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Effect of Ionic Stabilization on Vertical Movement in Expansive Subgrade Soils in TexasHariharan, Narain 16 December 2013 (has links)
An important consideration for the successful design of flexible pavement systems in Texas is the prediction and control of the vertical change in height of the subgrade soils due to swelling upon wetting and shrinkage upon drying. The purpose of this study was two-fold. The first objective was to measure the volume change characteristics of clayey subgrade soils from the SH130 corridor in Texas through a suction based approach using the pressure plate. The second goal was to test the effects of treating the soils with the EcSS-3000 chemical stabilizer and lime on controlling the vertical movement and moisture susceptibility.
Recent research studies have indicated that the suction compression index, γh, is the parameter that has the most significant direct influence on the amount of vertical movement taking place in expansive soils. The results indicate a 40-50 % reduction in the average γh values and a similar magnitude of reduction in combined swell and shrink potential.
Further, the resilient modulus (Mr) of representative samples was compared prior to and after treatment separately with 6% hydrated lime and EcSS-3000. The purpose of measuring the Mr of the soils was to analyze the moisture susceptibility of the soils and to study the effects of subgrade stabilization on performance of typical pavement systems against the common distresses using the ME-PDG software tool. Also, the contribution of the expansive soils to pavement roughness was measured in terms of loss of serviceability (ΔPSI) using the measured Mr and vertical movement values. The analysis indicate a significant reduction in drop of Mr values of the lime and EcSS-3000 treated soils and a marked improvement in cracking and subgrade rutting characteristics of the pavements. An average reduction in ΔPSI of the pavements by 0.2 to 0.3 points was observed on the stabilized soils.
This study on expansive subgrades and the associated effects of ionic stabilization have yielded the information necessary as guidance for dealing with relevant engineering problems due to expansive soils.
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Motive für die Wahl der Pressefotografie als BerufDelgado Martin, Carolina, Kontsekova, Judit, Schinko, Georg January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The paper investigates people's motivations to work as press
photographers. Against the background of precarious working
conditions and a relatively poor image of the occupation, why people
choose to work in this field seems like an interesting question.
Several theories of occupational choice are examined for their
usefulness with regard to the focus of the research, taking into
account the processual nature of the formation of motivations as well
as the special attributes of the field of press photography. A
combination of phenomenological and biographical concepts is
selected as the theoretical framework of the study, and key elements
thereof are explained. The data obtained through several narrative
interviews is analyzed and interpreted, resulting in three main
dimensions of typologies describing the process of the formation of
motivations leading to the occupational choice of press photography.
The three dimensions are finally integrated into one typology which
describes the different types of peoples choosing press photography
as their occupation. (author's abstract) / Series: Schriftenreihe / Forschungsbereich Wirtschaft und Kultur
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Furniture and its representations in Cyprus (from Chalcolithic II to Cypro-Archaic II)Theodossiades, Maro Charalambous January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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Korrelation von pQCT-Messwerten am distalen Radius (XCT 2000) und an der distalen Tibia (XCT 3000) / Correlation of pQCT results at the distal radius (XCT 2000) and the distal tibia (XCT 3000)Maiweg, Eva January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Osteoporose ist als häufigste Knochenerkrankung im Alter die Ursache vieler Beeinträchtigungen. Definiert wird sie über die Knochendichte, die unter anderem mit der peripheren quantitativen Computertomographie (pQCT) bestimmt werden kann. Mit unseren Daten aus Knochendichtemessungen per pQCT am distalen Radius (XCT 2000) und an der distalen Tibia (XCT 3000) konnten wir im Tukey-HSD-Test zeigen, dass die Knochendichteparameter an oberer und unterer Extremität gut miteinander korrelieren. Es wurden die trabekuläre und die totale Dichte sowie der polare stress-and-strain-Index berücksichtigt. Die trabekuläre Knochendichte an der Tibia, dem gewichtstragenden Knochen, ist höher als die am Radius. Einflussnahme auf die Knochendichte konnte mittels Regressionsanalyse für das Alter, das Geschlecht, die Größe, das Gewicht und den BMI nachgewiesen werden. Die altersbedingte Abnahme der Knochendichte ist an der Tibia stärker ausgeprägt als am Radius. Bei der Frau bedingt eine hohe totale Dichte am Radius eine höhere Festigkeit an der Tibia als bei entsprechenden Dichtewerten beim Mann. Unter Mitberücksichtigung des Alters steigt die Festigkeit an der Tibia beim Mann mit den Jahren an. Bei der Frau sinkt sie, wie auch am Radius, mit steigendem Alter. Das Gewicht nimmt signifikanten Einfluss auf die untere Extremität, nicht jedoch auf den Radius. Die Betrachtung des BMI zeigt, dass nicht die reine Gewichtszunahme sondern die Kombination aus Größe und Gewicht diesen positiven Effekt erzielen, Fettleibigkeit ab dem Adipositasgrad aber einen negativen Einfluss auf die Knochendichte und -festigkeit hat. / As a common bone disease in elderly patients osteoporosis is a cause of severe physical impairment. It is defined by bone mineral density (BMD), which can be determined by peripheral quantitative computer tomography (pQCT). Our data from BMD measurements made by pQCT at the distal radius (XCT 2000) and at the distal tibia (XCT 3000) shows through application of the Tukey-HSD-tests that BMD values at the upper and lower extremities correlate with each other. Total and trabecular BMD as well as the polar stress-and-strain index are considered. Trabecular BMD at the body weight bearing distal tibia is higher than at the distal radius. Influence on BMD was verified by regression analysis for age, sex, height, weight and BMI. Age-related decrease of BMD is more distinct at the tibia than at the radius. In women high total BMD accounts for higher strength at the tibia than it does for corresponding values in men. Considering age, strength of the tibia increases in men during the years. In women it decreases, like it does at the radius. Weight has significant influence on the lower extremity, however not on the radius. Regarding the BMI, not just an increase in mass but a combination of weight and height causes this positive effect. Obesity above level I has a negative influence on BMD and bone strength.
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Flygbilder och fotogrammetriprogramvaran PI-3000 som alternativ vid 3D-modellering för volymberäkning / Aerial photos and the photogrammetry software PI-3000 as an alternative to create 3D-models in purpose to calculate volumesBillinger, Christian, Backeborn, Johan January 2008 (has links)
<p>Projektet har med uppdrag av WSP utförts i syfte att testa och utvärdera ett nytt tillvägagångssätt för volymbestämning av vanligtvis terrestert inmätta objekt. Det nya konceptet innebär att med hjälp av fotogrammetriprogramvaran PI-3000 och, på lämpligt sätt, insamlat digitalt flygbildsmaterial utföra volymbestämningar på objekt av intresse. Detta i syfte att ersätta den normalt terrestert utförda metoden för att göra framförallt tids- och kostnadsbesparingar. I syftet ingick även att jämföra skillnader i resultat av framtagna 3D-modeller och dess beräknade volymer vid användandet av två olika flygburna system. Dessa utgjordes dels av en traditionell variant i form av ett vanligt Cessnaflygplan och dels av en UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) vid namn Microdrone md4-200.</p><p>För att kunna utföra jämförelserna genomfördes ett mätprojekt där två stenhögar i en bergtäkt utgjorde testobjekt. Volymbestämningarna utfördes med både nytt och gammalt koncept för att kunna jämföras mot varandra med avsikt på skillnader i tid, kostnad och noggrannhet.</p><p>Resultatet av volymjämförelserna påvisar en god noggrannhet från PI-3000 som, i kombination med "traditionella" flygfoton, gav en felavvikelse på mindre än 1,5 % jämfört med den terrestra metodens resultat. Volymjämförelser med bilder tagna från Microdronesystemet gick tyvärr inte att utföra då testflygningen inte gick bra.</p><p>För att uppnå bästa möjliga noggrannhet vid volymberäkningen är det av högsta vikt att man placerar ut den tänkta bottennivån med avsikt att efterlikna den verkliga markytan så bra som möjligt.</p><p>Beräkningarna visar att det nya konceptet ger stora tidsbesparingar jämfört mot det gamla, oavsett vilken flygmetod som används till insamlingen av det digitala fotomaterialet.</p><p>I kostnadsjämförelserna visade sig Microdronemetoden vara knappt hälften så kostnadskrävande jämfört med såväl Cessnametoden som den terrestra. Detta framförallt beroende på att sammanlagd arbetstid med Microdronemetoden blir betydligt kortare jämfört mot den terrestra varianten, samtidigt som den inte har några kostnader för fotograferingen som i Cessnametodens fall. Kostnadsjämförelsen bör dock betraktas med en viss försiktighet då inköpspriset för Microdronesystemet inte tagits med i beräkningarna.</p><p> </p> / <p>This project has been assigned by WSP carried out in order to test and evaluate a new concept with purpose to determine the volume of usually terrestrial measured objects. The new concept involves the use of the photogrammetry software PI-3000 and, in an appropriate way, collected digital aerial photographs in order to determine the volume of objects of interest. This in order to replace the usually terrestrial performed method to mainly achieve time and cost savings. The purpose was also to compare differences in the result of 3D-models and its calculated volumes with the use of two different airborne systems. They consisted of one traditional aerial photography-method using an ordinary Cessna aircraft, and one with use of a UAV (Unmanned aerial vehicle) called Microdrone md4-200.</p><p>In order to make the comparisons we carried out a survey project where two heaps of stones in a stone well figurated as test objects. To determine the differences in time, costs and accuracy, the volume of the two geometric bodies had to be calculated using both the new and the old concept.</p><p>The result of the volume comparisons shows a good accuracy from the PI-3000 which, in combination with "conventional" aerial photographs, gave a declination of less than 1,5 % compared to the result of the terrestrial method. Unfortunately were the photos taken by the Microdrone system during the test flight not good enough to use for volume calculations.</p><p>In order to achieve the best possible accuracy when calculating the volume, it is very important to deploy the imagined ground level with the intent to simulate the real ground level as good as possible.</p><p>The calculations shows that the new concept offers great timesaving's compared to the old one, regardless of which method of flight being used for the collecting of digital photos.</p><p>In the comparison of costs the method using Microdrone proved to be barely half as expensive compared to the terrestrial as well as the Cessna method. This is due primarily to that the working time for the Microdrone method is much shorter compared to the terrestrial method, and at the same time, it has no costs for the aerial photographing as in the case of the Cessna method. The cost comparison should be taken under consideration because of the fact that the purchase price of the Microdrone system has not bee included in the calculations.</p><p> </p>
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Flygbilder och fotogrammetriprogramvaran PI-3000 som alternativ vid 3D-modellering för volymberäkning / Aerial photos and the photogrammetry software PI-3000 as an alternative to create 3D-models in purpose to calculate volumesBillinger, Christian, Backeborn, Johan January 2008 (has links)
Projektet har med uppdrag av WSP utförts i syfte att testa och utvärdera ett nytt tillvägagångssätt för volymbestämning av vanligtvis terrestert inmätta objekt. Det nya konceptet innebär att med hjälp av fotogrammetriprogramvaran PI-3000 och, på lämpligt sätt, insamlat digitalt flygbildsmaterial utföra volymbestämningar på objekt av intresse. Detta i syfte att ersätta den normalt terrestert utförda metoden för att göra framförallt tids- och kostnadsbesparingar. I syftet ingick även att jämföra skillnader i resultat av framtagna 3D-modeller och dess beräknade volymer vid användandet av två olika flygburna system. Dessa utgjordes dels av en traditionell variant i form av ett vanligt Cessnaflygplan och dels av en UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) vid namn Microdrone md4-200. För att kunna utföra jämförelserna genomfördes ett mätprojekt där två stenhögar i en bergtäkt utgjorde testobjekt. Volymbestämningarna utfördes med både nytt och gammalt koncept för att kunna jämföras mot varandra med avsikt på skillnader i tid, kostnad och noggrannhet. Resultatet av volymjämförelserna påvisar en god noggrannhet från PI-3000 som, i kombination med "traditionella" flygfoton, gav en felavvikelse på mindre än 1,5 % jämfört med den terrestra metodens resultat. Volymjämförelser med bilder tagna från Microdronesystemet gick tyvärr inte att utföra då testflygningen inte gick bra. För att uppnå bästa möjliga noggrannhet vid volymberäkningen är det av högsta vikt att man placerar ut den tänkta bottennivån med avsikt att efterlikna den verkliga markytan så bra som möjligt. Beräkningarna visar att det nya konceptet ger stora tidsbesparingar jämfört mot det gamla, oavsett vilken flygmetod som används till insamlingen av det digitala fotomaterialet. I kostnadsjämförelserna visade sig Microdronemetoden vara knappt hälften så kostnadskrävande jämfört med såväl Cessnametoden som den terrestra. Detta framförallt beroende på att sammanlagd arbetstid med Microdronemetoden blir betydligt kortare jämfört mot den terrestra varianten, samtidigt som den inte har några kostnader för fotograferingen som i Cessnametodens fall. Kostnadsjämförelsen bör dock betraktas med en viss försiktighet då inköpspriset för Microdronesystemet inte tagits med i beräkningarna. / This project has been assigned by WSP carried out in order to test and evaluate a new concept with purpose to determine the volume of usually terrestrial measured objects. The new concept involves the use of the photogrammetry software PI-3000 and, in an appropriate way, collected digital aerial photographs in order to determine the volume of objects of interest. This in order to replace the usually terrestrial performed method to mainly achieve time and cost savings. The purpose was also to compare differences in the result of 3D-models and its calculated volumes with the use of two different airborne systems. They consisted of one traditional aerial photography-method using an ordinary Cessna aircraft, and one with use of a UAV (Unmanned aerial vehicle) called Microdrone md4-200. In order to make the comparisons we carried out a survey project where two heaps of stones in a stone well figurated as test objects. To determine the differences in time, costs and accuracy, the volume of the two geometric bodies had to be calculated using both the new and the old concept. The result of the volume comparisons shows a good accuracy from the PI-3000 which, in combination with "conventional" aerial photographs, gave a declination of less than 1,5 % compared to the result of the terrestrial method. Unfortunately were the photos taken by the Microdrone system during the test flight not good enough to use for volume calculations. In order to achieve the best possible accuracy when calculating the volume, it is very important to deploy the imagined ground level with the intent to simulate the real ground level as good as possible. The calculations shows that the new concept offers great timesaving's compared to the old one, regardless of which method of flight being used for the collecting of digital photos. In the comparison of costs the method using Microdrone proved to be barely half as expensive compared to the terrestrial as well as the Cessna method. This is due primarily to that the working time for the Microdrone method is much shorter compared to the terrestrial method, and at the same time, it has no costs for the aerial photographing as in the case of the Cessna method. The cost comparison should be taken under consideration because of the fact that the purchase price of the Microdrone system has not bee included in the calculations.
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Prevalence of mental disorders and psychosocial impairments in adolescents and young adultsWittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Nelson, Christopher B., Lachner, Gabriele 20 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Background. As part of a longitudinal study, prevalence findings of DSM-IV disorders are presented for a random sample of 3021 respondents aged 14 to 24, with response rate 71%.
Method. Assessment included various subtypes of disorders, subthreshold conditions and disorders that have only rarely been studied in other epidemiological surveys. The computer-assisted Munich-Composite International Diagnostic Interview (M-CIDI) was used to derive DSM-IV diagnoses.
Results. Substance disorders were the most frequent (lifetime 17·7%; 12-month 11·4%), with abuse being considerably more frequent than dependence. Other mental disorders had a lifetime prevalence of 27·5% (12-month, 17·5%) with depressive disorders (16·8%) being more frequent than anxiety disorders (14·4%). Eating disorders (3·0%) and threshold somatoform disorders (1·2%) were rare disorders. Subthreshold anxiety and somatoform disorders, however, were more frequent than threshold disorders. Prevalence of disorders was equally high for males and females, although specific disorder prevalence varied significantly by gender. The co-occurrence of disorders (co-morbidity) was substantial and was significantly related to greater reductions in work productivity and increased rates of professional helpseeking behaviour.
Conclusions. Findings underline that mental disorders in young adults are frequent and impairing, limiting work and education ability and social interaction. Given the fact that adolescents and young adults are in a key phase of socialization in terms of professional career and interpersonal relationships, our findings indicate a considerable risk potential for an accumulation of complicating factors and future chronicity. This paper is the first report of this ongoing longitudinal study about early developmental conditions of mental disorders.
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Spatio-administrative Dimensions Of Urban Growth: The Case Of City Of DenizliYologlu, Ali Cenap 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
It has been widely acknowledged that boundary problems resulting from urban growth is one of the persistent issues at the local level. At least three main problem areas have been identified: fragmentation of the planning system, inefficiency in the service provision and the scale of local participation. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the restructuring of the organizational structure and statutes of local authorities in terms of boundary changes, amalgamation and annexation with reference to the Turkish case. The city of Denizli has been taken as a case study as there has been a recent change in the municipal boundaries which brought the annexation of small-sized municipalities to the Denizli Municipality. The thesis problematizes the Denizli case in terms of planning processes, service provision and local participation. The experience of other countries and the literature on this issue are to be used in order to provide a yardstick against which the case of Denizli could be measured.
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Die Physik irreparabler Mutationen / Physics of irreparable mutationsDrechsel, Dieter 24 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This work is a revised edition of the former article “Die Kalkulation irreparabler Mutationen” by the same author. New calculations have been included, and some unclear formulations have been eliminated. New is in the present edition above all the calculation of the very certain temperature - alterations which are necessary for the lengthening of monotonous sequence for one position, provided that these are responsible for a constant viscosity - change of the DNA surroundings (section 6, equations 94 and 95).
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5th International Probabilistic Workshop10 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
These are the proceedings of the 5th International Probabilistic Workshop. Even though the 5th anniversary of a conference might not be of such importance, it is quite interesting to note the development of this probabilistic conference. Originally, the series started as the 1st and 2nd Dresdner Probabilistic Symposium, which were launched to present research and applications mainly dealt with at Dresden University of Technology. Since then, the conference has grown to an internationally recognised conference dealing with research on and applications of probabilistic techniques, mainly in the field of structural engineering. Other topics have also been dealt with such as ship safety and natural hazards. Whereas the first conferences in Dresden included about 12 presentations each, the conference in Ghent has attracted nearly 30 presentations. Moving from Dresden to Vienna (University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences) to Berlin (Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing) and then finally to Ghent, the conference has constantly evolved towards a truly international level. This can be seen by the language used. The first two conferences were entirely in the German language. During the conference in Berlin however, the change from the German to English language was especially apparent as some presentations were conducted in German and others in English. Now in Ghent all papers will be presented in English. Participants now, not only come from Europe, but also from other continents. Although the conference will move back to Germany again next year (2008) in Darmstadt, the international concept will remain, since so much work in the field of probabilistic safety evaluations is carried out internationally. In two years (2009) the conference will move to Delft, The Netherlands and probably in 2010 the conference will be held in Szczecin, Poland. Coming back to the present: the editors wish all participants a successful conference in Ghent.
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