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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Festiketten : Developement of an E-commerce Web Application for custom designed bottle labels

Berner, Ellen, Björkrot, Emil, Grip, Didrik, Jonsson, Alma, Kozma, Andreas, Wikblad, Ludwig, Wikström, Johan, Österlund, Mathias January 2015 (has links)
The report examines how an online store for custom designed bottle labels can be developed as a web application, and aims to contribute to the existing research on web design. The development is based on the vision” to provide custom labels through an online store which puts the icing on the cake for your special occasion”, with persons in the age 25-40 who are planning a wedding or another large event as target group. The technical methods which can be used are presented in the report and what impact they had on the competitive aspects of the online store. Design strategies for building user trust are discussed among others, as essential parts of e-commerce according to the presented theory. Furthermore, the report presents more concrete technical methods for increasing the competitiveness such as faster loading times and search engine optimization. Especially loading times plays a central role for the success of a web application according to the related theory. The methods which has been used and why, considering the collected theory, are presented in the report. The conclusions of the report states that an online store successfully can be developed using an agile methodology such as Scrum and that it can take benefits from being implemented as a single page application. Developing a design tool for custom bottle labels proved to be a difficult balancing act between customization and simplicity. / Denna rapport undersöker hur en e-butik för försäljning av egendesignade flasketiketter kan utvecklas som webbapplikation, och syftar till att bidra till den existerande forskningen kring webbutveckling. Utvecklandet utgår från visionen "att genom en e-butik tillhandahålla personliga etiketter som sätter guldkant på ditt evenemang", med personer i 25-40 årsåldern som planerar bröllop eller någon annan större fest som målgrupp. I rapporten presenteras de tekniska metoder som kan användas, och vad de har för påverkan på de konkurrensmässiga aspekterna av e-butiken. Bland annat behandlas designstrategier för att skapa förtroende hos användaren, en essentiell del i e-handel enligt den teori som presenteras i rapporten. Vidare presenteras även mer konkreta tekniska aspekter för att utöka konkurrenskraften såsom snabbare laddningstider och sökmotoroptimering. Framförallt spelar laddningstider en central roll för webbapplikationers framgång enligt den framtagna teorin. De metoder som valts utifrån den framtagna teorin och varför presenteras sedan i rapporten. Slutsatserna blir att en e-butik med fördel kan vara en single-page applikation och utvecklas agilt enligt Scrum. Att utveckla ett designverktyg för personliga flasketiketter visade sig vara en svår balansgång mellan valfrihet och enkelhet.

Svenska kommuners konkreta arbete kring öppen data : En studie med fokus på resurser, hantering av hinder, aktiviteter, spridning och effekter

Söderqvist, Gustaf, Eriksson, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats är en kvalitativ undersökning av tre svenska kommuners arbete med öppen data. Öppen data är ett begrepp vilket syftar på data som blivit digitalt tillgängligt för vem som helst att använda. Undersökningen är gjord enligt Växjö kommuns önskan om att ta reda på hur kommuner i Sverige rent konkret arbetat med detta område. Undersökning riktar sig även till alla som har ett intresse kring ämnet, då området är högst aktuellt i dagens samhälle då allt fler kommuner i Sverige börjar tillgängliggöra öppen data. Förespråkarna för ämnet ser en rad positiva effekter så som ökad insyn i organisationer och mervärde till medborgarna i form av nya tjänster och nya innovativa lösningar. Den tidigare forskningen kring öppen data har främst fokuserat dess effekter och då nästan helt uteslutande på vilka positiva effekter som kan uppstå. Forskningen går även rent allmänt in på en rad rekommendationer kring tillgängliggörandet av öppen data. Dock saknas det forskning kring hur svenska kommuner rent konkret har gått till väga för att tillgängliggöra information för allmänheten. Metodvalet är kvalitativa intervjuer genom telefon, följt av en kvalitativ analysmetod genom följande steg: beskrivning, systematisering och kategorisering samt kombination. Som hjälp vid analys skapades interventionsteorier för varje intervjuad kommun. En interventionsteori är en grafisk illustration av en arbetsprocess, vilket användes för att på ett enhetligt, strukturerat och grafiskt sätt visualisera kommunernas arbete med öppen data. Vid analys och sammanfattning av kommunernas arbete framkom det att områdena resurser, hantering av hinder, aktiviteter, spridning och effekter var centrala moment i deras arbete. Resultatet presenteras genom en beskrivning av varje kommuns arbete med öppen data, samt en grafisk illustration i form av interventionsteorier. Efter presentationen av resultatet jämförs resultatet mot tidigare forskning kring området, avslutningsvis förs en resultat- och metoddiskussion. Slutsatsen blev att man bör starta upp ett öppen data-projekt i liten skala, samt att tidigt börja arbeta praktisk. Inga negativa effekter kommer upplevas, men projektet kommer behöva arbeta hårt för att öka dess spridning och användning. Öppen data kommer även generera i olika positiva effekter som exempelvis ökad insyn. Avslutningsvis presenteras en rad förslag till fortsatt forskning kring området

A Deterministic MAC Protocol to Handle Emergency Traffic in IWSN

Lavassani, Mehrzad January 2015 (has links)
Characteristic driven benets of wireless sensor networks increased the tendency of applying this technology in industrial automation systems. While WSN is a low cost and easy maintenance solution for the current wired systems, it also introduces some challenges to design and development of protocols suitable for industrial environment. Some of essential requirements of industrial automation systems are reliability and real-time communication. Wireless communication on the other hand, essentially cannot offer any guarantee on timely or reliable delivery of data specially considering harsh industrial environments with high possibility of noise and interference. To this end, different techniques and methods in form of transport, MAC or cross-layer protocols is needed to overcome shortcomings of IWSNs to meet requirements of industrial automation systems.The problem though gets more complicated when any uncommon event such as industrial accident or device failure occurs in the network solely or simultaneously. In both case, these events need to be delivered for further process by network manager and possible repercussion by actuators. This thesis addresses the open issue of timely delivery of this safety critical tracin IWSN with no assumption of solely appearance of them with minimum disturbance of cyclic traffic of not effected portion of the network. In this thesis a TDMA based MAC protocol for handling critical trac in IWSN is proposed. Handling critical trac is done by introducing contention free periods which formed of several TDMA subslots for transmitting fixed reduced size emergency packets. This protocol narrows delay of the critical trac to less than a timeframe in cost of less than 8:85% of cyclic packet delay in the worst case with 20% of offered load being emergency. Performanceanalysis of proposed MAC protocol shows improvement of event delivery and packet delivery ratio in comparison with WirelessHART MAC protocol.

Line Graph Utility : A software module for routing

Bergman, Jonas January 2015 (has links)
This project was about building a line graph utility, a software module that should read mapdata from a PostGIS database and transform that information into a line graph (edge based graph) that the calling software could use to perform routing decisions. This outer calling application is part of a project (by an anonymized company) for flexible public transportation, that is meant to manage and direct a fleet of vehicles to where the customers actually are, instead of idling at bus stops. The software module should take different kinds of restrictions and conditions into account when building the line graph, to reflect the actual traffic situation.That can be turn restrictions, traffic signs, inclination, or conditions such as temporary hindrances, time of day. Some are static, but others vary dynamically and the state is to befound in the database. This study has found a set of tools that aids in the transformation of OpenStreetMap data into a PostGIS database; for building the topology of the map; querying the database; and data structures for representing the graph and line graph. The result of the project is a piece of working software that can return a line graph as a Boost graph with some restrictions taken into account, but it has not yet implemented the mall, and more specifically, it does not handle conditional restrictions yet. There remains a good deal of work to implement all that complex logic.

Utvärdering av databehandlingssystem

Ohlin, Tomas January 1971 (has links)
No description available.

Resource Augmentation for Performance Guarantees in Embedded Real-time Systems

Thekkilakattil, Abhilash January 2012 (has links)
Real-time scheduling policies have been widely studied, with many known schedulability and feasibility analysis techniques for different task models, that have advanced the state-of-the-art. Most of these techniques are typically derived under the assumption of negligible runtime overheads which may not be realistic for modern embedded real-time systems, and hence potentially compromises the guarantees on their correct behaviors. This calls for methods to reason about the functioning of the system under the presence of such overheads as well as to predictably control them. Controlling these overheads may place additional performance demands, consequently requiring more resources such as faster processors. At the same time, the need for energy efficiency in these class of systems further complicates the problem and necessitates a holistic approach. In this thesis, we apply resource augmentation, viz., processor speed-up, to guarantee desired real-time properties even under the presence of runtime overheads. We specifically consider preemptions and faults that, at runtime, manifest as overheads in the system in various ways. Our aim is to provide specified non-preemption and fault tolerance feasibility guarantees in a real-time system. We first propose offline and online methods, that uses CPU frequency scaling, to control the number of preemptions in periodic and sporadic task systems, under a preemptive Fixed Priority Scheduling (FPS) policy. Furthermore, we derive the resource augmentation bound, specifically the upper-bound on the lowest processor speed, that guarantees the feasibility of a specified non-preemption behavior for any real-time task. We show that, for any task Ti , the resource augmentation bound that guarantees a non- reemptive execution for a specified duration Li , is given by 4Li/Dmin, where Dmin  is the shortest deadline in the task set. Consequently, we show that the upper-bound on the lowest processor speed that guarantees the feasibility of a non-preemptive schedule for the task set is 4Cmax/Dmin, where Cmax  is the largest execution time in the task set. We then propose a method to guarantee specified upper-bounds on the preemption related overheads in the schedule. We first translate the requirements of meeting specified upper-bounds on the preemption related overheads to a set of non-preemption requirements for the task set. The resource augmentation bound in conjunction with a sensitivity analysis is used to calculate the optimal processor speed that guarantees the derived non-preemption requirements, achieving the specified bounds on the preemption related costs. Finally, we derive the resource augmentation bound that guarantees the fault tolerance feasibility of a set of real-time tasks under an error burst of known length. We show that if the error burst length is no longer than half the shortest deadline in the task set, the resource augmentation bound that guarantees fault tolerance feasibility is 6.  Our contribution bounds the extra resources, specifically the required processor speed-up, that provides specified non-preemption and fault tolerance feasibility guarantees in a real-time system. It allows us to quantify the 'goodness' of non-preemptive scheduling, referred to as its sub-optimality, as compared to an optimal uni-processor scheduling algorithm, in terms of the required processor speed-up that guarantees a non-preemptive schedule for any uni-processor feasible task set. We intend to extend this work to provide non-preemption and fault tolerance feasibility guarantees in multi-processor systems.

En interaktiv GIS- och Webb-baserad övning : baserad på Open Source

Fredriksson, Lukas January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Numerical simulation of solitons in the nerve axon using finite differences

Werpers, Jonatan January 2014 (has links)
A High-order accurate finite difference scheme is derived for a non-linear soliton model of nerve signal propagation in axons. Boundary conditions yielding well-posed problems are suggested and included in the scheme using a penalty technique. Stability is shown using the summation-by-parts framework for a frozen parameter version of the non-linear problem.

Home Storage Manager

Fohlin, Johan January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Informationsarkitektur för militära piloter : Tillämpning och utvärdering av metoder från fältet

Charlie, Forsgren January 2015 (has links)
Luftstridsskolan upplever problem med deras digitala resurser eftersom de saknar överblick och vet inte hur studerande använder dessa. Infor- mationsarkitektur är ett område som bemöter dessa problem och dess metodiska ramverk kommer i detta arbete att användas för att kartlägga resurser, se hur dessa används och slutligen skapa en ny struktur att pre- sentera resurserna i.

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