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Modely analýzy obalu dat a jejich aplikace / DEA models and application on bank branch siteKostiha, Martin January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on evaluation of efficiency of domestic bank branch site using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The branch site belongs to Československá obchodní banka (ČSOB). Theoretic part is focused on explanation of basic definitions related to DEA. I concentrate on basic models which are applicated in practical part of the thesis. Practical part of the thesis is focused on computation, using particulary BCC a CCR model. General information about bank market in the Czech Republic, ČSOB and using DEA in bank sector are included too.
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Hodnocení efektivnosti sportovních klubů / DEA models and application on baseball teamsNovotný, Šimon January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the efficiency of teams that have participated in the last season of Major League of Baseball. To measure this efficiency Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models are used. Theoretic part is focused on explanation of basic definitions related to DEA. The emphasis in this part is concentrated on basic models which are applied in the second part of the thesis. Application study is focused on computation of attack and defence efficiency using BCC a CCR model. In the end the efficiency given by DEA models is compared to the position of teams in the final table.
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Aplikace modelů analýzy obalu dat při hodnocení efektivnosti bankovních poboček / Application of data envelopment analysis to the performance assessment of bank branchesMüller, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to describe an application of data envelopment analysis to the performance assessment of bank branches. The bank has used, in the first half of the year 2007, two DEA models: DEA model with the purchasing power as an implicit parameter and DEA model with the economic potential as an explicit parameter. I have used for the calculations different models, which are stated in the literature, (i.e. CCR model or BCC model), because in data received from the bank was the influence of the purchasing power already involved. Next purpose of this thesis is to summarize theoretical basis of DEA models and also this theoretical basis put together with existing foreign studies.
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Analýza hypermarketů vybraného řetězce v kategorii kosmetiky s pomocí metod operačního výzkumu / Analysis of selected hypermarket chain in the cosmetics category by using operation research analysisJiroutová, Aneta January 2013 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is the application of certain operation research methods on a practical example. The main objective is to evaluate and compare hypermarkets of selected retail company on the basis of data from cosmetics department for the year 2013. In the thesis are firstly described theoretical assumptions necessary for understanding the decision theory and DEA models, next part is then focused on selected company and its history, current market position and the different types of store formats. Following practical part shows the application of multicriteria evaluation methods (WSA, TOPSIS, ELECTRE III) and DEA models (CCR and BCC) on concrete intern data and results which are then commented, compared and completed with recommendations, how to eliminate store or stores weaknesses, if needed. All calculations in the practical part of this thesis were done by the supplement of MS Excel -- Sanna and optimalization software LINGO.
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Modelos flexibles para la valoración de la eficienciaPla Ferrando, Mª Leonor 29 July 2013 (has links)
El objetivo en esta Memoría ha sido el análisis de eficiencia de un
determinado sector empresarial, teniendo en cuenta dos problemas casi siempre
presentes, y de naturaleza muy diferente, por una parte, que los datos que se
manejan pueden ser imprecisos y, por tanto, afectar al resultado de cualquier
estudio de eficiencia y, por otra parte, el deseo de ordenar las empresas (Unidades
De Toma de Decisión) atendiendo a la medición de su eficiencia.
Para la medición de la eficiencia se ha recurrido a la metodología no
paramétrica del Análisis Envolvente de datos (DEA) aplicandola a empresas del
sector textil muy cercanas a nosotros. Ahora bien, dado que consideramos que
siempre existe alguna incertidumbre o un posible error en la medición de algunos
datos (inputs y outputs), introducimos la limitación de la certeza con el tratamiento
fuzzy de los datos, métodos que no requieren conocer ni aplicar hipótesis sobre
distribuciones de probabilidad de esos datos, que dicho sea de paso, podría no ser
fáctible bajo determinados supuestos de incertidumbre.
Pero además de la medir la eficiencia pretendemos proporcionar más
información que la mera separación dicotómica entre empresas eficientes o no
eficientes. Para ello desarrollamos y aplicamos los modelos de super-efficiencyfuzzy y cross-efficiency-fuzzy, que nos permiten establecer una ordenación bajo
Con este trabajo hemos realizado un estudio amplio de la eficiencia bajo incertidumbre. Se observa que los resultados obtenidos aplicando los distintos métodos
son similares. Además, estos métodos proporcionan más información sobre las
unidades estudiadas que las que proporciona un solo índice de eficiencia. Estos
métodos pueden ser aplicables a otros tipos de empresas, aportando nueva información que puede ayudar u orientar en la toma de decisiones de sus gestores / Pla Ferrando, ML. (2013). Modelos flexibles para la valoración de la eficiencia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31521
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Aplikace DEA modelů na hodnocení efektivnosti bank v rámci České republiky / Aplication of DEA models to assess efficiency on selected banks in the Czech RepublicKrpcová, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluating efficiency of Czech banks using data envelopment analysis (DEA), which is a method based on mathematical programming. Each bank is then evauluated with the relative efficiency coefficient that indicates the efficiency or inefficiency of the particular bank. The work is further developed the classical approach of bank performance measuring in comparison to DEA, researches that have applied DEA models to evaluate banks in the past in different countries and detailed analysis of the results of the precessed model.
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Scoring rules -- pokročilé hlasovací systémy s pořadím kandidátů / Scoring rules - ranked advanced voting systemsZýková, Petra January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with ranked advanced voting systems. The aim is to determine the overall winner and the ranking of candidates based on voters' preferences. The thesis utilises basic voting systems - plurality rules, lexicographical and Borda's method - as well as advanced voting systems with the application of DEA models, specifically DEA/AR model, DEA/AR exclusion model (including variations with penalties), and Llamazares-Peňa model. Compromise programming is used to obtain common vector of weights. The models and their use are demonstrated on Formula One Grand Prix results from season 2016. Formula One World Drivers' Championship and Formula One World Constructors' Championship are being investigated.
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Hodnocení a rozklad efektivnosti pomocí Malmquistova výkonnostního indexu / Evaluation and decomposition efficiency using Malmquist productivity indexSkočdopol, Petr January 2010 (has links)
At first, the basics of microeconomics from the perspective of companies, effectiveness and methods of its measurement and the most important information on the distance function this thesis, are shown. It also contains the development of the Malmquist productivity index. The aim of this work is the description of this index and its components. Indicate how these values are calculated and what expressed. Secondary objectives are to introduce different variants of Malmquist indexes and their use. Four models are used for calculating individual components of the Malmquist productivity index. These are the DEA models, Aigner-Chu, Stochastic production frontiers and Stochastic activity analysis. The first three in this work are described in detail. In conclusion is an illustrative example of calculation Malmquist productivity index using DEA models. For the calculation I used the program Lingo.
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Modélisation de la compétitivité industrielle / Modeling industrial competitivenessKpondjo, Nadia 01 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de la notion de compétitivité des unités industrielles par l’indicateur de l’efficience obtenu avec la méthode DEA. L’efficience des alumineries de l’industrie de l’aluminium primaire est analysée sur quatre années distinctes 2005, 2009, 2010 et 2012. Les résultats révèlent que ces unités sont globalement peu efficientes techniquement (inefficience de l’ordre de 1 à 5% selon la technologie utilisée et la région) ; leurs combinaisons productives semblent donc peu optimales. De plus, l’inefficience est davantage prononcée au niveau du coût et de l’allocation de leurs ressources en considérant les prix des inputs différents ou identiques d’une aluminerie à une autre. Tout ceci pourrait expliquer les fermetures enregistrées ces dernières années. Par ailleurs, nous avons montré que l’inefficience technique était expliquée par l’impact des variables explicatives âge, taille et le taux de change. Au travers d’un modèle VECM linéaire nous avons montré qu’il existe une relation de long terme entre la performance financière des grands constructeurs automobiles et le prix de l’aluminium allié. Ce résultat étant l’indicatif de l’interdépendance entre ces deux industries. / This thesis deals with the concept of competitiveness of industrial units by the efficiency indicator obtained by DEA approach. We use a cross section data over four different years around 2009. The results show that these units are generally technically inefficient (inefficiency of the order of 1 to 5% by technology and region); their productive combination thus seems less than optimal. In addition, the inefficiency is more pronounced in the cost and allocation of resources by considering the inputs prices of an aluminum smelter in another. All this may explain the closures of recent years. We analyze the assessment of how external factors such as exchange rate, vintage and scale affect the smelters efficiency. Through a linear VECM model we have shown a long-term relationship between the financial performance of major car manufacturers and the price of aluminum alloy. This result is indicative of the interdependence between the two industries.
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Essays on econometrics of panel data and treatment modelsPapa, Gianluca 13 September 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, I apply the sophisticated tools made available by the econometrics of panel data and treatment models to a range of different issues. In the first Chapter, an ECM model is used to test on the existence of financing constraints in firms’ investment and R&D, taken a proxy for the efficiency of market institutions and governance rules in different countries. In the second chapter we test an agency model linking pay-performance contracts of CEOS to the financial situation of a firm by using a UK panel data. In the third chapter I use a sophisticated treatment model to evaluate the effectiveness of Italian public subsidies to R&D. Finally, in the fourth chapter I try to evaluate the efficiency of Italian regional systems of public healthcare by controlling for socio-economic factors and quality of healthcare in a composite model using panel data estimation and efficient frontier techniques.<p>The first Chapter analyzes the investment behavior of a sample of R&D intensive firms which are quoted on the stock market from USA, UK and Japan for the period 1990-1998. By using an error correction model we test the elasticity of investment and R&D to cash flow in these countries to see by which measure different market institutions and corporate governance rules affects the cost of external financing. Contrary to previous studies, we find significant differences in the sensitivity to cash flow of the two types of investment, with R&D expenditure being much less sensitive than ordinary investment. This is not surprising given the more long-term nature of R&D expenditures. For what concerns the comparison between the different systems/countries, the USA stock markets confirms as the most efficient market providing outside financing at a much lower cost compared to other markets, especially for young, smaller firms.<p>The second Chapter is a joint work with Biagio Speciale. It uses the data on a panel of quoted UK firms over the period 1995–2002 to study the effects of financial leverage on managerial compensation. The change in the investors’ expectations that caused the recent collapse of the stock market tech bubble is a perfect example of natural experiment that has been used as a source of plausibly exogenous variation in the firm’s debt. The estimates show that pay-for-performance sensitivity is increasing in financial leverage, with the exception of the 10% most levered firms, giving rise at the end to a non-linear (inverted U-shape) relationship between the two variables. The chapter includes also a theoretical model accounting for this relationship where an higher leverage increases both the expected returns and the expected variance of investment returns: the first effect (determining increased pay-performance sensitivity) prevails for low leverage values and the second effect (determining decreased pay-performance sensitivity) prevails for high leverage values.<p>The third Chapter undertakes an empirical estimation of the additionality of public funding on both the propensity to initiate R&D activity and the intensity of R&D spending of Italian enterprises for the period 1998-2000, using data from the Third Community Innovation Survey and from firms' financial accounts. The chosen methodology (Endogenous Switching Type II-Tobit) takes into account the possibility that decisions about both starting an R&D activity (sample selection effect) and applying for/obtaining public funding (essential heterogeneity) are influenced by private knowledge of enterprises' idiosyncratic propensities in R&D spending. The present analysis shows that both these effects are indeed important and that they contribute to explain most of the additionality found with less sophisticated models.<p>The fourth Chapter investigates the underlying causes of variability of public health expenditure per capita (SSPC henceforth) between Italian regions. A fixed-effect panel data estimate on the SSPC (for the period 1997-2006) is used in the first part of the paper to account for regional differences in terms of physical, demographic, socio-economic characteristics and in terms of other variables that affect demand and supply of health services. In the second part, we take the ‘adjusted’ SSPC and proceed to estimate an "efficient production function" of the quality of health services through Data Envelopment Analysis. This procedure allows us to separate the share of expenditure used for the improvement of the quality from the one that can be traced only to an inefficient use of financial resources. A comparison of regional SSPC after factoring out the socio-economic factors and the quality of healthcare shows that big differences still remain and are even exacerbated, signalling big pockets of inefficiency and correspondingly a huge potential for cost savings. Finally, a preliminary analysis shows a positive correlation between the efficiency of regional public spending in healthcare and the level of social capital. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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