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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Abfallfreie Herstellung von Betonbauteilen durch die Verwendung einer gefrorenen Sandschalung

Gericke, Oliver, Kovaleva, Daria, Haase, Walter, Sobek, Werner 21 July 2022 (has links)
Durch computergestützte Methoden zur Formfindung und Strukturoptimierung können heute Betonstrukturen entwickelt werden, die optimal an ihre jeweilige statische Aufgabe angepasst sind. Mit dem reduzierten Material- und Energieverbrauch der optimierten Struktur geht jedoch zumeist eine Geometrie einher, deren Herstellung material- und arbeitsintensiver Schalungstechniken bedarf. Auch vor dem Hintergrund einer absehbaren Knappheit von für die Bauindustrie wichtigen Materialien hat Werner Sobek schon 1999 mit der Triple-Zero®-Maxime – zero fossil based energy, zero waste, zero emission – gefordert, in Bauprozessen idealerweise nur recycelbare Materialien zu verwenden [1]. Dem steht die Forderung gegenüber, dass eine Schalungstechnik die Formgebung, Konstruktion oder Herstellung von optimierten, insbesondere geometrisch komplexen Bauteilen in keiner Weise einschränken sollte. [Aus: Einführung] / Today, computer-aided methods for form-finding and structural optimization can be used to develop concrete structures that are optimally adapted to their structural requirements. However, the reduced material and energy consumption of the optimized concrete structure usually goes hand in hand with complex geometry whose production usually requires material- and labour-intensive formwork techniques. With a foreseeable scarcity of essential construction materials in mind, Werner Sobek back in 1999 coined the Triple-Zero® concept – zero fossil-based energy, zero emission, zero waste – which demands that only recyclable materials should be used in construction processes [1]. Thus, there is a demand for waste-free formwork technology that simultaneously should in no way restrict the shaping, design or manufacture of optimised, and therefore, geometrically complex components. [Off: Introduction]


JOSE GUILHERME PORTO OLIVEIRA 16 August 2021 (has links)
[pt] Edifícios com as mais diversas finalidades estão sujeitos a eventos extremos, tais como impacto de veículos, explosões, e perdas súbitas de membros essenciais para a garantia da sua estabilidade. O colapso progressivo pode ser definido como o processo no qual um dano localizado leva a uma ruína em cadeia, causando a queda de um edifício inteiro ou de parte considerável dele. A perda repentina de determinado membro essencial devido às cargas excepcionais pode desencadear o colapso progressivo de uma estrutura, causando enormes prejuízos humanos e econômicos. O colapso progressivo é fenômeno de natureza dinâmica e não linear, sendo assim, a sua modelagem é complexa. A técnica mais empregada para avaliação do colapso progressivo de estruturas é o método dos caminhos alternativos, que verifica o comportamento da estrutura ante a remoção de um membro essencial de suporte, analisando assim sua capacidade de redistribuição de esforços e resistência ao aumento súbito de carga em uma situação crítica. O trabalho realizou sucessivas análises de modelos da estrutura de um edifício em concreto armado, adotando grau de complexidade progressivo a cada uma delas, utilizando o método dos caminhos alternativos. Analisou-se ao final a efetividade e a importância de cada uma das etapas de análise empregadas no trabalho. A estrutura dimensionada conforme a norma brasileira de concreto armado necessitou de ajustes para atender aos requisitos mínimos de resistência ao colapso progressivo. / [en] Buildings with the most diverse purposes are subject to extreme events, such as vehicle impact, explosions, and sudden loss of members essential to their stability. Progressive collapse can be defined as the process in which a localized damage leads to chain failure, causing the fall of an entire building or a large part of it. The sudden loss of an essential member due to exceptional loads can trigger the progressive collapse of a structure, causing enormous human and economic damage. Progressive collapse is a dynamic nonlinear phenomenon, so its modeling is complex. The most employed technique for evaluation of progressive collapse is the alternative load path method, which verifies the structure behavior after the sudden loss of a load-bearing element, checking its stress redistribution capacity and strength to load increase in critical situations. This work realized successive analysis of structural models of a reinforced concrete building, adopting a progressive complexity to each of them, using the alternative path method. At the end, the effectiveness and importance of each of the analysis steps employed at work were analyzed. The structure designed acoording to the reinforced concrete brazilian standard needed adjustments to meet the minimum resistance requirements of progressive collapse.

Reliability of reinforced concrete structures : Case of slabs subjected to impact / Fiabilité des structures en béton armé : Cas des dalles soumises à impact

Kassem, Fidaa 04 November 2015 (has links)
Dans le domaine du génie civil, le dimensionnement des structures en béton armé est essentiellement basé sur des démarches déterministes. Cependant, les informations fournies par des analyses déterministes sont insuffisantes pour étudier la variabilité de la réponse de la dalle. Le manque de connaissance des charges appliquées ainsi que les incertitudes liées à la géométrie de la dalle et les caractéristiques des matériaux nécessitent donc l’utilisation d’une approche fiabiliste qui permet la propagation de ces incertitudes dans les analyses déterministes. L'approche fiabiliste est basée sur le principe de couplage mécano-fiabiliste qui consiste à coupler un modèle stochastique et un modèle déterministe. Cependant un couplage mécano-fiabiliste peut être très exigeant en temps de calcul. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, la méthodologie propre aux problématiques des ouvrages du génie civil est développée et validée tout d'abord sur un cas simple de structures en béton armé. Le cas d'une poutre encastrée en béton armée est proposé. Le système est modélisé sous CASTEM par une approche aux éléments finis de type multifibre. Puis la fiabilité d'une dalle en béton armé impactée par une masse rigide à faible vitesse est étudiée en couplant OpenTURNS à Abaqus. Enfin, une enceinte de confinement en béton précontrainte modélisée sous ASTER est étudiée d'un point de vue probabiliste. Seul le problème physique des dalles en béton armé soumises à une chute de colis dans les centrales nucléaires est examiné en détail. Deux modèles déterministes sont utilisés et évalués afin d’étudier les phénomènes dynamiques appliqués aux dalles en béton armé sous impact : un modèle par éléments finis en 3D modélisé sous Abaqus et un modèle simplifié de type masse-ressort amorti à deux degrés de liberté. Afin d’étudier la fiabilité des dalles en béton armé, nous avons couplé les méthodes Monte Carlo et simulation d’importance avec le modèle de type masse-ressort. FORM est utilisée avec le modèle par éléments finis. L’objectif de cette étude est de proposer des solutions pour diminuer le temps de calcul d'une analyse fiabiliste en utilisant deux stratégies dans le cas des dalles impactées. La première stratégie consiste à utiliser des modèles analytiques qui permettent de prédire avec précision la réponse mécanique de la dalle et qui sont moins coûteux en temps de calcul. La deuxième consiste à réduire le nombre d’appels au modèle déterministe, surtout dans le cas des modèles par éléments finis, en utilisant des méthodes probabilistes d'approximation. Ces deux stratégies sont comparées afin de vérifier l’efficacité de chacune pour calculer la probabilité de défaillance. Enfin, une étude paramétrique est réalisée afin d’étudier l’effet des paramètres d’entrées des modèles déterministes sur le calcul de la probabilité de défaillance. / Reinforced concrete structures (RC) are subjected to several sources of uncertainties that highly affect their response. These uncertainties are related to the structure geometry, material properties and the loads applied. The lack of knowledge on the potential load, as well as the uncertainties related to the features of the structure shows that the design of RC structures could be made in a reliability framework. This latter allows propagating uncertainties in the deterministic analysis. However, in order to compute failure probability according to one or several failure criteria, mechanical and stochastic models have to be coupled which can be very time consuming and in some cases impossible. The platform OpenTURNS is used to perform the reliability analysis of three different structures . OpenTURNS is coupled to CASTEM to study the reliability of a RC multifiber cantilever beam subjected to a concentrated load at the free end, to Abaqus to study the reliability of RC slabs which are subjected to accidental dropped object impact during handling operations within nuclear plant buildings, and to ASTER to study the reliability of a prestressed concrete containment building. Only the physical problem of reinforced concrete impacted by a free flying object is investigated in detail. Two deterministic models are used and evaluated: a 3D finite element model simulated with the commercial code “Abaqus/Explicit” and an analytical mass-spring model. The aim of this study is to address this issue of reliability computational effort. Two strategies are proposed for the application of impacted RC slabs. The first one consists in using deterministic analytical models which predict accurately the response of the slab. In the opposite case, when finite element models are needed, the second strategy consists in reducing the number of simulations needed to assess the failure probability. In order to examine the reliability of RC slabs, Monte Carlo and importance sampling methods are coupled with the mass-spring model, while FORM is used with the finite element model. These two stategies are compared in order to verify their efficiency to calculate the probability of failure. Finally, a parametric study is performed to identify the influence of deterministic model parameters on the calculation of failure probability (dimensions of slabs, impact velocity and mass, boundary conditions, impact point, reinforcement.

Patrová budova / Multi-storey building

Surovec, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
The object of this thesis is to design and assess steel structure of multi-storey office center in Vsetín. Floor plan dimensions of building are 48x40m. The building has ten floors. Overall height is 35,5m. The building ceilings made of composite steel and concrete structure. The part of build are roofer atrium and one bigger room aula with dimensions 24x16m. Two construction variants were designed and assessed. Longitudinal and transverse rigity of variant A is ensured by truss bracing. Transverse rigity of variant B is ensured by truss bracing and longitudinal rigity is braced by bracing frames. The variant A is better.

Obchodní a nákupní centrum v Brně / Trade House in Brno

Serbousková, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The final thesis deals with the design of the steel loadbearing structure of the shopping center situated in Brno. The built-up floor area is 1973 m2 (L-shaped ground plan with dimensions 48 m x 50 m). The construction consists of three parts. Building A has four above-ground floors and reaches a height of 25.5 m. The steel structure of mono-pitched roof is designed in two options. Both options consist of full-length purlins and truss girders. Building B is a single-storey building with a mono-pitched roof top reaching 8.1 m high. Building C is three-storey with a flat roof. The first floor has a construction height of 4.5 m and the remaining two floors reach height of 3.6 m, which coincide with building A. The steel structure is made of steel-concrete composite ceilings and pin-supported columns. In the case of bracings, pressure was eliminated by means of non-linearities.The work includes proposal, assessment of the supporting structure and calculation of the directional details. Internal forces were determined based on a static analysis in the SCIA Engineer calculation program.

Výrobní hala s administrativní budovou / Production Hall with Administrative Building

Dolníčková, Andrea January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is design and check of two steel structures. A production hall with a floor plan dimensions 24x50 m and an administrative building with floor plan dimensions 54x30 m. Both buildings are situated in Prostějov. The structure of the production hall has a roof pitched at 12%. The main frames have 6 m centre to centre spacing. The design of the production hall is processed in two options. The administrative building has 4 floors. The floor structures are made of composite steel and concrete structure. The structure is stabilized by vertical bracings in both directions. The computational model of both structures was built up using SCIA Engineer software.

Ocelová konstrukce autosalonu / Steel construction of the car showroom

Bystrianská, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design and assessment of the steel construction of the car showroom in Jihlava. The ground dimensions of the structure are 40,0 x 52,0 m and the height at the highest point is 13,14 m. The supporting structure consists of a truss girder consisting of a set of arches, outer columns and an inner column with a strut. This is a freebase system, the distance of the bindings is 4.0 m. In the framework of the work is elaborated the comparison of two variants, more suitable includes the static calculation of the main supporting parts, including the joints and details. The main construction material is steel, grade S 355.

Facelift EDU / Facelift PDU

Rokotianskaia, Kseniia January 2020 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is the elaboration of an architectural study of the reconstruction of the pre-plant zone of the Facelift of the Dukovany power plant. The construction site is an area that belongs to the village of Dukovany and borders the village of Rouchovany. As a whole, this area is in poor technical and architectural condition. However, its location gives potential for new uses. The solved area belongs to the ČEZ nuclear power plant.

Facelift EDU / Facelift PDU

Zhakupbekova, Rakhil January 2020 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is the elaboration of an architectural study of the reconstruction of the pre-plant zone of the Facelift of the Dukovany power plant. The construction site is an area that belongs to the village of Dukovany and borders the village of Rouchovany. As a whole, this area is in poor technical and architectural condition. However, its location gives potential for new uses. The solved area belongs to the ČEZ nuclear power plant.

Centrum chytré čtvrti Špitálka / Smart District Špitalka

Sergeeva, Anna January 2021 (has links)
The proposed building is part of a complex of three buildings. The task was to create the dominants of the new territory, which would include functions corresponding to the concept of a smart neighborhood. The building has 19 floors above ground and two underground. The simple shape is complemented by the corrugated roof of the congress center and the curved atrium. The main entrance is towards the new city street, the main facade of the congress center faces the square. The dynamics of the shape of the high-rise building is supported by an irregular grid of windows, the combination of full masonry and leaky lighten the facade of the lower part.

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