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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Representations of Religion in the Ontario Secondary School Curriculum

Cassidy, Jeremy 12 November 2021 (has links)
The Canadian province of Ontario has a long and complicated history with religion in its K-12 education system, culminating in a status-quo where public funding is provided to schools offering either a mandatory, confessionally Roman Catholic form of religious education or a non-mandatory, secular form of “education about religion”. In an effort to better understand the present state of religion-related instruction in Ontario public education, this study examines the representation of religion across relevant portions of the Ontario secondary school curriculum that are shared by both Roman Catholic and secular public schools. Content analysis showed that insofar as mandatory teaching elements are concerned, the curriculum engages with religion across a range of different subject matter contexts but also entirely within courses that Ontario high school students are not required to take. Of particular note is the representation of religion as having apparently no bearing on the principle thrust of Canadian history since 1945. Spirituality, as well as other matters which might reasonably be considered religion-adjacent, are represented as being integral components of Indigenous Canadian cultures, with the distinctive term “world view” frequently employed as an analogue for such topics in this context.

A learning programme for nurses for the prevention of ventilator-associated infections in adult patients

Van der Merwe, Juliana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Curriculum Studies)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Ventilator-associated infections contribute to most of the fatal infections in the intensive care. Considerable intensive care resources are also consumed in the treatment of ventilatorassociated infections. Not only economic costs, but also expenditure of staff energies, physical resources, treatment expenses and admission to the intensive care contribute to the complexity of the problem. Despite the large progress in medical treatment over the past decades, the incidence and case fatality rates of health-care-associated ventilator-associated infections remain high. Patients who require mechanical ventilation have a particularly high risk of healthcare- associated infections. Ventilator-associated infections have been a major complication for years, but the researcher has found that no formal attempts, except for inclusion of the concept as part of critical care nursing curricula, have been made to educate nurses with regard to the active prevention of ventilator-associated infections in adult patients. There are also limited data available regarding infection control education-based interventions targeting healthcare systems, e.g. intensive care units. The research goal was to establish and evaluate a learning programme for nurses caring for adult patients with ventilator-associated infections (Learning Programme). This took place in two Australian hospitals during 2003 and 2004. The objectives of the research were divided into three phases. Evidenced-based literature on the above concepts was utilised by the researcher and deductively implemented and validated by a focus (specialist) group to develop the Learning Programme in Phase One.

Enabling environmental education in an environmental education centre : a narrative account of opportunities and constraints

Melville, Hestelle Ronette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch,2007. / This mini-thesis documents a Narrative Inquiry as a phenomenon with special focus on reflective accounts of my experiences, opportunities and constraints in the process of self development as an environmental education practitioner in an environmental education centre situated in a nature reserve. I provide some background information on the environmental education centre, the reserve and the broader structure in which it functions. Through the process of reflection I try to clarify some of the issues that I grappled with in my practice as an environmental educator in nature conservation. A critical discussion of the projects, activities and programmes offered through the centre provide clarity and insight into the work I am doing as well as my role as environmental education officer in the broader context of my job and the organisation for which I work. Reflection of my personal experiences over a period of time is weaved throughout this study in order to contribute to/or provide a sense of clarity and understanding of my believes as an environmental educator responsible for an environmental education centre situated in a nature reserve. Through this study the importance of training for education officers, engaging with research and the need for clearly defined aims and objectives for the centres funded by nature conservation became apparent. The study demonstrates that the implementation of environmental education is possible and can be achieved, but with the necessary capacity.

An evaluation of the effect of coaching on the empowerment of middle managers in the retail sector : a lifelong learning perspective

Fourie, Stefan Steyn 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The modern business environment is characterised by uncertainty, rapid change and the continuous pursuit of competitiveness. This has placed a renewed emphasis on the capacitation of managers operating in such environments and may be seen as a critical means of ensuring a sustainable advantage. Within the South African food retail environment, learning and development activities do not seem to be capacitating managers effectively, as well as taking too long to meet the changing demands of the retail sector. Lifelong learning has the potential to accelerate the development of individuals in management positions. Lifelong learning can be seen as the facilitation of learning, growth and development of individuals, as well as a means for enabling individuals and organisations to meet the challenges of an increasingly competitive world. Learning has the potential to empower individuals. In facilitating lifelong learning, a coaching methodology was used to facilitate the learning of ten middle managers in a large food retail store (part of one of the biggest retail organisations in South Africa). This research set out to evaluate the effect of coaching (as a method to facilitate learning) to empower middle managers in the food retail sector. The research was approached from a lifelong learning perspective and the focus of the research was the individual adult learner. Within the context of adult learning, the concepts of andragogy, experiential learning and transformative learning were applied in the facilitation of adult learning. Coaching (as a method to facilitate learning) allows for a uniquely individual and personal approach to learning. The learning and development intervention (using a coaching methodology) to facilitate learning was implemented over a period of 12 months and the participants were ten middle managers employed by the retail store. The case study (more specifically a multiple-case) design was used as research design. The findings of the research were discussed to place them within the context of the following research questions: • What is the effect of coaching as a method of learning and development in the facilitation of lifelong learning to empower middle managers in the food retail environment? • Is coaching (as only another way of facilitating learning) an effective method for facilitating learning and the development of middle managers in the food retail sector? • Which dimensions should be taken into consideration when implementing a coaching methodology (as a method of learning) in developing middle managers in the retail sector? The participants’ empowerment status was measured with a standardised questionnaire using a pre-test, post-test and post-post-test design. The research was conducted in three phases. Mixed methods research (using both qualitative and quantitative methods) was used during the research, which included interviews, field notes, questionnaires, observation, tests and official statistics. The first phase consisted of an evaluation, which included an evaluation of each individual manager. Two learning style questionnaires were applied to each middle manager to gain a better understanding of each middle manager and to assist the learning process on an individual basis. Lastly, a pre-test on empowerment was done by means of a standardised questionnaire. Part of this phase involved a structured interview with each individual manager. The second phase involved exposure to the coaching intervention and the process of coaching, followed by a post-test for measuring changes in the empowerment status. The last phase consisted of a post-post-test to measure changes in empowerment at the end of the coaching intervention. Five out of the ten middle managers showed sustained empowerment gains at the end of the coaching intervention. An experiential approach (using Kolb’s learning model) was used to facilitate the learning, and the middle managers who completed the learning cycle (namely concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation and active experience) showed empowerment gains. The learners who showed empowerment also displayed self-direction in their learning. Coaching (as a method to facilitate lifelong learning) was used as an effective method of learning in a busy retail environment. Statistical analysis showed no statistically significant improvements in empowerment from pre-test to post-posttest of the total group. Based on the findings and conclusions of the research, a new coaching framework (to facilitate lifelong learning), namely the New Coaching Retail Model, is proposed. This model consists of dimensions that facilitate individual lifelong learning, pointing to an empowered lifelong learner. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hedendaagse sake-omgewing word gekenmerk deur onsekerheid, vinnige verandering en ’n volgehoue ingesteldheid op mededinging. Binne die konteks van menslikehulpbronontwikkeling is daar ’n hernude beklemtoning van die ontwikkeling van bestuurders in omgewings van hierdie aard, wat aan besighede volhoubare voordeel sal gee. In die Suid Afrikaanse kleinhandel-voedselsektor blyk dit dat sekere leer- en ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite nie aan die uniekheid van die sake – en dus aan die konteks – voldoen nie. Lewenslange leer het die potensiaal om individuele ontwikkeling te versnel. Lewenslange leer kan as die fasilitering van leer, groei en ontwikkeling gesien word, en hou voordele in vir die individu, asook vir die organisasie binne die konteks van ’n veranderende sake-omgewing. Lewenslange leer het die potensiaal om die individu te bemagtig. Binne die konteks van die navorsing is ’n afrigtingsmetodologie gebruik om die lewenslange leerproses van tien middelbestuurders van ’n kleinhandelsaak (wat deel vorm van een van die grootste kleinhandelgroepe in Suid-Afrika) te fasiliteer. Die doel van die navorsing was om die effek van afrigting op die bemagtiging van middelbestuurders binne die kleinhandel te evalueer. Die navorsing is vanuit die perspektief van lewenslange leer benader. Die fokus van die navorsing was die individuele volwasse leerder. Binne die konteks van volwasse leer, is andragogie, ondervindingleer en transformasieleer tydens die fasilitering van volwasse leer toegepas. Afrigting (as ’n metode om lewenslange leer te fasiliteer) maak voorsiening vir ’n unieke individuele en persoonlike aanslag tot lewenslange leer. Die leer- en ontwikkelingsintervensie (deur die gebruik van afrigting ) is oor ’n tydperk van 12 maande gevolg en die teikengroep het uit tien middelbestuurders binne een kleinhandelsaak bestaan. Die navorsingsontwerp het ’n gevalle studie- (meer spesifiek ’n veelvuldige gevalle studie) ontwerp gevolg. Die drie navorsingsvrae verwys na die aard van die afrigtingsintervensie om lewenslange leer te fasiliteer en was daarop gemik om te bepaal of die afrigtingsintervensie ’n effek op die deelnemers se bemagtigingsvlakke gehad het, of afrigting as effektiewe metode vir leer en ontwikkeling vir middelbestuur binne die kleinhandelsektor aangewend kan word, en watter dimensies in ag geneem moet word wanneer ’n afrigtingsmetodologie gebruik word om middelbestuur binne die kleinhandelsektor te ontwikkel. Die deelnemers se bemagtigingstatus is met ’n gestandaardiseerde vraelys gemeet, terwyl ’n voor-en-ná-toets en ’n verdere (post-post-) toetsontwerp gevolg is. Die navorsing is in drie fases geïmplementeer. Beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metodes bestaande uit onderhoude, notas tydens veldwerk, onderhoude, vraelyste, waarneming, toetse en statistiese analise is gebruik. Die eerste fase het uit formele evaluering bestaan, waar elke individuele bestuurder geëvalueer is. Elke bestuurder het twee verskillende vraelyste voltooi wat die individu se leerstyl geïdentifiseer het. Hierdie fase het ook voortoets behels wat die deelnemers se bemagtigingstatus gemeet het, asook uit gestruktureerde onderhoude. Gedurende die tweede fase is deelnemers aan die afrigtingsintervensie blootgestel. Gedurende die intervensie is die deelnemers se bemagtigingstatus weer deur ná-toets gemeet om verandering in bemagtiging vas te stel. Fase drie het uit verdere toets bestaan om die deelnemers se bemagtigingstatus aan die einde van die leer intervensie te meet. Die navorsing se bevindinge dui daarop dat vyf van die tien deelnemers aan die einde van die afrigtingsintervensie ’n verbetering in hul bemagtigingstatus getoon het. Deur gebruik te maak van ’n ondervindingsaanslag (soos gebruik in Kolb se leermodel) was dit beduidend dat die middelbestuurders wat die siklus van leer voltooi het, almal ook ’n verbetering in hul bemagtigingstatus getoon het. Hierdie leerders het ook selfrigting in hulle leer getoon. Afrigting (as ’n metode om lewenslange leer te fasiliteer) kon effektief as ’n metode van leer in ’n besige kleinhandelsektor gebruik word. Statistiese analise het getoon dat daar geen betekenisvolle verbeteringe van die voortoets na die na-na-toets van die groep was nie. Gegrond op die bevindinge en gevolgtrekkings, word ’n nuwe afrigtingsmodel voorgestel om lewenslange leer te fasiliteer, naamlik die “New Coaching Retail Model” (wat vertaal kan word as die “Nuwe Kleinhandelafrigtingsmodel”). Dié model is aamgestel uit dimensies wat individuele lewenslange leer bevorder, en wat dui op ’n bemagtigde lewenslange leerder.

Developing a framework for an undergraduate haematology curriculum in a Faculty of Health Sciences

Stefan, Daniela Cristina 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Faculty of Health Sciences at Stellenbosch University adopted a new set of guidelines for curriculum design in 1997, emphasising an orientation towards the requirements of the public sector general practice, a holistic approach and exposure to community lifestyle and disease patterns specific to various communities. In order to ensure the anchoring in the realities of the general practice, a family medical practitioner, appointed by the Academy of Family Practice, was included in the curriculum control structure of the faculty. It was further recommended that a family medical practitioner should be included in the curriculum committee of each discipline, where appropriate. The present research, starting from the assumption that the opinion of a single family practitioner is insufficient to determine the adequacy of the curriculum for general medical practice, aimed to conduct a comprehensive needs analysis of all stakeholders in the undergraduate haematology training programme at the Faculty of Health, Stellenbosch University, and to compare the findings with the existing curriculum. To this purpose, the opinions of five adult medicine haematologists, ten paediatric haematologists, four laboratory haematologists, ten interns, fourteen students and twenty general practitioners were surveyed. An open-ended questionnaire on the usefulness of the haematology module for hospital and independent general practice was analysed, using the “coding technique” method. On this basis, a list of subjects was drawn and, using a Delphi method, the participants in the study were asked to rate their importance for practice. The answers to the open-ended questionnaires revealed a few overarching concepts, the most important being the need to structure the material taught in the form of “approaches”, supporting the differential diagnosis, which is the most frequent task of a general practitioner. Among the outcomes identified in the panellists‟ answers, the need to adequately detect and assess the “red flag” signs for haematological cancers was proposed for consideration as an outcome in the next curriculum. The Delphi survey indicated a group of subjects which were rated as most important for practice and another group designated as devoid of utility. The remaining subjects, rated as of moderate importance, could be further classified as diseases usually managed by the general practitioner and pathology which would be referred to a specialist for management. These iv findings were compared with the existing curriculum and the discrepancies were analysed, resulting in a set of proposals towards a framework for a new undergraduate haematology curriculum. For the first time in the literature, as far as can be determined, this research presents outcomes and content for an undergraduate haematology course which were defined and rated for importance by consensus of the curriculum developers, specialists in the field and graduates of the course. The methods tested in this process and some of the trends revealed might be useful for curriculum development in other medical disciplines. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Fakulteit van Gesondheidswetenskappe by die Universiteit Stellenbosch het in 1997 nuwe riglyne vir kurrikulumontwerp aanvaar. Hierdie riglyne beklemtoon `n bewustheid van die behoeftes van algemene praktyk in die openbare sektor, `n omvattende benadering tot en blootstelling aan die gemeenskapslewenstyl, asook aan siektepatrone eie aan verskillende gemeenskappe. Om te verseker dat die kurrikulum in die werklikhede van algemene praktyk geanker bly, is `n algemene praktisyn, aangestel deur die Akademie van Huisartskunde, ingesluit in die kurrikulum beheerstruktuur van die fakulteit. Dit is verder ook aanbeveel dat, waar van toepassing, `n huisarts in die kurrikulumkomitee van elke dissipline ingesluit moet word. Hierdie navorsing, wat van die veronderstelling gespruit het dat die opinie van `n enkele huisarts onvoldoende is om die toepaslikheid van `n kurrikulum vir algemene praktyk te verseker, het ten doel gestel om `n omvattende analise van behoeftes van alle belanghebbendes in die voorgraadse hematologie-opleidingsprogram by die Fakulteit van Gesondheidswetenskappe, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, te doen en om die bevindings met die bestaande kurrikulum te vergelyk. Die menings van vyf volwasse medisyne hematoloë, tien pediatriese hematoloë, vier laboratorium hematoloë, tien huisdokters, veertien studente en twintig algemene praktisyns is verkry. `n Oop-einde vraelys oor die bruikbaarheid van die hematologie-module vir hospitaal- en onafhanklike algemene praktyk is m.b.v die gekodeerde tegniek ontleed. Op grond hiervan is `n lys onderwerpe gekies en studiedeelnemers is deur van die Delphi-metode gebruik te maak, gevra om die graad van belangrikheid van elkeen aan te dui. Die antwoorde op die oop-einde vraelys het `n paar oorkoepelende konsepte uitgelig. Die belangrikste hiervan was om die materiaal wat gedoseer word te struktureer in die vorm van „benaderings‟, wat die vorming van `n differensiële diagnose ondersteun. Lg. is die algemeenste taak van die algemene praktisyn. Een van die uitkomste wat deur die studiedeelnemers geïdentifiseer is, nl. die vermoë om die `rooi vlag` tekens van hematologiese kankers korrek te bespeur en te assesseer, is voorgestel vir oorweging vir insluiting as `n uitkoms in die volgende kurrikulum.

Arts and culture teachers' experiences of and responses to curriculum change

Lombard, Jeffrey J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The provision of quality education for all South African learners has been an issue of central concern since the advent of the democratic dispensation in 1994. One initiative since 1998 was the implementation of a new curriculum for South African public schools, C2005 as it was then called. This curriculum was later revised and streamlined as the NCS. There was a mixed reception to this new curriculum. Some perceived it as a progressive initiative by the Ministry of Education, while others argued that it was ambitious and that it undermined the conditions and context of South African schools. Essentially the curriculum policy implementation was intended to change the entire system and introduce new ways of doing in all sectors of education. This links strongly to processes of systemic change and that is the considered policy backdrop to this research. In this study I work from an interpretive perspective and draw on the cognitive sense-making framework to develop in-depth, understanding of teachers’ roles as interpreters and enactors of education policy change in South Africa related to the implementation of the NCS. More specifically, the study examines the ways in which six Arts and Culture school teachers in six diverse South African educational contexts experienced and responded to the implementation of the NCS. Data from the study indicates that teachers found it difficult to adjust to the more complex and demanding teaching methodologies, which took up a great deal of time and required very different roles in the classrooms. Data from the study also suggests that the way teachers come to understand and enact policy or reform initiatives is influenced by their prior knowledge, the social context within which they work, and the nature of their connections to the policy or reform message. The study further suggests that teachers adapt a curriculum rather than adopt it as it is, and that their prior understandings and beliefs about knowledge, beliefs and experiences combined with their contexts in which they work frame their classroom practices explaining why policy is not enacted as intended. Conceptualising the problem of policy implementation in this way focuses attention on how implementing agents construct the meaning of a policy message and their own behaviour, and how this process leads, or does not lead, to a change in how they view their own practice, potentially leading to changes in both understanding and behaviour. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die voorsiening van kwaliteit-opvoeding vir alle Suid-Afrikaanse leerders was ʼnsentrale besorgdheid na die totstandkoming van die nuwe demoktratiese bestel in 1994. ʼnInisiatief was die implementering van ʼn nuwe kurrikulum vir Suid-Afrikaanse openbare skole sedert 1998, die C2005 of NKV soos dit tans bekend staan. Die instelling van hierdie kurrikulum was op verskeie maniere ontvang. Sommige het dit as ’n progressiewe inisiatief van die Ministerie van Onderwys beskou, terwyl ander verskillende perspektiewe het en geargumenteer het dat dit ambisieus is en die toestande en konteks van SA skole ondermyn. Vir onderwysers was die resultaat na die oorgang van meer komplekse en veeleiesende onderrigmetdologie moeilik, omdat dit baie tyd geverg het en swaar gerus het om hulle rolle in die klaskamer te verklaar. Wat belangrik was, is dat die doel van hierdie kurrikulum beleidsveranderinge daarop gemik was om die totale skolestelsel te transformeer tot ’n vernuwende manier van hoe dinge in alle sektore van die onderwysstelse egter behoort gedoen te word. Dit sluit sterk aan by prosesse van sistemiese veranderinge en hierdie is die oorwegende beleidsagtergrond van hierdie navorsing. Die doel van die studie was om maniere te ondersoek hoe ses Kuns en Kultuur onderwysers in verskillende onderwyskontekste die NKV ervaar en hoe hulle daarop reageer, veral in die Kuns en Kultuur leerarea omgewing. Die studie was meer spesifiek daarop gemik om te eksamineer hoe onderwysers die KK leer-area in die klaskamer aanneem, aanpas en implementeer. Die studie openbaar, deur die kognitiewe raamwerk te gebruik, dat die wyse waarop onderwysers die beleid of hervormings-inisiatiewe verstaan en begryp, beïnvloed word deur hulle bestaande kennis, die konteks waarin hulle werk en die aard van hulle verbintenis tot die beleid of hervormings boodskap. Die studie suggereer verder dat onderwysers ’n kurrikulum aanneem soos wat dit is en dat hulle bestaande begrippe en opvattings in verband met kennis en opvattings en ervaringe gekombineer word met die kontekste waarin hulle werk en dat dit hulle klaskamer praktyke vorm en hierdeur word verduidelik waarom beleid nie kan plaasvind soos wat dit beplan is nie.

Coaching foundation phase literacy teachers as leaders in a school in the Western Cape Province : a professional development strategy

Rutgers, Linda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African education system needs literacy teachers with the capacity to lead innovative and appropriate literacy instruction in schools. Schools can benefit from suitable continuous professional development strategies that have the potential to build the leadership capacity of literacy teachers to sustain literacy improvement efforts. Coaching has proven to be an effective development strategy in the business sector and in the field of sport. However, the field of coaching in the educational context is under-explored in research in South Africa. Coaching is a situated practice, which is aimed at the learning and development of individuals within a specific context. Coaching is an on-going professional development strategy for teachers and leaders as opposed to traditional one-shot professional development activities such as workshops or training sessions. There is a need for evidence-based research on alternative professional development strategies, such as coaching. In this research study the researcher argued that coaching has the potential to provide a more effective and sustainable capacity-building strategy for the continuous professional development of teacher leaders. It argued further that the recognition of their own capacity as teacher leaders can empower teachers to take ownership of decision-making for on-going literacy improvement in schools. The specific context for coaching in this study was the professional development of literacy teachers as leaders for the improvement of literacy teaching and learning. In the absence of a suitable coaching model, the Integrated Capacity Coaching model and a coaching programme were purposefully designed by the researcher for the development of literacy teachers as leaders in this study. Cognitive coaching, peer coaching and coaching circles were incorporated as coaching methods in the coaching programme. This study was designed to determine what can be learnt from using coaching as a professional development strategy within the formal structures of the school and its current constraints. Findings from the data indicated a number of positive learning insights about coaching as a continuous professional development strategy to build internal leadership capacity for literacy improvement in schools. This study is significant because the outcome of the study extended the existing body of knowledge and evidence-based research on coaching in the educational context. The implementation of these findings could lead to improvements in the nature and characteristics of future continuous professional development of literacy teachers as leaders to sustain literacy improvement in schools. The proposed model shows potential as a capacity-building coaching model for the education sector, but further research is needed to determine the impact of this coaching model and the coaching approach in different school contexts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwyssisteem benodig geletterdheidsonderwysers met die kapasiteit om leiding te gee ten opsigte van innoverende en toepaslike geletterdheidsonderrig in skole. Skole kan voordeel trek uit toepaslike voortgesette professionele ontwikkelingstrategieë wat die potensiaal toon om leierskapkapasiteit in onderwysers te bou met die doel om die verbetering van geletterdheid te volhou. Dit is bewys dat afrigting ’n effektiewe ontwikkelingstrategie in die besigheidsektor en op sportgebied is. Navorsing in die veld van afrigting in die onderwyssektor is egter onderverken. Afrigting is ’n gesitueerde praktyk wat gerig is op die leer en ontwikkeling van indiwidue in ’n spesifieke konteks. Afrigting wat as ’n voortgesette professionele ontwikkelingstrategie vir onderwysers en leiers beskou word, verskil van tradisionele “enkele geleenthede” van professionele ontwikkeling soos werkswinkels en opleidingsessies. Daar is ’n behoefte aan bewysgebaseerde navorsing oor alternatiewe strategieë soos afrigting vir professionele ontwikkeling. In hierdie navorsingstudie argumenteer die navorser dat afrigting potensieel ’n meer effektiewe en volhoubare kapasiteitsboustrategie vir die professionele ontwikkeling van onderwysers as leiers blyk te wees. Daar word verder geargumenteer dat onderwysers bemagtig kan word om eienaarskap te neem van besluite oor die verbetering van geletterdheidsvlakke in die skool indien hulle bewus word van hul kapasiteit as onderwyserleiers. Die spesifieke konteks vir afrigting in hierdie studie was die professionele ontwikkeling van geletterdheidsonderwysers as leiers ter verbetering van geletterdheidsonderrig. In die afwesigheid van ’n toepaslike afrigtingsmodel is ’n toepaslike model vir afrigting, naamlik die Geïntegreerde Kapasiteitsafrigtingsmodel en ’n toepaslike afrigtingsprogram deur die navorser ontwikkel. Hierdie model is spesifiek ontwikkel vir die afrigting van geletterdheidsonderwysers as leiers in die studie. Kognitiewe afrigting, portuurafrigting en afrigtingsirkels is as afrigtingsmetodes in die model geïnkorporeer. Die studie is ontwerp om binne die formele strukture en huidige beperkinge in die skool te bepaal wat geleer kan word indien afrigting as professionele ontwikkelingstrategie gebruik word. Die bevindinge het ’n aantal positiewe leerinsigte oor afrigting as ’n voortgesette professionele ontwikkelingstrategie getoon en om leierskapkapasiteitvir die verbetering van geletterdheid in skole te bou. Die studie is betekenisvol, want die uitkoms van die studie sal die bestaande kennis en bewysgebaseerde navorsing oor afrigting in die onderwyskonteks uitbrei. Die implementering van hierdie bevindinge kan lei tot die verbetering van die aard en kenmerke van voortgesette professionele ontwikkeling vir geletterdheidsonderwysers as leiers, om die volhoubaarheid van geletterdheidsverbetering in skole te verseker. Die voorgestelde model toon potensiaal as ’n kapasiteitsbou-afrigtingsmodel vir die onderwyssektor, maar verdere navorsing is nodig om die impak van hierdie afrigtingsmodel en die afrigtingsbenadering in verskillende skoolkontekste te ondersoek.

Evaluating facilitation and mentoring in a Management and Leadership Fundamentals programme (MLF) for registered nurses

Coetzee, Catherina Maria (Kayline) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the private health care sector the demand for skilled registered nurses as shift leaders exceeds the supply. The shift leader of each shift plays an important and essential role in the nursing unit. The Management and Leadership Fundamental (MLF) programme has been developed to provide, equip and empower registered nurses with the best skills, knowledge and attitudes to lead a shift with confidence. The aim of this study was to investigate and evaluate the facilitation and mentoring experiences of the registered nurses as learners who completed the MLF programme successfully. A qualitative methodology was used to address the research questions of the discussion guide in the real life situation. The discussion guide consisted of four sections: section one focused on facilitation, section two on mentoring, section three on management, and the focal point of the fourth section was on the MLF programme. The data were collected by means of structured interviews conducted with 14 registered nurses as learners who had completed the MLF programme. The data were analysed by doing verbatim transcriptions of the interviews, using coding and an Excel spreadsheet analysis. The results revealed that facilitation and mentoring can contribute significantly to the success of the MLF programme. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die aanvraag na bevoegde geregistreerde verpleegkundiges as skofleiers in privaat hospitale oorskrei die aanbod. Die skofleier in die verpleegeenheid vervul ’n belangrike en essentiële rol tydens die skof sodat kwaliteit produktiewe gehalte sorg aan pasiente gelwer kan word. Die ‘Management and Leadership Fundamental (MLF)’ program is ontwikkel om die geregistreerde vepleegkundige as skofleier toe te rus met die nodige kennis, vaardighede en ingesteldheid om met vertroue ‘n skof te kan lei. Hierdie navorsing ondersoek en evalueer die geregistreerde verpleegkundige as leerder se ervarings van fasilitering en mentorskap tydens die MLF program wat hul suksesvol voltooi het. Kwalitatiewe navorsing is gebruik om die navorsingsvrae in die werklike situasie te ondersoek. ‘n Besprekingsgids is ontwerp met navorsingsvrae in vier afdelings: afdeling een se fokus was op fasilitering, afdeling twee het gefokus op mentorskap, afdeling drie het gefokus op bestuur en afdeling vier se fokus was op die MLF program self. Die data is versamel met behulp van gestruktureerde onderhoude wat gevoer is met 14 geregistreerde verpleegkundiges as leerders wat die MLF program suksesvol voltooi het. Die data analise het bestaan uit verbatim getranskribeerde onderhoude, die kodering daarvan asook ‘n gerekordeerde Excel ontledingstaat. Die resultate van die ondesoek het aangetoon dat fasilitering en mentorskap ‘n betekenisvolle bydrae kan lewer tot die sukses van die MLF program.

'n Ondersoek na ekonomiese- en bestuurswetenskappe as leerarea in die senior fase van die skoolkurrikulum

Julius, Collen Andrew 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Economic and Management Sciences (EMS) learning area is part of the current National Curriculum Statement (NCS) and includes learning content from subjects such as Accounting, Business Studies and Economics to prepare learners for the Further Education and Training (FET) phase (Grade 10–12). The learning content is divided into four learning outcomes, namely “The economic cycle”, “Sustainable growth and development”, “Managerial, consumer and financial knowledge and skills” and “Entrepreneurial knowledge and skills”. This study investigates EMS as learning area, and more specifically senior-phase EMS teachers’ experience of teaching this learning area. EMS teachers are expected to provide equal teaching of all four learning outcomes of the current NCS, as well as the three topics of the future Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS), namely “The economy”, “Financial literacy” and “Entrepreneurship”. Previous studies have shown that EMS teachers face many challenges, including that not all of them have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the content of the learning area. Apart from these challenges, it was also found that teachers do not strictly comply with the policy prescripts in terms of teaching and assessment, as Accounting is given priority in the EMS classroom. Therefore, this study explores the aforementioned challenges in order to ascertain how EMS teachers experience the teaching of the learning area. The establishment of teacher learning communities for novice EMS teachers was also investigated. The research was undertaken within the methodological paradigm as a qualitative investigation. Data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews with mainly Grade 9 EMS teachers. The approach is interpretivist and the research design is phenomenological. Five respondents were purposefully selected based on the value that they were able to add in terms of their unique contexts, their qualifications and teaching experience. An important finding of the study was that the experience of EMS teachers was generally positive, given all the challenges they faced, such as the disparity between policy and practice, as well as often having to rely on insufficient, irrelevant and outdated EMS learning and teaching support material (LTSM). The researcher recommends that EMS teachers teach the learning area in consultation with their counterparts elsewhere in order to improve their teaching experience in respect of this learning area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die leerarea Ekonomiese- en Bestuurswetenskappe (EBW) maak deel uit van die huidige Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring (NKV) en bestaan uit die leerinhoud van vakke soos Rekeningkunde, Besigheidstudies en Ekonomie ter voorbereiding vir die voortgesette onderwys en opleiding- (VOO-) fase (graad 10–12). Hierdie leerinhoud word afgebaken in vier leeruitkomste, naamlik “Die ekonomiese kringloop”, “Volhoubare groei en ontwikkeling”, “Bestuurs-, verbruikers- en finansiële kennis en vaardighede” en “Entrepreneurskennis en -vaardighede”. Hierdie studie ondersoek EBW as leerarea en meer bepaald hoe EBW-onderwysers in die senior fase die onderrig van dié leerarea beleef. EBW-onderwysers is veronderstel om die leerders in hulle klas ewe goed in ál vier leeruitkomstes van die huidige NKV, maar ook in die toekomstige Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV) se drie onderwerpe, “Die ekonomie”, “Finansiële geletterdheid” en “Entrepreneurskap”, te onderrig. Verskeie studies het al beklemtoon dat die EBW-onderwyser met verskeie uitdagings te kampe het, wat insluit dat nie almal oor genoegsame kennis en begrip van die inhoud van die leerarea beskik nie. Benewens hierdie uitdagings het dit ook aan die lig gekom dat onderwysers nie streng volgens die beleidsvoorskrifte oor onderrig en assessering werk nie, maar merendeels op die onderrig van Rekeningkunde konsentreer. Hierdie studie ondersoek dus voormelde uitdagings ten einde onderwysers se belewing van die leerarea te bepaal. Die vestiging van onderwyserleergroepe vir nuweling-EBW-onderwysers is ook ondersoek. Die navorsing is binne die metodologiese paradigma wat kwalitatief is, onderneem. Data is met behulp van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en hoofsaaklik graad 9-EBW-onderwysers ingesamel. Die benadering is interpretivisties en die navorsingsontwerp is fenomenologies. Vyf deelnemers is doelbewus gekies op grond van die waarde wat hulle aan die hand van hul eiesoortige kontekste, kwalifikasies en onderrigervaring kon toevoeg. ’n Belangrike bevinding van die studie is dat EBW-onderwysers die leerarea oorwegend gunstig beleef, gedagtig aan die talle uitdagings waarvoor hulle te staan kom, naamlik beleid en praktyk wat nie noodwendig ooreenstem nie, en dikwels ook irrelevante, onvoldoende en verouderde leer-, onderrig- en ondersteuningsmateriaal (LOOM) vir die onderrig van EBW. Die navorser beveel aan dat EBW-onderwysers die leerarea in oorleg met hul eweknieë elders onderrig ten einde hul onderrigbelewing van die leerarea te verbeter.

Exploring student teachers' active learning through self-assessment, peer assessment and reflection at Rundu Campus at the University of Namibia

Muhapili, Andrew Matumo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Bibliography / Student teachers are faced with the challenge of adapting their teaching so as to accommodate active learning through self-assessment, peer assessment and reflection. The objectives of the study were therefore to explore how active learning may be enhanced through self-assessment, peer assessment and reflection. The participants in the study were second- and third-year students at Rundu Campus of the University of Namibia. The research employed a case study design with qualitative data and using a descriptive, contextual approach. Semi-structured interviews, focus-group interviews and observations were utilised to obtain data. Once consent was obtained from the relevant authorities, second- and third-year student teachers were interviewed. Ethical requirements were adhered to throughout the research process. The findings indicated that students had both positive and negative perceptions in respect of self-assessment, peer assessment and reflection in promoting their active engagement in learning. Overall, the findings of the study revealed positive signs that active learning can be enhanced by student teachers through the use of strategies such as self-assessment, peer assessment and reflection. The study also pointed to implications of the research for teacher education practices and possible future research.

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