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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design of a centrifugal compressor for application in micro gas turbines

De Villiers, Lodewyk Christoffel Barend 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis details the methodology for developing a centrifugal compressor for application in a Micro Gas Turbine (MGT). This research forms part of a larger project, namely project Ballast, initiated by the South African Air Force (SAAF) in conjunction with Armscor. The methodology encompasses the development of a mean-line code that makes use of 1-dimensional theory in order to create an initial centrifugal compressor geometry which includes a rotor as well as radial vaned diffuser. This is followed by a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation process during which the compressor is optimised in order to maximise its performance. Before manufacturing a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is done in order to ensure that the rotor does not fail during testing. The testing of the compressor is done to compare the numerical results with the experimental results and in so doing confirms the design process. A previous student had designed a rotor by making use of a mean-line code as well as a CFD optimisation process. The rotor had a measured total-static pressure ratio of roughly 2.8 at 121 kRPM and a total-total isentropic efficiency of 79.1 % at said rotational speed. The inclusion of a vaned diffuser resulted in a higher total-static pressure ratio and accordingly the compressor designed in this report has a CFD determined total-static pressure ratio of 3.0. The efficiency would however drop and as such a total-total isentropic efficiency of 76.5 % was determined theoretically. The theoretical results correlated well with the experimental results and as such it was concluded that the design methodology developed was sound. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis bespreek die metodologie vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n sentrifugale kompressor vir toepassing in ‘n Mikro-Gasturbine (MGT). Die tesis vorm deel van ‘n groter projek, genaamd die Ballast projek, wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag (SALM) daargestel is in samewerking met Krygkor. Die metodologie behels die ontwikkeling van ‘n middel-lyn kode wat gebruik maak van 1-dimensionele teorie om die aanvanklike geometrie van die kompressor te skep. Die geometrie bevat beide die rotor asook die gelemde radiale diffusor. Hierdie proses word gevolg deur ‘n Berekeningsvloeidinamika (BVD) simulasie waartydens die kompressor geoptimeer word om sodoende die verrigting ten volle te verbeter. Voordat vervaardiging plaasvind word ‘n Eindige Element Analise (EEA) toegepas om te verseker dat die rotor nie sal faal tydens toetse nie. Die toetse word gedoen sodat die eksperimentele resultate met die numeriese resultate vergelyk kan word. Sodoende word die proses waardeur die kompressor ontwikkel word bevestig. ‘n Vorige student het ‘n rotor ontwerp deur gebruik te maak van ‘n middel-lyn kode asook ‘n BVD optimerings proses. Die rotor het ‘n gemete totaal-statiese drukverhouding van ongeveer 2.8 teen 121 kRPM gelewer en ‘n totaal-totale isentropiese benutingsgraad van 79.1 % teen dieselfde omwentelingspoed. Met die insluiting van ‘n gelemde radiale diffuser word ‘n hoër totaal-statiese druk verhouding verwag en as sulks lewer die nuut-ontwerpte kompressor soos in die tesis bespreek ‘n teoretiese totaal-statiese drukverhouding van 3.0. Die benutingsgraad sal egter daal en daarvolgens het die nuwe kompressor ‘n totaal-totale isentropiese benutingsgraad van 76.5 % gelewer. Die eksperimentele resultate het goed ooreengestem met die teoretiese resultate en as sulks was dit besluit dat die ontwerps-metodologie goed is.

Investigation into the production and application of porous titanium within the biomedical field

Van Zyl, Willem Heber 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study, commercially pure titanium foam was produced using space holder powder metallurgy techniques. Titanium foam is attractive as a scaffolding material for bone replacement and implants in the body. The porous morphology of the foam promotes osteogenesis, while the mechanical behaviour of the foam is closer to that of bone, which has an elastic moduli range of 5 - 40 GPa. Titanium foam was manufactured from powder mixtures of commercially pure titanium (CPTi) powder mixed with 41.4 wt% ammonium bicarbonate (ABC) powder and 1.45 wt% polyethyl glycol (PEG) powder. In this study, two CPTi powders with different particle size distributions, < 75 μm (-200 mesh, designated TiAA) and < 200 μm (-100 mesh, designated TiG), were mixed with the space holder ABC powder, that had been sieved into specified particle size ranges. The size ranges of space holder material studied were: 0 - 710, 250 - 425, 425 - 560, and 560 - 710 μm. This allowed foams with different large or macropore distributions to be produced from the different mixtures. The mixtures were uniaxially compacted at 100 MPa into transverse rupture bars. The ABC and PEG was then removed by thermal debinding in air for 5 hours at 100 °C and 1 hour at 330 °C each, consecutively. The debound samples are then sintered under high (10-6 mbar) vacuum on yttria-stabilised zirconia substrates, heating at 5 °C/min to 1200 °C, with a 2 hour hold at temperature. The microstructures of the different foams were evaluated by examining the polished samples using light optical microscopy. Three point bend tests were conducted on the sintered bars in order to determine the flexural strength and flexural modulus of the different foams. The produced foams had a relative density range between 37.5 - 62.5 % and average macro pore size range between 300 - 500 μm. The foams were found to have an elastic modulus similar to that of bone, 2 - 7 GPa. Finally, the mechanical properties of the foams were compared to known open foam mechanical models and other research projects. It was found that: (i) changes in either metal or space holder powder influences the sintering behaviour of metal foams, (ii) sintered titanium foams with similar densities but different macro/micropore size distributions have different mechanical responses to stress and (iii) the Ashby-Gibson model, based on foam density alone, gives a rough estimate of mechanical properties for the titanium foams studied, but does not capture variations due to pore size distribution. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is kommersiële suiwer titaanskuim geproduseer met behulp van ruimtehouer poeier metallurgie tegnieke. Titaanskuim is aantreklik as 'n raamwerkmateriaal vir beenvervanging en -inplantings in die liggaam. Die poreuse morfologie van die skuim bevorder osteogenese, terwyl die meganiese gedrag van die skuim naby aan dié van been is, met ‘n elasticiteitsmodulus tussen 5 - 40 GPa. Titaanskuim is vervaardig van ‘n poeier mengsel van kommersiële suiwer titaan (CPTi) poeier gemeng met 41,4 gew% ammonium bikarbonaat (ABC) poeier en 1.45 gew% poli-etileenglikol (PEG) poeier. In hierdie studie is twee tipes CPTi poeiers met verskillende deeltjiegrootteverspreiding, < 75 μm (-200 stofdigtheid, TiAA genoem) en <200 μm (-100 stofdigtheid, TiG genoem), met die ruimtehouer ABC-poeier, wat in bepaalde deeltjiegroottereekse gesif is, gemeng. Die wisselende groottes van ruimtehouer wat bestudeer is, was: 0 - 710, 250 - 425, 425 - 560, 560 - 710 μm. Dit het die vervaardiging van skuim met verskillende groot of macroporeuse vanaf die verskillende mengsels toegelaat. Die mengsel is teen 100 MPa in een rigting gekompakteer. Die ABC en PEG is dan verwyder word deur termiese ontbinding in lug vir 5 uur by 100 °C en 1 uur by 330 °C elk, onderskeidelik. Die ontbinde monsters is dan onder hoë (10-6 mbar) leemte op yttrium-gestabiliseer zirconia-substraat, met verwarming teen 5 °C/min tot 1200 °C met 'n verdere 2 uur by 1200 °C, gesinterd. Die mikrostrukture van die verskillende skuim is geëvalueer deur gepoleerde monsters met behulp van ‘n ligmikroskopie te ondersoek . Driepunt draaitoetse is op die gesinterd stawe uitgevoer om die buigsterkte en buigmodulus van die verskillende skuime te bepaal. Die vervaardigde skuime se relatiewe digtheid het tussen 37,5 - 62,5 % gewissel en die gemiddelde makroporiegrootte tussen 300 - 500 μm gewissel. Die skuim het 'n elastisiteitsmodulus soortgelyk aan dié van been getoon, 2 – 7 GPa. Ten slotte is die meganiese eienskappe van die skuim met bekende oop skuim meganiese modelle en ander navorsingsprojekte vergelyk. Daar is bevind dat: (i) veranderinge in óf metaal of ruimtehouer poeier beïnvloed die sinteringgedrag van metaalskuime, (ii) gesinterd titaniumskuim met soortgelyke digthede, maar verskillende makro / mikroporeuse verdelings, toon verskillende meganiese reaksies op stres en die Ashby-Gibson model, gebaseer op die skuimdigtheid alleen, (iii) wat 'n rowwe skatting van die meganiese eienskappe vir die bestudeerde titaniumskuime gee, maar nie die variasies ingrootteverspreiding van porieë ondervang nie.

Performance optimization of engineering systems with particular reference to dry-cooled power plants

Conradie, Antonie Eduard 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 1995. / Computer simulation programs were developed for the analysis of dry-cooling systems for power plant applications. Both forced draft direct condensing air"cooled condensers and hyperbolic natural draft indirect dry-cooling towers are considered. The results of a considerable amount of theoretical and experimental work are taken into account to model all the physical phenomena ofthese systems, to formu1ate the problems in formal mathematical terms and to design and apply suitable computational algorithms to solve these problems effectively and reliably. The dry-cooling systems are characterized by equation-based models. These equations are simultaneously solved by a specially designed constrained nonlinear least squares algorithm to determine the performance characteristics of the dry-cooling systems under fixed prescnoed operating conditions, or under varying operating conditions when coupled to a turbo-generator set. The solution procedure is very fast and effective. A capital and operating cost estimation procedure, based on information obtained from dry-cooling system component manufacturers and the literature, is proposed. Analytical functions express the annual cost in terms ofthe various geometrical and operating parameters ofthe dry-cooling systems. The simu1ation and the cost estimation procedures were coupled to a constrained nonlinear programming code which enable the design of minimum cost dry-cooling systems at fixed prescribed operating conditions, or dry-cooling systems which minimize the ratio of total annual cost to the annual net power output of the corresponding turbo-generator set. Since prevailing atmospheric conditions, especially the ambient temperature, influence the performance of dry-cooling systems, wide fluctuations in turbine back pressure occur. Therefore, in the latter case the optimal design is based on the annual mean hourly frequency ofambient temperatures, rather than a fixed value. The equation-based models and the optimization problems are simultaneously solved along an infeasible path (infeasible path integrated approach). The optimization model takes into consideration all the parameters that may affect the capital and operating cost of the dry-cooling systems and does not prescribe any limits, other than those absolutely essential due to practical limitations and to simulate the systems effectively. The influence that changes ofthe constraint limits and some problem parameters have on the optinmm solution, are evaluated (sensitivity analysis). The Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method is used as the basis in implementing nonlinear optimization techniques to solve the cost minimirnti~n problems. A stable dual active set algorithm for convex quadratic programming (QP) problems is implemented that makes use of the special features ofthe QP subproblems associated with the SQP methods. TIrls QP algorithm is also used as part of the algorithm that solves the constrained nonlinear least squares problem This particular implementation of the SQP method proved to be very reliable and efficient when applied to the optimization problems based on the infeasible path integrated approach. However, as the nonlinear optimization problems become large, storage requirements for the Hessian matrix and computational expense of solving large quadratic programming (QP) subproblems become prohibitive. To overcome these difficulties, a reduced Hessian SQP decomposition strategy with coordinate bases was implemented. This method exploits the low dimensionality of the subspace of independent decision variables. The performance of this SQP decomposition is further improved by exploiting the mathematical structure of the engineering model, for example the block diagonal structure ofthe Jacobian matrix. Reductions ofbetween 50-90% in the total CPU time are obtained compared to conventional SQP optimization methods. However, more function and gradient evaluations are used by this decomposition strategy. The computer programs were extensively tested on various optimization problems and provide fast and effective means to determine practical trends in the manufacturing and construction of costoptimal dry-cooling systems, as well as their optimal performance and operating conditions in power plant applications. The dissertation shows that, through the proper application of powerful optimization strategies and careful tailoring of the well constructed optimization model, direct optimization of complex models does not need to be time consuming and difficult. Reconnnendations for further research are made. / Imported from http://etd.sun.ac.za April 2010.

A critical evaluation and refinement of the performance prediction of wet-cooling towers

Kloppers, Johannes Christiaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / The thermal performance prediction of wet-cooling towers is critically analyzed and refined. Natural draft counterflow towers and mechanical draft counterflow and crossflow towers are considered. The Merkel, Poppe and e-NTU heat and mass transfer methods of analysis are derived from first principles, as these methods form the cornerstone of wet-cooling tower performance evaluation. The critical differences between these methods, when applied to fill performance analyses and cooling tower performance evaluations, are highlighted. The reasons for these differences are discussed with the aid of psychrometric charts. A new extended empirical relation for the loss coefficient of fills is proposed where the viscous and form drag effects are accounted for as well as the buoyancy, momentum and fill height effects. The empirical equation for the transfer characteristic of fills is extended to include the effects of fill height and the inlet water temperature. Empirical equations to predict the temperature inversion profile, height of the temperature inversion and the height from which air is drawn into the cooling tower are developed. The influence of temperature and humidity inversions on the performance of wet-cooling towers is subsequently investigated. A comprehensive analytical computer program is developed to predict and optimize the performance of wet-cooling towers. Computer programs are also developed to generate cooling tower performance curves, analyze fill performance test data and plot psychrometric charts.

Four quadrant axial flow compressor performance

Gill, Andrew 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aims of this thesis are to identify all possible modes of operaton for a multi-stage axial flow compressor; then to characterise the performance, attempt to numerically model operation, and determine the main flow field features for each mode. Four quadrant axial flow compressor operation occurs when the direction of flow through the compressor or the sign of the pressure difference across the compressor reverses, or any combination of these. Depending on the direction of rotation of the compressor, six modes of operation are possible in the four quadrants of the performance map. The rotor rotates in the design direction for three modes, and in the opposite direction for the other three. The stationary-rotor pressure characteristic is S-shaped and passes through the second and fourth quadrants. A three-stage axial flow compressor operating in the incompressible flow regime was used for the experimental investigation. Flow through the compressor was reversed or augmented by means of an auxiliary axial flow fan. Compressor performance was measured by means of static pressure tappings, a turbine anemometer calibrated to measure forward and reversed volumetric flow and a load cell for torque measurement. The inter-blade row flow fields were measured with pneumatic probes and 50 μm cylindrical hot film probes. Three dimensional single blade-passage Navier-Stokes simulations were performed using the Numeca FineTurbo package. Steady state simulations used a mixing plane approach. A nonlinear harmonic approximation was used for time-unsteady simulations. Unstalled first quadrant operation was unremarkable, and good agreement was obtained between experimental and numerical data. A single stall cell was detected experimentally during stalled operation, which was not modelled numerically. In the fourth quadrant for positive rotation, (windmilling), the compressor acts as an inefficient turbine. Flow separates from the pressure surface of the blade, rendering the steady-state mixing plane approach unsuitable. The performance characteristic curves for second quadrant for positive rotation, are discontinuous with those of first quadrant operation. The temperature rise in the working fluid is significantly higher than at design point. Periodic flow structures occurring across two blade passages were detected at all flow coefficients investigated, invalidating numerical modelling assumptions. Better agreement was obtained between experimental and numerical data from a case found in literature. If the compressor operates as a compressor in reverse (third quadrant operation), significant separation occurs on the pressure surface of all blades, and flow conditions resemble severe first quadrant stall. Separation becomes less severe at larger flow rates, allowing numerical simulation, though this is sensitive to the initial flow field. In the the part of the second quadrant, where the compressor rotates in reverse, it operates as a turbine. The blade angles and the direction of curvature match the flow angles and turning well, leading to high turbine efficiencies. Numerical simulations yielded good agreement with measured results, but were again sensitive to the initial flow field. Fourth quadrant operation with negative rotation occurs when flow is forced through the compressor in the design direction. Large separation bubbles are attached to the pressure surfaces of rotor and stator blades, so virtually all throughflow occurs near the hub and casing / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doelwitte van hierdie tesis is om al die moontlike werkmodusse vir ’n bestaande multi-stadium aksiaalvloei kompressor uit te ken; om dan die gedrag te gekarakteriseer, ’n poging aan te wend om die werking numeries te modelleer, en die belangrikste vloeiveldkenmerke vir elke modus te bepaal. Vier-kwadrant aksiaalvloei kompressor werking vind plaas as die rigting van die vloei deur die kompressor, of die teken van die drukverskil oor die kompressor omkeer, of enige kombinasie daarvan. Afhangende van die rigting van rotasie van die kompressor is ses operasionele modusse moontlik in die vier kwadrante van die kompressorkaart. Die rotor draai in die ontwerprigting vir drie van die modes, en in die teenoorgestelde rigting vir die ander drie. Die stilstaande-rotor drukkarakteristiek is S-vormig gaan deur die tweede en vierde kwadrante. ’n Drie-stadium onsamedrukbare vloei aksiaalvloei kompressor is vir die eksperimentele ondersoek gebruik. Vloei deur die kompressor is omgekeer of aangehelp deur middel van ’n aksiaalvloei hulpwaaier. Kompressor werking is gemeet deur middel van statiese druk meetpunte in die omhulsel, ’n turbine anemometer wat gekalibreer is om vorentoe en omgekeerde volumetriese vloei te meet, en ’n lassel vir wringmoment meting. Interlemryvloeivelde is opgemeet met pneumatiese sensors en 50-μm silindriese warm film sensors. Drie-dimensionele Navier-Stokes simulasies is uitgevoer vir ’n enkele lem van elke lemry, met behulp van die Numeca FineTurbo sagtewarepakket. ’n Mengvlakbenadering is gebruik vir bestendige toestand simulasies, terwyl ’n nie-linere harmoniese benadering gebruik is vir die tyd-afhanklike simulasies. Ongestaakte eerste kwadrant werking was alledaags, en goeie ooreenkoms is gevind tussen die eksperimentele en numeriese data. ’n Enkele staak-sel is eksperimenteel ontdek tydens gestaakte werking. Gestaakte werking is nie numeries gemodelleer nie. In die vierde kwadrant vir positiewe rotasie, (”windmeulwerking”), werk die kompressor as ’n ondoeltreffende turbine. Vloei-wegbrekinging op die lem drukoppervlaktes maak die bestendige toestand mengvlakbenadering ongeskik. In die kenlyne vir tweede kwadrant positiewe rotasie, is daar ’n diskontinu¨ıteit in die prestasie karakteristiekkrommes vir die eerste en tweede kwadrant werking. Die temperatuurstyging in die werk- vloeistof is beduidend ho¨er as as by die ontwerppunt. Periodiese vloeistrukture wat oor twee lemme plaasvind is gevind by alle vloei ko¨effisi¨ente wat ondersoek is, en dit maak die numeriese modellering aannames ongeldig. Beter ooreenkoms tussen die eksperimentele en numeriese data iss verkry met ’n geval wat uit die literatuur gevind is. Indien die kompressor werk as ’n kompressor in omgekeerde (derde kwadrant weking), vind beduidende wegbreking op die drukoppervlak van al die lemme plaas, wat lyk soos ernstige gestaakte eerste kwadrant werking. Die vloeiskeiding raak minder ernstig by ’n groter vloeitempo, wat numeriese nabootsing toelaat, maar die nabootsings is sensitief vir die aanvanklike vloeiveld. In die tweede kwadrant, by omgekeerde rotasie, werk die kompressor as ’n turbine. Die lemhoeke en die rigting van lemkromming stem ooreen met die vloeihoeke en verwringing, wat lei tot ho¨er turbine doeltreffendheid. Numeriese nabootsings stem goed ooreen met gemete resultate, maar is weereens sensitief vir die keuse van die aanvanklike vloeiveld. Vierde kwadrant werking met negatiewe rotasie vind plaas wanneer die lug gedwing word om deur die kompressor in die ontwerprigting te vloei. Groot skeidingborrels sit vas aan die drukoppervlaktes van alle lemme, sodat meeste deurvloei naby die naaf en die omhulsel plaas vind.

Turbine layout for and optimization of solar chimney power conversion units

Fluri, Thomas Peter 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The power conversion unit of a large solar chimney power plant converts the fluid power, first into mechanical power, and then into electrical power. In this dissertation a tool is developed to determine the layout and the number of turbines of the solar chimney power conversion unit providing the lowest cost of electricity. First, the history of the solar chimney concept and the related fields of research are presented. Potential features and configurations of the power conversion unit are introduced, and it is shown how the solar chimney power conversion unit compares to those of other applications. An outline of the dissertation is given, and its potential impact is discussed. An analytical turbine model is developed. Several modelling approaches and the performance of single rotor and counter rotating turbine layouts are compared. Preliminary turbine designs are investigated, experimentally and numerically. The main aim of the experimental investigation is to verify the applicability of the loss model used in the analytical turbine model. The aim of the numerical investigation is to evaluate a commercial software package as a tool in context with solar chimney turbines. For each component of the power conversion unit an analytical performance model is introduced. Using these models, the single vertical axis, multiple vertical axis and multiple horizontal axis turbine configurations are compared from an efficiency and energy yield point of view, and the impact of the various losses on the overall performance is highlighted. A detailed cost model for the power conversion unit is also presented. To optimize for cost of electricity this cost model is then linked to the performance models, and the resulting optimization scheme is applied to several plant configurations. It is shown that for a large solar chimney power plant the power conversion unit providing minimal cost of electricity consists of multiple horizontal axis turbines using a single rotor layout including inlet guide vanes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die drywingsomsettingseenheid van ’n groot sonskoorsteenaanleg sit die vloeidrywing om, eers in meganiese drywing en dan in elektriese drywing. In hierdie proefskrif word ’n gereedskapstuk ontwikkel om die uitleg en aantal turbines van die sonskoorsteen-drywingsomsettingseenheid te bepaal wat die laagste koste van elektrisiteit lewer. Eerstens word die geskiedenis van die sonskoorsteen en verwante navorsingsvelde behandel. Moontlike eienskappe en konfigurasies vir die drywingsomsettingseenheid word voorgestel, en daar word aangetoon hoe die sonskoorsteendrywingsomsettings- eenheid vergelyk met ander toepassings. ’n Raamwerk van die proefskrif word gegee, en die potensiële trefkrag daarvan word bespreek. ’n Analitiese turbine-model word ontwikkel. Verskeie nabootsingsbenaderings en die vertoning van ’n enkelrotor en teenroterende turbine-uitlegte word vergelyk. Voorlopige turbine-ontwerpe word ondersoek, eksperimenteel en numeries. Die hoofdoel van die eksperimentele ondersoek is om die toepaslikheid van die verliesmodel in die analitiese turbine-model te bevestig. Die doel van die numeriese ondersoek is om kommersiële sagteware op te weeg as ’n gereedskapstuk in die konteks van sonskoorsteenturbines. Vir elke onderdeel van die drywingsomsettingseenheid word ’n analitiese model voorgestel. Met gebruik van hierdie modelle word die enkele vertikale-as, die veelvoudige vertikale-as an die veelvoudige horisontale-as turbinekonfigurasies vergelyk vanuit ’n benuttingsgraad- en energie-opbrengsoogpunt,en die uitwerking van die verskillende verliese op die algehele gedrag word uitgewys. ’n Kostemodel in besonderhede word vir die drywingsomsettingseenheid aangebied. Om vir die koste van elektrisiteit te optimeer word hierdie kostemodel dan gekoppel aan die vertoningsmodelle, en die gevolglike optimeringskema word toegepas op verskeie aanlegkonfigurasies. Daar word aangetoon dat vir ’n groot sonskoorsteenaanleg die drywingsomsettingseenheid wat die minimumkoste van elektrisiteit gee, bestaan uit veelvoudige horisontale-as turbines met enkelrotoruitleg en inlaatleilemme. / Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies

The effect of endwall contouring on the unsteady flow through a turbine rotor

Dunn, Dwain Iain 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD) -- Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With increasing environmental concerns and the drive for a greener economy comes an increased desire to improve turbine engine fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. Unfortunately weight reduction techniques used increase the blade loading, which in turn increases the losses. Non-axisymmetric endwall contouring is one of several techniques being investigated to reduce loss in a turbine. An investigation at Durham University produced a non-axisymmetric endwall design for a linear cascade. An adaption of the most promising endwall was investigated in an annular rotating test rig at the CSIR using steady state instrumentation. The current investigation extends those investigations into the unsteady time domain. Previous investigations found that a generic rotor endwall contour improved efficiency by controlling the endwall secondary flow vortex system in both a linear cascade and an annular 1½ stage rotating test turbine. The current research was aimed at determining if there were any unsteady effects introduced by the contoured endwall. The approach was unique in that it investigated the unsteady effects of an endwall contour originally designed for a linear cascade both experimentally and numerically at three incidence angles (positive, zero and negative to represent increased load, design load and decreased load respectively), the results of which are openly available. Unsteady experimental hotfilm results showed that the endwall contour made the velocity profile more radially uniform by reducing the strength of the endwall secondary flow vortex system. The fluctuations in the velocity were also reduced producing a more temporally uniform velocity profile. The FFT magnitude of the velocity at the blade passing frequency below midspan was also reduced. It was found that the reduction in the endwall secondary flow vortex system due to the contour increased with increasing loading. Numerical results showed that the oscillations in the flow were small and did not penetrate the boundary layer. The contoured rotor was forward and aft loaded when compared to the annular rotor, resulting in a weaker cross passage pressure gradient which allowed the endwall secondary flow vortex system to be less tightly wrapped. Numerical results did not show a significant difference in the oscillations observed in the annular and contoured rotor. A new objective function for use in the endwall optimisation process was proposed that acts as a proxy for efficiency, but is less prone to uncertainty in the results. When used on the current results it shows the same trend as efficiency. It remains to be used to design an endwall for full validation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met ’n toenemende omgewingsbesorgdheid en die strewe na ’n groener ekonomie kom ’n toenemende behoefte om turbine enjin brandstofdoeltreffendheid te verbeter en vrystellings te verlaag. Ongelukkig het gewigsbesparingstegnieke wat gebruik is die lemlading verhoog, wat op sy beurt die verliese verhoog. Nie-assimmetriese endwandprofilering is een van verskeie tegnieke wat ondersoek word om verliese in ’n turbine te verminder. ’n Ondersoek by die Universiteit van Durham het ’n nie-assimmetriese endwandontwerp vir ’n lineêre kaskade gelewer. ’n Aanpassing van die mees belowende endwand is in ’n annulêre roterende toetsopstelling by die WNNR getoets, deur gebruik te maak van bestendige toestand instrumentasie. Die huidige ondersoek brei daardie ondersoeke uit na die nie-bestendige verwysingsraamwerk . Vorige ondersoeke het bevind dat die generiese rotor endwandprofiel doeltreffendheid verbeter as gevolg van die beheer van die endwand sekondêre vloei draaikolkstelsel in beide ’n lineêre kaskade sowel as ’n annulêre 1½ stadium roterende toetsturbine. Die huidige navorsing was daarop gemik om vas te stel of die endwandprofiel enige onbestendige effekte tot gevolg gehad het. Die benadering was uniek in die sin dat dit die onbestendige effekte ondersoek het van ’n endwandprofiel wat oorspronklik ontwerp is vir ’n lineêre kaskade beide eksperimenteel en numeries op drie invalsshoeke (positief, nul en negatief om onderskeidelik verhoogde lading, ontwerplading en verlaagde lading te verteenwoordig), waarvan die resultate algemeen beskikbaar is. Onbestendige eksperimentele warmfilm resultate het getoon dat die endwandprofiel die snelheidsprofiel meer radiaal uniform gemaak het deur die vermindering van die sterkte van die endwand sekondêre vloei werwelstelsel. Die skommelinge in die snelheid is ook verminder wat ’n meer tyduniforme snelheidsprofiel gelewer het. Die FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) grootte van die snelheid van die lem verbygaan frekwensie onder lem midbestek het ook verminder. Daar was bevind dat die vermindering in die endwand sekondêre vloei draaikolkstelsel as gevolg van die endwandprofiel toeneem met toenemende lading. Numeriese resultate het getoon dat die ossilasie in die vloei klein was en nie die grenslaag binnegedring het nie. Die rotor met gevormde wand het ’n voor- en agterlading gehad in vergelyking met die rotor met annulêre wand, wat tot ’n laer drukgradient dwarsop die vloeirigting gelei het, die endwand sekondêre vloei draaikolkstelsel minder beperk het. Numeriese resultate het nie ’n beduidende verskil in die ossilasies tussen die annulêre en gevormde rotorwand getoon nie. ’n Nuwe doelwitfunksie vir gebruik in die endwand optimersproses is voorgestel wat dien as ’n plaasvervanger vir doeltreffendheid, maar minder geneig is tot onsekerheid in die resultate. Wanneer dit gebruik word op die huidige resultate toon dit dieselfde tendens as doeltreffendheid. Dit moet nog gebruik word in die ontwerp van ’n endwand vir volledige bevestiging.

Simulating the effect of wind on the performance of axial flow fans in air-cooled steam condenser systems

Fourie, Neil 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of air-cooled steam condensers (ACSCs) is the preferred cooling method in the chemical and power industry due to stringent environmental and water use regulations. The performance of ACSCs is however highly dependent on the influence of windy conditions. Research has shown that the presence of wind reduces the performance of ACSCs. It has been found that cross-winds (wind perpendicular to the longest side of the ACSC) cause distorted inlet flow conditions, particularly at the upstream peripheral fans near the symmetry plane of the ACSC. These fans are subjected to what is referred to as '2-D' wind conditions, which are characterised by flow separation on the upstream edge of the fan inlets. Experimental investigations into inlet flow distortion have simulated these conditions by varying the fan platform height. Low platform heights resulted in higher levels of inlet flow distortion, as also found to exist with high cross-wind speeds. This investigation determines the performance of various fan configurations (representative of configurations used in the South- African power industry) subjected to distorted inlet flow conditions through experimental and numerical investigations. The similarity between platform height and cross-wind effects is also investigated and a correlation between system volumetric effectiveness, platform height and cross-wind velocity is found. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van lugverkoelde stoom kondensors (LVSK's) word verkies as 'n verkoelingsmetode in die chemiese- en kragvoorsieningsindustrie as gevolg van streng omgewings- en waterverbruiksregulasies. Die werkverrigting van LVSK's word egter grootliks beïnvloed deur die teenwoordigheid van wind. Navorsing het gewys dat die teenwoordigheid van wind die werkverrigting van LVSK's verminder. Daar was gevind dat kruiswinde (wind loodreg tot die langste sy van die LVSK) versteurde inlaat vloeitoestande veroorsaak, veral by waaiers wat aan die stroomop kant van die LVSK naby die simmetrievlak geleë is. Hierdie waaiers word blootgestel aan na wat verwys word as '2-D' windtoestande wat gekenmerk word deur vloeiwegbreking wat plaasvind by die stroomop rand van die waaierinlate. Eksperimentele ondersoeke van inlaat vloeiversteurings het hierdie toestande gesimuleer deur die waaier platformhoogte te verstel. Lae platform hoogtes het gelei tot hoër vlakke van inlaat vloeiversteuring, soortgelyk aan wat gevind word met hoë kruiswindsnelhede. Hierdie ondersoek gebruik numeriese en eksperimentele metodes om die werkverrigting van verskeie waaierkon gurasies (verteenwoordigend van kon- gurasies wat gebruik word in die Suid-Afrikaanse kragvoorsieningsindustrie) wat blootgestel word aan versteurde inlaat vloeitoestande te bepaal. Die ooreenkoms tussen platformhoogte en kruiswind e ekte word ook ondersoek en 'n korrelasie tussen die sisteem volumetriese e ektiwiteit, platformhoogte en kruiswindsnelheid word bepaal.

The specification of a small commercial wind energy conversion system for the South African Antarctic Research Base SANAE IV

Stander, Johan Nico 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The sustainability and economy of the current South African National Antarctic Expedition IV (SANAE IV) base diesel-electric power system are threatened by the current high fuel prices and the environmental pollution reduction obligations. This thesis presents the potential technical, environmental and economical challenges associated with the integration of small wind energy conversion system (WECS) with the current SANAE IV diesel fuelled power system. Criteria derived from technical, environmental and economic assessments are applied in the evaluation of eight commercially available wind turbines as to determine the most technically and economically feasible candidates. Results of the coastal Dronning Maud Land and the local Vesleskarvet cold climate assessments based on long term meteorological data and field data are presented. Field experiments were performed during the 2007-2008 austral summer. These results are applied in the generation of a wind energy resource map and in the derivation of technical wind turbine evaluation criteria. The SANAE IV energy system and the electrical grid assessments performed are based on long term fuel consumption records and 2008 logged data. Assessment results led to the identification of SANAE IV specific avoidable wind turbine grid integration issues. Furthermore, electro-technical criteria derived from these results are applied in the evaluation of the eight selected wind turbines. Conceptual wind turbine integration options and operation modes are also suggested. Wind turbine micro-siting incorporating Vesleskarvet specific climatological, environmental and technical related issues are performed. Issues focusing on wind turbine visual impact, air traffic interference and the spatial Vesleskarvet wind distribution are analysed. Three potential sites suited for the deployment of a single or, in the near future, a cluster of small wind turbines are specified. Economics of the current SANAE IV power system based on the South African economy (May 2008) are analysed. The life cycle economic impact associated with the integration of a small wind turbine with the current SANAE IV power system is quantified. Results of an economic sensitivity analysis are used to predict the performance of the proposed wind-diesel power systems. All wind turbines initially considered will recover their investment costs within 20 years and will yield desirable saving as a result of diesel fuel savings, once integrated with the SANAE IV diesel fuelled power system. Finally, results of the technical and economical evaluation of the selected commercially available wind turbines indicated that the Proven 6 kWrated, Bergey 10 kWrated and Fortis 10 kWrated wind turbines are the most robust and will yield feasible savings.

Optimization and control of a large-scale solar chimney power plant

Pretorius, Johannes Petrus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))-- University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The dissertation builds on previous research (Pretorius, 2004) and investigates the optimization and control of a large-scale solar chimney power plant. Performance results are based on a reference location near Sishen in South Africa and a so-called reference solar chimney power plant, with a 5000 m collector diameter and a 1000 m high, 210 m diameter chimney. The numerical simulation model is refined and used to perform a sensitivity analysis on the most prominent operating and technical plant specifications. Thermo-economically optimal plant configurations are established from simulation results and calculations according to an approximate plant cost model. The effects of ambient wind, temperature lapse rates and nocturnal temperature inversions on plant performance are examined. Various new technologies are investigated for the purpose of controlling plant output according to specific demand patterns. The incorporation of vegetation under the collector roof of the plant and the influence thereof on plant performance is also explored. Results indicate that, through the modification of the collector roof reflectance, collector roof emissivity, ground surface absorptivity or ground surface emissivity, major improvements on plant performance are possible. Introducing thermal insulation or double glazing of the collector roof also facilitates substantial enhancements on plant yield. Simulations predict a notable sensitivity to the ground surface absorptivity value, while variable atmospheric temperature lapse rates and windy ambient conditions may impair plant performance significantly. Furthermore, sand is found to be unsuitable as plant ground type and thermoeconomically optimal solar chimney plant dimensions are determined to be generally larger than plant dimensions employed in previous studies. Good dynamic control of solar chimney power output is established, suggesting that a solar chimney power plant can be implemented as a base or peak load electricity generating facility. Lastly, results predict that vegetation, when provided with sufficient water, will be able to survive under the collector roof but the inclusion of vegetation will however cause major reductions in plant performance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die proefskrif bou op vorige navorsing (Pretorius, 2004) en ondersoek die optimering en beheer van 'n grootskaalse sonskoorsteen-kragstasie. Uitsetresultate word baseer op 'n verwysingsligging naby Sishen in Suid-Afrika en 'n sogenaamde verwysingskragstasie, met 'n kollektor deursnee van 5000 m en 'n 1000 m hoë, 210 m deursnee skoorsteen. Die numeriese rekenaarmodel is verbeter en gebruik vir die uitvoering van 'n sensitiwiteits-analise op die belangrikste bedryfs- en tegniese kragstasie spesifikasies. Termo-ekonomiese optimale aanlegkonfigurasies is bepaal volgens die uitsetresultate van die rekenaarmodel en benaderde aanleg-kosteberekeninge volgens 'n eenvoudige kostemodel. Die invloed van wind, atmosferiese temperatuur gradiënte en nagtelike temperatuur inversies op kragstasie uitset word beskou. Verskeie nuwe tegnologië word ondersoek met die doel om aanleg uitset te kan beheer volgens spesifieke elektrisiteit aanvraagspatrone. Die inkorporasie van plantegroei onder die kollektordak, en die invloed daarvan op kragstasie uitset, word ook beskou. Bevindings dui aan dat, deur die wysiging van die kollektordak refleksie, kollektordak emissiwiteit, grondoppervlak absorptiwiteit of grondoppervlak emissiwiteit, groot verbeterings op aanleg uitset moontlik is. Die implementering van termiese isolasie of 'n dubbelglaslaag vir die kollektordak veroorsaak ook 'n beduidende verheffing in kragstasie uitset. Simulasies voorspel 'n merkbare sensitiwiteit teenoor die grondoppervlak absorptiwiteitswaarde, terwyl veranderlike atmosferiese temperatuur daaltempos en winderige omgewingstoestande aanleg uitset beduidend mag belemmer. Verder is bevind dat sand ongeskik is as aanleg grond tipe en dat termo-ekonomiese optimale sonskoorsteen-kragstasie dimensies in die algemeen groter is as die aanvaarde aanlegdimensies van vorige studies. Goeie dinamiese beheer van sonskoorsteen-kragstasie uitset is bevestig, wat suggereer dat die sonskoorsteenkragstasie as 'n basis of pieklas elektrisiteitopwekkings-aanleg ingespan kan word. Ten laaste voorspel resultate dat plantegroei, mits dit voorsien word van genoegsame water, sal kan oorleef onder die kollektordak maar dat die inkorporasie van plantegroei die aanleg uitset beduidend sal benadeel. / Sponsored by the Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies

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