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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A simulation study of global model testing

Du, Lifang January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of North Carolina Wilmington, 2009. / Title from PDF title page (February 23, 2010)

A distributed system for enumerating main classes of sets of orthogonal Latin squares

Benade, Johannes Gerhardus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A Latin square is an n n array containing n copies of each of n distinct symbols in such a way that no symbol is repeated in any row or column. Two Latin squares are orthogonal if, when superimposed, the ordered pairs in the n2 cells are all distinct. This notion of orthogonality extends naturally to sets of k > 2 mutually orthogonal Latin squares (abbreviated in the literature as k-MOLS), which nd application in scheduling problems and coding theory. In these instances it is important to di erentiate between structurally di erent k-MOLS. It is thus useful to classify Latin squares and k-MOLS into equivalence classes according to their structural properties | this thesis is concerned speci cally with main classes of k-MOLS, one of the largest equivalence classes of sets of Latin squares. The number of main classes of k-MOLS of orders 3 n 8 have been enumerated in the literature by recursive backtracking algorithms. All enumeration attempts for k-MOLS of order n > 8 have, however, encountered a computational barrier using current computing technology in traditional computing paradigms. In this thesis, the feasibility of these enumerations of order n > 8 is analysed and a potential way of overcoming this computational barrier is proposed. A backtracking enumeration algorithm from the literature is implemented and validated, after which novel estimates of the sizes of the enumeration search trees for k-MOLS of orders n > 8 produced by this backtracking algorithm are presented. It is also advocated that the above-mentioned computational barrier may be overcome by volunteer computing, a computing paradigm in which large computations are distributed over thousands or even millions of volunteered computing devices, such as desktop computers and Android cellphones. A volunteer computing project is designed for the distributed enumeration of main classes of k-MOLS. Initial test results obtained from this volunteer computing project have called for a novel work unit issuing policy which allows the participating host resources to be utilised e ectively during enumerations of main classes of k-MOLS of arbitrary orders. A local pilot study involving the enumeration of main classes of 3-MOLS of order 8 has con rmed the feasibility of adopting the volunteer computing project as an avenue of approach towards the enumeration of k-MOLS of orders n > 8 and preliminary results of an ongoing enumeration attempt for the main classes of 7-MOLS of order 9 are presented. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Latynse vierkant is 'n n n skikking wat n kopie e van elk van n verskillende simbole bevat sodat geen simbool in enige ry of kolom daarvan herhaal word nie. Indien twee Latynse vierkante op mekaar gesuperponeer word, en die geordende pare simbole wat sodoende in die n2 selle gevorm word, almal verskillend is, word die vierkante ortogonaal genoem. Die begrip van ortogonaliteit veralgemeen op 'n natuurlike wyse na k > 2 onderling ortogonale Latynse vierkante (wat in die internasionale literatuur as k-MOLS afgekort word) en vind toepassing in skeduleringsprobleme en kodeerteorie. In hierdie toepassings is dit belangrik om 'n onderskeid te tref tussen struktureel verskillende k- MOLS. Dit is gevolglik nuttig om Latynse vierkante en k-MOLS in ekwivalensieklasse volgens hul strukturele eienskappe te klassi seer. In hierdie verhandeling word daar gefokus op hoofklasse van k-MOLS, een van die grootste ekwivalensieklasse van versamelings Latynse vierkante. Die getal hoofklasse van k-MOLS van ordes 3 n 8 is in die literatuur deur middel van rekursiewe algoritmes met terugkering getel. Geen poging om hoofklasse van k-MOLS van ordes n > 8 te tel, kon egter daarin slaag om 'n berekeningstruikelblok te oorkom wat as gevolg van huidige rekentegnologiese beperkings bestaan nie. In hierdie verhandeling word die haalbaarheid van sulke telpogings vir orde n > 8 ondersoek en word 'n metode voorgestel waarmee hierdie berekeningstruikelblok moontlik oorkom kan word. 'n Bestaande telalgoritme met terugkering word ge mplementeer en gevalideer, waarna nuwe afskattings van die groottes van die soekbome vir hoofklasse van k-MOLS van ordes n > 8 wat deur hierdie algoritme deurstap moet word, daargestel word. Daar word geargumenteer dat die bogenoemde berekeningstruikelblok moontlik oorkom kan word deur gebruik te maak van 'n grootskaalse parallelle rekenparadigma waarin groot berekeninge oor duisende of selfs miljoene rekentoestelle, soos tafelrekenaars of Android sellul^ere telefone wat vrywillig deur gebruikers vir hierdie doel beskikbaar gemaak word. So 'n verspreide berekeningsprojek word vir hoofklasse van k-MOLS ontwerp. Aanvanklike resultate wat uit hierdie projek voortgespruit het, het 'n nuwe beleid genoodsaak waarvolgens werkeenhede aan deelnemende rekentoestelle op s o 'n wyse uitgedeel word dat die projek doeltre end van hulpbronne gebruik maak, selfs wanneer hoofklasse van k-MOLS van arbitr^ere ordes bepaal word. 'n Lokale proefstudie word geloods waartydens bekende telresultate vir hoofklasse van k-MOLS van orde 8 bevestig word. Die haalbaarheid van 'n verspreide berekeningsbenadering, waaraan baie vrywilligers kan deelneem om hoofklasse van k-MOLS van orde n > 8 te tel, word ondersoek en die resultate van 'n huidige verspreide berekeningspoging om hoofklasse van 7-MOLS van orde 9 te tel, word gerapporteer.

The future of Walvisbay as a hub for South Central Africa : potentials and constraints

Simana, Angeline 11 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil) -- Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is aimed at determining whether the Port of Walvis Bay has what it takes to become a future hub port on the south-western coast of Africa. An equally important aspect of this study is to promote Walvis Bay as an economically viable option for trade in and out of Central and Southern Africa, and what proportion of traffic Walvis Bay could expect to capture from competing regional ports, especially the ports of Durban and Cape Town. The conclusions arrived at in this study indicate that the prospects for transforming Walvis Bay into a future hub port will depend on the increased involvement of the private sector, political and industrial stability, as well as regional integration to mention just a few. It is clear that Walvis Bay does not pose a competitive threat to the ports of Cape Town and Durban, and can only perform a complementary role. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studiestuk is om te bepaal of die Hawe van Walvisbaai oor die vermoë beskik om ‘n sentrale hawe vir die suidelike en weskus van Afrika te wees. ‘n Belangrike aspek van die studie is om Walvisbaai te bevorder as ‘n ekonomiese alternatief vir handel na en vanaf Sentraal en Suidelike Afrika, en om die verhouding van verkeer te bepaal wat gewen kan word vanaf kompeterende hawens in die streek, veral die Durbanse en Kaapse Hawens. Die resultate bewys dat die moontlikhede om Walvisbaai te omskep in ‘n toekomstige sentrale hawe, alleenlik deur die deelname en samewerking van die privaatsektor, politieke goeie wil, die industriële stabiliteit van die land en integrasie met buurstate bewerkstellig kan word. Walvisbaai hou geen kompeterende bedreiging in vir die hawens van Kaapstad en Durban nie, en kan slegs ‘n komplementerende rol speel.

The future of rail transport in South Africa in a deregulated transport environment

Goosen, E. (Eduan) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEcon)--Stellenbosch University, 1997. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: On 31 March 1990 the South African Transport Services (SATS) ceased to exist and on 1 April 1990 in its place emerged Transnet, a diversified transport company wholly owned by the South African government. Transnet was founded on the understanding that the government might eventually choose to sell it to the private sector. This study project report discusses the history and events leading up to the creation of Transnet. Thereafter the advantages and disadvantages of privatisation are identified, followed by international privatisation case studies which provide the basis for a discussion of some of the economic issues behind railway privatisation. The separation of infrastructure from operations, which was identified through the case studies as one of the most controversial and far-reaching concepts of railway privatisation, is also examined. Lastly, the study project focuses on the marketing strategy Spoornet ought to pursue in order to ensure sufficient high-value freight in the future. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Op 31 Maart 1990 het die Suid-Afrikaanse Vervoerdienste ophou bestaan en is dit op 1 April 1990 vervang deur Transnet, 'n gediversifiseerde vervoermaatskappy wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse regering besit word. Van meet afwas dit die bedoeling dat die regering die keuse het om Transnet aan die privaatsektor te verkoop. Die werkstuk bespreek die geskiedenis en gebeure wat aanleiding gegee het tot die ontstaan van Transnet. Daarna word die voor- en nadele van privatisering bespreek, gevolg deur internasionale spoorwegprivateriseringsgevallestudies. Daarna word die ekonomiese teorie wat privatisering onderle, bespreek. Die skeiding van infrastruktuur en bedryf, wat deur die gevallestudies as een van die mees omstrede en verreikende aspekte van spoorwegprivatisering ge"identifiseer is, word ook bespreek. Laastens fokus die werkstuk op die bemarkingstrategie wat Spoornet behoort na te streef om hoe-waarde vragte te bekom.

The measurement of supply chain efficiency : theoretical considerations and practical criteria

Goedhals-Gerber, Leila Louise 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Logistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH SUMMARY: In an effort to compete globally, South African supply chains must achieve and maintain a competitive advantage. One way of achieving this is by ensuring that South African supply chains are as efficient as possible. Consequently, steps must be taken to evaluate the efficiency levels of South African supply chains. This dissertation develops the composite supply chain efficiency model using variables specifically identified as problem areas experienced by South African supply chains. The composite supply chain efficiency model evaluates the overall efficiency of a supply chain based on three criteria, namely, reliability efficiency, cost efficiency and speed efficiency. It identifies bottlenecks along the supply chain and in so doing identifies key focus areas for firms if they want to improve their overall efficiency and become more competitive. 3 / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In ’n poging om wˆereldwyd te kompeteer, moet Suid-Afrikaanse voorsieningskettings ’n mededingende voordeel behaal en handhaaf. Een manier om dit te bereik is om te verseker dat Suid-Afrikaanse voorsieningskettings so doeltreffend as moontlik funksioneer. Gevolglik moet stappe gedoen word om die doeltreffendheidsvlakke van die Suid-Afrikaanse voorsieningskettings te evalueer. Hierdie proefskrif het die saamgestelde voorsieningsketting doeltreffendheidsmodel ontwikkel wat veranderlikes gebruik wat spesifiek ge¨ıdentifiseer is as probleemgebiede in Suid-Afrikaanse voorsieningskettings. Die saamgestelde voorsieningsketting doeltreffendheidsmodel evalueer die algehele doeltreffendheid van ’n voorsieningsketting gebaseer op drie kriteria, naamlik, betroubaarheidsdoeltreffendheid, koste-doeltreffendheid en spoed-doeltreffendheid. Dit identifiseer knelpunte in die voorsieningsketting en identifiseer belangrike fokusareas vir ondernemings wat aangespreek moet word as hul algehele doeltreffendheid wil verbeter en meer mededingend raak. / jfl2010

Strategic high performance business development : sustainable procurement

Aucamp, Abram Carel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The role of the traditional purchasing department has evolved significantly over the last decade into a competitive value adding procurement function within an organisation’s lean supply chain model. It has become a necessity to work with the suppliers to provide flexible, accurate, effective and cost effective goods and/or services (Barla, 2003; Ellram, 2002). In addition organisations are developing and utilising new business models geared towards improving both the balance sheet and the income statement to respond to external forces and new market opportunities. The change in business model places additional emphasis on leveraging increased innovation from suppliers, thus having a vast impact on supply management to such an extent that organisations are creating strategic relationships (Carter et al., 2007). In this paper, the supplier relationship management model will be studied under lean philosophy as to address the focal point – sustainable procurement. The paper will consist of three main areas: Supplier relationship management – Literature study Supplier relationship management – Case study Supplier relationship management – Operational tool Supplier relationship management – Literature study will address the theoretical methodologies, best practices, benefits and advantages, etc. Supplier relationship management – Case study will showcase a South African multi-national FMCG1 manufacturer’s methodology as well as the benefits of utilising a supplier relationship management approach to procurement. Supplier relationship management – Operational tool will be a practical tool developed for evaluating and facilitating supplier relationship management in an African context. The end result of the paper should be a feasible solution to prolonging the impact of procurement, thus increasing sustainability in the maturity stage of procurement’s life span in the typical product life cycle model (Canny Buyer, 2007). 1 Fast Moving Consumer Goods (“FMCG”) are products that have a quick turnover and relatively low cost (Wikipedia, 2007a). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tradisionele rol van die aankope department binne ‘n organisasie het oor die laaste dekade merkwaardig verander en word nou bedryf as ‘n kompeterende waardetoevoegende skakel binne die organisasie se voorsieningsketting. Terselfdetyd het dit noodsaaklik vir leweransiers en organisasies geword om op ’n geïntegreerde wyse te werk te gaan om meer akkurate en koste-effektiewe goedere en/of dienste te lewer (Barla, 2003; Ellram, 2002). Organsisasies is ook genoodsaak om nuwe innoverende besigheidsmodelle te ontwikkel om ten beste eksterne besigheidsfaktore en nuwe markgeleenthede aan te spreek ten einde beide die balanstaat sowel as die inkomste staat positief te impakteer. Hierdie kardinale veranderinge in die besigheidsmodel van organisasies lei daar toe dat addisionele druk op leweransiers geplaas word om met innovasie navore te kom. Op sy beurt plaas dit verdere druk op die voorsieningsketting, selfs tot so ’n mate dat dit die organisasie noop om na die moontlikhede van strategiese vennootskappe te ondersoek (Carter et al., 2007). Die skryfstuk gaan leweransiers verhoudingsbestuurmodelle evalueer en bestudeer binne ‘n voorsieningsketting om sodoende die vraag na volhoubare verkryging te beantwoord. Die skryfstuk sal uit drie fokusareas bestaan, naamlik: Leweransiers Verhoudingsbestuur – Literatuurstudie Leweransiers Verhoudingsbestuur – Gevallestudie Leweransiers Verhoudingsbestuur – Bedrysmodel Leweransiers Verhoudingsbestuur – Literatuurstudie sal die teoretiese metodologie, die vooren nadele van leweransiers verhoudingsbestuur aanspreek. Leweransiers Verhoudingsbestuur – Gevallestudie sal ‘n studie loots binne die verhoudingswerkinge binne ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse multi-nationale maatskapy wat in die vinnige verbruikersgoederemark betrokke is. Leweransiers Verhoudingsbestuur – Bedrysmodel sal ’n praktiese voorstel vorendag bring om ’n leweransiersverhouding meer doeltreffende te bestuur in Afrika. Die eindresultaat van die skryfstuk sal dus ’n lewens vatbare oplossing wees om die volhoubare impak van verkrying te verleng in die volwasse stadium van ‘n produk se lewensiklus (Canny Buyer, 2007).

Competitive strategies for firms in the global digital economy

Barendse, James 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Mcomm)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Technology has become one of the most important factors in the business world today. Information technology is playing an ever-increasing role in all areas of business. Logistics is no exception, and is one of the areas most affected by technological change. Many firms need to adapt technologically, or they might face extinction. This study aims to make firms aware of the power of information technology and the benefits it holds for those who use it. It tries to inform firms about the various uses and applications that exist and how they can improve business processes. It sets guidelines for the implementation of information technology and allows the firm to make an informed choice. It also discusses the growing role that the Internet is playing in logistics and the business world as a whole. Tips for the implementation of an electronic commerce system are also given, and the effects of electronic commerce on logistics are discussed. The firms can use the information to plan their strategies more effectively and hopefully find success in the global digital economy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tegnologie is een van die belangrikste faktore in vandag se sakewêreld. Informasietegnologie speel 'n al groter rol in alle sakegebiede. Logistiek is daarby ingesluit, en is een van die areas wat die meeste deur tegnologiese verandering geaffekteer word. Sakeondernemings moet toenemend aanpas by die nuwe tegnologie om te kan voortbestaan. Die fokus van hierdie werkstuk is om firmas bewus te maak van die voordele wat informasietegnologie inhou en hoe ondernemeings daarby kan baat. Daar word gepoog om firmas bewus te maak van die wye verskeidenheid tegnologiese produkte wat bestaan, en hoe hulle aangewend kan word om besigheidsprosesse te verbeter. Daar word riglyne vasgestel wat firmas die geleentheid bied om tegnologie doeltreffend in te span en om 'n ingeligte keuse te kan maak. Die rol wat die Internet in logistiek en die sakewêreld speel word ook bespreek, asook die effek wat elektroniese handelop logistiek het. Riglyne word ook verskaf oor die implementering van 'n stelsel wat elektroniese handel moontlik sal maak. Die inligting wat verskaf word kan firmas help om hulle strategieë doeltreffend te beplan en om sodoende sukses te behaal in die globale digitale ekonomie.

Supply chain configurations for the oil and gas industry : a service provider perspective

Theart, Alfred Llewellyn Mark 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Oil dependency has increased in the past few decades and the search for new reserves is a constant quest within the oil and gas industry. The oil and gas industry is characterised by the separation of fuel production facilities and the intended markets for its derivatives. This separation creates challenges for proper supply chain management and network configuration. A well-balanced network design becomes of utmost importance. The use of third party logistics service providers has further complicated this separation challenges with this increase in distance between the resources and the intended markets. By using various best practices within the field of network configuration, the consolidation of multiple segments of various supply chains can improve efficiency and lead to more streamlined supply chains. The primary objective of the study is to develop an alternative to the normative methods used in placing of facilities. The secondary objective is to establish whether consolidation of multiple segments of various supply chains within the oil and gas industry is feasible. By using advanced descriptive decision support techniques and technologies, the study showed how the application of these techniques can assist management with improved decision making at a strategic level. The study is based on a prominent service provider within the oil and gas industry. Both quantitative and qualitative data were used by the researcher to illustrate the complexities involved in serving the direct and indirect supply chains of the oil and gas industry. The analysis shows that by using advanced descriptive decision support techniques and technologies, management can use the process proposed in the study to great effect in visualizing the current supply chains. Consolidation opportunities were also found across multiple supply chains within the service provider. By looking at the historical data, IT-based descriptive decision support techniques and technologies demonstrated the value of visually representing the supply chain and the decisions that could be made based on the results. A strategic hub, as a network configuration option, can be a feasible option if it serves a defined geographical area and is focused on a specific industry (in this case oil and gas). Crucial to a successful study of this nature, is the quality of data. During the study, the issue of effective data cleaning, aggregation, categorization and preparation became evident. Strategic studies will only be effective if proper data cleaning and preparations are done on a regular basis and updated regularly. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die afhanklikheid van olie het die afgelope paar dekades toegeneem. Daar is ook ʼn konstante soektog na nuwe reserwes in die olie- en gasindustrie. Die olie- en gasindustrie word gekenmerk deur die skeiding van brandstofproduksiefasiliteite en die beoogde markte vir sy afgeleides. Hierdie skeiding skep uitdagings vir behoorlike voorsieningskettingbestuur en netwerkkonfigurasie. ʼn Goeie, gebalanseerde netwerkontwerp is van uiterste belang. Die gebruik van derde-party logistieke diensverskaffers het hierdie skeidings-uitdagings verder gestrem as gevolg van langer afstande tussen hulpbronne en die beoogde markte. Verskeie beste praktyke in die studieveld van netwerkkonfigurasie en ontwerp aangewend word. Dit kan die konsolidasie van verskeie segmente van verskillende voorsieningskettings se doeltreffendheid aansienlik verbeter en lei tot meer vaartbelynde voorsieningskettings. Die primêre doel van die studie is om ʼn alternatief tot die normatiewe metodes, wat tans gebruik word vir die plasing van fasiliteite te bepaal. Die sekondêre doel is om vas te stel of konsolidering van verskeie segmente van verskillende voorsieningskettings in die olie- en gasindustrie haalbaar is. ʼn Alternatiewe tot die normatiewe metodes is gevorderde, beskrywende besluitnemingsondersteuningtegnieke en tegnologie. In die studie is getoon hoe die gebruik van hierdie alternatiewe metodes kan help met verbeterde besluitneming op strategiese vlak. Die studie is gebaseer op 'n prominente diensverskaffer in die olie- en gasindustrie. Beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data is deur die navorser gebruik om die kompleksiteit in die bediening van die direkte en indirekte voorsieningskettings in die olie- en gasindustrie te illustreer. Hierdie studie het uitgewys hoe die voorgestelde proses ontwikkel en die visualisering van voorsieningskettings tot ʼn groot mate kan verbeter met die gebruik van gevorderde, beskrywende besluitnemingsondersteuningtegnieke en tegnologie. Daar is ook konsolidasie geleenthede gevind vir elemente oor verskeie voorsieningskettings van die diensverskaffer. Deur toepaslike historiese data te ondersoek, met behulp van IT-gebaseerde beskrywende besluitnemingsondersteuningtegnieke en tegnologie, kan die waarde van die visuele voorstelling van voorsieningskettings insiggewend gedemonstreer word. Meer ingeligte en effektiewe besluite kan gevolglik geneem word. Daar is gevind dat ʼn strategiese konsolidasiepunt (“hub”), as ʼn netwerk konfigurasie opsie, moontlik lewensvatbaar kan wees binne ʼn bepaalde geografiese area vir ʼn spesifieke bedryf (in die geval olie en gas). Die kwaliteit van die data is egter van uiterste belang om ʼn suksesvolle studie te verseker. Tydens hierdie studie is die belangrikheid van datasuiwering, samevoeging, kategorisering en voorbereiding duidelik uitgewys. Strategiese studies sal slegs effektief wees indien behoorlike datasuiwering en voorbereiding op 'n gereelde basis gedoen en opgedateer word.

Advanced analytics strategy formulation

Steyn, H. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Despite the high potential impact of advanced analytics on the performance of businesses around the world, its uptake and application in an integrated and strategically aligned manner has been limited. This problem is more pronounced with specific reference to optimization. Optimization methods lag behind other analytical methods such as data visualization and predictive models in terms of their level of adoption in organizations. This research suggests that part of the problem of limited application and integration lies in an overall inability of companies to develop and implement an effective advanced analytics strategy. The primary objective of this research is therefore to establish an approach for the development of an advanced analytics strategy for a company. Due to the absence of well described examples or published research on the subject it was necessary to generate insight and knowledge using a research approach that allowed for the development, testing, and improvement of a strategy over multiple cycles. Such a research approach presented itself in the form of action research. An initial advanced analytics strategy was developed for one of the subsidiary companies in a group of companies. The subsidiary company specializes in the importation, distribution, and marketing of industrial fasteners and has branches throughout South Africa. The strategy document was presented to the senior decision makers in the holding company for evaluation. The feedback from the evaluation was used to formulate changes to the initial strategy aimed at improving its alignment with the decision makers’ thinking on advanced analytics and increasing the probability of its implementation. The suggested changes from the first research cycle were used to define the second cycle strategy framework. The second cycle strategy framework included a strategy development process that consisted of three main steps: • Establishing business focus and relevance which included an assessment of the value creating potential of the business, identifying and prioritizing of value creating opportunities, and an assessment of key underlying decision processes, • Developing business relevant concept applications which included determining their potential value impact and creating a ranked pipeline of decision optimization applications. • Selecting concept applications and moving them into production. The strategy development process was informed by a number of different models, methods and frameworks. The most important model was a detailed valuation model of the company. The valuation model proved to be invaluable in identifying those aspects of the business where an improvement will result in the highest potential increase in shareholder value. The second cycle strategy framework will be used to develop an improved version of the advanced analytics strategy for the researched company. Moreover, the generic nature of the framework will allow for it to be used in the development of advanced analytics strategies for other companies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ten spyte van die potensieel omvangryke impak van gevorderde analitiese tegnieke op die prestasie van besighede wˆereldwyd, is die toepassing en strategiese integrasie daarvan beperk. Hierdie probleem is nog meer sigbaar wanneer die aanwending van optimeringsmetodes oorweeg word. Die mate waarin optimeringsmetodes deur besighede aangewend word, is heelwat laer as ander analitiese metodes soos data visualisering en vooruitskattingsmodelle. Hierdie navorsing plaas ’n groot gedeelte van die probleem voor die deur van besighede se onvermo ¨e om effektiewe gevorderde analitiese strategie¨e te ontwikkel en te implementeer. Die primˆere doel van die navorsing is gevolglik om ’n benadering tot die ontwikkeling van ’n analitiese strategie vir ’n maatskappy voor te stel. In die lig van die afwesigheid van gepubliseerde voorbeelde of soortgelyke navorsing op hierdie onderwerp moes insig en kennis gevolglik bekom word deur die aanwending van ’n navorsingsbenadering wat die navorser in staat gestel het om ’n voorgestelde strategie te ontwikkel, te toets en te verbeter oor verskeie navorsingsiklusse. Die navorsingsbenadering wat gebruik is staan bekend as aksienavorsing. Die eerste gevorderde analitiese strategie is onwikkel vir een van die filiaalmaatskappye in ’n maatskappygroep. Die filiaalmaatskappy spesialiseer in die invoer, verspreiding, en bemarking van industri¨ele hegstukke en het takke regoor Suid Afrika. Die strategie dokument is voorgelˆe aan die senior besluitnemers van die houermaatskappy vir oorweging. Op grond van hul terugvoer is veranderings aan die strategie aangebring ten einde hul benadering tot gevorderde analitiese tegnieke te akkommodeer en om die waarskynlikheid van implementering daarvan te verhoog. Die voorgestelde veranderings is gebruik om ’n strategiese raamwerk vir die tweede navorsingsiklus te definieer. Hierdie raamwerk sluit ’n strategiese ontwikkelingsproses in wat bestaan uit drie hoofstappe: • Vestiging van besigheidsfokus en relevansie wat insluit ’n oorweging van die waardeskeppingsvermo ¨e van die maatskappy, identifisering en prioritisering van waardeskeppingsgeleenthede en die oorweging van die onderliggende besluitnemingsprosesse, • Ontwikkeling van besigheidsrelevante konsep oplossings wat insluit die bepaling van die potensi¨ele waarde impak en die skepping van ’n ranglys van besluitoptimeringsoplossings, en • Die verskuiwing van geselekteerde oplossings na ’n produksie omgewing. Die strategiese ontwikkelingsproses maak gebruik van verskeie modelle, metodes en raamwerke. Die belangrikste model was ’n gedetaileerde waardasiemodel van die maatskappy. Die waardasiemodel was instrumenteel in die idenfikasie van die aspekte van die maatskappy waar ’n verbetering die grootste bydrae kan maak tot die skepping van aandeelhouerswaarde. Die tweede siklus strategiese raamwerk sal aangewend word om ’n verbeterde analitiese strategie vir die nagevorsde maatskappy te ontwikkel. Die generiese aard van die raamwerk sal ’n gebruiker daarvan in staat stel om ’n gevorderde analitiese strategie vir ander maatskappye te ontwikkel.

Algoritmes vir die maksimering van konvekse en verwante knapsakprobleme

Visagie, Stephan E. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Logistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / In this dissertation original algorithms are introduced to solve separable resource allocation problems (RAPs) with increasing nonlinear functions in the objective function, and lower and upper bounds on each variable. Algorithms are introduced in three special cases. The first case arises when the objective function of the RAP consists of the sum of convex functions and all the variables for these functions range over the same interval. In the second case RAPs with the sum of convex functions in the objective function are considered, but the variables of these functions can range over different intervals. In the last special case RAPs with an objective function comprising the sum of convex and concave functions are considered. In this case the intervals of the variables can range over different values. In the first case two new algorithms, namely the fraction and the slope algorithm are presented to solve the RAPs adhering to the conditions of the case. Both these algorithms yield far better solution times than the existing branch and bound algorithm. A new heuristic and three new algorithms are presented to solve RAPs falling into the second case. The iso-bound heuristic yields, on average, good solutions relative to the optimal objective function value in faster times than exact algorithms. The three algorithms, namely the iso-bound algorithm, the branch and cut algorithm and the iso-bound branch and cut algorithm also yield considerably beter solution times than the existing branch and bound algorithm. It is shown that, on average, the iso-bound branch and cut algorithm yields the fastest solution times, followed by the iso-bound algorithm and then by die branch and cut algorithm. In the third case the necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality are considered. From this, the conclusion is drawn that search techniques for points complying with the necessary conditions will take too long relative to branch and bound techniques. Thus three new algorithms, namely the KL, SKL and IKL algorithms are introduced to solve RAPs falling into this case. These algorithms are generalisations of the branch and bound, branch and cut, and iso-bound algorithms respectively. The KL algorithm was then used as a benchmark. Only the IKL algorithm yields a considerable improvement on the KL algorithm.

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