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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Úloha spojovacích proteinů při stabilizaci extracelulární matrix v mozku a při vytváření a udržování perineurálních sítí / The role of link proteins in the stabilization of the brain extracellular matrix and in formation and maintaining of the perineuronal nets

Suchá, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The brain extracellular space (ECS) contains specified macromolecules forming the extracellular matrix (ECM), containing a high amount of negative charges that could bind water or other soluble ions and molecules diffusing within the ECS. In specific brain areas, the ECM molecules form a condensed, reticular-like structure of perineuronal nets (PNNs). It has been found that PNNs appear at the end of the critical period, when they stabilize the synapses and terminate their plasticity and may have also neuroprotective function. To study the role of brain link protein 2 (Bral2) in stabilizing the ECM complexes, we employed the real-time iontophoretic method and immunohistochemical analysis to show the difference in the ECS diffusion parameters and level of expression of the ECM molecules between the wild type and Bral2-deficient mice. We also compared changes in the ECS diffusion parameters induced by Bral2 deficiency with those appeared after enzymatic destruction of the ECM by the chondroitinase ABC (chABC). In the Bral2-deficient mice, we discovered significantly decreased values of tortuosity in the trapezoid body. This difference was age related and did not manifest itself in young mice. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that inferior colliculus does not contain Bral2-brevican based...

Développements en microscopie non linéaire cohérente et incohérente et applications / Developments in coherent and incoherent nonlinear microscopy and applications

Sevrain, David 13 December 2013 (has links)
Les techniques de microscopie non linéaire connaissent un essor considérable ensciences du vivant, du fait de leur capacité à imager les tissus biologiques en profondeur et àexploiter différents contrastes dont les plus connus sont la fluorescence excitée à deux photons(2PEF) et la génération de second harmonique (SHG).Ce travail de thèse ’articule autour de la métrologie de milieux diffusants et d’applicationsbiomédicales de la microscopie non linéaire. Après une présentation générale de la technique, nousdécrivons une méthode originale de mesure du coefficient de diffusion μs et du facteur d’anisotropieg de milieux turbides épais basée sur la comparaison des intensités de fluorescence épi-collectéesselon trois modalités de notre microscope non-linéaire. Notre méthode est alors appliquée à lacaractérisation de gels biomimétiques et d’échantillons d’intérêt biologique. Le manuscrit abordeensuite le problème de l’imagerie en profondeur d’explants de peau humaine ré-innervée par desneurones sensoriels de rats nouveau-nés. Le choix du marqueur neuronal fluorescent fait l’objetd’une mesure in situ de la section efficace d’absorption à deux photons de différents fluorophores.La faisabilité d’une imagerie bimodale exploitant la fluorescence de ce marqueur et la réponse SHGdu collagène fibrillaire du derme est démontrée. Le manuscrit s’achève par une étude faisant suiteà des travaux de thèse antérieurs relatifs à la quantification de la fibrose hépatique par microscopieSHG/2PEF couplée. Nous appliquons la méthode de scoring SHG développée précédemment àune cohorte de patients infectés par le virus de l’hépatite C et comparons nos résultats aux testsMETAVIR et Ishak. / Nonlinear microscopy techniques are experiencing a considerable growth in lifescience, thanks to their ability to image biological tissues at high depth with different contrastssuch as two-photon excitation fluorescence (2PEF) and second harmonic generation (SHG).This manuscript focuses on metrology of scattering media and on biomedical applications ofnonlinear microscopy. After an overview of the technique, we describe a novel method for measuringthe scattering coefficient μs and anisotropy factor g of thick turbid media based on the comparisonof fluorescence intensities epi-collected through the three modalities of our nonlinear microscope.Our method is then applied to biomimetic gels and to biological samples. The manuscript thentackles the problem of imaging deeply human skin explants re-innervated by sensory neurons fromneonatal rats. The choice of the fluorescence probe is the subject of an in situ measurement ofthe two-photon action cross-sections of various fluorophores. The feasibility of bimodal nonlinearimaging of re-innervated skin explants based on the 2PEF signal of the molecular probe and onthe SHG response of fibrillar collagen of the dermis is demonstrated. The manuscript ends witha study subsequent to the work of previous thesis regarding the quantification of liver fibrosisby SHG/2PEF microscopy. We apply the method of fibrillar collagen scoring by SHG previouslydeveloped to a new cohort of patients infected with hepatitis C virus and we analyze our resultsin terms of METAVIR and Ishak tests.

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