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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A midbrain mechanism for computing escape decisions in the mouse

Evans, Dominic Andrew January 2018 (has links)
Animals face frequent threats from predators and must generate appropriate behavioural responses to ensure their survival. To achieve this, they process sensory cues to correctly identify the presence and imminence of a predatory threat, and transform this information into defensive actions. However, despite much research in identifying the circuits that may be responsible for such transformations, little is known about how this occurs mechanistically. We focus on how escape behaviour in the mouse is generated from visual predatory threats, and use a combination of behavioural, neurophysiological and anatomical methods to identify the relevant neurons and understand how they perform this computation. In this work, we developed an innate decision making paradigm in which a mouse detects and assesses sensory stimuli of varying threat evidence during exploration, choosing whether to escape to a shelter, or not. The performance data in this task were best formalised with a drift-diffusion model of decision making, providing a framework to understand innate behavioural tasks in terms of evidence accumulation and boundaries. Next, we performed calcium imaging in freely-moving mice to probe for neural correlates of decision elements and flight behaviour in brain areas that we show to be necessary for the flight responses: we found that VGluT2 neurons in the deeper medial superior colliculus (dmSC) increase their activity during a repeated threatening stimulus, while VGluT2 neurons of the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray (dPAG) are silent until just before the initiation of escape, and are maximally active during escape. These results suggest that the dmSC accumulates evidence of threat which dPAG neurons threshold. This interpretation is supported by optogenetic activation of mSC-VGluT2 neurons in vivo, which recapitulates the statistics of escape probability evoked with a visual stimulus, while activation of VGluT2 neurons in the dPAG evokes an all-or-nothing escape response. Finally, using channelrhodopsin-2-assisted circuit mapping and monosynaptic viral tracing, we reveal that over half of dPAG-VGluT2 neurons receive monosynaptic connections from mSC-VGluT2 neurons with a low probability of release, allowing this synapse to act as a high-pass filter and providing a mechanism for the computation of an escape decision. These findings advance our understanding of how defensive behaviours are generated at circuit and single-cell level, and of how neurons process information in a circuit critical for implementing basic behaviours.

Análise histórica da evolução dos sistemas defensivos no basquetebol brasileiro masculino adulto / Historical Evolution Analyses of Defensive Sistems in Mens Brazilian Basketball

Andrade, Diego Leonardo de 07 March 2019 (has links)
Existe um processo de evolução do esporte, uma busca pelo dinamismo que influenciou o jogo técnica e taticamente, acompanhando a estruturação da modalidade manuais de Basquete foram criados como um dos primeiros utilizados no Brasil pela Escola de Educação Fisica do Exército em 1971 até os dias atuais. Nessa perspectiva, o presente trabalho, através de um levantamento histórico da evolução do esporte, tem como objetivo identificar a evolução e o comportamento da defesa no Basquetebol Brasileiro Masculino Adulto, identificando quais são as ações defensivas coletivas dentro de um jogo formal de Basquetebol brasileiro masculino adulto; os fatores que levaram os sistemas defensivos a sofrerem alterações; como a defesa no Basquetebol se articula na forma como o esporte e jogado nos dias atuais. Criado pelo James Naismith com 5 normas para a prática do jogo, para os dias atuais com 8 regras divididas em 50 artigos, o basquetebol passou por um processo de evolução e diversas alterações na dinâmica do jogo aconteceram, por conta desse processo de evolução e alteração das regras, desde os primeiros relatos do sistema defensivo individual até os dias de hoje, que levou a uma classificação dos sistemas defensivos. Para organização pedagógica do trabalho, escolheu-se seguir a classificação dos sistemas defensivos apresentada por Paes, Montagner e Ferreira (2009) e para o cumprimento da análise proposta, foram entrevistados 14 profissionais, dentre eles, técnicos, ex-atletas, árbitros e especialistas. O estudo utilizou uma abordagem qualitativa de natureza aplicada no qual foram realizadas entrevistas individuais de profundidade, baseadas em um tópico guia seguindo a proposta metodologia da entrevista narrativa e para a análise dos dados, a Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin (2016). Ao todo, foram criadas 103 unidades de registro através da análise proposta, divididas nas fases do tópico guia da entrevista. O jogo conceito, atleticismo e a pressão foram grupos focais de análise com maior incidência na categoria de características do jogo, além dos três grupos aparecerem em mais de uma categoria e terem outros grupos que de alguma forma, podem ser relacionados a eles, o jogo conceito e as nomenclaturas ganham destaque, sendo talvez a próxima fase do jogo, a próxima evolução, de um esporte cada vez mais atlético e com o espaço reduzido devido ao atleticismo e as valências físicas dos atletas, sendo o atleticismo um fator determinante para alterações no basquetebol como esporte e em seus sistemas de jogo. Seguindo os objetivos do trabalho, foi apresentada a interpretação para evolução dos sistemas defensivos, dentro dessa evolução, foi apresentada uma classificação com quatro grandes grupos de sistemas defensivos. Concluiu-se que o basquetebol evoluiu devido o atleticismo dos jogadores, que levou ao maior contato físico, os sistemas se articulam através do jogo conceito, assim sendo, se faz necessária a atualização dos conteúdos dos grupos, porém, a classificação tradicional dos sistemas defensivos é considerada válida pelos entrevistados / Since its creation in 1891 basketball has been evolving, internationalized and institutionalized, to the modality as it is practiced today. There is a process of evolution of the sport, a search for dynamism that influenced the game technically and tactically, accompanying the structuring of the game manuals of that was created similar to the one first used in Brazil by the Armys Physical Education School in 1971 until present day. In this perspective, the present work, through a historical survey of the basketball evolution, aims to identify the evolution and defensive behavior in the male Brazilian basketball, identifying which are the collective defensive actions within a basketball game; the factors that led the defensive systems to change; as the basketball defense is articulated the way the game is played in the present day. This research was conducted through interviews with former athletes, coaches, referees and experts of the sports. Created by James Naismith with 5 rules to play the game, for the present days with 8 rules divided in 50 articles, basketball has undergone a process of evolution and several changes in game dynamics appeared, due to this process and the changes of the rules, from the first reports of the individual defensive system to the present days, wihich led to a classification of defensive systems. For the pedagogical organization of this research, it was chosen to follow the defense methods presented by Paes, Montagner and Ferreira (2009) and for the fulfillment of the proposed analysis, 14 professionals were interviewed, among them, former athletes, coaches, referees and basketball specialists. The Study used a qualitative approach of applied nature, using the individual interview of depth, based on a topic guide following the proposed methodology of the narrative interview and for analysis of the data, Bardins Contend Analyses (2016). Altogether, 103 recording units were created through the proposed analysis, divided into phases of the interview guide topic. The game concept, athleticism and pressure were focus groups of analysis with more incidence in the game characteristics category, besides these three groups appear in more categories and have other groups that of some form, can be related to them, the game concept and the terminologies are highlihjted, being perhaps the next phase of the game evolution, in an increasingly athletic and with lesser space on the court due to the athleticism and physical values of the athletes, being the athleticism a determinant factor for changes in the basketball. Following the objectives of the work, we presented the interpretation of the defensive systems evolution, a classification with four large groups of defensive systems. It was concluded that basketball evolved due to athleticism of the players, which led to greater physical contact, systems are articulated through the concept game, thus, it is necessary to update the contents of the groups, however, the classification of defensive systems still is valid

Les défenses de la Grèce du Nord : architecture, géographie, histoire et phénomènes régionaux aux périodes archaïque, classique et hellénistique

Ouellet, Keven 09 1900 (has links)
Du VIIIe au VIe siècles av. n.è., les Grecs ont colonisé la côte nord de la mer Égée, de la rive orientale du golfe Thermaïque jusqu’à l’embouchure du fleuve Évros. Situées souvent en territoire hostile, dans une région aux richesses multiples qui suscitaient les convoitises, ces cités naissantes se sont rapidement dotées de systèmes défensifs pour assurer leur sécurité. À travers les périodes, plusieurs puissances se sont intéressées aux territoires du nord de l’Égée marquant elles aussi le paysage défensif de la région en fortifiant leurs établissements. Ce projet de recherche concerne l’étude systématique de ces systèmes de défense. Si quelques chercheurs, essentiellement Yves Grandjean, Dimitrios Lazaridis et Alexander Cambitoglou, se sont intéressés aux fortifications de certains établissements précis (Thasos, Amphipolis et Torone), aucune synthèse portant sur l’ensemble du territoire, pourtant très riche en architecture militaire, n’a été entreprise, d’où l’intérêt d’un tel projet. Plus précisément, nous poursuivons les objectifs suivants : 1) étudier la géographie et la démographie de la région afin de mieux comprendre la distribution du territoire ainsi que la manière dont il était défendu ; 2) situer les ouvrages défensifs dans le contexte de l’histoire politico-militaire de la région. Mise à part l’œuvre monumentale de N.G.L. Hammond (mais qui concerne principalement la Macédoine), celle de Benjamin Isaac (dont la portée chronologique est relativement restreinte) ou celle de Angelos Zannis (qui se concentre uniquement sur le pays entre le Strymon et le Nestos) il n’existe pas réellement d’analyse de l’histoire militaire du nord de la Grèce. Il s’agira ici d’analyser les effets des mouvements politiques et militaires (présence perse, avancée macédonienne, ingérence athénienne, expansion thasienne, conflits thraces, etc.) sur le développement des systèmes de défense. 3) Il s’agira également de localiser, répertorier, décrire, dater et illustrer (photographiquement et topographiquement) la totalité des ouvrages défensifs du nord de la Grèce. 4) Finalement, nous tenterons d’analyser les méthodes de défense, les techniques de construction, les particularités stylistiques et les formes des différentes structures défensives. L’objectif visé ici est de mieux apprécier l’héritage culturel et les influences régionales dans la mise en place et la construction des systèmes de défense. L’analyse des techniques et des styles permettra de mieux comprendre les liens entre colonies et cités-mères, d’aborder la question de la mobilité artisanale et des effets de la migration sur l’architecture militaire. / From the 8th century BC onwards, Greek colonists established many colonies between the Thermaic Gulf and the Evros river. Often located on hostile territory where the land is a very important source of wealth, these new cities have ensured their safety and stability by quickly establishing defense systems around their settlements. Throughout the periods, several powers have also taken interest in the northern Aegean territories and marked the military landscape of the region by fortifying their own urban centers. This research project concerns the systematic study of these fortifications. If some researchers, mainly Yves Grandjean, Dimitrios Lazaridis and Alexander Cambitoglou, have shown interest in the fortifications of specific cities (Thasos, Amphipolis and Torone), no synthesis covering our region, yet very rich in military architecture, has been undertaken, hence the interest of this project. More specifically, we pursue the following objectives: 1) to study the geography and demography of the region in order to better understand the distribution of the territory and the way it was defended by the settlers; 2) to contextualize the defensive structures within the politico-military history of the region. Apart from the monumental work of N.G.L. Hammond (but focusing mainly on Macedonia), the one of Benjamin Isaac (whose chronological scope is relatively limited) or that of Angelos Zannis (which focuses only in the country between Strymon and Nestos) there is no real analysis of the military history of northern Greece. Therefore, our objective is to analyze the effects of political and military movements (Persian presence, Macedonian advance, Athenian interference, Thasian expansion, Thracian conflicts, etc.) on the development of the military architecture. 3) The aim is also to catalog, locate, describe, date and illustrate (photographically and topographically) all the defensive works of northern Greece. 4) Finally, we will analyze and argue on the different defense methods, the construction techniques and the stylistic features and forms of the fortifications. The objective here is to have a better appreciation of the cultural heritage and the regional influences in the establishment and construction of defense systems. The analysis of techniques and styles will provide a better understanding of the links between new settlements and mother-cities, it will also allow to address the question of artisanal mobility and the effects of migration on military architecture.

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