Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dairy cattle -- hutrition"" "subject:"dairy cattle -- elutrition""
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The effect of extrusion on the degradability parameters of various vegetable protein sourcesGriffiths, Jeanne Berdine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to determine the effect of extrusion, as a method of heat
treatment, on the dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) degradability parameters of various
vegetable protein sources commonly used in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. The
feedstuffs used were lupins (LUP), full fat soybeans (SB), full fat canola seeds (FCS),
soybean meal (SBM), canola meal (CM) and sunflower meal (SFM).
In the first trial, the degradability parameters were determined according to an in sacco
degradability procedure. Four non-lactating Holstein cows, fitted with rumen cannulae, were
used in the trial and all cows received the same basal lactation diet. The samples were
incubated in dacron bags and bags were removed at intervals of 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 48
hours. Dry matter and CP disappearance values were determined and fitted to a onecompartment
model by means of an iterative least-square procedure in order to determine the
DM and CP degradability parameters. Results indicated that extrusion significantly lowered
the effective degradability of the DM-fraction (20.1% on average) of all the feedstuffs, except
LUP, and the effective degradability of CP in all the raw materials (27% on average).
The second trial was an in vitro degradability trial that ran parallel with the in sacco
degradability trial and was done with the aid of a DaisyII Incubator (ANKOM Technology
Corp., Fairport, NY). The same feedstuffs were tested in both trials. A composited sample of
rumen liquor from two of the cows used in the in sacco trial was used for in vitro incubation of
the samples. The data obtained in this trial were analyzed in a similar way to that of the in
sacco trial. Due to a limited amount of residue left after incubation, CP disappearance could
not be calculated at each time interval for SB and SBM in the in vitro trial. In this case, actual
disappearance values after 8h were used to compare treatments. Extrusion significantly
lowered the effective degradability (as determined in vitro) of DM in all the feedstuffs tested (16.8% on average), as well as the effective degradability of CP in LUP, FCS, CM and SFM
(21.8% on average). A comparison of the actual disappearance values after 8 hours
incubation indicated that extrusion also lowered the rate of CP disappearance for SB and
The values obtained in the in vitro trial and those from the in sacco trial, for the same
feedstuffs, were compared. It appeared as if the in vitro determined values were overestimations
of the in sacco determined values. A regression analysis showed a high
correlation between the actual in vitro CP disappearance values after 8h incubation and in
sacco determined effective degradability values.
The third part of this study was a set of chemical analysis to determine the effect of extrusion
on certain nitrogen fractions of the feedstuffs tested in the above mentioned trials. Solubility
in a mineral buffer solution was determined to estimate the potential rumen degradability of
the protein. The buffer insoluble nitrogen (BIN) fraction of all the feedstuffs, except FCS, was
significantly increased by extrusion. Extrusion lowered the acid detergent insoluble nitrogen
(ADIN) content of all feedstuffs, except FCS, which could imply that the temperature reached
during extrusion (115°C - 120°C) was not high enough to cause damage to the protein. The
neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen (NDIN) fraction of extruded SB, SBM, CM and SFM was
significantly higher than that of the raw feedstuffs. Extrusion left the NDIN-fraction of FCS
and LUP unaltered. Comparison of the NDIN : ADIN ratio of extruded with that of the raw
feedstuffs provided reason to believe that extrusion had a positive effect on all feedstuffs
(except FCS).
Extrusion appears to be a useful method to decrease rumen degradation of vegetable protein
sources, without causing heat damage. Furthermore, this means that protein sources of
which the use have been limited due to its high rumen degradable protein (RDP) content,
could be included in diets at higher levels following extrusion. The protein sources mentioned
are also good sources of energy and the combination of energy and rumen undegradable
protein (RUP) in the diet of the high-producing dairy cow could only be beneficial. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die effek van ekstrusie op die droëmateriaal (DM) en ruproteïen
(RP)-degradeerbaarheidsparameters van verskeie plantaardige proteïenbronne wat
algemeen in die Wes-Kaap (RSA), gebruik word, te bepaal. Ekstrusie is ‘n metode van
hitteprosessering wat algemeen gebruik word deur plaaslike en internasionale
veevoervervaardigers. Die volgende grondstowwe is geëvalueer: lupiene, volvet sojabone,
volvet canolasaad, sojaboon-oliekoekmeel, canola-oliekoekmeel en sonneblom-oliekoekmeel.
In die eerste proef is die degradeerbaarheidsparameters met behulp van ‘n in sacco studie
bepaal. Vier droë Holstein koeie met rumen kannulas is in die studie gebruik en al vier koeie
het dieselfde basale dieet ontvang. Monsters is in dacronsakkies geïnkubeer en die sakkies
is uit die rumen verwyder na onderskeidelik 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 en 48 uur intervalle. Die
waardes van DM- en RP- verdwyning is bereken en dan met ‘n iteratiewe kleinste kwadraat
prosedure op ‘n een-kompartement model gepas om die in sacco DM- en RPdegradeerbaarheidsparameters
te bepaal. Die resultate van die studie het getoon dat
ekstrusie die effektiewe degradeerbaarheid van die DM-fraksie van al die grondstowwe,
behalwe lupiene, betekenisvol verlaag het (met gemiddeld 20.1%), asook die effektiewe
degradeerbaarheid van die RP-fraksie van al die grondstowwe (met gemiddeld 27%).
Die tweede proef was ‘n in vitro-degradeerbaarheidsstudie wat met behulp van ‘n ANKOM
DaisyII Inkubeerder uitgevoer is en wat parallel met die in sacco-studie gedoen is. Dieselfde
grondstowwe is in beide proewe geëvalueer. ‘n Saamgestelde monster van die
rumenvloeistof van twee van die koeie wat vir die in sacco-studie gebruik is, is gebruik vir die
in vitro-inkubasie van die monsters. Data-verwerking is op ‘n soortgelyke wyse as dié van die
in sacco-studie uitgevoer. As gevolg van ‘n beperkte hoeveelheid residu na afloop van die
inkubasies, kon die RP-verdwyning vir volvet sojabone en sojaboon oliekoekmeel nie bereken word nie. In hierdie geval is waargenome verdwyningswaardes na 8h gebruik om
behandelings te vergelyk. Hierdie studie het getoon dat ekstrusie die effektiewe
degradeerbaarheid van DM (soos in vitro bepaal) in al die getoetste grondstowwe
betekenisvol verlaag het (met gemiddeld 16.8%). Die effektiewe degradeerbaarheid van RP
in lupiene, volvet canola saad, canola oliekoekmeel en sonneblom oliekoekmeel is ook
betekenisvol verlaag (met gemiddeld 21.8%). ‘n Vergelyking van die oorspronklike
verdwyningswaardes van volvet sojabone en sojaboon oliekoekmeel na ‘n inkubasieperiode
van 8 ure het ook getoon dat ekstrusie die tempo van RP-verdwyning uit die rumen vertraag
Die in sacco- en in vitro-bepaalde waardes vir elke grondstof is vergelyk en dit kom voor asof
die in vitro-waardes oorskattings van die in sacco-waardes is. ‘n Regressie-analise het
verder getoon dat daar ‘n hoë korrelasie was tussen die waargenome in vitro RPverdwyningswaardes
na 8 ure inkubasie en die beraamde effektiewe degradeerbaarheid,
soos in sacco bepaal.
Die derde deel van die studie was ‘n stel chemiese analises wat uitgevoer is om die effek van
ekstrusie op sekere stikstof (N)-fraksies van die grondstowwe, wat in bogenoemde proewe
gebruik is, te bepaal. Die oplosbaarheid van N in ‘n mineraal-bufferoplossing kan gebruik
word as aanduiding van die potensiële rumendegradeerbaarheid van die proteïen. Die bufferonoplosbare
N-fraksie van al die grondstowwe (behalwe volvet canolasaad) is betekenisvol
verlaag deur ekstrusie. Ekstrusie het ook die suur-onoplosbare N-fraksie (ADIN) van al die
grondstowwe (behalwe volvet canolasaad) betekenisvol verlaag. Dit kan moontlik daarop dui
dat die temperatuur wat tydens ekstrusie (115°C - 120°C) bereik is, nie hoog genoeg was om
die proteïen in die grondstowwe te beskadig nie. Ekstrusie het die N-fraksie wat onoplosbaar
was in ‘n neutrale oplossing (NDIN) betekenisvol verhoog in volvet sojabone, sojaboonoliekoekmeel,
canola-oliekoekmeel en sonneblom-oliekoekmeel en dit onveranderd gelaat in
lupiene en volvet canolasaad). Die verhouding van NDIN : ADIN van die geëkstrueerde
grondstowwe is vergelyk met dié van die rou grondstowwe. Dit blyk dat ekstrusie wel ‘n
positiewe effek op al die grondstowwe (behalwe volvet canolasaad) gehad het. Dit wil dus voorkom asof ekstrusie wel aangewend kan word om die rumendegradeerbaarheid
van plantaardige proteïenbronne te verlaag sonder om die protein te
beskadig. Dit kan daartoe lei dat proteïenbronne waarvan die gebruik voorheen beperk was
as gevolg van die hoë rumen-degradeerbare proteïen-inhoud daarvan nou wel in rantsoene
ingesluit kan word na die ekstrusie daarvan. Die proteïenbronne, soos genoem, is ook
redelike bronne van energie en die kombinasie van energie en rumen nie-degradeerbare
proteïen in die rantsoen van die hoog-produserende melkkoei kan slegs voordelig wees.
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The effects of the protein metabolites ammonia and urea on oocyte maturation, fertilization, and early embryo development, using an in vitro systemClark, Tina Marie 11 June 1996 (has links)
Graduation date: 1997
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Analýza provozních ukazatelů produkce mléka / Analysis of the operating indicators of milk productionŠANDERA, Filip January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the operating characteristics of milk production. The work was developed in agricultural cooperatives of Zemědělské družstvo Podkleťan Křemže. The agricultural holding had been in assessment of dairy cattle nutrition, feeding techniques, quality of roughages, composition of the diet and comparison of economic indicators in dairy production. The quality of roughages was performed by using the fermentation process, and the fodder was subsequently classified into different classes. The composition of the diet was assessed with recommended values depending on the energy need and nutrient requirements. The reproductive performance was compared with data on total population. The economic factors were assessed in connection with yield and cost of farming.
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Effects of live yeast, monensin and concentrate level in dairy cattle diets on gas and volatile fatty acids productionMokatse, Brenda 14 September 2015 (has links)
Two meta-analysis of effects of yeast culture and monensin in lactating dairy cows were first performed. Secondly, two experiments were performed to evaluate the effects of live yeast (LY) or monensin (M) or both (LY+M) on gas production and fermentation by rumen micro-organisms in vitro in low (40 %) and high (60 %) concentrate diets of dairy cows. Rumen contents were collected from one cannulated lactating Holstein cow. Gas production was measured from 0 to 48 h of incubation. Volatile fatty acids and ammonia nitrogen concentrations were measured after 48 h. Meta-analysis of monensin indicated decrease dry matter intake (DMI) and increasing milk yield, consequently improving feed efficiency. Meta-analysis of yeast culture did not show improved performance. These results highlighted the importance of the meta-analysis as a useful tool that can be employed to both summarize effects across studies and to investigate factors explaining potential heterogeneity of response. The batch fermentation showed that in high concentrate diet, M significantly increased ammonia nitrogen, decreased acetate, but tended to increase propionate concentration (7.9, 63.2, 18.6 vs. 6.3, 66.8, 14.2 mmol/l; respectively). Addition of LY increased acetate concentration (64.2 vs 66.8 mmol/l). Supplementation with M, LY and LY+M reduced total gas production by 37.1, 22.5 and 26.9 %, respectively, compared to control at 48 h. In low concentrate diet, M and LY+M decreased and increased acetate (60.1 and 69.7 vs. 7.1 mmol/l; respectively). Adding LY and LY+M produced 8.6 % less gas, and M treatment 3.4 % more gas than the control. Overall, at 48 h, high concentrate resulted in less gas than low concentrate diets. High concentrate diets showed increased ammonia (7.9 and 6.4 vs. 5.21 and 4.7 mmol/l) decreased acetate (63.0 and 63.2 vs. 67.0 and 69.7 mmol/l) with a tendency to increased propionate (18.6 and 18.9 vs. 14.6 and 14.1 mmol/l) compared to low concentrate in M and LY+M treated diets. These results indicate that the effects of M and LY on rumen fermentation are substrate dependent, the high-concentrate diet showing the greatest response / Agriculture / M. Sc. (Agriculture)
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Manure production and nutrient management in pasture-based dairy production systemsSvinurai, Walter January 2010 (has links)
Manure production and nutrient management in pasture-based dairy production systems by Walter Svinurai The effect of dietary treatments on nutrient excretion was determined and an attempt to improving the retention of excreted nitrogen in stored manure using Aloe ferox leaf gel (AFLG) and pine bark was conducted at a pasture-based dairy farm. The animal mass-balance method was used to determine nutrient excretion by cows fed on three dietary treatments, Lolium perrene-based treatment (LP), Lolium multiforium-based treatment (LM) and Lolium perenne- Trifolium repens -based treatment (LTF). In separate experiments, slurry from dairy cows fed LM was amended with AFLG and pine bark at concentrations of 25, 50, 75 and 100 g/l and stored under anaerobic conditions for 16 days. The highest and lowest excretions of N, P and K were observed in LM and LP treatments, respectively. Increasing dietary N improved K and N retention in milk and, consequently increased milk urea nitrogen (MUN) and N excretion (P < 0.05). The concentrations of AFLG affected N and P retention in manure (P < 0.05). The highest retention in total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) of the initial was 42% AFLG at 25g/l inclusion rate. Ammonium nitrogen (AMN) concentration increased significantly due to the interactive effect of AFLG inclusion rate and time. Pine bark powder significantly improved N and P retention in manure at all concentrations. The retention in TKN was higher (P < 0.05) at 25g/l pine bark powder than other concentrations. The interaction effect of inclusion rate and time increased iii AMN (P < 0.05). Dietary treatments significantly affected nutrient excretion, and AFLG and pine bark considerably improved N retention in stored slurry. Findings from the filed trial suggest the need for more attention on managing dietary nutrients in the post-rainy and cool-dry season when growth of pasture influenced choice of dietary treatments that led to high nutrient excretion. Field simulation of the additives to determine their efficacy and environmental hazards was recommended.
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The effect of acid buf and combinations of acid buf and socium bicarbonate in dairy cow diets on production response and rumen parametersCalitz, Tanja 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Animal Sciences))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The effect of Acid Buf and combinations of Acid Buf and Sodium bicarbonate in dairy cow
diets on production response and rumen parameters
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of Acid Buf alone, or in combination with sodium
bicarbonate, on milk production, milk composition and selected rumen parameters. A high concentrate
TMR, formulated to be potentially acidotic, was used to construct four dietary treatments in which Acid Buf
(AB), the skeletal remains of the seaweed Lithothamnium calcareum, was used alone or in combination with
sodium bicarbonate (BC). The diets contained 3.5 g/kg of AB (Treatment 1) or 1.75 g/kg of AB and 1.75
g/kg of BC (Treatment 2) or 3.5 g/kg of AB and 3.5 g/kg of BC (Treatment 3) or 3.5 g/kg of AB and 5.2 g/kg
of BC (Treatment 4). The response to treatment was determined using eight ruminally cannulated lactating
Holstein cows randomly allocated to treatments according to a 4 x 4 (n=2) Latin square design, with four
treatments and four periods. The total experimental period was 100 days in which every cow received each
diet for a period of 18 days prior to a data collection period of 7 days. Rumen pH was monitored
continuously over 2 days using a portable data logging system and in-dwelling electrodes. Samples of rumen
fluid were collected for volatile fatty acid (VFA) analyses. During each data collection period, milk
production was recorded twice daily for 7 days, whereas milk was sampled twice daily for five consecutive
days for component analysis. Cows were fed ad libitum and dry matter intake was recorded individually.
Treatment had no significant effect on milk production, milk composition or feed intake. Ruminal pH
profiles of all the treatments indicated that the diets were well buffered. Average pH over 24 hours was 6.0,
6.1, 6.1 and 6.2 for Treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. The pH did not go below 5.8 for any of the
treatments and increasing levels of sodium bicarbonate increased the diurnal profile such that at the highest
level (Treatment 4), the pH profile ranged from 6.1 to 6.5. Although not significant, Treatment 1 (Acid Buf
alone) numerically resulted in the highest milk output without compromising milk quality. It is proposed
that high rumen pH may impact negatively on milk output by increasing the acetate:propionate ratio to the
detriment of rumen efficiency. Treatment had no significant effect on total VFA concentration, but there
seemed to be a tendency for increased total VFA concentration as the level of sodium bicarbonate increased.
The acetate:propionate ratio of Treatment 1 (2.91) was significantly lower than Treatment 4 (3.65) (P<0.05).
The use of buffers which react to increasing acidity in the rumen may therefore provide an efficient, safe
solution to rumen acidosis. This study confirmed previous results indicating that a daily intake of 80 g of
Acid Buf by cows receiving high concentrate diets would support high milk production without
compromising milk solids contents. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die effek van Acid Buf en kombinasies van Acid Buf en Natriumbikarbonaat in melkkoeidiëte
op melkproduksie, melksamestelling en rumenparameters
Die doel van die studie was om die invloed van Acid Buf alleen, of in kombinasie met natriumbikarbonaat,
in melkbeesdiëte op melkproduksie en melksamestelling, asook op bepaalde rumenparameters, te bepaal. ‘n
Volledige dieet met ‘n hoë kragvoerinhoud, wat geformuleer is om potensieel asidoties te wees, is gebruik
om vier dieetbehandelings saam te stel waarin Acid Buf (AB), die skeletoorblyfsels van die seegras
Lithothamnium calcareum, alleen of in kombinasie met natriumbikarbonaat (BK) gebruik is. Een basale diet
is dus geformuleer en die behandelingsdiëte het onderskeidelik 3.5 g/kg AB (Behandeling 1) of 1.75 g/kg
AB en 1.75 g/kg BK (Behandeling 2) of 3.5 g/kg AB en 3.5 g/kg BK (Behandeling 3) of 3.5 g/kg AB en 5.2
g/kg BK (Behandeling 4) bevat. Agt rumen-gekannuleerde lakterende Holsteinkoeie is ewekansig aan die
behandelings toegeken in ‘n 4 x 4 (n=2) Latynse vierkantontwerp met vier behandelings en vier periodes.
Die totale eksperimentele periode was 100 dae, waartydens elke koei elke behandeling vir 18 dae ontvang
het voor die datakolleksieperiode van 7 dae. Rumen pH is voortdurend, elke vier minute, oor ‘n twee-dae
periode gemeet met behulp van draagbare dataloggers en pH elektrodes wat binne-in die rumen gesetel was.
Rumenvloeistof is versamel vir die bepaling van vlugtige vetsuurkonsentrasies. Gedurende elk van die
datakolleksieperiodes is die melkproduksie twee maal per dag geneem vir sewe agtereenvolgende dae en
melkmonsters is tweemaal per dag versamel vir vyf agtereenvolgende dae vir komponent–analise
(samestelling?). Koeie is ad libitum gevoer en voerinnames is individueel bepaal. Die behandelings het
geen betekenisvolle invloed op melkproduksie, melksamestelling of voerinnames gehad nie. Rumen pH
profiele van al die behandelings het aangedui dat die diëte goed gebuffer was. Die gemiddelde pH oor 24
uur was 6.0, 6.1, 6.1 en 6.2 vir Behandeling 1, 2, 3 en 4, onderskeidelik. Die pH het nie onder 5.8 gedaal vir
enige van die behandelings nie en die toenemende vlakke van natriumbikarbonaat het ‘n verhoging in die
daaglikse pH-profiele tot gevolg gehad. By die hoogste buffervlakke (Behandeling 4) het die pH-profiel
tussen 6.1 en 6.5 gevarieer. Hoewel nie betekenisvol nie, het Behandeling 1 (slegs Acid Buf) numeries die
hoogste melkproduksie getoon, sonder dat melkkwaliteit beïnvloed is. Dit is voorgestel dat te hoë rumen pH
‘n nadelige impak op melkproduksie kan hê, as gevolg van ‘n verhoogde asetaat:propionaat verhouding wat
rumen doeltreffendheid benadeel. Behandelings het geen betekenisvolle invloed op totale vlugtige
vetsuurkonsentrasies gehad nie, maar daar was ‘n neiging vir hoër totale vlugtige vetsuurkonsentrasies
namate die vlakke van natriumbikarbonaat verhoog het. Die asetaat:propionaat verhouding van Behandeling
1 (2.91) was betekenisvol laer as dié van Behandeling 4 (3.65). Die gebruik van buffers wat reageer op
toenemende suurheidsgraad kan dus aangewend word as ‘n doeltreffende en veilige oplossing vir rumen
asidose. Die studie het bevestig dat ‘n daaglikse inname van 80 g Acid Buf deur koeie wat ‘n hoë
kragvoerdieet ontvang, hoë melkproduksie ondersteun sonder dat melksamestelling nadelig beïnvloed word.
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Effects of Carica papaya seed (Linn) meal on health and performance of Jersey calvesMakoya, Rudzani Prescious 01 1900 (has links)
Twenty four Jersey calves were randomly blocked according to sex and birth date, to
determine the effects of supplementing Carica papaya seed (Linn) meal (CPSM) on
health and growth performance of calves. In the first study, calves were fed CPSM for
only 2 days to determine faecal pathogen population. In the second study; calves were
randomly assigned at birth to three treatments and fed until weaning at 42 days. Each
treatment had six calves. Treatments were; 1) a control group, which did not receive
additive; 2) a group that was supplemented 5 g/d of Carica papaya seed meal (CPSM)
and 3) the last group that was supplemented 5 g/d of a commercial product containing
Lactobacillus acidophilus (Lact). After receiving milk with colostrum from their dams
for 3 consecutive days after birth, calves had commercial starter pellet and fresh water
ad lib. Treatments were added to whole milk from day 4 and fed to calves before being
allowed to suckle from the dams for 30 min three times a day (08:00; 12:00 and 17:00).
Calf starter dry matter intake (DMI) was evaluated daily while body weight (BW) and
body structural growth were measured weekly. Faecal samples were collected directly
from the rectum on day 7 and 10, before and after receiving CPSM respectively. The
DMI; DMI/BW; BW and BWG of calves did not differ among treatments, and averaged
305.4 g/d; 7.7 g/d per BW; 39.4 kg and 32.1 kg, respectively. The initial BW, 22.2 ±
1.49 kg did not differ among groups, but the weaning BW was higher (p<0.05) for
CPSM fed calves compared to control diet fed calves. It did not differ between control
and Lact calves. Calves in Lact and CPSM treatments had similar average daily gain
(ADG) and heart girth (HG), which were higher (p<0.05) than calves fed the control
treatment. Calves fed CPSM had higher (p<0.05) hip width (HW) and shoulder height
(SH) than control calves. There were effects of time (p<0.001) for starter DMI/BW,
ADG and all structural body parameters, and effects (p<0.05) of interaction between
time and treatments for only starter DMI/BW, ADG and HG. The CPSM treatment
reduced faecal coliforms and E. coli (p<0.05) by 93.6% and 96.1%, respectively; and
tended to reduce Enterobacteriaceae (p=0.056) by 96.4%. The present study revealed
that feeding CPSM to calves during the pre-weaning period increased growth
performance by improving average daily gain, feed efficiency and enhancing health
status due to low faecal pathogen count / Agriculture, Animal Health and Human Ecology / M. Sc. (Agriculture)
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Posouzení úrovně výživy ve vztahu k produkci mléka u dojnic / Nutrition and feeding influence in relation to milk production of dairy cowsBARTUŠKA, Václav January 2011 (has links)
The assessment of the level of nutrition of dairy cattle in relation to their milk pruduction was carried out under operating conditions. The focus was on the quality of the roughage feed, the feeding technique, the contents of the diet and the supply of nutrients. On the basis of operating and economic indicators, the milk production costs as well as an overall evaluation summing the individual observed periods have been calculated. The results of the observation of the level of nutrition over a three-year period indicate that the feed rations are prepared according to the optimal standards. In the observed periods, first quality* corn silage and first or second quality** corn silage was always used. The average efficiency of a cow reached 7 000 kg of milk per year. The average cost of one litre of thus produced milk was 9,30 CZK in an average day, and the average sum of money needed came in at 138,37 CZK.
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The effect of application of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur fertilisers to a perennial ryegrass sward on yield, quality and apparent intake by dairy cows.Findlay, Nicola Jean. January 2010 (has links)
Perennial ryegrass is an intensive, temperate pasture grass that responds well to applied fertiliser.
The purpose of this project was to study the effects of fertiliser on the productivity and quality of
perennial ryegrass in KwaZulu-Natal and how this impacts on animal intake. It was hypothesised
that over-application of fertiliser to a perennial ryegrass pasture would negatively affect the quality
of the herbage for grazing by dairy cattle and that intake would be affected. Thus the project
aimed to assess the effects of applied fertiliser on yield, quality and intake of an established
perennial ryegrass pasture.
The trial consisted of a set of six separate experiments. Each experiment focused on the
interaction between two of the major nutrient elements nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium
(K) and sulphur (S). The experiments (NxP, NxK, NxS, PxK, PxS and KxS) were managed
separately to avoid possible transfer of nutrients during grazing, which would result in the
contamination of treatments. Each factor had three levels (low, medium and high), giving a total of
nine treatments per experiment. Each of the experiments was replicated three times in a
randomised block design.
Increased fertiliser N application rates increased perennial ryegrass yield with a pattern of
diminishing return, where split applications above 40 kg N ha-1 produced smaller increases in yield
when compared with the response at lower applications of N. Applied P, K and S did not affect
yield, suggesting that even the lowest application levels were sufficient to not limit production.
Nitrogen application affected apparent intake, but it is suggested that this is due to the yield effect
rather than a direct effect of N on apparent intake. The application of P, K and S did not affect
apparent intake.
Results from this study showed that the quality of perennial ryegrass herbage, especially in terms
of feed value to dairy cows, can be significantly affected by applied fertiliser. The extent of the
response was affected by sampling date (i.e. time of year) and this must be taken into account
when planning a fertiliser management strategy. This is particularly so with respect to N fertiliser
Crude protein (CP) content of herbage increased with increasing levels of applied N and the
extent of the response was influenced by season. P, K and S did not affect CP concentration in
herbage, except in the PxK experiment where increased levels of K lowered herbage CP. Applied
N considerably increased the concentration of non-protein nitrogen (NPN) in perennial ryegrass
herbage. P and S did not affect NPN levels, whereas applied K decreased NPN content in the
NxK and PxK experiments. Non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) content of herbage was decreased
by applied N but was unaffected by applications of P, K and S. Neither neutral detergent fibre
(NDF) nor acid detergent fibre (ADF) was affected by applied fertiliser. In this study herbage P
declined and herbage Ca increased with increasing levels of applied N. The addition of fertiliser K
resulted in lower herbage Ca values. There was no herbage S response to applied fertiliser in this
Classification and regression tree (CART) analysis identified the primary determinant of apparent
intake in experiments containing N as a factor as the amount of material available to be grazed
and that NSC, NPN and ADF are also determinants of apparent intake. Cows do not regulate diet
choice within the short-term time frame of a meal. Thus intake is determined by short-term needs
rather than by meeting long-term nutrient requirements. Fibre creates physical fill within the
rumen, thus restricting intake. High NPN content is associated with high nitrate values. The
reduction in intake of herbage with high nitrate content may be due to reduced palatability or to a
negative feedback system limiting the intake of nitrate and ammonium. Increased NSC content is
associated with increased intake, possibly through the effect of sugar on herbage palatability.
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Effects of Brevibacillus laterosporus and live yeast on rumen fermentation, nutrient digestibility and microbial protein synthesisAdeleke, Rasaq Ademola 11 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the effects of Brevibacillus laterosporus and live yeast (LY) on rumen fermentation, nutrient digestibility and microbial protein synthesis. The basal diet was a total mixed ration formulated to fulfil the minimum nutrient requirement of early lactating 600 kg Holstein cow producing 40kg of milk with 3.5 % fat and 3.3 % protein using CPM-dairy software (NRC, 2001). Treatments were: T1 (Control: basal diet with no additive), T2 (Basal diet + Brevibacillus laterosporus), T3 (Basal diet + Live yeast), and T4 (Basal diet + Brevibacillus laterosporus + Live yeast). In situ degradation, in vitro batch fermentation were performed. Data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using PROC GLM (SAS Institute, 2009). The effective dry matter (DM) degradability evaluated at low (0.02) and medium (0.05) ruminal passage rate (ED1 and ED2) were higher (p<0.05) in T1 compared to T2 and T3, but did not differ (p>0.05) between T2, T3 and T4, and between T1 and T4. When evaluated at fast passage rate (0.08) the effective DM degradability (ED3) was higher (p<0.05) in T1 compared to T3 and T4, but did not differ (p>0.05) between T1 and T2. The difference in ammonia nitrogen production was observed only between T1 and T2, and was higher (p<0.05) in T1. The total VFA’s concentration was higher (p<0.05) in T3 compared to the control.
All additives decreased the molar percentage of acetate (P<0.05). The concentration of acetate was lower (p<0.05) in T3 and T4 compared to control. Propionate concentration was higher (p<0.05) in T3 and T4 compared to other treatments and lower (p<0.05) in the control compared to the rest of treatments. Butyrate concentration was higher (p<0.05) in T2 and T4 compared to the rest of the treatments, and lower (p<0.05) in T3 than other treatments. The microbial protein synthesis measured as purine derivate done on residues was higher (p<0.05) for T3 compared to T1 and T2, but did not differ between T1, T2 and T4, and between T3 and T4. These results showed that the two additives have different individual effects on DM and CP degradability, but also associative effects in some fermentation parameters such as propionate production. / Agriculture, Animal Health and Human Ecology / M. Sc. (Agriculture)
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