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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Švenčionių apskrities bajorų padėtis XIX a. pirmojoje pusėje / “Status of the nobles in Švenčioniai district in the first half of the XIX century"

Volk, Albert 16 August 2007 (has links)
Ketverių metų“ seimo metu buvo nutarta dėl administracinio Vilniaus vaivadijos padalijimo. Tačiau galutinai apskritis buvo suformuota 1792 m. Ašmenos apskritis buvo padalinta išilgai Neries upės. Jos pietinė dalis liko Ašmenos apskričiai, o iš jos šiaurinės dalies buvo sudaryta nauja Užnerio apskritis su centru Pastovyje. Naujoji apskritis priklausė Vilniaus gubernijai. Sekantis administraciniai pasikeitimai vyko 1839 m. ir tęsesi iki 1843 m. Apskritis buvo padidinta ir pakeitė savo pavadinimą į Švenčionių apskritį. Apskritis buvo sudaryta iš vieno dekanato kuris 1829 m. skilo į Švenčionių ir Svyrių. Užnerio apskrities bajorai po trečiojo valstybės padalijimo pradėjo įrodinėti savo kilmė, be abėjo toks pat procesas vyko ir kitose gubernijos apskritise. Dauguma turtingų bajorų, pasirupino kilmės įrodymais iki 1830-31 m. O smulkieji bajorai, dėl liešų trukumo ir tinkamų dokumetų stokos nebegalėjo to padaryti. Del to didesnė jų dalis po sukilimo buvo eliminuota iš luomo. Bajoriškos valdos skyrėsi savo dydžių, atnešamų pelnų ir valstiečių dydži��. Apskrityje vyravo vidutinių bajorų valdos, kurios siekė iki 1000 dešimtinių. Nagrinėjant bažnytinės metrikas, sužinome, apie bajorų užrašymo būdus, kaip kunigai, juos įrašydavo i metrikas. Per 23 metus apskrityje gimė 5271 bajorų vaikas, tarp jų 55,2 procento berniukų ir 44, 8 mergaičių. Nagrinėjant nesantuokinius vaikus, paaiškėjo, jog jie dažnaiusiai gimdavo smulkiųjų bajorų šeimose. Daugiausia bajorų gimdavo kaimuose o mažiausiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / During the four-year Parliament governance, it was decided for administrational division of Vilnius region. However, finally, this region was formed in 1792. Ašmena region was divided along Neris River. Its south part was left for Ašmena region and a new Užneris region of its north part with center in Pastovis was established. This new region belonged to Vilnius government. The later administrational changes were performed in 1839 and they continued up to 1843. This region was expanded and its name was changed into Švenčionys region. The region contained one deanery, which splitted into Švencionys and Svyriai in 1829. The nobles of Užneris region after the third division of the country started proving their origin. The same phenomenon happened in the others regions of the government. The majority of the rich nobles had taken care of the origin evidences before 1830-31. Small nobles could not do that due to lack of resources and documents. Because of the absence of the documents they were eliminated of the noble estate after the revolt. The nobles’ possessions were different in size, benefits and number of rustics. In this region, the biggest part of the average nobles prevailed that reached up to 1000 tithes. While anlysing church metrics, we get to know the information about the way the nobles were inscribed into metrics. It was born 5271 children of nobles over 23 years in the region; 55,2 percent of boys and 44,8 percent of girls. Irregular children were born mostly in... [to full text]

Rakovnický děkanát v pozdním středověku / The deanery of Rakovník in the late Middle Ages

Mandzák, Ondrej January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis presents a view of church administration in deanery of Rakovnicko principally in period of 2nd half of 14th century and beggining of 15th century, via analysis of sources, especially registers of central church administration. Focuses primarily on parish network, constitution of priests to parish office, patrons of parishes, benlongings of churches. Compares results with facts discovered during research of another, analogous compiled deaneries.

Vývoj farní sítě v kontextu dějin osídlení / The development of parish network in the context of the history settlement

Gája, Robert January 2016 (has links)
Dissertation deals with the example of several areas of model development and reconstruction parochial parish boundaries in the Middle Ages. The research is based on medieval sources and retrospective projection of early modern sources. From the area archdeaconry Kouřimský selected two model areas on the territory of colonization was largely up during the Middle Ages colonization in the 13th century. This is an area of medieval deanery Havlíčkobrodský and territories Černokostelecko. For these areas were used except few medieval sources, particularly sources of the 17th and 18th centuries. As the last model was selected area Prague's Old Town, where you can watch unlike the previous two model areas dense network of church and its development since the early Middle Ages. The main reason for choosing Old Town is unusually rich source base, which may be used for the reconstruction of the parish network use to bridge basic source hiatus, with which science is usually encountered in the pre-season in attempts to reconstruct the parish boundaries in an area in the surface scale. An important contribution represents a completely new methodological approach to the reconstruction of parish boundaries combining parish registers and parish jurisdiction of individual individual houses. The result is...

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe's input in religious education: a case study of the ELCZ's input in religious education in the Western Deanery in Matabeleland Southern Province in Zimbabwe since the 1960s

Mathe, Samson Madonko 25 August 2009 (has links)
The objective of the dissertation is to prove that ELCZ contributed religious education in the Western Deanery. It is also to assess the interaction between Christianity and African Traditional Religion, since they are the major religions in the Western Deanery they should be taught at schools. Prior to independence religion meant Christianity. Missionaries and a few chosen local teachers taught it. The aim was to Christianize as many students as possible. the abduction of students at Manama Mission in 1970 disurbed the teaching of religious and secular education. A new Manama was set up in Bulawayo but was not a success in reviving the teaching of religious education. There were numerous problems which hindered progress. After independence religious education was based on the child's personal experience not only Christianity. It accommodated all religions. Dissident disturbance interfered with the teaching of religious and secular education. Religious education gained momentum after signing of the Unity Accord in 1987. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Religious Studies)

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe's input in religious education: a case study of the ELCZ's input in religious education in the Western Deanery in Matabeleland Southern Province in Zimbabwe since the 1960s

Mathe, Samson Madonko 25 August 2009 (has links)
The objective of the dissertation is to prove that ELCZ contributed religious education in the Western Deanery. It is also to assess the interaction between Christianity and African Traditional Religion, since they are the major religions in the Western Deanery they should be taught at schools. Prior to independence religion meant Christianity. Missionaries and a few chosen local teachers taught it. The aim was to Christianize as many students as possible. the abduction of students at Manama Mission in 1970 disurbed the teaching of religious and secular education. A new Manama was set up in Bulawayo but was not a success in reviving the teaching of religious education. There were numerous problems which hindered progress. After independence religious education was based on the child's personal experience not only Christianity. It accommodated all religions. Dissident disturbance interfered with the teaching of religious and secular education. Religious education gained momentum after signing of the Unity Accord in 1987. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Religious Studies)

Farní kroniky jako pramen církevních a sociálních dějin na příkladu pamětních knih farností v děkanství velkomeziříčském / Parish chronicles as a source of religious and social history using the example of commemorative books of parishes in the Velke Mezirici deanery.

Mrňa, Jaroslav January 2016 (has links)
PhDr. Jaroslav Mrňa Církevní a obecné dějiny 19. a 20. století Název disertační práce v anglickém jazyce: Parish chronicles as a source of religious and social history using the example of commemorative books of parishes in the deanery of Velke Mezirici. Anotace v anglickém jazyce: The parish chronicles in themself conceal an indelible link of parish administrators and they are often the only surviving trace of their thoughts and actions. Individual records in themself preserve not only the mentality of their writers, but also the valuable data from the life story of parishes. The dissertation thesis Parish chronicles as a source of religious and social history using the example of commemorative books of parishes in the deanery of Velke Mezirici brings the first complete view of the issue of the existence of parish chronicles and their use of the modern historical work in the field of religious and social history. It tries to highlight the important role of ego-documents to reconstruct the history of the life in the parish. In addition to the evaluation of the positive effects of the chronicle as a work of art, commemorative or official books, the thesis includes closer look at different types of documents and the structure of their scripts. For the analysis and the comparison there was made a...

Farní kroniky jako pramen církevních a sociálních dějin na příkladu pamětních knih farností v děkanství velkomeziříčském / Parish chronicles as a source of religious and social history using the example of commemorative books of parishes in the Velke Mezirici deanery.

Mrňa, Jaroslav January 2017 (has links)
PhDr. Jaroslav Mrňa Církevní a obecné dějiny 19. a 20. století Název disertační práce v anglickém jazyce: Parish chronicles as a source of religious and social history using the example of commemorative books of parishes in the deanery of Velke Mezirici. Abstrakt v anglickém jazyce: The parish chronicles in themself conceal next to unique link of the thoughts and activities of parish administrators, the administrative office of the authority given to them, also conceal valuable data from the life story of the parish itself. The dissertation thesis Parish chronicles as a source of religious and social history using the example of commemorative books of parishes in the deanery of Velke Mezirici deals with the problems of the existence of parish chronicles and their use of the modern historical work in the field of religious and social history. For the presentation of the testifying value of the source, of commemorative books of parishes in the deanery of Velke Mezirici were selected. After introductory criticism of sources and literature is followed a chapter dedicated to the view of the Christian perception of the history, the development of chronicles in the individual historical periods and the evaluation of the parish chronicle as a commemorative or office book, an artwork. It is followed by a section...

Úřad vikáře na přelomu století (1790-1821) / Office of the vicar at the turn of the century (17901821)

BEČVÁŘ, Stanislav January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a statistical study of two books of protocols in the office of the vicar episcopal in Pelhřimov. They both cover the period from 1750 to 1831. It is focused on the time when Vincenc Josef Rubricius from Nová Cerekev was in the office of the vicar episcopal. In 1790 he became a vicar episcopal and stayed in his office for three decades until the time of his death in 1821. Thanks to his diligence and precision in maintaining the official agenda and the long-term work in the office of the vicar episopal, it was possible to perceive the studied time period as a coherent unit. Such a notation in the book of protocols was an evidence about the official acts. The statistical data about the number of the notations are described in the diploma thesis in 32 chapters, each of them for a particular year. It studies the number in the particular months, weeks as well as days. Due to this, it monitors the number of the official acts, e. g. with the consistory in České Budějovice, the other parish offices belonging to the vicariate, the Regional Authority in Tábor or the deanery in Pelhřimov. Even the visitations in particular parish offices were noted down into the books of protocols. Owing to these notations, it was possible to describe into details how the visitations were carried out during a particular year.

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