Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cynology"" "subject:"synology""
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Visuomenės požiūris į kinologinę kultūrą Lietuvoje / Society‘s approach to the cynological culture of LithuaniaNorkienė, Daiva 02 September 2013 (has links)
Tema - Visuomenės požiūris į kinologinę kultūrą Lietuvoje.
Darbo problema. Tik brandžios visuomenės pajėgios skirti pakankamai dėmesio tokių vertybinių nuostatų kaip savanorystė, globa, atjauta, pagalba silpnesniajam, atsakomybė už tuos, kurie negali apsiginti, puoselėjimui. Agresijos, smurto apraiškų gausa būdingesnė neturtingų, besivystančių šalių visuomenėms, sunkmečio laikotarpiais, kai žmonės apimti frustracijos, o didelė visuomenės dalis kenčia nuo anomijos. Susidaro užburtas ratas: šunys savo prieraišumu, ištikimybe ir dėmesingumu gali praskaidrinti vienišų, kenčiančių, socialiai pažeidžiamų, o ypač vaikų kasdienybę, tačiau visuomenėje klestintys stereotipai apie šunį, kaip apie vienintelės – sargo – funkcijos vykdytoją, trukdo platesniam šių gyvūnų panaudojimui ir kinologinės kultūros plėtrai.
Darbo tikslas: ištirti, koks yra mūsų visuomenės požiūris į kinologinės kultūros raišką, sklaidą ir poveikį atskiroms socialinėms grupėms ir visuomenei apskritai. Darbe sieksime atskleisti prieš šunis nukreipto žmonių agresyvumo ir deviantinio elgesio priežastis, išsiaiškinti suaugusiųjų ir aplinkos įtaką vaikų požiūriui į šunis bei nustatyti, ar tikslinga šunis pasitelkti ugdymo ir socializacijos procese.
Darbo uždaviniai:
• Ištirti kinologinės kultūros sampratą, raišką ir paplitimą skirtingose visuomenėse.
• Išanalizuoti artimiausios suaugusiojo ir vaiko aplinkos (šeimos, mokymo įstaigos ir kt.) įtaką prieš gyvūnus nukreipto agresyvumo bei atsainaus ir neatsakingo požiūrio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Society‘s approach to the cynological culture of Lithuania
Only mature society able to devote sufficient attention to the cherishing of such securities as volunteering, care, compassion, support to soft persons, responsibility for those who can not defend themselves.. Aggression, violence is more common manifestations of poor, developing country societies, periods of recession when people include frustration, and a large part of society suffer from anomie. A vicious circle emerges: the dogs affection, loyalty and attention can brighten a lonely, suffering, disadvantaged, especially children's everyday life, but prosperous society stereotypes about the dog, as a single - guard - features prevents wider use of these animals and dog culture development . In this work the different groups approach to dog related cultural expression, dissemination and impact of various social groups is studied in the society of Lithuania. The directed aggression against the dogs and deviant behavior is disclosed.
It was found that the rural and urban understanding of dog uprising culture is fundamentally different. The village dog usually lives tied to the way he was identified with agricultural land animal, usually carried out by the guard function. Urban people more likely looks to dogs like the companions and family members, like some fashionable attributes. City dwellers have more antropomorfizative love to dogs, dog to some townspeople become like a fetish, and this approach angers... [to full text]
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Кинолошки аспекти ловног туризма у Србији / Kinološki aspekti lovnog turizma u Srbiji / Cynological aspects of hunting tourism in SerbiaMatejević Milosava 30 September 2015 (has links)
<p>Циљ докторске дисертације је да прикаже везу између кинологије, ловног туризма и других облика туризма, а ова проблематика није досад обрађивана у домаћој и страној литератури. Анализом садржаја и карактеристика пролећних, јесењих и свестраних узгојних испита ловачких паса представљен је значај ловачких паса у ловним активностима, а анализа резултата рада немачких оштродлаких паса, као свестрано употребљивих ловачких паса, на пролећним и јесењим узгојним испитима одржаним у Србији у периоду од 2006. до 2013. године показала је колико је популација ових паса у Србији способна да допринесе ловнотуристиким активностима. Резултати анкетних истраживања спроведених међу српским ловцима, домаћим и иностраним учесницима кинолошких манифестација, као и међу српским кинолошким судијама, допринели су схватању значаја и утицаја организовања и одржавања кинолошких манифестација на ловно-туристичка кретања и туристичка кретања уопште у Србији и дала смернице организаторима кинолошких манифестација за побољшање понуде тј. организације и спровођења манифестација, као и туристичким посленицима у местима одржавања кинолошких манифестација у проналажењу конкретних смерница у креирању и побољшавању укупне туристичке понуде и ефеката туристичке потрошње.</p> / <p>Cilj doktorske disertacije je da prikaže vezu između kinologije, lovnog turizma i drugih oblika turizma, a ova problematika nije dosad obrađivana u domaćoj i stranoj literaturi. Analizom sadržaja i karakteristika prolećnih, jesenjih i svestranih uzgojnih ispita lovačkih pasa predstavljen je značaj lovačkih pasa u lovnim aktivnostima, a analiza rezultata rada nemačkih oštrodlakih pasa, kao svestrano upotrebljivih lovačkih pasa, na prolećnim i jesenjim uzgojnim ispitima održanim u Srbiji u periodu od 2006. do 2013. godine pokazala je koliko je populacija ovih pasa u Srbiji sposobna da doprinese lovnoturistikim aktivnostima. Rezultati anketnih istraživanja sprovedenih među srpskim lovcima, domaćim i inostranim učesnicima kinoloških manifestacija, kao i među srpskim kinološkim sudijama, doprineli su shvatanju značaja i uticaja organizovanja i održavanja kinoloških manifestacija na lovno-turistička kretanja i turistička kretanja uopšte u Srbiji i dala smernice organizatorima kinoloških manifestacija za poboljšanje ponude tj. organizacije i sprovođenja manifestacija, kao i turističkim poslenicima u mestima održavanja kinoloških manifestacija u pronalaženju konkretnih smernica u kreiranju i poboljšavanju ukupne turističke ponude i efekata turističke potrošnje.</p> / <p>The aim of the dissertation is to show the relationship between cynology, hunting tourism and other forms of tourism. The importance of using hunting dogs in hunting activities is presented by analyzing the content and characteristics of spring, autumn and versality breeding tests for hunting dogs. One of the task was to determine the quality German wirehaired pointers population in Serbia and its capability to contribute hunting and touristic activities in Serbia. For the purpose of the study, surveys were conducted among serbian hunters, local and foreign participants of kennel events, as well as the Serbian kennel judges and hunters. Results could contribute to the understanding of the importance and impact of the dog event organization and maintenance on hunting tourism trends and the tourist industry in general. Results of the study could, be helpful to dog event organizers and tourism workers in destination for improving organization of events and finding specific guidelines in creating and improving tourist offer.<br /> </p>
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Statistické šetření vybraných kynologických parametrů krajských ředitelství Policie České republiky / Statistical investigation of selected cynological parameters of regional directorates of the Police of the Czech RepublicTUPÁ, Aneta January 2019 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis was a statistical investigation of selected cynological parameters of regional directorates of the Police of the Czech Republic and identification of levels of their service cynology. Levels of service cynology of the Police of the Czech Republic are described by the level of research (Chapter 1.1), the level of legislation (Chapter 1.2), the structural level (Chapter 1.3, 1.5, 1.6), the institutional level (Chapter 1.4) and the level of applied informatics (chapters associated with data collection). The fulfillment of the second objective, connected with the investigation of selected parameters of the service cynology of the Police of the Czech Republic can be described through the verification of operationalized hypotheses. The research confirmed that the division of service dogs of the Police of the Czech Republic within the individual regional police directorates behaves normally and is described by the Gauss curve. The second hypothesis can also be partially confirmed from the point of view of the expected link between the number of service dogs and the length of training. The plane of applied informatics is not sufficiently advanced in this area and does not capture the necessary data in the database of the Police of the Czech Republic. The third hypothesis confirmed that the selected canine parameters (numbers of deployment of individual types of service dogs of the Police of the Czech Republic and the numbers of active results achieved) correlate only slightly positively, but positive correlation was proved. Also, linear regression (after SV type exclusion) proved to be compatible with the correlation analysis performed. The data were collected from statistics of the Czech Statistical Office and statistics of the Police of the Czech Republic. The level of applied informatics of police statistics is not sufficient and thus it was not possible to work according to the original intention. Exact data on dog training were missing. The contribution of the diploma thesis can be seen in the theoretical level (applicability of two-dimensional statistical analyzes to the level of service cynology of the Police of the Czech Republic) and the practical level. The correlation between the number of service dogs and the number of active results was proved with the statistical survey.
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Vyhledávání výbušnin a nástražných výbušných systémů pomocí psů / Explosive substances and traps searching by the help of dogsHONČÍK, Václav January 2010 (has links)
The one of the dog use scope is explosive substances and booby traps searching. At present, when very often terrorist attacks or threats appear this usage is more and more often. To use the dog for this purpose means the dog has to be trained by means of complex training. In my thesis I have described the basic dog training and another training focused to special activities as the searching of explosive materials and mines is. I did not describe the all dogs basic exercises which the dog must handle safely because this theme is very extensive but only such excercise which I consider as important for explosive materials searching in practises. I have used available literature about dogs training and excercise, expert editorials and guidelines, my own experience with police dogs training and skilled knowledge from workshops and seminar meetings. I have created complex overview the dog preparing and the way of dog training for this special use. I have compared some methods for dogs training and way of excercise used in USA. By means of dogs special training and by means of their use we prevent extraordinary events and we preserve the human life doubtless. The thesis corresponds with another authors similar theses.
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Porovnání výkonnosti potomstva německého ovčáka po domácích a zahraničních plemenícíchFEIKOVÁ, Klára January 2017 (has links)
This graduation thesis deals with comparison of performance of progeny of German shepherd the national and foreign stud dogs. The literary overview follows the history and current form of the International Examination Rules, breeding of German shepherds in the Czech Republic and on global level. It describes complete characteristics of a German shepherd, like the physique, body measurements, living demands and then it is engaged in influences affecting the sport performance of dogs, breeding conditions and it follows the most frequent health problems in German shepherds breeding. The core of the thesis includes analyses of performance of gets of national and foreign stud dogs in the position of a father or father's father in selective competitions, Czech Republic Championships IPO and Championships of the Czech Club of German Shepherds (M ČKNO). There were monitored the data on numbers of individuals in specified competitions in monitored periods of the years 2009 2016. More, dogs placed on 1st up to 10th positions at MČR IPO and M ČKNO were assessed from the point of view of fathers and grandfathers. On the basis of detailed monitoring and analysis it was detected that that dogs from foreign stud dogs origin whether in father's or grandfather's positions are more frequently used in sport cynology. There were 58% of participating dogs from foreign stud dogs and only 42% of dogs with fathers of Czech origin participating in selective competitions. It was established that 61% of participating dogs from foreign stud dogs and 39% of dogs with fathers of Czech origin participated in MČR IPO. The stud dogs of dogs participating in ČKNO Championship were of 68 % of foreign origin and 32 % of nationals. In the course of more detailed analysis (assessment of dogs taking up to 10th position in MČR IPO and M ČKNO) it was established that 67,9% respectively 61,25% of the most successful sport dogs have fathers from foreign kennels, while only 32,1% respectively 38,75 % are from stud dogs from Czech kennels. The best stud dogs from abroad were Ellute von der Mohenwiese and Tom van't Leefdaalhof. Jaguar Aritar Bastet and Hoky Va Pe belonged to the best national stud dogs.
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Služební kynologie Policie České republiky a její využití v integrovaném záchranném systému se zaměřením na mimořádné události / The Police service cynology and its implication in the Integrated Rescue System focusing on emergency situations.HUSÁR, Imrich January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on service cynology of the Police of the Czech Republic and its use in an Integrated Rescue System focusing on emergencies. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part of the thesis is based on analysis and synthesis of magazine and book literature, as well as professional Internet resources. It deals mainly with the areas of the integrated rescue system, the Police of the Czech Republic as an armed security corps, Service Cynology of the Police of the Czech Republic, as well as its comparison with the Police Cynology of the Police Force of the Slovak Republic. The qualitative research with the structured interview method with open questions was used for the empirical part of the thesis. A total of 17 questions were set for the interview. Due to this method the information to answer a research question "What is the use of the service cynology of the Czech Republic Police in an integrated emergency system? " was obtained by Lieutenant Colonel Mgr. Michael Baloun from the Department of Service Cynology and Hipology of the Directorate of the Police Service of the Police Presidium of the Czech Republic. The results of the thesis show that Service Cynology of the Czech Police has its application in the integrated emergency system and that is why it is an important part of the Police of the Czech Republic, one of the basic components of the integrated rescue system. In practice, the diploma thesis will serve to improve the awareness of the lay public and also as a comprehensive information material for the professional public as well as for teaching purposes.
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Argo, aport! Vývoj sportovní kynologie na Liberecku po roce 1945 / Argo, fetch! The history of dog training (cynology) in Liberec region after 1945Cejpová, Irena January 2017 (has links)
The main topic of the thesis is a description of the transformation of the Sport Cynology during the second half of the 20th century in the Liberec region. The sport is based on cooperation between people and dogs. This hobby belongs to the most popular freetime activities in the Czech Republic, even though there is not enough information in Czechoslovak historiography. The aim of the thesis consists in a characterization of development of the Sport Cynology in the era of State Socialism in Czechoslovakia in the second half of the 20th century. I focus on a historical progress of the sport and its significant events, which were crucial for the next development of the sport activity. In the context of the Sport Cynology, "The Association for Cooperation with the Army" is mentioned because Czechoslovak cynology had to become a part of the association in 1953. In the first section of the paper, focused on history of the cynology, I use archival materials, contemporary magazines and information got from interviews with narrators. I apply qualitative research and its specific methods such as analysis of documents and thematically oriented biographical narratives. Key words: Sport Cynology, State Socialism, Liberec region, The Association for Cooperation with the Army, Contemporary History, Oral History.
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