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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Thermal performance evaluation of artificial protective coatings applied to steam surface condenser tubes

Goodenough, John L. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The coating thermal conductivity, the effective coated-tube thermal conductivity and the coating factor of three artificial protective coatings (APCs) applied to condenser tubes are experimentally evaluated. This testing broadens the limited available knowledge of these coatings, which is necessary for effective condenser refurbishment and operation. The coatings are applied to 25.4 mm brass tubes at thicknesses of 44, 46, 50, and 130 μm. Steady state heat transfer tests are performed on these tubes fitted in a double-pipe counter-flow heat exchanger, with heated water in the annulus and coolingwater inside the tube. The experimentally determined thermal conductivities of the coatings range from 0.5 to 2.3 W/m·K. The effective coated-tube conductivity and the coating factor depend on the tube material and size, as well as the coating thickness. A one-dimensional condenser model is used to parametrically investigate the relative overall effect on condenser performance. From these results, coating guidelines for Admiralty brass tubes are proposed in terms of the minimum and maximum coating conductivity and thickness. The effect of the coating on the thermal performance is equivalent to a Heat Exchange Institute (HEI) cleanliness factor of at least 0.85, when adhering to these guidelines. APCs provide a layer of protection against corrosion, erosion and fouling and can preferentially fill tube-wall pits. They can therefore be used to extend the condenser life-span effectively, but, to ensure minimal impact on the overall condenser performance, the coating thickness and conductivity must be carefully controlled and verified experimentally. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die termiese geleidingsvermoë, die effektiewe termiese geleidingsvermoë van bedekte buise en die bedekkingsfaktor van drie kunsmatige beskermingsbedekkingslae wat op kondensorbuise aangewend word, word eksperimenteel geëvalueer. Hierdie evaluering verbreed die beperkte beskikbare kennis oor sodanige bedekkingslae, wat nodig is vir effektiewe kondensor herinrigting en bedryf. Die lae word teen diktes van 44, 46, 50 en 130 μm in 25.4 mm geelkoperbuise aangewend. Warmteoordragstoetse by gestadigde toestande word gedoen op hierdie buise in ’n dubbelpyp-teenvloeiwarmteoordraer, met verhitte water in die annulus en verkoelingswater binne-in die buis. Die eksperimenteel bepaalde termiese geleidingkoëffisiënte wissel tussen 0.5 tot 2.3 W/m·K. Die effektiewe geleidingsvermoë en bedekkingsfaktor hang af van sowel die buis se materiaal en grootte sowel as die dikte van die bedekkings. ’n Eendimensionele kondensormodel word gebruik om die algehele effek van hierdie beskermingsbedekkingslae op kondensorwerkverrigting parametries te ondersoek. Riglyne ten opsigte van aanwending van beskermingslae vir buise van “Admiralty” geelkoper word verskaf in terme van die minimum en maksimum geleidingsvermoë en dikte van bedekkingslae. Met behulp van hierdie riglyne word ’n “Heat Exchange Institue” (HEI) ekwivalente skoonheidsfaktor van minstens 0.85 op ’n nuwe buis behaal. Hierdie kunsmatige bedekkingslaeslae bied beskerming teen korrosie, erosie en bevuiling en kan klein kuile in die buiswand vul. Hulle kan dus gebruik word om die lewensduur van die kondensator te verleng, maar hul dikte en geleidingsvermoë moet noukeurig beheer word en moet eksperimenteel geverifieer word.

Air-cooled condenser steam flow distribution and related dephlegmator design considerations

Owen, Michael Trevor Foxwell 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The steam-side side operation of a practical air-cooled steam condenser is investigated using a combination of CFD, numerical, analytical and experimental methods. Particular attention is directed towards the vapor flow distribution in the primary condensers and dephlegmator performance. Analysis of the vapor flow in the distributing manifold, connecting the steam turbine exhaust to the air-cooled heat exchangers, highlights the importance of careful design of the guide vanes in the manifold bends and junctions. Improved guide vane design and configuration can reduce the steam-side pressure drop over the manifold and improve the vapor flow distribution, which may be beneficial to condenser operation. The vapor flow in the primary condensers is shown to exhibit a non-uniform distribution amongst the heat exchanger tubes. The vapor flow distribution is strongly linked to the distribution of tube inlet loss coefficients through the heat exchanger bundles. The non-uniform flow distribution places an additional demand on dephlegmator performance, over and above the demands of row effects in the case of multi-row primary condenser bundles. Row effects are shown to account for as much as 70 % of available dephlegmator capacity in this case. Simultaneously, inlet loss coefficient distributions can account for up to 30 % of dephlegmator capacity. In some situations then, the dephlegmator is fully utilized under ideal operating conditions and there is no margin of safety to cope with non-ideal operation of the primary condensers. The upstream regions of the primary condensers are therefore exposed to a high risk of undesirable noncondensable gas accumulation. Reduced dephlegmator capacity due to insufficient ejector performance may further compound this problem. Single-row primary condenser bundles eliminate row effects and thereby significantly reduce the demands on dephlegmator performance. The use of such bundles in the dephlegmator would also measurably reduce ejector loading. In light of the findings of this study, it is recommended that single-row bundles be considered as the primary option for future air-cooled condenser applications. A hybrid (dry/wet) dephlegmator concept is analysed and shown to be able to provide measurably enhanced dephlegmator performance when operating in wet mode, while consuming only a small amount of water. The enhanced dephlegmator cooling translates to an increase in total air-cooled condenser capacity of up to 30 % at high ambient temperatures in this case. The benefit of this enhanced cooling capacity to steam turbine output may be significant. The hybrid dephlegmator concept therefore offers a simple, cost-effective and sustainable solution to the issue of reduced air-cooled condenser performance during hot periods. Careful design of the first and second stage bundle configurations in the hybrid dephlegmator is necessary to avoid flooding in the first stage during wet operation of the second. Furthermore, the slightly poorer dry-operation performance of the hybrid dephlegmator results in increased risk of non-condensable gas accumulation in multi-row primary condensers. Again, single-row primary condenser bundles would lay rest to such concerns. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bedryf aan die stoom-kant van ʼn praktiese lugverkoelde-stoomkondensor word ondersoek met behulp van 'n kombinasie van berekeningsvloeimeganika, numeriese, analitiese en eksperimentele metodes. ʼn Spesifieke fokus word geplaas op die dampvloeiverspreiding in die primêre kondensors asook die deflegmatorwerksverrigting. Ontleding van die damp vloei in die verdeelspruitstuk, wat die uitlaat van die stoomturbine aan die lugverkoelde-stoomkondensor koppel, beklemtoon die belangrikheid van noukeurige ontwerp van die leilemme in die spruitstukdraaie en aansluitings. Verbeterde leilemontwerp en opstelling kan die drukval aan die stoom-kant van die draaie en aansluitings verminder en die dampvloeiverspreiding verbeter. Dit kan gevolglik lei tot verbeterde werksverrigting van die kondensor. Die studie toon dat ʼn nie-eenvormige dampvloeiverspreiding in die warmteruilerbuise van die primêre kondensors bestaan. Die verspreiding van buisinlaat-verlieskoëffisiënte deur die bundels van die warmteruiler is sterk afhanklik van die voorgenome dampvloeiverspreiding. Die nie-eenvormige vloeiverspreiding veroorsaak 'n groter aanvraag na deflegmator-werksverrigting, bo-en-behalwe nog vereistes van ry-effekte in die geval waar multi-ry-bundels vir primêre kondensors gebruik word. Ry-effekte is verantwoordelik vir so veel as 70 % van die beskikbare deflegmator kapasiteit. Terselfdertyd kan die verspreiding van inlaat-verlieskoëffisiënte verantwoordelik wees vir tot 30 % van die deflegmator kapasiteit. In sommige gevalle is die deflegmator dus ten volle aangewend onder ideale bedryfstoestande, en bestaan daar geen band van veiligheid om nie-ideale werksverrigting van die primêre kondensor te hanteer nie. Sekere dele van die stroom-op primêre kondensors word dus blootgestel aan 'n hoë risiko vir die opbou van ongewenste nie-kondenseerbare gasse. Verder kan ‘n vermindering in deflegmator kapasiteit, weens onvoldoende werksverrigting van die vakuumpompe, dié probleem vererger. Enkel-ry-bundels vir primêre kondensors vermy ry-effekte en lei sodoende tot ʼn aansienlike vermindering in die aanvraag na deflegmator-werksverrigting. Die gebruik van sulke bundels in die deflegmator sou die vakuumpomplas ook meetbaar verminder. Uit die bevindinge van hierdie studie word dit aanbeveel dat enkel-ry bundels beskou word as die primêre opsie vir toekomstige lugverkoelde-kondensor aansoeke. ’n Konsep vir ’n hibriede-deflegmator (droog/nat) word ontleed. Die studie toon dat, deur hierdie konsep in die nat-modus te gebruik, ’n meetbare verbetering in deflegmator-werksverrigting gesien kan word, ten koste van net ʼn klein hoeveelheid waterverbruik. Die verbetering in verkoelingsvermoë van die deflegmator beteken ʼn toename van tot 30 % in die totale verkoelingsvermoë van die lugverkoelde-kondensor gedurende periodes wanneer hoë omgewingstemperature heersend is. Die voordeel van hierdie verbeterde verkoelingsvermoë op die werksuitset van die stoomturbine kan beduidend wees. Die konsep vir ’n hibriede-deflegmator bied dus 'n eenvoudige, koste-effektiewe en volhoubare oplossing vir warm atmosferiese periodes, wanneer die lugverkoelde-kondensor se verkoelingsvermoë afneem. Noukeurige ontwerp van die eerste en tweede fase bundelkonfigurasies in die hibriede-deflegmator is nodig om oorstroming in die eerste fase, tydens nat werking van die tweede fase, te verhoed. Verder veroorsaak die effens swakker werksverrigting, gedurende die bedryf van die hibriede-deflegmator in die droog-modus, ʼn verhoogde risiko vir die opbou van nie-kondenseerbare gasse in multi-ry primêre kondensors. Weereens sal enkel-ry-bundels in primêre kondensors hierdie probleem oplos.

Simulating the effect of wind on the performance of axial flow fans in air-cooled steam condenser systems

Fourie, Neil 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of air-cooled steam condensers (ACSCs) is the preferred cooling method in the chemical and power industry due to stringent environmental and water use regulations. The performance of ACSCs is however highly dependent on the influence of windy conditions. Research has shown that the presence of wind reduces the performance of ACSCs. It has been found that cross-winds (wind perpendicular to the longest side of the ACSC) cause distorted inlet flow conditions, particularly at the upstream peripheral fans near the symmetry plane of the ACSC. These fans are subjected to what is referred to as '2-D' wind conditions, which are characterised by flow separation on the upstream edge of the fan inlets. Experimental investigations into inlet flow distortion have simulated these conditions by varying the fan platform height. Low platform heights resulted in higher levels of inlet flow distortion, as also found to exist with high cross-wind speeds. This investigation determines the performance of various fan configurations (representative of configurations used in the South- African power industry) subjected to distorted inlet flow conditions through experimental and numerical investigations. The similarity between platform height and cross-wind effects is also investigated and a correlation between system volumetric effectiveness, platform height and cross-wind velocity is found. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van lugverkoelde stoom kondensors (LVSK's) word verkies as 'n verkoelingsmetode in die chemiese- en kragvoorsieningsindustrie as gevolg van streng omgewings- en waterverbruiksregulasies. Die werkverrigting van LVSK's word egter grootliks beïnvloed deur die teenwoordigheid van wind. Navorsing het gewys dat die teenwoordigheid van wind die werkverrigting van LVSK's verminder. Daar was gevind dat kruiswinde (wind loodreg tot die langste sy van die LVSK) versteurde inlaat vloeitoestande veroorsaak, veral by waaiers wat aan die stroomop kant van die LVSK naby die simmetrievlak geleë is. Hierdie waaiers word blootgestel aan na wat verwys word as '2-D' windtoestande wat gekenmerk word deur vloeiwegbreking wat plaasvind by die stroomop rand van die waaierinlate. Eksperimentele ondersoeke van inlaat vloeiversteurings het hierdie toestande gesimuleer deur die waaier platformhoogte te verstel. Lae platform hoogtes het gelei tot hoër vlakke van inlaat vloeiversteuring, soortgelyk aan wat gevind word met hoë kruiswindsnelhede. Hierdie ondersoek gebruik numeriese en eksperimentele metodes om die werkverrigting van verskeie waaierkon gurasies (verteenwoordigend van kon- gurasies wat gebruik word in die Suid-Afrikaanse kragvoorsieningsindustrie) wat blootgestel word aan versteurde inlaat vloeitoestande te bepaal. Die ooreenkoms tussen platformhoogte en kruiswind e ekte word ook ondersoek en 'n korrelasie tussen die sisteem volumetriese e ektiwiteit, platformhoogte en kruiswindsnelheid word bepaal.

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