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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rotating Disk Electrode Design for Concentration Measurements in Flowing Molten Chloride Salts

Sullivan, Kelly Marie 25 July 2022 (has links)
Over the past several years as interest in cleaner energy sources has grown nuclear power has come to the forefront. However, as interest in nuclear power grows so does the concern over the amount of high-level radioactive waste produced. Currently, the most popular way to deal with spent nuclear fuel is interim storage until a viable treatment option becomes available. Simply waiting for spent fuel to become safe to handle will take thousands of years and is not a reasonable long-term solution. We will soon run out of space in our spent fuel pools and while more dry storage space can be found it is not an ideal solution. One answer to this problem is the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. This could be done with either the plutonium uranium reduction extraction (PUREX) method or the pyroprocessing method. Since PUREX does not have the same level of built-in proliferation resistance as pyroprocessing, pyroprocessing is starting to be seen as a good alternative method. Pyroprocessing would take the spent nuclear fuel from a light water reactor and make it into a metal-based fuel that could be used in certain advanced reactors. Molten salt reactors are of particular interest when it comes to reprocessing spent nuclear fuel because of their unique property of using a liquid fuel. Molten salt reactors and spent fuel reprocessors could be directly connected which would save both time and money as little storage and transportation would need to be considered. Regardless of how and where the used nuclear fuel is being recycled it is important to be able to keep track of the major actinides and fission products in the fuel as it moves through the process. Electrochemical concentration measurements are straightforward and well understood in static cases when there is only a single element to consider. When additional elements are added, or the system is flowing rather than static, things get slightly more complicated but are still decently well understood. However, in the case of spent fuel reprocessing the system is both be flowing and contains much more than a single element. This case is not well understood and is what this study attempts to understand. Two different rotating electrodes were designed to simulate flowing conditions in an electrochemical cell. The first was a tungsten rotating disk electrode (RDE) and the second was a graphite RDE. We were not able to fully insulate the tungsten RDE and were therefore unable to achieve reliable results. Because of this the tungsten design was put aside in favor of the graphite design, which did prove to be sufficiently insulated. The graphite RDE was tested in two different salt systems: LiCl-KCl-NiCl2-CrCl2 and LiCl-KCl-EuCl3-SmCl3. In the nickel-chromium system the graphite RDE produced the expected results. The calculated nickel concentration was found to be within 10% of the measured concentration. Calculations of the chromium concentration, however, were not possible due to the deposition of nickel on the graphite surface, which increased the surface area of the working electrode. When the graphite RDE was tested in the second system it was first tested in the ternary salt LiCl-KCl-EuCl3 and was able to produce decent results. The concentration of europium calculated from the scan was within 10% of the measured value. When the RDE was tested in the LiCl-KCl-EuCl3-SmCl3 salt the results did not come out as expected. Several rather noisy CV curves were obtained and no alterations to the cell seemed to affect them. At this point it was determined that the reason for the confused scans was a connection problem that could not be remedied within the time frame of this study. While this study does not accomplish the task it set out to do, it is a good step in the direction toward understanding flowing systems containing more than a single element of interest and has successfully designed a reliable graphite RDE. / Master of Science / As interest in nuclear power continues to grow, so does the concern over the amount of high-level nuclear waste produced. More nuclear power means more nuclear reactors and thus more spent nuclear fuel to be dealt with. Currently most used nuclear fuel ends up in interim storage facilities where it is meant to wait until it is safe to handle, which could take several thousand years, or until a reliable disposal method is determined. On this path the amount of spent fuel that requires storage will quickly overrun the amount of storage space safely available. One way to reduce the amount of nuclear waste is to reprocess it to be used as fuel for different types of reactors. The pyroprocessing method takes the spent nuclear fuel from a typical light water reactor and recycles it into fuel that can be used in certain types of advanced reactors, such as molten salt reactors (MSR) and sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFR). The reprocessing system works to separate the usable actinide elements, such as uranium and plutonium, from any fission products or other contaminants. During these processes it is important to be able to keep track of the concentrations of each of these different elements to ensure proper separation. This study examines the use of two rotating disk electrode (RDE) designs that are meant to simulate the flowing conditions found in many reprocessing systems. These RDEs were to be used to measure the concentrations of different elements in molten salt systems. The first design, a tungsten RDE, could not be properly insulated and thus was unable to produce reliable results when tested in the electrochemical cell. The second design was a graphite RDE. This design did prove to be properly insulated and was able to produce good results when tested in the cell. The graphite RDE was tested in both LiCl-KCl-NiCl2-CrCl2 and LiCl-KCl-EuCl3-SmCl3. In the first system the concentration of nickel was correctly calculated using the data collected with the graphite RDE, while the chromium concentration could not be due to the nickel deposition on the graphite. In the second system, good results were obtained before the SmCl3 was added to the salt. At this point a connection error became apparent and reliable results were no longer possible. Further study is needed to understand the LiCl-KCl-EuCl3-SmCl3 system using the graphite RDE.

Mesures in-situ à haute résolution par spectrométrie laser de CH4, CO2 et H2O dans l’atmosphère moyenne sous ballons météoroligiques. / In-situ high resolution measurements by laser spectrometry of CH4, CO2 and H2O in the middle atmosphere under meteorological balloons.

Ghysels, Mélanie 30 November 2012 (has links)
Les travaux exposés dans ce manuscrit concernent le développement de spectromètres laser pour la mesure in-situ de CH4, CO2 et H2O dans l'atmosphère moyenne ainsi que la spectroscopie associée, l'inversion des données atmosphériques et les premières campagnes ballon. La première partie de ce manuscrit décrit le contexte scientifique qui a conduit au développement des spectromètres laser et donne un état de l'art en matière instrumentale. La seconde partie décrit deux études spectroscopiques portant sur le multiplet R(6) du méthane à 3.24µm et sur les transitions R18e et R20e du dioxyde de carbone à 2.68µm pour l'inversion des mesures atmosphériques. La troisième partie de ce manuscrit porte sur le développement des spectromètres PicoSDLA-CH4 dédié à la mesure de CH4 dans l'atmosphère à 3.24µm, utilisant une source laser à différence de fréquence, et PicoSDLA-CO2 dédié à la mesure de CO2 à 2.68µm avec une diode à antimoniure. Ces spectromètres ont réalisé plusieurs vols sous ballons stratosphériques en 2010, 2011 et 2012. Les résultats de ces campagnes sont exposés dans la quatrième partie du manuscrit. / This thesis reports the development of laser spectrometers dedicated to in-situ measurements of CH4, CO2 et H2O in the middle atmosphere. It includes the development of the prototypes, the associated spectroscopy, the concentration data retrieval as well as the first balloon campaigns. The first part of the thesis describes the scientific framework and it further gives a state of art of the instrumental field. The second part gives the results from a spectroscopic study on the R(6) manifold of CH4 at 3.24µm and on the R18e and R20e lines of CO2 at 2.68µm in order to allow an accurate concentration retrieval. The third part details the development of the PicoSDLA-CH4 spectrometer dedicated to the in-situ measurements of CH4 at 3.24µm, using a difference frequency generation (DFG) laser source, and the development of PicoSDLA-CO2, a sensor dedicated to measurements of CO2 at 2.68µm using antimonide laser diodes. Both spectrometers were involved in three balloon campaigns in 2010, 2011 and 2012; the results are presented in the fourth part of the thesis.

Beiträge zur Untersuchung des Strahlaustrittsverhaltens aus Effusionskühlbohrungen

Schlott, André 07 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die Kühlung thermisch hoch belasteter Bauteile wird häufig mit Kühlverfahren realisiert, die auf dem Prinzip des Massetransports durch die Bauteilwand beruhen. Neben der Film- und Transpirationskühlung gehört die Effusionskühlung zu diesen Verfahren und basiert auf einer Reihe oder einem Raster von Bohrungen. Dieser Ansatz ermöglicht sowohl den Abtransport von Wärme aus dem Bauteil als auch die Ausbildung eines schützenden Kühlmittelfilms auf der Bauteiloberfläche. Viele Autoren beschäftigten sich in ihren Arbeiten mit den Auswirkungen der Filmkühlung auf den Wärmeübergang an der Bauteilwand und definierten einen Filmkühlwirkungsgrad, der die Effektivität der Kühlung widerspiegelt. Auch die Freistrahlen aus Effusionskühlbohrungen wurden mit diesen Mitteln untersucht und eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Einflussgrößen auf den Filmkühlwirkungsgrad identifiziert. Dazu gehören insbesondere geometrische Bedingungen, wie z.B. der Bohrungswinkel, das Verhältnis von Länge zu Durchmesser der Bohrung und die Austrittsgeometrie der Bohrungen. In späteren Beiträgen analysierten verschiedene Autoren die Einflüsse der Turbulenz sowie der Stoffwerte von Kühlmittel und Hauptströmung. Dabei kamen meist Luft und seltener Kohlendioxid oder Stickstoff als Kühlmittel zum Einsatz. In den letzten Jahren wurde das Verhalten des Kühlmittelstrahls vor allem numerisch untersucht. Dabei beschränkte sich das Berechnungsgebiet oftmals auf das direkte Umfeld der Effusionskühlbohrung und die Identifikation und Beschreibung auftretender Wirbelstrukturen. Der Bereich weiter stromab der Bohrung blieb oft unberücksichtigt. Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt den Ansatz, den Kühlmittelstrahl in der Hauptströmung zu beobachten. Das wird durch die Verwendung von Helium und Argon als Kühlmittel möglich, denn diese Gase können in der Luftströmung detektiert werden. Durch eine in zwei Richtungen bewegliche Kombisonde wird Gas aus der Grenzschicht abgesaugt und die Konzentration des Kühlmittels bestimmt. Die so an diskreten Punkten stromab der Effusionskühlbohrung erhaltenen Konzentrations- und Geschwindigkeitsprofile ermöglichen die Verfolgung des Kühlmittelstrahls und dessen Wechselwirkungen mit der Hauptströmung. Für eine vergleichende Analyse der gemessenen Profile entstand ein empirisches Verfahren zur Systematisierung der gesamten Messdaten. Die Definition einer mittleren Kühlmittelkonzentration innerhalb einer zweckmäßig festgelegten Höhe über der Wand und eines normierten Einblasparameters, der das Verhältnis der molaren Massen von Kühlmittel und Hauptströmung berücksichtigt, sind der Kern des empirischen Verfahrens. Für Vergleiche mit der Literatur erfolgte die Berechnung eines Filmkühlwirkungsgrads auf Basis der Massebilanz in der Grenzschicht und der mittleren Kühlmittelkonzentration. Während der Datenauswertung zeigte sich, dass der Bohrungswinkel einen geringen Einfluss auf die mittlere Kühlmittelkonzentration hat und so ein Bohrungswinkel von 30° ein guter Kompromiss zwischen Herstellungsaufwand und Kühlwirkung ist. Kühlmedien mit geringer molarer Masse und hoher spezifischer Wärmekapazität sollten bevorzugt werden, da deren Kühlwirkung hoch, der Einfluss auf die Grenzschicht aber gering ist. / The cooling of thermally heavily loaded components is commonly performed by injecting a mass flow through the component’s wall into the hot flow, which is called Film cooling. The main goal is to form a coolant film to reduce the hot side heat transfer and to absorb thermal energy in order to protect the component’s wall. There are different techniques available called film cooling, transpiration cooling and effusion cooling. By applying transpiration cooling, the cooling fluid is injected through a porous material into the hot gas flow. Unfortunately, these porous materials do not have the physical strength required to work within gas turbines. If the injection is done with a row or a pattern of holes so the cooling film is renewed at certain positions, the cooling technique is called effusion cooling. Film cooling means the injection of fluid through a slot without renewing the film. Many authors analyze the effect of the film or effusion cooling on the wall temperature, the heat transfer coefficient or the cooling effectiveness. Many influencing factors were identified, such as the length to diameter relation, the hole’s alignment, fluid properties as well as turbulence and vortices. Recent works use numerical simulations to investigate the turbulent flow and vortex development in the near field of the injection hole. Due to the complexity of the simulation, the effects far downstream area were not covered by these simulations. This work investigates the behavior of the cooling jet within the boundary layer above the wall. Therefore a foreign gas (Helium, Argon) was injected as coolant into a cross flow and a pitot probe was used to get gas samples out of the boundary layer and the coolant gas fraction was measured. The measured concentration was empirically systematized by comparative data analysis. Therefore, a mean concentration within a certain height above the wall was calculated. Also a normed blowing rate was used to include the molar masses of coolant and cross flow. With this mean concentration a cooling effectiveness is calculated based on a balance model and compared to the results in the literature. As a result of the data evaluation, the hole’s angle was found to have a minor influence on the mean coolant concentration. An angle of about 30° is a good compromise between production effort and cooling efficiency. Also coolant fluids with a low molar mass and high specific heat capacity should be preferred because of their low impact on the boundary layer.

Beiträge zur Untersuchung des Strahlaustrittsverhaltens aus Effusionskühlbohrungen

Schlott, André 08 December 2016 (has links)
Die Kühlung thermisch hoch belasteter Bauteile wird häufig mit Kühlverfahren realisiert, die auf dem Prinzip des Massetransports durch die Bauteilwand beruhen. Neben der Film- und Transpirationskühlung gehört die Effusionskühlung zu diesen Verfahren und basiert auf einer Reihe oder einem Raster von Bohrungen. Dieser Ansatz ermöglicht sowohl den Abtransport von Wärme aus dem Bauteil als auch die Ausbildung eines schützenden Kühlmittelfilms auf der Bauteiloberfläche. Viele Autoren beschäftigten sich in ihren Arbeiten mit den Auswirkungen der Filmkühlung auf den Wärmeübergang an der Bauteilwand und definierten einen Filmkühlwirkungsgrad, der die Effektivität der Kühlung widerspiegelt. Auch die Freistrahlen aus Effusionskühlbohrungen wurden mit diesen Mitteln untersucht und eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Einflussgrößen auf den Filmkühlwirkungsgrad identifiziert. Dazu gehören insbesondere geometrische Bedingungen, wie z.B. der Bohrungswinkel, das Verhältnis von Länge zu Durchmesser der Bohrung und die Austrittsgeometrie der Bohrungen. In späteren Beiträgen analysierten verschiedene Autoren die Einflüsse der Turbulenz sowie der Stoffwerte von Kühlmittel und Hauptströmung. Dabei kamen meist Luft und seltener Kohlendioxid oder Stickstoff als Kühlmittel zum Einsatz. In den letzten Jahren wurde das Verhalten des Kühlmittelstrahls vor allem numerisch untersucht. Dabei beschränkte sich das Berechnungsgebiet oftmals auf das direkte Umfeld der Effusionskühlbohrung und die Identifikation und Beschreibung auftretender Wirbelstrukturen. Der Bereich weiter stromab der Bohrung blieb oft unberücksichtigt. Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt den Ansatz, den Kühlmittelstrahl in der Hauptströmung zu beobachten. Das wird durch die Verwendung von Helium und Argon als Kühlmittel möglich, denn diese Gase können in der Luftströmung detektiert werden. Durch eine in zwei Richtungen bewegliche Kombisonde wird Gas aus der Grenzschicht abgesaugt und die Konzentration des Kühlmittels bestimmt. Die so an diskreten Punkten stromab der Effusionskühlbohrung erhaltenen Konzentrations- und Geschwindigkeitsprofile ermöglichen die Verfolgung des Kühlmittelstrahls und dessen Wechselwirkungen mit der Hauptströmung. Für eine vergleichende Analyse der gemessenen Profile entstand ein empirisches Verfahren zur Systematisierung der gesamten Messdaten. Die Definition einer mittleren Kühlmittelkonzentration innerhalb einer zweckmäßig festgelegten Höhe über der Wand und eines normierten Einblasparameters, der das Verhältnis der molaren Massen von Kühlmittel und Hauptströmung berücksichtigt, sind der Kern des empirischen Verfahrens. Für Vergleiche mit der Literatur erfolgte die Berechnung eines Filmkühlwirkungsgrads auf Basis der Massebilanz in der Grenzschicht und der mittleren Kühlmittelkonzentration. Während der Datenauswertung zeigte sich, dass der Bohrungswinkel einen geringen Einfluss auf die mittlere Kühlmittelkonzentration hat und so ein Bohrungswinkel von 30° ein guter Kompromiss zwischen Herstellungsaufwand und Kühlwirkung ist. Kühlmedien mit geringer molarer Masse und hoher spezifischer Wärmekapazität sollten bevorzugt werden, da deren Kühlwirkung hoch, der Einfluss auf die Grenzschicht aber gering ist. / The cooling of thermally heavily loaded components is commonly performed by injecting a mass flow through the component’s wall into the hot flow, which is called Film cooling. The main goal is to form a coolant film to reduce the hot side heat transfer and to absorb thermal energy in order to protect the component’s wall. There are different techniques available called film cooling, transpiration cooling and effusion cooling. By applying transpiration cooling, the cooling fluid is injected through a porous material into the hot gas flow. Unfortunately, these porous materials do not have the physical strength required to work within gas turbines. If the injection is done with a row or a pattern of holes so the cooling film is renewed at certain positions, the cooling technique is called effusion cooling. Film cooling means the injection of fluid through a slot without renewing the film. Many authors analyze the effect of the film or effusion cooling on the wall temperature, the heat transfer coefficient or the cooling effectiveness. Many influencing factors were identified, such as the length to diameter relation, the hole’s alignment, fluid properties as well as turbulence and vortices. Recent works use numerical simulations to investigate the turbulent flow and vortex development in the near field of the injection hole. Due to the complexity of the simulation, the effects far downstream area were not covered by these simulations. This work investigates the behavior of the cooling jet within the boundary layer above the wall. Therefore a foreign gas (Helium, Argon) was injected as coolant into a cross flow and a pitot probe was used to get gas samples out of the boundary layer and the coolant gas fraction was measured. The measured concentration was empirically systematized by comparative data analysis. Therefore, a mean concentration within a certain height above the wall was calculated. Also a normed blowing rate was used to include the molar masses of coolant and cross flow. With this mean concentration a cooling effectiveness is calculated based on a balance model and compared to the results in the literature. As a result of the data evaluation, the hole’s angle was found to have a minor influence on the mean coolant concentration. An angle of about 30° is a good compromise between production effort and cooling efficiency. Also coolant fluids with a low molar mass and high specific heat capacity should be preferred because of their low impact on the boundary layer.

Automated Control System for Dust Concentration Measurements Using European Standard Reference Method / Design och implementation av regulator förbestämning av masskoncentrationer av stoft enligt europeiskstandard

Marstorp, Gustav January 2021 (has links)
Most companies that have any type of combustion or other pollution process via emission to air needs to measure their emissions to ensure they are within legal boundaries. Among the different types of pollution measurements, one of the most common is dust concentration, also known as particle concentration. An important factor in dust concentration measurements is to ensure that the concentration of the measured dust is representative to the dust concentration in the emissions. This is measured in isokinetic deviation, defined as (vn 􀀀 vd)=vd, where vn is the velocity in the entry nozzle and vd the velocity in the duct. Methods of dust concentration measurements used today are dependent on manual tuning and sensor readings, and the isokinetic deviation is calculated after a test. The focus of this project was therefore to investigate how the process of dust concentration measurements using standard reference methods could be automated in the way that isokinetic sampling is controlled and regulated by an automated control system in real time. Pressures, temperatures and sampled gas volume were quantized. A PIDcontroller was designed, implemented and tested. The PID-controller took the differential pressure between the inside of the entry nozzle and the duct, called zero pressure, as input. The system was tested in a laboratory environment by letting a radial fan create a flow, and thus create a zero pressure of -60 Pa, meaning that the pressure in the duct was 60 Pa greater than the pressure inside the entry nozzle. The PID-controller was then enabled and ran for five minutes. The result showed that the PID-controller managed to control the system to the reference point in less than 50 seconds for entry nozzles of diameters 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm. The results of the isokinetic deviations were -12 %, -5 %, -6 % and -4 % for entry nozzles with diameters 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm respectively. This is higher than the accepted values according to the European standard, which allows deviations in the interval -5%to 15%. However, these tests ran for relatively short time periods and started with large deviations which made it difficult to reach an isokinetic deviaiton in the accepted interval. Possible improvements could be to include the real time isokinetic deviation in the PID-controller, this would make it possible to change the reference value of the zero pressure in real time and guarantee isokinetic deviations in the accepted interval, even in extraordinary situations. / EU-regler ställer krav på anläggningar att kontrollera och begränsa sina utsläpp av stoft enligt EU standard 13284-1:2017. Vid en stoftmätning måste det tas hänsyn till många parametrar, där en av de viktigaste parametrarna är att provtagningen ska utföras isokinetiskt. Isokinetisk provtagning innebär att hastigheten i kanalen (skorstenen) är samma som i sonden där provgasen sugs ut. Dagens metoder för stoftmätning förlitar sig på manuella inställningar och den isokinetiska avvikelsen beräknas efter ett test. Det resulterade i frågeställnigen hur en automatiserad metod för bestämning av masskoncentration av stoft kan utformas så att den isokinetiska avvikelsen beräknas i realtid. Tryck, temperatur och gasvolym kvantiserades från analoga sensorer och kommunicerades till en mikrokontroller med det seriella protokollet I2C. En PID-reglator designades, implementerades och testades. PID-regulatorn tog tryckskillnaden mellan kanal och sond som insignal. Utsignalen från PID-regulatorn var en spänning som via en motordriven ventil kontrollerade inflödet i munstycket. Systemet testades i laborativ miljö genom att låta en fläkt skapa ett flöde tills den uppmätta tryckskillnaden mellan sond och kanal var -60 Pa. Därefter aktiverades PID-regulatorn och testet pågick sedan i fem minuter. Testet utfördes för munstycken med diameterna 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm och 12 mm. Resultatet visade att PID-regulatorn styrde systemet till referenspunkten på mindre än 50 sekunder för samtliga diametrar på munstyckena. De isokinetiska avvikelserna (skillnaden i hastighet mellan munstycke och kanal) beräknades till -12 %, -5 %, -6 % och -4 % för munstyckena 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm och 12 mm. I två av fallen var det högre än det accepterade värdet enligt EU standarden som tillåter avvikelser inom intervallet -5 % till 15 %. Det kan förklaras av att testen utfördes under en relativ kort tidsperiod och startades med stora avvikelser. Regulatorn skulle dock kunna förbättras genom att använda testets aktuella isokinetiska avvikelse och med den informationen bestämma systemets referenspunkt. Det skulle göra det möjligt att kompensera för tidigare avvikelser och på det sättet uppnå isokinetiska avvikelser inom tillåtet intervall även för extremfall.

Investigation of contaminant mass fluxes and reactive transport modelling of heterocyclic hydrocarbons at former gasworks sites / Untersuchungen zu Schadstoffmassenflüssen und reaktive Transportmodellierung von heterozyklischen Kohlenwasserstoffen an ehemaligen Gaswerksstandorten

Herold, Maria 22 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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