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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systèmes de particules en interaction et modèles de déposition aléatoire.

Ezanno, François 21 December 2012 (has links)
Les résultats de cette thèse sont composés de trois parties relativement indépendantes.Dans la première partie, nous reprenons le problème de la définition d'une classe de processus markoviens à une infinité de coordonnées (systèmes de particules en interaction). Nous en proposons une construction ne mettant en jeu ni d'analyse fonctionnelle (ou peu), ni de problème de martingale. Ceci est fait en utilisant des outils probabilistes élémentaires, notamment des couplages adéquats. On fait pour cela une certaine hypothèse sur les taux individuels de transition, qui a été déjà exploitée dans la construction de T. M. Liggett (1972) notamment. Notre construction a l'avantage d'expliquer, plus concrètement que dans les autres constructions, le caractère naturel de cette hypothèse.Dans une seconde partie, nous considérons un modèle de croissance cristalline introduit par D. J. Gates et M. Westcott en 1987, où des particules du milieu environnant s'agrègent à la surface d'un cristal à maille carrée. Le modèle est caractérisé par des taux de déposition en chaque site qui prennent une certaine forme. Nos résultats portent principalement sur la question de la récurrence et de la récurrence positive de la surface du cristal en fonction de certains paramètres. Nous montrons notamment l'existence d'une zone de paramètres dans laquelle transience et récurrence positive coexistent, et suspectée de présenter un phénomène critique. / The results of this thesis are organized in three parts that are nearly independent.In the first part, we treat the problem of the defintion of a class of Markov processes with infinitely many coordinates, namely interacting particle systems. We propose a construction involving neither functional analysis, nor martingale problems. This is done using elementary probabilistic tools, such as proper couplings. Our technique requires a certain assumption on the jump rates which is, up to a slight generalization, the one used in T. M. Liggett's construction. Our construction has the advantage to give more intuition on the necessity of this assumption.In the second part, we consider a crystal growth model proposed by D. J. Gates and M. Westcott in 1987, where floating particles are packed on the surface of a square-lattice crystal, with prescribed deposition rates. We treat the question of the recurrence and positive recurrence of the interface, according to the value of certain parameters. We study especially a zone of parameters where transience and positive recurrence coexist. In this zone a critical phenomenon is suspected to occur.The third part deals with the question of the convergence in law for the subcritical contact process (on ZZ) seen from the edge, starting from a half-line of occupied sites. First we give an alternative proof of a recent result by E. D. Andjel, stating that convergence holds in a closely related discrete-time model. In continuous time we establish that the finite contact process seen from the edge has a Yaglom limit.

Dinâmica de crescimento de filmes de platina e ouro / Growth dynamics of films of platinum and gold.

Melo, Leonidas Lopes de 28 May 2004 (has links)
O caráter aleatório e não homogêneo do crescimento de filmes finos, por processo de deposição, leva à formação de uma superfície rugosa que obedece, em geral, a uma geometria fractal. A dinâmica de crescimento da superfície do filme pode ser descrita por meio de modelos de crescimento discretos, simulações numéricas e equações diferenciais estocásticas. Os modelos e as equações nos fornecem os expoentes críticos, que descrevem o comportamento da rugosidade com a escala de observação e tempo de deposição. Crescemos filmes de platina e ouro através da técnica de implantação e deposição de íons por imersão em plasma metálico. Determinamos experimentalmente os expoentes críticos por meio de microscopia de tunelamento. Comparamos os nossos resultados experimentais com previsões dadas por alguns modelos teóricos. Verificamos que há um bom acordo entre eles e as previsões dadas pela equação estocástica de Kardar, Parisi e Zhang. A estrutura cristalina dos materiais também foi analisada por meio de difração de raios x. / The randomness and inhomogeneities in the growth of thin films generate a rough surface obeying, in general, fractal geometry. The growth dynamics of film surface can be described by theoretical discrete models, numerical simulations and stochastic differential equations. Models and equations give the critical exponents that describe the behavior of roughness with the observation scale and deposition time. We have synthesized platinum and gold films by metal plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition. We have measured the critical exponents by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. Our experimental results were compared with some theoretical models predictions. We verified that there is a good agreement between them and the theoretical predictions given by the Kardar, Parisi and Zhang stochastic equation. The crystallographic structure was also analyzed by X-ray diffraction.

Dinâmica de crescimento de filmes de platina e ouro / Growth dynamics of films of platinum and gold.

Leonidas Lopes de Melo 28 May 2004 (has links)
O caráter aleatório e não homogêneo do crescimento de filmes finos, por processo de deposição, leva à formação de uma superfície rugosa que obedece, em geral, a uma geometria fractal. A dinâmica de crescimento da superfície do filme pode ser descrita por meio de modelos de crescimento discretos, simulações numéricas e equações diferenciais estocásticas. Os modelos e as equações nos fornecem os expoentes críticos, que descrevem o comportamento da rugosidade com a escala de observação e tempo de deposição. Crescemos filmes de platina e ouro através da técnica de implantação e deposição de íons por imersão em plasma metálico. Determinamos experimentalmente os expoentes críticos por meio de microscopia de tunelamento. Comparamos os nossos resultados experimentais com previsões dadas por alguns modelos teóricos. Verificamos que há um bom acordo entre eles e as previsões dadas pela equação estocástica de Kardar, Parisi e Zhang. A estrutura cristalina dos materiais também foi analisada por meio de difração de raios x. / The randomness and inhomogeneities in the growth of thin films generate a rough surface obeying, in general, fractal geometry. The growth dynamics of film surface can be described by theoretical discrete models, numerical simulations and stochastic differential equations. Models and equations give the critical exponents that describe the behavior of roughness with the observation scale and deposition time. We have synthesized platinum and gold films by metal plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition. We have measured the critical exponents by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. Our experimental results were compared with some theoretical models predictions. We verified that there is a good agreement between them and the theoretical predictions given by the Kardar, Parisi and Zhang stochastic equation. The crystallographic structure was also analyzed by X-ray diffraction.

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