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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diplomatický azyl / Diplomatic asylum

Ander, Adam January 2013 (has links)
68 Summary Diplomatic Asylum The aim of my thesis is to analyse the topic of diplomatic asylum in the light of the fact that diplomatic asylum is not universally codified nevertheless it is used in international practice. Main questions set for this thesis are: On what legal basis lies the practice of providing international protection in form of diplomatic asylum in countries that are not participating on international treaties concerning diplomatic asylum? Should this situation be called in different way e.g. humanitarian refuge? Why are states not able to find compromise in codifying this topic? What is a background for this inability - or rather unwillingness? The thesis is divided into six main chapters, each of them trying to deal with the topic in different point of view and trying to find answers to the above stated questions. First chapter examines terminology of the topic using different encyclopaedias and vocabularies, finding that it is nearing Babylonian confusion of tongues. The following chapter goes back in history in order to find roots of asylum and more narrowly diplomatic asylum. This chapter is subdivided into two parts, because there is a huge difference between the development of diplomatic asylum in Europe and in Latin America, where diplomatic asylum survived until today and was...

Diplomatický azyl / Diplomatic asylum

Baránek, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the international law institute of diplomatic asylum. Introduction analyzes early history of asylum law, focusing primarily on the period of ancient Greece and Rome, and later on the asylum practice of the Church, which as an influential institution of the medieval world greatly influenced development of asylum law. To be able to put diplomatic asylum in broader context of asylum law, thesis also deals with territorial asylum - classic form of asylum. There is also a marginal consideration on refugee issues. General discussion is followed by the analysis of diplomatic asylum itself. Diplomatic asylum as a Latin American legal particularism is a special form of asylum provided in the premises of diplomatic missions or in other suitable places. Thesis deals mainly with the interpretation of the necessary attributes that shaped diplomatic asylum and analyzes significant codification achievements in Latin America. A milestone in development of diplomatic asylum was the ruling of the International Court of Justice in Asylum case, put forward by Colombia and Peru, after a peruvian revolutionary, Mr. Haya de la Torre, was granted asylum in Colombian embassy in Lima, Peru in 1948. Negative attitude of the Court instigated legislative action of South American republics. During the...

Diplomatic asylum in the context of public international law / Diplomatinis prieglobstis tarptautinės viešosios teisės kontekste

Leonavičiūtė, Simona 03 July 2012 (has links)
Every state may face a bid for protection in embassies or consulates from persons looking for a shelter in dangerous situations to their lives and safety. Even though diplomatic asylum is more peculiar to Latin America region, no State is prevented from such seekers. Practical examples show that diplomatic asylum helped to safe thousands of people in countries where instability of governments exist, during wars or in situations where no other alternative of protection was available. Grant of diplomatic asylum is a problematic issue because it raises question which value should prevail: inviolability of premises or non interference into internal affairs, protection of human rights or sovereignty of State. This master thesis attempts to find out what is the current position of diplomatic asylum in the context of public international law and on what grounds it could be granted in embassies and consulates. For this aim, the thesis is focused on the evolution and main features of diplomatic asylum, on its relation with regional and universal international law instruments, on dominating positions to diplomatic asylum in the case law. International treaties, state practice and various positions of legal writers were analyzed in order to reveal grounds for granting diplomatic asylum. In the States where diplomatic asylum is recognized, it is granted according to the existing legal regulation. In the States where diplomatic asylum is not considered as legal institute, it is granted on... [to full text] / Kiekviena valstybė savo ambasadose ar konsulatuose gali sulaukti asmenų prašančių prieglobsčio dėl gresiančio pavojaus gyvybei ar saugumui. Nors diplomatinis prieglobstis yra būdingesnis Lotynų Amerikos regionui, nė viena valstybė nėra apsaugota nuo tokio prašymo. Praktiniai pavyzdžiai rodo, kad diplomatinis prieglobstis padėjo išgelbėti tūkstančius gyvybių ten, kur vykdavo dažna politinės valdžios kaita, per karus, ar tokiose situacijose, kur nebuvo galima rasti jokios kitos apsaugos. Diplomatinio prieglobsčio suteikimas yra problematiškas klausimas, kadangi nėra aišku, kam turėtų būti teikiama pirmenybė: atstovybės patalpų neliečiamybei ar nesikišimo į valstybės vidaus reikalus principui, žmogaus teisių apsaugai ar valstybės suverenitetui. Šiuo magistro darbu siekiama išsiaiškinti diplomatinio prieglobsčio svarbą tarptautines teisės kontekste, kokie yra galimi pagrindai šiam prieglobsčiui suteikti. Šiam tikslui pasiekti, didelis dėmesys skiriamas diplomatinio prieglobsčio vystymuisi ir pagrindiniams bruožams, jo santykiui su regioniniais ir visuotiniais tarptautines teises dokumentais, dominuojančia pozicija teismų praktikoje. Pagrindams diplomatiniui prieglobsčiui rasti buvo analizuojamos tarptautinės sutartys, šalių praktika ir skirtingos autorių nuomonės. Tose šalyse, kur diplomatinis prieglobstis yra pripažįstamas, jis yra suteikiamas pagal esamą teisinį reguliavimą. Kitose šalyse, nepripažįstančiose diplomatinio prieglobsčio kaip teisinio instituto, jis yra suteikiamas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

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