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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthesis and characterization of new polymer electrolytes to use in fuel cells fed with bio-alcohols

Sánchez Ballester, Soraya Carmen 01 September 2017 (has links)
Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)-based membranes have gathered significant interest because of their film forming ability and low cost. These films are usually crosslinked to provide a macromolecular network with high dimensional stability. PVA can be modified by introduction of sulfonic acid groups (sPVA) contributing to increase its proton conductivity. In addition, the preparation of hybrid organic-inorganic composite membranes by the addition of graphene oxide (GO) as nano-filler not only reinforces the matrix but also decreases the permeability of solvents. All this has motivated the use of these materials for the preparation of proton exchange membranes (PEMs) for direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) applications. Contribution I presents the chemical schemes followed for the bi-sulfonation of the PVA, the synthesis of GO and the preparation of PVA/GO and sPVA/GO composite membranes. In addition, a structural, morphological, thermal, and mechanical characterization of the starting materials and the composite membranes were performed. Finally, in order to evaluate the suitability of the prepared PEMs in fuel cells, the prot cond. was evaluated at room temperature. The results showed that the addition of GO (1 wt.%) into the sPVA matrix, 30sPVA/GO membrane, enhance by 89% the prot cond. compared to its homologue membrane, 30sPVA, free-standing of GO. In Contribution II, the proton conductive properties of the previously prepared membranes were investigated as a function of the structural (bi-sulfonation) and morphological (crosslinking and addition of GO) modifications. The bi-sulfonated membrane reinforced with GO, 30sPVA/GO, stands out over the rest. The addition of GO improves considerably its prot cond. (20.96 mS/cm at 90 °C) and its maximum power density (Pmax) in the H2-O2 fuel cell test (13.9 mW/cm2 at 25 ºC). In Contribution III was studied the effect of a new variable, the sufonation of the GO (sGO), on the functional properties of the composites PVA/sGO and sPVA/sGO for DMFC applications. In addition, the results were compared to that obtained for the previously described PVA/GO and sPVA/GO composites. The results conclude that, contrary to expectations, the multiple sulfonation of the 30sPVA/sGO composite strongly reduces the prot cond. (5.22 mS/cm at 50 °C) compared to its homologue 30sPVA/GO (8.42 mS/cm at 50 °C), despite its higher values of ion exchange capacity (IEC). Finally, the 30PVA/sGO composite (1.85 mW/cm2) shows a significant improvement of the DMFC performance (50 °C, 4M methanol solution) compared to the 30sPVA/GO composite (1.00 mW/cm2). The Layer-by-Layer (LbL) assembly method was used in Contribution IV for the preparation of composite membranes assembled via hydrogen bonding interactions. To do this, GO/PVA and GO/sPVA bilayers were deposited on the surface of 15PVA and 15sPVA substrate membranes, respectively. The composites were denoted as 15PVA(GO/PVA)n and 15sPVA(GO/sPVA)n where n is the number of deposited bilayers, in our case n ranges between 1 and 3. Finally, the potential of the composite membranes for DMFC applications were evaluated, showing the best performance the 15sPVA(GO/sPVA)1 composite. Finally, the Contribution V was focused on the preparation of composite membranes by LbL Assembly method, but in this case the assembly forces were electrostatic interactions. The GO was dispersed in a poly(allyl amine hydrochloride) solution (GO-PAH) in order to obtain a positively charged solution. The composites were assembled by alternate deposition of GO-PAH and sPVA layers on the surface of 15PVA and 15sPVA substrates, obtaining as a result the composites 15PVA(GO-PAH/sPVA)n and 15sPVA(GO-PAH/sPVA)n. The best value of prot cond. (8.26 mS/cm at 90 °C) was obtained for the 15PVA(GO-PAH/sPVA)1 composite, almost twice that the value obtained for its homologue sulfonated composite 15sPVA(GO-PAH/sPVA)1 (4.96 mS/cm a 90 °C). / Membranas constituidas básicamente por alcohol polivinílico (PVA) han despertado un gran interés debido a su bajo coste y su fácil procesado para conformarlas en forma de films. Estos films frecuentemente son sometidos a entrecruzamiento para disponer de una red macromolecular con una elevada estabilidad dimensional. La modificación del PVA por introducción de grupos sulfónicos (sPVA) cambia la estructura del polímero contribuyendo a aumentar su conductividad protónica. Además, la preparación de membranas híbridas orgánico-inorgánicas (composites) mediante la adición de óxido de grafeno (GO) refuerza la matriz, a la vez que disminuye su permeabilidad frente a disolventes. Todo ello ha motivado el uso de estos materiales para la preparación de membranas de intercambio protónico (PEMs) empleadas en pilas de combustible de metanol (DMFCs). En la Contribución I se presentan los esquemas químicos conducentes a la bi-sulfonación del PVA, la síntesis del GO y la preparación de las membranas composite PVA/GO y sPVA/GO. Además, se realizó la caracterización estructural, morfológica, térmica y mecánica de cada uno de los materiales de partida y de los composite. Finalmente, con el fin de evaluar su idoneidad como PEMs en pilas de combustible, se evaluó su cond. prot a temperatura ambiente. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la adición de GO (1 wt.%) como nano-carga a la matriz de sPVA genera un composite, 30sPVA/GO, cuya cond. prot supera en un 89 % a la de su membrana homóloga sin carga, 30sPVA. La Contribución II trata de explorar las propiedades conductoras de las membranas preparadas previamente en función de la modificación estructural (bi-sulfonación) y la morfológica (reticulación y adición de GO). La membrana bi-sulfonada y reforzada con GO, 30sPVA/GO, destaca sobre el resto. La adición de GO mejora considerablemente tanto la cond. prot (20.96 mS/cm a 90 ºC) como la densidad de potencia máxima (Pmax) en pila de combustible de hidrógeno (13.9 mW/cm2 a temperatura ambiente). En la Contribución III se estudió el efecto de una nueva variable, la sulfonación del GO (sGO), sobre las propiedades funcionales de los composites PVA/sGO y sPVA/sGO en aplicaciones de DMFC. Además, se llevó a cabo un estudio comparativo con los composite PVA/GO y sPVA/GO previamente descritos. Los resultados concluyeron que, en contra a lo esperado, la múltiple sulfonación de la membrana 30sPVA/sGO reduce fuertemente su cond. prot (5.22 mS/cm a 50 ºC) en comparación con su homóloga 30sPVA/GO (8.42 mS/cm a 50 ºC), aun mostrando valores superiores de IEC. Finalmente, el rendimiento de la composite 30PVA/sGO (1.85 mW/cm2) en una DMFC (50 ºC, disolución de metanol 4M) mostró una mejora significativa en comparación con la composite 30sPVA/GO (1.00 mW/cm2). El método de LbL assembly se empleó en la Contribución IV para la preparación de composites ensamblados mediante enlaces por puente de hidrógeno. Para ello, se llevó a cabo la deposición de bicapas de GO/PVA y GO/sPVA sobre los substratos 15PVA y 15sPVA, respectivamente. Los composites se codificaron como 15PVA(GO/PVA)n y 15sPVA(GO/sPVA)n siendo n el número de bicapas depositadas, en nuestro caso n varía entre 1 y 3. Por último, se evaluó su potencial para aplicaciones en DMFC, presentando el mejor comportamiento el composite 15sPVA(GO/sPVA)1. Finalmente, la Contribución V va dedicada a la fabricación de composites mediante el método de LbL Assembly, pero en este caso a través de interacciones electrostáticas. El GO se dispersó en una disolución de hidrocloruro de polialilamina (GO-PAH), con el fin de dotarlo de carga positiva. El ensamblaje se realizó por deposición alterna de capas de GO-PAH y sPVA, obteniéndose los composites 15PVA(GO-PAH/sPVA)n y 15sPVA(GO-PAH/sPVA)n. El mejor valor de cond. prot (8.26 mS/cm a 90 ºC) se obtuvo para el composite 15PVA(GO-PAH/sPVA)1, siendo casi el doble que el obtenido para su homólogo s / Membranes constituïdes a base PVA han despertat un gran interès a causa del seu baix cost i el seu fàcil processament per conformar-les en forma de films. Aquests films freqüentment són sotmesos a entrecreuament per disposar d'una xarxa macromolecular amb una elevada estabilitat dimensional. La modificació del PVA per introducció de grups sulfònics (sPVA) canvia l'estructura del polímer contribuint a augmentar la seua conductivitat protònica. A més, la preparació de membranes híbrides orgànic-inorgànics (composites) mitjançant addició d'òxid de grafè (GO) reforça la matriu, alhora que disminueix la seua permeabilitat enfront de dissolvents. Tot això ha motivat l'ús d'aquestos materials per a la preparació de membranes d'intercanvi protònic (PEMs) emprades en piles de combustible de metanol (DMFCs). En la Contribució I es presenten els esquemes químics conduents a la bi-sulfonació del PVA, la síntesi del GO i la preparació de les membranes composite PVA/GO i sPVA/GO. A més, es va realitzar la caracterització estructural, morfològica, tèrmica i mecànica de cada un dels materials de partida i de les membranes composite. Finalment, per tal d'avaluar la seua idoneïtat com a PEMs en piles de combustible, es va mesurar la seua cond. prot a temperatura ambient. Els resultats obtinguts van mostrar que l¿addició de GO (1 wt.%) com a nano-càrrega en la matriu de sPVA genera un composite, 30sPVA/GO, amb una cond. prot que supera en un 89% a la de la seua membrana homòloga sense càrrega, 30sPVA. La Contribució II tracta d'explorar les propietats conductores de les membranes composite preparades prèviament en funció de la modificació estructural (bi-sulfonació) i morfològica (reticulació i addició de GO). La membrana bi-sulfonada i reforçada amb GO, 30sPVA/GO, destaca sobre la resta. L'addició de GO millora considerablement tant la cond. prot (20.96 mS/cm a 90 ºC) com la densitat de potència màxima (Pmax) a la pila de combustible d'hidrogen (13.9 mW/cm2 a temperatura ambient). En la Contribució III es va estudiar l'efecte d'una nova variable, la sulfonació del GO (sGO), sobre les propietats funcionals dels composites PVA/sGO i sPVA/sGO per aplicacions en DMFC. A més, es va dur a terme un estudi comparatiu amb els composites PVA/GO i sPVA/GO prèviament descrits. Els resultats van concloure que en contra del que s'esperava, la múltiple sulfonació de la membrana 30sPVA/sGO redueix fortament la seua cond. prot (5.22 mS/cm a 50 ºC) en comparació amb la seua homòloga 30sPVA/GO (8.42 mS/cm a 50 ºC), tot i que mostra valors superiors de IEC. Finalment, el rendiment de la membrana 30PVA/sGO (1.85 mW/cm2) en una DMFC (50 ºC, dissolució de metanol 4M) va mostrar una millora significativa en comparació amb la membrana 30sPVA/GO (1.00 mW/cm2). El mètode de LBL assembly es va emprar en la Contribució IV per a la preparació de composites acoblats mitjançant enllaços per pont d'hidrogen. Amb aquest fi, es va dur a terme la deposició de bicapes de GO/PVA i GO/sPVA sobre els substrats 15PVA i 15sPVA, respectivament. Els composites es van codificar com a 15PVA(GO/PVA)n i 15sPVA(GO/sPVA)n on n és el nombre de bicapes dipositades, en el nostre cas n varia entre 1 i 3. Finalment, es va avaluar el seu potencial per a aplicacions en DMFC, presentant el millor comportament el composite 15sPVA(GO/sPVA)1. Finalment, la Contribució V va dedicada a la fabricació de composites mitjançant el mètode de LBL Assembly, però en aquest cas acoblats a través d'interaccions electrostàtiques. El GO es va dispersar en una dissolució de hidroclorur de polialilamina (GO-PAH), per tal de dotar-lo de càrrega positiva. L'acoblament es va realitzar per deposició alterna de capes de GO-PAH i sPVA, obtenint-se els composites 15PVA(GO-PAH/sPVA)n i 15sPVA(GO-PAH/sPVA)n. El millor valor de cond. prot (8.26 mS/cm a 90 ºC) es va obtenir per al composite 15PVA(GO-PAH/sPVA)1, sent gairebé el doble que l'obtingut / Sánchez Ballester, SC. (2017). Synthesis and characterization of new polymer electrolytes to use in fuel cells fed with bio-alcohols [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86198

Design and development of a methanol concentration controller for fuel cells

Viljoen, Marius 09 September 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech.) (Engineering: Electrical, Dept.: Electronic Engineering))--Vaal University of Technology, 2008. / The demand for higher efficiency, sustainability and cleaner power sources increases daily. A Direct Methanol Fuel Cell is a power source that can be applied for small to medium household appliances and office equipment. It can ideally be used for operating appliances like notebook computers on remote sites where no electrical power is available. One of the problems in methanol fuel cells is methanol crossover. Methanol crossover occurs when methanol is not completely used in the process of generating electrons, and a certain percentage of the methanol is wasted. Crossover may damage the proton exchange membrane of the fuel cell and reduce the efficiency of a DMFC. Literature reviews were done and suggestions from other writers are discussed on how to reduce methanol crossover. This research focuses primarily on the fact that crossover can be controlled by controlling the methanol / water concentration. A prototype methanol controller was built with an ultrasonic sensor for detecting the density of the methanol/water mixture and a sensor for the temperature of the mixture; this was done because the density of the mixture is dependant on the temperature and the concentration. The controller was calibrated to determine the amount per volume of water and methanol which enables the controller to control the percentage of methanol in the water. The prototype also had the feature built in to adjust the mixture in order to enable the study on the effects of crossover. A data logger function was added to store collected data on a personal computer for the study on methanol and water. It was observed that the sensor was sensitive enough and was able to produce 1% increments of the level of methanol concentration in the water provided the temperature was stable. A methanol controller was successfully built to ensure the correct volume of methanol. / Telkom Centre of Excellence

The Preparation And Analysis Of New Carbon Supported Pt And Pt+second Metal Nanoparticles Catalysts For Direct Methanol Fuel Cells

Sen, Fatih 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, firstly, carbon-supported platinum nanoparticle catalysts have been prepared by using PtCl4 and H2PtCl6 as starting materials and 1-hexanethiol, and tert-octanethiol, as surfactants for the first time. Secondly, these prepared catalysts were heated to 200 &deg / C, 300 &deg / C, and 400 &deg / C for 4 h under argon gas. Lastly, PtRu/C catalysts, which have different atomic percent ratios of Pt and Ru (Pt/Ru: 0.8, 2.1 and 3.5), were prepared using PtCl4 and RuCl3 as starting materials and tert-octanethiol as a surfactant. Each was characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, and elemental analysis, and their activities were determined toward the methanol oxidation reaction. It has been found that all prepared catalysts are more active toward methanol oxidation reaction compared to the commercial catalysts. It was also found that increasing the temperature during the heat treatment process results in an enlargement of platinum particle size and a decrease in catalytic activity in the methanol oxidation reaction. Transmission electron microscopy shows that platinum nanoparticles are homogeneously dispersed on the carbon support and exhibited a narrow size distribution with an average particle size of about 2-3 nm in diameter. X-ray photoelectron spectra of all catalysts indicated that most of the platinum nanoparticles (&gt / 70 %) have an oxidation state of zero and rest (&lt / 30 %) have a +4 oxidation state with (Pt 4f7/2) binding energies of 71.2-72.2 and 74.3-75.5 eV, respectively.

Activity Of Carbon Supported Platinum Nanoparticles Catalysts Toward Methanol Oxidation Reaction: Role Of Metal Precursor And A New Surfactant

Sen, Selda 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, carbon supported platinum nanoparticle catalysts were prepared using PtCl4 and H2PtCl6 as starting materials and 1-heptanethiol, tert-nonyl mercaptan, 1-hexadecanethiol, 1-octadecanethiol as surfactants. These new catalysts were employed for methanol oxidation reaction which are used for direct methanol fuel cells. Tert-nonyl mercaptane was used for the first time in this type of reaction and the other surfactants were used for comparison of the catalysts performance. Cyclic voltammetry (CV), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used in order to determine the nature of the catalysts. The average platinum crystallite particle sizes of all prepared catalysts were determined by both X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. It was found that platinum crystallizes in face-centered cubic structure and the surfactant play an important role on the size of platinum nanoparticles, branch surfactant, such as tert-nonyl mercaptane, causes an increase in the size of platinum nanoparticles, about 3 nm, compared to linear surfactant, such as 1-heptanethiol, about 2 nm. The oxidation states of platinum and their ratios were determined by XPS technique. These results indicated that platinum has two different oxidation states, zero and +4, and Pt(0) to Pt(IV) ratio is about 7.5 to 2.5. In addition to this, O 1s region of XPS was also examined and found that the surface of all of the catalysts covered by adsorbed hydroxide except the catalyst which was prepared by PtCl4 and tert-nonyl mercaptane (Catalyst IIa), where adsorption of water were observed and the catalyst which was prepared by H2PtCl6 and tert-nonyl mercaptane (Catalysts IIb), where adsorption of 65% of hydroxide and 35% of water were identified. Electrochemical studies indicated that Catalyst IIa has the maximum activity (&amp / #61566 / 342 A/gPt at 0.612 V) towards methanol oxidation reaction while Catalyst IIIb (H2PtCl6 and 1-hexanethiol were used to prepare this catalyst) has the minimum activity (&amp / #61566 / 91A/gPt at 0.580V). XRD, TEM and XPS results indicated that the optimum catalyst for methanol oxidation reaction contains about 3 nm of platinum nanoparticles, adsorbed hydroxide and water on the surface of catalyst, but sulphur. These results are in agreement with the proposed mechanism.

Carbon Supported Platinum-palladium Catalysts For Methanol And Ethanol Oxidation Reactions

Ozturk, Zafer 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this work, two groups of carbon supported Pt-Pd catalysts have been prepared in order to investigate the effect of Pd, as a second metal, and surfactants on the catalytic activity towards methanol and ethanol oxidation reactions used in the direct methanol and ethanol fuel cells. In the first group (group a), 1- hexanethiol was used as a stabilizing agent while in the second group (group b), 1,1 dimethyl hexanethiol was utilized. Cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronoamperometry (CA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used in order to determine the nature of the catalysts. The average crystalline size of the metal particles in the catalysts was explored by XRD and TEM. TEM results revealed the uniform distribution of the metal nanoparticles on carbon support with a narrow size distribution in the range of 3.0 to 3.7 nm and the average crystalline sizes of metal particles for group &ldquo / b&rdquo / catalysts were larger than that of group &ldquo / a&rdquo / catalysts which can be explained by the surfactant effect. These results were in good agreement with XRD data. The oxidation states of platinum (Pt(0) and Pt(IV)) and palladium (Pd(0) and Pd(II)) and their ratios were investigated by XPS and for the most active catalyst, catalyst Ib, these ratios were found to be as 6.94 and 13.7, respectively. Electrochemical activities of the catalysts towards methanol and ethanol oxidation reactions were recorded and compared with that of Pt/C and the commercial Pt (ETEK 20 %wt) catalysts. The results indicated that the group &lsquo / b&rsquo / catalyst has greater catalytic activities than that of group &lsquo / a&rsquo / catalysts. Catalyst Ib comes into prominence as the most active catalyst due to its superior characteristics that it possess such as highest extent of alloying with respect to the palladium amount used, active surface area, CO-tolerance, stability and Pt (0) to Pt (IV) and Pd (0) to Pd (II) ratios.

Membranen aus [(A)n(B)m]x-Multiblockcopolymeren für den Einsatz in der Direkt-Methanol-Brennstoffzelle (DMFC)

Taeger, Antje 16 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Aramide and arylene ether multiblock copolymers of (AB)n-type with various degrees of sulfonation have been prepared for use in direct methanol fuel cells. / Aramid- und Arylethersulfon-Multiblockcopolymere vom Typ (AB)n mit unterschiedlichem Sulfonierungsgrad wurden hergestellt und hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung als Polymerelektrolyte in der Direkt-Methanol-Brennstoffzelle getestet.

Applications of N-heterocycles in electrically and ionically conductive polymers

Norris, Brent Carl 20 October 2011 (has links)
The covalent bond formed between a N-heterocyclic carbene and an aryl-isothiocyanate was discovered to be thermally-reversible. This bond was incorporated into the backbone of an aromatic polymer which, when subjected to heat and excess monomer, would depolymerize to smaller oligomers. In addition these small molecules contain active chain ends and could be repolymerized to reform the original polymer. The high molecular weight material was made into freestanding sheets with desirable mechanical properties and could be made conductive by treatment with iodine. A new poly(triazene) was formed from the reaction of a facially opposed, annulated, bis-N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) and an organic bis-azide. The NHC as well as the azide were varied and combined to produce a series of polymers which were characterized by GPC, TGA, and NMR. These thermally robust polymers were also coated onto glass slides and rendered electrically conductive by exposure to iodine vapor. A new reagent for Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer Polymerization (RAFT) is described. This imidazolium based reagent shows unusually fast kinetics which allows it to control polymerizations at significantly reduced loadings compared to the more traditional neutral dithiocarbamates or dithioesters. The fast kinetics is explained by the rapid rotation of the dithioester about the plane of the cationic N-heterocycle. Sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) (sPEEK) membranes were blended with imidazoles with varying pKas. The proton conductivity of the membranes was evaluated as a function of pKa and temperature. Interestingly, the conductivity of the dry membranes showed a non-monotonous profile over a temperature range of 25 – 150 C. We use a theoretical model to better understand the mechanistic origins of the observed temperature–conductivity profiles. This model is based on the reaction equilibria between sPEEK’s sulfonic acid groups and the basic sites of the added heterocycles. Using the copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar “click” cycloaddition reaction, poly(sulfone)s containing pendant azide moieties were functionalized with various amounts of sodium 3-(prop-2-ynyloxy)propane-1-sulfonate and crosslinked with 1,7-octadiyne. The degree of sulfonation as well as the degree of cross-linking was systematically varied by changing the ratios of the aforementioned reagents. The polymers were cast into membranes, acidified, and then tested for proton conductivity, methanol permeability, and membrane-electrode assembly (MEA) performance. / text

Carbon Supported And Surfactant Stabilized Metal Nanoparticle Catalysts For Direct Methanol Fuel Cells

Celik, Caglar 01 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT CARBON SUPPORTED AND SURFACTANT STABILIZED METAL NANOPARTICLE CATALYSTS FOR DIRECT METHANOL FUEL CELLS &Ccedil / elik, &Ccedil / aglar M.S., Department of Chemistry Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. G&uuml / ls&uuml / n G&ouml / kaga&ccedil / August 2005, 72 pages Carbon supported surfactant, such as 1-decanethiol and octadecanethiol, stabilized platinum and platinum/ruthenium species have been prepared recently. In this thesis, for the first time, 1-hexanethiol has been used as an organic stabilizer for the preparation of carbon supported platinum and platinum/ruthenium nanoparticle catalysts. These new catalysts were employed for methanol oxidation reaction, which were used for direct methanol fuel cells. Cyclic voltammetry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy have been used in order to determine the nature of the catalysts. The effect of temperature and time on catalytic activity of catalysts were examined and the maximum catalytic activity was observed for carbon supported 1-hexanethiol stabilized platinum nanoparticle catalyst (with 1:1 thiol/platinum molar ratio) which was heated up at 200oC for 5 hours. The particle size of platinum nanoparticles was determined to be ~ 10 nm in diameter. The size and distribution of metal nanoparticles on carbon support, the Pt/Ru surface composition, the relative amount of Pt(0), Pt(II) and Pt(IV) and the removal of organic surfactant molecules around the metal nanoparticles were found to be important in determining the catalytic activity of electrodes towards methanol oxidation reaction. A significant decrease in catalytic activity was observed for carbon supported 1-hexanethiol stabilized Pt75Ru25 and Pt97Ru3 (with 1:1 thiol/PtRu molar ratio) with respect to carbon supported 1-hexanethiol stabilized Pt (with 1:1 thiol/platinum molar ratio). This result might be due to unremoved stabilizer shell around platinum/ruthenium nanoparticles and increase in amount of Pt(II) and Pt(IV) compared to Pt(0) where the methanol oxidation occured.

Síntese e caracterização de eletrocatalisadores Pt/C, PtAu/C e PtAuBi/C pelo método da redução via feixe de elétrons para oxidação direta de metanol e etanol / Síntese e caracterização de eletrocatalisadores Pt/C, PtAu/C e PtAuBi/C pelo método da redução via feixe de elétrons para oxidação direta de metanol e etanol

CARDOSO, ELISANGELA S. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:35:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:00:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Síntese e caracterização de eletrocatalisadores Pt/C, PtAu/C e PtAuBi/C pelo método da redução via feixe de elétrons para oxidação direta de metanol e etanol / Síntese e caracterização de eletrocatalisadores Pt/C, PtAu/C e PtAuBi/C pelo método da redução via feixe de elétrons para oxidação direta de metanol e etanol

CARDOSO, ELISANGELA S. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:35:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:00:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / As células a combustível do tipo PEM (Próton Exchange Membrane) alimentadas diretamente por hidrogênio são consideradas as mais promissoras para a geração de energia elétrica, entretanto o uso de hidrogênio como combustível nestas células apresenta ainda alguns inconvenientes operacionais e de infra-estrutura, o que dificulta o seu uso. Assim, nos últimos anos, uma célula a combustível que utiliza um álcool diretamente como combustível (DAFC - Direct Alcohol Fuel Cell) tem despertado bastante interesse, particularmente aquelas que são alimentadas pelos combustíveis metanol ou etanol, pois apresentam várias vantagens, como por exemplo, a não necessidade de estocar hidrogênio ou gerá-lo através da reforma de hidrocarbonetos.Porém, células que utilizam diretamente metanol como combustível, apresentam correntes relativamente baixas e a oxidação completa do etanol é dificultado pela quebra da ligação CC e também há a formação de intermediários fortemente adsorvidos no eletrocatalisador de platina, como o monóxido de carbono (COads), resultando em baixos potenciais operacionais na célula.Para minimizar o efeito causado pelos venenos catalíticos faz-se necessária a adição de outros metais na composição do eletrodo de Pt. Tais metais devem atuar na reação fornecendo sítios para a adsorção de espécies que contenham oxigênio (OH ou H2O), em potenciais inferiores ao potencial de adsorção de OH na Pt.Este trabalho apresenta estudos da reação de eletro-oxidação destes álcoois, nos meios ácido e alcalino, sobre os eletrocatalisadores Pt/C, PtAu/C e PtAuBi/C, utilizando o método da redução via feixe de elétrons. Os eletrocatalisadores PtAuBi/C foram preparados com diferentes composições atômicas a fim de se avaliar o efeito da adição de bismuto. Os experimentos foram caracterizados por voltametria cíclica e cronoamperometria, utilizando a técnica do eletrodo de camada fina porosa, obtendo informações em relação às atividades dos catalisadores, perfis eletroquímicos e suas estabilidades em relação ao tempo de operação. Os eletrodepósitos foram examinados usando análise de energia dispersiva de raios-X (EDX) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) a fim de determinar a composição de fases, o tamanho e a distribuição das nanopartículas metálicas no suporte. Os resultados eletroquímicos mostraram para oxidação eletroquímica de metanol, no meio alcalino, que o catalisador de PtAu/C apresentou melhor atividade eletrocatalítica e, no meio ácido, o catalisador Pt/C foi mais efetivo com relação às demais formulações preparadas e os eletrocatalisadores PtAuBi/C apresentaram-se pouco efetivos. No caso da oxidação do etanol, os dados eletroquímicos mostraram que, no meio ácido os catalisadores PtAu e Pt/C possuem comportamentos similares e os catalisadores PtAuBi/C demonstram baixa atividade. No meio alcalino, o sistema PtAuBi/C obteve melhor desempenho em relação aos demais catalisadores, obtendo maiores valores de correntes à baixos potenciais. / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

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