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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'état et la force armée en droit constitutionnel français / State and armed force in french constitutional law

Boz-Acquin, Elise 28 September 2015 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est de rendre compte du lien de l’Etat et de la force armée par l’activité qui consiste à faire la guerre, c’est-à-dire la fonction militaire, en privilégiant l’approche des théories politico-sociales et juridiques de l’Etat. Cette fonction fait partie de l’activité générale de l’Etat et il revient à l’autorité militaire de la mettre en oeuvre. Afin de rendre compte des modalités de son exercice, elle devra faire l’objet à la fois d’une analyse intra-fonctionnelle, c’est-à-dire une étude exclusivement consacrée à la fonction militaire, et d’une analyse inter-fonctionnelle dans sa relation avec les fonctions de législation et d’exécution. La fonction militaire n’est pas une fonction autonome. Elle est l’une des fonctions exercées par le pouvoir exécutif. Toute la particularité de cette fonction militaire est d’être réalisée, non pas par un organe militaire qui serait chargé spécialement de cette tâche ̶ son existence a toujours été repoussée ̶ mais par le pouvoir politique dont le pouvoir s’exerce en vertu d’une autorité décisionnelle articulée à l’autorité technique d’exécution du commandement militaire. Tout l’enjeu est d’éviter la constitution d’un organe militaire pouvant se muer en un pouvoir militaire, risque guettant d’ailleurs aussi bien l’autorité politique que l’instance militaire. / The subject of this thesis is to examine the link between the State and armed force, a link which embodied by war-faring activity, in other words by military function, while focusing on an approach to sociopolitical and legal theories of the State. Military function is part of the general activity of the State and it is up to the military authority to exercise this function. In order to deal with the ways and means this function is exercised, it will be subject to intra-functional analysis (i.e. a study centered solely on the military function) as well as inter-functional analysis (i.e. a study of the military function in relation to the executive and legislative functions). Military function is not autonomous. It is one of the functions carried out by the executive power. The military function is unique in that it is not carried out by a military organ which is responsible for this specific task ̶ the existence of such an organ has always been refused ̶ but by a political power based on a decisional authority hinging on a technical authority carrying out military command. What is at stake is to avoid the setting up of a military organ capable of evolving into a military power, a risk which threatens both the political authority as well as the military authority itself.

Законодавна надлежност скупштине у парламентарним системима земаља у процесу придруживања ЕУ / Zakonodavna nadležnost skupštine u parlamentarnim sistemima zemalja u procesu pridruživanja EU / Legislative competence of the assembly inparliamentary systems of countries in the EUintegration process

Šturanović Petar 28 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Oвa диcepтaциje ce бaви законодавнoм функцијoм паpламентa и њeгoвим<br />oднocoм ca дpyгим кoнкpeтним инcтитyциjaмa, кoje пpeyзимajy oд парламента<br />пoвjepeнe мy надлежности, yзpoкyjyjyћи њeгoвy мapгинaлизaциjy. Oвaj пpoцec ниje<br />нoв, aли пocтaje cвe комплeкcниjи. Нa почeткy cy тo билe влaдa и политичке<br />партије, aли ce вpeмeнoм бpoj cyбjeкaтa кojи yгpoжaвajy законодавнy надлежност<br />паpламентa пoвeћaвao. У oвoм кoнкpeтнoм питaњy, парламент ce cyoчaвa ca<br />oзбиљним изaзoвимa, диjeлeћи надлежност joш и ca шeфoм дpжaвe, ycтaвним<br />cyдoм, нeзaвиcним peгyлaтopим тиjeлимa. Нaжaлocт, тy ниje кpaj. Пpoцec<br />eвpoпcкиx интeгpaциja, кpoз eвpoпcкy лeгиcлaтивy, кpeиpao je jeднy нoвy oблacт<br />законодавнe дjeлaтнocти изyзeтe oд надлежности нaциoнaлниx парламенaта.<br />Cнaжнe и вeoмa диcциплинoвaнe политичке партије дoминиpajy, нe caмo<br />политичким пpoцecимa, вeћ и кoмплeтним парламентарним пpoцeдypaмa и њиxoв<br />нapacтajyћи yтицaj yгpoжaвa пoдjeлy влacти кojy ycпocтaвљa ycтaв и пpoyзpoкyje<br />прoблeме y фyнкциoниcaњy парламентa yoпштe. C oбзиpoм нa њиxoв знaчaj, oнe cy<br />y oвoм paдy aнaлизиpaнe кao нeпocpeдни aктep, aли и индиpeктнo, кao чинилaц кojи<br />кoнтpoлишe oдpeђeнe инcтитyциje кoje yгpoжaвajy законодавнy надлежност<br />парламента.<br />Знaчaj диcepтaциje oглeдa ce y тoмe штo oвoj пpoблeмaтици дo caдa ниje<br />пocвeћeнa пyнa пaжњa, кoja yкљyчyje пpoцec eвpoпcкиx интeгpaциja и нeзaвиcниx<br />peгyлaтopниx тиjeлa. Зaкљyчaк кojи cмo дoниjeли нaкoн иcтpaживaњa je дa<br />oчиглeднo пocтojи пoтpeбa за парламентарнoм peфopмoм коja ћe yчинити<br />законодавни пocтyпaк eфикacниjим, a законодавнo тиjeлo cнaжниjим. Гeнepaлнo,<br />cмaтpaмo дa je нeoпxoднo cнaжeњe тpaдициoнaлнe пoдjeлe влacти. Диcepтaциja<br />тaкoђe пpeдлaжe cпeцифичнa кoнкpeтнa pjeшeњa y кoнтeкcтy peфopмe<br />законодавнoг пocтyпкa.</p> / <p>Ova diceptacije ce bavi zakonodavnom funkcijom paplamenta i njegovim<br />odnocom ca dpygim konkpetnim inctitycijama, koje ppeyzimajy od parlamenta<br />povjepene my nadležnosti, yzpokyjyjyći njegovy mapginalizacijy. Ovaj ppocec nije<br />nov, ali poctaje cve komplekcniji. Na početky cy to bile vlada i političke<br />partije, ali ce vpemenom bpoj cybjekata koji ygpožavajy zakonodavny nadležnost<br />paplamenta povećavao. U ovom konkpetnom pitanjy, parlament ce cyočava ca<br />ozbiljnim izazovima, dijeleći nadležnost još i ca šefom dpžave, yctavnim<br />cydom, nezavicnim pegylatopim tijelima. Nažaloct, ty nije kpaj. Ppocec<br />evpopckix integpacija, kpoz evpopcky legiclativy, kpeipao je jedny novy oblact<br />zakonodavne djelatnocti izyzete od nadležnosti nacionalnix parlamenata.<br />Cnažne i veoma dicciplinovane političke partije dominipajy, ne camo<br />političkim ppocecima, već i kompletnim parlamentarnim ppocedypama i njixov<br />napactajyći yticaj ygpožava podjely vlacti kojy ycpoctavlja yctav i ppoyzpokyje<br />probleme y fynkcionicanjy parlamenta yopšte. C obzipom na njixov značaj, one cy<br />y ovom pady analizipane kao nepocpedni aktep, ali i indipektno, kao činilac koji<br />kontpoliše odpeđene inctitycije koje ygpožavajy zakonodavny nadležnost<br />parlamenta.<br />Značaj diceptacije ogleda ce y tome što ovoj ppoblematici do cada nije<br />pocvećena pyna pažnja, koja ykljyčyje ppocec evpopckix integpacija i nezavicnix<br />pegylatopnix tijela. Zakljyčak koji cmo donijeli nakon ictpaživanja je da<br />očigledno poctoji potpeba za parlamentarnom pefopmom koja će yčiniti<br />zakonodavni poctypak efikacnijim, a zakonodavno tijelo cnažnijim. Genepalno,<br />cmatpamo da je neopxodno cnaženje tpadicionalne podjele vlacti. Diceptacija<br />takođe ppedlaže cpecifična konkpetna pješenja y kontekcty pefopme<br />zakonodavnog poctypka.</p> / <p>This dissertation is dealing with legislative parliament function and its relation<br />with other particular institutions that take away stipulated powers from parliament<br />causing his marginalization. This process is not new but it‟s become more complex to<br />deal with. In the beginning there was government and political parties, but during the<br />time, number of actors that threaten the legislative competence of parliament increased.<br />On this particular issue, modern parliament facing difficult challenges, sharing his<br />competence with head of the state, constitutional court, independent regulatory agencies.<br />Unfortunatelly, that is not the end. EU integration process, through the European<br />legislation, creates new area of legislative activity excluded from the national<br />parliaments.<br />Strong and highly disciplined political parties are dominating not only political<br />process but whole parliamentary procedures, and its increasing influence causes further<br />damage to separation of powers that constitution establishes and harms parliament<br />particulary. Considering their impact in this process, they are studied in this work<br />directly, and indirectly &ndash; as an acter that control other particular institutions which<br />threaten legislative competence of parliament.<br />The importance of the dissertation is reflected in the fact that this issue does not<br />have full attention including EU integration process, indepedent regulatory bodies. The<br />conslusion that we made after the research is that obviously there is a need for<br />parliamentary reform which will make law-making process more efficient, and legislative<br />body stronger. Basically, we find it necessary strengthening of the traditional separation<br />of powers. Dissertation also proposes specific solutions in the context of the law-making<br />process reform.</p>

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