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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Náhrada újmy na zdraví: srovnání české a německé právní úpravy / Compensation for damage to health: a comparison of Czech and German legislation

Saxlová, Jaroslava January 2015 (has links)
- Compensation for damage to health: a comparison of Czech and German legislation This diploma Thesis deals with the theme of compensation for damage to health in Czech and German legislation, which was one of the inspirations during the creation of the Czech Civil Code. The aim of this study is to explore the issue of civil compensation for damage to health (and in the case of death) with an emphasis on medical-legal relations arising from the provision of health care, in both these legal systems. This study is divided into three parts. In the first is examined the legislation of Czech Republic, in the second the German one. The third section briefly summarizes the differences and the congruent aspects of both legislations, supplemented by suggestions for possible changes and improvements of the Czech law de lege ferenda. The area of compensation for damage to health is strictly bond with the civil liability, therefore the study deals with this issue as well. Within the Czech law, both of these areas have undergone a fundamental change with the entry into force of the new Civil Code on January 1, 2014. By the civil liability the unified conception of tort was left and now contractual and tort liability is distinguished, also the whole conception of civil liability tends to active and not penalty...

Náhrada škody / Compensation for damage

Smolík, Libor January 2016 (has links)
Resumé This thesis deals with the question of compensation for damage in civil law. Its main task is to acquaint the reader with the basic institutions associated with the prescribed topic from the basic premises of the legislation through the explanation of the main terms to determine the prerequisites for a successful claim for damages and the rules determining the manner and extent of damages including some specific cases of damages. Work is also trying to compare the current, still not so long effective statutory regulation with the previous one. The thesis is divided into four main chapters. The first part discusses the basic concepts of liability for damages and the functions that it has in the legal system and even in society. It also describes the general concepts, such as the limitation period, prevention duties, general and specific, and also lists the entities to which the obligation to pay damages arise. The second chapter deals with the prerequisites for the establishing the liability in damages, which are traditionally a tort, the damage, causation and fault. It also presents the merits of general offenses. Especially acquaints readers with compensation that occurs accidentally. The third part deals with the way in which the damage is replaced and to what extent. Approximations are different...

Ekonomická analýza práva v oblasti odpovědnosti za škodu / Economic Analysis of Law in the Field of Liability for Damage

Przeczek, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Economic Analysis of Law in the Field of Liability for Damages This thesis focuses on the application of economic analysis of law, which is an approach enabling an alternative view of legal institutions because of its specific methodology. Although this theoretical school originated in the common law system, which is still its realm, the thesis shows potential overlaps to the system of civil law. Questions concerning civil liability for damages are examined as an example of a possible application. The initial chapter of the thesis is concerned with introducing the economic analysis of law. At first, it briefly describes its historical development including links to some related schools. Foundations, areas of resesarch, basic concepts and methodology are also examined in this chapter. The specific application of economic approach in relation to civil liability for damages is discussed in the second part. It describes the choice between negligence and strict liability, problem of causation and procedural aspects of claims for compensation for damage. Special attention is drawn to the Learned Hand test established by case-law as a method to assess the conditions of liability. This method is based on considering economic criteria using a cost analysis. The part dealing with behavioral findings extending...

Žalos pacientams kompensavimo ypatumai sveikatos teisėje / Peculiarities of the Compensation of Damage for Patients in Health Law

Kutkauskienė, Jelena 12 February 2010 (has links)
Tiriamoji problema ir darbo aktualumas. XIX amžiaus antrojoje pusėje galutinai buvo atsisakyta medicinos, kaip meno, sampratos : medicinos mokslo atradimai leido paaiškinti fiziologinius procesus, atskleidė daugelio patologinių procesų priežastis, sparčiai plėtojamos technologijos suteikė galimybę ne tik stebėti visas organizmo funkcijas, bet dažnai – jas kontroliuoti. Viena vertus, sparti medicinos mokslo ir praktikos raida lėmė akivaizdų sveikatos rodiklių gerėjimą (kūdikių mirtingumo mažėjimas, laukiamos vidutinės gyvenimo trukmės ilgėjimas), kita vertus, teko pripažinti, kad galimybės kontroliuoti gydymo procesą ir pasiekti norimą rezultatą yra ribotos . Nanotechnologijų ir genų inžinerijos taikymas medicinoje iškėlė individo tapatumo išsaugojimo problemas, todėl reikėjo konceptualiu lygmeniu iš naujo apsvarstyti sveikatos priežiūros srityje besiformuojančių santykių prigimtį ir esmę bei pacientų teisių apsaugą užtikrinančių priemonių, tarp jų – ir teisinių instrumentų, veiksmingumą. Pacientų teisių ir pareigų reguliavimo bei teikiamos teisinės apsaugos efektyvumo problematiškumą nulemia šie veiksniai: gydytojo ir paciento santykių daugialypiškumas ir sudėtingumas, dažnos etinės problemos, kylančios gydymo ir tyrimo metu, fragmentiškas gydytojo ir paciento santykių reglamentavimas nacionaliniu lygiu ir gausios nekodifikuojamos vadinamosios minkštosios teisės (angl. soft law) normos, valstybės, teikiančios socialines garantijas pacientams, dalyvavimas gydytojo ir paciento... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Researched problem and relevance of the paper. In the second half of the 198th century the concept of medicine as art was finally refused: achievements of the science of medicine allowed to explain physiological processes, revealed the reasons of many pathological processes, quickly developed technologies granted a possibility not only observe all functions of an organism, nut frequently – to control them as well. On one hand, rapid development of the science of medicine and practice determined an obvious improvement of health indicators (decrease of babies’ mortality, extension of average lifetime), on the other hand, it has to be admitted that possibilities to control the treatment process and to achieve the desired result are limited . Application of nanotechnologies and genes engineering in medicine aroused the problems of the preservation of the identity of an individual, therefore it had to be discussed anew the nature and essence and the effectiveness of the means ensuring the protection of patients’ rights including the effectiveness of legal instruments. The topic of the regulation of patients’ rights and duties and the effectiveness of the provided legal protection are determined by the following factors: multiplicity and complexity of the relationship of the physician and patient, frequent ethnical problems arising during treatment and examination, fragmentary regulation of the relationship of physician and patient at the national level and abundant non-codified... [to full text]

Společnická žaloba / Action filed by company member

Trtková, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
Action filed by Company Member Diploma thesis Action filed by Company Member is focused on analysis of the problematic areas concerning action by a member followed by a suggestion of possible solutions to such issues. The thesis is also focused on alternative mechanisms inside the company and consideration concerning the (non-)usage of the institute in practice. The first chapter defines the nature and objectives of the action by a member. Subsequently concrete types of occurrence are briefly defined and the institute is put into historic connection with the rules stated in Act No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code. The second chapter focuses on analysis of the main problematic areas of the institute. The thesis focuses on problems concerning active legitimation and its consequences when it is lost during the proceedings. Chapter also deals with the issues concerning representation of the company during the proceedings and the loss of the right to represent the company. The duty to pay judicial fees and expenses of the legal representation (attorney's expenses) or the issues concerning limitation period are also important. The chapter discusses the influence of the reflective loss, which is stated in Section 213 of the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code. The third chapter deals with the...

Soukromoprávní nástroje ochrany životního prostředí / Private law instruments of environmental protection

Vévoda, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Private law instruments of environmental protection Abstract Private law deals primarily with the regulation of relations between individuals and the protection of their individual rights, whether personal or property. The aim of this dissertation is therefore to determine whether and how the instruments of private law can be used to protect the environment. For this purpose, an analysis of the relevant private law institutes has been carried out, such as the protection of the personality, neighbourhood law, and the prevention and compensation of damage, which are the most important means of protecting the rights of an individual. Protection of personality in private law is primarily designed to protect the life, health and privacy, but it is useful to indirectly protect the environment from the effects that these values threaten, as shown by extensive decision-making practice of the European Court of Human Rights. The right to live in a favourable environment is a new institute in Czech civil law, which could have a great potential for environmental protection purposes, but it still lacks a more detailed regulation and there is also no case law. Neighbourhood law serves to protect the real estate owners against the disruptive effects of the activities of their neighbours. These are referred to as imissions...

Odpovědnost zaměstnance za škodu s přihlédnutím k judikatuře / Employee's liability for damage with respect to the case law

Mikulecká, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
Název diplomové práce v anglickém jazyce Employee's liability for damage with respect to the case law Summary The purpose of my diploma thesis is to analyse the main aspects of employee's liability for damage in labour law with respect to the current legislation and current case law. By using the analytic and descriptive methods the valid legal provisions are described and evaluated. The thesis is composed of eight chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of liability of an employee. Chapter One is introductory and describes employee's liability in labour law in general. Following chapters examine relevant Czech legislation and related case law. Chapter Two presents the importance of damage prevention. The chapter consists of three subchapters. Subchapter One focuses on damage prevention and general obligations of an employee. Subchapter Two describes employee's special obligation to notify his supervisor in case of imminent damage. Subchapter Three investigates special obligation of an employee to take an action against imminent damage. Chapter Three relates to Chapter Two. It explains employee's liability for breach of obligations to take an action against imminent damage. The chapter consists of one subchapter which addresses the issue of measure of damages. Chapter Four is dealing with...

Občanskoprávní odpovědnost v případě nerespektování dříve vysloveného přání / Civil Liability in the Case of Disrespecting a Patient's Advance Directives

Mayerová, Vendula January 2017 (has links)
Civil Liability in the Case of Disrespecting a Patient's Advance Directives The aim of this thesis is to analyse and describe the problematic of Civil Liability in the specific case of disrespecting a patient's advance directives by a medical. The institute of Advance Directives was first introduced in the Czech law by the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine in 2001 and later by the Law No. 372/2011 Coll., Act on Health Care Provision. Thought the Advance Directives cannot be considered as a new institute in the Czech law, it is hardly ever used in practice. There is no judicature and practical knowledge on the topic of civil liability in this case, and the insecurity causes that doctors do not feel like willing to respect the exceptionally occurring advance directives, because they fear the criminal liability they think that could arise if they did not provide the health care necessary for saving life of their patient. This thesis is trying to highline the importance of a patient's will. Meanwhile, it is pointing to the fact that even saving a patient's life can cause legal liability of a doctor. The thesis is primarily analysing and describing such liability within the general provisions on liability in the Czech Law and is also trying to give an insight to the problematic of potential...

Náhrada škody a nemajetkové újmy vzniklé pracovním úrazem / Compensation for damage and non-material damage caused by a work accident

Fojtíková, Monika January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of damage and non-material damage caused by work accidents. The first chapter describes the basic concept of legal liability and main functions of the employer's liability for damage caused to employees. The second chapter focuses on the basic assumptions, fulfilment of which creates an obligation for the employer to compensate employees for damage and non-material damage. It also describes the work accident as a legal term and discusses specific situations such as a heart-attack, a work injury during team-building or a work injury during a business trip using interpretation based, in particular, on a review of Czech case law. The employer is not always obliged to compensate employees for damage and non-material damage. Situations in which the employer is released from the obligation to pay damages and non-material damage are described at the end of the second chapter. These situations include violation of legal regulations or instructions, drunkenness or misuse of addictive substances and, last but not least, reckless behaviour of an employee. The third part which is the core of the thesis, deals with individual types and scopes of compensations, namely compensation for loss of earnings, material damage and purposefully spent treatment costs. A particular...

Odpovědnost zaměstnance za škodu způsobenou zaměstnavateli / The responsibility of an employee for domage

Hinterbuchner, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
Thesis title: The responsibility of an employee for damage The subject of the thesis is the responsibility of an employee for damage. The thesis offers in the first place a comprehensive summary of the current legislation of the topic. The main purpose of the thesis is to summarize the legislation of the labor- law and of the employee`s responsibility for any damage done to the employer where for this purpose there are analyzed particular sorts of the responsibility distinguished by the Labor Code. In details there are described first of all specific conditions that must be fulfilled to claim the responsibility on the employee for the damage, the possibility of the employee to disclaim it is not neglected either. The thesis focuses on the main differences that distinguish the particular sorts of the responsibility from each other. An attention is given to the links between labor law and other legal codes, especially the civil one where the connection is the closest whereas the understanding of this mutual relation is very essential to understand the stated topic. The thesis is not formulated as only theoretical however there is a practical view of the topic included which is mingled mostly by decision-making practice of courts which generates some answers to unclear explanation of the legislations,...

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