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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The performance management system of the Department of Economic Development and Tourism (Western Cape)

Colli, Liesel Antoinette January 2013 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Magister Technologiae: Public Management in the Faculty of Business at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology 2013 / Service delivery is one of the key aspects of public and private organisations. It is therefore important for organisations to have a Performance Management System in place to monitor and evaluate the efficiency of its employees. A good Performance Management System sets a standard that determines whether an employee’s performance is of merit or has shortcomings. Furthermore it will aid the employee in being proficient in his\her work environment. This research project examined the effectiveness of the Performance Management System used within the Department of Economic Development and Tourism in the Western Cape, South Africa. Problems encountered by employees were identified by the researcher and recommendations were forwarded to the employees on how to improve the Department’s Performance Management System. The researcher undertook a quantitative research approach by administering a closed-ended questionnaire which was analysed by a registered statistician. The study found that most of the participants understood the Performance Management System used by the Department of Economic Development and Tourism. Furthermore the majority of participants understood their role within the Department and how they could meet the Department’s strategic objectives as set out in the Department’s annual performance plans..à h.

Vybudování golfového hřiště s využitím Evropských fondů / Building golf course ussing European funds

ČERVENÝ, Radek January 2010 (has links)
From among all the presented financial tools the one which meets best the project requirements is the measure Rural development program {--} axis III. 1.3. Promotion of tourism, which implements the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. As indicated by the title, the fund supports projects that may improve the quality of tourism in rural areas. The golf course is exactly the project that fits this category.

Možnosti strategického rozvoje cestovního ruchu na Znojemsku / A possibilities of strategic tourism development in the area Znojmo

KOLÁŘOVÁ, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The main object of this thesis is to analyse the total potential of tourism in Znojmo District and to suggest the main measures and priorities for further tourism development in this region based on the analysis.

Udržitelný rozvoj cestovního ruchu ve vybrané destinaci - CHKO Kokořínsko / Sustainable tourism development in the chosen destination - Protected Landscape Area Kokořínsko

Svobodová, Eliška January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the sustainable tourism development in the Protected Landscape Area Kokořínsko. The aim is to evaluate current state of sustainable tourism in this area and outline the perspectives of its further development. The theoretical part is dedicated to the definition of the concept of sustainable development and its application to the tourism in protected areas. The beggining of the practical part describes the Protected Landscape Area Kokořínsko. The practical part is also concerned with the organization of tourism and an analysis of offer of environmentally friendly forms of tourism. The thesis is completed with an overall evaluation based on the SWOT analysis, chosen indicators of sustainable tourism development and a questionnaire survey among tourists, residents, entrepreneurs in the tourism industry and municipalities in the region of the Protected Landscape Area Kokořínsko.

Venkovský cestovní ruch jako forma udržitelného rozvoje území (na příkladě Čierneho Balogu) / Rural Tourism as a Form of Sustainable Development (Čierny Balog case study)

Giertlová, Kristína January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is about rural tourism, which serves as a potential tool for sustainable development of the territory. Tourism is an alternative to agriculture and forestry. The rural residents may realize themselves in rural tourism. This may be an area of new jobs and education. The sustainability of development, respectively its development is a problem for all EU countries. These countries solve this problem by redistributing help through their strategic and programming documents. In this work there are collected and compared Czech and Slovak strategic and programming documents in the section of tourism and development. The village Čierny Balog is chosen as an example. On this example is shown as is related state and government and also as is related self-government to the strategic and programming documents of the Slovak Republic. The potential of rural tourism is also analyzed in this document. The analysis of potential follows up analysis of tourism, which monitors, if this potential is properly used. At the end there are compared questionnaire results from the village Čierny Balog and VUV (Voluntary union village) ?umavské Podlesí. The results show a comparison of the different situation in the tourism, respectively rural tourism in both areas. From this comparison based initiative for further...

Devenir d' un patrimoine architectural et urbain d'une ville en mutation : Saint-Louis du Sénégal

Ka, Serigne Matar 25 October 2012 (has links)
Saint-Louis du Sénégal, sur la côte occidentale de l'Afrique, est une ville d'une rare spécificité. Première cité construite sur le Continent Noir par les Européens au XVIIe siècle, elle a hérité d'un patrimoine urbanistique et architectural riche de par sa diversité et son originalité. Pourtant ces vestiges de l'époque coloniale sont aujourd'hui menacés : des contingences économiques, climatiques, ainsi que l'usure du temps font qu'à présent, une grande partie des bâtisses sont au mieux en ruines, au pire ont disparu. A l'heure où les pouvoirs publics semblaient ne pas savoir comment faire face au problème des dégradations du bâti, un espoir est venu de l'Unesco qui a classé l'île de Saint-Louis au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco. A cette première intervention est venu s'ajouter une réorganisation de la gouvernance locale dans un contexte de décentralisation jouant des partenariats avec des ONG mais aussi des atouts de la coopération décentralisée. En conséquence, le patrimoine architectural subit de multiples initiatives de restauration et de valorisation. Il est devenu le prétexte, le support et le cadre d'un dynamisme nouveau qui s'exprime de manière visible voire spectaculaire dans la progression de l'activité touristique, l'essor du commerce et des services ; un dynamisme qui n'est pas sans tensions allant jusqu'à remettre en question le patrimoine exploité. / Saint-Louis, of Senegal, is located in the West African coast. It is a very typical town. It was the first city ever built by Europeans on the Black Continent during the XVIIth century, and inherited a town-planning and architectural heritage which is consequent, because of its diversity and originality. However, those remains of the colonial era are threatened. Nowadays, most of the buildings are in ruins or have vanished, because of economic, climatic circumstances, or because of the wearing effect of time. While the public institutions seemed to be overwhelmed by this issue, the UNESCO gave hope by listing the city in the UNESCO World Heritage. In the meantime, the local government faced reorganization, and made partnerships up in a context of decentralization. Thus, the architectural heritage faces many initiatives of restoration and promotion. It now has become the pretext of a renewed process which is visible in a spectacular way, by the rise of the tourism and the development of trade and services. Moreover, this process is not without some strain, and it even put in question the exploited heritage.

Vývoj postavení Prahy - destinace cestovního ruchu ve středoevropském prostoru / Development of the Status of Prague - Tourist Destination in the Central European Space

Dumbrovská, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
Title: Development ot the Status of Prague - Tourist Destination in the Central European Space Author: Veronika Dumbrovská Department: Social Geography and Regional Development Supervisor: RNDr. Dana Fialová, Ph.D. Abstract The objective of this thesis is to analyse the development of the status of Prague as a destination of city tourism in Central European since 1989. Prague, the Czech capital, is compared to other capitals in the region - Berlin, Vienna, Bratislava, Warsaw, and Budapest. The research is focused especially on a comparison between Prague on the one hand and Vienna and Budapest on the other in the period 2003-2011. For the research presented in the submitted thesis, secondary data from national statistical offices of the selected countries and specialized statistical databases were used. This quantitative research has been combined with qualitative studies. Since 1989, Prague has transformed from a destination of "former Eastern bloc" into a destination comparable with major cities of Western Europe. The development of tourism in Prague has been rapid and misbalanced. Tourism impact on Prague is higher than in other capitals of Central Europe, especially in its historical centre. This thesis presents major theoretical characteristics of city tourism and applies them on the case of Prague -...

Tourism As A Tool For Development: The Case Mawlana Tourism In Konya

Sari, Ozgur 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation analyzes the role of tourism within development process in the case of the role of Mawlana tourism in the urban development process of Konya, around the theoretical approaches about tourism and development such as new modernization school, global local nexus approach, glokalism, and TBD (Tourism Business District) approaches. The study finds out that Mawlawi tourism has been playing crucial roles in articulation of Konya to the global markets and urban identity building process. Mawlana tourism establishes a city trademark and international business connections, rather than taking place as a supplementary economic sector in the development process of Konya. Within the diversification in the global tourism, Mawlana tourism can be defined as cultural, religious, and spiritual tourism. Although Mawlana tourism is a limited sector compared to others, it is crucial for Konya to be articulated to the global markets with an urban identity and business connections through Mawlana and Mawlawi Order.

Island Tourism Management Process: Implications for Optimisation

Mr Chul-soo Lim Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Branding a region : the next step for the regional tourism organization of Southern Africa

Manasoe, Benjamin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Information Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Marketing practitioners and academics are increasingly applying the concepts and techniques of products or services branding to the branding of destinations. To date, most of these studies focussed on using product and services branding concepts for branding destinations on the level of an individual resort, city or country. This thesis extends this trend by considering to what degree these destination branding ideas can also be used to brand an entire region consisting of several countries with multiple destinations. The specific focus is on developing such a regional branding framework for the tourism industry of the Southern African Development Community (SADC). First the state of tourism within the SADC region was described, including the establishment of RETOSA and the tourism performance of the region. On the basis of this overview, opportunities for regional destination branding were then considered. Secondly, the core concepts of product branding and their application to destination branding were discussed. Four theoretical frameworks for branding were reviewed and then used to compare product and destination branding. Thirdly, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was used as a case study of a region that has attempted regional destination branding initiatives, with a view to what the SADC-region may learn from this experience. In conclusion a regional destination branding framework is proposed for the SADC region. The following list makes up the elements of this framework: the vision and mission, the destination brand and its proposition, core values of the destination and its brand identity, brand image, clear view of the market, audience and competitors, brand personality, brand positioning, stakeholder consultation process and tourism marketing research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bemarkingspraktisyns en akademici pas toenemend die konsepte en tegnieke van produk- en dienste-bemarking op die bemarking van destinasies toe. Tot op hede was die focus van die meeste studies om bemarkingskonsepte toe te pas op destinasies soos `n individuele oort, stad of land. Hierdie tesis gaan verder as dit en oorweeg ook on watter mate hierdie bemarkingsidees ook gebruik kan word om `n hele streek, wat uit verskeie lande bestaan, te bemark. Daar word spesifiek gepoog om `n streeksbemarkingsraamwerk vir die toerismebedryf van die Suid-Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap (SADC) daar te stel. Eerstens word die stand van toerisme in die SADC-streek beskryf, insluitend die ontwikkeling van SADC en die Streekstoerisme Organisasie van Suider-Afrika (RETOSA). Hierdie oorsig is gebruik om geleenthede vir streeksbemarking te oorweeg. Tweedens worddie kernkonsepte van produkbemarking en hulle toepassing op streeksbemarking bespreek. Vier teoretiese raamwerke vir bemarking word beskou en gebruik om produk- en destinasie-bemarking te vergelyk. Derdens word die Assosiasie van Suidoos-Asiatiese Lande (ASEAN) as `n gevallestudie van `n streek wat sulke bemarkingsinisiatiewe reeds geïmplimenteer het, bestudeer om te sien wat SADC daaruit kan leer. Laastens word `n streeksbemarkingsraamwerk vir die SADC-streek voorgestel. Die elemente waaruit die raamwerk beslaan, sluit die volgende in: die visie en misie, die streekshandelsmerk en sy proposisie, die kernwaardes van die streek en handelsmerkidentiteit, handelsmerkbeeld, oorsig oor die mark, toeskouers en kompetisie, handelsmerkpersoonlikheid, posisionering, insethouer konsultasieproses en toerismemarknavorsing.

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