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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Korpusavusteinen diskurssianalyysi japaninsuomalaisten kielipuheesta

Lehto, L.-M. (Liisa-Maria) 09 May 2018 (has links)
Abstract I study language discourses of Japan Finns: the ways they talk about languages. This research is a part of the language-in-motion studies. Informants are native Finns who are born in Finland and have moved to Japan. There are 14 informants in this study, and the recorded data consists of fourteen interviews and seven pair conversations. The amount of data is about 24 hours altogether. Firstly, the aim is to find out what kind of roles and meanings informants give to Finnish, Japanese and English respectively. In other words, what kind of language discourses they construct. Secondly, I study, whether corpus assisted discourse analysis is suitable for analyzing Finnish spoken data. In the context of globalization, languages are no longer tightly connected to time and space but they move along with people. Globalization changes views about languages and multilingualism, hence new concepts are needed to describe them. I observe language discourses in the context of globalization as well as in the social and language ideological context of Japan. Discourses construct reality and I understand them as social and shared entities. In the analysis, corpus methods and discourse analysis are combined: clusters and semantic preference help me to detect how discourses consist of linguistic features. Cluster analysis reveals different roles of languages. Finnish is a language of identity, Japanese is described as a skill and English as a tool. Clusters create contrasts, voices and estrangements, that tell about relations between languages and speakers’ relationship with a language. Semantic preference shows, how language choices and language identity are context bound. Possibility of change is seen in discourses, though self-expression and emotions and importance of language are preserved in migration. / Tiivistelmä Tutkin väitöskirjassani japaninsuomalaisten kielidiskursseja eli kielistä puhumisen tapoja. Työni on osa liikkuvuuden sosiolingvistiikkaa käsittelevää tutkimusta. Informanttini ovat Suomessa syntyneitä ja Japaniin muuttaneita suomalaisia. Aineistona on 14 haastattelua ja 7 parikeskustelua eli yhteensä noin 24 tuntia nauhoitetta. Selvitän ensinnäkin, millaisia tehtäviä ja merkityksiä informantit antavat kielille – suomelle, japanille ja englannille – eli millaisia kielidiskursseja he rakentavat. Toiseksi tarkastelen, miten puhutun suomenkielisen aineiston korpusavusteinen analyysi toimii ja millaisen kuvan se antaa kielidiskursseista. Kielet eivät globalisaation myötä ole aikaan ja paikkaan sidottuja vaan liikkuvat ihmisten mukana. Globalisaatio muuttaa käsitystä kielistä ja monikielisyydestä, joten nykyistä monikielisyyttä luonnehtimaan tarvitaan uusia käsitteitä. Tarkastelen informanttieni kielidiskursseja paitsi globalisaation näkökulmasta myös Japanin yhteiskunnallisessa ja kieli-ideologisessa kontekstissa. Diskurssinäkemykseni pohjautuu siihen näkökulmaan, että kieli rakentaa todellisuutta, ja näen diskurssit sosiaalisina ja jaettuina. Menetelmäni on diskursseja ja korpustutkimusta yhdistävä: klustereiden ja semanttisen preferenssin avulla hahmotan, mistä lingvistisistä osista diskurssit koostuvat. Klusterianalyysi paljastaa kielten työnjakoja. Suomi on identiteetin kieli, mutta japanista puhutaan kielitaidon ja englannista välineellisyyden kautta. Klustereissa luodaan kontrasteja, ääniä ja etäännytyksiä, jotka kertovat kielten välisistä suhteista sekä puhujan suhteesta kieliin. Semanttisen preferenssin analyysissa näkyy kielivalintojen ja -identiteettien kontekstisidonnaisuus. Diskursseissa on läsnä muutoksen mahdollisuus, mutta itseilmaisu, tunteet ja kielen merkitys säilyvät siirtolaisuudessa.

Australia Day or Invasion Day? : A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of the framing of Australia's national day in Australian newspapers

Tamm, Erica January 2022 (has links)
The national day of Australia, officially referred to as Australia Day, can be seen as a celebration of Australian culture or as a symbol of colonialism. Previous research shows that how newspapers frame events can impact the readers’ understanding of how reality is represented (Baker et al., 2013). Therefore, this thesis investigates how Australia Day is framed in Australian news articles and whether the framing of Australia Day differs in left- and right-leaning newspapers. The data consists of two corpora of news articles about Australia Day published in left- and right-leaning newspapers between 2018 and 2022. These corpora were analysed from a Corpus Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) perspective. The results indicate that the national day is framed as a controversial day in both right- and left-leaning newspapers, most saliently referred to as Australia Day or Invasion Day. In right-leaning newspapers, Australia Day celebrations are framed as positive, while anti-Australia Day protests and the use of the term Invasion Day are portrayed as negative. Furthermore, in right-leaning newspapers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples are reported to have more important priorities than changing the date for Australia Day. In contrast, the left-leaning newspapers are more prone to frame the national day as disrespectful towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples and signal that a potential future change of date is positive. Overall, this study suggests that the political orientation of the newspaper can impact how the national day is framed.

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