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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Απλή & πολλαπλή ανάλυση αντιστοιχιών (simple & multiple correspondence analysis) και πρακτική εφαρμογή τους σε έρευνα αγοράς (market research) με τη χρήση των στατιστικών πακέτων SPSS & MINITAB

Γεωργιτσόπουλος, Άγγελος 18 June 2014 (has links)
Ένα από τα πιο αποτελεσματικά μέσα για την επιτυχία ενός προϊόντος είναι αναμφισβήτητα η Έρευνα Αγοράς (Market Research). Η έρευνα υλοποιείται σε αντιπροσωπευτικό δείγμα ενός συγκεκριμένου υπό μελέτη πληθυσμού, με απώτερο σκοπό να εξαχθούν συμπεράσματα από την ποσοτική στατιστική επεξεργασία και ανάλυση των δεδομένων σχετικά με τις απόψεις, τις στάσεις και τις συμπεριφορές που διαθέτουν οι καταναλωτές, τις τάσεις και τις προοπτικές ενός κλάδου, το μερίδιο αγοράς που αντιστοιχεί σε κάποιο προϊόν ή επίσης και τη γνώση που έχουν οι καταναλωτές όσον αφορά τη μάρκα ή την εικόνα ενός προϊόντος. Η στατιστική ανάλυση των αποτελεσμάτων επιτυγχάνεται με χρήση διαφόρων στατιστικών τεχνικών, ανάμεσα στις οποίες περιλαμβάνεται και η Ανάλυση Αντιστοιχιών (Correspondence Analysis). Η Ανάλυση Αντιστοιχιών (Correspondence Analysis) είναι μια διερευνητική τεχνική ανάλυσης δεδομένων που απεικονίζει γραφικά πίνακες συνάφειας και πολυμεταβλητά κατηγορικά δεδομένα, ενώ παράλληλα τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες έχει σημειώσει ταχύτατη εξέλιξη και ανάπτυξη. Η Ανάλυση Αντιστοιχιών βρίσκει εφαρμογή τόσο στην Έρευνα Αγοράς, ακριβώς λόγω της κατηγορικής φύσεως των δεδομένων που προκύπτουν σε έρευνες τέτοιου τύπου, όσο και γενικότερα στις κοινωνικές επιστήμες όπου συνήθως χρειάζεται ένα στατιστικό «εργαλείο» για να ελέγξει τις αντιστοιχίες- συσχετίσεις μεταξύ των μεταβλητών και να τις αποδώσει με τη βοήθεια ενός γραφήματος. Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η θεωρητική, πρακτική και υπολογιστική επισκόπηση της συγκεκριμένης στατιστικής μεθόδου καθώς και η υλοποίησή της στα στατιστικά πακέτα SPSS & MINITAB, με τη χρήση κατάλληλων δεδομένων από τον τομέα της Έρευνας Αγοράς. Θα δοθεί έμφαση περισσότερο στην ερμηνεία των αποτελεσμάτων παρά στις μαθηματικές και τεχνικές λεπτομέρειες των διαδικασιών της εφαρμογής. / One of the most effective means for the success of a product is indisputably the Market Research. The research is conducted in a representative sample of a specific population under study with the aim to draw conclusions which are derived from the quantitative statistical processing and analysis of data on the opinions, the attitudes and behaviors that consumers have, the trends and the prospects of a branch, the market share which is corresponding to a product or also the knowledge that consumers have got as far as it concerns the brand or product image. The statistical analysis of the results is accomplished by using different statistical techniques including Correspondence Analysis. The Correspondence Analysis is an exploratory data analysis technique that depicts graphically contingency tables and multivariate categorical data, while the last decades it has made rapid progress and development. The Correspondence Analysis is applicable to Market Research, just because of the categorical nature of data obtained in researches of this type and generally in social sciences, where commonly a statistical tool is needed to check on the correspondences- correlations among the variables and yield them through a graph. The purpose of this study is the theoretical, practical and computational survey of this specific statistical method and its implementation in the statistical packages SPSS & MINITAB by using appropriate data from Market Research. Emphasis will be given more on the interpretation of results despite the mathematical and technical details of the method procedures.


Das, Diptarka 01 January 2014 (has links)
One of the most important results emerging from string theory is the gauge gravity duality (AdS/CFT correspondence) which tells us that certain problems in particular gravitational backgrounds can be exactly mapped to a particular dual gauge theory a quantum theory very similar to the one explaining the interactions between fundamental subatomic particles. The chief merit of the duality is that a difficult problem in one theory can be mapped to a simpler and solvable problem in the other theory. The duality can be used both ways. Most of the current theoretical framework is suited to study equilibrium systems, or systems where time dependence is at most adiabatic. However in the real world, systems are almost always out of equilibrium. Generically these scenarios are described by quenches, where a parameter of the theory is made time dependent. In this dissertation I describe some of the work done in the context of studying quantum quench using the AdS/CFT correspondence. We recover certain universal scaling type of behavior as the quenching is done through a quantum critical point. Another question that has been explored in the dissertation is time dependence of the gravity theory. Present cosmological observations indicate that our universe is accelerating and is described by a spacetime called de-Sitter(dS). In 2011 there had been a speculation over a possible duality between de-Sitter gravity and a particular field theory (Euclidean SP(N) CFT). However a concrete realization of this proposition was still lacking. Here we explicitly derive the dS/CFT duality using well known methods in field theory. We discovered that the time dimension emerges naturally in the derivation. We also describe further applications and extensions of dS/CFT.

Verdad: un debate tradicional revisado / Verdad: un debate tradicional revisado

Wright, Crispin 09 April 2018 (has links)
Truth: A Traditional Debate Reviewed”. This paper proposes a critical review of the presuppositions at the background of the traditional discussion on truth. Despite acknowledging that the said discussion rationalizes many of the movements and tentatives of its main characters to clarify the facts, it isascertained that, since it is centered in a reductive analyses of truth, it is not apt to generate the most adequate interpretation of the same. The theories in dispute will be expounded and criticized: deflationism, intrinsicalism, and both forms of relationism –coherentism and correspondence. An alternative to theanalytical-theoretical approach to truth –which in its different guises has served as basis of the traditional debate– will be purported. / El artículo plantea una revisión crítica de los presupuestos sobrelos cuales se funda el debate tradicional acerca de la verdad. A pesar de reconocerse que dicho debate racionaliza muchos de los movimientos e intentos de clarificación hechos por sus protagonistas, se afirma que, en la medida en que está centrado en un análisis reductivo del concepto en cuestión, no es elindicado para generar la interpretación más adecuada del mismo. A lo largo del trabajo, se expondrán y criticarán las teorías que han entrado en disputa en este terreno: el deflacionismo, el intrinsecalismo y las dos formas de relacionismo, el coherentismo y la correspondencia. Hacia el final se llega a sostener una aproximación a la verdad que se erige como alternativa frente ala analítico-teorética, la cual, en sus muchas y diversas formas, ha constituido la base del debate tradicional.

The letters of Conrad Aiken and Malcolm Lowry

Sugars, Cynthia Conchita January 1988 (has links)
The fascinating relationship between Conrad Aiken (1889-1973) and Malcolm Lowry (1909-1957) has formed the subject of a number of critical studies and fictional treatments. The study of this relationship is of value both for its biographical interest and literary significance, particularly in terms of the literary influence of one writer upon the other. Through Aiken and Lowry's entertaining and extremely articulate correspondence, one has access to what is possibly the most intimate view of this relationship available to date. Although a number of these letters have been previously published, often in incomplete form, In Selected Letters of Conrad Aiken ed. Joseph Killorin, and Selected Letters of Malcolm Lowry eds. Harvey Breit and Margerie Bonner Lowry, three-quarters of the letters have remained unpublished. This volume provides the first complete collection of Aiken and Lowry's correspondence. It comprises eighty-nine letters from the two writers, including photographs, poems, and drawings which they enclosed in their letters, written between 1929, the year when Lowry wrote his first letter of introduction to Aiken, and 1954. This collection contains the complete texts of all letters together with editorial notes and commentary. In addition, it provides textual notes outlining the changes made by each writer at the time of composition. These letters not only reveal the mutual admiration of Lowry and Aiken, and at times their jealousy of each other, but are literary works in their own right. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate

Learning Image-to-Surface Correspondence / Apprentissage de Correspondances Image-Surface

Guler, Riza Alp 08 March 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse se concentre sur le développement demodèles de représentation dense d’objets 3-D àpartir d’images. L’objectif de ce travail estd’améliorer les modèles surfaciques 3-D fournispar les systèmes de vision par ordinateur, enutilisant de nouveaux éléments tirés des images,plutôt que les annotations habituellementutilisées, ou que les modèles basés sur unedivision de l’objet en différents parties.Des réseaux neuronaux convolutifs (CNNs) sontutilisés pour associer de manière dense les pixelsd’une image avec les coordonnées 3-D d’unmodèle de l’objet considéré. Cette méthodepermet de résoudre très simplement unemultitude de tâches de vision par ordinateur,telles que le transfert d’apparence, la localisationde repères ou la segmentation sémantique, enutilisant la correspondance entre une solution surle modèle surfacique 3-D et l’image 2-Dconsidérée. On démontre qu’une correspondancegéométrique entre un modèle 3-D et une imagepeut être établie pour le visage et le corpshumains. / This thesis addresses the task of establishing adense correspondence between an image and a 3Dobject template. We aim to bring vision systemscloser to a surface-based 3D understanding ofobjects by extracting information that iscomplementary to existing landmark- or partbasedrepresentations.We use convolutional neural networks (CNNs)to densely associate pixels with intrinsiccoordinates of 3D object templates. Through theestablished correspondences we effortlesslysolve a multitude of visual tasks, such asappearance transfer, landmark localization andsemantic segmentation by transferring solutionsfrom the template to an image. We show thatgeometric correspondence between an imageand a 3D model can be effectively inferred forboth the human face and the human body.

Paul Solanges : soldier, industrialist, translator : a biographical study and critical edition of his correspondence with Antonio Fogazzaro and Henry Handel Richardson

O’Neill, Patrick Nathaniel January 2007 (has links)
Paul Solanges was one of the most prolific (in correspondence) and enthusiastic fans of Australian author Henry Handel Richardson (HHR). What was it about him that made HHR invest so much time in his translation of her novel, and to what extent can credence be given to the self-portrait in his letters? This thesis reveals his illegitimate royal background, considers his early career as a cavalry officer in North Africa and in the Franco-Prussian War, and describes his long career as manager of the gasworks in Milan. It also portrays in detail his other life as a translator of songs, short stories and operas from Italian to French. Finally, it compares his relationship with Italian novelist Antonio Fogazzaro to his relationship with HHR. A critical edition of Solanges’s correspondence with Fogazzaro and HHR offers the reader a privileged insight into the life and character of this Franco-Italian littérateur.

Cartas provincianas: correspondência entre Gilberto Freyre e Manuel Bandeira / The correspondence between Gilberto Freyre (1900-1987) and Manuel Bandeira (1886-1968)

Vicente, Silvana Moreli 05 March 2008 (has links)
A presente tese de doutorado, intitulada Cartas provincianas: correspondência entre Gilberto Freyre e Manuel Bandeira, é composta pela edição fidedigna da correspondência de Gilberto Freyre (1900-1987) e Manuel Bandeira (1886-1968), acompanhada pela edição de alguns textos esparsos da obra de ambos. Como complemento, a tese traz estudo que pretende não só apresentar aspectos do diálogo, num sentido amplo, entre Freyre e Bandeira, mas também estender a discussão para leituras que ambos fazem acerca do processo modernizador em curso no país na primeira metade do século XX. Pretende-se, desse modo, facultar material inédito criteriosamente editado, assim como desenvolver uma reflexão sobre o debate intelectual e artístico em cena no Modernismo brasileiro. / Cartas provincianas: correspondência entre Gilberto Freyre e Manuel Bandeira is a doctoral thesis whose main elements are an edition of the correspondence between Gilberto Freyre (1900-1987) and Manuel Bandeira (1886-1968) and a selection and edition of some texts of both writers. As a complement this work presents a study that aims not only to bring some aspects of the dialogue (in a broadly sense) between Freyre and Bandeira, but also to extend this discussion to their readings of the Brazilian modernization process in the first half of the twentieth century. Thus, the objective of this dissertation is to expose unpublished material, carefully edited, as well as to study the intellectual and artistic debates in the Brazilian modernist arena.

The record keeping practices of women’s organizations : a case study of three organizations in Vancouver, British Columbia

Buhlmann, Jana Patricia 05 1900 (has links)
Examination of the context of record creation, maintenance, and use is a valuable tool which allows the archivist to build a body of knowledge regarding archival records and their creators. Such knowledge enables the archivist to make informed decisions in all realms of archival practice. This discussion focuses upon the women's organization, undertaking a case study of three organizations in Vancouver, British Columbia in order to provide information about their record keeping practices. The case study employs open-ended focus interviews, observation, and document analysis, where provided. Participants are selected based upon their involvement in the creation, maintenance, and use of records in their respective organizations. They are asked to provide information as to the administrative history of the organization and to describe the processes by which they receive, create, use, organize, maintain, and destroy records. Participants are also asked to characterize their organization and its record keeping practices as they relate to the concept of a women's organization. A framework for analysis is established, which allows for further characterization of each women's organization. This framework addresses the voluntary nature of most women's organizations, as well as their unique processes and forms. Three models are presented which allow for further characterization of the history, structure, and practices of each organization. The distinctive internal processes, forms, and record keeping practices of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, the Western Businesswomen's Association, and the West Coast Women's Legal Education and Action Fund are presented. The thesis concludes by providing recommendations regarding further explorations of record creation, maintenance, and use and their value for the archival profession.

Giudizi letterari di Isabella Teotochi Albrizzi nel carteggio inedito della Raccolta Piancastelli

Fonsato, Vanna Marisa January 1992 (has links)
The present work examines the literary criticism expressed by Isabella Teotochi Albrizzi in several of her unpublished letters. / The first part outlines the cultural and historical tradition of Venice during the Eighteenth Century. Particular attention is subsequently given to the intellectual role of women, their contribution to the literary salons of the time, and the neoclassical tradition. This first part is essential in that it supplies a valuable context to Isabella Teotochi Albrizzi's writings. / In the second part, I examine Isabella Teotochi Albrizzi's literary criticism of major European authors and works. Through these criticisms she exposes her misvision of the literary world to which she aspired, and reveals that although she was influenced by the subtle preromantic tendencies, she remained faithful to the neoclassical school.

The letters of Hannah Dennison, 1820 settler, 1820-1847

Edgecombe, Dorothy Ruth January 1968 (has links)
In 1959, the late Miss M.G. Masson of Salem, at the instigation of Mrs. Dorothy Rivett-Carnac, presented a bundle of Gush family papers to the Cory Library. Among these papers was a series of letters written by Hannah Dennison, who came to South Africa in 1820, as a member of Carton's party from Nottinghamshire. This thesis offers a transcription of the letters together with editorial comment, and the letters from the main source for a reconstruction of the life and attitudes of a most enterprising woman.

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