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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhancing students' reading comprehension throughpicture-book

Cheung, Sze-kei, Karen., 張思琪. January 2010 (has links)
是次研究為了討論繪本教學能否提升學生的閱讀能力,學生在閱讀繪本,透過觀察圖畫推測故事情節。配合閱讀策略,提問不同層次的閱讀問題,引導學生理解故事內容。 研究對象來自研究者任教小學,是三年級學生。研究開始時,研究對象要先作答閱讀測試作為前測。研究者便設計相關的繪本教學,並與研究對象一起閱讀繪本教材及進行不同層次的閱讀活動,讓研究對象對繪本故事內容進行推測、解釋、評鑑。教學後,研究對象要完閱讀測試作為後測。最後收集數據及教學資料進行分析。 根據數據分析,研究者發現以下兩項結論: 1. 繪本教學能提升學生的閱讀理解能力。 2. 繪本教學能有效地讓學生在閱讀中推測故事情節。 The purpose of this study is to discuss the effect of the picture book teaching approach, which can help the student increase the ability of reading comprehension. The students’ reading comprehension and the student responses to story reading were explored. The student responses to reading picture books and to reading strategies were investigated. The participants in this study were thirty-five Primary 3 students from the researcher’s school. First, the participants answered the pre-test of reading comprehension. Second, the researcher and participants read the picture book together. The researcher also asked the different level of comprehension questions about the picture book. The participants were guessing the content, finding information, understanding words and solving the problem. After the two learning cycles, the participants took the post-test of reading comprehension. Finally, the data was collected, computed and analyzed by the researcher. Based on the data analyses, the findings of the study are summarized as follows: 1. The Picture Book Approach was improving students’ reading comprehension. 2. The Picture Book Approach had a positive effect on the student responses to perception of reading. / published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

Using schema reading strategy to enhance senior form student's reading comprehension ability = Yun yong tu shi yue du jiao xue ce lüe ti sheng gao zhong xue sheng yue du neng li / Using schema reading strategy to enhance senior form student's reading comprehension ability = 運用圖式閱讀教學策略提升高中學生閱讀能力

Lai, Yui-ping, 黎蕊萍 January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation based on the Cognitive Load Theory, focuses on the effectiveness of using schema reading strategy to enhance secondary five students’ reading comprehension ability. An action research, consists of designing reading worksheets, tests, guiding students using schema reading strategy and observing lessons, in order to promote students’ self-monitoring skill during reading comprehension as well as the effectiveness of the research. The findings conclude: (1) a positive significant on the effects of cognitive load management by modifying the teaching materials for students; (2) using schema reading strategy to enhance secondary five students’ reading comprehension ability. 本研究目的在於應用認知負荷理論,設計一個提升香港中學五年級學生閱讀策略的教學課程,以探討圖式閱讀策略對提升高中學生閱讀能力的成效。本行動研究利用閱讀教材、閱讀測卷和課堂觀察,進行兩個循環的閱讀教學過程,包括計劃、實踐、觀察和反思,藉以調整教學設計和教學模式。結果發現,認知負荷理論對閱讀教學設計的重要性,老師應確保閱讀教材具適度的認知負荷,以免妨礙學生的閱讀效能,亦應注意訓練學生運用圖式閱讀策略,適當地自我監控閱讀過程,從而提升閱讀能力。 / published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

The effectiveness of using Chinese cultural schema to improve classical Chinese reading comprehension ability of Hong Kong secondary three students = Yun yong Zhongguo wen hua tu shi ti sheng Xianggang zhong san xue sheng wen yan wen yue du neng li de cheng xiao / The effectiveness of using Chinese cultural schema to improve classical Chinese reading comprehension ability of Hong Kong secondary three students = 運用中國文化圖式提升香港中三學生文言文閱讀能力的成效

Yim, Luen-kwan, 嚴聯昆 January 2013 (has links)
This study focuses on the effectiveness of schema theories to improve the ability of classical Chinese reading comprehension of Hong Kong secondary three students. A classical Chinese reading course is therefore setup to demonstrate the Chinese cultural schema (hereinafter referred to as “the course”). The result will be discussed below. Quasi-experimental research method is used in this study. Students are divided into two groups: experimental group and control group. They are compared in pre-test and post-test to evaluate the effectiveness of the course. In addition, individual interviews and questionnaires are conducted both before and after the course of Chinese cultural schema to experimental group in order to learn more their opinions in Chinese culture, reading classical Chinese and the course. It is shown that both “basic reading comprehension ability” (“understanding of basic / surface meaning”) and “advanced reading comprehension ability” (“understanding of implicit meaning”) are improved, in which “advanced reading comprehension ability” is ameliorated particularly. For the ability of “constructing new knowledge and personal views”, however, the improvement is not outstanding enough. It is also found that students are more interested in Chinese culture and reading classical Chinese after the course. The result of Chinese cultural schema takes time to reflect. Teachers are encouraged to help students by revision and link up to previous schemas. Once students’ knowledge is reinforced, there will be a fundamental change in their way of thinking. It enhances the course’s effectiveness and makes it more long-lasting. 本研究旨在應用圖式理論,設計一個以建構中國文化圖式為主的文言文閱讀課程(下稱:「中國文化圖式課程」),藉以探討該類課程對提升香港中三學生文言文閱讀能力的成效。 研究主要運用準實驗研究的方法,透過比對實驗組學生和對照組學生前、後測的成績,藉以評定中國文化圖式課程的成效。此外,為進一步了解學生對中國文化、古典作品,以及是次實驗課程的看法,研究員亦於實驗前、後,向實驗組學生各進行了一次訪談及問卷調查。 研究結果顯示,中國文化圖式課程對提升香港中三學生文言文的「基本閱讀能力」(理解基本/表層文意) 和「深層閱讀能力」(理解篇章深層意義),均有一定的成效;當中,尤以「深層閱讀能力」的成效最為顯著。至於「讀者層閱讀能力」(建構個人新知識及看法) 方面,於是次研究中,則暫未見顯著成效。此外,研究結果亦發現,學生於課程完結後,對中國文化及古典作品的興趣,亦有一定程度的提升。 圖式建構絕非一朝一夕的,教師在教學的過程中,宜反覆重溫、連繫學生的已有圖式,如是,學生的思維才能出現本質上的改變,而課程的成效也才能變得更加持久。 / published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

A study of teaching of reading strategies to enhance the comprehension monitoring awareness of upper primary students in Hong Kong = Yue du ce lüe jiao xue dui cu jin xiao xue gao nian ji xue sheng de yue du li jie jian kong zhi jue de ying xiang / A study of teaching of reading strategies to enhance the comprehension monitoring awareness of upper primary students in Hong Kong = 閱讀策略教學對促進小學高年級學生的閱讀理解監控知覺的影響

Tsui, Sze-ki, 徐詩琪 January 2013 (has links)
Ever since the curriculum reform was launched, 'Reading to Learn' has been one of the four key tasks initiated. The result shown in Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS,2011) reflected that the reading ability of Hong Kong Primary students is among the best in the world, whereas their reading motivation ranking the last. Researchers also found in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA, 2009) conducted among secondary students that their metacognitive level is the lowest among all the secondary students in South-east Asian districts. It reflected that Hong Kong students lack self-regulation and comprehension monitoring awareness in reading. This dissertation is written in support of an action research and a case study. It aims to discuss the impact on the implementation of teaching of reading strategies on four different primary students, who are of diverse ability on comprehension. In the action research, the researcher tries to enhance students' comprehension monitoring awareness through introducing the K-W-L Chart and Directed Reading and Thinking Activity. In the case study, the researcher makes use of think aloud activities and student interviews to collect and analyze the qualitative data obtained. Together with the quantitative analysis, the researcher studies the reading strategies used among the four selected primary 4 students as well as their understanding toward reading strategies before and after they received the teaching in the process. The research result reflects that teaching reading strategies has a significant effect on enhancing student's reading comprehension monitoring awareness among students, especially the lower ability students. Furthermore, this research makes a few practical suggestions on how to enhance students' reading comprehension awareness in daily teaching. 自課程改革(以下簡稱「課改」)以來,「從閱讀中學習」一直為課改四大關鍵項目之一。「全球學生閱讀能力進展研究(PIRLS,2011)」的結果反映本港小學生的閱讀能力冠絕全球,閱讀動機卻在全球榜尾的奇怪現象;而以中學生為對象的「學生基礎素養能力計劃(PISA,2009)」亦發現本港學生的後設認知能力水平為全東南亞地區最差,反映本港學生在閱讀方面缺乏自我調整和閱讀監控的意識。 本論文旨在以行動研究(action research)及個案研究(case study)方式,探討閱讀策略教學對促進四位小學四年級不同能力學生的閱讀理解監控知覺的影響。在行動研究方面,研究員通過教授自我檢測圖及引領思維閱讀策略,促進學生的理解監控知覺。在個案研究方面,通過放聲思考(think aloud)活動及學生訪談,搜集及分析質性數據,並結合量性分析,探討本港某小學四位四年級學生於接受教學前後,在閱讀過程中運用閱讀策略的情況,以及他們對閱讀策略的認識。研究結果反映,閱讀策略教學對促進學生的閱讀理解監控知覺對於閱讀能力較弱的學生,有明顯的影響。此外,本研究就如何在日常教學中教授閱讀策略,以提升學生的閱讀理解監控知覺方面提出一些建議。 / published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

"I can read accurately but can't understand the text read" : the effects of using a reading intervention on fifth-grade students' "word callers" reading comprehension achievement

Grant, Christina E. 20 July 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of an intervention of five researched reading strategies on fifth-grade students’ “word callers” reading achievement. Twenty-one fifth-grade students attending elementary schools in midwestern United States participated in this study. Students were randomly assigned to either the experimental group or the control group. The students in the experimental group received 50 minutes of small-group intervention, twice weekly, after-school, for 12 weeks focusing on the use of five research-based reading comprehension strategies. The control group received 50 minutes of small-group intervention, twice weekly after-school for 12 weeks, focusing on Common Core reading curriculum. Triangulation of data sources was achieved through analysis of the running records including comprehension retelling and answering of questions, a metacognition survey, an oral fluency rater scale, observational notes, and a reflective interview protocol on students’ strategy use. General findings included statistically significant changes in reading comprehension levels in all students (control and experimental) who participated in the after-school reading intervention. Importantly, statistically significant changes began to take place in “word callers” in the 12-week study. This was seen in their overall reading comprehension levels, and ability to report comprehension strategies and apply them to their reading. In summary, an after-school intervention explicitly using the Reciprocal Teaching model plus visualizing appears to play a large role in helping “word callers” improve their reading comprehension ability. / Department of Elementary Education

Metacognitive skills and the adult developmental reader : issues in identification and instruction

Dixon, Ruth A. January 1989 (has links)
The purposes of this study were (a) to determine the levels of metacognition in developmental readers before and after ten weeks of instruction in metacognitive reading skills, (b) to examine differences in mastery of metacognitive skills determined by years away from secondary education, and (c) to investigate the effect of instruction in metacognitive skills on the improvement of reading comprehension in less-skilled readers.Participants in this study were 48 adult students (ages 19-56) enrolled in developmental reading courses at Indiana Vocational Technical College on the Muncie campus and at the Anderson site. Students responded to a 20-item, multiple-choice questionnaire, the Adult Index of Reading Awareness (AIRA), specifically formulated by the author to measure levels of metacognition in adult readers.In addition, the usual pre and post comprehension tests (Reading Comprehension, Forms A and B, of the College Board, ETS, Princeton, NJ, 1979) were administered both before and after instruction. Students also indicated the number of years they had been away from secondary education.Data were analyzed using the t test, the paired t test, and repeated-measures with one between-subjects factor to determine whether statistically significant relationships existed in regard to each of the research questions.Findings indicated that:Metacognitive reading awareness as measured by the AIRA significantly increased (.000 level) after ten weeks of instruction.Years away from secondary education did not significantly affect changes in the students' metacognitive awareness as measured by this instrument.There were no significant differences in comprehension growth scores between those who measured high in metacognition and those who scored low.Instruction in metacognitive reading skills significantly (.000 level) improved comprehension asmeasured by College Board Reading Comprehension tests.There were no significant differences in comprehension growth scores between students who graduated from high school within the last four years and those who had been away for five years or more.The following conclusions were drawn from this study: (a) Less-skilled adult readers can be taught the metacognitive reading skills which are acquired intuitively by effective readers. (b) Age is not a factor in increasing levels of metacognition in adults. (c) Instruction in metacognitive reading skills significantly improved comprehension scores of adult readers; therefore, instructors should include this skill instruction in developmental reading courses. / Center for Lifelong Education

Split-attention in reading comprehension: a case of English as a foreign/second language

Cong Minh Huynh, Hung, Education, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Recent research on the role, the development, and the effectiveness of reading comprehension instructions has provided substantial results concerning the methodology of teaching foreign languages. Cognitive load theory has assisted researchers to recognize cognitive effects in reading comprehensions that can lead to improvements in reading skill. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the split-attention effect in reading comprehension instructions to assist teachers of English to facilitate learning. Three experiments were designed to investigate whether the split attention effect applied to reading comprehension in EFL/ESL by comparing two instructional formats: split-attention and integrated formats. Participants were randomly allocated to one of the two groups and received one of the two instructional formats. The integrated format included a reading text and IO questions integrating physically into the text. The split-attention format consisted of the same reading text and the same questions at the end of the text. Results indicated that the split attention format increased extraneous cognitive load and interfered with the reading comprehension process compared to the integrated format.

Die kind se verstaan en sy deelname aan die onderwysleerhandeling

Viljoen, Hendrikus Fisher 18 August 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Didactics Training) / Since the Second World War due to the knowledge explosion curricula became over-loaded in order to meet the needs and demands of a fast developing western society. "The personal and particular needs of the child were brushed aside in favour of the needs of commerce and industry. Curriculum research became important in order to re-establish equilibrium in education. Because of the over-loading of curricula, a very general problem arose: Children became "memorising machines" in rapidly increasing numbers, while insight am. understanding of the world around them and of themselves was not regarded as a priority in this time-pressed century. It follows that such an educational system cannot produce balanced adults. A child will presumably only participate with full co-operation and with insight if and when he understands the adult and is understood by the adult. 'Ibis is an understanding of one another in the educational content. Understanding seems to be the motivating force behind the Participating child, because it leads to thought, action and exploration, insight and synthesis. A curriculum will have to be developmental in order to facilitate the emergence of above mentioned characteristics. An effort has been made to demonstrate that a model of curriculum can approximate a model of child development. The above mentioned motivation-characteristics are then compared with the curriculum model. It is found that these characteristics can be facilitated by and incorporated in the curriculum. These characteristics have to be made operational. It seems that to operationalise these characteristics in the lesson, the instruments to facilitate them are: interaction, intra-action and action, leading to reaction as a changed human being.

The contribution of working memory and vocabulary knowledge to Englishreading comprehension in Cantonese-speaking children

Leung, Po-yee, Polly., 梁寶兒. January 2005 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Linguistics / Master / Master of Arts

A developmental study of Chinese children's word and character processing.

January 2012 (has links)
中文的一個獨特之處在於,字和詞這兩個水平的單位都可以傳達意義。在中文里,字和詞分別有其獨自的特點。大多數漢字都由部件組成,這些部件多數情況下與整字的讀音和意義有關。詞通常由兩個或兩個以上的字構成,其中多數是復合詞。根據詞中字之間的關系,復合詞有五種常見結構。由於字和詞都傳達意義,於是就產生了兩個漢語中特有的問題:一是字和詞之中哪一個是閱讀加工的基本單位,二是字詞加工之間的關系如何。之前的一些研究為回答這兩個問題提供了一些依據。一些以成人閱讀者作為被試的研究發現,雖然從形式上來講,字是中文文本的基本單位,但是在閱讀中通常作為基本加工單位的是詞。有些研究也發現詞和字的加工是相互影響的。 / 但是,這些研究很少以兒童作為對象。本文中的三個實驗試圖探索上述兩個問題在兒童閱讀者之中的答案,用三年級和五年級的香港本地兒童作為被試以探討有關加工隨著年齡發展的變化。在實驗 1 中,被試被要求讀出一些單字,以及由這些單字組成的詞。結果顯示多數在單字閱讀中出現的錯誤,在讀詞時得到了更正,說明詞有助於兒童對字的識別。與年長的兒童相比,年幼兒童更容易將單字混淆於其他意義相關的單字,或者混同於那些經常與目標字一起出現組成詞的單字,這表明年幼兒童的字加工更依賴於該字經常出現的語境。實驗 2 使用偏正結構詞,並列結構詞以及非詞等三種結構的刺激檢驗了詞的結構對於詞中字的加工的影響。同預期相反,該實驗的結果表明,在偏正結構的詞中,兒童對后一個字的反應并沒有因為其與整詞意義關聯緊密而更加準確和迅速。更有甚者,三年級和五年級的兒童對於偏正結構詞中前一個字的表現都好於后一個字,並且與並列結構詞和非詞相比,偏正結構中前一個字較之后一個字的優勢似乎更加突出。 / 雖然結果與預期不相符,但是三年級和五年級兒童表現比較一致,說明詞結構很有可能確實對其中的字的加工產生了影響,但是這個影響的機制並未由實驗 2揭示出。實驗 3 比較了字音和字形在詞加工中的作用。實驗結果顯示,與年長兒童相比,年幼兒童對於詞的閱讀更加依賴於讀音。探索字詞加工之間的關系需要更多的研究提供證據,而本研究的三個實驗則為以后的研究提供了一些方向。 / One of the unique features in Chinese is that two levels of unit, character and word, are both related to meaning. Both of them have their own features. Most characters are composed by radicals which may give a cue to the characters’ pronunciation and meaning. Words are mostly composed by no less than two characters, and most of them are compound words which usually have 5 types of morphological structures according to the relationship between the meaning of the whole word and its component characters. Since both characters and words convey meaning, two questions arise: which of them is the basic unit of processing when people read, and what is the relationship between readers’ character and word processing. Previous research has provided some evidence to answer these questions. Although characters are the basic graphic units in Chinese script, several studies have shown that adults’ reading is based on words rather than on characters. Meanwhile, it has been found that the processing of words and characters also affect each other. / However, not many studies used children as participants. In this thesis, three experiments were designed to explore these two questions. Children of grade 3 and 5 in Hong Kong primary school were used as participants to investigate the developmental change. In experiment 1, children were asked to read single characters and words that were composed by these characters. Results showed that words actually helped children to recognize characters, for most errors in single character reading got corrected in word reading. Compared to older children, younger children’s character processing was more likely to rely on the context that the character might appear, for they had more errors than older children of confusing the correct character with the word related or meaning related ones. In experiment 2, the effect of word’s morphological structure on the component characters was examined. Three types of structures, i.e., modifier words, coordinative words and nonwords were used to make comparison. The results were opposite to the expectations, for the closer relationship with the word didn’t get any advantage for the second characters in modifier words in lexical decision task. Moreover, both P3 and P5 children’s performance in modifier words on the first character was better than on the second character, and this difference was even larger than in coordinative words and nonwords. Since children of both grades showed the same pattern, the word’s morphological structure still seemed to have effects on the component characters processing, although the mechanism was not clear. Experiment 3 compared the influence of pronunciation and graphemic similarity on word reading, and compared to older children, younger children were more likely to rely on pronunciation, which was consistent with previous studies. This study provided possible directions for future study, and more evidence on the relation between children’s character and word processing is still needed. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Li, Tong. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 55-62). / Abstracts also in Chinese; appendix includes Chinese. / Abstract --- p.i / Abstract (in Chinese) --- p.iii / Acknowledgements --- p.v / Table of contents --- p.vi / Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Introduction of the basic characteristics of Chinese characters and words --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- The relationship between processing of word and character --- p.7 / Chapter 1.3 --- The present study --- p.15 / Chapter 2 --- Experiment 1 --- p.18 / Chapter 2.1 --- Method --- p.18 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Participants --- p.18 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- Material --- p.18 / Chapter 2.2 --- Results --- p.20 / Chapter 2.3 --- Discussion --- p.26 / Chapter 3 --- Experiment 2 --- p.28 / Chapter 3.1 --- Method --- p.29 / Chapter 3.1.1 --- Participants --- p.29 / Chapter 3.1.2 --- Material --- p.29 / Chapter 3.1.3 --- Procedures --- p.33 / Chapter 3.2 --- Results --- p..34 / Chapter 3.3 --- Discussion --- p.35 / Chapter 4 --- Experiment 3 --- p.38 / Chapter 4.1 --- Method --- p.38 / Chapter 4.1.1 --- Participants --- p.38 / Chapter 4.1.2 --- Material --- p.38 / Chapter 4.1.3 --- Procedures --- p.39 / Chapter 4.2 --- Results --- p..40 / Chapter 4.3 --- Discussion --- p.42 / Chapter 5 --- General Discussion --- p.43 / Appendix --- p.48 / Bibliography --- p.54

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