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Vilka möjligheter har den enskilde individen att energieffektivisera?Larsson, Christina, Leufstedt, Ewa January 2007 (has links)
<p>Genomsnittstemperaturen vid jordens yta stiger vilket de senaste 50 åren till största del berott på den stigande befolkningsmängden samt levnadsstandarden vilka medfört en ökad belastning på jordens kapacitet.Syfte har varit att se vilka möjligheter den enskilde individen har för att bidra till en bättre miljö, vidare är avsikten att undersöka i vilken utsträckning den enskilde individen energieffektiviserar i det egna hushållet samt i vilken omfattning fastighetsbolagen hjälper dem med detta.</p>
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Vilka möjligheter har den enskilde individen att energieffektivisera?Larsson, Christina, Leufstedt, Ewa January 2007 (has links)
Genomsnittstemperaturen vid jordens yta stiger vilket de senaste 50 åren till största del berott på den stigande befolkningsmängden samt levnadsstandarden vilka medfört en ökad belastning på jordens kapacitet.Syfte har varit att se vilka möjligheter den enskilde individen har för att bidra till en bättre miljö, vidare är avsikten att undersöka i vilken utsträckning den enskilde individen energieffektiviserar i det egna hushållet samt i vilken omfattning fastighetsbolagen hjälper dem med detta.
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ENERGIANVÄNDING PÅ BYGGARBETSPLATSER : Analys av införandet av energieffektiva byggetableringarLönnerholm, Håkan January 2013 (has links)
This report is the final step in the Bachelor of Science program in Building Construction Engineering, Department of Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University. The purpose of this study is to highlight the difficulties and possibilities that could involve the introduction of new energy efficient technologies and changing work around this technology. This study focuses on energy use at a construction site or other temporary workplace where so-called portacabins are in place to address the need for temporary facilities. The method for obtaining knowledge on the subject was mainly interviews with site managers working in Svevia AB's various activities. In conjunction with the interviews I visited construction sites and portacabins if it was possible. My most important suggestion to Svevia AB concerns a better organization in order to make poratacabins more efficient on energy and costs. The company should also evaluate and monitor the energy efficient portacabins that are in operation. Expected energy savings of new technology may not materialize if there are gaps in information, education, technical services and technical maintenance. It is very important to utilize the experiences of new technology. The experience should be used for the design of training, information and service schedules.
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Energieffektivisering på Carlsberg i FalkenbergJohansson, Stefan January 2016 (has links)
Denna rapport är skriven på Caverions lokalkontor i Falkenberg och undersöker möjligheten till en sänkning av energianvändningen på luftaggregatet TA/FA 1006 på Carlsbergs anläggning i Falkenberg, gentemot vilka Caverion har ett serviceavtal där man bland annat hjälper till att försöka energioptimera de anläggningar man jobbar på. Då fläktarna i luftaggregat TA/FA 1006 idag går med en till synes stor överkapacitet kunde man redan i tidigt skede anta att det fanns möjlighet till förbättringar. Syftet med rapporten är att utreda om en investering i frekvensomvandlare för sänkning av fläktarnas varvtal kan generera en besparing för Carlsberg som motiverar den initiala investeringskostnaden. Rapporten innehåller information om de mätningar och beräkningar som utförts samt redogör för diverse antaganden som varit tvungna att göras då det under arbetets gång gång visat sig saknas information om hur frekvensomvandlare påverkar energianvändningen. I rapporten finns även information om lokalens beskaffenheter ifråga om personalstyrka, area och uppvärmningsmetod. Alla dessa faktorer påverkar i slutändan hur stort luftflöde man kan anse nödvändigt. Efter inledande mätningar och analys av resultaten har det kunnat fastställas att en investering av den typ som nämnts ovan skulle kunna sänka energianvändningen på ett sådant sätt att investeringen skulle visa sig lönsam inom en tvåårsperiod vilket i sin tur med största sannolikhet innebär att en ombyggnation av aggregatet kommer företas.
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Energieffektivisering - Laholms kyrkliga samfällighets kulturhistoriska byggnaderNilsson, Emil January 2008 (has links)
<p>Energy efficiency is today more important than ever, mainly due to the high energy prices and the approaching climate changes. Heating of buildings is an essential area within energy efficiency. Many buildings are old and were built at a time when the energy prices were low and the term “energy efficiency” was unheard of. By applying today’s broad range of energy saving actions on these old, and thereby often, heating ineffective buildings, this area has a large potential in reducing energy consumption and costs.</p><p>Churches and chapels are generally old buildings with, in many cases, ineffective heating systems and therefore consume much more energy than needed. Significant part of the means of the parish goes to the heating of such a church/chapel, resources that could be used for other purposes instead. Another aspect is that if the heating is not performed properly, it could lead to major damages to the building and its fixtures.</p><p>The churches of Laholm and Skummeslöv and the chapels of Skogaby and St. Gertrud are all buildings with heating systems that should be looked into. The buildings belong to Laholm Church Communion and they are a part of Gothenburg Diocese. These churches and the chapels are observed to consume a unnecessary large amount of energy at heating, primary because of that the majority of the heating systems are built up by different types of direct electricity, oil filled electric radiators and immersion heaters acting on a waterborne heating system.</p>
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Energieffektivisering genom förändrad ekonomistyrningAsk, Alexander, Johansson, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
We have chosen to write our essay in collaboration with Varbergs kommun, where our starting point is to improve energy efficiency by management control. Their occupation separates from a pure profit driven corporation and therefore the management controls have to be adapted accordingly. The reason why we have chosen to write an essay about the management control opportunities to improve the energy efficiency depends on two different reasons. The first reason is that we find it very interesting, how with support from the management control it is possible to improve different parts of the operation. And the second reason is that Varbergs kommun expressed a wish that they wanted to improve their energy efficiency process. The purpose of the essay is to describe and analyze the opportunities with support from the management control to help improving the process of energy efficiency in a municipal operation. We have collected the data that we believe is necessary, to be able to compile and analyze. Our research question is “How can management control improve the energy efficiency in a municipal operation?” To be able to answer the research question we have chosen a hermeneutic point of view, which means that we have chosen an interpretative point of view. We have also chosen to work with an abductive approach to be able to move between empiricist and theory. The reason for this is to let the understanding emerge gradually. The collection of data for the empirical chapter has been done through discussions, email contact and by interviews with different persons that all has knowledge about the subject. The conclusion of our analysis indicates that the reward system has more perks than disadvantages, and if it is distributed through clear communication to the employees the efficiency can increase in the company. Further it can bring a number of other positive effects, like better monitoring of investment and it can increase the level of knowledge in the operation. Our hopes is that our essay will be able to contribute by showing how the process of energy efficiency can improve through the introduction of a reward system, and by showing that there is great potential for savings without the demand of investment decision.
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Energieffektivisering i sambandmed renovering : – Analysmodell för energibesparande åtgärderutifrån ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv / Energy-efficient renovation : – An analytical model forimproving efficiency from a business perspectiveHammar, Torun January 2012 (has links)
Rising energy prices and higher energy demands have led to an increased focus on energy efficiency, in particular in the real estate business, where high potential for energy savings exists. Within the next few years, buildings that were constructed in the sixties and seventies will be in need of renovation. One of the challenges of these renovations will be to improve energy efficiency. A real estate company that is facing this challenge is Uppsalahem AB, based in the city of Uppsala, Sweden. This study focused on analyzing energy efficiency measures when renovating old buildings. An analytical model for improving efficiency from a business perspective was compiled. The model describes how an analysis of energy efficiency measures can be conducted to determine if the measures meet established energy goals. The model is Excel-based and contains the steps of collecting data, calculating energy use, actions to mitigate inefficiencies and analysis. To develop an analytical model, a case study was selected and analyzed. Through this work, conclusions were drawn about how energy efficiency analysis should be performed. Several methods were compared and the most suitable methods were chosen for future analysis.
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Energieffektivisering - Laholms kyrkliga samfällighets kulturhistoriska byggnaderNilsson, Emil January 2008 (has links)
Energy efficiency is today more important than ever, mainly due to the high energy prices and the approaching climate changes. Heating of buildings is an essential area within energy efficiency. Many buildings are old and were built at a time when the energy prices were low and the term “energy efficiency” was unheard of. By applying today’s broad range of energy saving actions on these old, and thereby often, heating ineffective buildings, this area has a large potential in reducing energy consumption and costs. Churches and chapels are generally old buildings with, in many cases, ineffective heating systems and therefore consume much more energy than needed. Significant part of the means of the parish goes to the heating of such a church/chapel, resources that could be used for other purposes instead. Another aspect is that if the heating is not performed properly, it could lead to major damages to the building and its fixtures. The churches of Laholm and Skummeslöv and the chapels of Skogaby and St. Gertrud are all buildings with heating systems that should be looked into. The buildings belong to Laholm Church Communion and they are a part of Gothenburg Diocese. These churches and the chapels are observed to consume a unnecessary large amount of energy at heating, primary because of that the majority of the heating systems are built up by different types of direct electricity, oil filled electric radiators and immersion heaters acting on a waterborne heating system.
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Analys och kvantifiering av energieffektivisering inom fjärrvärmesektornLidholm, Maria, Sundin, Helena January 2015 (has links)
The Swedish Government has set a target to reduce energy consumption through energy efficiency within the construction and real estate sector. The purpose of the study is to examine how energy efficiency within this sector could affect the district heating volume in the future, on basis of Vattenfalls district heating system in Uppsala. An Excel model has been created to study how energy effficiency measures affects district heating demand in buildings by 2045, based on technical and economical conditions. Furthermore, an interview study has been conducted to examine incentives for district heating customers to invest in energy efficiency measures. Result of the Excel model shows that the district heating volume of Vattenfall in 2045 is expected to 931 GWh, which corresponds to a volume decrease of 10,6 %. Based on the study’s theoretical framework only 15 %, 1 024 GWh, of the technical-economical potential is assumed to be implemented. Result of the interview study shows that factors as lack of competence, financial demands and problems linked to incentive structure among district heating customers can counteract a reduction of the district heating volume. Incentives that promotes further energy efficiency are environmental goals and influence from society. Customer comfort is identified as a factor both for and against energy efficiency. In conclusion, an energy efficiency potential between 1,6 and 10,6 % is assumed to be a reasonable estimation. Therefore, the result of the study indicates that the estimated energy efficiency in buildings will not have a major impact on Vattenfall’s future district heating volume.
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Energianalys av fastighet Brynäs 12:1 : Energikartläggning med effektiviseringsåtgärder inriktning mot ventilationBlomqvist, Sofia, Sundby, Dennis January 2014 (has links)
Energianvändningen i Sverige och världen förväntas öka och bostads- och servicesektorn står för 40 % av världens totala energibehov. Det är viktigt att energieffektivisera redan befintliga byggnader och optimera dess system då en lägre energianvändning gynnar både miljön och ekonomin. En byggnads ventilationssystem står för en stor del av en fastighets energianvändning och det finns ofta stor potential för systemet att optimeras och effektiviseras. En fastighetsägare vill inte ha fastigheter som står outhyrda. Outhyrda lokaler betyder minskade intäkter i hyror och i vissa fall tillkommer energianvändning för de tomma lokalerna i form av uppvärmning och ventilation som fastighetsägaren måste betala. System som helt kan stängas av eller styras beroende på ventilationsbehov behövs för att den sistnämnda kostnaden ska reduceras helt under tiden lokalen är outhyrd och för att den totala energianvändningen ska minska när en hyresgäst flyttar in. Ventilationens syfte är att ventilera bort fukt, värme, partiklar och koldioxid så att ett bra inomhusklimat skapas för de personer som vistas i byggnaden. Den vanligaste ventilationsprincipen för offentliga byggnader är att ventilera luft med ett konstant luftflöde genom ett constant air volume-system. Med behovsanpassad ventilation i form av ett variable air volume-system kan stora besparingar göras då man anpassar luftflödet efter det verkliga ventilationsbehovet istället för att ventilera byggnaden med ett konstant maxflöde. En installation av ett VAV-system i form av CO2- eller närvarostyrning sänker ventilationens energianvändning samtidigt som kvaliteten på inomhusmiljön bibehålls. Arbetet som har utförts innefattar en energikartläggning av fastigheten Brynäs 12:1 då en energikartläggning hjälper till att förstå en byggnads energianvändning och identifierar möjliga energisparåtgärder. Energianvändningen för fastighetens delsystem har kartlagts och analyserats för att ta fram förslag på besparingsåtgärder. Resultatet av energikartläggningen visade att det fanns stor besparingspotential för ventilationsaggregat TA1, TA2 och TA3:s el- och värmeanvändning. Om de åtgärder rörande ventilationen som presenteras i arbetet som till exempel flödes- och tidsreducering vidtas kan en energibesparing på 333 MWh/år uppnås, vilket är 28 % av fastighetens totala årliga energianvändning. / Energy use in Sweden and the world is expected to increase and the residential and services account for 40% of total world energy demand. It is important that the energy efficiency of existing buildings and optimizing its systems as a lower energy benefits both the environment and the economy. A building's ventilation system account for a large proportion of a property's energy use, and there is often great potential for the system to be optimized and streamlined. A property owner does not want properties that are vacant. Vacant premises mean less income in rent and in some cases there will be increased energy costs for the empty space in form of heating and ventilation, for the property owner to pay. Systems that can completely shut off or controlled depending on ventilation requirements needed for the latter cost will be reduced completely when the premises are vacant and that the total energy will decrease when a tenant moves out. Ventilating purpose is to divert moisture, heat, particulates and carbon dioxide so that a good indoor climate is created for the people staying in the building. The most common ventilation principle for public buildings is to vent air with a constant air flow through a CAV system. With demand-based ventilation in the form of a VAV system, huge savings can be made when one adjusts airflow to the actual ventilation requirement instead of ventilating the building with a constant maximum flow. An installation of a VAV system in the form of CO2 or presence control, reduces ventilation energy consumption, while the quality of the indoor environment is maintained. The work that has been carried out includes an energy survey of the property Brynäs 12:1 as an energy survey helps to understand a building's energy use, and identifies potential energy savings. The energy use for the building subsystems have been identified and analyzed in order to develop proposals for cost cutting measures. The results of the energy audit revealed that there was great potential for savings for ventilation units TA1, TA2 and TA3's electricity and heat use. If the measures for ventilation as presented in the work, such as flow and time reduction is taken, an energy saving of 333 MWh/year is achieved, which is 28% of the property's total annual energy consumption.
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