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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dinâmica de ondas de areia na Baía de São Marcos (Ponta da Madeira/MA): observações e modelagem numérica / Sand waves dynamics in São Marcos Bay (Ponta da Madeira / MA): observations and numerical modeling

Felipe Murai Chagas 18 December 2013 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a dinâmica das ondas de areia presentes no interior da Baía de São Marcos em São Luís, estado do Maranhão, utilizando dados de campanhas de batimetria bimestral e granulometria, para determinar a geomorfologia de fundo, além de séries temporais eulerianas de velocidade e variação da maré dos anos de 2011 e 2012 para validar um modelo hidrodinâmico local. O posicionamento horizontal e vertical nos conjuntos de dados batimétricos, digitalizados em transectos longitudinais, forneceu corredores de transporte que concordaram com os obtidos por meio do modelo numérico. Foram registradas ondas de areia com comprimento e altura superiores a 342 m e 6 m, respectivamente. A migração horizontal chegou a 1,8 m/dia e as intensidades de corrente a 1.84 m/s sobre o campo de ondas de areia e 2.58 m/s nos canais adjacentes. O Cabeço do Mearim e a Ilha do Medo são os principais responsáveis pela divisão dos regimes hidrodinâmicos locais forçados pela maré, os quais controlam os padrões morfológicos e migratórios das feições de fundo. Os mapas residuais de velocidade aliados aos coeficientes de dominância de maré calculados demonstraram que as principais forçantes do sistema são intensas nos canais e ao sul da Ilha do Medo e menos pronunciadas nas planícies rasas do sistema estuarino. As técnicas utilizadas neste estudo possibilitaram o estabelecimento de um modelo conceitual de corredores de transporte que rege o equilíbrio dinâmico do sistema local. Esses corredores são formados principalmente pelo canal principal da Baía de São Marcos localizado na porção oeste das feições submersas, predominando o transporte das correntes de vazante, pelo Canal do Boqueirão no qual predominam as correntes de maré enchente e pelo canal transversal situado a leste das ondas de areia, responsável por fluxos principalmente de maré enchente que podem transportar sedimentos ou energia para o sistema de canais principais. Este modelo forneceu conhecimento basal para o planejamento de atividades de uso, exploração e conservação dos sedimentos na Baía de São Marcos / The aim of this study was to characterize sand wave dynamics in São Marcos Bay (Maranhão state). Using data obtained from consecutive bathymetry campaigns, bottom sediment distribution, tide level and stationary current meters time series at this site from 2011-2012 years, bed morphology evolution was determined and a process-based hydrodynamic model was validated. Registering consecutive sand wave positioning in longitudinal transects provided bed features migration, generating transport pathways that agreed with model results. Sand waves observed were up to 6 m high and 342 m long and migrate up to 1.8 m/day, under depth-averaged current conditions up to 1.84 m/s above the sand wave field and 2.58 m/s in the adjacent channels. Cabeço do Mearim and Medo Island represents the features responsible for separate both tidal hydrodynamic regimes that control bottom migration and morphologic patterns. Residual current distribution and tide dominance coefficients showed that the controlling hydrodynamic forces of the system are more intense in the main channels and southward Medo Island, while weaken as depth reduces eastward. The methods used in this study provide a reliable conceptual model of transport pathways that control the local dynamic equilibrium, composed by the main channel of Sao Marcos Bay, where ebb dominance occurs, by the Boqueirão Channel strongly dominated by flood currents and by the transversal channel located eastward the bottom features, also flood dominated and responsible for transport sediment and energy to the sand wave field. This approach provided the bases for planning activities regard use, conservation and exploitation of sediments in São Marcos Bay

Avaliação dos efeitos de ações antrópicas sobre o sistema costeiro de Ubatuba (SP) através de modelagem ambiental / Assessment of the effects of human activities on the coastal system of Ubatuba (SP) through environmental modeling

Silvana Simone Batista 28 March 2016 (has links)
A região de Ubatuba, sendo polo de atração turística, sofre influência das atividades humanas que modificam algumas características dos corpos de água, devido ao aporte de dejetos humanos, à descarga de poluentes e ao intenso tráfego de embarcações. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos das ações antrópicas sobre o sistema costeiro de Ubatuba por meio do estudo dos processos de transporte e difusão de poluentes, através de modelos que descrevem os mecanismos e as reações envolvidas na dispersão de hidrocarbonetos de petróleo (HPAs) e indicadores microbiológicos (coliformes termotolerantes e enterococos) na água do mar. Foram utilizados os módulos do sistema de modelagem ambiental Delft3D. O módulo hidrodinâmico foi implementado em uma grade numérica cobrindo a plataforma continental adjacente ao litoral norte de São Paulo. Da análise e validação dos resultados do módulo hidrodinâmico, concluiu-se que o modelo reproduziu satisfatoriamente a circulação marinha na região (valores de Skill entre 0,67 e 1,00). A associação dos dados de poluição com os resultados da hidrodinâmica permitiu estudar os mecanismos de dispersão dos poluentes nas enseadas do Flamengo e das Palmas através do módulo de qualidade da água. A concentração de coliformes calculada pelo modelo atingiu o máximo de 1850 NMP/100mL na Enseada do Flamengo, no verão; no caso dos HPAs, o teor máximo foi de 0,92 µg/L. As partes internas da Enseada do Flamengo têm a circulação da água reduzida, bem como a dispersão de poluentes. Os resultados sugerem que os teores de HPAs tiveram menor decaimento ao longo do tempo, o que se deve, provavelmente, às características da região, como baixo hidrodinamismo e baixo teor de nutrientes, que dificultam os processos de degradação de hidrocarbonetos. Por outro lado, os resultados indicaram um decaimento considerável na densidade de bactérias. As taxas de mortalidade de coliformes termotolerantes tiveram alta correlação linear positiva com a salinidade e temperatura (r = 0,94 e r = 0,99, respectivamente) e as taxas de mortalidade devido à radiação solar apresentaram uma boa contribuição na taxa de mortalidade geral. Na Enseada das Palmas, a máxima densidade de enterococos estimada pelo modelo foi de 1,21 UFC/100mL, no verão. Simulações de dispersão de enterococos mostraram que as regiões mais internas da enseada possuem correntes fracas que não favorecem uma grande dispersão de poluentes para fora da enseada. Os enterococos não tiveram sua taxa de mortalidade correlacionada com a salinidade (r = -0,02), porém a temperatura (r = 0,75) e a radiação solar parecem ter grande influência no seu decaimento. Com exceção do ponto no Saco da Ribeira, que apresentou concentrações de coliformes acima de 1000 NMP/100mL, em geral, as águas mantiveram condições adequadas de balneabilidade nas duas enseadas. Pode-se afirmar que o sistema de correntes na área de estudo, determinado pela geomorfologia da região, não confere alta capacidade de diluição e dispersão de efluentes nas enseadas. Todavia, a circulação marinha atuante e os processos envolvidos no decaimento dos poluentes são suficientes para difundir e diminuir suas concentrações ao longo das enseadas. Concluiu-se que a modelagem ambiental reproduziu de maneira satisfatória os processos envolvidos no transporte e na difusão de poluentes na água do mar, contribuindo com os estudos sobre os efeitos das atividades humanas no sistema costeiro de Ubatuba. / The region of Ubatuba, being a place of tourist attraction, is influenced by human activities that modify some features of water bodies due to the dumping of sewage, the discharge of pollutants and heavy boat traffic. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of human activities on the coastal system of Ubatuba through the study of transport processes and diffusion of pollutants, through models that describe the mechanisms and reactions involved in the dispersion of petroleum hydrocarbon (PAHs) and microbiological indicators (thermotolerant coliforms and enterococci) in seawater. The modules of the environmental modeling system Delft3D were used in the study. The hydrodynamic module was implemented in a numerical grid covering the continental shelf adjacent to the north coast of São Paulo. From the analysis and validation of the results of the hydrodynamic module, it was concluded that the model satisfactorily reproduced the marine circulation in the region (Skill values between 0,67 and 1,00).The association of pollution data with the results of hydrodynamic allowed studying the pollutant dispersion mechanisms in Flamengo Bay and in Palmas Bay through the water quality module. The concentration of coliform calculated by the model reached the maximum of 1850 MPN/100mL in the Flamengo Bay, in summer; in the case of PAHs, the maximum level was 0,92 µg/L. The internal parts of the Flamengo Bay have the circulation of water reduced as well as the dispersion of pollutants. The results suggest that the PAHs concentrations were less decay over time, which is probably due to the regional characteristics, such as low hydrodynamic and low nutrient content, which hamper the hydrocarbon degradation processes. On the other hand, the results indicate a considerable decay in bacterial density. Thermotolerant coliform mortality rates had high positive correlation with salinity and temperature (r = 0,94 e r = 0,99, respectively), and the mortality rates due to solar radiation had a good contribution to the overall mortality rate. In the Palmas Bay, the maximum enterococci density estimated by the model was 1,21 CFU/100mL in the summer. Enterococci dispersion simulations showed that the internal regions of the bay have weak currents that do not contribute to a large dispersion of pollutants out of the bay. Enterococci have not had their mortality rate correlated with salinity (r = - 0,02), but the temperature (r = 0,75) and solar radiation seem to have large influence on its decay. With the exception of the point at the Saco da Ribeira, which obtained coliform concentrations above 1000 NMP/100mL, in general, the waters maintained suitable conditions for bathing in the two bays. It can be said that the current system in the study area, determined by the geomorphology of the region, does not provide high capacity for dilution and dispersion of effluents in the bays. However, the marine circulation and the processes involved in the decay of the pollutants are enough to spread and reduce their concentrations along the bays. It was concluded that environmental modeling reproduced satisfactorily the processes involved in the transport and diffusion of pollutants in seawater, contributing to the studies on the effects of human activities on the coastal system of Ubatuba.

Growth laws for sub-delta crevasses in the Mississippi River Delta: observations and modeling

Yocum, Tara A. 19 May 2017 (has links)
In this study we assessed growth laws of sub-delta crevasses in the Mississippi River delta plain, experimental laboratory deltas, and compared them to previously studied river dominated large deltas worldwide. Metrics for channel and delta geometry for each system were obtained using a combination of geospatial tools, bathymetric datasets, sediment size, and hydrodynamic observations. Most crevasses and experimental deltas appear to obey delta growth laws suggesting that they exhibit planform metrics similar to larger deltas. However, some channels within each system, exhibit outlier behavior (e.g. asymmetric growth) where channel length is much larger than channel width. Hydrodynamic observations and morphodynamic modeling results, support the role of confinement in governing this response, through direct lateral confinement of the receiving basin width and depth thus guiding channels, and indirect confinement caused by sediment cohesion, whereby natural levees guide the systems asymmetric channel growth.

Differential Sedimentation In A Mississippi River Crevasse Splay

Esposito, Christopher 20 May 2011 (has links)
In this study the patterns of sediment transport and deposition in the channels and receiving basin of a crevasse splay in the modern Mississippi River delta are examined, with emphasis on the development of a distributary mouth bar. Simultaneous hydroacoustic and optical measurements on the mouth bar show that the bar conforms to the progradational stage of an existing conceptual model of mouth bar development. This is confirmed by cores dated using Beryllium-7, which provides a record of the deposition on the bar over a 90-day period. Stratigraphic data from cores obtained on the bar are used to extend the conceptual model to account for variable riverine inputs. A numerical model, developed and validated using field data is capable of representing the fundamental sedimentary processes responsible for mouth bar progradation. These results will be of interest to coastal geologists, engineers and coastal managers alike.

A Simulation of the Mississippi River Salt Wedge Estuary Using a Three-Dimensional Cartesian Z Coordinate Model

Ayres, Steven K 18 December 2015 (has links)
The stratified flow of the lower Mississippi River due to density gradients is a well documented phenomenon. This stratification of fresh and saline water manifests itself as a heavier wedge of saline water that extends upriver and a buoyant fresh water plume extending into the Gulf of Mexico past the Southwest Pass jetties. The maximum absolute distance of saltwater intrusion observed anywhere in the world occurred on the Mississippi River in 1939 and 1940 when saltwater was observed approximately 225 km upstream from the mouth of Southwest Pass. The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers now prevents the wedge from migrating upstream by constructing a subaqueous barrier in the river channel. A curvilinear grid was constructed representative of the modern Mississippi River delta. Boundary conditions were developed for the drought year of 2012 and the grid was tested in order to evaluate the salinity intrusion and sediment transport abilities of the Cartesian Z-coordinate Delft3D code. The Z-model proved to have the ability to propagate the saline density current as observed in the prototype. The effect of salinity on fine sediment transport is evaluated by manipulation of the settling velocity through a cosine function provided in the model code. Manipulation of the fine sediment fall velocity through the cosine function was an effective means to simulate the re-circulation of flocculated sediments in the saline wedge turbidity maxima. In addition, the Z-model capably reproduced the fine sediment concentration profiles in a fully turbulent shear flow environment. With the ability to reproduce the seasonal saline density current and its effect on sedimentation within the turbidity maxima as well as sedimentation characteristics in a fully turbulent shear flow, a model capable of analyzing all of the major processes affecting fine sediment transport within the Mississippi River salt wedge estuary has been developed.

Hydrodynamic Controls on the Morphodynamic Evolution of Subaqueous Landforms

Nelson, Timothy L 20 December 2017 (has links)
The southern Chandeleur Islands are an ideal setting to study shoal evolution given their history of submergence and re-emergence. Here, numerical models shed light on the attendant processes contributing to shoal recovery/reemergence following a destructive storm event. Simulations of a synthetic winter storm along a cross-shore profile using Xbeach shows that convergence of wave-induced sediment transport associated with repeated passage of cold-fronts initiates aggradation, but does not lead to reemergence. A Delft3d model of the entire island chain shows that as these landforms aggrade alongshore processes driven by incident wave refraction on the shoal platform, backbarrier circulation and resulting transport become increasingly important for continued aggradation and eventual emergence. Aggradation magnitudes are a function of depth ranging from 2 – 10 mm per event (onset to recovery to near mean sea level). In the absence of big storms, this modest aggradation can be more than one meter in a few years.

Numerical Simulations Of Eutrophication Processes In Izmir Bay With A Coupled Three Dimensional Eco-hydrodynamic Model

Yelekci, Ozge 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
A three dimensional time-dependent coupled ecosystem model is applied to Izmir Bay for the first time. Delft3D modelling suite&rsquo / s FLOW and ECO modules are adapted and tuned for the region. A reference model with a time frame of three years is produced that represents the current physical and biogeochemical status of the bay. Model skill assessment methods are used as a measure of model performance and to address the shortcomings of it. The hydrodynamics model is able to produce physical features in terms of seasonality and spatial distribution within reasonable ranges, whereas the ecosystem model has certain discrepancies which can be reduced with improved quality of model inputs, such as open boundary conditions, and fresh water and nutrient fluxes. The reference model is used as a tool with predictive capacity to assess the ecosystem response of the bay to possible changes it may undergo in the future. Five nutrient enrichment/reduction scenarios are constructed to predict the reactions of the bay to changing external inputs of DIN and PO4. Results suggest that both physical and biogeochemical properties of the bay show strong horizontal gradients between outer and inner regions in which both natural and anthropogenic influences are effective. It is revealed that Outer bays are mostly occupied by waters originating from the oligotrophic Aegean Sea, while eutrophicated inner regions are mainly controlled by local influences such as increased fresh water inputs and excessive wastewater discharges. Results of the nutrient enrichment/reduction scenarios suggest that the N-limited Inner and Middle bays and the P-limited Outer bays, give contrasting reactions to changes in inputs of DIN and PO4 such that the former is more sensitive to DIN input whereas the latter is more sensitive to PO4 input. Due to the existence of these two contrasting environments in the bay, availability of one nutrient is dependent on the availability of the other, therefore treatment of both should be considered in parallel. Among the scenarios tested in this study, the best possible option to reduce eutrophication in Izmir Bay is to prevent the increase of PO4 input and to reduce the DIN input simultaneously. These outcomes are aimed to provide a scientific insight for coastal policy makers and environmental managers on how changes in anthropogenic influences can impact the marine ecosystem of the bay.

Impactos da obra de alimentação artificial em uma praia de enseada

Calloni, Bruna January 2014 (has links)
Desde 1960, a cidade de Balneário Camboriú, localizada no litoral centro-norte do estado de Santa Catarina, vem sofrendo intensa urbanização de forma não planejada, resultando em problemas que apresentam um impacto negativo ao turismo, principalmente relacionados à superlotação no verão e ao sombreamento da praia no período da tarde, devido à grande quantidade de edifícios altos na beira mar. Buscando ampliar o espaço físico da orla, a Prefeitura Municipal de Balneário Camboriú está desenvolvendo o projeto de alimentação artificial da Praia Central do município, que prevê uma nova largura da faixa de areia de 100 m. Este trabalho descreve, através da análise dos processos físicos, os possíveis impactos advindos da implementação da obra de aterro hidráulico, utilizando o modelo numérico Delft3D. O trabalho de investigação foi separado em três tópicos: (1) propagação de ondas, (2) processos hidrodinâmicos e (3) variações morfológicas, em dois cenários: atual e posterior à alimentação artificial. Os resultados da modelagem de propagação de ondas demonstraram maior energia na porção norte da enseada, sendo a porção sul mais abrigada. Comparando os cenários observa-se uma diminuição na energia de onda em águas rasas devido à nova configuração da costa, principalmente na porção norte da enseada. Os resultados do modelo hidrodinâmico, mostraram que posteriormente a alimentação da praia, as correntes sofrem intensificação na nova zona de arrebentação de ondas, a qual se desenvolverá numa região em que, no cenário atual, as velocidades das correntes litorâneas são muito baixas. A análise dos potenciais impactos na morfologia litorânea demonstrou que as variações morfológicas ocorrerão devido à reorganização do ambiente diante da nova configuração batimétrica da enseada, sendo que a formação dos bancos longitudinais se deslocará em direção ao mar. Não foram observadas áreas de erosão entre o cenário atual e o cenário futuro, demonstrando que a enseada deverá se comportar como um sistema fechado. De modo geral a modelagem numérica demonstrou que os processos futuros reproduzirão aqueles que ocorrem no cenário atual, porém, estarão mais afastados, a cerca de 100 metros à frente, em direção ao mar. / Since 1960, Balneário Camboriú, located on the north-central coast of Santa Catarina, Brazil, has been suffering from an unplanned intense urbanization, resulting in negative impacts on tourism, mainly related to overcrowding during the summer and shading on the beach in the afternoon due to lots of tall buildings in the seafront. Aiming to enlarge the area available for recreational beach use, the city government of Balneário Camboriú is developing the nourishment project of the city's Central Beach, which provides a new sand stretch width of 100 m. This paper describes, through the analysis of physical processes, the possible impacts of the nourishment, using the numerical model Delft3D. The analysis distinguishes three steps: (1) wave propagation, (2) hydrodynamic processes, and (3) morphological variations, in two different scenarios: before and after the beach nourishment. The results of the wave propagation modeling shows the occurrence of greater energy in the northern portion of the bay, with a more sheltered southern portion. Comparing the scenarios it is observed a decrease in wave energy in shallow water due to the new configuration of the coast, especially in the northern part of the bay. Results from the hydrodynamic model indicate that after the beach nourishment the currents are intensified in the new waves surf zone, which will be developed in a region where, in the present scenario, the alongshore currents velocities are very low. The analysis of the potential impacts on coastal morphology showed that morphological changes will occur due to the reorganization of the place because of the new bay bathymetric configuration, since the longitudinal banks formation will move towards the sea. No erosion areas between the present and future scenario were observed, proving that the bay shall behave as a closed system. Overall the numerical modeling showed that future processes will reproduce those that occur in the present scenario, however the process will occur about 100 meters ahead, towards the sea.

Impactos da obra de alimentação artificial em uma praia de enseada

Calloni, Bruna January 2014 (has links)
Desde 1960, a cidade de Balneário Camboriú, localizada no litoral centro-norte do estado de Santa Catarina, vem sofrendo intensa urbanização de forma não planejada, resultando em problemas que apresentam um impacto negativo ao turismo, principalmente relacionados à superlotação no verão e ao sombreamento da praia no período da tarde, devido à grande quantidade de edifícios altos na beira mar. Buscando ampliar o espaço físico da orla, a Prefeitura Municipal de Balneário Camboriú está desenvolvendo o projeto de alimentação artificial da Praia Central do município, que prevê uma nova largura da faixa de areia de 100 m. Este trabalho descreve, através da análise dos processos físicos, os possíveis impactos advindos da implementação da obra de aterro hidráulico, utilizando o modelo numérico Delft3D. O trabalho de investigação foi separado em três tópicos: (1) propagação de ondas, (2) processos hidrodinâmicos e (3) variações morfológicas, em dois cenários: atual e posterior à alimentação artificial. Os resultados da modelagem de propagação de ondas demonstraram maior energia na porção norte da enseada, sendo a porção sul mais abrigada. Comparando os cenários observa-se uma diminuição na energia de onda em águas rasas devido à nova configuração da costa, principalmente na porção norte da enseada. Os resultados do modelo hidrodinâmico, mostraram que posteriormente a alimentação da praia, as correntes sofrem intensificação na nova zona de arrebentação de ondas, a qual se desenvolverá numa região em que, no cenário atual, as velocidades das correntes litorâneas são muito baixas. A análise dos potenciais impactos na morfologia litorânea demonstrou que as variações morfológicas ocorrerão devido à reorganização do ambiente diante da nova configuração batimétrica da enseada, sendo que a formação dos bancos longitudinais se deslocará em direção ao mar. Não foram observadas áreas de erosão entre o cenário atual e o cenário futuro, demonstrando que a enseada deverá se comportar como um sistema fechado. De modo geral a modelagem numérica demonstrou que os processos futuros reproduzirão aqueles que ocorrem no cenário atual, porém, estarão mais afastados, a cerca de 100 metros à frente, em direção ao mar. / Since 1960, Balneário Camboriú, located on the north-central coast of Santa Catarina, Brazil, has been suffering from an unplanned intense urbanization, resulting in negative impacts on tourism, mainly related to overcrowding during the summer and shading on the beach in the afternoon due to lots of tall buildings in the seafront. Aiming to enlarge the area available for recreational beach use, the city government of Balneário Camboriú is developing the nourishment project of the city's Central Beach, which provides a new sand stretch width of 100 m. This paper describes, through the analysis of physical processes, the possible impacts of the nourishment, using the numerical model Delft3D. The analysis distinguishes three steps: (1) wave propagation, (2) hydrodynamic processes, and (3) morphological variations, in two different scenarios: before and after the beach nourishment. The results of the wave propagation modeling shows the occurrence of greater energy in the northern portion of the bay, with a more sheltered southern portion. Comparing the scenarios it is observed a decrease in wave energy in shallow water due to the new configuration of the coast, especially in the northern part of the bay. Results from the hydrodynamic model indicate that after the beach nourishment the currents are intensified in the new waves surf zone, which will be developed in a region where, in the present scenario, the alongshore currents velocities are very low. The analysis of the potential impacts on coastal morphology showed that morphological changes will occur due to the reorganization of the place because of the new bay bathymetric configuration, since the longitudinal banks formation will move towards the sea. No erosion areas between the present and future scenario were observed, proving that the bay shall behave as a closed system. Overall the numerical modeling showed that future processes will reproduce those that occur in the present scenario, however the process will occur about 100 meters ahead, towards the sea.

Impactos da obra de alimentação artificial em uma praia de enseada

Calloni, Bruna January 2014 (has links)
Desde 1960, a cidade de Balneário Camboriú, localizada no litoral centro-norte do estado de Santa Catarina, vem sofrendo intensa urbanização de forma não planejada, resultando em problemas que apresentam um impacto negativo ao turismo, principalmente relacionados à superlotação no verão e ao sombreamento da praia no período da tarde, devido à grande quantidade de edifícios altos na beira mar. Buscando ampliar o espaço físico da orla, a Prefeitura Municipal de Balneário Camboriú está desenvolvendo o projeto de alimentação artificial da Praia Central do município, que prevê uma nova largura da faixa de areia de 100 m. Este trabalho descreve, através da análise dos processos físicos, os possíveis impactos advindos da implementação da obra de aterro hidráulico, utilizando o modelo numérico Delft3D. O trabalho de investigação foi separado em três tópicos: (1) propagação de ondas, (2) processos hidrodinâmicos e (3) variações morfológicas, em dois cenários: atual e posterior à alimentação artificial. Os resultados da modelagem de propagação de ondas demonstraram maior energia na porção norte da enseada, sendo a porção sul mais abrigada. Comparando os cenários observa-se uma diminuição na energia de onda em águas rasas devido à nova configuração da costa, principalmente na porção norte da enseada. Os resultados do modelo hidrodinâmico, mostraram que posteriormente a alimentação da praia, as correntes sofrem intensificação na nova zona de arrebentação de ondas, a qual se desenvolverá numa região em que, no cenário atual, as velocidades das correntes litorâneas são muito baixas. A análise dos potenciais impactos na morfologia litorânea demonstrou que as variações morfológicas ocorrerão devido à reorganização do ambiente diante da nova configuração batimétrica da enseada, sendo que a formação dos bancos longitudinais se deslocará em direção ao mar. Não foram observadas áreas de erosão entre o cenário atual e o cenário futuro, demonstrando que a enseada deverá se comportar como um sistema fechado. De modo geral a modelagem numérica demonstrou que os processos futuros reproduzirão aqueles que ocorrem no cenário atual, porém, estarão mais afastados, a cerca de 100 metros à frente, em direção ao mar. / Since 1960, Balneário Camboriú, located on the north-central coast of Santa Catarina, Brazil, has been suffering from an unplanned intense urbanization, resulting in negative impacts on tourism, mainly related to overcrowding during the summer and shading on the beach in the afternoon due to lots of tall buildings in the seafront. Aiming to enlarge the area available for recreational beach use, the city government of Balneário Camboriú is developing the nourishment project of the city's Central Beach, which provides a new sand stretch width of 100 m. This paper describes, through the analysis of physical processes, the possible impacts of the nourishment, using the numerical model Delft3D. The analysis distinguishes three steps: (1) wave propagation, (2) hydrodynamic processes, and (3) morphological variations, in two different scenarios: before and after the beach nourishment. The results of the wave propagation modeling shows the occurrence of greater energy in the northern portion of the bay, with a more sheltered southern portion. Comparing the scenarios it is observed a decrease in wave energy in shallow water due to the new configuration of the coast, especially in the northern part of the bay. Results from the hydrodynamic model indicate that after the beach nourishment the currents are intensified in the new waves surf zone, which will be developed in a region where, in the present scenario, the alongshore currents velocities are very low. The analysis of the potential impacts on coastal morphology showed that morphological changes will occur due to the reorganization of the place because of the new bay bathymetric configuration, since the longitudinal banks formation will move towards the sea. No erosion areas between the present and future scenario were observed, proving that the bay shall behave as a closed system. Overall the numerical modeling showed that future processes will reproduce those that occur in the present scenario, however the process will occur about 100 meters ahead, towards the sea.

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