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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Limietberge : die fiksionalisering van die kleingeskiedenisse van enkele vrouefigure van Wellington

Rust, Winnie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The creative component of the thesis deals with Coba, the disillusioned and traumatised wife of a young academic who returns from the Netherlands to her home town, Wellington, where she is confronted with the diary of her grandmother and letters from the local museum. The letters and diary then become an introduction to encounters with different women from the past of her hometown. Recorded in the diary of her grandmother is, amongst other fragments from the past, the remarkable story of the marginalised Martha Solomon(s), a coloured woman of slave descent with little schooling at a mission school in Bovlei, district of Wellington. Through a dramatic sequence of events Martha benefits through her involvement and marriage to a remitted English gentleman, enabling her to eventually donate land for the erection of a schoolbuilding in Wynberg, later known as Battswood College. Writing down and recreating the story of Martha Solomon(s) and her (Martha's) encounter with contemporary women from different social levels, has a salutary effect on Coba. Her home surroundings also contribute to this healing effect. She gains insight and through this manages to cross certain psychological barriers, her "Limit Mountains" - the name of the mountains surrounding Wellington which becomes the main metaphor sustained throughout the story. To date the story of Martha Solomon(s) has remained unexplored in the history of Wellington, and can be regarded as a "little narrative." Parallel to the history of Martha Solomon(s), runs the mainstream history of Wellington of the 1870's, a period in which the first Christian School for Girls was founded by Dr Andrew Murray, Abbie Ferguson and Anna Bliss. To date (2000) the ironic parallel between Abbie Ferguson's dynamic initiatives and Martha's later initiatives in Wynberg to relieve the educational needs of her people, has not been fully explored. By fictionalising and foregrounding the little narrative of Martha Solomon(s), new perspectives on mainstream history are brought to the fore and historic ironies highlighted. The inclusion of letters, fragments from diaries and photo material as part of the text creates a defictionalising illusion. The historic component of the thesis gives, as far as possible, a chronological account of the different versions of the story of Martha and its sources; also of historic events which are fictionalised in Limietberge. Inthe component concerning literary theory an account is given of the meaning of historic trivia in this particular investigation. There is a brief allusion to New Historicism, a view on history which points out the complicated relationship between history and fiction, and the subjectivity of all records of historical events. Certain postmodern techniques are given account of in an otherwise conventional story with a linear sequence of events. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die skeppende komponent van die tesis handeloor Coba, die ontnugterde en getraumatiseerde vrou van 'njong akademikus wat uit Nederland terugkeer na haar tuisdorp, Wellington, waar sy deur die navorsing van haar moeder met die dagboek van haar ouma en ou briewe uit die plaaslike museum gekonfronteer word. Dié briewe en dagboek word die aanknopingspunte vir haar ontmoeting met enkele vrouefigure uit die verlede van haar tuisdorp. Ingeskrewe in die dagboek van haar ouma, is onder andere die merkwaardige verhaal van die gemarginaliseerde Martha Solomons, 'n bruin vrou van slaweherkoms en met geringe skoling aan 'n sendingskool in die Bovlei, distrik Wellington. Die historiese figuur Martha Solomon(s) word deur 'n dramatiese verwikkeling dermate bevoordeel deur haar verbintenis met 'n Engelse edelman wat deur sy familie verwerp is, dat sy in staat is om grond te skenk vir 'n skool wat later ontwikkel in die Battswood Kollege, Wynberg. Die neerskryf en herskepping van dié verhaal van Martha Solomon( s) en van laasgenoemde se ontmoeting met ander vroue uit verskillende sosiale sfere van die tyd, werk mettertyd genesend op Coba in. Hiertoe dra ook die salwende invloed by van haar tuisomgewing. Sy kom tot insig en deurbreek daarmee sekere psigologiese versperrings, haar "Limietberge" - die naam van die berge rondom Wellington wat deurgaans as metafoor gebruik word. Die verhaal van Martha Solomon( s)/Grey het tot dusver min aandag in die geskiedenisoptekening van Wellington gekry, en kan as "kleingeskiedenis"gesien word. Parallel met die kleingeskiedenis van Martha Solomon( s), loop die Victoriaanse hoofstroom-geskiedenis van Wellington van die sewentigerjare van die negentiende eeu; 'n tydperk waarin daar met die eerste Christelike hoërskool vir dogters onder aanvoering van dr.Andrew Murray en die Amerikaners Abbie Ferguson en Anna Bliss begin is. Ingebou in die ondersoek maar nog onontgin, is die ironiese parallelle tussen Abbie se dinamiese inisiatiewe met die uitbou van die Seminarium, en Martha se latere inisiatiewe by die onderwysnood onder haar mense. Deur die kleingeskiedenis van Martha Solomon(s) te fiksionaliseer,word nuwe lig op die hoofstroom geplaas, en historiese ironieë uitgewys. Deur die plasing van briewe, :fragmenteuit dagboeke en fotomateriaal as integrale deel van die teks, word de:fiksionalisering bewerkstellig. Die historiese komponent van die tesis gee sover moontlik chronologies verslag van alle weergawes van die Martha-verhaaJ en sy bronne, asook van historiese gebeure uit die Wellingtongeskiedenis wat in Limietberge gefiksionaliseer is. In die literêr-teoretiese komponent word verslag gegee van die betekenis van die kleingeskiedenis- optekening van die ondersoek, en van die Nuwe Historisisme - 'n siening omtrent geskiedenis wat onder andere die ingewikkelde verhouding tussen geskiedenis en fiksie, asook die subjektiewe aard van geskiedenis-optekening uitwys. Sekere postmoderne tegnieke word in dié afdeling ook uitgewys en verantwoord.

Die funksie van 'landskap' binne Lettie Viljoen se roman 'Landskap met vroue en slang'

Victor, Madri 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Landskap met vroue en slang, Lettie Viljoen's fifth novel, differ substantionally from her previous novel Karolina Feirrera. Landskap met vroue en slang concentrates on the inner processes of the main character rather than a series of external happenings. Because of the fragmentary presentation, wide reference field and many intertexts critics saw the novel as difficult, complex and challenging. It is clear that the title and cover of Landskap met vroue en slang "landscape," emphasize. In my opinion this serve as a point of orientation for the reader. Landscape not only plays an important roll in the text but also functions as a medium to make the text more accessible. With this research I focus on the function of the different landscapes in the novel. Almost all the reviews of Landskap met vroue en slang focus on the input of Nicolas Poussin, a seventeenth century artist, within the novel. On the cover of the novel is an illustration of two landscape paintings of Poussin. The title also call to mind one of Poussin's landscape paintings, "Landscape with two nymphs and a snake". By looking into the sublime landscape paintings of Poussin, one can come to a better understanding of Lena Bergh, the main character's, inner development. In addition to the sublime landscape as found in landscape paintings of Poussin, the domesticated landscape of gardens and parks, and the body as a landscape also plays an important roll to make the text more accessible. Lena's development during her psychological journey is clearly portrayed through her perception of and association with her garden while in parks and cemeteries she is confronted with issues of her past which she has to work through during her psychological journey. She uses bodily metaphors to get a better understanding of the landscape. The opposite also takes place. Lena uses the landscape to get a better understanding of her own changing body and sexuality. Her psychological journey is completed during the autopsy. Furthermore, one can draw interesting conclusions with regards to Lena's development by looking as how the colonel, a character that can be seen as the opposite of Lena, experience the landscape. In my opinion by focusing on landscape readers can gain a better understanding of this challenging and complex text. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Landskap met vroue en slang (1996), Lettie Viljoen se vyfde roman, verskil grondig van sy voorloper Karolina Feirrera, deurdat die roman eerder op die hoofkarakter se innerlike prosesse as 'n reeks uiterlike gebeure konsentreer. Dit, tesame met die fragmentariese aanbod en wye verwysingsvelde en intertekste wat deur die teks opgeroep word, het veroorsaak dat die roman deur verskeie resensente as moeilik, kompleks en uitdagend beskou is. Uit die titel en buiteblad van Landskap met vroue en slang is dit duidelik dat "landskap" in hierdie roman vooropgestel word. Volgens my bied die titel en buiteblad 'n oriëntasiepunt vir die leser: landskap speel nie net 'n belangrike rol in die roman nie, maar dien ook as sleutel om die teks te ontsluit. In hierdie ondersoek fokus ek op die funksie van landskap in die roman en probeer sodoende die teks vir die leser meer toeganklik maak. In byna al die resensies oor Landskap met vroue en slang, word gewys op die belangrike rol wat Nicolas Poussin, 'n sewentiende eeuse skilder, binne die roman speel. Op die buiteblad van die roman is 'n afbeelding van twee landskapskilderye deur Poussin. Die titel herinner ook aan een van Poussin se landskapskilderye, Landskap met twee vroue en 'n slang. Deur die sublieme landskapskilderye van Poussin te ondersoek, kan belangrike insigte ten opsigte van die hoofkarakter Lena Bergh se innerlike ontwikkeling verkry word. Behalwe die sublieme landskappe soos dit in Poussin se landskapskilderye voorkom, speel die gedomestikeerde landskap van tuine en parke en die liggaam as landskap ook 'n belangrike rol om die teks meer toeganklik te maak. Lena se ontwikkeling tydens haar psigiese reis word duidelik uitgebeeld in haar persepsie van en omgang met haar tuin terwyl sy in parke en begraafplase met inhoude uit haar verlede gekonfronteer word wat sy op hierdie psigiese reis moet deurwerk. Sy gebruik liggaammetafore om 'n beter begrip van en greep op die vreemde Natalse landskap te kry. Die omgekeerde vind egter ook plaas: Lena gebruik die landskap om 'n beter begrip van haar eie veranderende liggaam en seksualiteit te kry. Haar psigiese reis word voltrek deur haar konfrontasie met die liggaam as landskap tydens 'n lykskouing. Deur verder die landskapsbelewing van die kolonel te ondersoek, 'n karakter wat as keersky van Lena beskou kan word, kan insiggewende kommentaar op Lena se beskouing van die landskap en psigiese reis gelewer word. Deur die verskillende landskappe te ondersoek, kan die leser myns insiens 'n beter greep op hierdie uitdagende en komplekse teks kry.

Verby Komatipoort? Rasseproblematiek in die Portugees-Afrikaanse reisverhale van Elsa Joubert

Grobler, Lizette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / No abstract available.

Geskiedenis vasgevang in ’n net van fiksie : Harry Mulisch se Siegfried as postmodernistiese historiese roman

Brink, Lucille 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))—University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / During an interview, the author Rudolf Herter in Harry Mulisch’s novel Siegfried states that Hitler would only be comprehended if an imaginative experiment is conducted by capturing him in a net of fiction. This is indeed what Mulisch does in this novel. The combination of historical and fictional data resulting from this strategy is typical of the conventional historical novel, while Siegfried also manifests modernist characteristics. In this study, however, special attention is paid to aspects such as metafictionality, selfreflexivity, subjectivity and an emphasis on ideology which Siegfried shares with other postmodern historical novels, with specific reference to Linda Hutcheon’s view on historiographic metafiction and Lies Wesseling’s definition of uchronian fiction. The focus in this study lies, inter alia, on the ways in which Mulisch utilizes open spaces in history and fits the fictitious data like pieces into the puzzle of the history of the Second World War in general and specific events surrounding Hitler in particular. Mulisch’s play with autobiographical data in the novel further diminishes the boundaries between fact and fiction. Of particular importance is the metafictional statements about the nature of history which Mulisch delivers in the process. Not only the political side of history, but also its subjective and one-sided nature is emphasised. Finally a question is posed about Mulisch’s intentions and aspirations in writing another novel about Hitler, who as a character in this novel awakens sympathy on the one hand and on the other is demonized as inhuman with superhuman qualities. This demonstrates the problems involved in gaining insight into the real Hitler. My opinion is that, in the final instance, Mulisch intentionally magnifies the enigma surrounding Hitler in his characterization of the man who can be regarded as one of the most destructive people of the 20th century.

'n Praktiese ondersoek na die struktuur van die speur- en spanningsroman met spesifieke verwysing na die werk van Michael Connelly, John le Carré, Ian Rankin, Lee Child en Frederick Forsyth

Meyer, Deon 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / The primary objective of this thesis is to explore and analyse the structure of the crime novel / thriller in a practical manner – and subsequently develop an equally pragmatic, broad and useful guide which would potentially be of value to both reader and author of the genres. This tight and reductive focus has one important consequence: It will more or less ignore traditional literary theory, but the one obviously excludes the other.

Die opkoms van Afrikaanse rock en die literêre status van lirieke, met spesifieke verwysing na Fokofpolisiekar

Klopper, Annie Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The aim of this study is to examine the rise of Afrikaans rock music and the literary status of Afrikaans rock lyrics, with Fokofpolisiekar as example. An investigation is done into how the specific sociopolitical context within which Afrikaans rock music developed manifests in lyrics and musical style. The implications of Afrikaans rock with regards to the identity of Afrikaner youth in the new millennium are also explored. A case study of the Afrikaans punk rock group Fokofpolisiekar is done by way of demonstration of this interdisciplinary and contextual investigation. Not only the formation and impact of the group are examined, but a considerable section of the thesis is dedicated to the analysis and interpretation of this group’s lyrics, which are viewed and explored from a literary point of view. In this process certain questions regarding the position of lyrics in the Afrikaans literary system comes under scrutiny. The analysis and interpretation of the lyrics of Fokofpolisiekar are therefore aimed towards examining the literary status of this group’s lyrics. It will be proved that the sociopolitical context within which Fokofpolisiekar’s lyrics came to be formulated, impacted on the character and themes thereof. The thematic struggle with issues like liberation (redemption) and identity in the lyrics are shown to bear relation to the sociopolitical context of the Afrikaner youth after the Afrikaner’s loss of power in 1994 and the postmodern condition at the turn of the millennium. This postmodern condition is characterized by the continuing fragmentation of identity. The conclusion is made that Afrikaans popular music sets up a space within which new ideas with regards to ‘truths’ of identity can be formulated. In other words, the punk rock music of Fokofpolisiekar offers an opportunity for the re-articulation of Afrikaner identity. By incorporating the polysistem theory (and other relevant theories) in investigating the creation and reception of Fokofpolisiekar’s lyrics, it is shown that the Afrikaans literary system holds a place for Afrikaans lyrics. Although similar, lyrics should not be regarded as synonymous to poetry. Seeing that the creation and reception thereof differs from that of other literary forms, I argue that lyrics are lyrics and should be regarded as such in order for it to come to its full right in literary study.

Postkoloniale terugskrywing : verset teen of verbond met kolonialisme ; Tweespoor (Kortprosa)

Smit, Helena 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / In fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master in Afrikaans Creative Writing, the following has been submitted: (i) an assignment, titled Postcolonial Correspondence: resistance against or alliance with Colonialism, taking the form of an essay on the problematic surrounding the representation of the Other in postcolonial discourse; (ii) a volume of short prose, titled Tweespoor, wherein a representation of general human experiences within recognizable South African milieus was attempted.

Toevalligheid in Ingrid Winterbach se "Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat" : interpretasies van die roman met die fokus op die tema van kontingensie

Van den Heever, Aletta Jacoba 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is a study of Ingrid Winterbach‟s novel, Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat. The premise of the thesis is that a study of the theme of contingency or chance can lead to a heightened insight into the novel. The novel is approached from different perspectives, but in each perspective the way in which the theme of chance is developed in the novel, is illuminated. By way of introduction the history of the term “contingency” in the Afrikaans language and Western philosophy is broadly traced. This is the background to a reading of the novel as a reaction to contingency. This is followed by a reading of the novel from the perspective of the sociology of religion. The focus is on the nominizing function of religion; the role of language in this process and the way in which Helena Verbloem‟s shells become symbol of man‟s search for meaning and order. In the third chapter the novel is read from the perspective of popular science with the focus on the part of chance in the history of evolutionary thought and the way the novel interprets this. A reading of the novel from the perspective of the philosophy of language follows: the arbitrary and contingent nature of language is discussed and the way the novel underlines this, is brougth to the attention. In the last chapter the novel is read from the perspective of literary theory, focusing on the traditional narrative structure and the way in which it is undermined, undermining also in the process a teleological reading of the novel. Following the reading of the novel from these different perspectives, the conclusion is made that Ingrid Winterbach acknowledges contingency and makes it her own to such an extent that she meets Nietzsche‟s criteria for a “brave poet”. She is indeed a brave and poetic novelist. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis is ‟n studie van Ingrid Winterbach se roman, Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat. In die studie word die tema van kontingensie of toeval sentraal gestel. Die roman word dan ook vanuit verskillende perspektiewe benader; binne elkeen word die wyse waarop die toeval as tema in die roman uitgewerk word, duideliker. Daar word eerstens ‟n gebruiksgeskiedenis van die term “kontingensie” in die Afrikaanse taal en die Westerse filosofie gegee. Hiermee word die agtergrond geskets waarteen die roman as reaksie op die kontingensie gelees moet word. Daarna word die roman vanuit ‟n godsdiens-sosiologiese perspektief benader: die rol wat die tradisionele toeverlaat steeds in die hoofkarakter, Helena Verbloem, se lewe speel, word in oënskou geneem. Die fokus val op die nomiserende werking van godsdiens; die rol van taal in hierdie proses en die wyse waarop Helena se skulpe simbool word van die mens se soeke na betekenis en orde. In die derde hoofstuk word die roman vanuit ‟n populêr-wetenskaplike hoek gelees: die aandag word gerig op die rol van toeval in die geskiedenis van evolusionêre denke en die wyse waarop die roman hiermee in gesprek tree. ‟n Taalfilosofiese perspektief kom vervolgens aan die beurt: die arbitrêre en toevallige aard van taal word bespreek en die wyse waarop hierdie idees in die roman teruggevind word, word uitgelig. In die laaste hoofstuk word die roman vanuit ‟n literêr-teoretiese perspektief gelees met die fokus op die tradisionele narratiewe struktuur en hoe die wyse waarop daarvan afgewyk word, ‟n teleologiese lees ondermyn. Na aanleiding van die bespreking van die roman vanuit hierdie verskillende hoeke, word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat Ingrid Winterbach die kontingensie erken en haar eie maak en daarom aan Nietzsche se kriteria vir ‟n “brawe digter” voldoen. Sy is inderdaad ‟n brawe en digterlike romanskrywer.

'n Polisistemiese ondersoek na veranderinge in die Afrikaanse kinderliteratuur-sisteem sedert 1990

Oosthuizen, Mia Magriet 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Afrikaans children's literature has long been neglected in the Afrikaans literary polysystem and has been considered inferior by numerous figures, especially litterateurs. The negative effect of this attitude has been a shortage of academic studies on Afrikaans children's literature, the marginalised position of the genre in the Afrikaans literary canon and the absence of a general literary definition of "children's literature". The 1990’s see the dawn of a new democratic era in South Africa and a subsequent revival of the system of Afrikaans children's literature. However, despite this revival and growth, there is still a shortage of dedicated research into this genre. This thesis details the changes in the children's literature system that has occurred since 1990, by way of a polysystemic approach. The polysystem theory, as developed by Itamar-Even Zohar, serves as foundation for this study. Questions around genres, subgenres and problems surrounding the umbrella term "youth literature" are addressed. The age group of the readers of children's book are defined and a general definition of the children's literature genre is formulated. Based on this definition, ten academic studies since 1990, all of which are devoted specifically to children's literature, are identified and discussed. A historical overview of the development of Afrikaans children's literature is presented to support the choice of 1990 in the scope of the literature review. It is shown that the events that lead to the changes since 1990 are generally attributable to the political changes in South Africa that lead to the first democratic election in 1994. These changes in the different social and political systems are related to the changes in the children's literature system. It is further shown that these changes are reflected in the children's book itself, and are discussed in terms of the clear trends that emerge in children's literature and children's books since 1990. These trends are illustrated by an examination of six relevant publications. A literary definition of the term "children’s literature" is presented. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Afrikaanse kinderliteratuur is vir lank as die stiefkind in die Afrikaanse literêre polisisteem behandel en is deur verskeie rolspelers, veral literatore, as minderwaardig beskou. Negatiewe gevolge wat hieruit spruit, is onder andere 'n tekort aan akademiese studies oor Afrikaanse kinderliteratuur, die genre se marginale posisie in die literêre kanon en gebrek aan 'n algemene en letterkundige definisie van die term "kinderliteratuur." Teen die 1990's breek daar 'n nuwe era van demokrasie in Suid-Afrika aan en is daar gepaardgaande herlewing in die Afrikaanse kinderliteratuur-sisteem. Ten spyte van hierdie herlewing en groei wat by Afrikaanse kinderliteratuur plaasvind, is daar steeds 'n tekort aan navorsing wat spesifiek oor hierdie genre gedoen word. In hierdie tesis word die veranderinge wat sedert 1990 in die kinderliteratuur-sisteem plaasgevind het, ondersoek aan die hand van die polisisteem-benadering. Die polisisteemteorie, soos ontwikkel deur Itamar Even-Zohar, dien as teoretiese grondslag van hierdie studie. Kwessies omtrent genres, subgenres en probleme rakende die gebruik van die sambreelterm "jeugliteratuur" word bespreek. Die ouderdomsgroep van die kinderboek-lesers word afgebaken en 'n algemene definisie vir die genre kinderliteratuur word geformuleer. Na aanleiding van die algemene definisie van kinderliteratuur word tien akademiese studies geïdentifiseer en bespreek wat sedert 1990 verskyn het en spesifiek handel oor kinderliteratuur. As deel van die motivering vir die gebruik van 1990 as afbakening van die ondersoeksveld, word 'n historiese oorsig oor die ontwikkeling van Afrikaanse kinderliteratuur ook gebied. Daar word getoon dat die gebeure wat aanleiding gegee het tot die veranderinge wat sedert 1990 plaasgevind het, grootliks gekoppel kan word aan die politieke veranderinge wat tot die eerste demokratiese verkiesing in 1994 in Suid-Afrika gelei het. Hierdie veranderinge in die verskillende sosiale en politieke sisteme word in verband gebring met die veranderinge in die kinderliteratuur-sisteem. Daar word ook getoon dat die verskillende veranderinge neerslag vind in die kinderboek. Hierdie veranderinge word bespreek na aanleiding van die tendense wat in die Afrikaanse kinderboek waargeneem kan word. Die tendense word aan die hand van 'n steekproef van 6 kinderboeke geïllustreer. 'n Letterkundige definisie van die genre kinderliteratuur word aangebied.

Marginale en liminale karakters in die werk van Lettie Viljoen/Ingrid Winterbach : sosiale kommentaar en die ondermyning van grense

Foster, Petronella Hermina,1980- 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis the possibility of reading the work of Lettie Viljoen/Ingrid Winterbach as extensive social commentary and criticism on a conformist, normative South African society, is investigated. This investigation will be conducted with the aid of theories about marginality and liminality. In an attempt to determine whether Viljoen/Winterbach's work can indeed be read as social commentary and criticism, a number of characters from her whole oeuvre are classified as either marginal, liminal or a combination of both these characteristics. The concepts marginality and liminality are described in chapter 1. In chapter 2 the classification system on which this investigation is built, will be discussed and attention will also be given to problems with the classification system (and problems with classification systems in general). In chapters 3 to 5 Viljoen/Winterbach's work will be discussed, with a chapter devoted to each of the following broad categories: marginal characters (the homeless, the proletariat, the mentally retarded and the insane), characters who are both marginal and liminal (mystics) and liminal characters (fortune tellers, temporary intermediaries, shamans and tricksters). The salient points will be gathered together in the conclusion. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie verhandeling word die moontlikheid ondersoek om die werk van Lettie Viljoen/Ingrid Winterbach te lees as uitgebreide sosiale kommentaar en kritiek op 'n konformistiese, normatiewe Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing. Hierdie ondersoek sal verrig word aan die hand van teorieë omtrent marginaliteit en liminaliteit. In 'n poging om te bepaal of Viljoen/Winterbach se werk wél as sosiale kommentaar en kritiek gelees kan word, word 'n aantal karakters uit haar hele oeuvre geklassifiseer as marginaal, liminaal, óf 'n kombinasie van beide hierdie kenmerke. Die konsepte marginaliteit en liminaliteit word in hoofstuk lomskryf. In hoofstuk 2 word die klassifikasiesisteem waarop hierdie ondersoek berus, bespreek en word daar ook aandag geskenk aan probleme rondom die klassifikasiesisteem (en rondom klassifikasiesisteme in die algemeen). In hoofstukke 3 tot 5 word Viljoen/Winterbach se werk bespreek, met 'n hoofstuk afgestaan aan elkeen van die volgende breë kategorieë: marginale karakters (haweloses, die proletariaat, swaksinniges en gekke), karakters wat sowel marginaal as liminaal is (mistici) en liminale karakters (sieners, tydelike bemiddelaars, sjamane en trieksters). Die hoofpunte word byeengebring in die samevatting.

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