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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling large scale ocean circulation : the role of mixing location and meridional pressure gradients for the Atlantic overturning dynamics

Griesel, Alexa January 2005 (has links)
Due to its relevance for global climate, the realistic representation of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) in ocean models is a key task.<br> In recent years, two paradigms have evolved around what are its driving mechanisms: diapycnal mixing and Southern Ocean winds. This work aims at clarifying what sets the strength of the Atlantic overturning components in an ocean general circulation model and discusses the role of spatially inhomogeneous mixing, numerical diffusion and winds. Furthermore, the relation of the AMOC with a key quantity, the meridional pressure difference is analyzed. <br><br> Due to the application of a very low diffusive tracer advection scheme, a realistic Atlantic overturning circulation can be obtained that is purely wind driven.<br> On top of the winddriven circulation, changes of density gradients are caused by increasing the parameterized eddy diffusion in the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean. The linear relation between the maximum of the Atlantic overturning and the meridional pressure difference found in previous studies is confirmed and it is shown to be due to one significant pressure gradient between the average pressure over high latitude deep water formation regions and a relatively uniform pressure between 30°N and 30°S, which can directly be related to a zonal flow through geostrophy. Under constant Southern Ocean windstress forcing, a South Atlantic outflow in the range of 6-16 Sv is obtained for a large variety of experiments. Overall, the circulation is winddriven but its strength not uniquely determined by the Southern Ocean windstress. <br><br> The scaling of the Atlantic overturning components is linear with the background vertical diffusivity, not confirming the 2/3 power law for one-hemisphere models without wind forcing. The pycnocline depth is constant in the coarse resolution model with large vertical grid extends. It suggests the ocean model operates like the Stommel box model with a linear relation of the pressure difference and fixed vertical scale for the volume transport. However, this seems only valid for vertical diffusivities smaller 0.4 cm²/s, when the dominant upwelling within the Atlantic occurs along the boundaries. For larger vertical diffusivities, a significant amount of interior upwelling occurs. It is further shown that any localized vertical mixing in the deep to bottom ocean cannot drive an Atlantic overturning. However, enhanced boundary mixing at thermocline depths is potentially important. <br><br> The numerical diffusion is shown to have a large impact on the representation of the Atlantic overturning in the model. While the horizontal numerical diffusion tends to destabilize the Atlantic overturning the verital numerical diffusion denotes an amplifying mechanism. / Wegen ihrer Bedeutung für das globale Klima ist die realistische Darstellung des Atlantischen meridionalen overturnings in Ozeanmodellen eine zentrale Aufgabe.<br> In den letzten Jahren haben sich zwei verschiedene Hypothesen darüber entwickelt, was diese Zirkulation antreibt: diapyknische Vermischung und Winde im südlichen Ozean.<br> Die vorliegende Arbeit zielt darauf aufzuklären, welche Rolle eine räumlich inhomogene Verteilung der Vermischung, die numerische Diffusion und Winde beim Bestimmen der Stärke des Atlantischen overturnings spielen. Ausserdem wird die Beziehung des Atlantischen overturnings zu meridionalen Druckgradienten untersucht. <br><br> Durch Anwenden eines sehr gering diffusiven Tracer-Advektionsschemas kann eine realistische Zirkulation erzeugt werden, die rein von den Winden im südlichen Ozean getrieben wird. Ausgehend von der windgetriebenen Zirkulation werden Änderungen der Dichtegradienten durch Verstärkung der parametrisierten Eddy Diffusion im Nordatlantik und südlichen Ozean hervorgerufen. Dadurch wird das Bild einer vom Wind bestimmten Zirkulation in der letztendlich Druckgradienten nicht ausschlaggebend sein würden, modifiziert. Das lineare Verhältnis zwischen dem Maximum des Atlantischen overturnings und dem meridionalen Druckgradienten wird bestätigt und erklärt. Diese Linearität ist auf einen signifikanten Druckgradienten zwischen den Tiefenwasserbildungsgebieten und einem zwischen 30°N and 30°S homogenen Druck zurückzuführen. Der Volumentransport bei 30°S variiert über eine Bandbreite von 10 Sv für verschiedene Experimente unter konstantem Wind über dem südlichen Ozean. Zusammenfassend ist die Zirkulation zwar windgetrieben aber ihre Stärke nicht allein vom Wind bestimmt. <br><br> Die Skalierung des Atlantischen overturnings ist linear mit vertikaler Vermischung, was die Skalierung mit einem Exponenten von 2/3 in ein-hemisphärischen Modellen ohne Wind-Antrieb nicht bestätigt. Die Tiefe der Pyknokline bleibt mit der groben vertikalen Auflösung konstant. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass das Ozeanmodell sich wie das Stommel-Box Modell verhält mit einer linearen Beziehung zum meridionalen Druckgradienten und einer festen vertikalen Skala für den Volumentransport. Das scheint jedoch nur für Diffusivitäten kleiner als 0.4 cm²/s zu gelten, wenn das Aufsteigen im Atlantischen Ozean bevorzugt an den Ozeanrändern statt findet. <br><br> In Bezug auf den Antrieb des Atlantischen overturnings wird gezeigt, dass vertikale Vermischung in der Nähe des Ozeanbodens keinen Einfluss hat. Verstärkte vertikale Vermischung an den Ozeanrändern in der Tiefe der Thermokline jedoch ist potentiell wichtig. <br><br> Die numerische Diffusion hat einen grossen Einfluss auf das Atlantische overturning im Modell. Während die horizontale numerische Diffusion das overturning eher zu destabilisieren tendiert, bewirkt die vertikale numerische Diffusion einen Verstärkungsmechanismus.

Lapo perdavimo mechanizmo dinaminio tikslumo tyrimas / Research of the dynamic accuracy of the sheet driving mechanism

Šilkus, Edgaras 01 August 2012 (has links)
Lakštinėse spausdinimo mašinose spausdinant spalvotus atvaizdus svarbu mašinos atskirose sekcijose atspaudų sutapimą išlaikyti šimtųjų milimetro dalių tikslumu. Be to, spausdinamų atvaizdų geometrinis nesutapimas abiejose lapo pusėse neturi viršyti 0,1 mm. Viena iš pagrindinių nesutapimo priežaščių yra mechaninio krumpliaratinio perdavimo mechanizmo iš vienos sekcijos į kitą sukamieji virpesiai, kuriuos sukelia krumpliaračių paklaidos ir pasipriešinimo momentų pokyčiai tarp ofsetinių ir forminių cilindrų. Darbe analiziniu – kompiuteriniu būdu nagrinėjama šių virpesių įtaka lapo perdavimo tikslumui. Konkrečiam tyrimui pasirinkta „Heidelberg“ spausdinimo mašina GTO 52, tačiau darbe taikoma tyrimo metodika tinka ir kitoms mašinoms. Sudarytas elektros pavara valdomo lapų perdavimo mechanizmo dinaminis modelis su 16 laisvės laipsnių. Sistemos matematinis modelis (virpesių lygtys ir struktūrinė schema) sudarytas kompiuterizuotu būdu MATLAB/SIMULINK programų terpėje, kurioje atliktas sistemoje vykstančių dinaminių procesų modeliavimas. Pavaroje kylančios paklaidos apibūdinamos sukamųjų virpesių amplitudinėmis – dažninėmis charakteristikomis. Nagrinėjama šių charakteristikų pobūdžio, rezonansinių virpesių ir jų dažnių įtaka lapo perdavimo paklaidos dydžiui. / It is important in printing machines to maintain very high print quality (hundredths of a millimeter) in printing colorful prints. Also mismatches of prints in both sides of sheet must not exceed 0,1 millimeter. One of the reasons of mismatching is mechanical gear transfers mechanisms, from one printing unit to another, rotational oscillations, which are generated by gear errors and resistance moment changes between offset and print cylinder. These oscillations influence to sheet transfer accuracy are examined in analytical – computer way. For particular examination there was selected “Heidelberg” printing press GTO 52, but the examination method can be used for other presses. There was formed dynamic model with 16 degrees of freedom. Mathematical model of the system (oscillation equations and flowchart) was formed with MATLAB/SIMULINK program, in which dynamical process modeling was done. Errors in drive described as an amplitude frequency response. There was examined these response nature, resonant oscillations and its frequency influence to sheets transfer errors size.

Dvouválcový čtyřdobý plochý zážehový motor / Two-cylinder four stroke spark ignition flat engine

Dragoun, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the possibilities for realization of the crankshaft-cylinder four-stroke gasoline engine is flat, usable in the urban vehicle. In the work described stresses exerted on the crank mechanism can balance the crankshaft, torsional stress and strength calculation method of control. In the final part of this work is outlined proposal for implementation of the crankshaft.

Dvouválcový čtyřdobý plochý zážehový motor / Two-cylinder four stroke spark ignition flat engine

Dragoun, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the possibilities for realization of the crankshaft-cylinder four-stroke gasoline engine is flat, usable in the urban vehicle. In the work described stresses exerted on the crank mechanism can balance the crankshaft, torsional stress and strength calculation method of control. In the final part of this work is outlined proposal for implementation of the crankshaft.

Development of an artificial muscle for a soft robotic hand prosthesis / Développement d'un muscle artificiel pour une prothèse de main robotique souple

Ramirez Arias, José Luis 09 December 2016 (has links)
Le thème central de cette thèse est la conception d’actionneurs doux à partir de matériaux intelligents et d’une prothèse de main robotique souple. Notre approche prends en compte les différents points qui peuvent influer sur le développement d’une stratégie d’actionnement ou d’un muscle artificiel : i) Les mécanismes et la fonctionnalité de la main humaine afin d’identifier les exigences fonctionnelles pour une prothèse de main robotique en matière de préhension. ii) L’analyse et l’amélioration des mécanismes de la main robotique pour intégrer un comportement souple dans la prothèse. iii) L’évaluation expérimentale de la prothèse de main robotique afin d’identifier les spécifications du système d’actionnement nécessaire au fonctionnement cinématique et dynamique du robot. iv) Le développement et la modélisation d’une stratégie d’actionnement utilisant des matériaux intelligents.Ces points sont abordés successivement dans les 4 chapitres de cette thèse1. Analyse du mouvement de la main humaine pour l’identification des exigences technologiques pour la prothèse de main robotique.2. Conception et modélisation de la prothèse de main robotique à comportement souple.3. Evaluation mécatronique de la prothèse de main.4. Conception d’un muscle artificiel basé sur des matériaux intelligents. / In the field of robotic hand prosthesis, the use of smart and soft materials is helpful in improving flexibility, usability, and adaptability of the robots, which simplify daily living activities of prosthesis users. However, regarding the smart materials for artificial muscles, technologies are considered to be far from implementation in anthropomorphic robotic hands. Therefore, the target of this thesis dissertation is to reduce the gap between smart material technologies and robotic hand prosthesis. Five central axes address the problem: i)identification of useful grasping gestures and reformulation of the robotic hand mechanism, ii) analysis of human muscle behavior to mimic human grasping capabilities, iii) modeling robot using the hybrid model DHKK-SRQ for the kinematics and the virtual works principle for dynamics, iv) definition of actuation requirements considering the synergy between prehension conditions and robot mechanism, and v) development of a smart material based actuation system.This topics are addressed in four chapters:1. Human hand movement analysis toward the hand prosthesis requirements2. Design and modeling of the soft robotic hand ProMain-I3. Mechatronic assessment of Prosthetic hand4. Development of an artificial muscle based on smart materials

Jeřábová kočka 32t / Crab of crane 32t

Elsner, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with design four-wheel crab of crane for overhead crane with capacity of 32,000 kg. Contains the functional calculations of steel rope , pulleys, cable drum. The integral part of the thesis constitutes the calculation and choice of driving mechanism for lifting, travel drive and motor drive pulley block hook rotation.

Vyjížděcí stůl hydraulického zapracovávacího lisu / Moving bolster of hydraulic try-out press

Kozelek, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deal with the construction proposal of the moving bolster hydraulic try-out press with roll-up cover the bottom cross beam. Hydraulic try-out press is used for testing dies. Moving bolster is used for remove of testing die from the working area of the press. Roll-up cover is designed to protect the bottom cross beam against damage and dirt snapping. Part of this thesis is design a railway track, design of driving mechanism, strength calculation of all functional components, design of welded frame and mechanism of the roll-up cover including safety cover. Designed device is detail proposed in the 3D software. The thesis contains drawing documentation assembly drawings movig bolster, mechanism of roll-up cover and welded frame consisting of welded and machined parts.

Имитационная модель приводного механизма рабочей клети стана ХПТ-90 : магистерская диссертация / Simulation model of the drive mechanism of the working stand of a cold pipe rolling mill (ХПТ-90)

Шапоренко, А. О., Shaporenko, A. O. January 2024 (has links)
В данной работе изучено общее строение станов ХПТ и в частности строение приводного механизма. На основе этих данных созданы модели деталей привода в системе трехмерного моделирования КОМПАС-3D. В программе Mathcad рассчитаны данные переходных процессов пуска двигателя, а в программе для моделирования систем Simulink смоделирован двигатель. Далее в среде для имитационного моделирования многозвенных трёхмерных механических систем Simscape Multibody собрана блок-схема приводного механизма рабочей клети стана ХПТ, к ней подключён электродвигатель. В результате исследования была получена имитационная модель приводного механизма рабочей клети стана ХПТ-90, проведена симуляция и исследование её работы. Данная модель позволяет: наглядно продемонстрировать работу механизма; обнаружить ошибки в работе; определить оптимальные параметры прокатки; оптимизировать процессы; снизить стоимость испытаний механизма; снизить затраты времени при проектировании. / In this work, the general structure of cold pipe rolling mills and, in particular, the structure of the drive mechanism were studied. Based on these data, models of drive parts were created in the KOMPAS-3D three-dimensional modeling system. The motor starting transient data was calculated using Mathcad, and the motor was simulated using the systems modeling software Simulink. Next, in the simulation environment for multi-link three-dimensional mechanical systems Simscape Multibody, a block diagram of the drive mechanism of the working stand of a cold pipe rolling mill was assembled, and an electric motor was connected to it. As a result of the study, a simulation model of the drive mechanism of the working stand of the cold pipe rolling mill (ХПТ-90) was obtained, a simulation and study of its operation was carried out. This model allows you to: clearly demonstrate the operation of the mechanism; detect errors in operation; determine optimal rolling parameters; optimize processes; reduce the cost of testing the mechanism; reduce time spent on design.

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