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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The influence of breaks in optimal storage conditions on "Cripps Pink" apple physiology and quality : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Food Technology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

East, Andrew Richard January 2006 (has links)
Apples stored onshore in Australia and New Zealand, are maintained at optimal storage conditions with the aid of low temperatures; controlled atmospheres (CA) and new technologies that retard the production or effect of ethylene (AVG and 1-MCP respectively). These technologies allow distribution of the highest quality apples to local and export markets on a year round basis. However, during distribution, maintenance of optimal storage conditions may be lost due to refrigeration system breakdown, operational constraints or management decisions. This thesis quantifies the influence of commercially realistic breaks in optimal storage conditions (temperature and CA) on fruit physiology and quality, both at the time of the break and in subsequent optimal storage conditions. The ‘Cripps Pink’ (‘Pink Lady™’) apple cultivar was chosen for consideration in this thesis because it is a high value cultivar that is of considerable importance to the Australian apple industry. The knowledge of the behaviour of ‘Cripps Pink’ apples in coolstorage conditions (in air and CA) was confirmed through comparison of physiological and quality change behaviour of fruit from three harvests collected in this research and those reported recently by other authors. The investigation of the influence of breaks in temperature control during storage in air at 0°C, revealed that preclimacteric apples exposed to a break in temperature control, were advanced towards the establishment of the climacteric. Postclimacteric apple, responded by doubling ethylene production a short time after return to coolstorage. Harvest maturity, timing of break during coolstorage, length of break of temperature control and multiple breaks in temperature control, had little influence on the increase ethylene production response. Quality factors (firmness, background hue angle, and titratable acidity) were all reduced as a result of exposure to warmer temperatures, but on return to coolstorage temperatures rates of loss in these quality factors were not influenced by the increased ethylene production. Short-term (3-day) breaks in CA while fruit remained at refrigerated temperatures were shown to have no substantial effect on fruit physiology or quality, either during the period of the break in CA or in subsequent CA storage. Breaks in temperature control in combination with breaks in CA were observed to cause a doubling of ethylene production on CA stored apples regardless of being returned to 0°C in air or CA. Those apples that were exposed to a break in temperature control and returned to air storage at refrigerated temperature lost quality (firmness and background hue angle) more rapidly than apples not exposed to breaks in temperature control and transferred to air storage. This result strengthened the knowledge of the influence of ethylene on changes in apple quality, as found for many other apple cultivars. The influence of the decision to transport fruit in CA or air atmosphere shipping containers was initially investigated with a laboratory simulation. Physiology (respiration rate and ethylene production) of air shipped fruit was found not only to be more rapid, but more variable between fruit, than for apples shipped in CA. This more rapid and larger variation of possible fruit physiologies, suggests that in addition to losing quality at a faster rate, the variation in the quality of fruit shipped in air will also enlarge during shipment. This hypothesis was confirmed with data pooled from treatments subjected to 0°C and 3°C, simulating the likely temperature variability within a shipping container. Validation of the influence of shipping atmosphere on delivered fruit quality, was conducted in the commercial environment. This trial found that the length of time to ship fruit from Australia and New Zealand to European markets was not sufficient to induce commercially significant differences between ‘Cripps Pink’ apples shipped in the two atmospheres. Finally, as ethylene production was influenced by fluctuations in temperature control and subsequently affected quality of apples previously stored in CA, an investigative attempt to model ethylene production in temperature variable scenarios was conducted. Published models of ethylene production in apples were adapted to the variable temperature storage scenario and a new model was proposed. Unfortunately, none of the models investigated were able to predict all of the consistent behaviours of ethylene production observed during the experimental work, indicating that more knowledge of the ethylene production pathway is required, before modelling of ethylene production and subsequently apple quality can be conducted successfully.

Fisiologia, bioquímica e conservação de bananas e goiabas sob altas concentrações de O2 combinadas com CO2 e N2O / Physiology, biochemistry and conservation of bananas and guavas at high concentrations of O2 combined with CO2 and N2O

Thales Sandoval Cerqueira 06 July 2012 (has links)
Atmosferas com altas concentrações de O2, bem como atmosferas enriquecidas com N2O têm sido sugeridas como alternativas para as atmosferas com baixo O2 e alto CO2. O armazenamento de frutos em atmosferas com alto CO2 por um longo período pode ocasionar desordens fisiológicas. Além disso, existe pouca informação na literatura sobre os efeitos de altas concentrações de O2 no metabolismo oxidativo em frutos. O N2O é um gás de ocorrência natural, não tóxico descrito como um potente antagonista à produção e à ação do etileno. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a influência da atmosfera controlada com altas concentrações de O2 associadas ou não a CO2 e N2O sobre a fisiologia, o metabolismo oxidativo e o comportamento pós-colheita de bananas e goiabas. Bananas Nanicão e goiabas Kumagai foram submetidas aos tratamentos com atmosfera controlada em sistema de fluxo contínuo. Os frutos foram dispostos em câmaras sob o fluxo de 200 mL min-1. Todos os tratamentos foram mantidos em câmara com temperatura controlada de 22°C. A umidade em torno dos frutos foi mantida em 95%UR. Os frutos foram avaliados quanto à qualidade, produção de CO2, etileno e atividade enzimática. O alto O2 acelerou o início da senescência em ambos os frutos. Porém, foram observadas diferenças entre a banana e a goiaba, sendo que na banana o pico climatérico e o processo de amadurecimento foram antecipados. Na goiaba, o efeito marcante foi a perda da cor verde da casca. Provavelmente, as respostas observadas estão diretamente relacionadas à influência do oxigênio no metabolismo do etileno e as capacidades antioxidantes da banana e goiaba. Quando o alto O2 foi associado ao CO2 e ao N2O também foi verificada antecipação do início da senescência, porém foram verificadas diferenças entre os tratamentos com CO2 e aqueles com N2O. O alto O2 associado ao CO2 evitou a ocorrência de processos fermentativos mesmo nas concentrações mais elevadas de CO2. Com relação ao N2O, a associação deste gás ao alto O2 não reteve o amadurecimento. Por outro lado, sua associação ao baixo O2 permitiu aumento na vida pós-colheita de ambos os frutos, sem a ocorrência de processos fermentativos. Em relação ao metabolismo oxidativo a banana com alto O2 desencadeou acúmulo de oxigênio reativo com conseqüente alteração na atividade das enzimas oxidativas, diferindo da goiaba na qual os teores de oxigênio reativo se mantiveram baixos durante todo armazenamento. Isso ocorre, provavelmente devido às diferenças na capacidade antioxidante entre estas frutas a qual é consideravelmente maior na goiaba. / Atmospheres with high O2 levels and N2O enriched atmospheres have been suggested as an alternative to the atmospheres of low O2 and high CO2. Fruit storage under atmospheres with high CO2 for a long period may develop physiological disorders. In addition, there is not enough information about the effects of high O2 concentrations on fruits oxidative metabolism. N2O is a gas present on nature, non-toxic described as a powerful antagonist to production and action of ethylene. This work aimed to study the influence of controlled atmosphere with high O2 concentrations, associated or not to CO2 and N2O on the physiology, oxidative metabolism and post-harvest behavior of bananas and guavas. Bananas Nanicão and guava Kumagai were treated under continuous flow system. The fruits were placed into chambers under flow of 200 mL min-1. All treatments were maintained in a chamber with controlled temperature of 22°C. The humidity around the fruits was kept at 95% UR. It was quality evaluated CO2 and ethylene production and enzyme activity. The high O2 accelerated the onset of senescence in both fruits. However, differences were observed between the banana and guava, banana anticipated the occurrence of the climacteric peak by changing all the variables related to maturity. The main effect observed over guavas was the loss of peel green color. Probably, the observed responses are related to oxygen effect on ethylene and antioxidant capacity of banana and guava. When the O2 was associated with high CO2 and N2O was also observed an anticipation of the beginning of senescence, but differences were observed between CO2 and N2O treatments. The high O2 associated with CO2 prevented the occurrence of fermentative processes even at the highest concentrations of CO2. The N2O associations with high O2 do not increase postharvest life too. On the other hand, the N2O associations with low O2 allow delay ripening process. In relation to oxidative metabolism at high O2 banana triggered accumulation of reactive oxygen and consequent change in the activity of enzymes involved, differing from guava in which the levels remained low throughout storage. This is probably due to differences in the antioxidant activity of these fruits and which is considerably higher in guava. Keywords: High oxygen; Nitrous oxide;

Doenças quiescentes em goiabas: quantificação e controle pós-colheita / Quiescent diseases in guava: quantification and post-harvest control

Ana Raquel Soares-Colletti 06 November 2012 (has links)
As doenças pós-colheita em goiabas podem representar danos entre 20 e 40%, em função de condições ambientais e manejo integrado de doenças tanto antes quanto após a colheita. A adequação dos produtores às normas do Programa Integrado de Frutas (PIF) garante a obtenção de frutos com qualidade, produzidos de forma sustentável. Porém, exige o uso racional de agroquímicos durante as fases de produção da fruta. Neste contexto, utilizando a variedade Kumagai de polpa branca, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: (i) determinar as condições ambientais favoráveis à colonização natural de Guignardia psidii em goiabas; (ii) quantificar a incidência das doenças pós-colheita em goiabas nos dois principais mercados atacadistas do Estado de São Paulo; (iii) detectar e quantificar as doenças quiescentes desde a flor até em frutos no ponto de colheita; (iv) verificar o efeito da atmosfera controlada utilizando altas concentrações de O2 no controle das principais doenças pós-colheita da goiaba. Experimentos em condições controladas foram conduzidos para determinar o efeito de condições ambientais na colonização de G. psidii em goiabas. Na CEASA e na CEAGESP foram realizados levantamentos para quantificar as doenças pós-colheita em goiabas. Em duas áreas de produção de goiabas quantificaram-se as doenças quiescentes da goiaba em duas áreas de produção pelo método de detecção precoce de infecções quiescentes. Armadilhas caça-esporos foram colocadas em plantas para quantificar esporos carregados pela chuva. Talhões com e sem restos de cultura ao redor das plantas foram avaliados. Experimentos in vitro e in vivo foram realizados com diferentes tratamentos de atmosfera controlada para o controle de antracnose e pinta preta da goiaba. A temperatura ótima para a colonização de G. psidii foi de 30 ºC, atingindo incidência de 100% com 24 horas de molhamento, 10 dias após incubação. As principais doenças observadas nos mercados atacadistas e nas duas áreas de produção de goiabas foram antracnose, pinta preta e podridão de Fusicocum, com incidências máximas de 56,6%, 46,1% e 41,9%, respectivamente nos mercados atacadistas e máximas de 86,4%, 62,0% e 44,0%, respectivamente, nas áreas de produção de goiabas, 10 dias após incubação a 25 ºC. A antracnose foi a única doença observada desde a flor até em frutos maduros. Houve correlação direta entre a temperatura máxima combinada ou não com a precipitação acumulada e a incidência de antracnose nos frutos. Todos os isolados de Colletotrichum obtidos de frutos doentes foram identificados como C. gloeosporioides. Não houve diferença significativa nas incidências das principais doenças quiescentes da goiaba para as áreas com e sem restos culturais. A ocorrência de chuva no florescimento e nos estádios iniciais de desenvolvimento do fruto associada a temperaturas elevadas resultaram em incidências elevadas das principais doenças quiescentes da goiaba \'Kumagai\' em pós-colheita. O tratamento 30% CO2 + 70% O2 proporcionou maiores reduções no crescimento micelial dos fungos avaliados e na incidência de frutos doentes, após 4 dias sob atmosfera controlada. Frutos armazenados em atmosferas contendo 60% N2O + 20% O2 + 20% N2 e 30% CO2 + 70% O2 apresentaram menores severidade da antracnose e pinta preta, respectivamente em goiabas. / Post-harvest diseases in guavas may represent damages from 20 to 40%. Environmental conditions and disease management, before or after harvesting, are among their major causes. Standards proposed by the Integrated Production Fruit (IPF) ensure fruit quality and sustainable production with rational use of agrochemicals. Using the white-fleshed variety Kumagai, the objectives were: (i) to determine the environmental conditions favorable to the natural colonization of Guignardia psidii in guava (ii) to quantify the incidence of major post-harvest diseases of guava at the main wholesale markets of São Paulo state, (iii) to detect and quantify the quiescent diseases from flower to fruit in the harvest point (iv) to evaluate the effect of controlled atmosphere using high concentrations of O2 to control the main post-harvest diseases of guava. Experiments were conducted under controlled conditions to determine the effect of environmental conditions on the colonization of G. psidii on guavas. Surveys were carried out to quantify the postharvest diseases in guavas in CEASA and CEAGESP. The quiescent diseases of guava were quantified in two production areas by the method of early detection of quiescent infection. Inverted-bottle samplers were placed on plants to quantify spores carried by rain. Plots with and without crop residues around the plants were evaluated. Experiments in vitro and in vivo experiments were performed with different controlled atmosphere treatments for control of anthracnose and black spot of guava. The optimum temperature for G. psidii colonization was 30 °C, reaching 100% incidence with 24 hours of wetness, 10 days after incubation. The main diseases observed in the wholesale markets and in the two production areas were guava anthracnose, black spot and Fusicocum rot. The highest incidences were 56.6%, 46.1% and 41.9%, for anthracnose, black spot and Fusicocum rot, respectively, stored at 25 °C. In the field, fruits presented maximum incidences of 86.4% for anthracnose, 62.0% for black spot and 44.0% for Fusicocum rot. Anthracnose was the only post-harvest quiescent disease that was observed from the flower to the mature fruit. There was direct correlation between the maximum temperature and the incidence of anthracnose regardless of rainfall. Colletotrichum sp. strains obtained from diseased fruit were identified as C. gloeosporioides. There was no significant difference in the incidence of major diseases of guava quiescent in areas with and without crop residues around the plants. The occurrence of rain during flowering and early stages of fruit development associated with high temperatures resulted in high diseases incidences of major diseases quiescent guava \'Kumagai\' in post-harvest. The treatment 30% CO2 + 70% provided greater reductions in mycelial growth of fungi and incidence of diseased fruits, after 4 days under controlled atmosphere. Fruit stored with 60% N2O + 20% O2 + 20% N2 and 30% CO2 + 70% O2 showed lower severity of anthracnose and black spot, respectively.

Atmosfera controlada na conservação de morango / Controlled atmosphere on the conservation of strawberry

Luis Carlos Cunha Júnior 01 April 2011 (has links)
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar os efeitos isolados de distintas concentrações de dióxido de carbono (CO2), de oxigênio (O2) e de óxido nitroso (N2O); e também as combinações dos melhores resultados para a conservação de morangos \'Oso Grande\'. Os frutos foram selecionados, resfriados e armazenados a 10 °C em câmaras herméticas, com fluxo contínuo de 150 mL min-1. Os frutos foram avaliados a cada dois dias até se tornarem impróprios para o consumo. Quanto maior as concentrações de CO2 (0,03 %; 10 %; 20 %, 40 % e 80 %) associadas a 20 % de O2 em atmosfera de armazenamento menor foi a incidência de doenças. Os morangos armazenados com 80 % de CO2 foram considerados inadequados para o consumo, por apresentarem teores elevados de acetaldeído (4,9 mg 100g-1) e de etanol (105,3 mg 100g-1). Já as concentrações de 20 % e de 40 % CO2 conservaram os frutos por até oito dias, com manutenção da cor e das características comerciais. As concentrações de O2 (1 %; 3 %; 20 %; 60 %; e 90 %) demonstraram que a atividade respiratória dos morangos foi menor nas atmosferas com 1 % e 3 % de O2. O tratamento com 90 % O2 proporcionou menor incidência de podridões (2,8 %). Os morangos armazenados com 60 e 90 % de O2 mantiveram suas características comerciais por 10 dias. No ensaio com diferentes concentrações de N2O (0 %; 10 %; 30 %; 60 %; e 80 %) associadas a 20 % de O2, observou-se que os frutos com esse gás obtiveram as melhores avaliações de aparência, e reduziu em 36,3 % a respiração dos mesmos após 24 horas de armazenamento, e manteve-se estável até o fim do período. As concentrações de 60 % e de 80 % N2O se mostraram adequadas para a conservação dos morangos, por apresentarem menor ocorrência de doenças e de taxa respiratória, e, portanto, mantendo as características comerciais. Neste experimento foram avaliadas novamente as atmosferas com 0,03 % CO2 + 20 % O2; 80 % N2O + 20 % O2 e 90 % O2; além de avaliar as combinações de 60 % O2 + 40 % CO2 e de 20 % O2 + 20 % CO2 + 60 % N2O. As menores incidências de podridões e as melhores notas de aparência foram nos frutos armazenados com 80 % N2O + 20 % O2 e 20 % O2 + 20 % CO2 + 60 % N2O. Os morangos sob 60 % O2 + 40 % CO2 foram considerados inadequados para o consumo, por apresentarem teores elevados de acetaldeído (54,8 mg 100g-1) e de etanol (42,4 mg 100g-1). Os morangos \'Oso Grande\' a 10 ºC, sob atmosfera controlada com 80 % N2O + 20 % O2; 90 % O2 ou 20 % O2 + 20 % CO2 + 60 % N2O, conservam sua coloração, reduziram a ocorrência de doenças e mantiveram a qualidade comercial por 14 dias. / The aim of this work were to evaluate the isolates effects of different concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2) and nitrous oxide (N2O); and also the combinations of the best results for the conservation of strawberries \'Oso Grande\'. The fruit have been selected, cooled and stored to 10 °C in air tight chambers with continuous flow of 150 ml min-1. The fruits were evaluated every two days to become unfit for consumption. The higher concentrations of CO2 (0,03 %; 10 %; 20 %, 40 % and 80 %) associated with 20 % O2 in the atmosphere of storage, it smaller was the incidence of diseases. The strawberries stored with 80 % of CO2 were considered unsuitable for the consumption on the present high levels of acetaldehyde (4,9 mg 100 g-1) and the ethanol (105,3 mg 100 g-1). Already concentrations of 20 % and 40% of CO2 were conserved the fruit for up to 8 days, with maintenance of the color and the commercial characteristics. The concentrations of O2 (1 %; 3 %; 20 %; 60 %; and 90 %) showed that strawberry respiratory activity was lower in atmospheres with 1 % and 3 % of O2. The treatment with 90 % O2 provided the lower incidence of rotting (2,8 %). The strawberries stored with 60 and 90 % O2 maintained their commercial characteristics for 10 days. In the test with different concentrations of N2O (0 %; 10 %; 30 %; 60 %; and 80 %) associated with 20 % O2, observed that the fruit with this gas obtained the best results of appearance, and the respiratory rate of the fruit reduced in 36,3 % after 24 hours of storage, and maintained stable until the end of the period. The concentrations of 60 % and 80 % of N2O showed appropriate for the conservation of strawberries for presented a lesser occurrence of diseases and of respiratory rate, and therefore maintaining the commercial characteristics. In this experiment were evaluated again the atmospheres with 0,03 % CO2 + 20 % O2; 80 % N2O + 20 % O2 and 90 % O2; in addition to evaluating the combinations of 60 % O2 + 40 % CO2 and 20 % O2 + 20 % CO2 + 60 % N2O. The smallest incidences rotting and best notes of appearance were in the fruit stored with 80 % N2O + 20 % O2 and 20 % O2 + 20 % CO2 + 60 % N2O. The strawberries under atmosphere with 60 % O2 + 40 % CO2 were considered unsuitable for consumption to the showed high levels of acetaldehyde (54,8 mg 100 g-1) and of ethanol (42,4 mg 100 g-1). The strawberries \'Oso Grande\' at 10 ºC, under controlled atmosphere with 80 % N2O + 20 % O2; 90% O2 or 20 % O2 + 20 % CO2 + 60 % N2O maintained their color, reduced the occurrence of diseases and maintained the commercial quality for 14 days.

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