Spelling suggestions: "subject:"czech anguage"" "subject:"czech 1anguage""
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Začleňování žáků s odlišným mateřským jazykem do vzdělávacího procesu v ČR / Integration of students with diffrent mother tongue into Czech edicatopm systemKinclová Vondrušková, Petra January 2020 (has links)
The work is focused on current available options and efforts to make education of pupils from different socio-cultural environment accessible. It contains recommendations for educators who come into daily contact with these pupils. The pitfalls and obstacles encountered by teachers, pupils and their parents are also described, who often face a language and communication gap in communication with school facilities themselves. KEY WORDS Alien, pupil, educational system, Czech Republic, Czech language
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Spojovací výrazy v mluvené a psané češtině / Conjunctions in Spoken and Written CzechTartakovskaya, Anastasia January 2012 (has links)
TARTAKOVSKAYA, A. Conjunctions in spoken and written Czech Faculty of arts Charles University in Prague, 2011 Supervisor: Václav Cvrček, Ph.D. Number of pages: 66 + 6 attachments Key words: Conjunctions, written Czech language, spoken Czech language, word link, Czech National Corpus, secondary linking conjunctions, co-coordinating linking conjunctions Conjunctions in the Czech language are still relatively small chapter described in manuals and grammar books. The aim is to investigate connecting words in spoken and written language, their use in text and links with other words, compare the use of the coupling term in written and spoken Czech language. Theoretical basis for master's thesis is based on several works which are devoted to this issue, either in whole or in dealing with some of its parts. But the major outline of work is driven by the Czech National Corpus (hereafter CNC), namely the corpora SYN2005 and ORAL2008. First chapter deals with CNC and coupling expressions in general, second deals with secondary linking conjunctions, their use in text types and surrounding words. The content of the third chapter incorporates the connecting conjunctions.
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Česko-slovenské lexikální shody a diference z hlediska postavení ve spisovném jazyce a v nářečích / Czech-Slovak lexical correspondences and differences in terms of their position in the standard language and dialectsTýrová, Eva January 2011 (has links)
The thesis Czech-Slovak lexical correspondences and differences in terms of their position in the standard language and dialects focuses on lexemes occurring equally in the areas of Czech and Slovak Republic (with a preference focus on border line of East Moravian and West Slovak dialects) and confrontation of their statuses in the national languages. The aim of the thesis is to track differences and concordances of Czech (Moravian) and Slovak dialect lexical parallels on a chosen sample of vocabulary from the perspective of their relation to the standard vocabulary of Czech and Slovak language. The opening chapter deals with language atlases and dictionaries used as sources for confrontation. This is followed by an image of Czech - Slovak language relations' development, question of border and evaluation of dialects from the perspective of belonging to Czech/Slovak dialects; and delimitation of assumed areas with the highest number of language concordances. The essence of the thesis are chosen dialectical lexemes obtained primarily from the Slovak Language Atlas (Atlas slovenského jazyka) and Czech Language Atlas (Český jazykový atlas), the assessment of extensity of area distribution of the researched lexemes and their comparison with codification dictionaries, Czech and Slovak. A separate...
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Vyučovací cíle v předmětu český jazyk na základní škole - analýza aktuálního stavu / Teaching objectives of the Czech language in primary schools - analysis of the current stateDlasková, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis with the title Teaching objects in the Czech language in primary schools - analysis of the current state is theoretical work which compares realizations of targets in syntax area at elementaries schools. It observes realization of targets included in basic curriculum document of Czech Republic (the Framework Educational Program, the FEP) in school educational programs. It observes realization of targets included in the General Educational Program, the GEP by didactic textbooks. Theoretical part of this diploma thesis compares targets of the FEP and some documents which can inspirate teachers at teaching about syntax. These documents are the best-selling textbooks published at Alter, SPN and Fraus publishers and lessons about syntax published at metodical web by GEP (by web www.ceskeskolstvi.cz from 1st of October 2012). (odkud cerpas dej na konec vety) There is an assumption created on the base of their significance that their targets are the same as GEP's targets. Practical part analyses schools educational programs at selected schools at North Bohemia. We talk about 29 schools. Because of competition at municipal and rural schools we compare documents from both of these areas. Municipal schools are choosen from Ústí nad Labem, Liberec and Jablonec nad Nisou. This diploma works...
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Postupy programu RWCT ve výuce českého jazyka a literatury na 1. stupni ZŠ / Techniques of programme RWCT in the teaching of Czech language and literature on the first level of a primary schoolTůmová, Dana January 2017 (has links)
The Master thesis "Procedures of RWCT programme in the teaching of Czech language and literature at primary school" discusses the use of critical thinking techniques in the Czech language classes for fifth graders. My goal is to explore what options are used as the RWCT programme methods in the Czech language classes at primary school. One of the key objectives is to build a comprehensive material for teaching the Czech language in the fifth grade of primary school. This is based on critical thinking techniques thanks to which pupils not only study the new curriculum but also develop their reading literacy. The anthology demonstrates the applicability of critical thinking techniques in classes with specific examples. On the basis of reflections, I assess the options whitch the RWCT programme gives to the teaching of the Czech language in the fifth grade of primary school. Keywords A teacher at primary school, contemporary conception of teaching, Framework Educational Programme for primary education, RWCT programme, critical thinking, E - U - R model, critical thinking techniques, Czech language and literature.
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Vnímání české kultury zahraničními studenty na ÚJOP a možnosti propagace jeho studijního střediska / Perception of Czech Culture by Students of the ILPS and Ways of Promotion of its Study CentreSedláčková, Daniela January 2010 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis is divided into three sections. The first section describes the activities of the ILPS and characterizes closely the Study Centre in Prague -- Albertov and its courses. The second section deals with differences among cultures, according to Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner, and characterizes Czech culture and the cultures of participants of courses at Albertov. This section also includes a research study on the perception of Czech culture by foreign students and in-depth interviews with two representatives. The last section discusses the promotion of the Study Centre Albertov and proposes concrete ways on how to promote the 6-Week Intensive Czech Language Course and the summer course Czech Language and Culture.
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Aplikace metod kritického myšlení ve výuce českého jazyka, literatury a výtvarné výchovy na druhém stupni základních škol / Application of critical thinking in teaching Czech Language, literature and art education at the primary schoolsVANČUROVÁ, Andrea January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the application of methods of Critical Thinking in the teaching of Czech language, literature and art education in secondary schools. The work is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part focuses on the definition of teaching methods in general, discusses the principles of the Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking, classification and description of its each method and also a question best alternative arts curriculum or components of the Czech language for the application of methods of Critical Thinking. The practical part includes ideas for lessons of Czech language, literature and art, created according to the principles of Critical Thinking and using its methods.
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Využití interaktivní tabule ve výuce českého jazyka na 1. stupni základních škol / The Use of the Interactive Whiteboard in Czech Language at Basic SchoolŠMÍDOVÁ, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the advantages and disadvantages of using interactive whiteboards in the Czech language lessons in the first grade of primary schools. The thesis contains a theoretical part that includes the first three chapters and a practical part that composed of two chapters. In the first charter of the theoretical part is presented the historical development of interactive whiteboards and its gradual implementation into teaching process. The second chapter provides an overview of the requirements that every teacher should take into account when using interactive whiteboards. In the next part are presented most frequently mentioned advantages and disadvantages, both from the perspectives of teachers and students. The main data sources of educational materials are described in the third charter that also contains the specification of different exercises. The practical part of the work is based on the own research that was realized through a questionnaire among 50 teachers. The subject of the fourth chapter is a detailed description of the various questions and also the presentation of the results. Fifth charter focuses on analyzing of the results and there are also introduced the recommendations which, in the author's opinion, should lead to more effective way of teaching with interactive whiteboard.
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Italská a česká interpunkce v kontrastivním pohledu / Italian and Czech punctuation in a contrastive perspectiveVALENTÍKOVÁ, Soňa January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with Czech and Italian punctuation. The aim is to compare the rules of the punctuation usage in the Czech language with the rules in the Italian language. In the first, theoretical, part there are firstly introduced the sources on which the whole work is based. Then the very notion of punctuation is explained from the both Czech and Italian perspective. Next, there is defined which particular punctuation marks are going to be further examined. The following chapters provide a list of rules of the punctuation usage in Czech and Italian with an emphasis on the similarities and the differences between the two languages. The work also tries to offer a comprehensive look at both languages. In conclusion, there is a practical part to verify the acquired knowledge. It is a series of exercises with a key of the correct answers.
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Inovativní výukové metody ve výuce českého jazyka na 2. stupni ZŠ / Innovative teaching methods in the Czech language teaching at the upper primary schoolKUBŮ, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is divided into theoretical and research part practical. The theoretical part focuses on the description and presentation of teaching methods and current trends used in teaching. A special chapter introduces the innovative methods that are currently used in teaching the Czech language at upper primary schools and the possibility of their practical application. The main aim of the research is to identify the attitude of the Czech language teachers at second level of elementary school to innovative teaching methods. The practical part consists of a research using quantitative research methodologies, implemented as the questionnaire survey.
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