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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Attitudes Of Responsible Local Agencies Towards Disability

Caglayan Gumus, Deniz 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
&ldquo / New paradigm of disability&rdquo / relates not only to persons but also to the environment they are living in. Therefore recent studies concentrate on the dynamic interplay of the persons and the environment, rather than rather than studying them as separate entities. This approach has revealed that disabled people become handicapped when they face with barriers restricting or impeding their activities in daily life. Physical, cultural and social barriers have been undertaken by many countries after substantial debate. In the United Kingdom and Japan for instance, disability and accessibility issues have been tackled with reference to disabled people&rsquo / s demands and long-tem struggles against discriminatory implementations in the past. In these countries, whilst disability issue has been discussed, accessibility legislation including numerous measurements for implementation has been enacted and a considerable progress for removing barriers and providing accessibility in the built environment has been experienced through many institutional instruments. In Turkey, although there are now a lot of legislative measurements for accessibility, little progress is observed in recent years. Barriers in the built environment are still restricting, and even hindering full participation of disabled v people to social life. The problem of inaccessibility is seen related to practice rather than legislation or theoretical frameworks in Turkey. Since they are a part of the bureaucratic system having responsibility on the planning and designing of built environment, local agencies with their administrative and technical staff and organisation gain importance in terms of maintaining accessibility to the disabled. The study aims to provide information about attitudes of local agencies towards disability and accessibility in terms of practitioners rather than users. This study interrogates the knowledge level and outlooks of the related personnel and works of local agencies about disability and accessibility.

Interrogating The "And": A Study of Environmentalism and Disability

Cabat, Melissa 10 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Diseño y construcción de prótesis mioeléctrica con impresión 3D para compensar funcionalidad perdida en adultos a causa de amputación transradial

Paiva Velasquez, Alejandra Camila January 2024 (has links)
De acuerdo con cifras presentadas por el INEI, en los últimos 8 años, la cifra de peruanos que padecen algún tipo de discapacidad se ha duplicado. Contrario a la demanda supuesta, en nuestro país los aparatos protésicos son costosos y escasos, lo que dificulta que los pacientes con pérdida del miembro superior o inferior, a causa de amputación o en casos de deficiencia congénita, tengan acceso a estos. Ante esta realidad, se desarrolló la presente investigación teniendo por objetivo diseñar y construir una prótesis mioeléctrica con impresión 3D para compensar la pérdida de funcionalidad en adultos a causa de la amputación transradial. Para ellos, se aplicó el enfoque sistemático de Pahl et. al (2007) para diseño en ingeniería, la matriz morfológica de Zwicky, la simulación estático estructural con el software SolidWorks y el procesamiento de señales EMG para la apertura y cierre de la mano en tres agarres: trípode, envoltura mediana y precisión de disco. Esta prótesis está diseñada para ofrecer soluciones prácticas y efectivas, permitiendo a los pacientes realizar acciones cotidianas de manera más independiente. Se diseñó y construyó un prototipo funcional capaz de realizar los agarres requeridos. El proceso comenzó por el diseño conceptual, donde se terminó por seleccionar el concepto solución empleando criterios técnicos y económicos. El sistema mecánico de este concepto fue modelado y simulado con el uso del software SolidWorks. Para el diseño del sistema electrónico se empleó el IDE Arduino, este fue utilizado en la lectura de señales EMG y programación de algoritmo de control. Finalmente, para la construcción del prototipo se emplearon materiales de adquisición nacional por un costo total de 570 nuevos soles. Para la evaluación de funcionalidad se empleó un protocolo desarrollado a partir del protocolo AHAP, como resultado se obtuvo un dispositivo capaz de realizar los agarres trípode y envoltura mediana sin dificultad. Se comprobó de esta manera que el prototipo cumplió con los requerimientos establecidos en un inicio, siendo una solución viable para servir como tecnología de ayuda a personas con amputación transradial. / According to figures presented by the INEI, in the last 8 years, the number of Peruvians suffering from some type of disability has doubled. Contrary to the supposed demand, in our country prosthetic devices are expensive and scarce, which makes it difficult for patients with loss of the upper or lower limb, due to amputation or in cases of congenital deficiency, to have access to them. In light of this reality, this research was developed with the aim of designing and building a 3D-printed myoelectric prosthesis to compensate for the loss of functionality in adults due to transradial amputation. For this purpose, the systematic approach of Pahl et al. (2007) for engineering design, Zwicky's morphological matrix, static structural simulation with SolidWorks software, and EMG signal processing for hand opening and closing in three types of grips: tripod, medium wrap, and disc precision, were applied. This prosthesis is designed to offer practical and effective solutions, allowing patients to perform daily tasks more independently. A functional prototype capable of performing the required grips was designed and built. It began with the conceptual design in which the solution concept was selected using technical and economic criteria. The mechanical system of said concept was modeled and simulated with the use of SolidWorks software. For the design of the electronic system, the Arduino IDE was used, this was used in the reading of EMG signals and programming of the control algorithm. Finally, for the construction of the prototype, national acquisition materials were used for a total cost of 570 nuevos soles. For the evaluation of functionality, a protocol developed from the AHAP protocol was used, as a result, a device capable of performing tripod grips and medium wrap without difficulty was obtained. In this way, it was verified that the prototype met the requirements established at the beginning, being a viable solution to serve as a technology to help people with transradial amputations.

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