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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effects of a Literature-Based Emotion Recognition Program on Teacher Report of Sociability Withdrawal for Six Children with Social Communication Difficulties

Harris, Jennifer Lynn 12 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Children with language impairment (LI) often demonstrate difficulties in social communication. Although a number of general social communication interventions have been suggested, there is relatively little work done to examine the efficacy of these interventions for school-age children with LI, and none reported to target general emotional competence. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects on teacher perception of an intervention designed to improve emotion understanding. The intervention was centered on the presentation and use of children's stories to introduce and practice aspects of emotion understanding. The withdrawn and sociable subscales of the Teacher Behavior Rating Scale (TBRS) were selected as variables on which to measure teacher perception. Following treatment five of the six participants scored higher ratings of prosocial behavior, with two demonstrating overall reductions in withdrawn behavior and increases in sociable behavior. For one of these participants, the reported progress was notable. The most positive indicator of change following treatment was the reduction in solitary-active withdrawal behavior reported for three of the participants. A reduction in this type of behavior would most likely have an important impact on the quality of social interactions experienced by these individuals.

An Acoustic Analysis of Elements of Contrastive Stress Produced by 8 to 10-Year-Old Children

Clover, Nicole Michelle 03 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Contrastive stress is an aspect of communication that can be used to highlight information, de-accent redundant information, and create distinctions between new and previously-provided information. Previous research has documented that adult speakers use relative changes in their vocal intensity, fundamental frequency (F0), and duration to mark contrastive stress in a sentence. However, less is understood about how and when children mark contrastive stress in their communication, thus the current study aims to examine a number of acoustic elements of contrastive stress in 8 to 10-year-old children. Speech samples were elicited from 20 children and analyzed to determine if the acoustic parameters of F0, intensity, and duration varied as a function of the speaking condition, speaker gender, or grammatical unit. Results of the experiment suggest that when comparing the baseline speaking condition to the speaking condition eliciting contrastive stress, significant differences were only found for the acoustic measure of mean intensity. Additionally, gender-related differences in contrastive stress were found only for the dependent measure of F0 slope, with a greater F0 slope exhibited by female speakers. All grammatical units were significantly different from one another across a number of variables, with significant interactions between baseline and target conditions and grammatical unit being analyzed. As indicated in previous research, the findings of the present study may indicate that children under 10 years of age may not have developed contrastive stress in an adult-like manner. Results may also be due to individual speaker differences, the complex nature of prosody, or measurement methodology.

Automated Identification of Adverbial Clauses in Child Language Samples

Brown, Brittany Cheree 14 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Adverbial clauses are grammatical constructions that are of relevance in both typical language development and impaired language development. In recent years, computer software has been used to assist in the automated analysis of clinical language samples. This software has attempted to accurately identify adverbial clauses with limited success. The present study investigated the accuracy of software for the automated identification of adverbial clauses. Two separate collections of language samples were used. One collection included 10 children with language impairment, with ages ranging from 7;6 to 11;1 (years;months), 10 age-matched peers,and 10 language-matched peers. A second collection contained 30 children ranging from 2;6 to 7;11 in age, with none considered to have language or speech impairments. Language sample utterances were manually coded for the presence of adverbial clauses (both finite and non-finite). Samples were then automatically tagged using the computer software. Results were tabulated and compared for accuracy. ANOVA revealed differences in frequencies of so-adverbial clauses whereas ANACOVA revealed differences in frequencies of both types of finite adverbial clauses. None of the structures were significantly correlated with age; however, frequencies of both types of finite adverbial clauses were correlated with mean length of utterance. Kappa levels revealed that agreement between manual and automated coding was high on both types of finite adverbial clauses.

Using Systematic and Engaging Early Literacy Instruction and Digital Books to Teach At-Risk Kindergarteners to Read Target Words

Hales, Audra Marie 02 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of using Systematic and Engaging Early Literacy (SEEL) intervention activities that incorporate digital books to teach kindergarteners to read. The study used a single-subject-multiple-baseline-across-behaviors design to compare kindergarten students' reading of comparable CVC words before and after intervention. Four students at-risk for reading difficulties were chosen for the study based on their performance on assessments and their teachers' recommendations. Students were divided into two dyads and received intervention three times a week for 25 minutes for approximately six weeks, or 18 total sessions. Baseline assessment data was collected prior to intervention, and performance on each target was monitored through the same assessment task after every intervention session. Students received SEEL instruction on one set of word targets while a comparable set was kept at baseline phase. After six intervention sessions on the first set of word targets, a second set was introduced while the first set was monitored for maintenance. Finally, a third set of target words was introduced and taught in six sessions, and the first two sets of words were monitored for maintenance. Instruction involved using meaningful and interactive activities that incorporated playful practice, multiple exposures to targets, explicit statement of the goal, and reciprocal teacher-student exchanges where students' contributions were acknowledged and incorporated into the lesson or meaning construction. After being exposed to the target words (orally and in writing), children were provided with additional opportunities to read and write the words within digital books created on the iPad.

Noun Clauses in Clinical Child Language Samples

Scoville, Christine Beate 14 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Noun clauses are grammatical constructions that are of relevance both to typical language development and impaired language development. These clauses have been part of published techniques for the clinical analysis of language samples, and computer software for the automated analysis of clinical language samples has attempted to identify noun clauses, with limited success. The present study examined the development and clinical use of noun clauses as well as the automated identification of these clauses. Two sets of language samples were examined. One set consisted of 10 children with specific language impairment (SLI) whose age ranged from 7;6 to 11;1 (years;months), 10 peers matched for language development equivalence, and 10 peers matched for chronological age. The second set of samples were from 30 children considered to be typically developing, who ranged in age from 2;6 to 7;11. Language sample utterances were manually coded for the presence of noun clauses (including wh- noun clauses, that- noun clauses, and gerunds.) Samples were then automatically tagged using software. Results were tabulated and compared for accuracy. ANCOVA revealed that differences in the frequencies of WH-infinitive noun clauses and gerunds were significant between the matched groups. "Zero that clauses" (that-noun clauses containing no subordinator that) and gerunds were significantly correlated with age. Kappa levels revealed that agreement between manual and automated coding was high on WH-infinitive clauses, gerunds, and finite wh-noun clauses.

Brain Imaging of Event Related Potentials in Children with Language Impairment

Benton, Hillary Ann 13 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Event related potentials (ERPs) may provide specific information about how particular aspects of language are processed by the brain over time. This study investigated the electrophysiology of language processing in two children with language impairment (LI) when compared to five typically developing children. The N400, P600, and the early left anterior negativity (ELAN) were analyzed after participants listened to linguistically correct, syntactically incorrect, and semantically incorrect sentences. Participants were instructed to indicate whether the sentences were correct or incorrect. Latency and amplitude of the ERP components were compared between the two groups of participants and sentence types. Results from the current study concerning the typically developing children suggest that, at least by eight years of age, typically developing children may process linguistic information similarly to adults with regard to the areas of the brain that are activated during the processing of linguistic stimuli. When comparing results from participants with LI and their typically developing counterparts, results indicate that children with LI exhibit slower real-time language processing than typically developing children. Results also indicate that children with LI require more effort than typically developing children in processing linguistic information as indicated by the amplitude of the N400 and the ELAN. In analyzing the P600 in both groups of participants, results indicate that syntactic processing may be intact in children with LI as well as typical children. Results concerning the N400 and the ELAN were variable between the two participants with LI indicating that children with LI may be heterogeneous even in the presence of similar tasks. Results obtained from the ELAN may also indicate that the ELAN is not fully mature at eight years of age.

The Effects of Emotion on Acoustic Characteristics of Vocal Vibrato in Trained Singers

Holmes, Sharee Oakes 14 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of emotion on several key acoustic features of vibrato including vibrato rate, extent, and steadiness (measured by FM rate COV and FM extent COV). We hypothesized that intensity of emotion would have a significant effect on vibrato rate, extent, and periodicity, although the direction of these changes was undetermined. There were 10 participants, including eight females and two males, who were graduate student singers with high competency ratings. Each participant completed a series of tasks including sustained vowels at several pitch and loudness levels, an assigned song that was determined to have neutral emotion, and a personal selection that was selected because it included sections of intense emotion. Vowel tokens were averaged for each task, and measurements of mean f0, mean dB, FM rate, FM extent, FM rate COV and FM extent COV were calculated by task for each participant. Contrast analyses were performed comparing each task against the personal selection (high emotion) task. The results suggest that FM rate and FM rate COV may have been influenced by level of emotion, and FM extent, FM rate COV and FM extent COV were likely influenced by the performance nature of the task.

Examining Parents' Interactions with Their Children During Literacy Activities

Allsop, Kerianne Frodsham 15 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to examine the nature of conversational interactions between parents and their children during early literacy instructional activities. Parents engaged their children in interactions within hands-on activities designed to teach specific literacy skills as part of a kindergarten project entitled Systematic and Engaging Early Literacy (SEEL). Data for this study were extracted from audio and video recordings of parent-child interactions during three targeted literacy activities. Specialized software (LENA Pro) was used to analyze the interactions regarding adult and child use of targeted words (word count) and turn taking. To gain additional information about the exchanges, one exchange from each dyad was transcribed and analyzed using discourse analysis procedures. Findings from this study will be used to determine if children can be exposed to frequent and salient examples of targeted word patterns while engaging in playful and reciprocal interactive exchanges with their parents.

The Effects of Laryngeal Desiccation and Nebulized Isotonic Saline in Male Speakers

Robb, Whitney Jane 14 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Hydration of the vocal folds is important for the production of normal voice. Dehydration makes voice production more difficult and increases vocal effort. Laryngeal desiccation has been shown to increase phonation threshold pressure (PTP) and self-perceived phonatory effort (PPE) in females. Nebulized saline may reverse or offset this effect. However, few data exist regarding the effects of laryngeal desiccation and nebulized treatments in males. Further, the dose-response relationship between laryngeal desiccation and nebulized hydration treatments is unknown. This study examined the effects of two doses of nebulized isotonic saline following a laryngeal desiccation challenge in healthy male speakers. In a double-blinded, within-subjects design, 10 male college students (age range 18-26 years) attended two data collection sessions involving a 30-minute desiccation challenge followed by 3 mL or 9 mL of nebulized isotonic saline. PTP for the 10th and 80th fundamental frequency (F0) percentiles and PPE were collected before and after the desiccation challenge and at 5, 35, and 65 minutes after the nebulized treatment. PPE increased significantly following the laryngeal desiccation challenge (p < .01). Following nebulization, PPE decreased toward baseline for both doses of isotonic saline (p < .01), but failed to reverse the desiccation effect completely. No statistically significant changes in PTP occurred following the laryngeal desiccation challenge or subsequent treatments. Compared with previous research involving females, these results suggest males may respond differently to laryngeal desiccation and nebulized hydration treatments.

The Effects of Laryngeal Desiccation and Nebulized Isotonic Saline in Trained Male Singers

Fujiki, Robert B. 24 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Vocal fold hydration is important for healthy function of the vocal mechanism. Vocal fold surface fluid protects the mucosa and facilitates efficient vocal fold oscillation. Dry air exposure, mouth breathing, insufficient intake of liquids, and behavioral factors may contribute to laryngeal dehydration. Singers are believed to be particularly at risk for voice problems related to dehydration due to environmental and voice use factors. Laryngeal desiccation and nebulized hydration treatments have been shown to influence phonation threshold pressure (PTP) and self-perceived phonatory effort (PPE) in females. However, little research exists exploring the effects of hydration in males. Additionally, few studies have examined the dose-response relationship of hydration treatments. This investigation examined the effects of a laryngeal desiccation challenge and two different doses of nebulized isotonic saline on voice production in trained male singers. In a double-blind, within-subjects repeated measures crossover investigation, 10 male singers (ages 18 to 24) received a 30 minute laryngeal desiccation challenge followed by either 3 mL or 9 mL of nebulized isotonic saline on two consecutive weeks. PTP, PPE, and self-perceived mouth and throat dryness were sampled during the following observations: predesiccation, post-desiccation, and at 5, 35, and 65 minutes post-nebulization. No differences in PTP were observed after desiccation or nebulized treatment. PPE, however, rose significantly after desiccation and returned near baseline after treatment. No significant differences between dosages were observed.

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