Spelling suggestions: "subject:"De lla protection"" "subject:"De laa protection""
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Ochrana před hlukem a vibracemi z právního pohledu / Protection against noise and vibrations from the legal point of viewWulkanová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Noise and vibrations belong under the sources of endangerment of the environment and can cause permanent damage of human health therefore it is necessary to legally control them. A protection is provided by a regulation by international and domestic law. The most influence on Czech law have the legislation of the European union. The foundation of the domestic public law regulation is the Public Health Protection Act and the order of the government Nr. 272/2011 Coll. which sets the highest admissible limits of noise and vibrations. The regulation of the private law is centered to the instruments of the Civil Code. The so called new Civil Code brings many changes into this legal area.
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Právní úprava ochrany životního prostředí před hlukem / Legislation protecting the environment against noiseOnderková, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
IN ENGLISH There are many things which cause damage to the environment involving noise, although the damage caused to the environment by noise is not one of the most discussed topics in area of environmental protection. The negative effect caused by noise is as bad as the negative effect caused by other sources of damage. For this reason the extent of noise made by using devices and providing services have to be regulated by law. The legislative regulation is the only possible way to provide effective protection to the human health and well-being as well as the environment. Creation of appropriate legislation for the issue of noise, and its effect on the environment and ensuring that this legislation will be followed, and exacted should be a priority in trying to protect the environment against noise.
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Technické zkoumání listin a platidel, technická ochrana proti padělání / Technical examination of documents and means of payment, technical protection against forgeryŠtalmachová, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The first segment of this magisterial thesis essay offers a theoretical, as well as historical, overview of the issue, describing the foundations, upon which it stands, as well as its development, as addressed in Chapter Two. Chapter Three focuses on the analysis and the condition of the situation in Czech Republic, complimented with visual aides in the form of graphs and other material, in regards to the international field. The essence of this chapter is the comparative consideration of the question of protection against forgery and alterations of means of payment and other documents. The core of the subject, as well as its individual aspects, are then dissected in the following segment beginning with Chapter Four. Discussed here are various forms of protection, mechanisms applied, realized either in the shape of different mechanical devices, as well as a number of safety features embedded in the means of payment itself. The following, fifth chapter, deals with the question of forgery of coins. After this excourse into the field of forgery and protection against it in general, Chapters Six and Seven center around the detection and resolution of criminal activity of this kind, describing the individual methods, analyses, tests and practices used in clarification of answers that are vital to its solving.
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Ochrana spotřebitele v rozhodčím řízení / Protection of consumer in arbitrationPrchalová, Aneta January 2013 (has links)
1 Resumé Protection of consumer in arbitration Act No. 19/2012 Coll. or consumer amendment of Act No. 216/1994 Coll., on Arbitration and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards, brings plenty of new institutes which significantly improved consumer's protection from negotiating arbitration clause over arbitration proceeding to enforcement of arbitral award. All these measures were taken to oblige the requirements of European law and the demand of the public which asked for returning of trust in arbitration just by the means of the acceptance of a new legislation, which should prevent its increasing abuse against customers. Before 1. 4. 2012 the legislation was called unsuitable (or even illegal) for the application in consumer dispute. Because the process of the exclusion of disputes with consumers turned as unfeasible, for its consequence would be enormous and unbearable strain for general court, the lawmakers turned to creating almost special consumer regime for arbitration in issues of consumer contracts. Hereby the "consumer" arbitration was significantly distinguished form general adjustment and considerable number of disadvantages was eliminated. In the conclusion, we can claim that after the April amendment the Czech legal system has comprehensive and consistent adjustment of arbitration, which includes also...
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Reconceptualise investigatory powers again? : an argument for a comprehensive single statute regulating the acquisition of expression-related data for investigative purposes by UK public authoritiesGlover, Philip Bruce January 2015 (has links)
Communications-related investigatory powers are ostensibly regulated within the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) 2000, under the descriptive headings: 'interception of communications'; 'acquisition and disclosure of communications data' and 'investigation of data protected by encryption'. The scope, legality and extent of these hitherto infrequently examined powers experienced increased scrutiny following the controversial 2013 disclosures of fugitive United States National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, scrutiny generally founded on subjective conceptions of 'privacy', 'intrusiveness' or 'security'. This research however, adopts 'communications' as its conceptual common denominator. It comprehensively explores the separate politico-legal evolution of RIPA's communications-related investigatory powers, whilst identifying and critically analysing alternative statutory provisions that permit circumvention of RIPA's purported human rights-centric integrity. The detailed chronology provides conclusive evidence that current UK Secretaries of State and their executive agencies possess virtually unlimited communications-related information acquisition powers bequeathed by their predecessors. Perhaps more importantly, its simultaneous exposure of an executive culture of secrecy and deference to the UK's intelligence community assists in explaining why any fettering of the current powers will be so difficult to achieve. Drawing from Intelligence Studies, Information Science and Computer Science, this research logically deconstructs RIPA's communications-related powers, finding them more accurately describable as narrowly defined techniques facilitating the acquisition of communications-related data. Consequently, RIPA fails to envisage or regulate all types of acquisition, such as that obtained extra-jurisdictionally or via Computer Network Exploitation, thus partially legitimizing the status quo. The research also examines RIPA's seemingly all-encompassing definition of 'communication', finding it under-utilised, in that communications from the mind into electronic storage ('expression-related data') are not included. Consequently, the boundaries between 'communication', 'expression' and 'property,' and between RIPA's powers and those enabling Computer Network Exploitation are currently unnecessarily complicated. It concludes by recommending the enactment of a single statute regulating all investigative expression-related data acquisition.
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Protection and communication for a 230 kV transmission line using a pilot overreaching transfer tripping (POTT) schemeEscalante De Leon, Lazaro Samuel January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering / Noel Schulz / New applications are continuously emerging in the ever-changing field of power systems in the United States and throughout the world, consequently causing new pressures on grid performance. Because power system protection is a fundamental aspect of the system, their operation must be addressed when a system is under high stress or when a high demand of energy is required. An extreme example is the transmission protection of a system because it transports large amounts of power. Transmission lines in a power system are frequently exposed to faults and generally protected by distance relays. If a faulted segment of transmission lines is not cleared in a short period of time, the system becomes unstable. The basic function of distance protection is to detect faults in buses, transmission lines, or substations and isolate them based on voltage and current measurements. Power system protection has previously focused on matching automation and control technologies to system performance needs.
This report focuses on project activities that run simulations to determine settings for a protective relay for pilot overreaching transfer tripping and then test the settings using hardware equipment for various scenarios. The first set of scenarios consists of five faults in the system; two faults are in the protected line, and the remaining faults are outside the protective line. The second set of scenarios consists of instrument transformer failures in which the current transformer (CT) of one relay fails to operate while the other relay is fully operational. The second scenario consists of a failure of the voltage transformer (VT) of one relay while the other relay remains fully operational. Finally, the third and fourth scenarios consist of the failure of both CTs and VTs for each relay.
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Sekerheid in elektroniese data-uitruiling17 November 2014 (has links)
M.Sc. (Computer Science) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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L'émergence du contentieux de l'environnement / The emergence of environmental litigationCharron, Alice 23 June 2014 (has links)
Appréhender le volet contentieux d'une discipline juridique suppose préalablement de déterminer son champ matériel et spatial. Le contentieux de l'environnement est transversal, transfrontalier et par conséquent, suppose le dépassement du cadre national et du cadre environnemental. Ce contentieux va imprégner l'échelon international, communautaire et européen. L'office du juge est prégnant et sa jurisprudence est « orientée » afin de respecter l'objectif de protection de l'environnement. Le contentieux de l'environnement résulte de l'intégration du droit de l'environnement dans les autres branches juridiques. Il implique d'une part, de faire application de certains mécanismes empruntés aux procédures existantes et d'autre part, d'adapter certains outils juridiques afin de répondre de manière optimale à sa finalité. La particularité du contentieux de l'environnement réside dans l'originalité de son droit. Ce dernier conduit et pousse le juge à contrôler certaines « créations » spécifiques à la matière environnementale faisant ainsi de sa jurisprudence une véritable source du droit. Le contentieux de l'environnement s'affranchit peu à peu des procédures classiques afin de mettre en évidence des raisonnements propres à l'enjeu environnemental. Cette émergence tend vers unité du droit de l'environnement et de son action contentieuse à tel point que se décèle une réelle spécificité juridique. / Understanding the litigation aspect of a legal discipline implies to determine beforehand its material and spatial field. Environmental litigation is transversal, cross-border and therefore implies to go beyond both the national and the environmental frame. This litigation will influence the international, national and European level. The judge's office is central and its legal precedents are “oriented” in order to meet the objective of environment protection. Environmental litigation results from the integration of the environment laws in other legal branches. It involves, on the one hand, to apply some mechanisms borrowed from existing procedures and on the other hand, to adapt some legal tools in order to respond optimally to its purpose. The peculiarity of environmental litigation resides in the originality of its legal frame. It encourages and pushes the judge to control some environmental specific “creations” turning his case into a true source of law. The environmental litigation slowly frees itself from classical procedures to highlight environment focused concerns. This emergence tends to unify the environmental law and its contentious action leading to a real legal specificity.
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Protecting girls against child motherhood and the rights of child mothers in ZimbabweMawodza, Obdiah January 2018 (has links)
Doctor Legum - LLD / The issue of child motherhood remains a key challenge, especially in developing countries such as Zimbabwe. Despite bearing the worst of its effects, Zimbabwe looks largely to have fallen short of answers to solve this problem. The focus has been on legal solutions to prevent and ban child marriages, which leaves the plight of child mothers and/or motherhood often forgotten. Interestingly, the 2016 landmark case of Mudzuru and another v Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs which declared child marriages illegal serves as an eye opener to the challenges of how to legally protect child mothers in Zimbabwe. Though dealing with child marriages, the importance of the case is the fact that child marriages are the major contributor of adolescent motherhood in that married girls become predominantly child-bearers.
According to provincial statistics in Zimbabwe, Manicaland and Mashonaland Central provinces have the highest number of child mothers averaging 27 and 30 per cent, respectively. The Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey reported that nine out of 10 teens aged 15 to 19 are sexually active, and two out three first have had sex before the age of 15. Therefore, girls are at risk of becoming child mothers, without necessarily being married. Consequently, the need to protect girls from early motherhood, and give effect to the rights of girls who are already child mothers becomes a pressing issue.
Zimbabwe has made several international commitments to the realisation of children’s rights. It is a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, which contain provisions that protect girls against child motherhood and the rights of child mothers. In 2013, Zimbabwe adopted a new Constitution. It espouses a regime of justiciable children’s rights. It has also promulgated subsidiary laws that are also relevant to children’s rights. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to critically analyse legal and policy measures towards the protection of girls against child motherhood and the rights of child mothers in Zimbabwe.
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La place de la protection sociale complémentaire dans la couverture des risques vieillesse et maladie / The role of complementary social protection in the old age pensions and sickness risks covergaeAragon, Jean-Claude 03 July 2018 (has links)
Alors que la Sécurité Sociale est confrontée à des difficultés financières récurrentes, et le niveau de ses prestations affecté par de nombreuses réformes, la progression des régimes de protection sociale complémentaire n’a jamais été aussi importante. La protection complémentaire se présente aujourd’hui comme un ensemble complexe d’institutions et d’opérateurs qui allient des formes de solidarités collectives et des formes de protection plus individualisées. L’architecture de son extension s’est historiquement structurée autour des notions de « garanties collectives complémentaires des salariés », de niveau minimal de couverture de ces garanties et de l’organisation de leur gestion. Au droit interne est venu s’additionner l’influence du droit communautaire par des interventions normatives en matière de concurrence, de nomenclature des régimes, de solvabilité des opérateurs ou encore d’égalité de traitement et de libre circulation des travailleurs. Notre recherche examine la couverture complémentaire des deux risques de loin les plus lourds financièrement dans cet univers : l’assurance vieillesse et l’assurance maladie. La singularité de l’organisation de leurs différents niveaux de couverture complémentaire composés de régimes obligatoires et facultatifs, est aujourd’hui continuellement interpellée par des questions relatives aux coûts de gestion, aux problèmes d’accès aux droits, de portabilité et de lisibilité pour les assurés et les entreprises, ainsi que par le nombre d’acteurs impliqués dans son fonctionnement.Des réformes paramétriques successives ont permis d’adapter le système aux évolutions socio-économiques avec un résultat acceptable et le maintien d’une solidarité qui pourraient inciter à continuer dans cette voie. Toutefois,la complexité, la faible lisibilité et la délicate soutenabilité financière du système, plaident pour une réforme organisationnelle de son l’architecture. Sommes-nous enclins à réformer par touches successives un système complexe au prix d’un coût politique toujours plus important ? Devons-nous évoluer d’une logique de réformes « paramétriques » successives vers une réforme « systémique » de son organisation, celle-ci apporterait-elle une réponse au besoin de financement ? Le traitement de ces questions récurrentes est inscrit à l’agenda social du nouveau Gouvernement, mais reste pour l’instant reporté à 2019. / Whereas the Social Security is facing recurring financial difficulties and the quality of its benefits is affected by several reforms, the spread of supplementary social protection schemes is reaching new levels. The latter constitute a complex set of institutions and operators, combining collective and individualized forms of solidarity. The framework of this evolution has historically been structured around notions of « employees’ supplementary collective guaranties », their minimal level and management. To domestic law has been added EU law’s influence through regulatory intervention in matters relating to competition, classification schemes, solvency of operators, equal treatment or free movement of workers. This research focuses on supplementary protection for the two risks that are by far the heaviest financially speaking : old-age pensions and health insurance. The singular organization of their different levels of complementary protection, composed of mandatory and optional schemes, is continually being called on by several issues. These include administration costs, access to entitlements, portability and readability for both insured and companies, as well as the high number of actors involved in the functioning of the system. Successive parametric reforms have enabled the adaption of the system to its moving environment with acceptable results and compatibility with the principle of solidarity, encouraging to pursue on this path. The complexity, weak readability and financial sustainability oft he system however tip the scale in favor of an re-organization of its structure. Should successive and some what isolated reforms of a complex system be pursued at the expense of ever-higher political costs ? Conversely, should we substitute « systemic » reforms to a logic of successive « parametric » ones ? Would it respond to growing financing needs ? Answers to these questions will shorty be provided by the government, expected to address the issue in 2019.
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