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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of an efficient nano-fluid cooling/preheating system for PV-RO water desalination pilot plant

Shalaby, S.M., Elfakharany, M.K., Mujtaba, Iqbal, Moharram, B.M., Abosheiasha, H.F. 04 July 2022 (has links)
Yes / In order to improve the performance of the reverse osmosis (RO) desalination plant powered by photovoltaic (PV), two cooling systems were proposed in this study to cool the PV and preheating the RO feed water as well. In the cooling design (1), the cooling fluid flows in direct contact with the back surface of the PV through channels of half circular cross-sections. While in the design (2), it flows through channels of squar cross-sections fixed on the PV back surface. Two nano-fluids were also tested as cooling fluid: H2O/CuO and H2O/Al2O3, in addition to distilled water for the purpose of comparison. The effect of changing the weight concentration of the nano-fluid (0.05, 0.1, and 0.15%) on the PV performance was also investigated. The results showed that the PV integrated with the cooling design (1) achieves better performance compared to design (2) at all studied cooling fluids. The improvements in the electric efficiency of the PV integrated with design (1) reached 39.5, 34.8 and 27.3 % when CuO and Al2O3 nano-fluids and distilled water were used as cooling fluid, respectively, compared to the uncooled PV. Based on the obtained experimental results, the PV integrated with design (1) was selected to power the RO with H2O/CuO nano-fluid of weight concentration 0.15% and flow rate 0.15 kg/s being used as the coolant. The RO powered by the improved PV was tested at different salinities of brackish water when the preheating technique was implemented. The results showed that the proposed PV-RO desalination system produces 366 l/day when brackish water of salinity 3000 ppm was used.

The chemical manipulation of meta-stable brine super-saturated with gypsum: forcing precipitation by overriding the inhibitory effect of antiscalants on crystal formation.

Gerber, Daniel Hendrik 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Desalination, by means of reverse osmosis (RO), in combination with other processes, can produce potable water at high recoveries. Antiscalants are generally used to reduce scaling on equipment surfaces and to improve water recovery during RO by slowing down the precipitation kinetics of sparingly soluble salts in the RO feed, thereby allowing concentration levels in the RO brine at several times the solubility limit of these salts. In addition, a fraction of the concentrate may be recycled back to the feed of the RO-membrane to improve the overall recovery, but only after the super saturated salts in the concentrate have been precipitated. The inhibitory character of the antiscalants (which are rejected into the concentrate stream) complicates the removal of salt from the concentrate and therefore prohibits such recycling. The focus of this study is aimed at properly understanding some of the parameters that influence the functionality or effectiveness of antiscalants used in high sulphate waters, with the purpose to override the effect of the antiscalant in the concentrate stream and force precipitation of the super saturated salts in solution. A batch crystallization technique, which considers the precipitation of calcium sulphate dehydrate (gypsum) from a solution of changing super saturation, was used to perform precipitation tests 1) on synthetically prepared solutions, super saturated with gypsum and 2) industrial concentrate, rich in sulphate (produced by concentrating acid mine drainage (AMD) by means of a lab scale RO unit). During batch crystallization, the precipitation process was observed by means of monitoring the depletion of calcium, using a calcium selective electrode (ISE). Deductions concerning the kinetics of precipitation were made from observing two kinetic variables (response variables) e.g. the induction time and the growth rate (tC80 – inferential variable). Two antiscalants have been evaluated in this study: a phosphonate based antiscalant (HYDREX) and a polyacrylate antiscalant (BULAB), at concentrations of 4 mg/l and 12 mg/l. The objective was to chemically and physically manipulate the antiscalant effectiveness, override its effect and force precipitation of gypsum by means of changing parameters in the system, such as the temperature (15°C- 25°C), pH (4-10), ferric chloride concentration (2-10 mg/l) or seeding the solution with gypsum seed at a concentration of 0-2000 mg/l. In addition, lime and a combination of gypsum and lime were also used for seeding at concentrations of 2000 mg/l. The induction time, prior to precipitation, was found to be most strongly affected by the change in seed concentration and pH at a given antiscalant concentration. Seed at a concentration of 2000 mg/l was sufficient in most cases to immediately override the effect of HYDREX and BULAB (at 4-12 mg/l) and produce ~ 0 minutes induction time. A pH of 10 increased the adsorption capacity of HYDREX and BULAB, leading to longer induction times (exceeding 24 hours in some cases). At a pH of 4 the adsorption capacity was very low for both HYDREX and BULAB (lower) leading to shorter induction times (zero to 100 minutes). It was especially in the ‘no-seed’ cases that the effect of pH on the induction time was prominent. The rate of precipitation (crystal growth rate) was increased at a temperature of 25°C, compared to 15°C (the rate increased two fold for an increase in 10°C). The addition of lime-seed, instead of gypsum, (at 2000 mg/l) produced growth rates, two times higher compared to when gypsum was used at the same conditions. In Addition, seeding with lime produced induction times (150 minutes for HYDREX and 50 minutes for BULAB) prior to precipitation, compared to zero induction time when gypsum was used at the same conditions. It was proven that an induction time could be eliminated by adding a combination of gypsum and lime both at a concentration of 2000 mg/l. with the added benefit of the higher growth rate. An increase in the calcium concentration increased the crystal growth rate in the presence of HYDREX. The presence of a high pH, however caused the effect of calcium on the growth (in the presence of BULAB) to be overshadowed. At a higher pH the growth rate of gypsum slowed down as a result of the increase in adsorption capacity of the polymer onto the crystal surface. The interaction of the antiscalant with FeCl3 seemed to be important with regard to crystal growth. Higher ferric concentrations (10 mg/l) were sufficient to limit the inhibitory effect of 12 mg/l antiscalant (HYDREX and BULAB) on the crystal growth rate. Conversely, low ferric concentration resulted in slower growth rates in the presence of an antiscalant. The best conditions (within the scope of the current study), sufficient 1) to override the inhibitory effect of antiscalants (HYDREX and BULAB) and 2) to produce rapid precipitation of gypsum, lie in the use of seeding with gypsum and lime (2000 mg/l), adding ferric chloride (10 mg/l), lowering the pH to 4 or lower (which can only be obtained when lime is not added) and setting the solution temperature to a moderate value of 25°C or higher. These ‘best’ conditions were subsequently applied to a concentrate, produced from concentrating AMD in a RO unit, and proved to be even more successful in overriding the effect of HYDREX and BULAB than in synthetic aqueous solutions. The induction times of precipitation of AMD in all cases were ~ 0 minutes, whereas the growth rate increased threefold compared to the synthetic tests. The presence of additional foreign precipitates of aluminum, calcium and magnesium as well as an increased [SO4ª-] x [Caª+] product of 3.73 (AMD concentrate) vs. 3.46 (synthetic solutions) is thought to be responsible for the increase in precipitation kinetics when only gypsum seed was used. The addition of lime caused an increase in the precipitation potential of the brine by increasing the calcium concentration. Although the addition of lime caused an increase in the pH to 12.3 (at which point the antiscalant was most effective), the increase in pH is likely to cause an increase in the natural carbonate in the water, which would stimulate CaCO3 precipitation. The CaCO3 precipitate would be responsible for the adsorption of antiscalants, reducing their efficiency. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ontsouting by wyse van tru-osmose (TO), in samewerking met ander prosesse, kan help om drinkwater te lewer teen verhoogte herwinning. Tipies word antiskaalmiddels gebruik om bevuiling op die oppervlak van toerusting te verminder en terselfdetyd herwinning te verhoog deurdat dit die presipitasiekinetika van superversadigde soute in die TO voerwater vertraag. Dit lei daartoe dat water (superversadig met soute) deur die membraansisteem kan beweeg, sonder om bevuiling te veroorsaak. ‘n Breukdeel van die konsentraat kan herwin word na die TO voer om sodoende die algehele waterherwinning te verhoog. Dit kan egter eers gebeur nadat die soute in die konsentraat neergeslaan en verwyder is. Die inhirente ‘vertragingskarakter’ van antiskaalmiddels (wat ook in die konsentraat stroom beland) kompliseer die verwydering van sout vanuit die konsentraat en verhoed so herwinning. Die fokus van hierdie studie is daarop gemik om die parameters wat die funksionaliteit of effektiwiteit van antiskaalmiddels (wat in sulfaatryke waters gebruik word), beter te verstaan. Die doel is daarop gemik om die betrokke antiskaalmiddel se effek te kanselleer asook presipitasie van die superversadigde soute in oplossing aan te help. ‘n Lot (‘batch’) kristallisasietegniek wat die presipitasie van kalsiumsulfaatdehidraat (gips) beskou vanuit ‘n oplossing waar die konsentrasie verander soos presipitasie plaasvind, is gebruik om presipitasietoetse uit te voer 1) op oplossings wat sinteties versadig is met gips en 2) op sulfaatryke AMD (gekonsentreer met behulp van ‘n laboratoriumskaal TO eenheid). Die presipitasie proses is in elke geval waargeneem, deur die vermindering van die kalsium konsentrasie in die oplossing dop te hou, met die gebruik van ‘n kalsiumselektiewe elektrode. Afleidings rakende die kinetika van presipitasie is gemaak deur twee responsveranderlikes dop te hou: die induksietyd en die kristal groeitempo (tC80). Twee antiskaalmiddels by ‘n konsentrasies van 4 dpm (deetjies per miljoen) en 12 dpm is evalueer: ‘n fosfonaat (HYDREX) and poliakrilaat (BULAB). Die doel was om die antiskaalmiddel se werking chemies en fisies te manipuleer, hul werking teen te werk en presipitasie van gips te forseer. Die manipulasie het geskied deur die volgende parameters te verander: temperatuur (15°C-25°C), pH (4-10), FeCl3 (2-10 mg/l) of saad byvoeging (gips: 2000 mg/l). Kalsiumhidroksied (gebuste kalk) en ‘n kombinasie van gips en gebluste kalk is ook gebruik by konsentrasies van 2000 mg/l. Die induksietyd (by ‘n spesifieke antiskaalmiddel konsentrasie) is die sterkste beïnvloed deur ‘n verandering in saad konsentrasie en pH verandering. In die meeste gevalle was ‘n saad konsentrasie van 2000 mg/l voldoende om die induksie effek van beide HYDREX en BULAB te vernietig en nulminute induksietyd is verkry. ‘n pH van 10 het gelei tot die verhoging van die adsorpsiekapasiteit van HYDREX en BULAB wat gelei het tot langer induksietye (in sommige gevalle het dit 24 uur oorskry). By ‘n pH van 4 was die adsorpsie kapasiteit van beide antiskaalmiddels baie laag (laer vir BULAB) en induksie-tye is beperk tot 100 minute. Dit is veral wanneer geen saad toegevoeg is nie wat die effek van pH prominent was. Die tempo van presipitasie was verhoog by ‘n temperatuur van 25°C (2 keer hoër as by 15°C). Die byvoeging van gebluste kalk teen 2000 mg/l het ‘n kristal groeitempo, 2 keer hoër as in die teenwoordigheid van gips gelewer. Gebluste kalk saad byvoeging het egter gelei tot ‘n indukisetyd (150 minute vir HYDREX en 50 minute vir BULAB). Hierdie probleem is oorkom deur ‘n kombinasie van gips en gebluste kalk te gebuik teen ‘n konsentrasie van 2000 mg/l. Geen induksie tyd is waargeneem met die voordeel van ‘n hoër presipitasietempo (kristal groei). ‘n Verhoging van kalsium konsentrasie verhoog die kristal groei tempo in die teenwoordigheid van HYDREX. Nietemin, die invloed van pH oorskadu die invloed van kalsium op die groei tempo (in die teenwoordigheid van BULAB). By ‘n hoë pH word die kristal groei tempo vertraag as gevolg van die verhoging van die adsorpsiekapasiteit van die antiskaalmiddel. Die interaksie van FeCl3 met die antiskaalmiddel blyk van belang te wees. By hoë FeCl3 konsentrasies (10 dpm), is die werking van beide HYDREX en BULAB (12 dpm) beperk. Die ‘beste’ kondisies (verkry binne die konteks van hierdie studie), 1) om die vertragingseffek van HYDREX en BULAB teen te werk en 2) spoedige presipitasie van gips te bewerk, lê in die gebruik van saad (gips en gebluste kalk teen 2000 mg/l), die byvoeging van FeCl3 (10 mg/l), ‘n lae pH (4 of laer, wat natuurlik net tersprake is wanneer slegs gips as saad gebruik word aangesien geluste kalk die pH sal lig) asook ‘n relatiewe hoë temperatuur (25°C). Hierdie ‘beste’ kondisies is toegepas in AMD konsentraat om die effek van HYDREX en BULAB te vernietg en gips te presipiteer en die gevolg was dat dit selfs meer suksesvol was as in sintetiese oplossings. In elke geval is die induksietyd na nul minute toe verminder, terwyl die kristal groei tempo 3 maal verhoog het in vergelyking met die sintetiese toetse. Die teenwoordigheid van onsuiwerhede insluitende aluminium, kalsium, magnesium sowel as ‘n verhoging in die [SO4ª-]x[Caª+] produk (3.73 teenoor 3.46 vir sintetiese toetse), blyk verantwoordelik te wees vir die versnelling van die kinetika. Met die byvoeging van gebluste kalk is dit waarskynlik dat die verhoging van die pH (12.3) lei tot die verhoging van natuurlike karbonate in die water wat weer CaCO3 stimlueer. Die teenwoordigheid van CaCO3 kan verantwoordelik gehou word vir bykomende nukleasie en groei, sowel as die deaktivering van antiskaal effektiwiteit.

Water and salt transport structure/property relationships in polymer membranes for desalination and power generation applications

Geise, Geoffrey Matthew 22 September 2014 (has links)
Providing sustainable supplies of water and energy is a critical global challenge. Polymer membranes dominate desalination and could be crucial to power generation applications, which include reverse osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF), forward osmosis (FO), pressure-retarded osmosis (PRO), electrodialysis (ED), membrane capacitive deionization (CDI), and reverse electrodialysis (RED). Improved membranes with tailored water and salt transport properties are required to extend and optimize these technologies. Water and salt transport structure/property relationships provide the fundamental framework for optimizing polymer materials for membrane applications. The water and salt transport and free volume properties of a series of sulfonated styrenic pentablock copolymers were characterized. The polymers' water uptake and water permeability increase with degree of sulfonation, and the block molecular weights could be used to tune water uptake, permeability, and selectivity properties. The presence of fixed charge groups, i.e., sulfonate groups, on the polymer backbone influence the material's salt transport properties. Specifically, the salt permeability increases strongly with increasing salt concentration, and this increase is a result of increases in both salt sorption and diffusivity with salt concentration. The data for the sulfonated polymers, including a sulfonated polysulfone random copolymer, are compared to those for an uncharged polymer to determine the influence of polymer charge on salt transport properties. The sulfonated styrenic pentablock copolymer permeability data are compared to literature data using the water permeability and water/salt selectivity tradeoff relationship. Fundamental transport property comparisons can be made using this relationship. The effect of osmotic de-swelling on the polymers and the transport properties of composite membranes made from sulfonated styrenic pentablock copolymers are also discussed. The sulfonated styrenic pentablock copolymers were exposed to multi-valent ions to determine their effect on the polymer's salt transport properties. Magnesium chloride permeability depends less on upstream salt concentration than sodium chloride permeability, presumably due to stronger association between the sulfonate groups and magnesium compared to sodium ions. Triethylaluminum was used to neutralize the polymer's sulfonic acid functionality and presumably cross-link the polymer. The mechanical, transport, and free volume properties of these aluminum neutralized polymers were studied. / text

Inclined Negatively Buoyant Jets and Boundary Interaction

Crowe, Adam January 2013 (has links)
Inclined negatively buoyant jets are commonly used to dispose brine effluent produced by desalination plants. Desalination and associated research has expanded in recent years due to the continued depletion and degradation of natural potable water sources. Desalination plants are the preferred option for meeting water demand deficits in many countries around the world. Inclined negatively buoyant jets are produced when the brine is discharged at an upward inclined angle via an offshore pipeline and diffuser system. Previous experimental studies have focused on the rapid mixing and dilution achieved by these discharges, as well as geometric parameters. Dilution measurements between these experimental studies vary significantly, which is possibly due to variations in the location of a lower boundary on observed flow behaviour. In the present study, velocity field information is experimentally measured for inclined negatively buoyant jets and compared to integral model predictions. Experiments are conducted with and without a lower boundary influencing observed flow behaviour, thus allowing the effects of a lower boundary to be determined. The particle tracking velocimetry experimental technique is employed to measure near field velocities of these discharges. Firstly, discharges with source angles between 15\degree and 75\degree are investigated without boundary influence in stationary ambient conditions. The source was a minimum of 655 mm above the bottom of the experimental tank to ensure there was no lower boundary influence on observed behaviour. Time-averaged and fluctuating data are extracted along the trajectory of discharges. All non-dimensionalised geometric and centreline velocity parameters are found to collapse. Empirical coefficients are compared to previous experimental studies and integral model predictions. A new detrainment model is developed to predict the behaviour of inclined negatively buoyant jets without boundary influence. The model further develops recent attempts to allow for buoyancy flux reduction along the flow path. The reduction in buoyancy flux is dependent on the local parameters of the flow and simulates experimentally observed detrainment. Dilution, geometric, and velocity predictions are found to be improved over previous models when compared to experimental data. Finally, a raised platform was placed inside the experimental tank to determine the influence of a lower boundary on inclined negatively buoyant jets. Source angles of 30\degree, 45\degree, and 60\degree are investigated at three different non-dimensional source heights. The lower boundary is horizontal and ambient conditions are again stationary. Discharges impinge the lower boundary before forming a radially spreading layer along the boundary. Geometric and velocity data are compared to the first set of experiments in this study to determine the influence of the lower boundary on observed flow behaviour. Empirical coefficients at maximum height are similar with and without the influence of the boundary, whereas coefficients are substantially influenced at the return point when the boundary is present.

Production of the Forage Halophyte Atriplex lentiformis on Reverse Osmosis Brine

Soliz, Deserié H. January 2011 (has links)
Throughout the arid and semi-arid regions, researchers have been looking at different ways to deal with the salinity problem of the soil and water as well as feed for the livestock. Study 1 focused on a pilot project conducted in an irrigation district in Marana, AZ, USA, looking at using Reverse Osmosis (RO) concentrate on Atriplex lentiformis (quailbush) and then harvesting the plant to be tested for its possible use as a supplement in feed for livestock. Three irrigation treatments were tested based on the potential evapotranspiration rate (ET(o)): (1) plots irrigated at ET(o) adjusted daily via an on-site micrometeorology station; (2) plots irrigated at 1.5 ET(o) adjusted daily; (3) plots irrigated at a constant rate throughout the year based on the mean of annual ET(o). The plants produced 15-24 tons ha⁻¹ year⁻¹ of biomass and could be irrigated at the rate of ET(o), ca. 2 m yr⁻¹ at this location. It was concluded that irrigation of halophyte forage crops provide a viable strategy for extending water supplies and disposing of saline water in arid-zone irrigation districts. Study 2 focused on a field data from Study 1 and two greenhouse experiments. The greenhouse experiments were conducted in 2007 and 2010. The 2010 greenhouse trials, under well-watered conditions, showed that the apparent zero-point-salinity for yield was 47.3 g L⁻¹ TDS. An additional greenhouse experiment was conducted in which plants in sealed pots were grown to the wilting point on a single application of water. The experiment was conducted at different salinities to see if salinity and water stress were additive factors in reducing yield and Water Use Efficiency (WUE). To the contrary, yield and WUE actually increased as a function of salinity, perhaps due to conversion from C3 to C4 photosynthesis over the salinity range (noted in other studies with A. lentiformis). We conclude that xerohalophytes such as A. lentiformis could greatly extend the useful range of salinities under which forage crops can be grown in arid-zone irrigation districts.

Thermal fluid analysis of combined power and desalination concepts for a high temperature reactor / Ryno Nel

Nel, Ryno January 2011 (has links)
South Africa is on a path of dramatically increasing its energy supplying capabilties. Eskom (the main utility supplying electricity to the national grid) recently announced that future power station technologies will focus on renewable energy and nuclear power. This is done in an effort to reduce South Africa’s dependance on burning fossil-fuels and thereby decreasing CO2 emissions and other harmful gases. This, together with the fact that there are a lot of fresh water scarce areas especially along the Eastern Cape coast of South Africa, is what inspired this study. This study investigates the use of a 200 MWth High Temperature Reactor (HTR) for cogeneration purposes. Heat from the reactor is utilised for electricity generation (Rankine cycle) and process heat (desalination). Two desalination concepts were evaluated thermodynamically and economically, namely Multi-Effect Distillation (MED) and Reverse Osmosis (RO). Computer software, Engineering Equation Solver (EES), was used to simulate different cycle configurations, where the heat available in the condenser was increased successively. The coupling of the two desalination technologies with a HTR was compared and it was found that a RO plant produces nearly twice as much water while sending the same amount of electricity to the grid (compared to coupling with MED). Coupling options were investigated and each simulation model was optimised to deliver maximum output (power and water). The best configuration was found to be the coupling of a HTR with a RO plant producing 86.56 MW generator power. This is equal to 2077 MWh/day. Using 332 MWh/day for desalination through RO, delivers 73 833 m3/day fresh water and results in 1745 MWh/day sent to the grid. This scenario is the best option from a thermodynamic and economic point of view. From an investment point of view, it will produce an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 10.9 percent and the Net Present Value (NPV) is calculated to be R 2,486,958,689. The results and analysis for the different cycle configurations are presented in such a way that an easy comparison can be made. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Nuclear Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011

Removal of inorganic and trace organic contaminants by electrodialysis

Banasiak, Laura Joan January 2010 (has links)
With the continual concern over the presence of naturally occurring and anthropogenic inorganic and trace organic contaminants in the aquatic environment there is a growing need for the implementation of innovative treatment processes for the elimination of these contaminants from natural waters and wastewater effluents. While conventional treatment methods are ineffective in the removal of emerging contaminants such as steroidal hormones and pesticides, membrane technology, including electrodialysis (ED), has been highlighted as a potential treatment option. However, the clear lack of fundamental understanding of the behaviour of contaminants in ED is a current limitation for its extensive utilisation and is a critical issue that needs to be addressed. ED processing potentialities have not been fully exploited and more research is needed to account for all the key parameters such as contaminant physicochemical properties, solution chemistry and the presence of organic matter. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the mechanisms of inorganic and trace organic contaminant removal by ED. The inorganic contaminants fluoride, nitrate and boron were selected due to their ubiquitous nature in the environment and public health concerns resulting from longterm exposure. The hydrated radius and strength of hydration shells played a significant role in ionic transport, whereby nitrate with a smaller hydrated radius was removed more effectively (94.1 %) than fluoride (68.3 %) with a larger hydrated radius. While fluoride and nitrate removal was pH independent, the pH dependent speciation of boron enhanced its removal with increasing pH. Territorial binding and/or complexation of the inorganics with organic matter enhanced removal. The removal of a range of trace inorganics (e.g. arsenic, calcium, magnesium, uranium) from a brackish groundwater from a remote Australian community was investigated. Undissociated inorganics were not transported through the membranes, whereas dissociated inorganics were due to electrostatic attraction. At acidic-neutral conditions ionic transport was the dominant removal mechanism. At neutral to alkaline conditions insoluble carbonate species precipitated and deposited as a membrane scaling layer (60 μm). This has serious implications for the long-term practical applicability of ED to treat real waters as scaling increased ED stack resistance (pH 3: 27.5 4, pH 11: 50 4) and decreased total dissolved solids removal (pH 3: 99 %, pH 11: 89.5 %). While the treatment of trace organics by other membrane processes has been widely studied, their fate in ED and interaction with ED membranes is relatively unknown. Trace contaminant-membrane interaction studies were undertaken to quantify the partitioning of trace organics; namely steroidal hormones and the pesticide endosulfan, to ED membranes by measuring membrane-water partition coefficients (log KM). The extremely high sorption capacity of the membranes was attributed to hydrogen bonding between the trace organic and membrane functional groups. Hormone sorption during ED was influenced by solution pH and organic matter. In the case of estrone, membrane sorption decreased at pH 11 (487 μg/cm3) compared to pH 7 (591 μg/cm3) due to dissociation and membrane electrostatic repulsion .At pH 11, repulsion between dissociated estrone and HA coupled with membrane electrostatic attraction resulted in increased sorption. The findings from this study highlight that the transport of trace contaminants will depend largely on the characteristics of the membranes used in the ED process as well as the physicochemical characteristics of the contaminants, their interaction with the ED membranes and the presence of other inorganic and/or organic compounds. The knowledge gained has direct applications to current problems and uncertainties in water and wastewater treatment with regards to the fate and transport of contaminants.

MSF process modelling, simulation and optimisation : impact of non-condensable gases and fouling factor on design and operation : optimal design and operation of MSF desalination process with non-condensable gases and calcium carbonate fouling, flexible design operation and scheduling under variable demand and seawater temperature using gPROMS

Said, Said Alforjani R. January 2012 (has links)
Desalination is a technique of producing fresh water from the saline water. Industrial desalination of sea water is becoming an essential part in providing sustainable source of fresh water for a large number of countries around the world. Thermal process being the oldest and most dominating for large scale production of freshwater in today's world. Multi-Stage Flash (MSF) distillation process has been used for many years and is now the largest sector in the desalination industry. In this work, a steady state mathematical model of Multistage Flash (MSF) desalination process is developed and validated against the results reported in the literature using gPROMS software. The model is then used for further investigation. First, a steady state calcium carbonate fouling resistance model has been developed and implemented in the full MSF mathematical model developed above using gPROMS modeling tool. This model takes into consideration the effect of stage temperature on the calcium carbonate fouling resistance in the flashing chambers in the heat recovery section, heat rejection section, and brine heaters of MSF desalination plants. The effect of seasonal variation of seawater temperature and top brine temperature on the calcium carbonate fouling resistance has been studied throughout the flashing stage. In addition, the total annual operating cost of the MSF process is selected to minimise, while optimising the operating parameters such as seawater rejected flow rate, brine recycle flow rate and steam temperature at different seawater temperature and fouling resistance. Secondly, an intermediate storage between the plant and the client is considered to provide additional flexibility in design and operation of the MSF process throughout the day. A simple polynomial based dynamic seawater temperature and different freshwater demand correlations are developed based on actual data. For different number of flash stages, operating parameters such as seawater rejected flow rate and brine recycle flow rate are optimised, while the total annual operating cost of the MSF process is selected to minimise.The results clearly show that the advantage of using the intermediate storage tank adds flexible scheduling in the MSF plant design and operation parameters to meet the variation in freshwater demand with varying seawater temperatures without interrupting or fully shutting down the plant at any time during the day by adjusting the number of stages. Furthermore, the effect of non-condensable gases (NCG) on the steady state mathematical model of MSF process is developed and implemented in the MSF model developed earlier. Then the model is used to study effect of NCG on the overall heat transfer coefficient. The simulation results showed a decrease in the overall heat transfer coefficient values as NCG concentrations increased. The model is then used to study the effect of NCG on the design and operation parameters of MSF process for fixed water demand. For a given plant configuration (fixed design) and at different seawater and steam temperatures, a 0.015 wt. % of NCG results in significantly different plant operations when compared with those obtained without the presence of NCG. Finally, for fixed water demand and in the presence of 0.015 wt. % NCGs, the performance is evaluated for different plant configurations and seawater temperature and compared with those obtained without the presence of NCG.

Effects of membrane structure and operational variables on membrane distillation performance

Karanikola, Vasiliki, Corral, Andrea F., Jiang, Hua, Sáez, A. Eduardo, Ela, Wendell P., Arnold, Robert G. January 2017 (has links)
A bench-scale, sweeping gas, flat-sheet Membrane Distillation (MD) unit was used to assess the importance of membrane architecture and operational variables to distillate production rate. Sweeping gas membrane distillation (SGMD) was simulated for various membrane characteristics (material, pore size, porosity and thickness), spacer dimensions and operating conditions (influent brine temperature, sweep gas flow rate and brine flow rate) based on coupled mass and energy balances. Model calibration was carried out using four membranes that differed in terms of material selection, effective pore size, thickness and porosity. Membrane tortuosity was the lone fitting parameter. Distillate fluxes and temperature profiles from experiments matched simulations over a wide range of operating conditions. Limitations to distillate production were then investigated via simulations, noting implications for MD design and operation. Under the majority of conditions investigated, membrane resistance to mass transport provided the primary limitation to water purification rate. The nominal or effective membrane pore size and the lumped parameter epsilon/delta tau (porosity divided by the product of membrane tortuosity and thickness) were primary determinants of membrane resistance to mass transport. Resistance to Knudsen diffusion dominated membrane resistance at pore diameters <0.3 mu m. At larger pore sizes, a combination of resistances to intra-pore molecular diffusion and convection across the gas-phase boundary layer determined mass transport resistance. Findings are restricted to the module design flow regimes considered in the modeling effort. Nevertheless, the value of performance simulation to membrane distillation design and operation is well illustrated.

Clean water from clean energy : removal of dissolved contaminants from brackish groundwater using wind energy powered electrodialysis

Malek, Payam January 2015 (has links)
Around 770 million people lack access to improved drinking water sources (WHO 2013), urgently necessitating implementation of contaminant removal by e.g. desalination systems on a large scale. To improve water quality and enable use of brackish water sources for human consumption in remote arid areas, a directly coupled wind – electrodialysis system (Wind-ED) was developed. Modularity, sustainability and above all suitability for the practical use in off-grid locations were the main motivations and design objectives. The direct coupling of wind energy with membranes reduces the system costs as well as technical drawbacks associated with using intermediate energy storage systems. During this research, systematic experiments were performed using the Wind-ED system in order to determine desalination performance and clean water production, specific energy consumption (SEC) and current efficiency (ηc) under relevant conditions, such as varying: i) wind speed, ii) wind turbulence intensity, iii) oscillation periods, iv) varying NaCl concentrations and v) flow rates. Moreover, the competitive removal of four commonly available inorganic contaminants in brackish groundwater sources, nitrate (NO3-), fluoride (F-), sulphate (SO42-) and chloride (Cl-), were investigated. Firstly, to establish a systematic understanding of how and to what extent energy fluctuations influence the transport of the salt (i.e. NaCl) ions across the membranes, experiments were conducted using pulsed electric field assisted electrodialysis (pulsed-ED) over a wide range of frequencies (0.001 – 10 Hz) and duty cycles (20 – 80). The results showed that pulsation applied in the sub-limiting regime resulted in reduced water production, explained by the delays caused by the off-periods during the pulsed desalination process. At higher current densities, pulsation led to considerable improvements in current (e.g. up to 95%, for a feed solution of 500 mg/L and a pulse regime of 1 Hz at 50 V peak voltage) and significant reduction in water dissociation, explained by a reduction of concentration polarisation. Importantly, the pulsation had no significant effect on energy consumption or current efficiency suggesting that ED could be suitable for direct coupling to fluctuating energy sources such as wind energy. ED was consequently coupled to a wind turbine system and a series of desalination tests were performed over a wide range of wind speeds (2-10 m/s), turbulence intensities (TI of 0-0.6) and oscillation periods (0-180 s). Results showed that water production and SEC increased with wind speed. However, both the water production and SEC stopped increasing as the power output from the turbine levelled off at wind speeds above the rated value (vrated: 7.9 – 8.4 m/s). The impact of wind speed fluctuations on the system performance were insignificant up to a TI of 0.4. The desalination performance declined under high turbulence intensity fluctuations (TIs ≥ 0.5) and long periods of oscillation (> 40 s), as the wind-ED system periodically cycled off in response to operation below the cut-in wind speed of the wind turbine (vcut-in: ~ 2 m/s). The off-cycling of the system caused significant delays in the desalination process, and thus resulted in reduced water production. Further reduction in the water production resulted as the wind-ED system operated under intermittent wind speed conditions with off-wind periods longer than 10 s. It was concluded that the main challenge in direct coupling of ED to a wind resource was not the magnitude of the fluctuations but the impact of the power cycling off during long periods of oscillation and lengthy periods of no wind. Interestingly, the SEC of the process remained relatively unaffected by the fluctuations and intermittencies in the wind resource. The effect of energy fluctuations on the competitive transport of F-, Cl-, NO3- and SO42- from artificial brackish water (TDS ~4350 mg/L) was investigated using different sets of real wind data. The ion removal, independent of the wind regime tested, followed the order: NO3- ≥ Cl- > F- > SO42-. The competitive removal of the ions was linked to differences in physicochemical properties (i.e. hydration energy, ionic mobility and valence). The specific selectivity (e.g. preferential transport of NO3- over SO42- ions) was found to increase with concentration polarisation being either minimised (by lowering the mean wind speed) or disrupted (by fluctuations in the wind resource). The results from flow rate and feed concentration experiments, showed that power production of the wind turbine depended on not only the available wind energy but also the resistance of the load (i.e. the ED stack). Thus, increasing the feed concentration and the flow rate resulted in reduced resistance in the ED stack (Rstack), which inversely influenced the current induction counter torque force applied on the shaft of the wind turbine and caused the rotor to spin at a lower angular velocity. This led to increased sensitivity of the wind-ED system to wind speed fluctuations (e.g. system cycled off due to extreme fluctuations and intermittencies with low TDS feed concentration of 2400 mg/L) and hence a reduction of desalination performance. Impact of flow rate on the SEC was found to be negligible; this was attributed to the automatic voltage to current adjustments done by the wind turbine, in order to minimise the impacts of Rstack on the power production by the turbine at a given wind speed. Increased flow rate and resulting shrinkage of the boundary layer’s thickness, caused the concentration profiles at the solution-membrane interface to become steeper. This favoured the transport of ions with the highest diffusion coefficients in the mixture (i.e. Cl- and NO3-). Decreased flow rate favoured the transport of ions with larger valence numbers and higher electric mobility inside the electrolyte (i.e. SO42-); as the former property governed the faster migration of SO42- ions through the thick boundary layer and the latter property assisted with the improved affinity of the ion-exchange membrane to SO42- ions compared to the monovalent anions in the mixture. Increasing the feed concentration of Cl- from 500 to 2,550 mg/L led to reduced transport numbers for the other anions in the mixture and significantly reducing their removal rate. The results obtained from both the pulsed-ED and wind-ED experiments showed that, despite direct coupling to the fluctuating energy source the SEC of the process remained relatively unaffected by the energy fluctuations. Although the desalination process might require more time to be completed when operating under extreme wind speed fluctuations and intermittencies, the quality of the drinking water produced was always within the WHO standards. In conclusion, the findings from this research prove the wind-ED system to be an energetically robust and a reliable off-grid desalination technique suitable for the treatment of brackish groundwater in water stressed remote regions.

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