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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Combining assembles of domain expert markings

Pierre, Mattias January 2010 (has links)
Breast cancer is diagnosed in more than 6300 Swedish women every year. Mammograms, which are X-ray images of breasts, are taken as part of a nationwide screening process and are analyzed for anomalies by radiologists. This analysis process could be made more efficient by using computer-aided image analysis to assist quality control of the mammograms. However, the development of such image analysis methods requires what is called a “ground truth”. The ground truth is used as a key in algorithm development and represents the true information in the depicted object. Mammograms are 2D projections of deformed 3D objects, and in these cases the ground truth is almost impossible to procure. Instead a surrogate ground truth is constructed. ALGSII, a novel method for ranking shapes within a given set, was recently developed for measuring the level of agreement among ensembles of markings produced by experts of glandular tissue in mammograms. It was hypothesized in this thesis that the ALGSII measure could be used to construct a surrogate truth based on the markings from domain experts.Markings from segmentations of glandular tissue, performed by 5 different field experts on 162 mammograms, comprised the working data for this thesis project. An algorithm was developed that, given a fixed set of markings, takes an initial shape and modifies it iteratively until it becomes the “optimal shape” - the shape with the highest level of agreement in the group of markings according to the ALGSII measure. The algorithm was optimized with egard to rate of accepted shape changes and computational complexity.The developed algorithm was successful in producing an optimal shape according to the definition of maximizing the ALGSII measure in 100% of the cases tested. The algorithm showed stability for the given data set, and its performance was significantly increased by the implemented optimizations.

Customization of Docbook to Generate PDF, HTM & CHM

Asif, Muhammad January 2009 (has links)
Software documentation is an important aspect of software projects. Software documentation plays a key role in software development if it is up-to-date and complete. Software documentation should have the synchronization with the software development. One of the problems is duplication; same information is written in different documents and stored in different places with different formats making things complex to manage. By using traditional documentation tools, it’s hard to maintain documentation for complex systems and it is time consuming. To overcome these problems, we have used XML Docbook that is a good solution for it. Docbook provides single sourcing technique in which documents are written ideally in one place and can convert it into different other formats from the same location. Actually docbook is based on xml which can be easily edited by most of the programming languages. If there are many developers are writing documentation for their software modules then we don’t need to copy and paste all the documents into one document to produce a complete document for the software product. We have to just add the references to all those files that should be present in the final document and then compile it with some processors and it automatically get document contents from all files and put it into one document, so it’s easy to handle and maintain software documentation with docbook.

Designing and Implementing Communication and a Graphical Interface for Antenna Test Devices

Stålnacke, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
Esrange Space Center, located in Kiruna, is a company which specializes in the area of satellite service as well as rocket and balloon launches. To communicate with the satellites Esrange use antennas that is between eight and thirteen meters in diameter. The antennas must always be ready to operate which is why there is a need for an application to test the antennas when they are not used.This master's thesis work aims to develop such a system that tests the antennas when they are not communicating with satellites. This report contains background information about the problem and system requirements as well as the solution and description of the developed system. It also contains an in-depth study about similar applications that has been developed by others.To solve the problem, a client-server application was developed. The server controls the test devises used to test the antennas and the client gives the users a GUI to control the server and its functions. An automated system called OASIS, developed at Esrange, was included in the solution to make it possible to automate some of the core tests.

Distributed Database Storage Solution in Java

Funck, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Car sales companies have in the last couple of years discovered that there is a big market in storing their customer's summer and winter tires for a small fee. For the customers it is very convenient to get rid of the all known storage problem with season tires. Burlin Motor Umeå is one of these companies and they are offering seasonal storage and change of tires in autumn and spring as well as washing of tires.The main problem for this kind of storage is how to make the storage easy to overview and how to keep track of all tires. This paper is a report on a distributed storage solution in Java for summer and winter tires based on criteria from Burlin Motor Umeå.

Introducing Piclair.com to the iPhone platform

Engström, Rikard January 2010 (has links)
iPhone is one of the latest smartphones and it has grown in popularity ever since it was first released in 2007. The iPhone has more advanced features than a regular cell phone and is more suitable for internet related tasks because of its WiFi and 3G support. This report describes the development of a server API and a photo sharing application aimed to run on the iPhone platform. The project was issued by Piclair, the image uploading service located at http://piclair.com. Piclair already possesses efficient image uploading software for Windows and Mac OS X. The idea was to broaden the user base by entering one of the fastest growing smartphone platforms. The objective of the project was to develop a powerful but simple photo uploader dedicated to Piclair.com running on the iPhone and to create a lightweight API to handle the uploads server side. This report spans from the idea stage to a finished product. The result was a fully functional API and a non cumbersome Piclair characteristic photo uploader, suitable not only for WiFi connected devices but also 3G and EDGE.

Object Tracking withIphone 3Gs

Alin, Lars January 2010 (has links)
In June of 2007 Apple Inc. released the smartphone Iphone. It was a groundbreaking success that set a new standard for what a smartphone should be able to do. Apple has improved the Iphone every year since then and the 3Gs is the newest Iphone model. As the phones have improved, both when looking at hardware and software, the applications have improved as well. The Iphone 3Gs provides the possibility to use the camera as an application background and with that the possibility to analyze the surroundings, making it possible to track objects that the phone is pointed towards.This thesis examines how object tracking can be implemented in applications for Iphone 3Gs as well as providing a survey of four different areas of use that have been implemented in Xcode: an augmented reality car game, a letter tracking application, a face recognition application and an object recognition application.

Bildgalleri Musicstage.se

Hedström, Markus, Gaude, Jeff January 2009 (has links)
Musicstage.se är en ungefär ett år gammal hemsida med ett enda mål: att bli den kompletta musiksidan med konsertbilder, musikvideos, recensioner, konserter, skivor, intervjuer och kommande konserter. För att nå detta mål krävs ett väl genomarbetat system för fotohantering. Detta examensarbete går ut på att tillfredsställa behovet av ett bildgalleri åt Musicstage.se. Resultatet är ett fullt funktionellt fotogalleri, som Musicstage.se sagt att de kommer att använda, vilket tyder på att vårt arbete var framgångsrikt.

Ny dynamisk hemsida

Chaaya, Elias, Andersson, Patrick January 2009 (has links)
Carnero AB sökte en ny och fräsch design för deras nya hemsidor. Tre hemsidor önskades. En publik hemsida, en administratörshemsida och en kundportal. Samtliga hemsidor kommer att skapas med PHP5 som scriptspråk, HTML och MySQL som databashanterare. Andra tekniker som ska användas är CSS, AJAX och jQuery. Layout för deras publika hemsida kommer arbetas fram med Carneros marknadsföringsvarig. Resultatet blev lyckat.

Studie och implementation av dynamisk översättning i en Chip-8 emulator

Hellström, Tommy January 2009 (has links)
Dynamisk binär översättning är en teknik för att köra program kompilerade för en plattform på en annan inkompatibel plattform. Tekniken finns bland annat implementerad i många konsolemulatorer, men det finns även andra exempel där tekniken använts, t.ex. vid arkitekturskiften. Nära besläktade områden är dynamisk kompilering och dynamisk optimering. För att undersöka tekniken (dynamisk översättning) närmare implementerades den i en, redan färdig, interpretativ (switch-baserad) Chip-8 emulator. Översättningen sker till x86 instruktionsuppsättningen. Prestandan av den nya emulatorn jämfördes med den interpretativa versionen och visade sig vara 6-7 gånger snabbare i dessa tester.

Automatisering av tester som utförs genom ett grafiskt användargränssnitt

Farrington, Daniel, Martinsson, Herman January 1999 (has links)
Målet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka hur automatiserade tester skall införas i ett visst företags utvecklingsprocess. De tester som är aktuella för automatisering är de tester som genomförs via det grafiska användargränssnittet. Arbetet har främst inriktat sig på att utvärdera vilket verktyg som är lämpligast att använda sig av. Dessa verktyg använder sig av en speciell teknik kallad Capture/Replay, men erbjuder även möjligheter att skriva testfall för hand. Utvärderingen visade att två av de testade verktygen är ungefär likvärdiga. Att endast rekommendera ett av dessa var omöjligt eftersom det hade krävts en än djupare analys av de behov som finns i företagets testverksamhet. Arbetet tar även upp saker som man ska tänka på när man inför automatiserade tester i sin verksamhet. Arbetet har mynnat ut i en handlingsplan som företaget kan följa vid införandet av automatiserade tester.

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