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Dental analysis of Classic period population variability in the Maya areaScherer, Andrew Kenneth 17 February 2005 (has links)
In this dissertation I examine population history and structure in the Maya area during
the Classic period (A.D. 250-900). Within the Maya area, archaeologists have identified
regional variation in material culture between archaeological zones. These cultural differences
may correspond to biological differences between Classic Maya populations. I test the
hypothesis that Classic Maya population structure followed an isolation by distance model. I
collected dental nonmetric and metric traits on 977 skeletons, from 18 Classic period sites,
representing seven different archaeological zones. I corrected the data for intraobserver error.
For the dental nonmetric data, I developed a Maya-specific trait dichotomization scheme and
controlled for sex bias. I tested the dental metric data for normality and age affects. I imputed
missing dental metric data for some traits and the remaining set of traits was Q-mode
transformed to control for allometric factors. I analyzed the dental nonmetric and metric datasets
with both univariate and multivariate tests. I found, with a log likelihood ratio, that 50% of the
nonmetric traits exhibited statistically significant differences between Maya sites. I performed a
Mean Measure of Divergence analysis of the dental nonmetric dataset and found that majority of
the resulting pairwise distance values were significant. Using cluster analysis and
multidimensional scaling, I found that the dental nonmetric data do not support an isolation by
distance organization of Classic Maya population structure. In the ANOVA and MANOVA
tests, I did not find major statistically significant differences in dental metrics between Maya
sites. Using principal components analysis, a Mahalanobis Distance test, and R matrix analysis,
I found a generally similar patterning of the dental metric data. The dental metric data to not
support an isolation by distance model for Classic Maya population structure. However, the
geographically outlying sites from Kaminaljuyu and the Pacific Coast repeatedly plotted as
biological outliers. R matrix analysis indicates that gene flow, not genetic drift, dominated
Classic Maya population structure. Based on the results of the dental nonmetric and metric
analyses, I reject the hypothesis that isolation by distance is a valid model for Classic Maya
population structure. From the multivariate analyses of the dental nonmetric and metric data, a
few notable observations are made. The major sites of Tikal and Calakmul both demonstrate
substantial intrasite biological heterogeneity, with some affinity to other sites but with little to
one another. Piedras Negras demonstrates some evidence for genetic isolation from the other
lowland Maya sites. In the Pasión Zone, Seibal and Altar de Sacrificios demonstrate some
affinity to one another, though Dos Pilas is an outlier. The R matrix analysis found evidence of
Classic period immigration into Seibal from outside the network of sites tested. The Belize Zone
exhibited substantial heterogeneity among its sites, with the site of Colha showing some affinity
to the Central Zone. Copan, despite being a geographic outlier, demonstrates genetic affinity
with the rest of the Maya area. Kaminaljuyu and the Pacific Coast were both found to be
outliers. These results indicate that dental nonmetric and metric data are a useful tool for
investigating ancient biological variability in the Maya area and contribute to our expanding
understanding of population history in that region.
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Genetic Admixture and Tooth Size in an Enslaved Population from Newton Plantation, BarbadosMunson, Susannah 01 December 2012 (has links)
This study examined the amount of European genetic admixture in the enslaved African population from Newton Plantation, Barbados. Newton Plantation was a British sugar plantation from the 17th to 19th centuries. Approximately 150 individuals were recovered from an unmarked slave cemetery during archaeological investigations in the 1970s and 1990s. Using maximum mesiodistal and buccolingual tooth measurements of the available teeth from the individuals in the cemetery, Newton was compared to nineteen comparative samples of African, European, African American and European American populations that date from the time of British colonization to the 20th century. Previous European admixture estimations in the Newton Plantation cemetery sample were 5-10% (Corruccini et al., 1982; Ritter, 1991); this study found similar rates of admixture in the population (5.38-10.25%). Because of social practices in the Caribbean during the time of slavery, European admixture could have resulted in preferential treatment of slaves with such genetic background.
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Ancestral determination of African American and European American deciduous dentition using metric and non-metric analysisLease, Loren Rosemond 01 October 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Community Structure at Neolithic Çatalhöyük: Biological Distance Analysis of Houshehold, Neighborhood, and SettlementPilloud, Marin Anna 05 November 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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