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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A system of formal analysis for architectural composition

Hubbard, Bill, 1947- January 1976 (has links)
Thesis. 1976. M.ArchAS--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Architecture. / Microfiche copy available in Archives and Rotch. / Includes bibliographical references. / by William Q. Hubbard, Jr. / M.ArchAS

The preservation and reuse of urban churches as a contribution to the urban landscape

Putscher, Laurie Ann January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (M. Arch.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1980. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCH. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 111-112). / Through massing , scale, craftsmanship, and their traditional role, church buildings are valuable to the city. They play an important role in the cognitive and formal ordering of the city. They are important to the temporal contect of the city. As the site of milestone events in many people's lives, or as symbols of these events in others' lives, church buildings are important for the collective memory. The grand scale of the church space combined with careful small scale detailing, make it a place with qualities that are rare in the daily life of most people. Because of their importance to the city opportunities and methods to reuse church buildings should be found if the buildings are abandoned by their congregations. Uses should be found that are sympathetic to the spirit and the form of the building. The forms in church architecture are powerful enough that they can survive extensive, yet sensitive, new construction to accommodate a new use and allow the place to read as a new building that was once a church. In order to allow the building to provide a temporal context to the present, when the building is given a new use it must also be given a new image. The elements of the image of a church must be analyzed to discover those which are the most powerful and how they may be changed to allow revealing juxtapositions that say, "this building was a church but is one no longer." In changing the image of the church building, care must be taken not to destroy those qualities which made attempting its reuse worthwhile. These issues are investigated in a series of case studies of reused churches. Several new issues in the redesign of church buildings were discovered through the case studies. The result is a set of observations and conclusions that are a synthesis of the real and the ideal. / by Laurie Putscher. / M.Arch.

Spiritual State, Material Temple: The Political Economy of Religious Revival in China

Chang, Kuei-min January 2016 (has links)
China’s dramatic religious revival over the last three decades has defied two dominant theories in the study of religion and politics: the secularization theory and the market theory of religion. Put simply, the former predicts declining religious significance along with economic modernization; and the latter holds that religious vitality is a function of state regulation. Not only is religious observance on the rise despite continued economic growth, but also the upsurge of religion has coincided with the atheist state’s unceasing effort to curb religious expansion. This dissertation focuses on the material dimension of religious revival. It investigates the mixed material and ideational incentives of both state and religious actors in the processes of temple restoration, their interactions, and the resulting variety of temple autonomy. One of the key findings is that mass temple restoration has been greatly driven by state agents acting on their own interests. The atheist state and its local agents encourage temple reconstruction and tolerate priestly autonomy when doing so is expedient to social stability and economic growth imperative to their political survival. This dissertation argues that temple restoration has become a repertoire in local economic development. Local state agents seek to restore temples and redirect their functions to mass tourist consumption. Due to the immobility of temple assets, aspiring religious leaders seek to demonstrate political conformity and the temple’s economic contribution in their struggle for religious autonomy. As a result, Buddhism and Taoism have been battling with constant pressure of local state-led religious commodification. The close tie between temples and the interests of various state agents has resulted in uncertain religious development and a state-religion relationship that is simultaneously cooperative and contentious. The research hence contributes to our understanding of the antinomies of authoritarian state legitimation wherein state-religion enmities are endogenous to the system of economic development and religious governance. More broadly, the research situates the upsurge of religion in the larger cultural and institutional contexts and explores less-studied top-down religious institutionalization and its sociopolitical consequences. It therefore enriches the study of religion and politics by bringing the modernizing state and its local representatives to the forefront as the agent of secularization as well as religious restoration.

Dudley station : resurrection of a synergetic environment - towards a democratic approach for adaptive-use development.

Maiden, Willie James January 1977 (has links)
Thesis. 1977. M.Arch.A.S.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Architecture. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCH. / Includes bibliographical references. / M.Arch.A.S.

Enchanting borders: the art & psychology of Chinese hanging scroll mounting.

January 2010 (has links)
Chau, Cheuk Ying. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 265-275). / Abstracts in English and Chinese; includes Chinese. / List of Illustrations --- p.vi / Acknowledgements --- p.ix / Introduction: a Psychological Approach to the Art of Mounting --- p.1 / The Significance of Mounting --- p.3 / Classical Literature and Past Research on Chinese Mounting --- p.10 / a psychological approach --- p.18 / Dissertation Structure --- p.24 / Chapter Chapter One: --- Scrolling' through History --- p.33 / Desire to Display´ؤFrom the Warring States to the Tang Dynasty --- p.33 / Splendid Adornment - The Song Dynasty --- p.40 / Emergence of the Literati - The Ming Dynasty --- p.60 / Subtlest of Pastels - The Qing Dynasty --- p.74 / Virtual Invisibility - The Republican Period and After --- p.84 / A Thousand Years of Hanging Scroll Mounting --- p.92 / Chapter Chapter Two: --- Seeing through the Enchanting Borders --- p.97 / Palette and Induction --- p.99 / Depth and Window --- p.109 / Oversized Outfit and Illusionary Size --- p.120 / Stave Strips and Composition --- p.126 / psychology and chinese hanging scroll mounting --- p.133 / Chapter Chapter Three: --- Experiment on Aesthetic Quality of Mounting --- p.137 / Method --- p.141 / Results --- p.146 / Discussion --- p.149 / Limitations --- p.152 / Conclusion: Subordination of Mounting --- p.153 / Appendix A: Experiment Questions --- p.157 / Appendix b: List of Artworks Included in the Experiment --- p.159 / Appendix c: Artworks Presentation Sequence in Different Groups --- p.161 / Appendix d: Aesthetic Quality Rating Sections of Different Groups --- p.162 / Group k --- p.162 / Group L --- p.168 / Chapter 1.1 --- Group M --- p.174 / Group n --- p.180 / Appendix E: Means (Standard Deviations) for Aesthetic Quality Ratings --- p.186 / Plates --- p.187 / Bibliography --- p.265

Residential rehabilitation--with special reference to Montreal

Santiago, Arturo Mercado. January 1975 (has links)
No description available.

Förslag till åtgärder av miljonprogramsbostäder : Inventering och värdering med beaktande av varsamhet, energieffektivisering, kostnader och miljöbelastning

Möller Frohm, Elin, Rutqvist, Linnea January 2008 (has links)
<p>Efter andra världskriget var bostadsbristen stor i Sverige och standarden på de befintliga</p><p>bostäderna var låg. Folkmängden ökade stadigt under efterkrigsåren och trots att byggandet</p><p>tog fart under 1950-talet var bristen på bostäder mycket stor i början på 1960-talet. Sveriges</p><p>regering fattade då ett beslut om att en miljon bostäder skulle byggas. Epoken i</p><p>bostadsbyggandet fick namnet miljonprogrammet. Detta stora bestånd som byggdes under</p><p>åren 1965 till 1975 kännetecknas av massproduktion och enkelhet i kantiga former.</p><p>Miljonprogramsbebyggelsen valdes som utgångspunkt i detta examensarbete eftersom det är</p><p>ett väldigt aktuellt ämne då många av dessa områden måste genomgå förändringar inom de</p><p>närmsta åren. Ändringar måste göras för att höja kvalitén och få ett mer attraktivt boende.</p><p>Det är ett realistiskt projekt som binder ihop vår utbildning på alla områden –</p><p>byggnadsteknik, arkitektur och miljö. Dessutom kommer behovet av åtgärder av</p><p>miljonprogrammets bostäder att beröra de flesta inom byggbranschen på ett eller annat sätt</p><p>de kommande åren.</p><p>Sandvikenhus AB är ett av många bostadsbolag som äger flerfamiljshus som byggdes under</p><p>miljonprogrammets era. Bostäderna behöver i dagsläget åtgärdas på grund av att många</p><p>lägenheter i detta bostadsbestånd står tomma och är dessutom svåruthyrda eftersom området</p><p>anses oattraktivt och nedgånget. Dessa problem resulterade i att Sandvikenhus AB behöver</p><p>åtgärdsförslag för sin miljonprogramsbebyggelse. Uppgiften till detta examensarbete blev att</p><p>ta fram och jämföra olika alternativ för åtgärder som beaktar arkitektoniska, ekonomiska,</p><p>energi- och miljömässiga aspekter och som leder till ett attraktivt boende. Genom en</p><p>omfattande litteraturstudie och beräkningar har ett antal förslag tagits fram på vad som kan</p><p>göras i området för att husen skall klara av de krav som lagar, föreskrifter och kanske</p><p>framförallt hyresgästerna ställer. Åtgärdsförslagen viktades sedan med tanke på miljö,</p><p>ekonomi och på att behålla den speciella karaktär som området har. Detta resulterade i</p><p>mindre och större åtgärder som fastighetsägare kan genomföra på byggnader från denna</p><p>tidsepok.</p><p>De mest försvarbara alternativen som valdes ut var att tilläggisoleras väggarna med EPSskivor</p><p>som sedan putsas och att taket får ett ytterligare lager lösull. Även plåten vid taken</p><p>fräschas upp med ny färg och balkongerna görs trivsammare med inslag av trä och ny front.</p><p>Entréernas utformning ses över för att skapa ett mer inbjudande intryck.</p> / <p>After the Second World War housing shortage was a big problem in Sweden and the</p><p>standard of existing buildings was low. New buildings were build but not enough for the</p><p>rapidly growing population. The Swedish government took the decision that one million</p><p>houses should be built between the years 1965-75. This episode was called</p><p>miljonprogrammet.</p><p>Now, 30 years later, buildings from miljonprogrammet have many technical and social</p><p>problems. A lot of these buildings are a matter of urgent and most undergo changes in just a</p><p>few years. This was taken as a starting point in this examination project while it’s a realistic</p><p>project that includes all the parts in our education - building technique, architecture and</p><p>environment. Besides this the need of measures of the miljonprogram will matter to the most</p><p>people in the building trade, in one way our other, in just a few years.</p><p>Sandvikenhus AB is a company that owns apartment blocks build during this era. They have</p><p>problems with empty flats that are hard to rent out while they are worn out and unattractive.</p><p>Sandvikenhus AB needs a measure proposal for its buildings. The purpose of this</p><p>examination project was to compare different alternative suggestions considering</p><p>architectural, economical, energy and environmental issues in order to create a more</p><p>attractive living.</p><p>By using investigations and calculations a number of measures have been suggested for what</p><p>can be done to the area. Every measure was given a specific value for environmental loads,</p><p>costs and rate of presentation. This resulted in suggestions of smaller and bigger measures</p><p>that can make these houses a better place to live in.</p><p>Our investigation shows that the best result for this area would be to give the house walls an</p><p>additional insulation and the roofs a layer of extra insulation. The roof sheet metal should be</p><p>given new colors and the balcony new segments in wood and new fronts. The entrance</p><p>design should be looking after to create a more inviting impression.</p>


Julie L. Kimbrough 2004 April 1900 (has links)
This study examines the preservation practices of academic law libraries and argues that the survey results illustrate the growing gap between current preservation practices and new technology. The introduction to the study discusses challenges for libraries and cultural institutions in the digital age. In the second section, the paper analyzes U.S. copyright law and the effect of recent amendments on library preservation activities. The third section reports the results of a preservation practices survey. In the fourth section, the paper explores options for future law library preservation including institutional repositories and collaborative preservation efforts. The paper concludes that a new approach to scholarship and preservation is necessary to ensure that future generations have access to historically important legal literature.

Stereographs as Scholarly Resources in American Academic Libraries and Special Collections

Megan Halsban 2008 April 1900 (has links)
This paper examines stereographic images as scholarly resources, and begins with a brief history of the stereograph. A discussion and review of the literature related to the stereograph as well as the preservation of photographic objects follows the introduction. In addition to the literature review, collections of stereographs at four repositories were evaluated for usability: The Keystone-Mast Archive at the University of California, Riverside; The Eliot Elisofon Archive at the Smithsonian Institution; the George Eastman House; the Library of Congress. The paper ends with suggestions for future work with the stereograph, in order to facilitate access and use by researchers.

Exploring social-cultural explanations for residential location choices : the case of an African City - Dar es Salaam

Limbumba, Tatu Mtwangi January 2010 (has links)
This study explores the factors urban residents consider when making residential location decisions. The context of the study is informal residential areas in a rapidly urbanising African city – the city of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. A central concern in the study is how the urban poor make their residential location decisions; the assumption is that with income limitations the urban poor rely on other non-economic resources to enable their residential location decisions in the context of rapid urban growth and urban poverty. The study attempts to question residential location choice concepts that rely on economic approaches as well as question explanations based on the developing world experiences.The study suggests that in the absence of reliable incomes, social networks and informalchannels prevail in the decision-making process. The concept of social capital where networks and social relationships are used as a resource by individuals or groups to achieve goals is explored in a residential choices framework. Demonstrated through in-depth interviews with heads of households settling close to the CBD (termed the inner city), the intermediate informal residential areas and the peri-urban residential areas; the study shows how socio-cultural factors play a role in the decision makingprocess of households. This is illustrated inter alia, in the form of informal channels for information on accommodation and residential plots, being accommodated rent-free by a relative, the actions of subsequently making short-distance moves to a location within proximity of a relative, or seeking people of the same socio-economic status. The context within which the actions have taken place has also been shown to be important in corroborating the network and relationship elements in the concept of social capital. The uncertainty that residents in rapidly urbanizing cities have to deal with on an everyday basis calls for networks and relations as an important resource for survival. The study goes further to suggest how urban planning practice can learn from the social processes. The study is based on qualitative methods such as in-depth interviewing with heads of household and key informants.

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