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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The extent to which the teaching for understanding instruction/assessment practices in my classroom facilitate students' understanding of scientific processes and experimentation

Crittenden, Gwyndolyn Graham 01 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Xhosa-speaking learners reading comprehension in English first additional language : a reading intervention at a township high school

Matthews, Mona Magda 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the effect of a reading strategy instruction research intervention on Grade 8 isiXhosa-speaking learners‘ comprehension of English reading texts at a township high school. Throughout the years, South Africans have become increasingly aware of the poor literacy levels of the learners. Results from National Assessment Studies e.g., Annual National Assessments and Systemic Evaluation Assessment, performed annually by the Department of Education, as well as International Assessment Studies e.g., Southern African Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ III, 2007 and Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS 2006), confirm that our learners cannot read for meaning and therefore reading comprehension, is a severe concern. The Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS, 2011) places reading under three phases (pre-reading, reading and post-reading), however, it fails to place explicit focus on training teachers to instruct reading comprehension. With English becoming increasingly the language of instruction for non-English first language speakers (as in the case of the isiXhosa-speaking learners at the research school), there is a growing need to provide learners with techniques that will equip them to construct meaning from texts. This study, therefore, addresses the need for reading comprehension through the use of pre-selected, research-based reading strategies, that can be taught to the learners to improve their meaning-making efforts during the reading process. The reading strategies together with selected reading instruction activities aim to provide learners and teachers alike with sufficient guidance for implementing reading strategies and in the case of teachers, to encourage a sustained change in their comprehension instruction. This study applies a mixed-method methodology for gathering both quantitative and qualitative data. The purpose of the quantitative data is firstly to provide baseline data of reading-related abilities for learners before the implementation of the intervention, and secondly, to provide comparative data of strategy transfer after the intervention. The qualitative data is gathered through observations of the implementation of the reading strategies during the intervention, participants‘ journals and through samples of participants‘ work. The data aim to provide rich, in-depth data about how the participants in the research took on reading strategy instruction and the factors that influenced them. This study identified a number of issues: [1] participants‘ understanding of the content of the presented English reading texts during the intervention, [2] participants‘ low literacy levels, [3] participants‘ uptake of the concept of dealing with the different strategies while engaging with a text and [4] the school as a research site that affect reading strategy instruction to Grade 8 isiXhosa-speaking learners in a multilingual environment, but also highlighted the importance of continued implementation of reading instruction as crucial to its success. The findings of this study created a platform for teachers to instruct reading comprehension in different content subjects and provide learners with a selection of reading strategies that they can apply in making meaning of texts they encounter in different subject areas. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie fokus op die uitwerking van 'n leesstrategie onderrigintervensie wat onderrig word aan Graad 8 isiXhosa-sprekende leerders ter verbetering van hulle begrip van Engelse tekste by 'n plaaslike hoërskool. Deur die jare het Suid Afrikaners al hoe meer bewus geword van die kommerwekkende lae geletterdheidsvlakke van die leerders. Resultate van nasionale evaluering studies, byvoorbeeld, die Jaarlikse Nasionale Assessering en Sistemiese Evalueringtoetse, wat jaarliks uitgevoer word deur die Departement van Onderwys, asook internasionale evaluering studies, byvoorbeeld, Suidelike Afrikaanse Konsortium vir Monitering Opvoedkundige Kwaliteit (SACMEQ III, 2007) en Progressie in Internasionale Lees Geletterdheidstudie (PIRLS, 2006), bevestig dat ons leerders nie sinvol kan lees nie en derhalwe het hulle bevind dat leesbegrip 'n ernstige bron van kommer is. Die Kurrikulum en Assessering Beleidsverklaring (KABV, 2011), plaas lees onder drie fases (voor-lees, lees en na-lees), maar dit laat na om eksplisiete fokus te plaas op die opleiding van onderwysers om leesbegrip te onderrig. Met Engels wat toenemend die taal van onderrig vir nie-Engelssprekende eerstetaalleerders word (soos in die geval van isiXhosa-sprekende leerders by die navorsingskool), is daar 'n toenemende behoefte om leerders toe te rus met tegnieke om betekenis uit tekste te skep. Hierdie studie maak gebruik van voorafgeselekteerde, navorsingsgebaseerde leesstrategieë waarin leerders onderrig kan word ter verbetering van hulle pogings om betekenis te maak tydens die leesproses. Beide die leesstrategieë en geselekteerde leesonderrigaktiwiteite poog daarin om voldoende leiding te verskaf aan leerders sowel as onderwysers om die leesstrategieë te implementeer. Dit poog ook verder om volgehoue verandering in leesbegrip onderrig by onderwysers aan te moedig. Die studie maak gebruik van 'n gemengde-metode metodologie vir die insameling van kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data. Die doel van die kwantitatiewe data is eerstens om basisdata oor leesverwante vermoëns van leerders vóór die implementering van die intervensie te verskaf, en tweedens dien dit as vergelykbare data van strategie metingsoordrag ná die intervensie. Die kwalitatiewe data is versamel deur waarnemings gedurende die implementering van leesstrategieë tydens die intervensie, dagboek- inskrywings van navorsingsleerders asook voorbeelde van leerders se werk. Die data verskaf ryk, diepgaande data oor die manier waarop die deelnemers die onderrig van leesstrategieë aangeneem het en die faktore wat hulle beïnvloed het. Die studie het 'n aantal kwessies: [1] deelnemers se begrip van die inhoud van Engelse leestekste gedurende die intervensie, [2] deelnemers se lae geletterheidsvlakke, [3] aanvaarding van leesstrategie-onderrig deur die leerders en [4] die skool as navorsingsplek identifiseer wat leesstrategieonderrig aan Graad 8 isiXhosa-sprekende leerders in 'n meertalige omgewing beïnvloed, maar terselfdertyd het dit die belangrikheid van volgehoue implementering van leesonderrig beklemtoon as onontbeerlik vir die sukses daarvan. Die bevindings van die studie het 'n platform daargestel vir onderwysers om leesbegrip in verskillende inhoudsvakke te onderrig, asook 'n seleksie van leesstrategieë wat leerders kan toepas in hulle poging om betekenis te maak van tekste waarmee hulle in verskillende vakinhoude te doen kry.

Cultural schemata and ESL reading in secondary school students of Hong Kong.

January 1995 (has links)
Sin Sui Fan. / Thesis (M.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1995. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 53-62). / Acknowledgments / Abstract / Page / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- Literature Review / Chapter 2.1 --- Reading Processes / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Bottom-up Processing --- p.3 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- Top-down Processing --- p.4 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- Schema Processing --- p.6 / Chapter 2.2 --- Cultural Schemata --- p.10 / Chapter 2.3 --- Pop Culture and Secondary School ESL Learners / Chapter 2.3.1 --- Pop Culture and Adolescents --- p.14 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- Academic Performance and Pop Music --- p.18 / Chapter 2.3.3 --- The Hong Kong Phenomenon / Chapter (i) --- Pop Singers and. Secondary School Learners --- p.21 / Chapter (ii) --- A Potential Aid to ESL Reading --- p.24 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- Design of the Study / Chapter 3.1 --- Objective --- p.26 / Chapter 3.2 --- Methodology --- p.27 / Chapter 3.3 --- The Pilot Study / Chapter 3.3.1 --- Subjects --- p.29 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- Procedure --- p.29 / Chapter 3.3.3 --- Results --- p.30 / Chapter 3.3.4 --- Proposed Refinement for the Main Study --- p.32 / Chapter 3.4 --- The Main Study / Chapter 3.4.1 --- Subjects --- p.34 / Chapter 3.4.2 --- Procedure --- p.34 / Chapter 3.4.3 --- Data Analysis --- p.34 / Chapter 3.5 --- Limitations of the Study --- p.36 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- Results --- p.37 / Chapter Chapter 5 --- Discussion and Suggestions / Chapter 5.1 --- Discussion --- p.44 / Chapter 5.2 --- Pedagogical Suggestions --- p.49 / Chapter 5.3 --- Suggestions for Further Studies --- p.52 / References --- p.53 / Appendices / Chapter IA. --- Reading passages in the pilot study --- p.63 / Chapter B. --- Questionnaire on pop culture in the pilot study --- p.65 / Chapter C. --- Administration Procedure in the pilot study --- p.66 / Chapter IIA. --- Reading passages in the main study --- p.67 / Chapter B. --- Questionnaire on pop culture in the main study --- p.69 / Chapter C. --- Administration Procedure in the main study --- p.70 / Chapter IIIA. --- Statistical results for the whole group --- p.71 / Chapter B. --- Statistical results for subgroup A --- p.76 / Chapter C. --- Statistical results for subgroup B --- p.78

Increasing comprehension strategies through reciprocal teaching

Benosa, Kathlyn Garcia 01 January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of the study was twofold. First, it describes two research-based instructional strategies that have been effective in increasing reading comprehension (reciprocal teaching and using readers' response journals). Second, a quasi-experimental research design was created to determine the educational impact of these two strategies on the reading comprehension levels of elementary-aged English Language Learners (ELLs). The data was collected from a low socioeconomic elementary school, specifically looking at a second grade classroom. The classroom demographic included eighteen students, ten of which were English Language Learners. Both informal and formal assessments were used to determine growth across time. The overall findings gleaned from the formal assessments revealed that the ELLs significantly increased their reading comprehension scores by 12%. Using both strategies has demonstrated not only the increase in reading comprehension with non-English speaking students but also with English-speaking students.

Effects of cognitive strategy instruction on reading comprehension foracademically low achieving students

Lee, Chun-wah., 李振華. January 1999 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

Om tot beter verstaan van die leesproses te kom - 'n outobiografiese narratief

Hanekom, Annatjie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / An autobiographical narrative is imparted through different phases of understanding of the reading process, which developed over time in various fields in education. The reading process is discussed from different perspectives, based on own experience: as initial reader who has to master the reading process in a period when meaning of the context is of minor consideration, as teacher of young and struggling readers, as trainer of candidate remedial teachers, as curriculum and resource developer and author of publications with the objective of making the reading process more accessible to learners and teachers, and ultimately as in-service trainer of teachers in an era when children's reading skills deteriorate markedly. After critical reflection and consideration it was concluded that teachers involved in reading instruction and support are empowered only if they can critically reflect on and examine their personal practices in view of a good understanding of the reading process. Different models of understanding, developed over time, were utilised for better insight.

The effects of the learn to read : reading to learn approach on the academic literacy performance of students in the BCOM4 English language and development programme.

Steinke, Kellie. January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation reports on a study to determine the effects of using the Learn to Read: Reading to Learn approach (R2L), as developed by Dr David Rose, on BCom4 Access Level students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The aim of the study was to examine the effects of the approach on learners‘ reading abilities and subsequent ability to write and structure texts according to the conventions required by the particular academic context (genre). Forty-six students who registered for the first year BCom4 Access English Language and Development Programme in 2011 participated. All these students come from disadvantaged backgrounds, where there has been a lack of both access to and a culture of reading. The intention of the intervention, if it proved successful in improving the academic literacy levels of participants, was to recommend the implementation of the R2L approach across the additional disciplines of BCom4. An Action Research approach was used, as well as a Case Study, beginning in February 2011 and ending November 2011. The participating students were taught to read selected texts and scaffolded in independent writing of the texts using the six stages of the R2L teaching cycle. Out of the original 46 students, ten were closely tracked. Various data were collected and analysed during the study period. The data from tracked students included pre- and post-intervention reading assessments; a questionnaire; assessments from written texts in the form of assignments, tests and examinations; and data from a focus group interview. Data collected from the entire study group includes written and verbal feedback concerning the effects of the approach. In addition, feedback from other lecturers within the BCom4 course was also recorded and described. The quantitative findings indicate that reading levels of the students increased between one and three levels over the study period, in keeping with the claims that R2L makes about its own efficacy. Comparisons were made of overall results for term and examination marks over both semesters. These consisted of written assignments and tests. The results showed that there was a general decrease in the marks achieved in the first semester of between 2 and 11% in semester scores and between 5 and 18% in the examination scores. This may have been due to the increase in the level difficulty of writing tasks throughout the year. The written assignments of the students also under-went detailed analysis, which indicated a significant improvement in writing at both the macro and micro levels of text, namely referencing, staging, grammar, spelling and punctuation. On a qualitative level, students and academic staff have noted beneficial effects of the approach in terms of the improvement of the reading and comprehension of texts in English as well as in related disciplines such as economics and mathematics. These findings correlate with R2L claims that it is able to improve the literacy performance of students between two and four levels across a one year period. This improvement is independent of the previous literacy history of students and can be applied across the curriculum, from foundational to tertiary education levels. The implications of these findings lead to recommendations that R2L continue to be developed and adapted for South African conditions and that it should be implemented across all modules within the Bcom4 Access programme at UKZN. In order to achieve its full potential in improving academic literacy, the R2L approach needs to function across the curriculum and not just remain in the domain of foundational or English language educators. The seriousness of the poor educational system in South Africa demands that all educators begin to see themselves as teachers of continued reading, whether their disciplines are Mathematics, Science or English language teaching. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.

Relationships between reading ability, vocabulary, reading attitudes and academic perfomance among form 5 learners in Swaziland's public schools

Nxumalo, Mlungisi Wellington 05 1900 (has links)
It is well documented that reading plays a crucial role in success at school and beyond. Studies indicate that reading not only contributes to academic performance, but also enriches vocabulary. Positive reading attitudes and the will to read are factors that determine whether or not students read at school. However, not much reading research has been conducted in Swaziland. Using Form 5 learners from four public schools, this study explores the relationships between reading ability, vocabulary, reading attitudes, habits and access and academic performance among Form 5 Swazi learners. To complement the quantitative study, classroom observations were conducted to contextualise the quantitative results. The combined findings indicate that reading correlates robustly with vocabulary development and also with academic performance. The findings suggest that the ability to read and understand text plays a dynamic role in academic success. For students to be well informed and have a rich vocabulary, schools should make reading a priority. Key words: Reading comprehension, vocabulary knowledge / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M.A. (Applied Linguistics)

Strategies for monolingual instructions to use when teaching reading comprehension to bilingual students

Bastian, Toni Marie 01 January 2001 (has links)
The major finding of this project is that through the use of multiple sign systems, monolingual teachers can support their bilingual students. These strategies employ the use of comprehensible input from the teacher, peer interaction, extended lanuage and activities for the students whose primary focus is to help the students make connections from the text to their own lives.

Comprehension strategies for second grade students using California Young Reader Medal nominated books for 2000

Van Allen, Donna Lea 01 January 2000 (has links)
The purpose of this project will be to supply teachers, specifically those of second grade students, with a variety of activities that match to appropriate comprehension strategies using California Young Reader Medal nominated books for the year 2000 at the primary level as read-alouds.

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