Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coverage."" "subject:"overage.""
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Comunidade microbiana do solo e podridão radicular em meloeiro em diferentes sistemas de manejo / Microbial community of soil and root rot in muskmelon with different management systemNascimento, Paula Gracielly Morais Lima do 03 June 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-06-03 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aimed to quantify the microbial community of soil cultivated with muskmelon and evaluate the incidence of root rot in muskmelon at the no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) systems associated with soil coverages.Two experiments (two muskmelon crop cycles) were conducted in a naturally infested area with soilborne pathogens. The incidence of root rot was evaluated in both crop cycles, while the microbial community was quantified only in the first crop cycle.The experiments were conducted at the AgrícolaFamosa s farm, located between the cities of Tibau-RN and Icapuí-CE, in the Northeast region of Brazil.The randomized block design was used with split-plot.At the main plots evaluated two planting systems with and without soil revolving (NT and CT) and the subplots consisted of seven soil cover crops (Sunn hemp; Pearl millet; Sunn hemp + Pearl millet; Corn + Brachiaria; Spontaneous vegetation, Spontaneous vegetation + Black polyethylene film and Soil without vegetation).At the conventional tillage system, the plant materials were dried and incorporated into the soil, while in the no-tillage system were maintained on the ground.It was realized six soil samplings (Fallowed area; Green manure implementation; Muskmelon transplantation and at 20, 40 and 60 days after transplantation-DAT) in each subplot for quantification of total bacteria, fungi, Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas fluorescens. For isolation and cultivation of microorganisms, serial dilutions were prepared and transferred to plates containing the desired solid medium for each analyzed group.After fruits harvest, all melon plants were collected from subplots, washed and analyzed for the incidence of root rot.The soil microbial communities (total bacteria, fungi, Bacillus spp. e Pseudomonas fluorescens) varied according to the tillage systems (no-tillage and conventional tillage) at the different epochs of sample collection during the muskmelon cycle. The sunn hemp cultivation associated with no-tillage in muskmelon provided greater amount of colony forming units (CFU) of total bacteria compared to the conventional tillage.The planting systems and soil coverages did not affect the amount of total fungi and Pseudomonas fluorescens. The microbial community of soil cultivated with muskmelon is influenced by the planting and soil coverage systems.The incidence of root rot in muskmelon was lower in the no-tillage system pre-cultivated with Sunn hemp, Pearl millet and Spontaneous vegetation. Fusarium solani, Macrophomina phaseolina, Monosporascus cannonballus e Rhizoctonia solani were the pathogens that occurred in muskmelon, being the first fungus the most frequent in both planting systems. The incidence of root rot in muskmelon depends on the cropping and planting systems / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo quantificar a comunidade microbiana do solo cultivado com meloeiro e avaliar a incidência de podridão radicular no meloeiro, nos sistemas de plantio direto (PD) e convencional (PC) associado à coberturas do solo. Dois experimentos (dois ciclos do meloeiro) foram conduzidos em área naturalmente infestada com patógenos habitantes do solo. A incidência de podridão radicular foi avaliada nos dois ciclos, enquanto a quantificação da comunidade microbiana do solo apenas no primeiro ciclo. O experimento foi conduzido na fazenda Agrícola Famosa entre os municípios de Tibau-RN e Icapuí-CE, no Nordeste do Brasil. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualisados, no esquema de parcelas subdivididas. Nas parcelas foram avaliados dois sistemas de plantio com e sem revolvimento do solo (PC e PD) e nas sub-parcelas, sete coberturas de solo (Crotalária; Milheto; Consórcio crotalária + milheto; Consórcio milho + braquiária; Vegetação espontânea; Vegetação espontânea + filme de polietileno; Solo sem vegetação). Os materiais foram dessecados e, incorporados ao solo, no plantio convencional enquanto no plantio direto, foram mantidos sobre o solo. Foram realizadas seis coletas do solo (Área em pousio; Implantação dos adubos verdes; Transplantio do meloeiro e, aos 20, 40 e 60 dias após o transplantio-DAT), em cada subparcela, para quantificação de Bacillus spp. , Pseudomonas fluorescens, bactérias totais e fungos totais. Para a quantificação de microrganismos, utilizou-se o método de diluição seriada e plaqueamento em meio de cultura específico para cada grupo analisado. Após a colheita dos frutos todas as plantas de meloeiro das subparcelas foram coletadas, lavadas e analisadas quanto à presença de podridão radicular. A comunidade microbiana do solo (Bacillus spp. ,Pseudomonas fluorescens bactérias totais e fungos totais) variou em função dos sistemas de plantio (direto ou convencional) nas diferentes épocas de coleta de amostras no ciclo do meloeiro. O cultivo da crotalária associada ao plantio direto do meloeiro causou maior quantidade de UFCs de bactérias totais em relação ao plantio convencional. Os sistemas de plantio e as coberturas do solo não alteraram a quantidade de fungos totais e Pseudomonas fluorescens. A comunidade microbiana do solo cultivado com meloeiro é influenciada pelo sistema de plantio e de cobertura do solo. A incidência da podridão radicular no meloeiro foi menor no sistema de plantio direto pré-cultivado com crotalária, milheto, ou vegetação espontânea. Fusarium solani, Macrophomina phaseolina, Monosporascus cannonballus e Rhizoctonia solani foram os patógenos que ocorreram no meloeiro, sendo o primeiro fungo, o de maior ocorrência em ambos os sistemas de plantio. A incidência de podridão radicular do meloeiro é dependente do sistema de cultivo e de plantio
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Análise temporal de índices de vegetação no apoio à classificação de imagens: cobertura do solo na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Sucuru.SILVA, João Nailson de Castro. 12 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Lucienne Costa (lucienneferreira@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-09-12T19:09:12Z
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JOÃO NAILSON DE CASTRO SILVA – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGRN) 2017.pdf: 6066847 bytes, checksum: 06d6d215ba35522ddc64fb5c435d43f4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-12T19:09:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
JOÃO NAILSON DE CASTRO SILVA – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGRN) 2017.pdf: 6066847 bytes, checksum: 06d6d215ba35522ddc64fb5c435d43f4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-08-25 / Capes / A Caatinga é um bioma único que só ocorre na região do Semiárido do Brasil (SAB). Este bioma se diferencia principalmente pela capacidade de desenvolver mecanismos de adaptação aos baixos índices pluviométricos da região, além de apresentar alta resiliência nesse ambiente de elevada pressão antrópica. Tendo em vista que a cobertura vegetal exerce um papel muito importante no equilíbrio ambiental, as técnicas de sensoriamento remoto têm sido muito utilizadas para extrair informações biofísicas da vegetação. Este trabalho, teve como objetivo estabelecer uma metodologia que incorpore a capacidade de caracterização temporal do índice de vegetação à técnica de classificação de imagens para melhorar a identificação das classes de cobertura da Terra na bacia do Rio Sucuru, no Cariri paraibano. Neste sentido, busca-se uma classificação de referência dos padrões de cobertura da terra a partir de imagens de SR, para um período específico, no qual, seja possível uma validação em campo. Além disso, é realizada uma avaliação de uma série temporal de um índice de vegetação para melhoria da classificação realizada. Nessa pesquisa foi adotado parte da metodologia proposta por Chaves et al. (2008), para classificar os padrões de cobertura do solo e uma série temporal de EVI, processadas com 88 imagens selecionadas dos sensores ETM+ e OLI/TIRS, da série Landsat, para o período entre outubro de 2014 a setembro de 2016. Os resultados evidenciaram que analisar a cobertura vegetal utilizando apenas um único momento não retrata fidedignamente os padrões de cobertura do solo, visto que nesse ambiente semiárido as respostas que a vegetação apresenta diante da presença ou ausência de chuva são muito rápidas. Nesse sentido, os resultados mostram que uma análise espaço-temporal, utilizando um índice de vegetação, pode estabelecer uma melhor distinção das categorias atribuídas em uma classificação de padrões de cobertura do solo, possibilitando uma melhor percepção do comportamento da vegetação para um período de 24 meses observado. / The Caatinga is a unique biome that only occurs in the semi-arid region of Brazil. This biome is distinguished, mainly, by the capacity to develop mechanisms of adaptation to the low rainfall rates of the region. Plus, it also has a high resilience level upon high anthropic pressure. Considering that land cover plays a very important role in environmental balance, remote sensing techniques have been widely used to extract biophysical information from vegetation. The objective of this work is to establish a methodology that incorporates a time series vegetation index characterization to the image classification technique for improving the land cover classification in the Sucuru River basin in Cariri, Paraíba. In this sense, a Land Cover classification is acquired from SR images, for a specific data. For this data, there is a ground truth validation. In addition, an evaluation of a vegetation index time series is performed to improve the classification. In this research was adopted part of the methodology proposed by Chaves et al. (2008), to classify land cover patterns and a time series of EVI, processed with 88 images selected from the ETM + and OLI / TIRS sensors of the Landsat series for the period between October 2014 to September 2016. The results evidence that analyzing the land cover for a single time stamp could not reliably portray the land cover patterns since we often have fast changes before and after a rainfall event in this semi-arid environment. In this sense, the results show that a spatiotemporal analysis, using a vegetation index, can establish a better distinction of the categories assigned to a classification of land cover patterns, allowing a better perception of vegetation behavior for a period of 24 Months observed.
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Spalničky - možnosti ovlivnění nepříznivé epidemiologické situace v Evropě / Measles - possibilities of managing unsatisfactory epidemiological situation in EuropeMERVARDOVÁ, Eliška January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the epidemiological situation in the incidence of measles in the Czech Republic and possibilities of influencing their unfavourable situation in Europe. Measles is a highly contagious disease of viral origin, which has a significant impact on the health of the child population in particular. The most effective protection against the measles is vaccination. The introduction of measles vaccination positively affected the epidemiological situation in the world. Priority of the WHO (World Health Organization, WHO, hereinafter) is elimination of the measles. The long term goal of the WHO and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC hereinafter) was the elimination of measles in the European region by 2010. This goal was not achieved. The cause was low immunization coverage of certain population groups in several European countries. The prerequisite of achieving elimination of measles is that the vaccination coverage in the population is high. Many countries, thanks to effective vaccination strategy, succeeded in reducing the incidence of measles. In the years 2007- 2009 the historically lowest incidence, of less than 10 measles cases per million inhabitants, in the European region was achieved. In subsequent years, there was again a rise in measles morbidity. A repeated rise in cases of the disease is attributed to the expansion of social groups where vaccination coverage was inadequate in terms of achieving herd immunity. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is divided into four main chapters. The first chapter describes the history of measles, the origin of the name of the disease and the first mention of it. The second theoretical chapter is devoted to the clinical characteristics of measles. In subchapters it describes the clinical picture of the disease, possible complications of the disease, how the infection is diagnosed and what treatment options there are. The third chapter defines the epidemiological characteristics of the disease. The subheads are aimed at the cause of the disease, possible ways of transmission, incubation period, period of communicability, susceptibility and incidence of this disease. At last, the fourth chapter of the theoretical part desribes possible epidemiological measures, which include measles surveillance, preventive and repressive measures and vaccination. The practical part of the thesis was elaborated through quantitative research - secondary data analysis. Analysed data were obtained from the information system for reporting and recording infectious diseases EPIDAT on Regional Hygiene Station of South Bohemian Region, based in Budweis and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. The data on population, in terms of age groups and individual regions, were drawn from the demographic yearbooks, which are available on the website of the Czech Statistical Office. The resulting data were subsequently processed in tabular and graphical forms in Microsoft Excel. The research objectives were: 1) to set charting trends in the incidence of measles in the Czech Republic and Central Europe over the period 2004-2013, 2) to compare the incidence of measles in the individual regions of the Czech Republic, and 3) to identify the reasons for gaps in vaccination coverage against measles in the South Bohemian Region. Based on the above stated objectives, the five research questions were defined. The results are intended to highlight the issues of possible adverse influence on the epidemiological situation in the incidence of measles in Europe. This thesis can be used as a source of information on trends in incidence, vaccine development and immunization status for measles.
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In Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (UWASNs), cameras have recently been deployed for enhanced monitoring. However, their use has faced several obstacles. Since video capturing and processing consume significant amounts of camera battery power, they are kept in sleep mode and activated only when ultrasonic sensors detect a target. The present study proposes a camera relocation structure in UWASNs to maximize the coverage of detected targets with the least possible vertical camera movement. This approach determines the coverage of each acoustic sensor in advance by getting the most applicable cameras in terms of orientation and frustum of camera in 3-D that are covered by such sensors. Whenever a target is exposed, this information is then used and shared with other sensors that detected the same target. Compared to a flooding-based approach, experiment results indicate that this proposed solution can quickly capture the detected targets with the least camera movement.
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A Fresh Perception of the World: A USA-Based Aid Worker and Media-Maker's Six-Year Journey Making a Documentary in West AfricaSelmon, Lauren 01 May 2010 (has links)
This paper retraces the transformative journey I went on as a media-maker in Liberia. I talk about my expectations before landing in Liberia and how my prejudices were confronted and transformed. I explain how I first worked with a family and later made a movie about their lives. I discuss the many questions raised by me, as a Westerner, making media in and about one of sub-Saharan Africa's poorest countries. Using personal experiences and observations, as well as, academic studies about media coverage of Africa, I argue that the Western media fails to reasonably cover Africa. I ask media-makers, specifically Western media-makers, to do something about it. I suggest that media-makers look for stories beyond those that continue to make the headlines, and develop a brand new, more balanced approach when creating media in foreign settings, particularly in Africa.
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Deployment of cameras in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) is crucial in achieving good coverage, accuracy and fault tolerance. With the decreased costs of wireless cameras, WMSNs provide opportunities for redundant camera deployment in order to get multiple disparate views of events. Referred to as multi-perspective coverage (MPC), this thesis proposes an optimal solution for camera deployment that can achieve full MPC for a given region. The solution is based on a Bi-Level mixed integer program (MIP) which works by solving two sub-problems named master and sub-problems. The master problem identifies a solution based on an initial set of points and then calls the sub-problem to cover the uncovered points iteratively. The Bi-Level algorithm is then revised to provide MPC with the minimum cost in Heteregeneous Visual Sensor Networks (VSNs) where cameras may have different price, resolution, Field-of-View (FoV) and Depth-of-Field (DoF). For a given average resolution, area, and variety of camera sensors, we propose a deployment algorithm which minimizes the total cost while guaranteeing 100\% MPC of the area and a minimum resolution. Furthermore, revised Bi-level algorithm provides the flexibility of achieving required resolution on sub-regions for a given region. The numerical results show the superiority of our approach with respect to existing approaches.
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Chinese Newspaper Coverage of the Beijing Olympics Games: A Comparative Framing Study of Chinese Media / Comparative Framing Study of Chinese MediaYuan, Jingtao 12 1900 (has links)
viii, 89 p. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / The Olympics games are not only a sport but also a media event. In 2008, China
hosted the Olympics Games for the first time. The coverage of the Beijing Olympics
Games in the Chinese media can reflect the characteristics of media and societal
development in today's China. The study examines qualitatively the use of frames in
coverage of the Beijing Olympics Games in 11 dailies and 2 weeklies in China. Four
new issue-specific frames are found in the Chinese newspapers. The use of the
existing six generic and five issue-specific frames are discussed in the Chinese
context. The study finds that the Chinese media get more freedom in some areas that
do not have direct links with politics. In the areas related to politics, the government is
still controlling the media. / Committee in Charge:
Patricia Curtin, Chair;
John Russial
H. Leslie Steeves
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Antique Ladies : Women and Newspapers on the Oregon Frontier, 1846-1859 / Women and Newspapers on the Oregon Frontier, 1846-1859Ertle, Lynne, 1963- 06 1900 (has links)
viii, 234 p. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries under the call number: KNIGHT PN4897.O74 E78 1995 / Studies have shown that women's ideas, especially those that challenge the status
quo, have historically received little attention from the press. This thesis discusses how women were described in three of Oregon's frontier newspapers from 1846 to 1859, and also explores their contributions to the newspapers as writers, poets, editors, and
businesswomen. Information from established American media clipped for the frontier
papers described popular, mainstream ideas of womanhood, as well as provided news on
the emerging women's rights struggle. Information generated locally on women
encompassed a variety of themes, including marriage, education, and temperance. This
study shows that even though content about women and women's roles as contributors
were constrained by contemporary ideas of propriety and women's place in society,
women were valued as readers and contributors to the three Oregon newspapers. / Committee in charge: Dr. Lauren Kessler, Chair;
Dr. Timothy Gleason,
Dr. Leslie Steeves
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Measuring Combinatorial Coverage of Manual TestingFifo, Miraldi January 2018 (has links)
Introduction: Software testing is a very important activity which assures the quality of the software under test. It becomes crucial in safety-critical systems, where an unexpected behavior of the software can even cause loss of human life or environmental disasters. However, in such complex systems it becomes infeasible to test all possible software scenarios for possible faults. Experience shows that software faults, which can cause unexpected software behavior, are caused by the interactions of variables of the tests. Combinatorial testing is the technique which focuses on the variable interactions of the tests and aims to reduce the number of tests needed to cover all software scenarios while still preserving a high fault detection rate. Background: Manual testing is the technique used to assure software quality in Bombardier Transportation AB, a Swedish company whose focus is on rail transport and development of trains. Since this process depends on the skills of the engineers, it can result in a large portion of tests not created and consequently in a large number of scenarios uncovered with tests. Therefore, combinatorial testing technique is used to measure the combinatorial coverage of these tests created from experienced engineers. Many comparisons of manual testing and other testing techniques in terms of test coverage, code coverage or mutation analysis. To the best of our knowledge there are no other studies in literature that have measured the combinatorial coverage of manual tests designed from experienced engineers, for different strength interactions of the variables of the tests nor other available tools that generate the number of missing tests to achieve full combinatorial coverage for specific interactions. Aim: The goal of this thesis is to answer the two research questions: RQ1. What is the combinatorial coverage achieved by tests manually created by experienced engineers in industry? RQ2. Can the effectiveness of manually created tests be improved in terms of combinatorial coverage using combinatorial testing? Method: In this thesis we investigate the combinatorial coverage of manually created tests by engineers working in industry and the implications of using combinatorial testing in practice. The Combinatorial Coverage Measurement2(CCM) NIST tool is used to measure the test coverage achieved. The research questions are answered by the following steps: 1) Review the scientific literature for related work, 2) Refine thesis research questions based on the previous step, 3) Propose the case study design and perform the measurements needed for data analysis, 4) and the results are analyzed and discussed in terms of test efficiency (i.e., number of test cases) and effectiveness (i.e., achieved combinatorial coverage). Results: The 2-way interaction combinatorial coverage achieved by manual tests is 78.6% on average, 57% for 3-way combinatorial coverage, 40.2% for 4-way combinatorial coverage, 20.2% for 5-way combinatorial coverage and 13% for 6-way combinatorial coverage. Full combinatorial coverage can be achieved for 2-way and 3-way interactions by adding eight and 66 missing tests on average, respectively. For 4-way interactions full combinatorial coverage can achieved by adding 658 missing tests. For 5-way and 6-way interactions full combinatorial coverage can be achieved by adding 5163 and 6170 missing tests on average respectively. Conclusion: The combinatorial coverage decreases as the strength of interactions increases. The effectiveness of the tests can be improved for 2-way and 3-way interactions and fully or partially improved for 4-way interactions, depending on the decision of engineers to add all missing tests or part of them, since the number of missing tests is increasing significantly, thus resulting in a very large number of tests to be added. It is not particularly efficient to improve test effectiveness by augmenting manual tests cases using combinatorial testing for higher strength interactions, since in most of the tests suites we studied one would need to generate additional 10.000 missing tests. This is explained by the exponential growth of the number of variable combination for such interactions.
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Měření rádiové sítě v závislosti na profilu krajiny / Measurement of radio networks, depending on the profile of landscapePEČINKA, Miroslav January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes a brief history of radio and electromagnetic waves from a physical point of view. It focuses mainly on radio waves in the VHF and subsequent construction of a radio network in this band. It uses the knowledge of the writer of this wavelength. This thesis is intended as a guide for fellow author.
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