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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation into the manifestation of resilience

Nicholls, Jessica 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Drawing from the fields of positive psychology and career psychology, this research endeavours to study the manifestation of resilience in the workforce population and the elements or attributes which contribute to resilience. More particularly, this paper examines the evident paradigm shift in the changing world of work, as well as whether the culture of the organisation has the potential to play a role in the manifestation of such resilience. The RS-25 by Wagnild and Young (1993) was used to determine levels of resilience and in-depth interviews were conducted in order to expand upon the evidence of resilience. The outcome was that many factors such as positive emotions, individual differences, learned resourcefulness, positive appraisal, positive affectivity, altruism, gender, birth order, emotional intelligence, locus of control, self-directedness, human agency, motivational forces and challenges experienced, sense of coherence and psychological stamina were identified as contributing factors to the level of resilience in an individual. The amalgamation of these factors was solely reliant on the different appraisal of situations and the perceived level of difficulty that was presented by a challenge or hardship, which differed from one person to another. It was largely recognized that resilience is a construct that is learnt and accrued from a very young age. In addition, the greater the hardships experienced, the more resilient a person could become. Moreover, organisational cultures seemed to play a particular role in preparing or enabling employees to become acclimatized or more accustomed to a harsher working world, which required more acts of resilience pertinent to growth and survival. Whether resilience is an inherited trait or learned attribute is not clear. The main aim of this study is to gain insight into the manifestation of resilience in the lived worlds of individuals who overcame severe tribulations. An existential-phenomenological epistemology informed the in-depth interview method applied. The persons interviewed had different ideas about this problem, ranging from the viewpoint that either nature or nurture, or an interaction between the influence of the social environment and inner individual personality qualities, were contributory factors. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Binne die vakterrein van die Positiewe Sielkunde en Loopbaansielkunde, strewe hierdie studie daarna om die manifistasie van die konstruk “veerkragtigheid” in die arbeidsmag van naderby te ondersoek. Daar word gelet op verskeie bydraende faktore wat veerkragtigheid kan bevorder. Klem word geplaas op die paradigmaskuif teweeggebring deur ‘n veranderende arbeidswêreld asook die kultuur binne organisasies wat die potensiaal het om in te speel op die bevordering van veerkragtigheid. Die RS-25 deur Wagnild en Young (1993) is gebruik om die vlakke van veerkragtigheid kwantitatief te bepaal. In-diepte onderhoude is gevoer met persone wie sodanig deur die kwantitatiewe metode as hoog op in veerkragtigheid geidentifiseer is. Die doel is om insigte aangaande die manifestasie en persoonlike belewenis van die konstruk te bekom deur middel van ‘n eksitensieël –fenomenologiese benadering. Die bevinding was dat daar verskeie persoonlikheidsfaktore bydraend was tot veerkragtigheid. Aspekte wat vanuit die teorie asook vanuit die praktiese navorsing na vore gekom het en bespreek word, sluit in: positiewe emosies, individuele verskille, vindingrykheid, positiewe selfbeoordeling, effektiwiteit, altruïsme, geslag, geboorte-orde, emosionele intelligensie, lokus van beheer, selfgerigtheid en verantwoordelikhied. Motiverende kragte, vorige uitdagings, ‘n gevoel van koherensie en sielkundige stamina is ook elemente waarna verwys word. Hoe elkeen sy spesifieke situasie geëvalueer het, asook watter vlak van uitdaging in probleme aanvaar word, sou afhang van die kombinasie van hierdie faktore en persoonlike eienskappe soos dit afspeel in die persoonlike ontwikkeling van die individu binne ‘n bepaalde omgewingskonteks. Dit wil voorkom asof veerkragtigheid ‘n eienskap is wat vanaf ‘n jong ouderdom aangeleer word en dat daar ‘n verband ontstaan tussen die mate van swaarkry en gevolglike versterking van hierdie konstruk. ’ n Komplekse interaksie tussen persoonlikhied, ondersteunende omgewing en intensiteit van ervarings word uiteindellik geidentifiseer as die boustene van die konstruk . Daarbenewens sal verskeie organisasie kulture ’n bepalende rol speel in die voorbereiding of ondersteuning van werknemers om te kan aanpas by ‘n veeleisender arbeidsomgewing, om sodoende, meer veerkragtigheid te kan ontwikkel vir toekomstige uitdagings by die werkplek. Of veerkragtigheid suiwer ‘n aangeleerde of suiwer oorerflike eienskap is, is nie onbevange duidelik belig deur die antwoorde wat uit die onderhoude verkry is nie. Die persone waarmee onderhoude gevoer is, het verskil ten opsigte van hul siening hieromtrent. Dit wil tog voorkom dat daar ‘n komplekse interaksie is ten opsigte van die rol van ‘n verskeidenheid persoonlikheids- en omgewingsfaktore en dat organisasies wel kan bydra tot die skepping van ‘n klimaat wat veerkragtigheid kan ontgin en bevorder. Daar word van die standpunt uitgegaan dat veerkragtighied ‘n positiewe eienskap is wat algemeen tot voordeel van die werker sowel as die organisie sal strek, veral in ‘n dinamiese, vinnig veranderende tegnologiese werksomgewing.

Toward the development of a corporate social responsibility leadership questionnaire

Van Zyl, Liam Tian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In recent years, organisations in South Africa and around the world have started to realise that they have responsibilities towards the environment and communities they operate in, and that their responsibilities stretch further than just making profits for their shareholders. This growing awareness amongst organisations resulted in the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) to escalate in importance and significance (Carroll & Shabana, 2010). The organisations‟ social responsibilities entail more than merely philanthropic activities in that the “social responsibility of business encompasses the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary (voluntary) expectations that society has of organisations at a given point in time” (Carroll & Shabana, 2010, p. 89). Apart from being a powerful and positive force for social change, organisations can also reap multi-faceted business returns from their CSR endeavours. Large organisations that have specific positions or departments that coordinates the various components of their CSR initiatives needs competent CSR leaders who can act as champions and drive CSR initiatives in their respective organisations. The purpose of this study was to identify the behaviours/competencies necessary to be an effective CSR leader and to develop a CSR leadership measurement instrument that could be used to assess CSR leadership competencies amongst CSR leaders of South African organisations. An ex post facto research design that included both qualitative and quantitative phases was used. A three-phase scale development process based on the work of Netemeyer, Bearden and Sharma (2003) was followed to develop the CSR leadership measurement instrument. Phase 1 (construct definition and domain specification) entailed a literature review, expert judging, as well as the identification of CSR leadership behaviours/competencies. The Leadership Behaviour Inventory (LBI-2) (Spangenberg & Theron, 2010; 2011) was identified to form the basis of the CSR-LQ. In-depth interviews with five CSR leaders were held and they judged the applicability of the 20 dimensions of the LBI-2 for CSR leadership. Additional CSR leader behaviours and competencies were identified through the use of the Critical Incident Technique (CIT). Phase 2 (generation and judging of measurement items) included a process of item generation and expert judgement of measurement items. The revised LBI-2 items, together with new items were compiled in a questionnaire. A 5 point Likert-type scale (1=not at all important to 5=absolutely critical) was used to judge the importance of the CSR-LQ items. A further sample of CSR leaders (n=13) served as expert judges to indicate the applicability and relevancy of the CSR-LQ items. Purposive sampling together with snowball sampling was used to generate the sample. Phase 3 (finalisation of the measurement instrument) entailed finalising the CSR-LQ prior to empirical testing. The study resulted in the identification of CSR leadership competencies and the development of a CSR leadership measurement instrument. It is however too early to draw conclusions from this study, and it is hoped that future researchers will build on this study and develop a comprehensive CSR leadership competency model that could be used to identify and develop successful CSR leaders that will contribute to the CSR objectives of their respective organisations and add to the future development of the country. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasies regoor die wêreld, asook in Suid-Afrika, het in die afgelope jare begin besef dat hulle verantwoordelikhede het teenoor die omgewing en gemeenskappe waarin hulle werksaam is en dat hul verantwoordelikhede verder strek as om bloot wins vir hul belanghebbendes te maak. Hierdie toenemende bewustheid onder organisasies het tot gevolg gehad dat die konsep van korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid (KSV) in belangrikheid en betekenis toegeneem het (Carroll & Shabana, 2010). Organisasies se sosiale verantwoordelikheid behels meer as bloot filantropiese aktiwiteite deurdat dit ekonomiese, wetlike, etiese, en diskresionêre (willekeurige) verwagtinge wat die gemeenskap van organisasies het op 'n gegewe tydstip insluit (Carroll & Shabana, 2010). Buiten vir die feit dat KSV 'n kragtige en positiewe mag vir sosiale verandering is, kan organisasies ook veelvuldige besigheidsvoordele uit hul KSV-pogings trek. Groot organisasies, wat spesifieke posisies of departemente het om die verskeie komponente van hul KSV-inisiatiewe te koördineer, benodig bevoegde KSV-leiers wat as kampvegters kan optree en die KSV-inisiatiewe in hul onderskeie organisasies kan dryf. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die nodige gedrag/bevoegdhede van 'n effektiewe KSV-leier te identifiseer en om 'n KSV-leierskap-meetinstrument te ontwikkel wat gebruik kan word om KSV-leierskapbevoegdhede onder KSV-leiers van Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies te meet. 'n Ex post facto navorsingsontwerp wat beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe fases ingesluit het, is gebruik. 'n Skaalontwikkelingsproses, gebaseer op die werk van Netemeyer, Bearden and Sharma (2003) en bestaande uit drie fases, is gevolg om die KSV-leierskap-meetinstrument te ontwikkel. Fase 1 (konstrukomskrywing en domeinspesifikasie) het 'n literatuurstudie, kennersoordeel, asook die identifikasie van KSV-leierskapsgedrag/-bevoegdhede bevat. Die Leierskapsgedrag-inventaris (LBI-2) (Spangenberg & Theron, 2010; 2011) is geïdentifiseer om die basis te vorm van die korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheidsleierskap-vraelys (CSR-LQ). In-diepte onderhoude is met vyf KSV-leiers gevoer en hulle het die toepaslikheid van die 20 dimensies van die LBI-2 ten opsigte van KSV-leierskap beoordeel. Bykomende KSV-leierskapsgedrag en -bevoegdhede is geïdentifiseer deur gebruik te maak van die Kritiese Insident-tegniek (KIT). Fase 2 (skep en oordeel van metingsitems) het 'n proses van itemskepping en kennersoordeel van metingsitems ingesluit. Die hersiene LBI-2-items, tesame met nuwe items, is in 'n vraelys saamgevat. 'n Vyf-punt Likert-tipe skaal (1=glad nie belangrik nie tot 5=absoluut noodsaaklik) is gebruik om die belangrikheid van die CSR-LQ-items te bepaal. 'n Verdere steekproef van KSV-leiers (n=13) het as kenners/beoordelaars gedien om die toepaslikheid en relevansie van die CSR-LQ-items aan te dui. Doelgerigte steekproefneming deur middel van sneeubal-steekproefneming is gedoen om die monster te genereer. Fase 3 (finalisering van die meetinstrument) het die finalisering van die CSR-LQ – voor empiriese toetsing – behels. Die studie het gelei tot die identifisering van KSV-leierskapbevoegdhede en die ontwikkeling van 'n KSV-leierskap-meetinstrument. Dit is egter te vroeg om gevolgtrekkings uit hierdie studie te maak, en daar word gehoop dat toekomstige navorsers op hierdie studie sal voortbou. Sodoende kan 'n omvattende KSV-leierskapbevoegdheidsmodel ontwikkel word wat gebruik kan word om suksesvolle KSV-leiers te identifiseer en te ontwikkel. Hierdie suksesvolle KSV-leiers sal tot die KSV-doelwitte van hul onderskeie organisasies kan bydra en waarde kan toevoeg tot die toekomstige ontwikkeling van die land.

Die bevoegdheidsprofiel van 'n trauma-ontlonter in die Suid-Afrikaanse polisiediens

Van der Merwe, M. M. (Maria Margaretha) 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: THE COMPETENCY PROFILE OF A TRAUMA DEBRIEFER IN THE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE: Trauma debriefing interventions are done in the South African Police Service to prevent the onset of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The existing trauma debriefing team rendering this service consists of psychologists, social workers and chaplains. There is currently no selection model or procedure available to select successful trauma debriefers and evidently not all professionals can automatically function effectively in a trauma work environment. The need has thus arisen to develop a competency profile of a successful trauma debriefer from which a selection battery can be develop. Before a profile can be compiled, a job analysis has to be done to discover the competencies of a trauma debriefer. For the purpose of this study the functional job analysis method was used and it can be described as: "Who performs what action for wat reason with which tools, equipment or job aids following what instructions." The information gathered from questionnaires to debriefers, questionnaires to victims of trauma, the critical incident method and a focus group were used to compile a job description for a trauma debriefer. Information was also obtained regarding the competency potential of a successful trauma debriefer specifically concerning knowledge (capacity) and personality traits (dispositions). Ten different trauma debriefer competencies were identified and discussed in conjunction with the mentioned competency potential. The given profile can now form the basis for the development of a selection battery for a successful trauma debriefer. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Trauma-ontlonting in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie diens word gedoen om Posttraumatiese Stresversteuring sover moontlik te voorkom. Trauma-ontlonters, wat uit sielkundiges, maatskaplike werkers en kapelane bestaan, word gebruik om die diens te lewer. Daar bestaan egter geen keuringsmodel vir die keuring van die traumaontlonters nie. Die literatuur en die praktyk het dit bewys dat nie alle professionele persone noodwendig effektiewe traumawerkers is nie. Die nodigheid het dus ontstaan om 'n bevoegdheidsprofiel van 'n suksesvolle ontlonter saam te stel en daaruit 'n keuringsbattery te ontwikkel. Alvorens 'n profiel saamgestel kan word, moet 'n posontleding gedoen word om inligting oor die bevoegdhede van die trauma-ontlonter te bekom. Vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie is die funksionele posontledingsmetode gebruik wat beskryf kan word as: "Who perform what action for what reason with what tools, equipment or job aid following what instruction." Om die inligting te bekom is van vraelyste aan ontlonters, vraelyste aan getraumatiseerde lede, kritieke insident metode en 'n fokusgroep gebruik gemaak. Hieruit is die trauma-ontlonter se posbeskrywing opgestel. Verder is inligting bekom oor bevoegdheidspotensiaal van 'n suksesvolle traumaontlonter. Dit behels kennis (kapasiteite) en persoonseienskappe (disposisies). Dit is ook uit die literatuur en vanaf onderwerpkundiges bekom. Tien ontlontersbevoegdhede is geïdentifiseer wat omskryf is en waarby die bevoegdheidspotensiaal ingeweef is. Vanuit hierdie profiel kan 'n keuringsbattery ontwikkel word.

The relationship between trainer locus of control and training style orientation

Kleyn, Esmé 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the current South African context the Government places a great deal of emphasis on the importance of adult training and development as a solution for addressing many social and economic problems. It is therefore important to investigate all aspects regarding the training context in order to optimise learning. The trainer plays an integral part within this system. Although literature regards the trainer as very important for training success, very little substantial research has been documented with regards to the influential factors on the training style orientation that trainers use when training adults. In order to investigate this problem, a study of the relevant literature is done. The following topics are examined for this purpose: The training system and the components thereof, andragogy and pedagogy as training style orientations, several trait theories of personality as the basis of the study, locus of control as a personality trait, and the influence of personality and more specifically locus of control within work-related settings. Three questionnaires were administered on a sample of 100 respondents, i.e. a Demographic questionnaire, the Training Style Inventory and the Locus of Control Inventory in order to generate data to investigate the research problem and hypotheses. The Demographic Questionnaire collected data regarding gender, age, qualifications, training experience, ethnicity, subject area of the training content, and type of organisation. The Training Style Inventory measured the training style orientation of the trainer respondents, and the Locus of Control Inventory was used to measure the locus of control of respondents. The results indicate support for the hypothesis that there is a statistical significant correlation between locus of control and training style orientation. More specifically, there is a statistically significant correlation between internal locus of control and the andragogical training style orientation, and also between external locus of control and the pedagogical training style orientation. The main objectives of this study were successfully achieved and documented. Conclusions and recommendations for further research are made. It is recommended that future research replicate the study with a greater and random sample of respondents, within the South African context. Also, investigating the effectiveness of the trainers as a result of their locus of control and training style orientation is an interesting possibility for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DIE VERBAND TUSSEN LOKUS VAN BEHEEROPLEIERS EN OPLEIDINGSTYLORIËNTASIE Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering plaas groot klem op die belangrikheid van volwasse opleiding en ontwikkeling in die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse konteks as 'n moontlike oplossing vir etlike sosiale en ekonomiese probleme. In 'n poging om leer te optimeer, is dit dus noodsaaklik om alle aspekte binne die opleidingskonteks deeglik in oënskou te neem. Die opleier speel 'n baie belangrike rol in die sukses van die opleidingsintervensie. Alhoewel die opleier binne die literatuur wel as In belangrike rolspeler in die sukses van opleidingsintervensies geag word, is daar baie min navorsing gedokumenteer oor die faktore wat die opleidingstyl wat opleiers tydens intervensies gebruik, beïnvloed. 'n Studie van die beskikbare literatuur ondersoek hierdie probleem. Die volgende onderwerpe is vir die doelondersoek: Die opleidingstelsel en die komponente daarvan, andragogie en pedagogie as opleidingstyloriëntasies, verskeie persoonlikheidstrekteorieë as die grondslag van die studie, lokus van beheer as 'n persoonlikheidstrek, en die invloed van persoonlikheid en meer spesifiek lokus van beheer binne die werksplek. Die data wat nodig is om die navorsingsprobleem te ondersoek en die hipoteses te toets, is ingesamel deur 100 respondente elk drie vraelyste te laat voltooi, naamlik 'n Demografiese vraelys, 'n Opleidingstylvraelys en 'n Lokus van Beheer-vraelys. Die demografiese vraelys het inligting ingesamel ten opsigte van geslag, ouderdom, kwalifikasies, opleidingservaring, etnisiteit, onderwerp van die opleidingsinhoud en die tipe organisasie betrokke. Die Opleidingstylvraelys het die opleidingstyloriëntasie van die opleiers wat deelgeneem het aan die studie gemeet, en die Lokus van Beheer vraelys is gebruik om die lokus van beheer van respondente te bepaal. Die resultate bevestig die hipotese dat daar 'n statisties beduidende verband bestaan tussen lokus van beheer en opleidingstyloriëntasie. Daar bestaan verder 'n statisties beduidende verband tussen interne lokus van beheer en 'n andragogiese opleidingstyloriëntasie, en ook tussen eksterne lokus van beheer en 'n pedagogiese opleidingstyloriëntasie. Die hoofdoelwitte van hierdie studie is suksesvol bereik en gedokumenteer. Gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing word ook gemaak. Die aanbeveling is dat toekomstige navorsing hierdie studie herhaal binne die Suid- Afrikaanse konteks. Die studie behoort ook 'n groter en ewekansige steekproef in te sluit. Die effektiwiteit van die opleiers as 'n resultaat van hul lokus van beheer en opleidingstyloriëntasie is ook 'n interessante moontlikheid vir verdere navorsing.

An industrial psychological study establishing the relationship between career self-management and job performance

Bredell, Deidre 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Individuals in South Africa are constantly confronted with career related challenges. As a result of high unemployment, affirmative action, the outsourcing of work and other changes in the economy, only the very best employees with relevant skills and qualifications can survive in the contemporary work place. Career self-management therefore cannot be neglected or left to the employer, but should be undertaken by each individual on a continuous basis. An unavoidable question, with which any individual will be confronted at some stage during the process of career management, is: 'Will career management necessarily have a positive effect on job performance?" The essential question of this study is whether there is a statistically significant relation between career self-management and job performance. In an effort to investigate and understand this relation more efficiently, a literature study was first undertaken concerning both the independent variable, namely career self-management, and the dependent variable, namely job performance. This was followed by an empirical investigation. Career self-management may be defined as the process by which individuals take well considered, informed, suitable decisions about their working lives. The process of career self-management consists of different components, namely career exploration, career goal setting, the development of career strategies and career evaluation. Career exploration includes self-exploration as well as exploration of the environment. Self-knowledge focuses on the acquisition of knowledge regarding internal aspects such as values, personality, aptitude, interests, weak points and strong points. Environment exploration, on the other hand, includes the acquisition of knowledge and information about the working environment. Career goal setting is the second component in the career self-management process, and involves the setting of challenging but realistic career goals by the individual for the short, medium and long term. The individual develops career strategies in order to realise career goals. Various types of career strategies may be distinguished, such as competence in the current position, extended involvement at work, development of skills, participation in organisational politics and the utilisation of opportunities by, for example, the creation of networks, self-nomination and visibility. After sufficient time has elapsed for the implementation of the strategies, the individual has to compare the identified goals with achieved goals and adjust the original career plan accordingly. These adjustments will in turn require further career exploration and the process will be repeated. The dependent variable, namely individual job performance, may be defined as the way in which a job or task is executed by an individual, group or organisation. An individual's job performance mainly depends on two aspects, namely ability and motivation (attempt). Ability refers to the individual's potential to successfully complete a task or job. Motivation is an internal driving force which moves an individual and which directs his/her behaviour in such a way that goals may be achieved. The empirical part of the study investigated the statistical relationship between the two constructs on a test sample, consisting of 307 individuals from 5 different sectors (mining sector, real estate sector, health care sector, bank sector, and production sector). The career self-management of these individuals was tested by means of two questionnaires, namely the Career Exploration Survey and the Career Strategies Inventory. Their job performance was measured by the Job Performance Questionnaire, which were handed to their managers/supervisors to complete. Statistical analyses showed that no statistically significant relationship exists between career self-management and job performance. Further statistical analyses also showed that there is no relation between any of the components of career self-management (career exploration, career goal setting, and development of career strategies) and job performance. The research results suggest that career self-management does not necessarily lead to improved job performance, even though an individual may manage his/her career constructively. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Individue in Suid-Afrika word gereeld gekonfronteer met loopbaanverwante uitdagings. Die hoë werkloosheidssyfer, regstellende aksie, uitkontraktering en ander veranderinge in die ekonomie veroorsaak dat slegs die heel beste werknemers met relevante vaardighede en kwalifikasies in vandag se werkplek kan oorleef. Loopbaan-selfbestuur kan dus nie agterweë gelaat word of oorgelaat word aan die organisasie nie, maar behoort deur elke individu op 'n deurlopende basis gedoen te word. 'n Onvermydelike vraag waarmee enige individu op een of ander stadium tydens die loopbaanbestuursproses gekonfronteer sal word, is: "Sal loopbaanbestuur noodwendig 'n positiewe effek op werksprestasie hê?" Hierdie vraag het die essensie van die studie gevorm, naamlik of daar 'n statisties beduidende verband bestaan tussen loopbaan-selfbestuur en werksprestasie. Ten einde hierdie verband beter te kon ondersoek en verstaan, is 'n literatuurstudie eerstens oor beide die onafhanklike veranderlike, loopbaan-selfbestuur, en die afhanklike veranderlike, werksprestasie, gedoen, waarna die empiriese gedeelte van die navorsing gevolg het. Loopbaan-selfbestuur kan gedefinieer word as die proses waartydens individue weldeurdagte, ingeligte, geskikte besluite neem aangaande hulle werksiewens. Die proses van loopbaan-selfbestuur bestaan uit verskeie komponente, naamlik loopbaanverkenning, loopbaandoelwitstelling, die ontwikkeling van loopbaanstrategieë en loopbaanbeoordeling. Loopbaanverkenning sluit self-verkenning sowel as verkenning van die omgewing in. Selfkennis fokus op die verkryging van kennis met betrekking tot interne aspekte soos waardes, persoonlikheid, aanleg, belangstellings, swakpunte en sterkpunte, terwylomgewingsverkenning die verkryging van kennis en informasie oor die werksomgewing insluit. Loopbaandoelwitstelling is die tweede komponent in die loopbaan-selfbestuursproses en behels dat die individu uitdagende, dog realistiese loopbaandoelwitte stel - vir die korttermyn, mediumtermyn sowel as die langtermyn. Ten einde loopbaandoelwitte te laat realiseer, ontwikkel die individu loopbaanstrategieë. Verskeie tipes loopbaanstrategieë kan onderskei word, soos byvoorbeeld bevoegdheid in die huidige pos, uitgebreide werksbetrokkenheid, vaardigheidsontwikkeling, deelname aan organisasiepolitiek en die benutting van geleenthede deur onder andere die vorming van netwerke, selfnominering en sigbaarheid. Nadat voldoende tyd verloop het waartydens die strategieë geïmplementeer kon word, moet die individu die gestelde doelwitte met behaalde doelwitte vergelyk en op grond daarvan aanpassings maak ten opsigte van die aanvanklike loopbaanplan. Hierdie aanpassings sal weer verdere loopbaanverkenning verg en die proses word herhaal. Die afhanklike veranderlike, naamlik individuele werksprestasie, kan gedefinieer word as die wyse waarop In werk of taak gedoen word deur In individu, groep of organisasie. In Individu se werksprestasie is hoofsaaklik afhanklik van twee aspekte, naamlik vermoë en motivering (poging). Vermoë verwys na die individu se potensiaal om In taak of werk suksesvol af te handel. Motivering is In interne dryfkrag wat In individu beweeg en sy/haar gedrag rig sodat doelwitte behaal kan word. Die empiriese gedeelte van die studie het die statistiese verband tussen die twee konstrukte op In steekproef, bestaande uit 307 individue afkomstig van vyf verskillende sektore (mynsektor, eiendomsektor, gesondheidsorgsektor, banksektor, vervaardigingsektor), ondersoek. Hierdie individue se loopbaanselfbestuur is bepaal deur middel van twee vraelyste, naamlik die "Career Exploration Survey" en die "Career Strategies Inventory". Hul werksprestasie is gemeet deur middel van die "Job Performance Questionnaire", wat aan hul bestuurders / toesighouers gegee is om te voltooi. Statistiese analises het getoon dat daar geen statisties beduidende verband bestaan tussen loopbaan-selfbestuur en werksprestasie nie. Verdere statistiese ontledings het ook getoon dat daar geen verband tussen enige van die komponente van loopbaan-selfbestuur (loopbaanverkenning, loopbaandoelwitstelling en ontwikkeling van loopbaanstrategieë) en werksprestasie bestaan nie. Die gevolgtrekking wat op grond van die navorsingsresultate gemaak kan word, is dat, alhoewel 'n individu sy/haar loopbaan konstruktief mag bestuur, dit nie noodwendig tot verbeterde werksprestasie sal lei nie.

The relationship between personality type and creative preference

Geyser, Richard Conrad 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As the human race enters the new millennium it is challenged by factors such as continuos changed, demand for improved quality and increased competition of global proportions. This requires of organisations to be more responsive to change as well as that individuals will need to position themselves to meet the challenges of the knowledge era. These challenges demand creativity in order to meet the demands for value adding contributions to the organisation. The above mentioned situation gives rise to a number of questions: Firstly, how can the creative processes of an individual be assessed? Secondly, what role does personality play as an indicator of creativity? Lastly, can the knowledge concerning the relationship between creativity and personality be applied to enhance the expression of creativity in the working environment? This research is aimed at investigating the relationship between personality dimensions and creative thinking preferences. 305 managers from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd reporting levels of an organisation in the aviation maintenance and manufacturing industry took part in the study. Two instruments were used namely the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step II, to assess the personality dimensions and the Neethling Brain Instrument (NBI) to assess the subjects creative thinking preference. A Pearson Product Moment analysis was conducted to determine the correlation between the subscales of the MBTI Step II personality dimensions and the NBI. Next a Principal Component analysis was conducted to determine if any of the NBI thinking style preferences measure the same factor as the subscales of the MBTI Step II, as well as to reduce the number of variables used to determine if a significant relationship exists between the principle dimensions of the MBTI and thinking styles of the NBI. Finally, a regression analysis was performed to determine if the principle dimensions of the MBTI Step II are significantly related to the thinking style dimensions of the NBI. The results of the Pearson Product Moment correlation indicated that significant correlations exist between the sub-scales of the MBTI Step II and the NBI thinking preferences. However, the significance of these correlations range from weak to strong, posing a challenge with regard to determining which of these correlations have any practical value. The results of the Principle Component analysis indicated the existence of four distinct factors, which are common to both the MBTI Step II, and the NBI. However, it was of interest to note that two of the dimensions of the NBI each loaded on two of the factors leading to the conclusion that these two dimensions each measure two unique factors. The results of the Regression analysis provided evidence that the NBI measures two dimensions of the MBTI Step II. Firstly, a preference for thinking is measured by the L1, Upper Left quadrant scale of the NBI and a preference for feeling is measured by the R2, Right Lower quadrant scale of the NBI. Secondly, that a combination of the Judging/Perceiving and Sensing/Intuition preferences are related as follows. The R1, Right Upper quadrant preference scale measures a combination of Perceiving and Intuition. The L2, Left Lower quadrant scale appears to measure a combination of Judging and Sensing. An obvious question that arises is, which personality type is more creative? The process perspective on creativity would appear to indicate that certain personality types have a preference for contributing more effectively to specific parts of the creative process. Thus it can be concluded that no single personality type is more creative than the other is, but that creativity requires the use of all the functions of Personality Type. The key to creativity is the integration of all the Type functions both preferred and not preferred in a synergistic manner. This requires recognition that creativity will require the expenditure of significant amounts of psychic energy to apply non-preferred functions in the process of being creative. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasies wat die nuwe millenuim betree het, staar toenemende uitdagings in die gesig. Faktore soos konstante verandering, toenemende eise vir die verbetering van kwaliteit en die verhoging in kompetisie wereldwyd, stel aan organisasies hoer eise om vinniger te reageer op verandering. Dit verg ook van individue om hulself te posisioneer ten einde die uitdagings van die kennis-era aan te durf. Die uitdagings vereis kreatiwiteit om aan die eise van waarde-toevoeging in die organisasie by te dra. Die voorafgenoemde situasie laat 'n paar vrae ontstaan. Eerstens, hoe ‘n individu se kreatiewe prosesse geevalueer kan word, tweedens watter rol persoonlikheid speel as ‘n aanduider van kreatiwiteit en laastens of kennnis van die verband tussen kreatiwiteit en persoonlikheid prakties toegepas kan word om die uitdrukking van kreatiwiteit in die werksomgewing te verhoog. Hierdie navorsing is daarop gemik om die verband tussen persoonlikheidsdimensies en kreatiewe denk voorkeure te ondersoek. 305 bestuurders in die eerste, tweede en derde rapporteringsvlak van 'n lugvaart vervaardiging en onderhoud organisasie het aan die navorsing deelgeneem. Twee meetinstrumente is gebruik in die navorsing naamlik die Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step II, om die persoonlikheidsdimensies te meet en die Neethling Brein Instrument (NBI) om die individue se kreatiewe denkvoorkeure te meet. Die Pearson Produk Moment ontleding is gebruik om die korrelasie tussen die persoonlikheidsdimensie sub-skale van die MBTI Step II en die NBI te bepaal. Daarna is 'n Hoofkomponent ontleding uitgevoer om te bepaai of enige van die NBI denk voorkeurstyle dieselfde faktor as die MBTI Step II subskale meet, asook om die aantal veranderlikes te verminder om sodoende te bepaai of daar ‘n betekenisvolle verband bestaan tussen die hoofdimensies van die MBTI Step II en die denkstyle van die NBI. Laastens is ‘n Regressie ontleding gebruik om te bepaai of die hoofdimensies van die MBTI Step II ‘n betekenisvolle verband toon met die denkstyl dimensies van die NBI. Die resultate van die Pearson Produk Moment ontleding het daarop gedui dat daar ‘n betekenisvolle korrelasie bestaan tussen die sub-skale van die MBTI Step II en die NBI denk voorkeure. Die betekenisvolheid van die korrelasies wissel egter van swak tot sterk korrelasies, wat ‘n uitdaging skep in terme van die bepaling van die korrelasies wat enige praktiese waarde inhou. Die resultate van die Hoofkomponent ontleding het die bestaan van vier kenmerkende faktore aangedui wat biede algemeen is in die MBTI Step II, en die NBI. Dit was egter interressant om te merk dat twee van die NBI se dimensies op twee verskillende faktore gelaai het. Die gevolgtrekking wat gemaak word is dat die twee dimensies elk twee afsonderlike faktore meet. Die resultate van die Regressie Ontleding het aangedui dat die NBI twee dimensies van die MBTI Step II meet. Eerstens, word ‘n voorkeur vir “Thinking” gemeet deur die L1, Linker Bokantste kwadrant op die NBI en 'n voorkeur vir “Feeling” word gemeet deur die R2, Regter Onderkantste kwadrant van die NBI. Tweedens, dat 'n kombinasie van “Judging/Perceiving” en "Sensing/Intuition” voorkeure die volgende verband toon. Die R1 Regter Bokantste kwardrant meet 'n voorkeur vir ‘n kombinasie van “Intuition” en “Perceiving”. Die L2 Linker Onderkantste kwadrant meet ‘n voorkeur vir 'n kombinasie van “Sensing" en “Judging”. ‘n Ooglopende vraag wat gevra word is die van watter persoonlikheidstipe meer kreatief is? Uit die prossess perspektief wat geneem is in die studie, wil dit voorkom dat sekere persoonlikheidstipes ‘n voorkeur het om meer effektief te kan bydra tot specifieke gedeeltes van die kreatiewe prosess. Die afleiding kan dus gevorm word dat geen enkele persoonlikeidstipe meer kreatief is as die ander nie, maar eerder dat die gebruik van al die funksies van persoonlikheidstipe nodig is om kreatiewiteit te ontsluit. Die sleutel tot kreatiewiteit is dus die sinergistiese integrasie van al die Tipe funksies, beide die waarvoor ‘n voorkeur bestaan en die waarvoor daar nie ‘n voorkeur is nie. Dit verg ook die besef dat kreatiwieteit die spandering van groot hoeveelhede psigiese energie benodig, om funksies waarvoor daar nie 'n voorkeur is nie, toe te pas om die kreatiewe process te volbring.

The relationship between training style and personality

Engelbrecht, Louise Christine 05 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was prompted by two significant aspects within the South African training field. Firstly, the attitude of the South African Government towards training in terms of legislation made it evident that trainers will progressively playa more important role in organisations. Secondly, although literature regard the trainer as one of the important role-players in the training situation, no substantial research has been done on training style as an aspect that can influence the trainer's performance and ultimately the effectiveness of training. In order to address this void, the research was dedicated to determine whether a systematic relationship exists between the personality of a __trainer and his/her training style. The following topics were examined by means of a selective study of the literature: adult learners as the target _ of training programmes; pedagogy and andragogy as orientations to training; the trainer; the definition of training style; the trait theory of personality as the basis of the study; and empirical studies done on the topic prior to this study. In order to gather the necessary information, three questionnaires were administered to a sample of 96 trainers. The 16-PF, which is an established questionnaire, was used to collect data about the personality traits of the respondents. Furthermore, a questionnaire namely the Training Style Inventory was developed to measure the training style of trainers. Trainers were then accordingly grouped in one of five types of training styles. The last questionnaire gathered information regarding demographic aspects of the sample. The study found limited support for the hypothesis that there exists a systematic relationship between personality and training style. However, it was found that certain dimensions of personality do playa role in the manifestation of a certain training style. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie was geinspireer deur twee opmerklike aspekte binne die Suid-Afrikaanse opleidingsveld. Eerstens, die Suid-Afrikaanse Regering se houding jeens opleiding in terme van wetgewing, het dit duidelik gemaak dat opleiers voortaan 'n toenemend belangrike rol in organisasies sal vervul. Ten tweede het navorsing reeds bevestig dat die opleier een van die belangrike rolspelers in die opleiding situasie is. Daar is egter tot op hede geen noemenswaardige navorsing gedoen op opleidingstyl as 'n aspek wat die werkverrigting van die opleier en uiteindelik die effektiwiteit van opleiding beïnvloed nie. Ten einde hierdie leemte aan te spreek, was die doel van hiedie navorsing om te bepaal of daar 'n sistematiese verband bestaan tussen die persoonlikheid van 'n opleier en syjhaar opleidingstyl. Deur middel van selektiewe literatuurstudie is die volgende ondersoek: die volwasse leerder as die teiken van opleidingsprogramme; pedagogie en andragogie as orientasies tot opleiding; die opleier; definiering van opleidingstyl; die trekteorie van persoonlikheid as die basis van die studie; en empiriese studies oor die onderwerp wat hierdie navorsing vooraf gegaan het. Om die nodige inligting in te samel is drie vraelyste deur 'n steekproef van 96 opleiers ingevul. Die 16-PF wat as 'n gevestigde meetinstrument bekend staan, is gebruik om inligting in te sameloor die persoonlikheidstrekke van die respondente. Voorts is 'n vraelys naamlik die Training Style Inventory ontwikkelom die opleidingstyl van die opleiers te meet. Opleiers is daarna ooreenkomstig gegroepeer in een van vyf opleidingstyle. Die laaste vraelys het inligting ingesamel aangaande die demografiese aspekte van die steekproef. Die studie het beperkte steun gevind vir die hipotese dat daar 'n verwantskap bestaan tussen persoonlikheid en opleidingstyl. Daar is egter gevind dat sekere dimensies van persoonlikheid wel 'n rol speel in die verklaring van die manifestering van 'n sekere opleidingstyl.

Application of a nomological model of selection validity

Bartmann, Tanya Justine 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the applicability of a nomological model for the assessment of psychological measurement validity with reference to personnel selection. The model, which can be traced to Thorndike (1949), Campbell and Fiske (1959), Nunnally (1967, cited in Duvenage, 1990), Guion (1974, cited in Duvenage, 1990), Binning and Barrett (1989) and Duvenage (1990), provides the evidential bases for two empirically founded validation strategies, namely criterion- and constructrelated validity. Theoretically, the Nomological Model for Psychological Measurement Validity Assessment proved to be applicable for validating that a measure is able to predict job performance. An easily understandable empirical investigation was required to verify the scientific utility of the model for selection validation. The model was used to validate the procedure for selecting machine operators in a large food manufacturer. The investigation illustrated that by utilising Route 1 of the nomological model, evidence of criterion-related validity, as described by legal and professional standards, is generated. Furthermore, the study indicated that by utilising Route 2 of the model, evidential requirements of construct-related validity as set by legal and professional standards are met. The results of the study proved that the Nomological Model for Psychological Measurement Validity Assessment is theoretically, professionally, legally and practically applicable for the validation of personnel selection procedures. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die toepasbaarheid van 'n nomologiese model vir die bepaling van die geldigheid van sielkundige meting ten opsigte van personeelkeuring vas te stel. Die model, wat sy oorsprong in die werk van Thorndike (1949), Campbell en Fiske (1959), Nunnally (1967, aangehaal uit Duvenage, 1990), Guion (1974, aangehaal uit Duvenage, 1990), Binning en Barrett (1989) en Duvenage (1990) het, verskaf getuienis basisse vir twee ernpirles gefundeerde valideringsstrategiee, naamlik kriterlum- en konstruk-verwante geldigheid. Daar is teoretiese bewyse gevind vir die toepasbaarheid van die Nomologiese Model vir Sielkundige Meting Geldigheids Raming vir die validering van metingsvoorspelbaarheid van werksprestasie. 'n Maklik verstaanbare empmese ondersoek was nodig om die model se wetenskaplike nut vir keuringsgeldigheid te bepaal. Die model was gebruik vir die validering van keuringsprosedure-geldigheid van masjienoperateurs in 'n groot voedselverwerkingsmaatskappy. Die ondersoek het ge"illustreer dat deur die toepassing van Roete 1 van die nomologiese model, bewyse gegenereer is vir kriterium-verwante geldigheid, 5005 voorgeskryf deur relevante wetgewing en professionele standaarde. Verder, deur die toepassing van Roete 2 van hierdie model, word voldoende bewyse vir konstruk-verwante geldigheid, 5005 voorgeskryf deur wetlike en professionele standaarde, verkry. Die resultate van die studie bewys dat die Nomologiese Model vir Sielkundige Meting Geldigheids Raming teoreties, professioneel, wettig en prakties toepasbaar is vir die validering van personeel keu ri ngsprosed ures.

The feasibility of transformational leadership training and development in South Africa

Du Rand, Jean 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The 1990s were characterised by a process of rapid political change in South Africa, which resulted in a period of transition in the economic and social spheres of this society. South Africans need to adapt to the shift in political leadership as well the rapid rate of technological innovation globally. Leadership theory has evolved from more traditional approaches such as the trait approach and behavioural approach to more recent theories such as situational leadership theories, leader-follower exchange theories and leadership decision-making theories. The recent trends in the field of Industrial Psychology lead to a more comprehensive and all-inclusive theory of leadership, namely transformational leadership. South Africa needs transformational leaders to drive and manage the change process. From the literature study it is evident that there is a need for transformational leadership training and development in South Africa. Therefore the main goal of this study was to determine the feasibility of transformational leadership training and development in South Africa. The main problem is divided into four sub-problems. In order to develop South African managers into transformational leaders, it is important that a need for transformational leadership training exists. Therefore the first subproblem is concerned with the need for the development of transformational leadership skills in South African leaders. The data of all South African leaders (7,563 cases) that were rated on Form 5X of the Multi-factor-Leadership Questionnaire (instrument measuring transformational leadership) was obtained from Productivity Development Pty. (Ltd.). This data was generated from March 1995 to June 1999. Firstly, the Ideal Theoretical Leadership Profile is compared to the total South African sample (N=7563). Secondly, leaders who performed effectively in the world of work were extracted from the total South African sample and were compared to the rest of the South African sample. Thus the Ideal Effectiveness Leadership Profile (N=657) is compared to the rest of the South African sample (N=6906). In both instances the profiles of the South African sample resembles the two ideal leadership profiles. The fact that the South African leaders scored well below the norms of the two ideal profiles on transformational leadership dimensions indicates that there is a need for the development of transformational leaders in South Africa. Thirdly, the t-test is utilised in order to compare the total South African sample (N=7,443) to an international sample (N=2080). The South African sample scored significantly higher on transformational leadership scales than their international counterparts. This indicates that South African leaders compare well to international standards regarding transformational leadership Once it was assessed that there is a need for South African leaders to be developed as transformational leaders, it was important to determine whether the Multi-factor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) is a valid instrument for measuring transformational leadership in South Africa. Transformational leadership training and development can not be managed in South Africa unless it can be measured. Therefore the second subproblem was concerned with the construct validity of the MLQ in South Africa. Confirmatory factor analysis was utilised in order to assess the construct validity of the MLQ on 7563 cases. The final first-order analysis indicated that there is not conclusive evidence for the 8-factor structure in the South African context. More comprehensive research is needed in order to prove the validity of the MLQ beyond reasonable doubt in the South African context. After the conclusion was reached that transformational leadership training is needed in South Africa, it was decided to investigate the practical implementation of transformational leadership training in South Africa. In order to investigate the practical implementation of transformational leadership training, high-level managers trained at the Graduate School of Business, University of Stellenbosch (USB) were assessed as a microcosm of the larger South African sample. The USB group (N=120) was compared by means of t-tests to two other groups, namely the rest of the South African sample (N=7443) and an international sample (N=2080). The third sub-problem was thus concerned whether the USB group was a select group. The USB group scored significantly higher on all of the individual transformational factors than the two other groups. The results suggest that the USB is a select group. Once it was concluded that the USB group was a select group, they were tested on Kirkpatrick's reaction level of evaluation in order to determine whether they benefited from the course, although their MLQ scores reflected that they were already acting in a transformational manner. The fourth sub-problem was thus concerned with evaluating the reactions of the USB group towards the Full Range Leadership Programme. Overall the participants (N=46) gave a positive reaction towards the programme. Although the USB group can be classified as a select group, participants believed that the programme was of practical use. This substantiates the argument that there is a need for developing transformational leaders. The results indicate that transformational leadership training and development is feasible in South Africa. Finally, on the basis of the results of this study, conclusions and recommendations are made for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die negentigerjare word gekenmerk deur 'n proses van snelle politieke verandering in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing, wat In oorgangsperiode in die ekonomiese en sosiale sektore ingewy het. Dit is noodsaaklik dat Suid-Afrikaners aanpas by die veranderinge in politieke leierskap, asook by tegnologiese vooruitgang. Die leierskapsteorie, wat vroeër bestaan het uit die meer tradisionele benaderings soos die karaktertrek- en die gedragsbenadering, het gestalte gekry in meer onlangse teorieë. Hierdie teorieë sluit in die gebeurlikheids-, leier-volgeling-uitruilings- asook die leierskapsbesluitnemingsbenaderings. Die huidige neiging binne die wêreld van die Bedryfsielkunde is In meer omvattende en alles-inklusiewe benadering ten opsigte van die leierskapsteorie, naamlik transformasieleierskap. Suid-Afrika benodig transformasieleiers om die proses van verandering aan te dryf en te bestuur. Uit die literatuurstudie is dit duidelik dat daar 'n behoefte is aan transformasieleierskap-opleiding en -ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika. Vervolgens is ~die hoofdoel van hierdie studie om die praktiese uitvoerbaarheid van transformasieleierskap-opleiding en -ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika te bepaal. Die hoofprobleem word in vier sub-probleme verdeel. Daar word van die standpunt uitgegaan dat dit belangrik is om die transformasieleierskapsvaardighede van Suid-Afrikaanse bestuurders te ontwikkel. Die eerste sub-probleem fokus op die behoefte van Suid-Afrikaanse bestuurders aan opleiding in transformasieleierskap. Die data is ingesamel van alle Suid-Afrikaanse leiers (7,563 proefpersone) wat op die Multi-faktor Leierskapsvraelysvorm 5X (instrument wat transformasieleierskap meet) beoordeel is. Hierdie data is deur Productivity Development (Pty) Ltd beskikbaar gestel, en is vanaf Maart 1995 tot Junie 1999 ingesamel. Eerstens is die Ideale Teoretiese Leierskapsprofiel vergelyk met die leierskapsprofiel van die totale Suid-Afrikaanse steekproef (N=7,563). Tweedens is leiers wat effektief in die praktyk funksioneer, die Ideale Effektiwiteit Leierskapsprofiel (N=657), onttrek van die totale Suid-Afrikaanse steekproef en vergelyk met die res van die Suid-Afrikaanse steekproef (N=6,906). In beide gevalle is daar 'n verwantskap gevind tussen die Suid-Afrikaanse steekproef en die twee ideale leierskapsprofiele. Derdens is daar van 'n t-toets gebruik gemaak om die res van die Suid-Afrikaanse steekproef (N=7,443) met In internasionale steekproef te vergelyk. Die Suid-Afrikaanse steekproef het beduidend hoër tellings as die internasionale steekproef op alle transformasieskale behaal. Hiervolgens voldoen die Suid-Afrikaanse steekproef aan internasionale standaarde ten opsigte van transformasievaardighede. Nadat vasgestel is dat daar 'n behoefte bestaan aan transformasieleierskap-opleiding in Suid-Afrika, is daar ook besluit om die geldigheid van die Multi-faktor Leierskapsvraelys (MLO) onder Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede te ondersoek. Transformasieleierskapopleiding en -ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika kan nie bestuur word tensy dit akkuraat gemeet word nie. Daarom fokus die tweede sub-probleem op die konstrukgeldigheid van die MLO onder Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede. Daar is van bevestigende faktor-ontleding gebruik gemaak om die konstrukgeldigheid van die MLO by 7,563 proefpersone te bepaal. Die 8-faktorpatroon lewer nie voldoende bewys dat die MLO weloor 'n mate van konstrukgeldigheid onder Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede beskik nie. Nog in-diepte navorsing word benodig om bo redelike twyfel die geldigheid van die MLO onder Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede te bevestig. Nadat tot die gevolgtrekking gekom is dat daar 'n behoefte aan opleiding in tranformasievaardighede bestaan, is die praktiese implementering van transformasieleierskap-opleiding in Suid-Afrika ondersoek. Vir hierdie doel is hoëvlakbestuurders, wat opgelei is by die Nagraadse Bestuurskool aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (USB), ondersoek as 'n mikrokosmos van die groter Suid-Afrikaanse steekproef. Die USB-groep (N=120) is deur middel van t-toetse met die res van die Suid-Afrikaanse groep (N=7,443) en 'n internasionale steekproef (N=2,080) vergelyk. By die derde sub-probleem moes bepaal word of die USB-groep 'n uitgelese groep is. Dié groep het beduidend hoër tellings by al die afsonderlike transformasiefaktore as die ander twee groepe behaal. Die gevolgtrekking kan dus gemaak word dat die USB-groep wel uitgelese is. Hierna is die groep gemeet aan Kirkpatrick se reaksievlak. By die vierde sub-probleem is die USB-groep se reaksie ten opsigte van die "Full Range Leadership Programme" geëvalueer. Oor die algemeen het respondente (N=46) 'n positiewe reaksie teenoor die program getoon. Die USB-groep het die program as betekenisvol beskou, en alhoewel hulle 'n geselekteerde groep is, dui dit aan dat daar tog onder hulle 'n behoefte is aan opleiding in transformasievaardighede van Suid- Afrikaanse bestuurders. Die resultate dui aan dat daar onder bestuurslui in die algemeen 'n behoefte aan transformasieleierskap-opleiding en -ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika is. Ten slotte is gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings wat op die resultate van die studie gebaseer is, vir toekomstige navorsing gemaak.

Die verband tussen persoonlikheid en wysheid

Conradie, Madeleine 11 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The need for the wise employee in modern organisations can, especially in the light of technological advancement and global competition, not be denied. The current work environment is dynamic and poses numerous challenges to employees. Attributes such as insight, good judgement and decision-making are required; attributes that correlate with wisdom. Certain personality attributes such as maturity, tranquility, flexibility and empathy are often being used in the description of wise individuals and are also being set as requirements for the modern employee. Research and studies with regard to wisdom are limited. As limited and contradictory results exist with regard to the Industrial Psychological enquiry into wisdom, a need exists for further research, especially with regard to the circumstances and factors that are applicable to the South African business organisation. As a potential relationship between wisdom and personality traits exists, it has been set as the subject of investigation for this study. Certain personality traits grant possible access to or might faseilltate the development of wisdom. If the wise employee can be identified by means of a personality test, it can be of significant value in for example the selection process. Wisdom, for the purpose of this study, refers to expert knowledge with regard to insight, good advice and judgement for complicated life problems. The concept of personality is for the purpose of the study, based on the trait approach where the second order factors of the 16 PF-questionnaire, namely extroversion, anxiety, tough mindedness, independence and compulsivity, serve as the structural components of personality. The sample comprises 67 employees who are employed at the central office of a big South African retail company. A wisdom knowledge instrument has been used for the measurement of wisdom knowledge where participants advise on three difficult life problems. The adjusted evaluation instrument of Hira and Faulkender (1997), based on Smith and Baltes' definition of wisdom (1995) as an expert knowledge system, has been used by two evaluators for the evaluation of the responses. The biographical questionnaire was specifically developed to comply with the requirements of the investigation. The results of this investigation shows that a significant correlation between wisdom knowledge and the second order personality factors (-traits) of the 16PF exists, namely anxiety and independence. No significant correlation has been found between wisdom knowledge and the other three second-order factors, namely extroversion, tough mindedness and compulsivity. The personality traits have also indicated a low, but significant variance of the wisdom counts. Personality nevertheless shows a correlation with wisdom, in this study. Biographical variables that show a significant positive correlation with wisdom knowledge counts are sex and level of training. Male participants have performed significantly better than female participants. It is evident from the study that age does not have a significant influence on wisdom knowledge performance. It is also evident from the results that the measuring instrument reflects a valid measurement of wisdom performance and that the two evaluators' evaluations show a positive correlation with each other. Conclusions and suggestions for future research are made in accordance with the results of the investigation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die behoefte aan die wyse werknemer in hedendaagse organisasies kan, veral in die lig van snelle tegnologiese verandering en globale kompetisie, nie meer ontken word nie. Die hedendaagse werksomgewing is vinnigveranderend en stel talle uitdagings aan werknemers. Eienskappe soos insig, goeie oordeel en besluitneming word vereis, eienskappe wat met wysheid verband hou. Sekere persoonlikheidseienskappe soos volwassenheid, rustigheid, buigsaamheid en empatie word dikwels in die beskrywing van wyse persone gebruik en word ook as vereistes vir die hedendaagse werknemer gestel. Navorsing en studies ten opsigte van wysheid is beperk. Aangesien beperkte en teenstrydige resultate bestaan ten opsigte van die Bedryfsielkundige ondersoek na wysheid, bestaan daar 'n behoefte aan verdere navorsing, veral ten opsigte van die omstandighede en faktore wat van toepassing is op die Suid- Afrikaanse besigheidsorganisasie. Aangesien daar 'n potensiële verband tussen wysheid en persoonlikheidstrekke bestaan, is dit as die onderwerp van ondersoek vir hierdie studie gestel. Sekere persoonlikheids- eienskappe verleen moontlik toegang tot of fasiliteer die ont- wikkeling van wysheid. Indien die wyse werknemer deur middel van 'n persoonlikheidstoets geïdentifiseer kan word, kan dit van belangrike waarde wees in onder andere die keuringsproses. Wysheid verwys vir die doel van hierdie studie na ekspert kennis ten opsigte van insig, goeie raad en oordeel tot ingewikkelde lewensprobleme. Die begrip van persoonlikheid is vir die doel van die studie op die trekbenadering gebaseer waar die tweede-orde faktore van die 16 PF-vraelys; naamlik ekstroversie, angs, geharde ewewig, onafhanklikheid en kompulsiwiteit, as die strukturele komponente van persoonlikheid dien. Die steekproef bestaan uit 67 werknemers wat by die sentrale kantoor van 'n groot Suid-Afrikaanse kleinhandelsmaatskappy werksaam is. Vir die meting van wysheidskennis is 'n wysheidskennis- instrument gebruik waar deelnemers advies moet verskaf ten opsigte van drie moeilike lewensprobleme. Die aangepaste nasieninstrument van Hira en Faulkender (1997), wat op Smith en Baltes (1995) se definisie van wysheid as 'n ekspert kennissisteem gebaseer is, is deur twee evalueerders gebruik in die evaluering van die response. Die biografiese vraelys is ontwikkelom spesifiek aan die vereistes van die ondersoek te voldoen. Die resultate van hierdie ondersoek toon dat daar slegs beduidende korrelasies tussen wysheidskennis en die tweede-orde persoonlikheidsfaktore (-trekke) van die 16 PF angs en onafhanklikheid bestaan. Geen beduidende korrelasies tussen wysheidskennis en die ander drie tweede-orde faktore naamlik ekstroversie, geharde ewewig en kompulsiwiteit is gevind nie. Die persoonlikheidstrekke het ook 'n lae, maar beduidende variansie van die wysheidstellings getoon. Persoonlikheid toon dus wel 'n verband met wysheid in hierdie studie. Biografiese veranderlikes wat 'n beduidende positiewe verband met wysheidskennistellings toon, is geslag en vlak van opleiding. Manlike deelnemers het beduidend beter presteer as die vroulike deelnemers. Uit die studie blyk dit dat ouderdom nie 'n beduidende invloed op wysheids- kennisprestasie uitoefen nie. Dit blyk ook vanuit die resultate dat die metingsinstrument 'n geldige meting van wysheidsprestasie weergee en dat die twee evalueerders se evaluasies 'n positiewe korrelasie met mekaar toon. Gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings vir toe- komstige navorsing word op grond van die resultate van die ondersoek gemaak.

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