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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verbesserte Ansätze für Wasser- und Stoffstrommanagement in intensiv genutzten kleinen Einzugsgebieten auf der Grundlage von integrierten Nutzen- und Risikobewertungen (wsm300)

Thiel, Enrico, Schmidt, Walter 19 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen wasserwirtschaftlicher Planungen ist eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Zielsetzungen zu berücksichtigen. Diese ergeben sich u. a. aus den Vorgaben der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (EUWRRL), dem Leitbild einer nachhaltigen Landnutzung, dem Hochwasserschutz und der Freizeitnutzung. In der Praxis ist die Umsetzung dieser Ziele eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe, für die geeignete Hilfsmittel entwickelt werden müssen. Zu diesem Zweck unterstützte die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) für drei Jahre (06/2002 - 06/2005) ein Verbundprojekt zur Entwicklung von „Verbesserten Ansätzen für Wasser- und Stoffstrommanagement in intensiv genutzten kleinen Einzugsgebieten auf der Grundlage von integrierten Nutzen- und Risikobewertungen (wsm300)“.

Avbördning via turbinerna : En fallstudie av ett litet vattenkraftverk och ett högt flöde

Gidstedt, Mikael January 2015 (has links)
In 1990 Flödeskommittén released new guidelines which redefined the method used to determine design flows. The method, combined with more complete measurements of flow variations, has resulted in higher design flows which in turn call for increases in the discharge capacity of hydropower plants. This work is still in progress. Since many Swedish hydropower stations were constructed in the 1950's and 60's they require modernization. Today Statkraft owns and operates 55 hydropower stations in Sweden several of which have a discharge capacity below the design flow. For this reason, the dam safety of these hydropower stations is reduced. According to current guidelines the turbine flow is not added to the discharge capacity since the availability of the electrical grid is not guaranteed during extreme flows. When the electric grid is unavailable the generator has no load and cannot produce an electric torque. Without the electric torque the turbine accelerates which may result in equipment failure. This thesis considers the introduction of an alternative local load where the generator power can be dumped as heat, hence termed dump load. The dump load has the potential to increase the discharge capacity by adding the turbine flow. However, operation of the dump load requires the availability of the generator and turbine, making the discharge capacity dependent on the status of the plant. In turn, achieving a sufficient discharge capacity is of primary concern to dam operators since it determines dam safety. Consequently, this thesis evaluates the effects on dam safety when utilizing a local load to increase the discharge capacity. Three different designs were evaluated; a medium to high voltage electrode water boiler, electrodes submerged in the river and a low voltage electric water boiler. The evaluation shows that all three designs are feasible and can be used to increase the discharge capacity provided the generator and turbine have high availability. The complexity and number of components constituting the dump load should be minimized to reduce the risk of malfunctions and redundancy should be introduced for key components when feasible. The dump load power should be controlled using voltage regulation but further work is required to determine the specifics of this governor. The results also show that the cost of the dump load is a fraction of the cost of a new spillway. However, the topic is controversial and the dump load requires practical testing in order to evaluate operational reliability.

An Investigation of Groundwater Flow in the Vicinity of Patoka Dam, Indiana

Bledsoe, Lee Anne 01 October 2015 (has links)
Several dams throughout the United States have been built on karst terrains, where soluble limestone bedrock has been dissolved to form features such as caves, sinkholes, and underground rivers. In such karst regions, subsurface hydrology can play an integral role in the condition, operation, and safety of dams and should be considered during risk assessment. Patoka Dam, near Jasper, Indiana, is situated on a well-developed karst landscape/aquifer system, faces significant potential challenges, and recently underwent risk assessment. A groundwater flow investigation using multiple fluorescent tracer tests, analysis of water-table elevations, isopach mapping of the Glen Dean Limestone, and spring hydrograph analysis was performed to better understand local groundwater hydrology in the vicinity of the existing water-control structures. Dye-tracing results identified the local flow direction as south to north and the mean dye travel time from injection locations to Robert Hall Cave Spring (RHCS) as 8- 11 feet per hour. These results also indicate that groundwater is bypassing the control structures in the vicinity of the cut-off wall, but the geometry of these flow paths is not clear. The recharge area for RHCS, a significant groundwater discharge point downstream from Patoka Dam, was delineated and the existence of a groundwater divide in the area of the dike was confirmed. The location of this groundwater-basin boundary follows an estimation of where the Glen Dean Limestone outcrops along the perimeter of the dissected ridge that lies between Patoka Lake and RHCS. Spring hydrograph analysis shows that spring discharge is primarily influenced by local precipitation events. However, precipitation events can result in increased pool elevation making the relationship between spring discharge and pool elevation unclear within the data set. This groundwater investigation has provided a clearer characterization of the hydrogeology within the vicinity of Patoka Dam. In combining the various hydrogeologic results, some insight into the function and geometry of the local karst network that could potentially affect the integrity of the dam and/or dike structures has been provided.

Γεωλογικές και γεωτεχνικές συνθήκες στο χωμάτινο φράγμα του Ευήνου

Σιδηροπούλου, Άννα 01 July 2014 (has links)
Για την κάλυψη των αναγκών της ύδρευσης στην Αθήνα, έγιναν μελέτες με σκοπό την ενίσχυση του υδατικού δυναμικού του ταμιευτήρα Μόρνου. Η ενίσχυση του ταμιευτήρα περιελάμβανε την κατασκευή του φράγματος στον ποταμό Ευήνο, περιοχής Αγ. Δημητρίου καθώς και της ενωτικής σήραγγας. Η σήραγγα αυτή θα μετέφερε νερό από τον ταμιευτήρα του Ευήνου στον ταμιευτήρα του φράγματος του Μόρνου. Για την διεξαγωγή της κατασκευής του έργου χρειάστηκαν αρκετές γεωλογικές και τεχνικογεωλογικές μελέτες. Αυτές είχαν ως σκοπό την προτροπή από τυχόν αστοχίες. Οι μελέτες αυτές περιείχαν εργασίες υπαίθρου αλλά και εργαστηριακές δοκιμές. Στο πρώτο μέρος της εργασίας αρχικά τοποθετείται γεωγραφικά το φράγμα. Ακολουθεί μια ανάλυση των τμημάτων και των συνοδών έργων του φράγματος καθώς και για τις κατολισθήσεις που προέκυψαν κατά την κατασκευή του. Επίσης παρουσιάζονται η λιθολογία, η τεκτονική, η υδρογεωλογία της περιοχής της θέσης κατασκευής αλλά και οι συνέπειες που θα μπορούσαν να προκληθούν από την κατασκευή του φράγματος. Στο δεύτερο μέρος αυτής της εργασίας αναλύονται κάποιες από τις εργαστηριακές και επιτόπου δοκιμές, που πραγματοποιήθηκαν στο στάδιο προμελέτης του έργου. Οι επιτόπου περιλαμβάνουν τη διάνοιξη των γεωτρήσεων και την τοποθέτηση πιεζομέτρων. Οι εργαστηριακές ασχολούνται με τα δείγματα από τις γεωτρήσεις, προσδιορίζοντας κάποια από τα χαρακτηριστικά τους όπως τα φυσικά και τις παραμέτρους αντοχής τους καθώς και την ορυκτολογία τους. Στη συνέχεια, ακολουθεί ανάλυση των αποτελεσμάτων που προέκυψαν και η καταγραφή τους σε διαγράμματα. Στο τέλος, παρουσιάζονται τα συμπεράσματα και το παράρτημα με τους χάρτες από την περιοχή μελέτης. / Extended research took place in order to cover the waterwork needs of Athens and reinforce water dynamic of Mornos reservoir. This reservoir reinforcement include the construct of dam in Evinos river and the integrative tunnel. The tunnel will transfer water from Evinos to Mornos reservoir. For the building of this dam there was need of many geological and geotechnical studies. These studies prevent the dam’s failure. The following studies contain both field tests and controlled laboratory tests. The first part of this study explains the geographical position of the dam (A. Dimitrios area). The rest of the study focuses on parts review, recommendable works and occurring landslides during its construction. Lithology, tectonics and hydrogeology on the building area is also included along with the consequences of the dam construction on the area. The second part analyzes the laboratory and field work tests. The above tests took place at the preliminary design stage of the dam. The filled work tests include the boring of test drillings and the placement of piezometers. The main pursuit of the lab studies is to determine some of the rock characteristics like general physic properties, mechanical strength and mineralogy. The results of the lab studies were used for the formation of specific diagrams. The end of this study summarizes the conclusions of the tests and includes an appendix of the maps of this area.

Piapaxa 'Uipi (Big River Canyon)

Stoffle, Richard W., Halmo, David B., Evans, Michael J., Austin, Diane E. 06 1900 (has links)
The traditional lands of the Southern Paiute people are bounded by more than 600 miles of Piapaxa (Colorado River) from the Kaiparowits Plateau in the north to Blythe, California in the south. According to traditional beliefs, Southern Paiute people were created in this traditional land and, through this creation, the Creator gave Paiute people a special supernatural responsibility to protect and manage this land including its water and natural resources. Puaxantu Tuvip (sacred land) is the term that refers to traditional ethnic territory. Within these lands no place was more special than Piapaxa 'uipi (Big River Canyon) where the Colorado River cuts through the Grand Canyon.

Itus, Auv, Te'ek (Past, Present, Future)

Stoffle, Richard W., Austin, Diane E., Fulfrost, Brian K., Phillips III, Arthur M., Drye, Tricia F. 09 1900 (has links)
This report concludes the first four years (1992 -1995) of Southern Paiute involvement in the Glen Canyon Environmental Studies (GCES), a program initiated by the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) in 1982. Southern Paiutes have conducted ethnographic research and participated in the Congressionally mandated Environmental Impact Study (EIS) of Glen Canyon Dam water release policies on natural and human-made resources found in the Colorado River Corridor. These ethnographic studies have taken place in what is called the Colorado River Corridor which extends 255 miles down stream from Glen Canyon Dam to the end of the free flowing river at Separation Canyon within the Grand Canyon National Park. They have concentrated on investigating the impacts of the Dam's water releases to Southern Paiute cultural resources. Since the Final EIS was published in March 1995, emphasis has been placed on what is called the Adaptive Management Program of the GCES and attention has shifted to monitoring the water release impacts.

Assuandammens påverkan på Nilen, Egypten

Lehman, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
Regulation of rivers by dams and reservoirs is a good example where anthropogenic impact could be considerable both in the local environment, but also has major implications upstream and downstream. This study was accomplished as a literature study of the river Nile, which is extremely important for water supply. The purpose of this study was to investigate the consequences of the construction of the Aswan High Dam, to obtain a consistent flow for water supply, irrigation and power generation in Egypt. Since Egypt has a very hot and dry climate large amounts of water in reservoir is lost to the Nubian aquifer system and by evaporation. The consequences from constructing the dam are considerable. It has led to the preventing of the annual flooding and a significant reduction in sediment load reaching the outer delta, which has led to an erosion of the delta front. The incoming waves create a current, mainly towards the east, carrying away the eroded material. In order to protect the delta front seawalls and breakwaters has been built. They have stopped the erosion of the areas behind them, but it has also led to the erosion of other areas. The issues in Egypt reflect the global crisis, mainly in delta areas, which prevail in regulated rivers. The biggest issue globally is the reduced sediment transport to the coast that causes land loss.

Practical and Applied Reflectance Spectroscopy: Automated Drill Core Logging and Mineral Mapping

Tappert, Michelle C. Unknown Date
No description available.

On the engineering geology of granite saprolite and its significance to the construction of Injaka Dam, South Africa.

January 2004 (has links)
The intention of this work is to provide a deeper understanding of the engineering geological behaviour of granite saprolite and how this affects the engineering of such material, with specific reference to the construction of Injaka Dam in the north eastern portion of South Africa Whilst extensive investigation of weathered granites has been carried out internationally, very little detailed research on the nature of this material is documented locally. The construction of Injaka Dam afforded the opportunity to investigate the saprolite in detail. This study was initially submitted to the Department of Geology and Applied Geology at the University of Natal, Durban (renamed the University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2004) to fulfill the requirement of a Master of Science degree in 200 I. Following this submission, and supported by recommendations made by the external examiners and the project supervisor, it was agreed to upgrade the work and submit this thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Intensive chemical weathering of granite at Injaka Dam site has resulted in the formation of thick saprolitic deposits overlying the weathered bedrock. The granite forms part of the 3 075 Ma Nelspruit Suite which has been intersected by the African erosion surface. The extensive, multicyclic period of weathering and erosion that formed this surface has resulted in deep (up to 35 m) chemical weathering of the underlying bedrock in this area. The construction of Injaka Dam on this material necessitated a thorough engineering geological investigation to understand the nature of the weathering and the possible influences it exerts on the engineering behaviour of the saprolite. This was accomplished by analysing the weathering of the granite and relating the effects of these weathering processes and changes to the engineering behaviour of the material. By applying various chemical and mineralogical indices to the weathered granite, the intensity of weathering and related changes could be quantified and compared with the engineering behaviour of the material. This was achieved by applying a series of engineering indices to the material and relating these to the quantified weathering changes. In this way tentative extrapolation of the engineering behaviour of the material could be gained and used to predict engineering performance. The resultant effects of the engineering behaviour of the material on the design and construction of the dam are also discussed. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu- Natal, 2004.

Assessment of the electrical performance of the Cahora Bassa HVDC scheme.

Sithole, Vusi. January 2005 (has links)
The aim of this study was to assess the electrical performance of the Cahora Bassa HVDC scheme. For practical reasons a database was developed to hold and analyse the performance data. Microsoft® Access 2002 relational database management system was chosen for this work. The principle of simplicity and flexibility were used in the design of the database. The Apollo year 2002 faults data was populated into the database. The database stored the information in a format that enables the user to extract results and the information required by Ciqre, The Ciqre Working Group 14 collects performance information from all the participating HVDC schemes around the world annually. The Apollo converter station's 2002 performance data was compared to other similar HVDC schemes that submitted to Cigre in the year 2002. In addition performance trends were drawn from similar schemes that submitted to Cigre over the past years. The Apollo performance data is quite comparable to other similar schemes in 2002 and over the past years. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2005.

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