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Análise experiemental da estabilidade direcional de veículos agrícolas de rodas em terrenos declivosos / Experimental analysis of the directional stability of wheeled agricultural vehicles on sloping terrainsSantos Neto, Carlos Rodrigues dos 21 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Oscar A. Braunbeck, Paulo Sérgio G. Magalhães / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T09:11:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
SantosNeto_CarlosRodriguesdos_D.pdf: 9737086 bytes, checksum: 98cdfa2418494f6470bfeaf9648b17f5 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: A deficiência direcional de equipamentos agrícolas autopropelidos restringe o seu uso em terrenos onde a declividade é superior a 12%, inibindo um processo de mecanização agrícola adequado.Partindo-se de um veículo equipado com um sistema de direção e propulsão atuando nas quatro rodas foi desenvolvido um estudo sobre o comportamento do ângulo de esterçamento nas rodas dianteiras e traseiras necessário para manter o veículo em sua trajetória desejada. Para tanto, as forças que agem no movimento do veículo foram determinadas, principalmente as forças laterais geradas no contato do pneu com o solo. Estas forças foram medidas com o auxílio de uma roda dinamométrica em diversas condições de carregamento, superfície, ângulo de esterçamento e pressão de inflação do pneu.Os resultados obtidos revelam que o aumento do ângulo de esterçamento da roda direcional aumenta a força transversal que atua sobre o pneu e que o tipo de piso de tráfego e de cobertura tem grande influência na deformação transversal do pneumático, pisos mais firmes permitem aumento mais linear da força transversal, a variação de pressão e de carga vertical também causa alteração neste comportamento principalmente quando se trata de pisos macios com e sem cobertura. A ação de uma força longitudinal no rodado oriunda do torque aumenta a rigidez ocasionando uma diminuição na deformação da linha equatorial do pneu, minimizando a deriva. Com o intuito de contribuir com o aprimoramento do desempenho direcional de veículos agrícolas foi desenvolvido um modelo para predizer a força transversal desenvolvida na interfase pneu-solo em função do ângulo de esterçamento, o tipo de piso, a pressão de inflação e a carga vertical aplicada ao pneu / Abstract: Directional disability of self-propelled vehicles restricts their use in agricultural land where the slope exceeds 12%, inhibiting a process of appropriate agricultural mechanization. A study was conducted on the steering ability of a vehicle having four wheel drive and four wheel steering. For that purpose the forces acting on the vehicle were determined, especially the lateral forces generated by the tire in contact with the ground. These forces were measured with the aid of a gage wheel under varying conditions of loading, surface type, steering angle and internal pressure. The results show that the increase of the steering angle of the wheel increases the lateral force acting on the tire. The type of traffic ground and its coverage have great influence on the lateral deformation of the tire; firmer soils allowed more linear increase of the transversal force under the increase of the steering angle. The variation of the tire pressure and vertical load applied to it also causes changes in steering behavior especially when it comes to soft soils with and without coverage. The action of a longitudinal force coming from the torque applied to the wheel increases the stiffness of the tire causing a decrease in the deformation of the equatorial line of the tire, minimizing the drift. In order to contribute for the improvement of the steering performance of agricultural vehicles a model was developed to predict the lateral force developed at the tire-soil interphase depending on the steering angle, the floor type, inflation pressure and vertical load applied to the tyre / Doutorado / Maquinas Agricolas / Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola
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Microcrystalline silicon based thin film transistors fabricated on flexible substrate / Transistors en couches minces à base de silicium microcristallin fabriqués sur substrat flexibleDong, Hanpeng 25 September 2015 (has links)
Le travail de cette thèse porte sur le développement de transistors en couche mince (Thin Film Transistors, TFTs) à base de silicium microcristallin fabriqués sur un substrat flexible à très basse température (T< 180 °C). La première partie de ce travail a consisté à étudier la stabilité électrique de ces TFTs. L'étude de la stabilité électrique des TFTs de type N fabriqués sur verre a montré que ces TFTs sont assez stables, la tension de seuil VTH ne se décale que de 1.2 V au bout de 4 heures de stress sous une tension de grille VGSstress= +50V et à une température T=50 °C. L'instabilité électrique de ces TFTs est principalement causée par le piégeage des porteurs dans l'isolant de grille. La deuxième étape de ce travail s'est concentrée sur l'étude du comportement de ces TFTs sous déformation mécanique. Ces TFTs sont soumis à un stress mécanique en tension et en compression. Le rayon de courbure minimum que les TFTs pouvaient supporter est r=1.5 mm en tension et en compression. La limitation de la déformation mécanique de ces TFTs est principalement due à la contrainte mécanique du nitrure de silicium utilisé comme isolant de grille des TFTs. Autrement dit, ces TFTs sont mécaniquement fiables et présentes une faible variation du courant ION, de l'ordre de 1%, même après 200 cycles de déformation mécanique. Ces résultats obtenus laissent entrevoir la possibilité de concevoir une électronique flexible pouvant être pliée en 2. Enfin, les TFTs sont fabriqués avec différents isolants de grille afin d'augmenter la mobilité d'effet de champ. Malheureusement, aucun isolant de grille utilisé dans ces études n'a permis d'augmenter la mobilité d'effet de champ sans dégrader la stabilité électrique des TFTs. Des études plus détaillées et des optimisations complémentaires sur ces isolants de grille sont nécessaires. / This work deals with the development of microcrystalline silicon thin film transistors (TFTs) fabricated on flexible substrate at low temperature (T=180 °C). The first step of this work consists in studying the electrical stability of TFTs. The N-type TFTs fabricated on glass substrate are electrically stable under gate bias stress VGStress= +50V at T=50 °C. The threshold voltage shift (ΔVTH) was only 1.2 V during 4 hours. This electrical instability of TFTs is mainly due to carrier trapping inside the silicon nitride gate insulator. The second step of this work lies in the study of the mechanical behavior of the TFTs. Both tensile and compressive strains were applied on TFTs. The minimum curvature radius is r=1.5 mm for both tension and compression. The main limitation of TFTs comes from the mechanical strain εlimit of silicon nitride used as gate insulator of TFTs. Also, these TFTs are mechanically reliable: the variation of ION current was only 1% after 200 cycles mechanical bending. These results obtained open the way to the development of flexible electronics that can be folded in half.Finally, TFTs have been fabricated using different gate insulators in order to improve the mobility. Unfortunately, all the gate insulators used couldn’t improve mobility without sacrificing electrical stability of TFT. More detailed studies and complementary optimization of these gate insulators are necessary.
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Evaluating the Use of Ductile Envelope Connectors for Improved Blast Protection of BuildingsLavarnway, Daniel L. 19 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Towards An Advanced 14-Node Brick Element For Sheet Metal FormingChandan, Swet 07 1900 (has links)
Sheet metal forming is used in a wide range of industrial processes ranging from tube manufacturing to automobile and aviation industry. It includes processes like stamping, bending, stretching, drawing and wheeling. In the past few years materials for sheet metal forming and, technology have improved a lot. The improved materials have higher strength and more ductility than conventional sheet steel and therefore they have to be worked differently. For such steels conventional methods can not be applied totally. So there is a need for constant improvement in technology. Trial and error method currently in use increases lead time and is not economic also. To overcome the problems, use of simulation software in metal forming processes has increased significantly. The rapid development of software technology accompanied with lower cost computer hardware have enabled many manufacturing operations to be modeled cost-effectively that only a few years ago would have been considered impractical.
However there are some difficulties in simulation of sheet metal forming process. For example it is never an easy task to select the correct software for a particular process. Various authors ascribe different causes for the difficulties. Among them the prominent ones are lacunae in elasto-plastic modeling, material behaviour, involved complexities and a lack of good elements. Apart from that the demands of sheet metal processes are increasing both with respect to the tolerance requirements of the finished part and with regard to geometric complexity of the part to be formed.
A few years ago finite elements have been developed using Papcovitch-Neuber solutions of the Navier equation for the displacement function. Among these elements PN5X1 has the abilities to predict both displacements and stresses accurately. And recently the element is extended to include material nonlinearity and is working well for the small deformation range. To use this element for sheet metal forming it is necessary that the element should predict correct results for large deformations. In the present work we have further extended this element for large displacements and large rotation. In the literature there are various algorithms recommended for use with large deformation. Among them we have selected a suitable algorithm and verified its usefulness. First we have taken a simple truss and applied loads to cause large deflection. We observe adequate convergence with the chosen algorithm and then we extend it to PN5X1. in large deformation analysis, equilibrium is computed about the deformed shape. In the chosen algorithm we apply incremental loading and within each load step loop we iterate for equilibrium. We ensure error free solution (equilibrium) before additional loading is introduced. With the help of flowchart these processes have been depicted.
A computer program in C, based on the above incremental method and equilibrium check has been written. For the purpose of verification of the program, we have solved some benchmark tests. We start with linear cases and then attempt a number of geometric nonlinear problems like- cantilever subjected to end shear, pinched cylinder with open end etc. We have also included the classical benchmark problem of the cantilever subjected to end moment. The present algorithm gives solutions which are in excellent agreement with those reported in the literature.
Finally, we look at some aspects of the problem which require further investigation.
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Novel theoretical and experimental frameworks for multiscale quantification of arterial mechanicsWang, Ruoya 14 January 2013 (has links)
The mechanical behavior of the arterial wall is determined by the composition and structure of its internal constituents as well as the applied traction-forces, such as pressure and axial stretch. The purpose of this work is to develop new theoretical frameworks and experimental methodologies to further the understanding of arterial mechanics and role of the various intrinsic and extrinsic mechanically motivating factors. Specifically, residual deformation, matrix organization, and perivascular support are investigated in the context of their effects on the overall and local mechanical behavior of the artery. We propose new kinematic frameworks to determine the displacement field due to residual deformations previously unknown, which include longitudinal and shearing residual deformations. This allows for improved predictions of the local, intramural stresses of the artery. We found distinct microstructural differences between the femoral and carotid arteries from non-human primates. These arteries are functionally and mechanically different, but are geometrically and compositionally similar, thereby suggesting differences in their microstructural alignments, particularly of their collagen fibers. Finally, we quantified the mechanical constraint of perivascular support on the coronary artery by mechanically testing the artery in-situ before and after surgical exposure.
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Flow Over A Circular Cylinder With A Flexible Splitter PlateShukla, Sanjay Kumar 05 1900 (has links)
Previous work on rigid splitter plates in the wake of a bluff body has shown that the primary vortex shedding can be suppressed for sufficiently long splitter plates. In the present work, we study the problem of a flexible splitter plate in the wake of a circular cylinder. In this case, the splitter plate can deform due to the fluid forces acting on it, and hence the communication between the two sides of the wake is not totally disrupted like in the rigid splitter plate case. In particular, we study two kinds of flexible splitter plates. In the first case, the splitter plate is rigid but is flexibly mounted (hinged) to the cylinder, while in the second case, the entire splitter plate is flexible. We are interested in both the dynamics of the splitter plate, if they do vibrate at all, and in the wake dynamics downstream of the flexible splitter plates. The main parameters in the problem are the splitter plate length (L) to cylinder diameter (D) ratio, the relative mass of the plate, the Reynolds number, and the stiffness and internal damping associated with the flexible plate. In our study, we investigate this problem in the limit where the stiffness and internal damping of the plate are negligible and hence are not parameters of interest.
For the hinged-rigid splitter plate case, experiments show that the splitter plate oscillations increase with Reynolds numbers at low values of Re, and are found to reach a saturation amplitude level at higher Re. This type of saturation amplitude level that appears to continue indefinitely with Re, appears to be related to the fact that there is no structural restoring force in this case, and has been seen previously for elastically-mounted cylinders with no restoring force. In the present case, the saturation tip amplitude level can be up to 0.45D,where D is the cylinder diameter. For this hinged-rigid splitter plate case, it is found that the splitter plate length to cylinder diameter (L/D) ratio is crucial in determining the character and magnitude of the oscillations. For small splitter plate lengths (L/D ≤ 3.0), the oscillations appear to be nearly periodic with tip amplitudes of about 0.45D nearly independent of L/D. The non-dimensional oscillation frequencies (fD/U ) on the other hand are found to continuously vary with L/D from fD/U ≈ 0.2at L/D =1 to fD/U ≈ 0.1 at L/D = 3. As the splitter plate length is further increased beyond L/D ≥ 4.0, the character of the splitter plate oscillations suddenly changes. The oscillations become aperiodic with much smaller amplitudes. In this long splitter plate regime, the spectra of the oscillations become broadband, and are reminiscent of the change in character of the wake oscillations seen in the earlier fixed-rigid splitter plate case for L/D ≥ 5.0. It appears that the vortex shedding is nearly inhibited for L/D ≥ 4.0 in the present case. This is also supported by measurements of the wake vorticity field from Particle-Image Velocimetry (PIV). The phase-averaged PIV vorticity fields show that the strength of the shed vortices decreases rapidly as the splitter plate length increases. For longer splitter plates, L/D ≥ 4.0, the plate oscillations are no longer periodic, and hence it appears that the wake vortices are not synchronized with the splitter plate motions.
For the entirely-flexible splitter plate case, the splitter plate deformations appear to be in the form of a travelling wave. In this case, the tip amplitudes are significantly larger of the order of 1.1D, and the non-dimensional oscillation frequency (fD/U )is close to 0.2, approximately the same as the Strouhal number for the bare cylinder. In sharp contrast to the hinged-rigid splitter plate case, the non-dimensional amplitude and frequency appear to be nearly independent of the normalized splitter plate length (L/D)even up to L/D =7.0. PIV measurements of the wake vorticity field indicates that there appears to be a nearly continuous sheet of vorticity on both sides of the flexible splitter plate, and the vortex sheet sheds and forms distinct vortices only at the trailing edge of the plate. The strength of these shed vortices appears to be close to that of the bare cylinder at similar Re. The results appear to suggest that in this entirely-flexible case, the vortices form at the same frequency and are of the same strength as in the bare cylinder case, but their formation is just pushed further downstream. This would suggest that in this case, the base suction and drag could be lower than the bare cylinder. Further, the formation of vortices further downstream of the body could imply that this type of flexible splitter plate could be useful to suppress vortex-induced vibrations (VIV).
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