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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An evaluation of inertial motion capture technology for use in the analysis and optimization of road cycling kinematics

Cockcroft, Stephen John 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Optical motion capture (Mocap) systems measure 3D human kinematics accurately and at high sample rates. One of the limitations of these systems is that they can only be used indoors. However, advances in inertial sensing have led to the development of inertial Mocap technology (IMCT). IMCT measures kinematics using inertial measurement units (IMUs) attached to a subject's body without the need for external sensors. It is thus completely portable which opens up new horizons for clinical Mocap. This study evaluates the use of IMCT for improving road cycling kinematics. Ten male sub-elite cyclists were recorded with an IMCT system for one minute while cycling at 2, 3.5 and 5.5 W.kg-1 on a stretch of road and on a stationary trainer. A benchmark test was also done where cycling kinematics was measured simultaneously with the IMCT and a gold-standard Vicon optical system. The first goal was to assess the feasibility of conducting field measurements of cycling kinematics. Magnetic analysis results showed that the IMUs near the pedals and handlebars experienced significant magnetic interference (up to 50% deviation in intensity) from ferrous materials in the road bicycles, causing significant errors in kinematic measurement. Therefore, it was found that the IMCT cannot measure accurate full-body kinematics with the subject on a road bicycle. However, the results of the benchmark test with the Vicon showed that the IMCT can still measure accurate hip (root mean square error (RMSE) < 1°), knee (RMSE < 3.5°) and ankle (RMSE < 3°) flexion using its Kinematic Coupling algorithm. The second goal was to determine whether there is a significant difference between road cycling kinematics captured on the road and in a laboratory. The outdoor flexion results were significantly different to the indoor results, especially for minimum flexion (P < 0.05 for all joints). Changes in rider kinematics between high and low power were also found to have significantly more variability on the road (R2 = 0.36, 0.61, 0.08) than on the trainer (R2 = 0.93, 0.89, 0.56) for the hip, knee and ankle joints respectively. These results bring into question the ecological validity of laboratory cycling. Lastly, applications of IMCT for optimizing cycling performance were to be identified. Several aspects of kinematic analysis and performance optimization using the IMCT were evaluated. It was determined that IMCT is most suited for use as a dynamic bicycle fitting tool for analysis of biomechanical efficiency, bilateral asymmetry and prevention of overuse injuries. Recommendations for future work include the elimination of the magnetic interference and integration of the IMCT data with kinetic measurements to develop an outdoor dynamic fitting protocol. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Optiese bewegingswaarnemingstelsels (BWS) meet drie-dimensionele menslike kinematika met hoë akkuraatheid en teen hoë monstertempo's. Een van die nadele van BWS is dat hulle slegs binnenshuis gebruik kan word. Onlangse ontwikkelings in sensor tegnologie het egter gelei na die beskikbaarheid van traagheids-BWS-tegnologie (TBT). TBT gebruik traagheidsmetingseenhede (TMEs) wat aan 'n persoon se liggaam aangeheg kan word om die kinematika te verkry sonder enige eksterne sensore. TBT is dus volkome draagbaar, wat nuwe geleenthede skep vir kliniese bewingsanalises. Hierdie projek evalueer die gebruik van TBT vir die verbetering van fietsry kinematika. Tien kompeterende fietsryers (manlik) was getoets met 'n TBT terwyl hulle teen 2, 3.5 and 5.5 W.kg-1 gery het op 'n pad, en op 'n stilstaande oefenfietsraam. 'n Maatstaftoets was ook uitgevoer waar fietsry-kinematika gelyktydig met die TBT en die Vicon optiese BWS opgeneem was. Die eerste doel van die navorsing was om die moontlikheid te ondersoek of fietsryer kinematika op die pad gemeet kan word. Die resultate toon dat die ferro-magnetiese materiale wat in meeste padfietse voorkom, 'n beduidende magnetiese steuring (tot 50% afwyking in intensiteit) op die TMEs naby die pedale en handvatsels veroorsaak, wat lei tot aansienlike foute in die kinematiese metings. Gevolglik was dit gevind dat die TBT nie volle-liggaam kinematika op 'n fiets kan meet nie. Nogtans, het die resultate van die Vicon maatstaftoets bewys dat die TBT nog steeds akkurate heup (wortel van die gemiddelde kwadraad fout (WGKF) < 1°), knie (WGKF < 4°) en enkel (WGKF < 3°) fleksie kan meet met die “Kinematiese Koppeling” algoritme. Die tweede doel was om te bepaal of daar 'n beduidende verskil tussen die laboratorium en pad fietsry-kinematika is. Die buitelug fleksie data het beduidend verskil van die binnenshuise resultate, veral vir minimum fleksie (P < 0.05 vir alle gewrigte). Veranderinge in fietsryer kinematika tussen hoë en lae krag het ook beduidend meer variasie op die pad (R2 = 0.36, 0.61, 0.08) as op die oefenfietsraam (R2 = 0.93, 0.89, 0.56) vir die heup, knie en enkel gewrigte, onderskeidelik, gehad. Hierdie resultate bevraagteken die ekologiese geldigheid van kinematiese toetse op fietsryers in 'n laboratorium. 'n Laaste doel was om die toepassings van TBT vir die optimering van fietsry kinematika te ondersoek. 'n Verskeidenheid aspekte van die analise en verbetering van fietsry kinematika met die TBT word bespreek. Die gevolgtrekking is dat TBT geskik is vir gebruik as 'n dinamiese instrument vir die analise van biomeganiese doetreffendheid, bilaterale asimmetrie en die voorkoming van beserings. Aanbevelings vir toekomstige werk, sluit in die uitskakeling van die magnetiese inmenging, asook die integrasie van die TBT data met kinetiese metings.

Cost model for bipolar plate manufacture

Atkinson, Juan Pablo 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis gives a cost model for the manufacture of bipolar plates in South Africa. The methods for the manufacture considered are machining, using a micro-milling machine, and compression moulding. The focus of this thesis is on compression moulding. Details of the work done towards developing and validating the models are described, and then the cost models are discussed in detail. The results of the analysis done using the cost model is given with attention paid to the effect of changing design parameters, such as channel size and flow field area, and of the cost of production for both methods over various production volumes. The thesis concludes that compression moulding becomes the better option for production volumes greater than 324 bipolar plates, with a cost that eventually reaches close to R140 per plate for high enough production volumes (over 5000). The cost to produce 1000 plates using compression moulding is estimated at R294 per plate. An increase of the channel size gives a small reduction in the total cost, while the increase in cost with an increase in flow field area is large. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis gee 'n koste-model vir die vervaardiging van bipolêre plate in Suid- Afrika. Die vervaardigingsmetodes wat oorweeg word, is masjinering deur 'n mikro-freesmasjien en persvorming. Die fokus van hierdie tesis is op persvorming. Die besonderhede van die ontwikkeling en validering van die modelle word beskryf, en daarna word die modelle in besonderhede beskryf. Die resultate van 'n analise wat met die koste-model gedoen is, word daarna gegee, met die oorweging van die verandering van ontwerp-parameters soos die vloeikanaalgrootte en vloeiveld-area, en van die koste van vervaardiging vir beide metodes vir verskeie produksievolumes. Die tesis kom tot die slotsom dat persvorming die voorkeurproses is vir produksievolumes groter as 324 bipolêre plate, met 'n koste wat tot naastenby R140 per plaat daal vir hoë produksievolumes (meer as 5000). Die koste om 1000 plate met persvorming te maak, word op R294 per plaat beraam. 'n Toename in kanaalgrootte gee 'n klein vermindering in die totale koste, terwyl die toename in koste groot is wanneer die vloeiveld-area toeneem.

A user interface for a seven degree of freedom surgical robot

Heunis, Jacobus Stephanus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis describes the process of developing a user interface for a seven degree of freedom (DOF), minimally invasive surgical robot. For the first two main stages of the overall project, completed by previous students, a primary slave manipulator (PSM) and a secondary slave manipulator (SSM) were developed. The stage in this thesis concentrates on creating a joystick that can control the combined movement of the PSM and SSM. Background information on the field of robotic surgery, with specific reference to current systems’ user interfaces, is given and the technical aspects of the PSM and SSM are determined. This is followed by the motivation and main objectives of the thesis. Objectives were divided into the main categories of mechanical design, electronic design, control system design and testing. The mechanical design of the joystick progresses through a concept development stage, before a final seven DOF articulated arm design is presented and evaluated based on engineering specifications. Aluminium is used as the construction material; electromagnetic brakes are specified for each joint, leading to the final assembly, which is a constructed joystick fulfilling all requirements. The electronic design implements magnetic rotary encoders for the joystick’s position and orientation tracking as well as designs of the necessary power and control circuitry to enable correct joystick functioning. The interfacing of the PSM and SSM had to enable successful communication capabilities between the master and the slave. Several necessary adjustments were therefore made to the slave system, after which the joystick and robot were electronically interfaced to provide a direct serial communication line. For control system design, the joystick and robot were modelled according to the Denavit-Hartenberg principle, which allows direct relation between the position and orientation of the respective end effectors on the joystick and robot sides. Forward kinematic equations were then applied to the joystick; the desired position and orientation of the robot end effector were determined, and inverse kinematic equations were applied to these data to establish the robot’s joint variables. This stage ended with the development of two operational modes: one where only the SSM motors are controlled in order for the slave to follow the master’s movements, and the other where the PSM’s motors are controlled separately. The simultaneous control of all robot motors could not be demonstrated due to fundamental mechanical flaws in the PSM and SSM designs. Finally, testing was undertaken to demonstrate movement control of the robot by the joystick. The intuitiveness of the product was also tested successfully. The study ends with the presentation of the conclusions, the main conclusions being the successful development and testing of a joystick that controls the movement of a surgical robot, as well as the achievement of all main thesis objectives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis beskryf die proses vir die ontwikkeling van ’n gebruikerskoppelvlak vir ’n sewevryheidsgraad-, minimaal indringende chirurgiese robot. In die eerste twee hoofstadia van die algehele projek, voltooi deur ander studente, is ’n primêre slaafmanipuleerder (PSM) en ’n sekondêre slaafmanipuleerder (SSM) ontwikkel. Die stadium in hierdie tesis konsentreer op die skep van ’n stuurstok waarmee die gekombineerde beweging van die PSM en SSM beheer kan word. Agtergrondinligting oor die gebied van robotiese chirurgie word verskaf, met spesifieke verwysing na die gebruikerskoppelvlakke van huidige stelsels, en die spesifikasies van die PSM en SSM word vasgestel. Daarna volg die beweegrede sowel as die belangrikste oogmerke van die projek. Die oogmerke is in die hoofafdelings van meganiese ontwerp, elektroniese ontwerp, beheerstelselontwerp en toetsing verdeel. Die meganiese ontwerp van die stuurstok behels ’n konsepontwikkelingstadium, wat uitloop op ’n finale sewevryheidsgraad-ontwerp, wat dan op grond van ingenieurspesifikasies aangebied en beoordeel word. Aluminium word as boumateriaal gebruik; elektromagnetiese remme word vir elke koppeling gespesifiseer, en die finale samestel is ’n gekonstrueerde stuurstok wat aan alle vereistes voldoen. Die elektroniese ontwerp behels die gebruik van magnetiese draaikodeerders om die stuurstok se posisie en oriëntasie te bepaal, sowel as meganismes met die nodige krag- en beheerstroombaanwerk om die stuurstok reg te laat funksioneer. ’n Koppelvlak tussen die PSM en die SSM moes suksesvolle kommunikasie tussen die meester en die slaaf bewerkstellig. Verskeie nodige aanpassings is dus aan die slaafstelsel aangebring, waarna die stuurstok en robot elektronies gekoppel is om ’n direkte reekskommunikasielyn te skep. Vir beheerstelselontwerp is die stuurstok en robot volgens die Denavit- Hartenberg-beginsel gemodelleer, wat ’n direkte verhouding tussen die posisie en oriëntasie van die onderskeie eindpunt-effektors aan die stuurstok- en robotkant daarstel. Voorwaartse kinematiese vergelykings is daarna op die stuurstok toegepas; die gewenste posisie en oriëntasie van die robotiese eindpunt-effektor is bepaal, waarna terugwaartse kinematiese vergelykings op hierdie data toegepas is om die robot se koppelingveranderlikes te bepaal. Hierdie afdeling word afgesluit met die ontwikkeling van twee bedryfsmodusse: een waar slegs die SSM-motore beheer word sodat die slaaf die meester se bewegings kan navolg, en die ander waar die PSM se motore afsonderlik beheer word. Die gelyktydige beheer van al die robotmotore kon nie getoon word nie weens fundamentele meganiese tekortkominge in die PSM- en SSM-ontwerp. Laastens is ’n toets uitgevoer om die bewegingsbeheer van die robot deur die stuurstok te toon. Die intuïtiwiteit van die produk is ook suksesvol getoets. Die studie sluit af met die projekgevolgtrekkings, waarvan die belangrikste die suksesvolle ontwikkeling en toetsing van ’n stuurstok is wat daarin slaag om die beweging van ’n chirurgiese robot te beheer, sowel as die verwesenliking van alle hoofprojekoogmerke.

The development of a new orthodontic appliance using non-conventional electromechanical methods

Wucher, Tim 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Orthodontics is the eld of dentistry concerned with the treatment of maloc- clusion and anomalies of the dento-facial complex. This thesis is concerned with studying the underlying biomechanical principles of orthodontic tooth movement. It aims to develop a novel treatment approach and an orthodontic appliance to facilitate said approach by employing advanced technologies. A thorough review of the literature is used to form a comprehensive knowledge base pertaining to the factors a ecting orthodontic tooth movement. It is hypothesised that an electromechanical orthodontic appliance could improve treatment by characterising orthodontic cases based on the relationship be- tween the applied mechanical stimulus and the resulting changes to the af- fected structures, which can then be sensed by the appliance. A prototype is built using electronically controllable linear actuators and a custom built force transducer system for measuring orthodontic forces. Electronic circuits are de- veloped to connect the appliance to a USB port and allow it to be controlled from a graphical user interface (GUI). This further facilitates real-time viewing of important orthodontic parameters. Experiments are carried out to evaluate the appliance functionality with regard to the proposed hypothesis. To con- clude, the relevance of the results to the orthodontic eld is highlighted and recommendations for further development of an electromechanical orthodontic appliance are provided. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ortodonsie is die vakgebied in tandheelkunde gemoeid met die behandeling van wanpassing en abnormaliteit van die tand- en gesig-area. Hierdie tesis bestudeer die onderliggende biomeganiese beginsels van ortodontiese tandbeweging om sodoende 'n nuwe benadering sowel as 'n ortodontiese apparaat te ontwikkel om die genoemde benadering te fasiliteer deur gebruik te maak van gevorderde tegnologie. 'n Deeglike oorsig van die literatuur word gebruik om 'n omvattende kennisbasis op te bou rondom die faktore wat ortodontiese tandbeweging a ekteer. Die hipotese word gestel dat 'n elektromeganiese ortodontiese apparaat behandeling kan verbeter deur ortodontiese gevalle te identi seer/- karakteriseer gebaseer op die verhouding tussen die toegepaste meganiese stimulus en die gevolglike veranderinge aan die gea ekteerde strukture wat deur die apparaat aangevoel word. Elektronies-beheerbare lineêre aandrywers en 'n pasgemaakte krag-oordraerstelsel vir die meet van ortodontiese kragte word gebruik om 'n prototipe te vervaardig. Elektroniese stroombane word ontwikkel om die apparaat te koppel aan 'n USB poort sodat dit beheer kan word d.m.v. 'n gra ese gebruikerskoppelvlak. Eksperimente poog om die apparaat funksioneel te evalueer volgens die voorgestelde hipotese. Ter afsluiting: die toepaslikheid van die verwerfde resultate in die ortodontiese vakgebied word beklemtoon en aanbevelings word gemaak vir toekomstige/verdere ontwikkelings m.b.t. 'n elektromeganiese ortodontiese apparaat.

Design of an impedance guided intra-arterial catheter

Schwartz, Paul 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis entails the stages of the development of an arterial catheter capable of being guided by the impedance of human tissue. Such a device would be desired in cases where it is not possible to locate the artery of a patient using anatomical landmarks. This design thus aims to improve the accuracy of first time placement of arterial catheters. The thesis entails the literature study done in order to initiate the development of said device, followed by preliminary concept design and evaluation. The thesis also contains a description of all experimental phases, done on in vitro tissue samples, in vivo samples in living porcine subjects and in vivo samples in living human patients. Experiments were performed to determine if any repeatable noticeable difference in tissue impedance could be identified and utilized in the hope of guiding this device using acquired differences in tissue impedance. The different stages of development for the prototype used in these tests are also described in detail. In addition, the results of the different tests are presented, which prove that there is a significant difference between blood tissue impedance and the surrounding tissue types encountered, allowing for guidance of the proximal tip of the arterial catheter, based on the tissue impedance measured. Finally, the thesis entails a description of further work which could be performed if this concept were to be considered as a marketable product. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis behels die verskillende stappe in die ontwerp van 'n kateter wat deur middel van die verskillende impedansie vlakke van biologiese weefsel gelei kan word in die menslikke liggaam. Sò ‘n toestel sal behulpsaam wees in gevalle waar plasing nie gedoen kan word met die behulp van anatomiese landmerke nie. Hierdie ontwerp mik dus om die akkuraatheid van die plasing van kateters te verbeter. Die tesis behels die literatuur studies benodig om sò 'n toestel te ontwerp, gevolg deur voorlopige konsep ontwerpe en die evaluasie van hierdie konsepte. Die tesis behels ook die verskillende eksperimentele fases van die projek; eksperimente op in vitro weefsel monsters, in vivo diere toetse en in vivo kliniese toetse op menslike weefsel. Al hierdie eksperimente is gedoen om te bepaal of enige herhaalbare, waarneembare verskil in weefsel impedansie geidentifiseer kan word en dus gebruik word met die hoop om diè teoretiese kateter te lei met behulp van diè verskil in weefsel impedansie. Die verskillende stappe van die ontwerp van die prototipes gebruik in hierdie eksperimente word ook in detail beskryf. Die resultate van die verskillende eksperimente word ook aangebied, wat bewys dat daar 'n beduidende verskil is tussen die impedansie van bloed weefsel en die impedansie van die aanliggende weefsel tipes, wat dus impliseer dat die proksimale punt van die kateter gelei kan word deur die gemete impedansie by die punt van die toestel, gebaseer op die resultate wat gevind is. Laastens behels die tesis ook 'n beskrywing van toekomstige werk wat gedoen kan word indien die konsep ontwikkel word tot 'n bemarkbare produk.

Evaluation of active acoustic methodology in diagnosis of pleural effusion

Minai Zaiem, Hamed 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Pleural effusion is a common respiratory condition that is characterized by an abnormal collection of fluid in the lung cavity. In this study, an innovation using the transmission of sound into the respiratory system as a novel tool to detect fluid in the lung was developed. First, the method was evaluated on a phantom model of a lung. Based on the results of this test model, the appropriate technique was used in a clinical study. This method has several advantages, such as that is non-invasive, low cost, and easy for clinical review. Two techniques, including analysis of the frequency response of the model and the transient time of transmitted sound in the lung, were evaluated in the phantom models of the human lung. Two phantom models with similar geometry to the human lung, including a healthy model (without fluid in the model) and a pleural effusion model (with bulk of fluid in the model) were developed. These models have acoustical properties similar to the lung parenchyma. To obtain the frequency responses of the model, a sine sweep signal was transmitted into the model and the frequency response of the model was then calculated using the fast Fourier transform. The transient time of the transmitted sound was calculated using a cross correlation method. The results show that the locations of fluid in the model were detectable using both techniques. However, the transient time technique is better than the frequency response technique because it is simple, fast, and has potential for use in a clinical enviorment. Based on the results obtained from the phantoms, the transient time method was performed on both 22 healthy participants and four patients diagnosed with pleural effusion. To perform this technique on human subjects, a data acquisition system was developed. Two types of sound, including a complex chirp sound and a polyphonic sound, were transmitted into the respiratory systems of the participants. The time delay between a reference microphone, located on the trachea of the subject, and eight microphones attached to the chest was computed using a cross correlation method, and the effect of inhalation and lung size on the transient time of transmitted sound on the healthy subject was evaluated. The results show that using transmission of sound in the lung is a promising technique in the diagnosis of pleural effusion. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Pleurale effusie is 'n algemene respiratoriese toestand wat gekenmerk word deur 'n abnormale versameling van vloeistof in die longholte. In hierdie studie is 'n innoverende manier ontwikkel om vloeistof in die long met behulp van die transmissie van klank te bespeur. Die metode is eers op 'n fantoommodel van 'n long geëvalueer. Op grond van die resultate van hierdie toetsmodel is die geskikte tegniek in 'n kliniese studie gebruik. Hierdie metode het verskeie voordele, soos dat dit ingreepsvry is, nie duur is nie en kliniese evaluering moontlik maak. Twee tegnieke, naamlik ontleding van die frekwensierespons van die model en die oorgangstyd van versende klank in die long, is in die fantoommodel van die menselong geëvalueer. Twee fantoommodelle met soortgelyke geometrie aan die menselong, met inbegrip van 'n gesonde model (sonder vloeistof in die model) en 'n pleurale-effusie-model (met 'n massa vloeistof in die model), is ontwikkel. Hierdie modelle het akoestiese eienskappe soortgelyk aan die longparenchiem. Om die frekwensieresponse van die model te verkry, is 'n sinuskrommesein tot in die model versend. Die frekwensierespons van die model is met behulp van die vinnige Fourier-transformasie bereken. Die oorgangstyd van die versende klank is deur 'n kruiskorrelasie-metode bereken. Die resultate toon dat die ligging van die vloeistof in die model met albei tegnieke bespeur kan word. Die oorgangstyd-tegniek is egter beter as die frekwensierespons-tegniek, aangesien dit eenvoudig en vinnig is en maklik in 'n kliniese omgewing gebruik kan word. Op grond van die resultate wat van die fantome verkry is, is die oorgangstyd-metode op 22 gesonde deelnemers en vier pasiënte wat met pleurale effusie gediagnoseer is, uitgevoer. 'n Dataverkrygingstelsel is ontwikkel ten einde hierdie tegniek op proefpersone uit te voer. Twee soorte klank, naamlik 'n komplekse tjirpgeluid en 'n polifoniese klank, is na die respiratoriese stelsels van die deelnemers versend. Die tydvertraging tussen 'n verwysingsmikrofoon in die tragea van die proefpersoon en agt mikrofone wat aan die bors vasgeheg is, is met 'n kruiskorrelasie-metode bereken, en die uitwerking van inaseming en longgrootte op die oorgangstyd van versende klank op die gesonde proefpersone is geëvalueer. Die resultate toon dat die gebruik van transmissie van klank in die long 'n belowende tegniek vir die diagnose van pleurale effusie is.

Design of tissue leaflets for a percutaneous aortic valve

Smuts, Adriaan Nicolaas 03 1900 (has links)
MScEng / Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / In this project the shape and attachment method of tissue leaflets for a percutaneous aortic valve is designed and tested as a first prototype. Bovine and kangaroo pericardium was tested and compared with natural human valve tissue by using the Fung elastic constitutive model for skin. Biaxial tests were conducted to determine the material parameters for each material. The constitutive model was implemented using finite element analysis (FEA) by applying a user-specified subroutine. The FEA implementation was validated by simulating the biaxial tests and comparing it with the experimental data. Concepts for different valve geometries were developed by incorporating valve design and performance parameters, along with stent constraints. Attachment techniques and tools were developed for valve manufacturing. FEA was used to evaluate two concepts. The influence of effects such as different leaflet material, material orientation and abnormal valve dilation on the valve function was investigated. The stress distribution across the valve leaflet was examined to determine the appropriate fibre direction for the leaflet. The simulated attachment forces were compared with suture tearing tests performed on the pericardium to evaluate suture density. In vitro tests were conducted to evaluate the valve function. Satisfactory testing results for the prototype valves were found which indicates the possibility for further development and refinement.

Rapid 3D measurement using digital video cameras

Van der Merwe, Willem Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / A rapid measurement system is implemented using two digital video cameras, presenting a faster and less expensive solution to certain metrology problems. The cameras are calibrated from one stereo image-pair of a 3D calibration grid that allows an immediate assessment of the achievable metric accuracy of the system. Three different methods, using either laser tracking or structured light patterns, were developed and employed to solve the coordinate extraction and correspondence matching problems. Different image processing techniques were used to speed up the entire measurement process. All software development was accomplished using only freely distributed software packages. The system achieves calibration in less than a minute and accumulates point correspondences at 12 frames per second. Accuracies of greater than 0.4 mm are achieved for a 235 x 190 x 95 mm measurement volume using a single pair of images with 640 x 480 pixel resolution each.

Fluoroscopy based needle-positioning system for percutaneous nephrolithotomy procedures

Conradie, Jean-Pierre 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / A fluoroscopy-guided needle-positioning system is designed and tested as a first prototype for aiding urologists in gaining fast, accurate and repeatable kidney calyx access during a PCNL procedure while also reducing radiation exposure of the people involved. Image guidance is realized by modelling the fluoroscopic system as an adapted pinhole camera model and utilizing stereo vision principles on a stereo image pair. Calibration, distortion correction and image processing algorithms are implemented on images of a designed calibration object. Thereafter the resulting variables are used in the targeting of the calyx with the aid of a graphical user interface. The required relative translation and rotation of the needle from its current position to the target is calculated and the system is adjusted accordingly. Using digital cameras, needle placement accuracies of 2.5 mm is achieved within the calibrated volume in a simulated environment. Similar results are achieved in the surgery room environment using the fluoroscopic system. Successful needle access in two porcine kidney calyxes concluded the testing

Development of a magnetic intra-uterine manipulator

Doll, Stefan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Uterine manipulation is integral to obtaining adequate access to the uterus during a laparoscopic procedure. A variety of mechanical manipulators have been developed to aid the surgeon with the dissection of the uterus during laparoscopic hysterectomies. Limitations of existing manipulators are that they require an additional assistant during surgery, are expensive and may cause tissue trauma to the vaginal or cervical canal. This study introduces the novel concept of a magnetic uterine manipulator, intended to overcome existing devices’ shortcomings and enabling non-invasive uterine manipulation. The first goal of the study was to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of existing mechanical manipulators and compare them to those of a magnetic device. Analysis showed that a magnetic manipulator would not be able to compete in terms of the range of motion of existing devices. A limited anteriorsagittal rotation range of 60 was seen in the magnetic manipulator compared to a range of 140 in mechanical devices. However, the magnetic manipulator could eliminate the need for an extra assistant, is reusable and thus also more economical. The second goal was to investigate which type of setup would be most successful at effective uterine manipulation. Through concept analysis a cart-on-arch system was deemed most effective. To lift an effective load of 1 N over an air-gap of 150 mm rare-earth N38 Neodymium (NdFeBr) magnets showed the most promise as magnetic actuators. FEA (Finite Element Analysis) simulations of the magnetic setup were validated experimentally which produced an acceptable MAE (mean absolute error) of 0.15 N. Furthermore, a comparative simulation study of shielded and unshielded magnets was done which concluded that shielded magnets produce a slightly higher attraction force and would be safer to use due to less magnetic flux fringing. Thirdly and lastly, potential safety hazards and risks of using magnetic actuators in surgical environments were identified. The literature research revealed that connections between magnetic fields and health risks to patients have not been conclusively proven in clinical studies to date, but nonetheless, great care should be taken in situations where the patient has a pace-maker or orthopaedic implants, as these might interact with the magnetic field. Recommendations for future work include further research into the geometry and scaling effects of magnetic shielding as well as electromagnetic actuator design. Electromagnetic actuators could replace rare-earth magnets, if coil and cooling systems are optimized, resulting in magnets that can be reversed or switched off and which are therefore easier to control and safer to handle. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ontwikkeling van ’n Magnetiese Intra-Uteriene Manipuleerder Baarmoedermanipulasie is van uiterste belang om sodoende voldoende toegang te kry tot die baarmoeder gedurende ’n laparoskopiese prosedure. Daar is reeds ’n verskeidenheid meganiese manipuleerders ontwikkel as hulpmiddel vir die chirurg in die ontleding van die uterus tydens laparoskopiese histerektomies. Beperkings van bestaande manipuleerders is dat ’n bykomende assistent tydens chirurgie benodig word. Die manipuleerders is ook duur en kan weefseltrauma veroorsaak aan die vaginale of servikale kanale. Die studie stel ’n nuwe konsep bekend: ’n magnetiese baarmoedermanipuleerder, gemik daarop om bestaande toestelle se tekortkominge te oorkom en nie-indringende baarmoedermanipulasie moontlik te maak. Die eerste doel van die studie was om die voordele en nadele van bestaande meganiese manipuleerders te ondersoek en dit te vergelyk met dié van die magnetiese toestel. Analise het getoon dat ’n magnetiese manipuleerder nie met bestaande toestelle sal kan kompeteer waar dit gaan om beweegruimte nie. Daar is ’n beperkte anterior-sagitale rotasiespeling van 60 in die magnetiese manipuleerder, terwyl die meganiese toestel ’n rotasiespeling van 140 het. Die magnetiese manipuleerder kan egter die nodigheid van ’n bykomende assistant uitskakel, is herbruikbaar en dus ook meer ekonomies. Die tweede doel van die studie was om die tipe opstelling wat meer suksesvol sal wees tydens doeltreffende baarmoeder manipulasie te ondersoek. Konsep-analise het getoon dat ’n "cart-on-arch"stelsel die beste sal werk. N38 Neodimium (NdFeBr) magnete het die beste vertoon as magnetiese aandrywer om ’n werklike belasting van 1 N oor ’n lugspasie van 150 mm te lig. EEA (Eindige Element Analise) simulasies van die magnetiese opstelling is eksperimenteel bekragtig en het ’n aanvaarbare gemene absolute fout (GAF) van 0.15 N gelewer. ’n Vergelykende simulasie studie het verder gewys dat beskutte magnete ’n effens hoër aantrekkingskrag oplewer en sal dus veiliger wees om te gebruik vanweë die verminderde magnetiese stromingsrand. Derdens en laastens is potensiële veiligheidsrisikos en gevare in die gebruik van magnetiese drywers in chirurgiese omgewings geïdentifiseer. Literatuurnavorsing het onthul dat die verband tussen magneetvelde en gesondheidsrisikos aan pasiënte nog nie voldoende bewys is in kliniese studies tot op datum nie. Gevalle waar pasiënte ’n pasaangeër of ortopediese inplantings het moet met groot sorg hanteer word aangesien dit dalk kan reageer met die magneetvelde. Aanbevelings vir toekomstige werk sluit verdere navorsing in in die rigting van die geometrie en die afskilferingseffek van magnetiese beskutting en ook elektromagnetiese drywer ontwerp. Elektromagnetiese drywers kan moontlik rou aarde magnete vervang indien winding en afkoelstelsels ge-optimeer word wat kan lei tot magnete wat omgekeer of afgeskakel kan word en dus makliker beheerbaar is en veiliger om te hanteer.

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