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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Student on Pilot-Scale Biosparging Treatment of a Petroleun VOCs Contaminatal Site Caused by Leakage of Underground Storage Tanks

sheng, Wu-Chen 28 June 2002 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of biosparging for in situ remediation of groundwater at a site contaminated by petrochemicals. To this end, laboratory-scale (lab-scale for short) and pilot-scale tests were carried out. In the lab-scale study, three possible ways (i.e., by injecting air, by adding hydrogen peroxide, and by adding magnesium peroxide) of increasing the dissolved oxygen content in the groundwater were evaluated in terms of the resulting total bacterial count. Under the conditions used in this work, air injection was found to the most effective one. By injecting compressed air into the mixture of petrochemicals-contaminated soil and groundwater at a flow rate of 175mL/min for five minutes, the total bacterial count of the aerobic bacteria was increased greatly from 102CFU/mL to 107CFU/mL. The concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes (BTEX) also were reduced to lower than 0.5£gg/L. Based on the findings obtained from the lab-scale study, air injection was adopted for the enhancement of pilot-scale in situ bioremediation of petrochemicals-contaminated groundwater at a selected site in a petrochemical plant. To evaluate the treatment efficiency of biosparging for the removal of BTEX and naphthalene, in addition to an upstream groundwater well, six one-meter-apart monitoring wells were installed in at the test site the flow direction of groundwater. In the center of the test site, one air injection well and ten soil gas monitoring points also were installed to determining the radius of influence of the air injection well. It was found that an air injection rate of 40L/min was capable of providing sufficient air to all of the monitoring wells of groundwater and increasing the total bacterial count of aerobic bacteria from the order of 102CFU/mL to 106CFU/mL. For a test period of 99 days, the concentrations of all target contaminants in each groundwater monitoring well were decreased markedly. More specifically, the total organic carbon was reduced from 12.7-43.4 mg/L to 3.5-14.9 mg/L; biochemical oxygen demand, from 124-526 mg/L to 43-153 mg/L; benzene; toluene, from 29.88-62.34 mg/L to 11.72-12.82 mg/L ; ethyl benzene, from 0.92-5.30 mg/L to 0.86 mg/L-< 0.5£gg/L; xylenes, from 9.31-47.58 mg/L to 4.07 mg/L -< 0.5£gg/L; and naphthalene, from15.31-0.92 mg/L to < 0.5 £gg/L. Additionally, pH, temperature, and concentrations of various cations determined for the groundwater as well. During the 99-day test period, the following were found: pH varied in the range of 6.75-7.45; temperature, 30-32¢J; Ca2+, 45-65 mg/L; Mg 2+, 16-24 mg/L; Na+, 35-60 mg/L; K+, 8-14 mg/L; and total iron, 2.0-4.0 mg/L. Thus, under the conditions used in this work, the biosparging technology employed was found to have an overall treatment efficiency of over 60% for BTEX and 100% for naphthalene. To increase the overall treatment efficiency, a prolonged air injection is needed at this test site. Keywords: biosparging, groundwater, contaminated site, petrochemicals

Laboratory study of calcium based sorbents impacts on mercury bioavailability in contaminated sediments

Martinez, Alexandre Mathieu Pierre 22 October 2013 (has links)
Mercury -contaminated sediments often act as a sink of mercury and produce methyl-mercury, an acute neurotoxin which readily bio accumulates, due to the presence of bacterial communities hosted by the sediment. One common remediation approach to manage methyl-mercury is to amend the sediment by capping or directly mixing with a sorbent. This thesis aims to assess the capabilities of some calcium-based sorbent to act in that capacity. Laboratory experiments were implemented to simulate mercury fate and behavior in geochemical conditions that capping would likely create. Well-mixed slurries showed that gypsum materials were disparate and their behavior was similar from sand to organocaly. Mercury sorption capacities of these gypsums were poor with a sorption coefficient approximately equal to 300 L/kg. Reduction of methylmercury was minimal and even increased in two of the three materials. Therefore, the three gypsums, which tend to be more cohesive when wetted, doesn’t constitute a viable material for sediment capping. / text

Miljöteknisk undersökning enligt MIFO : en studie på fastigheten Bodsjölandet 1:14 avseende den nedlagda tjärfabriken i Grötingen

Ed, Maria January 2006 (has links)
<p>During 40 years of industrial production, from the end of the 1890’s until the end of 1930’s, coal and wood distillation products were manufactured in AB Carbo’s tar factory along the River Gimån in Grötingen, in the county of Jämtland, Sweden. In accordance with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s Methods for Inventories of contaminated sites, MIFO, the site in Grötingen has been identified as a potentially contaminated site. In order to determine whether toxic substances pose a threat to human health and ecological systems in the area, there was a need to investigate the presence of contaminants, their levels and potential for migration. Sensitivity and protection value regarding exposure of man and the environment at the site is high, since people live next to the site and River Gimån is a part of the Natura 2000 network.</p><p>The initial phase of the MIFO method includes a preliminary survey. Information regarding AB Carbo’s activities and production has been obtained by studying map and archive material, as well as by interviews and site inspections. Potential point sources have been identified around the factory forge, storage cellar, distillation building and the wooden channel for the discharge of tar and other condensates into the River Gimån.</p><p>Guided by the information gathered in MIFO phase 1, a preliminary site investigation was carried out at the site. It included sampling of soil, sediment, groundwater and surface water together with sample analysis of heavy metals and organic pollutants. The result of the analysis shows that very high levels of the contaminants PAH, aromatics and lead are found in both soil and groundwater. The sediment contamination level is high while that of surface water is very low. The distribution of contamination levels among the samples indicates a likely point source close to the distillation building due to very high contamination levels in soil and groundwater close to that point. The point source may represent a larger spillage or dumped waste products.</p><p>Two of the contaminants present at the site, phenantrene and phenol, were studied by using the model CHEMFLO-2000. The analysis focussed on mobility in unsaturated soils under conditions that prevail at the site in Grötingen. The adsorption of phenantrene is significantly higher in comparison to that of phenol.</p><p>Comprehensive assessment and risk classification results in risk class 2 for the site in Grötingen, which implies a need for further investigations and measurements. The risk of human exposure could be reduced by removing contaminated soil around the factory forge. Additional studies should focus on finding the location of the point source around the distillation building as well as contaminant migration from the wooden channel and the geographical spreading of heavy metal contamination.</p> / <p>Från slutet av 1890-talet och fram till slutet av 1930-talet tillverkades träkol och trädestillationsprodukter vid AB Carbos kolugnsanläggning i Grötingen, Jämtlands län. En undersökning enligt MIFO-modellen motsvarande fas 1 och fas 2 har genomförts på området med syfte att fastställa vilka föroreningar som förekommer på området, föroreningsnivå, spridningsförutsättningar och sammanfattningsvis bedöma föroreningssituationen på området utifrån de miljö- samt hälsorisker som området ger eller kan ge upphov till. Objektsområdet har hög känslighet och högt skyddsvärde då människor bor permanent alldeles intill objektsområdet samt att det intilliggande vattendraget Gimån ingår i Natura 2000-nätverket.</p><p>Genom de orienterande studier som genomfördes i MIFO fas 1 har kart- och arkivstudier samt intervjuer resulterat i information om kolugnsanläggningens verksamhet samt tillverkade produkter. På fabriksområdet identifierades potentiella punktkällor vid fabrikens smedja, källare, reningsverk samt vid den träränna varigenom spilltjära släpptes ut till Gimån.</p><p>Utifrån den information som erhölls i den orienterande fasen genomfördes en riktad provtagning enligt MIFO fas 2 i såväl mark och sediment som grund- och ytvatten. Bedömning av uppmätta föroreningshalter baseras på riktvärden och skattas från mindre allvarliga till mycket allvarliga. Analysresultaten påvisar allvarliga till mycket allvarliga halter av PAH, aromater och bly i jorden och grundvattnet. Andra föroreningar som påvisas i högre halter på området är alifater och koppar. Föroreningsnivån med avseende på PAH i sedimenten bedöms som allvarlig medan analysresultaten från ytvattenprovtagningen påvisar mycket låga föroreningsnivåer. Provtagningsresultaten påvisar ett mycket förorenat grundvattenflöde från reningsverket, där en punktkälla i form av större spill eller nedgrävda förvaringskärl kan vara lokaliserad. Eventuell spridning av föroreningar från trärännan går inte att fastställa då föroreningsspridning även kan ske från det intilliggande området där kolugnar och kondenseringshus har varit lokaliserade.</p><p>Föroreningarna fenantren och fenol studerades genom modellering i CHEMFLO-2000 med avseende på deras rörlighet i omättad jord under de geohydrologiska förhållanden som råder på objektsområdet i Grötingen. Resultatet visar att fenantren adsorberas i marken i betydligt större grad än fenol. Koncentrationen fenantren i porvattnet minskar nästan lika mycket som den totala koncentrationen fenantren i marken, vilket tyder på att fenantren binds starkt genom adsorbtion i marken.</p><p>Den samlade riskbedömningen av objektet resulterar i att objektet bedöms tillhöra riskklass 2, vilket innebär att objektet ger upphov till en stor risk för människa och miljön. Fortsatta undersökningar på området i Grötingen bör fokusera på att hitta den punktkälla vid reningsverket som bedöms vara orsaken till de höga föroreningsnivåer som uppmättes i grundvattenrör V1. Den geografiska utbredningen av de ytliga föroreningarna som påträffades där smedjan har stått bör också utredas vidare och eventuellt avlägsna förorenad jord eller vidta åtgärder för att minska exponeringen. Vidare undersökningar bör även klarlägga spridningen från trärännan samt orsakerna till de höga föroreningsnivåer av bly som uppmättes på området.</p>

Miljöteknisk undersökning enligt MIFO : en studie på fastigheten Bodsjölandet 1:14 avseende den nedlagda tjärfabriken i Grötingen

Ed, Maria January 2006 (has links)
During 40 years of industrial production, from the end of the 1890’s until the end of 1930’s, coal and wood distillation products were manufactured in AB Carbo’s tar factory along the River Gimån in Grötingen, in the county of Jämtland, Sweden. In accordance with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s Methods for Inventories of contaminated sites, MIFO, the site in Grötingen has been identified as a potentially contaminated site. In order to determine whether toxic substances pose a threat to human health and ecological systems in the area, there was a need to investigate the presence of contaminants, their levels and potential for migration. Sensitivity and protection value regarding exposure of man and the environment at the site is high, since people live next to the site and River Gimån is a part of the Natura 2000 network. The initial phase of the MIFO method includes a preliminary survey. Information regarding AB Carbo’s activities and production has been obtained by studying map and archive material, as well as by interviews and site inspections. Potential point sources have been identified around the factory forge, storage cellar, distillation building and the wooden channel for the discharge of tar and other condensates into the River Gimån. Guided by the information gathered in MIFO phase 1, a preliminary site investigation was carried out at the site. It included sampling of soil, sediment, groundwater and surface water together with sample analysis of heavy metals and organic pollutants. The result of the analysis shows that very high levels of the contaminants PAH, aromatics and lead are found in both soil and groundwater. The sediment contamination level is high while that of surface water is very low. The distribution of contamination levels among the samples indicates a likely point source close to the distillation building due to very high contamination levels in soil and groundwater close to that point. The point source may represent a larger spillage or dumped waste products. Two of the contaminants present at the site, phenantrene and phenol, were studied by using the model CHEMFLO-2000. The analysis focussed on mobility in unsaturated soils under conditions that prevail at the site in Grötingen. The adsorption of phenantrene is significantly higher in comparison to that of phenol. Comprehensive assessment and risk classification results in risk class 2 for the site in Grötingen, which implies a need for further investigations and measurements. The risk of human exposure could be reduced by removing contaminated soil around the factory forge. Additional studies should focus on finding the location of the point source around the distillation building as well as contaminant migration from the wooden channel and the geographical spreading of heavy metal contamination. / Från slutet av 1890-talet och fram till slutet av 1930-talet tillverkades träkol och trädestillationsprodukter vid AB Carbos kolugnsanläggning i Grötingen, Jämtlands län. En undersökning enligt MIFO-modellen motsvarande fas 1 och fas 2 har genomförts på området med syfte att fastställa vilka föroreningar som förekommer på området, föroreningsnivå, spridningsförutsättningar och sammanfattningsvis bedöma föroreningssituationen på området utifrån de miljö- samt hälsorisker som området ger eller kan ge upphov till. Objektsområdet har hög känslighet och högt skyddsvärde då människor bor permanent alldeles intill objektsområdet samt att det intilliggande vattendraget Gimån ingår i Natura 2000-nätverket. Genom de orienterande studier som genomfördes i MIFO fas 1 har kart- och arkivstudier samt intervjuer resulterat i information om kolugnsanläggningens verksamhet samt tillverkade produkter. På fabriksområdet identifierades potentiella punktkällor vid fabrikens smedja, källare, reningsverk samt vid den träränna varigenom spilltjära släpptes ut till Gimån. Utifrån den information som erhölls i den orienterande fasen genomfördes en riktad provtagning enligt MIFO fas 2 i såväl mark och sediment som grund- och ytvatten. Bedömning av uppmätta föroreningshalter baseras på riktvärden och skattas från mindre allvarliga till mycket allvarliga. Analysresultaten påvisar allvarliga till mycket allvarliga halter av PAH, aromater och bly i jorden och grundvattnet. Andra föroreningar som påvisas i högre halter på området är alifater och koppar. Föroreningsnivån med avseende på PAH i sedimenten bedöms som allvarlig medan analysresultaten från ytvattenprovtagningen påvisar mycket låga föroreningsnivåer. Provtagningsresultaten påvisar ett mycket förorenat grundvattenflöde från reningsverket, där en punktkälla i form av större spill eller nedgrävda förvaringskärl kan vara lokaliserad. Eventuell spridning av föroreningar från trärännan går inte att fastställa då föroreningsspridning även kan ske från det intilliggande området där kolugnar och kondenseringshus har varit lokaliserade. Föroreningarna fenantren och fenol studerades genom modellering i CHEMFLO-2000 med avseende på deras rörlighet i omättad jord under de geohydrologiska förhållanden som råder på objektsområdet i Grötingen. Resultatet visar att fenantren adsorberas i marken i betydligt större grad än fenol. Koncentrationen fenantren i porvattnet minskar nästan lika mycket som den totala koncentrationen fenantren i marken, vilket tyder på att fenantren binds starkt genom adsorbtion i marken. Den samlade riskbedömningen av objektet resulterar i att objektet bedöms tillhöra riskklass 2, vilket innebär att objektet ger upphov till en stor risk för människa och miljön. Fortsatta undersökningar på området i Grötingen bör fokusera på att hitta den punktkälla vid reningsverket som bedöms vara orsaken till de höga föroreningsnivåer som uppmättes i grundvattenrör V1. Den geografiska utbredningen av de ytliga föroreningarna som påträffades där smedjan har stått bör också utredas vidare och eventuellt avlägsna förorenad jord eller vidta åtgärder för att minska exponeringen. Vidare undersökningar bör även klarlägga spridningen från trärännan samt orsakerna till de höga föroreningsnivåer av bly som uppmättes på området.

Development of Risk Management Strategies for a Petro-Chemical Contaminated Site

Huang, Wen-yen 01 June 2007 (has links)
The subsurface environmental contamination investigation, assessment and remediation of petro-chemical contaminated site have been the most challenging environmental issues of environmental protection. If subsurface environmental mediums like soil and groundwater are contaminated, the investigation and remediation will always be time-consuming and costly even though they could not be cleaned up completely. Groundwater contaminated by chlorinated volatile solvents is more difficult to remedy owing to its property of dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL). This study focuses on petro-chemicals contaminated site whose subsurface environment is contaminated by chlorinated ethene. The study will also find out the efficient, effective and economic ways to identify and concretely delineate the characterization of subsurface environment and contamination, conduct human health risk management and take risk-based corrective action, so as to formulate an appropriate risk management strategy and solution. Firstly, this study applies a Triad approach to accelerate and streamline the investigation process of contaminated site. Introduction of project systematic planning, dynamic work strategy and in situ, real time survey or direct-push sampling like membrane interface probe, together with off-site measures like physical measurement and chemical analytic testing in laboratory, could reduce the key uncertain characteristics of subsurface environmental contamination and establish the conceptual cite models for health risk assessment cost-effectively. It is estimated that this method could save 6 million NTD and shorten 3 years¡¦ time in site characteristics delineation and remediation. If we wish to make the site defensible via managing the uncertain decision, the integration of Triad approach which is developed by United States Environmental Protection Agency, and Environmental Site Assessment, Accelerated Site Characterization, Health Risk Assessment and Risk-based Corrective action which were developed by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), are proved in this study that they could help streamline the site characterization and remediation. This study is based on the conceptual site models of Triad Approach, the Risk-based corrective action of ASTM, the Health Risk Assessment and Evaluation Methods for Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Site, and also the software developed by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration. Through the health risk assessment of chlorinated ethenes contaminated site, this research aims to evaluate the quantitative health risk like chemical of concern, environmental medium, and human exposure pathway etc. The result of evaluation showed that the carcinogenic risk of tier 2 is 1.080E-01 which exceeds the acceptable risk-based standard, 1E-06; tier 2¡¦s non-carcinogenic risk, 1.819E+03, also exceeds the acceptable hazard index which is 1. Groundwater poses the highest risk among environmental media, followed by inhalation of vapor from contaminated soil and/or groundwater. The risk of inhalation of top soil particulates is the lowest. The most dangerous carcinogenic exposure of groundwater is using groundwater for shower and washing whose risk is 8.064E-02; the second highest carcinogenic pathway is groundwater ingestion. Trichloroethylene is the key chemical of concern which poses 95.6% of carcinogenic risk among all chemicals of concern. Groundwater ingestion poses the highest non-carcinogenic risk (8.919E+02), and the main chemical of concern is cis-1, 2-dichloroethylene. The main chemical of concern of soil volatilization is cis-1, 2-dichloroethylene, followed by trichloroethylene. If the site in this study wishes to reduce the health risk of human beings, it is suggested to simultaneously implement integrated risk-based corrective actions including institutional control, engineering control and remediation. For institutional control, prohibition of pumping groundwater and pumping well installation is the most cost-effective choice. For engineering control, concrete capping on uncovered surface soil is feasible when dealing with soil contamination. When it comes to groundwater contamination, steel sheet pile containment or pumping well installation could help intercept the migration of groundwater. Regarding remediation, in-situ chemical reduction injection or permeable reactive barrier, incorporated together with monitored natural attenuation are more practicable alternatives, however, they are time-consuming and costly. The process and result of this study could be the basis for managers and/or decision makers of contaminated site to conduct risk-based management and decision making.

Spéciation et composition isotopique du mercure pour étudier les voies de contamination bio-environnementale du mercure / Mercury speciation and isotopic composition to study Hg bio-environmental contamination pathways

Feng, Caiyan 02 October 2015 (has links)
Le mercure (Hg) est un polluant global et ses effets écotoxicologiques sont fortement dépendants de sa forme chimique principalement sous forme de méthylmercure (MeHg). En raison de la forte bioaccumulation et bioamplification du MeHg dans les réseaux trophiques, l'exposition humaine est associée à la consommation de poissons, mais aussi du riz produit à proximité des régions minières riches en Hg (Chine). La composition isotopique du Hg est un outil potentiellement puissant qui a été récemment utilisé pour le traçage de la contamination par mercure et les processus biogéochimiques dans l'environnement et les organismes vivants. Dans ce travail, la spéciation et la composition isotopique du mercure d'échantillons bio-environnementaux ont été étudiées afin d'élucider les voies de contamination par Hg entre les milieux contaminés et certains organismes vivants cibles, tels que le système sol-riz dans une région minière (Hg) et le biote aquatique dans une rivière polluée par une usine de production chlore/soude. Une étude écotoxicologique a également démontré que la composition isotopique de Hg dans les différents organes des poissons permet de mieux comprendre les voies métaboliques du Hg et la réponse toxicologique induite. / Mercury (Hg) is a global pollutant and its ecotoxicological effects are strongly dependent on its chemical form mainly as methylmercury (MeHg). Due to the high bioaccumulation and biomagnification of MeHg in food webs, human exposure occurs through the consumption of fish, but also rice nearby Hg mining area (China). Hg isotopes composition is a potentials powerful tool and has been recently used to trace Hg contamination and biogeochemical processes in environment and living organisms. In this work, Hg speciation and isotopic composition of bio-environmental samples has been investigated in order to elucidate Hg contamination pathways between contaminated sites and target living organisms such as soil-rice plant system in a Hg mining region and aquatic biota in a river impacted by a chlor-alkali plant. An ecotoxicological study has also demonstrated how Hg isotopic composition in different fish organs allows to better understand Hg metabolic pathways and induced toxicological response.

A Decision Support Tool For Conceptual Site Model Development At Contaminated Sites

Buyuker, Beril 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
A conceptual site model (CSM) is simply a description of the environmental conditions at a contaminated site and surrounding area, which provides all interested parties with a vision of the site. CSM mainly identifies the source-pathway&amp / #8208 / receptor linkage to guide for effective site characterization, risk assessment and remedial investigations. Development of CSM is complicated because it is &lsquo / case specific&rsquo / and there is no single route to follow during decision making concerning the contaminated site. Moreover, type and extent of information needed varies according to size and level of contamination and site heterogeneity. The objective of this study is to develop a decision support tool that guides the site assessors during identification of possible decision routes that can be encountered / the procedure to be followed / and the information and data to be collected at each stage. This tool also introduces interactions between CSM andsampling strategies designed for various purposes. Developed decision support tool adapts to each specific contaminated site. Furthermore, a detailed review of sampling strategies is presented as a guidance for site assessors. The decision support tool is equipped with standardized tools used for CSM development, i.e. information/data collection forms, illustrative tools and exposure pathway diagram. Information on site, geology, hydrogeology, contamination source, contaminants and receptors is collected via CSM form. Illustrative tools may vary from very simple site sketches to very complex 3D drawings depending on the needs of the specific contamination cases. Exposure pathway diagram (EPD) is used to identify all transport mechanisms and potential exposure pathways. EPD is embedded into a user&amp / #8208 / friendly decision assistance tool based on Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic for Applications. The applicability and utility of the decision support tool was tested using two case studies. Case study applications indicated that the developed methodology satisfies the objectives aimed in this study.

Scenario modeling for prediction of contaminant transport in Perth unconfined aquifer

Shukla, Chirayu S. January 2008 (has links)
Rapid development and growth of industrialization has brought immense enrichments in living standards of humans, however, improper planned development also brings along several environmental problems such as pollution of environment and excessive consumption of natural resources. Among all the others, uncontrolled utilization of water poses a severe threat to the coming generations. Past decades have witnessed water shortage in various countries of the world. Although about 80% of the earth’s surface is covered with water, around 97.2% of water is salty making it inappropriate for general usage. Among the rest of the 2.8%, which is present as fresh water on surface, a large proportion of it has been found to be severely polluted. The increasing demand of fresh water both for industrial and domestic usage adds great demand on the available groundwater. Moreover, the severe pollution of fresh water on the surface adds more stress on the available groundwater. In Australia, approximately 20% of water supply is from groundwater and in the case of Western Australia groundwater provides two thirds of its water supply needs. Thus, it is important to manage groundwater sources in Western Australia to achieve the optimum water utilization and maintain the water table and it is also essential to decide on an appropriate water budget. Groundwater flow modelling is an effective tool to get appropriate water distribution and, to examine effects from pumping on water levels and direction of groundwater flow paths, thereby helping in its proper management and utilization. Apart from monitoring the flow and utilization, groundwater flow modeling is also vital to keep the track of pollutant in the groundwater. Increasing surface pollution and landfill sites tend to pollute the groundwater due to leaching. / The above mentioned aspects formed the basis of the present research. A groundwater flow model was developed in Visual MODFLOW Premium to study the effect of three different types of soil in and around Perth region. This study also shows the hypothetical contaminated site model for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) transport in Perth Superficial unconfined aquifer which includes three major aquifer sediments namely Bassendean Sand, Safety Bay Sand and Tamala Limestone. Among the four different contaminants it was observed that benzene is able to migrate quickly as compared to the other contaminants due to its smaller distribution coefficient. / This study also explored the major soil parameters such as effect of sorption, effective porosity and hydraulic conductivity on contaminant plume configuration and contaminants concentration for the three types of aquifer sediments. A critical comparison of the behaviour of the three different types of soils was also conducted. / Simulation results of sensitivity analysis have shown that sorption and hydraulic conductivity greatly affected the contaminant plume length and concentration of contaminants with much lesser effect shown by the effective porosity. The simulated results also showed that the movement of contaminant in Tamala Limestone is most rapid by comparing these three types of aquifer sediments together. Thus, it can be said that contaminated sites found in Tamala Limestone needs immediate remediation of contaminants to bring down the contaminants concentration in groundwater. / In brief, the thesis explores the current groundwater scenario in and around Perth region. Based on the information a hypothetical scenario simulation has critically analyzed the various parameters affecting the water and contaminant flow for the various soil parameters. The study is considered as a building block for further research on developing a remediation technique for groundwater contaminant treatment.

A participação pública na gestão de área contaminada: uma análise de caso baseada na Convenção de Aarhus / Public Participation in management of contaminated site: a case study under the Aarhus Convention principles

Marcatto, Flavia Silva 30 January 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo principal avaliar a participação pública em um caso de gestão de área contaminada no Estado de São Paulo. Para a busca do foco no desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, foram consideradas as três bases de sustentação da Convenção de Aarhus: o acesso à informação, a participação no processo decisório e o acesso à justiça. Esta Convenção foi escolhida por constituir um conjunto consistente de conceitos e recomendações sobre a participação pública em questões socioambientais. É conceituada a Convenção de Aarhus e são discutidos os preceitos das documentações desse acordo internacional, fazendo comparações com alguns autores. Para atender aos objetivos dessa dissertação, é aplicada uma metodologia de estudo de caso, avaliando e verificando se esta participação atende aos preceitos da Convenção, por meio de análise qualitativa. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de entrevistas individuais com atores envolvidos no caso da Shell Vila Carioca: população do entorno da empresa, técnicos do sistema ambiental e da saúde, representantes do sistema jurídico, médico, jornalista, vereador, representante do terceiro setor e representante da empresa Shell. Foi realizado um paralelo do caso estudado no Brasil com Woburn, o caso de áreas contaminadas nos Estados Unidos que também teve grande repercussão na mídia. Os resultados mostraram as diferentes visões e expectativas de cada ator para o caso. Entre outros aspectos, conclui-se que a população não foi informada adequadamente pelos órgãos públicos, que a participação da população neste caso ainda está se iniciando e que existem mecanismos judiciais para o acesso à justiça, embora a maioria da população não os conheça. Como sugestão, a autora propõe a inserção da participação pública nas etapas do Projeto de Lei de Proteção da Qualidade do Solo e Gerenciamento de Áreas Contaminadas / The objective of this work is to evaluate the participation of the public at a contaminated site case in the State of São Paulo. The basis for the analysis was the three pillars established by the Aarhus Convention (right to access information, right of the public participation and right to access the justice). This tree pillar scheme is a consistent array of concepts regarding the public participation process in environmental matters. The concepts of the Convention were discussed under the view of several authors. To evaluate in the real world the use of the concepts of the CONVENTION a case study were performed: Vila Carioca Contaminated Site in the City of São Paulo. The methodology used were interviews with all main actors involved as local population, environmental state officials, journalist, public attorneys, NGO people, city council members and ,industry representative. The interviews were conducted in person. The results showed the different views and expectations about the problem for each actor, which was very interesting to understand how the conflicts can start. In order to compare the public participation in other country a The Woburn Case in USA was reviewed. The main findings were: that the public participation is far from the proposed by the Convention, mainly regarding access to information and public participation. Regarding the access to justice, even though the Brazilian Justice be slow and costly, the points required by the Convention do exist. As a result of the findings the author proposed a suggestion of items introducing participation of the public to be inserted in a Law Project regarding Management of Contaminated Sites, in discussion nowadays at the São Paulo State Congress

A participação pública na gestão de área contaminada: uma análise de caso baseada na Convenção de Aarhus / Public Participation in management of contaminated site: a case study under the Aarhus Convention principles

Flavia Silva Marcatto 30 January 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo principal avaliar a participação pública em um caso de gestão de área contaminada no Estado de São Paulo. Para a busca do foco no desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, foram consideradas as três bases de sustentação da Convenção de Aarhus: o acesso à informação, a participação no processo decisório e o acesso à justiça. Esta Convenção foi escolhida por constituir um conjunto consistente de conceitos e recomendações sobre a participação pública em questões socioambientais. É conceituada a Convenção de Aarhus e são discutidos os preceitos das documentações desse acordo internacional, fazendo comparações com alguns autores. Para atender aos objetivos dessa dissertação, é aplicada uma metodologia de estudo de caso, avaliando e verificando se esta participação atende aos preceitos da Convenção, por meio de análise qualitativa. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de entrevistas individuais com atores envolvidos no caso da Shell Vila Carioca: população do entorno da empresa, técnicos do sistema ambiental e da saúde, representantes do sistema jurídico, médico, jornalista, vereador, representante do terceiro setor e representante da empresa Shell. Foi realizado um paralelo do caso estudado no Brasil com Woburn, o caso de áreas contaminadas nos Estados Unidos que também teve grande repercussão na mídia. Os resultados mostraram as diferentes visões e expectativas de cada ator para o caso. Entre outros aspectos, conclui-se que a população não foi informada adequadamente pelos órgãos públicos, que a participação da população neste caso ainda está se iniciando e que existem mecanismos judiciais para o acesso à justiça, embora a maioria da população não os conheça. Como sugestão, a autora propõe a inserção da participação pública nas etapas do Projeto de Lei de Proteção da Qualidade do Solo e Gerenciamento de Áreas Contaminadas / The objective of this work is to evaluate the participation of the public at a contaminated site case in the State of São Paulo. The basis for the analysis was the three pillars established by the Aarhus Convention (right to access information, right of the public participation and right to access the justice). This tree pillar scheme is a consistent array of concepts regarding the public participation process in environmental matters. The concepts of the Convention were discussed under the view of several authors. To evaluate in the real world the use of the concepts of the CONVENTION a case study were performed: Vila Carioca Contaminated Site in the City of São Paulo. The methodology used were interviews with all main actors involved as local population, environmental state officials, journalist, public attorneys, NGO people, city council members and ,industry representative. The interviews were conducted in person. The results showed the different views and expectations about the problem for each actor, which was very interesting to understand how the conflicts can start. In order to compare the public participation in other country a The Woburn Case in USA was reviewed. The main findings were: that the public participation is far from the proposed by the Convention, mainly regarding access to information and public participation. Regarding the access to justice, even though the Brazilian Justice be slow and costly, the points required by the Convention do exist. As a result of the findings the author proposed a suggestion of items introducing participation of the public to be inserted in a Law Project regarding Management of Contaminated Sites, in discussion nowadays at the São Paulo State Congress

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