teve 80 subparcelas, espaçadas entre si em 1 metro. Cada subparcela foi formada por 10 linhas de seis metros de comprimento. Ao longo dos anos de experimentação utilizou-se a rotação milheto (primavera) - feijão (verão) - aveia preta (outono-inverno). A semeadura das cultivares de feijão foi em 19/12/02 e 17/12/03. Durante a condução do experimento realizou-se a análise dos atributos químicos do solo em diferentes profundidades, aos 6, 12, 18 e 24 meses após a aplicação superficial do calcário. Também foram avaliados para cultura do milheto (Cultivar BN-2) e da aveia preta (Cultivar Comum), a produção de matéria seca; para a cultura do feijão o florescimento pleno, matéria seca das plantas, ciclo ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The experimental work was carried out at "Lageado" farm, "Universidade do Estado de São Paulo (UNESP)" Faculty of Agronomy unity located at Botucatu (22 0 52' 15'' S; 48 0 25' 20'' S), State of São Paulo, Brazil. The study aimed at defining soil attributes and common bean cultivars behavior when cropped during the dry season under a no-tillage system with surface liming. The experimental area was on a distrophic red oxisol with base saturation (V%) of 41%. Treatments were distributed in a randomized complete blocks arranged in split-plots with four replications. Plots consisted of cultivars Carioca; IAC Carioca Eté; Perola; IAPAR 81 and Campeão, and sub-plots of the following lime rates: D0 - 0 t ha-1; D1 - 1.8 t ha-1; D2 -3.6 t ha-1 and D3 - 5.4 t ha-1 which were calculated to rise V % to 54%, 68 % and 80%, respectively. The experiment consisted of 80 subplots and each one of ten 6m-long rows and 1m apart. Crop rotation comprised millet during spring, common beans during summer and black oats during autumn/winter seasons. Bean cultivars were seeded in December 19 and December 17 of 2002 and 2003 respectively, and 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after surface lime application, soil samples were taken for chemical analysis. Dry matter yields of millet and black oat were evaluated as a function of applied lime rates. Flowering (bloom), dry matter production, plant cycle, first pod insertion height, pod length, yield components, stand at harvesting, grain yield, grain crude protein, leaf and grain nutrient concentration and seed technological characteristics were evaluated for bean cultivars. It was observed an expressive grain yield increase in the second year of cultivation due to good climate conditions and a general improvement in soil chemical attributes. Surface lime application improved soil chemical attributes as pH, sum of bases and base saturation up to 10 cm-deep... (Complete abstract, click eletronic address below) / Orientador: Leandro Borges Lemos / Coorientador: Carlos Alexandre Costa Crusciol / Banca: Dirceu Maximino Fernandes / Banca: Eduardo Fávero Caires / Banca: Godofredo Cesar Vitti / Banca: Eduardo Antonio Bulisani / Doutor

Composição e funcionalidade do microbioma da rizosfera de feijão selvagem e cultivado / Composition and functionality of the wild and cultivated common bean rhizosphere microbiome

Flores, Stalin Wladimir Sarango 15 July 2015 (has links)
O processo de domesticação e posterior melhoramento das plantas cultivadas foram essenciais para o sustento do crescimento populacional observado na recente história da humanidade. Porém, no processo de melhoramento das culturas não foi considerado o importante papel que o microbioma rizosférico desempenha nas plantas. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa foi direcionada ao estudo do microbioma rizosférico do feijoeiro, considerando um genótipo selvagem e outro cultivado, a fim de determinar a composição e funcionalidade do microbioma em cada rizosfera. Assim, para testar a hipótese de que materiais ancestrais têm maior capacidade de hospedar micro-organismos benéficos na rizosfera quando comparados a cultivares modernas, os genótipos de feijão cultivado IAC Alvorada e selvagem Wild Mex foram cultivados em Terra Preta da Amazônia (TPA), solo caracterizado por abrigar uma grande diversidade microbiana. O DNA total do solo rizosférico de cada genótipo de feijão e do bulk soil foi extraído para realizar o sequenciamento metagenômico usando a plataforma Illumina MiSeq. O solo rizosférico também foi usado para isolar e selecionar bactérias antagonistas a fungos radiculares patógenos do feijoeiro, Rhizoctonia solani e Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli. A abordagem dependente de cultivo permitiu recuperar 11 bactérias que apresentaram atividade antagônica in vitro contra os patógenos avaliados, os isolados bacterianos foram identificados como pertencentes aos gêneros Streptomyces, Kitasatospora, Alcaligenes, Achromobacter, Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas, Brevibacillus e Paenibacillus. A abordagem independente de cultivo revelou que a composição da comunidade microbiana na rizosfera do feijão selvagem Wild Mex foi caracterizada pela maior abundância relativa dos filos bacterianos Acidobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Gemmatimonadetes, e do filo fúngico Glomeromycota quando comparada com a composição da rizosfera do genótipo cultivado IAC Alvorada, a qual foi constituída em maior proporção pelos filos bacterianos Firmicutes, Planctomycetes, Deinococcus-Thermus e pelo filo fúngico Ascomycota. No nível taxonômico de gênero, a comunidade microbiana da rizosfera do feijão selvagem Wild Mex apresentou maior frequência relativa de gêneros fixadores do nitrogênio, nitrificadores, antagonistas e promotores do crescimento vegetal. A rizosfera do feijão selvagem Wild Mex apresentou maior abundância relativa de funções relacionadas à fixação do nitrogênio, produção de sideróforos e de ácido indol acético (AIA), quando comparada com o genótipo cultivado IAC Alvorada. O padrão de distribuição observado na análise de ordenação das funções no microbioma da rizosfera do feijão selvagem Wild Mex foi diferente do padrão encontrado no bulk soil e na rizosfera do feijão cultivado IAC Alvorada. Os resultados indicaram que o genótipo selvagem é mais seletivo no recrutamento de micro-organismos e funções na rizosfera quando comparado com o cultivar moderno. Em conclusão, os resultados revelaram que o processo de domesticação e melhoramento genético das plantas cultivadas potencialmente debilitou a capacidade do hospedeiro em selecionar e sustentar micro-organismos e funções benéficas na rizosfera. / The process of domestication and subsequent plant breeding were key to support human population growth over the last decades. However, plant breeding has neglected the important role of the rhizosphere microbiome on plant performance. In this context, this research aimed the study of common bean rhizosphere microbiome in a wild and in a cultivated genotype to determine the composition and functionality of their microbial community. We tested the hypothesis that ancestor materials have higher ability to host beneficial microorganisms in the rhizosphere when compared to modern cultivars. The common bean genotype IAC Alvorada and wild common bean Wild Mex were grown in highly biodiverse soil (Amazonian Dark Earth - ADE) and the total DNA from bulk soil and each common bean rhizosphere was extracted for sequencing by using Illumina MiSeq platform. In addition, rhizosphere soil was also used to isolate and select antagonistic bacteria against soil borne pathogens Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli. Using cultivation-dependent approach, 11 bacteria were isolated and showed antagonistic in vitro activity against the evaluated pathogens. The bacterial isolates were identified belonging to Streptomyces, Kitasatospora, Alcaligenes, Achromobacter, Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas, Brevibacillus and Paenibacillus genus. The cultivation- independent approach revealed that microbial community composition in the Wild Mex bean rhizosphere was characterized by higher relative abundance of bacterial phyla Acidobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Gemmatimonadetes and fungal phylum Glomeromycota when compared with IAC Alvorada cultivated bean, which showed a higher relative abundance of bacterial phyla Firmicutes, Planctomycetes, Deinococcus-Thermus and fungal phylum Ascomycota. Wild Mex rhizosphere microbiome showed higher relative frequency of nitrogenfixing, nitrifying, antagonists and plant growth promoting microorganisms. The wild bean also showed higher relative abundance of functions related to nitrogen fixation, siderophore and indole acetic acid (IAA) production, when compared with IAC Alvorada bean. The distribut ion pattern observed in the functions ordination analysis of Wild Mex was different from the bulk soil and IAC Alvorada patterns. The results showed that wild genotype is more selective for recruiting microorganisms and functions in the rhizosphere when compared with modern cultivar. In conclusion, the results revealed that domestication and plant breeding potentially undermined rhizosphere microbiome composition and functions debilitating the host\'s abilit y to select and support beneficial microbes.

Effects of an nC24 agricultural mineral oil on tritrophic interactions between French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), two-spotted mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) and its predator, Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot.

Xue, Yingen, University of Western Sydney, College of Health and Science, School of Natural Sciences January 2007 (has links)
A comprehensive evaluation of the effects of an nC24 agricultural mineral oil (AMO) on tritrophic interactions between French bean Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Redlands Pioneer [Fabales : Fabaceae ], two spotted mite (TSM) Tetranychus urticea Koch [Acari: Tetranychidea] and the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilus Atheus-Henriot [Acari: Phytoseiidae] was conducted under laboratory conditions. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Characterization of seed coat post harvest darkening and condensed tannin accumulation during seed coat development in common bean (<i>Phaseolus vulgaris</i>)

Elsadr, Hanny Tarek 09 May 2011
Seed coat biochemistry and colour are highly variable in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) (syn. dry bean). Genetic studies of dry bean seed coat chemistry and colour have important implications in breeding efforts for improving nutrition and seed quality for consumer acceptance. The results of this thesis detail the phenotypic and genotypic characterization of seed coat post harvest darkening (PHD) in parents and progeny of crosses among them as well as the phenotypic characterization of seed coat condensed tannin (CT) accumulation in five genotypes of bean.<p> Seed coat PHD represents a problem for producers and consumers of several different market classes of dry bean. There are three post harvest darkening phenotypes: (i) non-darkening (ND), (ii) slow darkening (SD) and (iii) regular darkening (RD). The inheritance of PHD was determined by evaluating 28 populations derived from crosses between RD, SD and ND genotypes. Results suggest that at least two major, unlinked genes control the PHD trait in dry bean. Recessive epistasis with three phenotypic classes best explains the segregation ratios observed in populations from crosses between SD and ND parents. One gene, J, is responsible for whether a bean will darken and seeds of plants that are jj do not darken at all. Another gene, SD, influences the rate a seed coat will darken with seed from sdsd individuals darkening more slowly that those with the dominant SD allele. Quantitative evaluation of seed coat PHD demonstrated that there was a wide range of darkening within any given PHD phenotype. Crosses made between the ND x ND cross class resulted in F2 progeny that were all ND, however, a wide range of seed coat background colours was noted in the progeny. In several of the crosses made between ND x RD and SD x RD classes the resulting F1 progeny were all RD; however, a wide range of RD phenotypes were observed in the F2 progeny. These phenotypes are not likely due to quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with the PHD trait, but rather a result of other chemical reactions occurring in the seed coat. Condensed tannins (CT; syn. proanthocyanidins), kaempferols, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and possibly other compounds or enzymes may be interacting and causing this quantitative range within any given genotype as a function of environmental variability, genotype and their interaction. CT have been associated with PHD but are not responsible for the major difference between RD and SD lines. They may, however be responsible for the quantitative nature of the phenotype.<p> Condensed tannins can be harmful or beneficial to human health and the environment depending on the amount present and where it is found in the plant. Manipulating the production, accumulation and form of CT in the seed coat of dry bean would be beneficial to bean producers, consumers and breeders. This experiment quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated differences in patterns of CT accumulation in the seed coats of five genotypes of dry bean which exhibited low, medium or high concentrations of CT in their seed coats at maturity. Condensed tannin content was assessed from seeds harvested every other day from 6 40 days after flowering (DAF) using a modified BuOH-HCl assay. Results illustrated that CT accumulated as early in low CT genotypes as in high CT genotypes. CT content stabilized after 14 DAF in low CT genotypes. By contrast, CT content peaked then leveled off 30 DAF in moderate and high CT genotypes. A reduction in CT content in the higher CT lines was observed in the final stages of seed development.

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