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Inhibitory effect of dimethylthiourea on endotoxin-induced mucus secretion in intestinal gland cellsChang, Chien-Yu 27 July 2007 (has links)
Endotoxin, a kind of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), is the glycolipid composition of cell walls of all Gram negative bacteria. The main biological reaction triggered by LPS is inflammation reaction. The
surface epithelium of intestinal mucosa contains a large number of goblet cells which function as secreting mucus to soak chime and form a protection for digestive tract. The purpose of this experiment was to study the variations of the mucus secretion of intestinal gland goblet cells and whether dimethylthiourea (DMTU), a hydroxyl radical scavenger, could exert an inhibitory effect at different time points after LPS application. Sprague-Dawley rats received an intravenous injection of LPS (15 mg/kg, over 5 seconds) through the femoral vein. India ink was used to label the leaky microvessels where the extravasated colloidal particles of dye were
trapped between the endothelium and basement membrane. 5 and 30 minutes after LPS injection, strips of intestinal tissues were dehydrated
and embedded with glycol methacrylate. Tissue sections 2 micrometers in thickness were histochemically stained with Alcian blue-PAS reagent. The number of goblet cells in intestinal glands of duodenum and ileum were counted. Mucus area and epithelial area of sampled glands were recorded
with SimplePCI and statistically analyzed. 5 or 30 minutes after LPS, the percent (%) of the number of discharging goblet cells in intestinal glands
significantly increased to 7-8 times as the saline control in duodenum. In the ileum, the number of discharging goblet cells in intestinal glands
significantly increased to 5-18 times as the saline control. 30 min after LPS, the percent (%) of goblet cell mucus in epithelial area of intestinal glands decreased to half the value of control. DMTU prior to LPS, the mucus-discharging ability of goblet cells was inhibited. In duodenum, DMTU pretreatment 30 min earlier than LPS, the percent (%) of goblet
cell mucus in epithelial area of intestinal glands increased to 1.4 times and the percent (%) of the number of discharging goblet cells in intestinal
glands significantly was reduced by 90%. In ileum, DMTU pretreatment 5 min earlier than LPS, the percent (%)of the number of discharging
goblet cells in intestinal glands decreased to one half as the control. From the experiment results, we could come to a conclusion that intravenous injection of a high dose of LPS induced an compound exocytotic release of mucus granules resulting in cavitation of goblet cell supranuclear cytoplasm and the released mucus temporarily accumulated in the lumen of glands. It is suggested that hydroxyl radicals were involved in LPS-induced mucus release from goblet cells.
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Efeito da cisplatina na função, estresse oxidativo e estado redox mitocondrial renal em ratos: efeito protetor da dimetiltiouréia / ?Effect of cisplatin on the function, oxidative stress and renal mitochondrial redox stateSantos, Neife Aparecida Guinaim dos 11 December 2006 (has links)
Embora a cisplatina (cis-diaminocloroplatina II) seja um efetivo agente anticâncer, seu uso clínico é altamente limitado, predominantemente devido ao seu potencial nefrotóxico. Muitos estudos têm demonstrado que a cisplatina causa disfunção mitocondrial em células epiteliais renais e danos ao DNA nuclear devido à ação de espécies reativas de oxigênio tais como superóxido e radicais hidroxila. O aumento na produção destas espécies de oxigênio causa liberação de citocromo c no citosol, iniciando uma cascata de eventos que leva à morte celular por apoptose. A proteção seletiva da mitocôndria contra espécies reativas de oxigênio geradas pela cisplatina nos tecidos intactos tais como os rins, é fundamental na quimioterapia de pacientes com câncer. O presente estudo investigou os efeitos da cisplatina na bioenergética, no estado redox e no estresse oxidativo mitocondrial renal, bem como o potencial protetor da dimetiltiouréia (DMTU), um antioxidante seqüestrador de radicais hidroxila, com relação à toxicidade renal induzida pela cisplatina. Método: Ratos Wistar machos adultos pesando de 200 a 220 g foram divididos em quatro grupos de 8 animais cada. Ao primeiro grupo foi administrada cisplatina (10 mg/ kg) por via intra peritonial (i.p.). O segundo grupo recebeu somente injeções de DMTU (500 mg/kg, i.p., seguida de 2 injeções diárias de 125 mg/Kg, i.p). O terceiro grupo de animais foi tratado com DMTU (500 mg/kg, i.p.), imediatamente antes da injeção de cisplatina (10 mg/kg, i.p.), seguida de 2 injeções diárias de DMTU (125 mg/Kg, i.p.). O grupo controle recebeu somente solução salina (1ml/200g, i.p.). Os animais foram sacrificados 72 horas após a injeção de cisplatina (ou salina). Resultados: O tratamento com a cisplatina resultou em uma marcante diminuição da função renal demonstrada pela elevação dos níveis plasmáticos de uréia e de creatinina, concomitante a uma significativa alteração nos parâmetros relacionados à função Resumo ix mitocondrial (síntese de ATP, estado 3 da respiração, RCR, ADP/O, potencial de membrana e transporte de cálcio); ao estresse oxidativo mitocondrial (oxidação da cardiolipina, atividade da aconitase, lipoperoxidação, níveis de proteína carbonila e proteína sulfidrila); ao estado redox mitocondrial (oxidação do NAD(P)H, relação glutationa reduzida e glutationa oxidada) e à apoptose (atividade da caspase 3). O pré-tratamento dos animais com DMTU preveniu a falência renal aguda e as alterações dos parâmetros mitocondriais , sendo capaz de inibir a morte celular por apoptose. Conclusão: Os resultados demonstram o papel central da mitocôndria na falência renal aguda induzida pela cisplatina, bem como o efeito protetor do DMTU e sugerem que o desenvolvimento de potentes seqüestradores de radicais hidroxila, passíveis de uso clínico, poderia contribuir de forma marcante na prevenção dos danos renais resultantes da quimioterapia com este fármaco. / Although cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (cisplatin) is an effective anticancer agent, its clinical use is highly limited predominantly due to its adverse effects on renal functions. Many studies have shown that cisplatin causes mitochondrial dysfunction and direct injury to nuclear DNA by generating reactive oxygen species such as superoxide and hydroxyl radicals. Overproduction of reactive oxygen species causes the release of cytochrome c into cytosol, thereby triggering the sequence of events leading to cell death via apoptosis. The selective protection of mitochondria against reactive oxygen species generated by cisplatin in intact tissues, such as kidney, is of critical importance in the chemotherapy of patients with cancer. The present study examined the effects of cisplatin on renal mitochondrial bioenergetics, redox state and oxidative stress as well as the protective potential of dimethylthiourea (DMTU), a hydroxyl radical scavenger, against the cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity. Methods: Adult male Wistar rats weighing 200 to 220g were divided into 4 groups with 8 animals each.. The first group was given a single intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of cisplatin (10 mg/kg). The second group was given only DMTU (500 mg/kg body weight, i.p, followed by intraperitoneal injections of 125 mg/Kg twice a day until sacrifice). A third group of animals was given DMTU (500 mg/kg body weight, i.p.), just before cisplatin injection (10 mg/kg body weight, i.p.), followed by intraperitoneal injections of DMTU (125 mg/Kg body weight) twice a day until sacrifice. The control group was treated only with saline solution (1ml/200g body weight, i.p.). Animals were sacrificed 72 hours after the treatment. Results: Cisplatin treated animals presented a marked impairment of the renal function evidenced by the elevation of plasmatic creatinine and urea levels simultaneously to a significant alteration of the parameters related to: (a) the mitochondrial function assessed by ATP synthesis, Summary xi state 3 respiration, RCR, ADP/O ratio, membrane potential, calcium uptake; (b) the mitochondrial oxidative stress assessed by cardiolipin oxidation, aconitase activity, lipid peroxidation, protein carbonyls and protein sulphydryl; (c) the mitochondrial redox state assessed by NADPH/NADP+ ratio, GSH/GSSG ratio and (d) apoptosis assessed by caspase-3 activity. DMTU substantially inhibited cisplatin-induced mitochondrial injury and cellular death by apoptosis, thereby suppressing the occurrence of acute renal failure. Conclusions: Results show the central role of the mitochondria in the cisplatin-induced renal acute failure, the protective potential of DMTU and suggest that the development of potent hydroxyl radical scavengers suitable for use in man could minimize the adverse effects of cisplatin in the kidney of patients under chemotherapy.
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Efeito da cisplatina na função, estresse oxidativo e estado redox mitocondrial renal em ratos: efeito protetor da dimetiltiouréia / ?Effect of cisplatin on the function, oxidative stress and renal mitochondrial redox stateNeife Aparecida Guinaim dos Santos 11 December 2006 (has links)
Embora a cisplatina (cis-diaminocloroplatina II) seja um efetivo agente anticâncer, seu uso clínico é altamente limitado, predominantemente devido ao seu potencial nefrotóxico. Muitos estudos têm demonstrado que a cisplatina causa disfunção mitocondrial em células epiteliais renais e danos ao DNA nuclear devido à ação de espécies reativas de oxigênio tais como superóxido e radicais hidroxila. O aumento na produção destas espécies de oxigênio causa liberação de citocromo c no citosol, iniciando uma cascata de eventos que leva à morte celular por apoptose. A proteção seletiva da mitocôndria contra espécies reativas de oxigênio geradas pela cisplatina nos tecidos intactos tais como os rins, é fundamental na quimioterapia de pacientes com câncer. O presente estudo investigou os efeitos da cisplatina na bioenergética, no estado redox e no estresse oxidativo mitocondrial renal, bem como o potencial protetor da dimetiltiouréia (DMTU), um antioxidante seqüestrador de radicais hidroxila, com relação à toxicidade renal induzida pela cisplatina. Método: Ratos Wistar machos adultos pesando de 200 a 220 g foram divididos em quatro grupos de 8 animais cada. Ao primeiro grupo foi administrada cisplatina (10 mg/ kg) por via intra peritonial (i.p.). O segundo grupo recebeu somente injeções de DMTU (500 mg/kg, i.p., seguida de 2 injeções diárias de 125 mg/Kg, i.p). O terceiro grupo de animais foi tratado com DMTU (500 mg/kg, i.p.), imediatamente antes da injeção de cisplatina (10 mg/kg, i.p.), seguida de 2 injeções diárias de DMTU (125 mg/Kg, i.p.). O grupo controle recebeu somente solução salina (1ml/200g, i.p.). Os animais foram sacrificados 72 horas após a injeção de cisplatina (ou salina). Resultados: O tratamento com a cisplatina resultou em uma marcante diminuição da função renal demonstrada pela elevação dos níveis plasmáticos de uréia e de creatinina, concomitante a uma significativa alteração nos parâmetros relacionados à função Resumo ix mitocondrial (síntese de ATP, estado 3 da respiração, RCR, ADP/O, potencial de membrana e transporte de cálcio); ao estresse oxidativo mitocondrial (oxidação da cardiolipina, atividade da aconitase, lipoperoxidação, níveis de proteína carbonila e proteína sulfidrila); ao estado redox mitocondrial (oxidação do NAD(P)H, relação glutationa reduzida e glutationa oxidada) e à apoptose (atividade da caspase 3). O pré-tratamento dos animais com DMTU preveniu a falência renal aguda e as alterações dos parâmetros mitocondriais , sendo capaz de inibir a morte celular por apoptose. Conclusão: Os resultados demonstram o papel central da mitocôndria na falência renal aguda induzida pela cisplatina, bem como o efeito protetor do DMTU e sugerem que o desenvolvimento de potentes seqüestradores de radicais hidroxila, passíveis de uso clínico, poderia contribuir de forma marcante na prevenção dos danos renais resultantes da quimioterapia com este fármaco. / Although cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (cisplatin) is an effective anticancer agent, its clinical use is highly limited predominantly due to its adverse effects on renal functions. Many studies have shown that cisplatin causes mitochondrial dysfunction and direct injury to nuclear DNA by generating reactive oxygen species such as superoxide and hydroxyl radicals. Overproduction of reactive oxygen species causes the release of cytochrome c into cytosol, thereby triggering the sequence of events leading to cell death via apoptosis. The selective protection of mitochondria against reactive oxygen species generated by cisplatin in intact tissues, such as kidney, is of critical importance in the chemotherapy of patients with cancer. The present study examined the effects of cisplatin on renal mitochondrial bioenergetics, redox state and oxidative stress as well as the protective potential of dimethylthiourea (DMTU), a hydroxyl radical scavenger, against the cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity. Methods: Adult male Wistar rats weighing 200 to 220g were divided into 4 groups with 8 animals each.. The first group was given a single intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of cisplatin (10 mg/kg). The second group was given only DMTU (500 mg/kg body weight, i.p, followed by intraperitoneal injections of 125 mg/Kg twice a day until sacrifice). A third group of animals was given DMTU (500 mg/kg body weight, i.p.), just before cisplatin injection (10 mg/kg body weight, i.p.), followed by intraperitoneal injections of DMTU (125 mg/Kg body weight) twice a day until sacrifice. The control group was treated only with saline solution (1ml/200g body weight, i.p.). Animals were sacrificed 72 hours after the treatment. Results: Cisplatin treated animals presented a marked impairment of the renal function evidenced by the elevation of plasmatic creatinine and urea levels simultaneously to a significant alteration of the parameters related to: (a) the mitochondrial function assessed by ATP synthesis, Summary xi state 3 respiration, RCR, ADP/O ratio, membrane potential, calcium uptake; (b) the mitochondrial oxidative stress assessed by cardiolipin oxidation, aconitase activity, lipid peroxidation, protein carbonyls and protein sulphydryl; (c) the mitochondrial redox state assessed by NADPH/NADP+ ratio, GSH/GSSG ratio and (d) apoptosis assessed by caspase-3 activity. DMTU substantially inhibited cisplatin-induced mitochondrial injury and cellular death by apoptosis, thereby suppressing the occurrence of acute renal failure. Conclusions: Results show the central role of the mitochondria in the cisplatin-induced renal acute failure, the protective potential of DMTU and suggest that the development of potent hydroxyl radical scavengers suitable for use in man could minimize the adverse effects of cisplatin in the kidney of patients under chemotherapy.
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6-hydroxydopamine-induced inflammation in respiratory tract and esophagus of rats and it¡¦s inhibition by free radical scavengerChuang, Feng-Chu 10 August 2004 (has links)
Vagal and spinal sensory innervation is responsible for the regulation of neurogenic inflammation in the airways. Neurogenic inflammation is the result of the activation of sensory nerve endings by stimulant and induced through axon reflex to release neuropeptides from sensory nerve endings. These neuropitides are tachykinins, including substance P, neurokinin A and neuronkinin B. Tachykinin-1 (NK-1) receptors are mainly involved in neurogenic inflammation in the airway. It is found that 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) acts as a stimulant of sensory neurons that produces inflammation in the rat trachea. The magnitude of plasma leakage was expressed by the area density (%) of India ink-labeled blood vessels in tissue whole mounts. The present study found that area density of India ink-labeled blood vessel were 36.5%, 29.5%, 27.7%, 28.2%, 19.2%, 15.5% in the rat larynx, trachea, left bronchus, right bronchus, upper esophagus and distal esophagus after i.v. injection of 6-OHDA (100 mg /Kg), respectively. 6-OHDA could stimulate sensory neurons by free radicals that produced by non-enzymatic oxidation. NK-1 receptor antagonist can inhibit plasma leakage in airways. This study also tested the effect of a free radical scavenger. Rats are pretreated with a full dose (2.25 g/kg, i.v.) or lower doses of dimethylthiourea (DMTU) for a period of 15 min. We found that pretreatment with a full dose of DMTU could inhibit inflammatory plasma leakage induced by 6-OHDA, that was 4.8%, 1.6%, 1.1%, 2.4%, 0.4% and 1.0% in the rat larynx, trachea, left bronchus, right bronchus, upper esophagus and distal esophagus, respectively. It is suggested hydroxyl radicals mediated the inflammatory response in the respiratory tract and esophagus. DMTU dose-dependently decreased 6-OHDA-induced plasma leakage in the rat respiratory tract and esophagus. One sixth dose was effective in inhibition in esophagus. 6-OHDA-induced inflammation in the left and right bronchus could be reduced with 2/3 dose of DMTU. A full dose of DMTU (2.25g/Kg) was needed to inhibit inflammation in the larynx and trachea. It is concluded that sensitivity to 6-OHDA was different in the different part of lower airways and esophagus.
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