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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A conceptual framework for leadership development in the South African police service based on transformative learning theory

Adams, Tania Bernadette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Leadership development is an essential and valuable tool for capacitating police leaders in the South African Police Service to deal with the diverse challenges that they face in the policing environment. There seem to be a need for leadership development processes that can stimulate change, and for perspective transformation to enable police leaders to find alternative ways of dealing with the challenges experienced in their working environment. This thesis explored transformative learning as a tool to enhance the leadership development processes of police leaders. The essential elements of transformative learning are: centrality of experience; critical thinking; rational discourse; and policy praxis. Theory development were chosen as best to carefully construct the foundational argument through non-empirical literary-based sources, in which the literature itself became the database towards theoretical formulation in this non-empirical study. The alignment and integration of the elements of transformative learning were explored as a strategy to capacitate police leaders to: reflect on past experiences; think critically about ways of dealing with policing challenges based on experiences; discuss these challenges with other police leaders; and act on reflections made during leadership development processes. The study is limited to the analysis of the status of leadership development in the South African Police Service, which was the context of this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Leierskapsontwikkeling is ‘n essensiële en waardevolle hulpmiddel om leiers in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens te bemagtig om die uiteenlopende uitdagings waarmee hulle te kampe het, beter te hanteer. Dit blyk egter dat daar ‘n behoefte is vir leierskapsontwikkelingprosesse wat intrinsieke verandering en ‘n paradigmaskuif vir polisieleiers te weeg kan bring en wat hulle in staat kan stel om die uitdagings binne hul beroepsveld meer doeltreffend te hanteer. Hierdie tesis ondersoek transformatiewe leerteorie as ‘n instrument om leierskapsontwikkeling van polisieleiers te bevorder. Die hoofelemente van transformatiewe leerteorie is: sentralisering van ondervinding; kritiese denke; rasionele diskoers en beleidsvorming. Teorie-ontwikkeling as navorsingsmetodologie was selekteer as die mees geskikste metodologie om die argument deur nie-empiriese literêre bronne te konstrueer, waarvolgens die gekose literatuur die databasis van die teoretiese formulasie rondom die argument gevorm het in hierdie nie-empiriese studie. Groepering en integrasie van bogenoemde elemente was ondersoek as ‘n strategie om polisieleiers te bemagtig om te reflekteer oor vorige ondervindinge; kritiese denkwyses oor hantering van uitdagings in beroepsveld met inagneming van vorige ondervindinge toe te pas; diskoers oor uitdagings met ander polisieleiers te hê en om aktief te reageer op refleksies tydens leierskapsontwikkelingsprosesse. Die studie is beperk tot die analise van die status van leierskap in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens as konteks waarbinne hierdie studie onderneem is.

Graad 8-leerders se geleefde ervaring van die gebruik van fiktiewe karakters in die Lewensoriënteringklaskamer

Badenhorst, Corlischa Amanda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The political and social changes that occurred after 1994 in South Africa, inevitably led to the emergence of a new educational era. Life Orientation (LO) was introduced as a new learning area within the Revised National Curriculum Statement (RNCS) and seeks to preventatively empower learners to take up their legitimate place as citizens within the national and international society (DoE, 2003:2). LO cannot only be liable for the holistic development of individual learners. The community in which learners grow up are faced with unique challenges that will inescapably influence their development. I highlight the influence of “Ubuntu” and “Ukama” on the process of becoming of each individual and therefore use the ecosystemic perspective as a theoretical framework for this study. I reflect on my own experiences within the LO classroom that led to the creation of fictional characters and case studies as a teaching strategy. In this study I distinguish between case study as a teaching strategy and a research methodology. I determine the lived experiences of Grade 8 learners in a secondary school where this teaching strategy was used within the LO classroom. A case study as research methodology is used where qualitative data was produced through personal documentation. A random sample of ten participants from the case study is used to obtain a thorough understanding of their lived experiences. Qualitative data was further produced by twenty individual and two focus group interviews with the sample group. I used the constant comparative method to ensure that I identify the units of meaning and discuss the findings on the basis of three categories. First, the data indicated that the participants found guidance through the case studies of the characters. Secondly, it appeared that the experiences of the characters influenced the participants’ decision making processes. Thirdly, the data indicated that participants used this teaching strategy as a platform to voice their own personal emotions and experiences. On the basis of Gilles Deleuze (in Wallin, 2010) and Magdeleine Grumet (1981) this study emphasizes the potential role that an evolving, active form of curriculum can play in the becoming processes of each individual learner and teacher. I conclude by recommending that uniqueness and diversity must be encouraged within the classroom to ensure that curriculum will not be a homogeneous policy document, but that it will be active and developmental in nature. I use the work of Wallin (2010), Sutton and Martin-Jones (2008) and Grumet (1981) to offer new insights about the pedagogical making process within the South African context. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die politiese en sosiale veranderinge wat na 1994 binne Suid-Afrika plaasgevind het, het onvermydelik gelei tot die ontstaan van ʼn nuwe opvoedkundige era. Lewensoriëntering (LO) was as ʼn nuwe leerarea binne die Hersiene Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring (HNKV) bekendgestel en poog om op ʼn voorkomende wyse leerders te bemagtig om hul geregmatige plek as burgers binne die nasionale, sowel as internasionale samelewing op te neem (DvO, 2003:2). LO kan nie alleen aanpreeklik gehou word vir die holistiese ontwikkeling van individuele leerders nie. Die gemeenskap waarbinne die individuele leerders groot word het sy unieke uitdagings en sal daarom onwillekeurig hierdie ontwikkelingsproses beïnvloed. Ek beklemtoon daarom “Ubuntu” en “Ukama” se invloed op die individu se wordingsproses en gebruik die ekosistemiese perspektief as ʼn teoretiese raamwerk vir hierdie studie. Ek reflekteer oor my eie ervarings binne die LO-klaskamer wat aanleiding gegee het tot die ontstaan van fiktiewe karakters en gevallestudies as onderrigstrategie. In hierdie studie onderskei ek tussen gevallestudies as onderrigstrategie en navorsingsmetodologie. Ek bepaal die geleefde ervaring van graad 8-leerders in een sekondêre skool waar dié onderrigstrategie in die LO-klaskamer gebruik word. ʼn Gevallestudie word as navorsingsmetodologie gebruik waar kwalitatiewe data deur persoonlike dokumentasie geproduseer is. Ten einde ʼn deeglike begrip te verkry van die gevallestudie se geleefde ervaring is ʼn ewekansige steekproef van tien deelnemers gebruik. Kwalitatiewe data is verder deur twintig individuele en twee fokusgroeponderhoude met hierdie steekproef geproduseer. Ek het deurgaans die konstante vergelykende metode om eenhede van betekenis te identifiseer gebruik en bespreek my bevindinge aan die hand van drie kategorieë. Eerstens dui die data aan dat deelnemers leiding uit die gevallestudies van karakters ontvang het. Tweedens blyk dit of die ervarings van die karakters die deelnemers se besluitnemingsproses beïnvloed het. Derdens dui die data aan dat deelnemers hierdie onderrigstrategie as ʼn platform gebruik het wat hulle in staat gestel het om uiting aan hul persoonlike emosies en ervarings te gee. Ten slotte beklemtoon hierdie navorsingstudie aan die hand van Gilles Deleuze (in Wallin, 2010) en Magdeleine Grumet (1981) se werk die potensiële rol wat ʼn ontwikkelende, aktiewe vorm van kurrikulum in die wordingsproses van elke individuele leerder en opvoeder kan speel. Ek beveel daarom aan dat uniekhede en diversiteit binne die klaskamer aangemoedig moet word ten einde te verseker dat kurrikulum nie as ʼn homogene beleidsdokument aanvaar word nie, maar dat dit aktief en ontwikkelend van aard sal wees. Ek gebruik die werk van Wallin (2010), Sutton en Martin-Jones (2008) en Grumet (1981) om nuwe insigte rondom die pedagogiese wordingsproses binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks aan te bied.

Investigating intersections between the further education and training economics curriculum and growth and development frameworks – implications for teaching and learning

Waghid, Zayd 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis I investigate whether the South African government’s Growth and Development Frameworks (GDFs) are aligned with the learning outcomes of the Further Education and Training (FET) Economics curriculum as presented through the National Curriculum Statement (NCS). Central to the GDFs is the cultivation of social justice, more specifically the eradication of inequalities and the establishment of employment opportunities for all the country’s citizens. Also, the government hopes to achieve social justice through the cultivation of democratic relations amongst people that will hopefully contribute towards economic development in society, more specifically local economic development (LED). Similarly, the four learning outcomes, namely macroeconomics, microeconomics, economic pursuit and contemporary economic issues, emphasise the importance of people contributing towards social justice in their communities. The learning outcomes hope to achieve this by inculcating in learners an affinity for democratic action and the acquisition of economics skills, values, knowledge and attitudes that can engender LED. Consequently, the learning outcomes can be said to be aligned with the GDFs on the basis that the common theme that seems to drive both aspects is social justice through democratic action and economic development. Finally, the alignment between the GDFs and learning outcomes has the effect that teaching and learning will and should be more deliberative, engaging and ‘free’ – a matter of people exercising their capabilities towards the attainment of human freedoms such as equality, solidarity and the exercise of their rights. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis ondersoek ek of daar ‘n verbintenis is tussen die Suid-Afrikaanse regering se Groei en Ontwikkelingsraamwerke (GOR’e) en die leeruitkomste van die Verdere Onderwys en Opleiding (VOO) Ekonomie-kurrikulum soos wat dit in die Nationale Kurrikulumverklaring (NKV) voorgestel word. Sentraal tot die GOR’e is die kultivering van sosiale geregtigheid, meer spesifiek die verwydering van ongelykhede en die skepping van werksgeleenthede vir alle landsburgers. Die regering beoog juis om sosiale geregtigheid te verwesenlik deur die kultivering van demokratiese verhoudinge tussen mense wat hopelik ‘n bydrae kan lewer tot ekonomiese onwikkeling in die samelewing, veral plaaslike ekonomiese onwikkeling (PEO). Terselfdertyd word daar deur die vier leeruitkomstes, naamlik makroekonomie, mikroekonomie, ekonomiese vooruitgang en huidige ekonomiese aangeleenthede, die belangrikheid van mense se bydraes tot sosiale geregtigheid in hulle gemeenskappe beklemtoon. Die leeruitkomstes hoop om laasgenoemde te bereik deurdat in leerders ‘n aangetrokkenheid tot demokratiese aksie en Ekonomie-vaardighede, -waardes, -kennis en -houdings gekweek word wat PEO kan bevorder. Gevolglik kan voorgehou word dat die leeruitkomste met die GOR’e vereenselwig kan word op grond van die gemeenskaplike tema van sosiale geregtigheid deur demokratiese aksie en ekonomiese ontwikkeling wat blykbaar beide aspekte dryf. Laastens, die verwantskap tussen die GOR’e en leeruitkomste het die effek dat onderrig en leer meer beraadslagend, interkatief en ‘vry’ behoort te wees – ‘n geval van mense wat hulle vaardighede uitoefen om menslike vryhede soos gelykheid, solidariteit en die uitoefening van hulle regte te bekom.

’n Poging om my klaskamerpraktyk in beroepsvoorligting by 'n landelike VOO-skool te verbeter : 'n aksienavorsingsbenadering

Klaasen, Danoven 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this mini-thesis I share the action research that I undertook at the school where I teach. This research was an attempt to improve my practice in career guidance, a sub-division of Life Orientation. The need for a study of this nature was developed out of my experiences with matriculants who appear to be confused about their future careers they intent pursuing. It appeared that they lacked the capacity to do self-planning and did not really comprehend how to plan their future careers. In reflection on career guidance, in general, and my own teaching practice in particular, I came to the conclusion that there is a real problem in terms of the effectiveness of career guidance and that I, in my technicist attitude towards policies of the education department, perhaps unconsciously, became part of the maintenance of a fruitless practice. Although I dutifully carry out the curriculum according to the required education policies, there remain an uncertainty and a concern regarding the practicality surrounding career guidance and more so when it comes to disadvantaged students from rural areas. This compelled me to do some introspection about the way I was teaching and involving the learners in my career guidance classes. This introspection lead me to the realisation that the instrumentalist and technicist way of teaching (‘talk and chalk’ method of teaching) and my endeavour to finish my content and assessment tasks within a certain prescribed timeframe, were at odds with creative career guidance teaching. My classroom practice was trapped in the old methods, and I was caught up in the old traditional ways while teaching a 21st-century learner. In an effort to address the above-mentioned issues of concern, I address the following critical questions, namely: - How can career guidance be used as a tool to improve the life skills of learners from a poor rural school? - How can I improve my classroom practice? In Chapter one I explore my background and provide reasons why I got involved in this project. In my literature review, I suggest that the principles of the National Curriculum Statement Grades R–12 (2012) and the outcomes that the learners have to achieve have certain implications for classroom practice. This is in line with Cuseo’s (1996) view that basic education is guaranteed by not only giving form to the structure of the curriculum, but also to what happens between learners and teachers in the classroom. A detailed description of the two action research projects that were undertaken with Grade eleven learners at my school is given in Chapters four and five. In the final chapter of this thesis, I reflect on the research engaged in the classroom and I also reflect on the future of teachers as researchers. I believe that any attempt to improve the education and conditions of our rural and disadvantaged schools would go a long way in addressing the inequities prevalent in our society. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie mini-tesis deel ek die aksienavorsing wat ek by die skool waar ek onderrig, onderneem het. Hierdie navorsing was ʼn poging om my praktyk in beroepsvoorligting, ʼn onderafdeling van Lewensoriëntering, te verbeter. Die noodsaaklikheid van ʼn studie van hierdie aard het voortgespruit uit my ervaringe met matrikulante wat totaal verward voorkom oor hul toekoms en ʼn kommerwekkende gebrek aan kapasiteit toon om selfbeplanning te doen en nie regtig weet hoe om hul toekoms te beplan nie. Tydens refleksie oor beroepsvoorligting in die algemeen en my eie onderrigpraktyk in die besonder het ek tot die slotsom gekom dat daar ’n wesenlike probleem ten opsigte van die effektiwiteit van beroepsvoorligting bestaan en dat ek, deur my tegnisistiese ingesteldheid teenoor beleide van die onderwysdepartement, dalk onbewustelik deel geword het van die instandhouding van ’n vrugtelose praktyk. Alhoewel ek pligsgetrou die kurrikulum en gepaardgaande onderwysbeleide uitvoer, stem hierdie onsekerheid en onbekwaamheid van ons leerders my tot kommer. Dit het my genoodsaak om terug te staan en my eie praktyk in heroorweging te neem en te bevraagteken. Hierdie introspeksie het my gelei tot die bewuswording dat my instrumentele en tegnisistiese ingesteldheid ook in my klaskamerpraktyk gemanifesteer word deurdat ek, in my strewe om inhoud en assesseringstake binne ʼn voorgestelde tydsraamwerk te voltooi, in my klaskamerpraktyk na die ‘talk’ en ‘chalk’-metode geneig het. My onderrigpraktyk was dus van ʼn ou, tradisionele aard en het nie tred gehou met die moderne eeu waarin ons onsself bevind nie. In ʼn poging om bogenoemde aspekte aan te spreek, bespreek ek die volgende kritiese vrae: - Hoe kan beroepsvoorligting gebruik word as ʼn hulpmiddel om die lewensvaardighede van leerders van ʼn arm landelike skool te verbeter? - Hoe kan ek my praktyk in die klaskamer verbeter? Ek suggesteer ook in my literatuuroorsig dat die beginsels waarop die Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring grade R–12 (2012) rus en die uitkomstes wat deur die leerders bereik moet word ʼn sekere klaskamerpraktyk impliseer. Hierdie aanname is in ooreenstemming met Cuseo (1996) se siening dat algemene onderwys verseker word deur nie net aan die struktuur van die kurrikulum vorm te gee nie, maar deur ook aan wat tussen leerders en onderwysers in die klaskamer gebeur, vorm te gee. ʼn Gedetailleerde beskrywing van my twee aksienavorsingsprojekte, wat ek met graad elf-leerders by my skool onderneem het, word in hoofstukke vier en vyf gegee. In die laaste hoofstuk van hierdie tesis reflekteer ek oor my navorsing in die klaskamer en die toekoms vir die onderwyser-navorser. Ek glo dat enige poging om die onderwys en toestande van ons landelike en minder-bevoorregte skole te verbeter ‘n lang pad sal gaan om die ongelykhede wat teenwoordig is in ons gemeenskappe aan te spreek. In Hoofstuk een verskaf ek inligting met betrekking tot my agtergrond en gee ook redes waarom ek by hierdie projek betrokke geraak het. In my literatuuroorsig fokus ek op aspekte wat direk en indirek aan die onderwerp van hierdie aksienavorsingstesis gekoppel word.

Communicative language teaching : a comparison of the Lesotho form E (English) and South African grade 12 FAL (English) curricula

Kobo, Mamorapeli Justinah 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Includes glossary of terms / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the study presented, two English curriculum documents were analysed, one from South Africa and the other from Lesotho. The analysis was focused on English first additional language curriculum documents for what is known as Grade 12 in South Africa and Form E in Lesotho. The two curricula are both informed by Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), with the concept of communicative competence, which is the ability to use the linguistic system effectively and appropriately, at its core. The two curricula are distinguished from each other as being locally developed (South Africa) and internationally developed (Lesotho) curriculum documents. Research contributions on the role that English plays in today‟s language learning and teaching context introduce the study . An overview is provided of the CLT appr oach and the essentials and difficulties perceived in CLT introduction in Africa and particularly Southern Africa. Jacobs and Farrell‟s (2003) evaluative framework for CLT is proposed as an indication of the extent to which CLT is evident in curricula. Ag ainst this background, the question arises of how CLT is realised in English first additional language curriculum documents for Grade 12 in South Africa and for Form E in Lesotho . In answering the question, a qualitative content analysis method that sets in interpretivist paradigm is employed for analysis of the curricula, and coding is applied using the evaluative framework proposed by Jacobs and Farrell (2003). The analysis attempts to evaluate the two English first additional language curriculum documents (curricula plans ). First, an exploration of the structures of the two curriculum documents was done. Second, the evaluation of the curricula against Jacobs and Farrell‟s (2003 :10 ) “ eight changes in language teaching and learning ” followed. Third, the comparison of the two curricula was carried out. Evaluation and comparison processes were carried out for the purpose of determining which of the two curricula best realises CLT. Reflecting on what is needed in the choice of English first additional language curricula, the conclusion is reached that (a) curricula need to be explicit in describing texts for language teaching, (b) they need to include oral and listening proficiency, and (c) a locally developed curriculum realises the CLT elements better than an internationally developed curriculum document. This means that learners‟ needs are be tter accommodated when local context and situations are in use. With this, learners bring their learning experiences as close as possible to their own real-life situations and thereby contribute towards language development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie analiseer twee kurrikulumdokumente vir die onderrig van Engels: een Suid-Afrikaans en die ander van Lesotho. Die analise fokus op Engels as eerste addisionele taal kurrikula vir wat as Graad 12 bekend staan in Suid-Afrika en as Vorm E in Lesotho. Beide kurrikula is in die Kommunikatiewe Taalonderrigtradisie ontwikkel; ʼn tradisie wat vereis dat die taalstruktuur effektief in realistiese situasies gebruik word. Die twee kurrikula word onderskei deur die feit dat die Suid-Afrikaanse een plaaslik ontwikkel is en die Lesotho onderwyssisteem gebruik ʼn internasionaal - ontwikkelde kurrikulum, die Cambridge Overseas English Certificate. Die studie word ingelei deur ʼn bespreking oor die r ol wat Engels speel in die huidige leer- en onderrigkonteks. ʼn Oorsig word gegee van Kommunikatiewe Taalonderrig (KTO), gevolg deur ʼn bespreking van die elemente en probleme wat ervaar word met KTO in Afrika en in Suider- Afrika in die besonder. ʼn Raamwerk, voorgestel deur Jacobs en Farrell (2003) vir die evaluering van KTO, word voorgestel as ʼn aanduiding van die mate waartoe kurrikula die beginsels en praktyke van KTO insluit. Die probleem wat hierdie studie bestudeer is die mate waartoe KTO manifesteer in die Graad 12 Engels Eerste Addisionele Taal kurrikulum in Suid-Afrika en in die Vorm E kurrikulum, die Cambridge Overseas English Certificate, in Lesotho. Die navorsingsbenadering is interpretatief en kwalitatiewe inhoudsanalise word gebruik om die kurrikula te analiseer. Deur die raamwerk van Jacobs en Farrell (2003) te gebruik, word dit moontlik om die twee kurrikulum dokumente te analiseer en te vergelyk . As ʼn eerste stap word die struktuur van beide dokumente bespreek, gevolg deur ʼn evaluering van elke kurrikulum in terme van die agt veranderings in onderrig en leer wat veronderstel is om KTO te karakteriseer (Jacobs en Farrell 2003:10). Hierdie twee stappe is nodig om die finale vergelyking van die twee kurrikula te kan doen sodat die mate waartoe hulle KTO manifesteer, aangedui kan word. Hierdie analise kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die Engels eerste addisionele taalkurrikulum in Lesotho (a) duideliker riglyne moet verskaf vir die aard van tekste wat vir Engels taalonderrig gebruik kan word, (b) dat hierdie kurrikulum mondelinge- en luistervaardighede moet insluit en (c) dat die plaaslik-ontwerpte, Suid-Afrikaanse kurrikulum beter rekenskap gee van KTO as die Cambridge Overseas English Certificate, die internasionaal-ontwikkelde dokument wat in Lesotho gebruik word. As gevolg van die vergelyking met die Jacobs en Farrell raamwerk, blyk dit dat leerders se behoeftes beter ondervang kan word wanneer plaaslike kontekste en situasies gebruik word omdat leerders op hulle eie leerervarings kan staatmaak om hulle taalvermoë te ontwikkel.

Die erkenning van voorafleer as `n meganisme ter voorbereiding van ouer volwasse studente se sukses aan `n hoeronderwysinstelling

Langeveldt, Faith 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of the current study was to determine how the recognition of prior learning (RPL) process at the University of the Western Cape prepares mature adult students to be successful. These mature adult students gain knowledge, skills and attitudes through an alternative manner, which is acknowledged by the University of the Western Cape (UWC). During the portfolio development course, these mature adults students are expected to reflect on their prior knowledge in order to identify, formulate and document their prior learning according to the specification of the institute. This process stimulates cognitive competencies, introduces them to the formal education discourse, and improves their academic language skills. An interpretive research method was used to collect data. The qualitative data which was collected stems from a self-administered questionnaire, semi-structured individual interviews and also the textual data in the portfolios of the mature adult students who participated in this study. All interviews were recorded on a tape recorder with the consent of the respondents and were transcribed verbatim. Content analysis was used to analyse the data. The results and findings of the study indicate that a holistic approach is followed at UWC to develop the mature RPL students academically. All role players at UWC are involved including their top management. The implementation of RPL at the institute is a top priority where the mature adult students are given the opportunity to develop to their full potential. Support systems are also available to improve the academic performances of these adult students. The results indicated that these students are committed to their studies, are motivated to be successful at the higher education institute, and with the support of the mentors they progress academically. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om te bepaal hoe die erkenning van voorafleer (EVL)-proses by die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland (UWK) die ouer volwasse student voorberei om suksesvol te wees. Hierdie volwassenes se kennis, vaardighede en houdings wat op 'n alternatiewe manier opgedoen is (hulle voorafleer) word deur die UWK erken. Die ouer volwassenes word deur middel van reflektering in die portefeulje-ontwikkelingskursus die geleentheid gebied om hulle voorafleer te identifiseer, te formuleer en te dokumenteer volgens die spesifikasies van die instelling. Algaande word hulle kognitiewe vaardighede gestimuleer, hulle maak kennis met die formele opvoedingsdiskoers, en verbeter hulle akademiese taalvaardighede. 'n Interpretatiewe navorsingsbenadering is gebruik om data in te samel. Die kwalitatiewe data wat ingesamel is, spruit voort uit 'n self-geadministreerde vraelys, semigestruktureerde individuele onderhoude, asook die tekstuele data in die portefeuljes van die volwasse studente wat aan die studie deelgeneem het. Alle onderhoude is met die toestemming van die respondente met 'n digitale opnemer opgeneem en woordeliks getranskribeer. Data-analisering het deur middel van inhoudsanalise plaasgevind. Die bevindinge van die studie dui daarop dat 'n holistiese benadering by die UWK gevolg word om die ouer EVL-studente akademies voor te berei. Alle rolspelers by die UWK word betrek, met inbegrip van hulle topbestuur. Die toepassing en implementering van EVL is 'n topprioriteit by die instelling waar ouer volwasse studente die geleentheid gebied word om tot hulle volle potensiaal te ontwikkel. Ondersteuningstelsels wat akademiese vooruitgang van volwasse ouer studente bevorder, is ook beskikbaar. Die studie het aangedui dat ouer volwasse studente is ook verbind tot hulle studies, is gemotiveer om sukses aan die hoëronderwysinstelling te behaal, en met behulp van die mentors toon hulle akademiese vordering.

The use of practical activities to address grade 11 learners' conceptual difficulties in electricity and magnetism

Kotela, Beauty 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research study investigated the use of a practical activities-based approach to Physical Sciences teaching using TRAC equipment to address learner conceptual difficulties in Electricity and Magnetism (E&M). TRAC uses practical activities based on the school curriculum to complement the theory through the utilisation of data logging equipment linked to a computer. The participants in this study were a group of black Grade 11 learners (n=47) from a township school in the province of the Western Cape, South Africa. Their ages range from 16 to 21, with isiXhosa the home language of most of them. A mixed methods approach was utilized to gather the research data. Quantitative data was collected, using pre- and post-testing of learners to determine their conceptual difficulties in E&M, as well as to measure the effect of the practical activities-based approach in addressing learner conceptual difficulties in E&M. Null hypotheses were formulated for the six concepts and t-tests were used to find any statistically significant difference between the pre- and post-test. Qualitative data was obtained from the learner transcripts, as well as from the questionnaires and observation schedules. The results indicated significant improvements in learner understanding of the concepts in five out of the six tests as well as reducing commonly held misconceptions in E&M. It is recommended that careful scaffolding should be done during a practical activity in order for learners to make the connection between the domains of observables and ideas. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingstudie het die gebruik van ‘n praktiese aktiwiteitsgebaseerde benadering tot Fisiese Wetenskappe onderrig met behulp van TRAC apparaat ondersoek. Die doel was om leerders se konseptuele haakplekke in Elektrisiteit en Magnitisme (E&M) aan te spreek. TRAC maak gebruik van ‘data logging’ apparaat om die teorie deur middel van praktiese aktiwiteite wat op die skoolkurriulum gebaseer is, te komplementeer. Die deelnemers in die studie was ‘n groep swart Graad-11 leerders (n=47) uit ‘n swart woongebied in die Westelike Provinsie, Suid Afrika. Hulle ouderdomme strek van 16 tot 21 met isiXhosa as die huistaal vir die meerderheid van hulle. ‘n Gemengde metode benadering was gebruik om die navorsingsdata te versamel. Kwantitatiewe data was deur ‘n voor- en natoets van die leerders versamel om hulle konseptuele haakplekke in E&M te bepaal. Die effek van die praktiese aktiwiteitsgebaseerde benadering om die leerders se konseptuele haakplekke in E&M aan te spreek was ook gemeet. Nul hipotese was vir die ses konsepte geformuleer en t-toetse was gebruik om statisties-beduidende verskille tussen die voor- en natoets te bepaal. Kwalitatiewe data was van die leerders se oorgeskryfde onderhoude sowel as vraelyste en observasieskedules verkry. Die resultate toon ‘n beduidende verbetering in leerders se begrip van die konsepte in vyf van die ses toetse sowel as ‘n afname in algemene wanbegrippe in E&M. Dit word aanbeveel dat versigtige opbouing gedurende die praktiese aktiwiteit gedoen moet word sodat die leerders ‘n verband tussen die domein van waarneembares en idees kan maak.

Assessing the emergent literacy of grade two learners in terms of specific literacy skills in English

Rahim, Fowzia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd )--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / This research was undertaken due to the increase of Afrikaans L1 learners in an English medium class and the problems these learners face. This study reports on An Observation Survey of Early Learning Achievement (Clay, 2002) in order to assess the emergent literacy of grade two learners in terms of specific literacy skills in English. This survey aimed to assist the educator in determining the progress and processing behaviours made by Afrikaans L1 learners in terms of literacy content in an English medium class. The Observation Survey was conducted thrice over a three month period. It was aimed at determining what processing skills and strategies the learners use and if traditional teaching combined with Outcomes Based Education (OBE) enabled learners to acquire strategies for learning. Simultaneously it was determined if code switching, code mixing and mother tongue (Afrikaans) use facilitated learning. The data indicated the language problems, preference and proficiency of the learners. This research necessitated the use of both quantitative and qualitative data. Using a case study design, a qualitative tool with quantitative elements was used to collect data. Further data was collected at parent meetings with the learners in the study as well as from written correspondence from parents. This data gave insight to the learner’s ethnographic background and the language proficiency of the parents. The findings of this study indicate the need for ongoing support and in-service training for educators in the ever changing curriculum. In conclusion it was determined that various factors contribute to the literacy development of learners. In order for them to stay abreast with the curriculum further research and support is imperative for educators.

Integrating scholarship and continuing professional development (CPD) in the natural sciences at a South African university

Frick, Beatrice Liezel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / The worldwide emphasis on lifelong learning, the continuous and fast pace of change and the competitive nature of practice forces professionals in all sectors to remain abreast of the latest knowledge, skills and/or innovations. This has contributed to the evolution of the term continuing professional development (CPD). The university lecturer in the natural sciences functions within a unique area of professional practice, as the practice requires scholarship – which contains elements of both subject-specific and educational expertise. It remains unclear how CPD within this professional arena is defined in terms of need, purpose and provision. The current quality of learning and evaluation of learning also warrants investigation. This study aimed to investigate how CPD could play a role in scholarly development from the perspective of lecturers in the Faculty of Science at Stellenbosch University (South Africa). A qualitative approach was followed. Semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample, followed by an open-ended questionnaire with a stratified random sample, were used. The results are reported in seven chapters, of which the first provides an orientation to the conducted study. The second chapter focuses on placing CPD in the context of scholarly practice in the natural sciences at Stellenbosch University. The third chapter investigates the provision of CPD in the natural sciences that could enhance integrated scholarship. The fourth chapter investigates the quality of learning within CPD as a measure of scholarly development. The fifth chapter reports on the evaluation of scholars’ learning in CPD in the natural sciences at Stellenbosch University, while the sixth chapter focuses on current issues and future trends in CPD for natural science lecturers at Stellenbosch University that will motivate an integrated and holistic approach to scholarly development – based on their own insights into their professional practice. The final chapter concludes the study with recommendations for the future practice of CPD within this sphere. The main findings indicate a difficulty in defining CPD, as these lecturers see themselves as a diverse group not easily confined to the traditional boundaries of a professional sphere. This difficulty in defining CPD has a direct influence on the lecturers’ need for CPD and the purpose of CPD within this sector of higher education. The provision of CPD for lecturers in the natural sciences does not conform to an integrated and coherent system of provision between the different stakeholders. Many initiatives are informal and are initiated according to individual needs. There is evidence of collaborative efforts within the different disciplines, although they are limited in terms of transdisciplinarity and true integration of scholarly roles. As a result of the complexities of academic practice, the quality of learning within the existing CPD initiatives is not easily determined. The progression from novice to expert is a continuous process, which is mostly self-directed and reflective in nature. Formalised government interventions, Total Quality Management systems, leadership development, mentorship and situated learning are presented as possible means of enhancing the quality of learning in CPD. The present study indicates the lack of appropriate evaluation of learning in CPD as the main shortcoming in the total process of CPD conceptualisation, provision, quality assurance and evaluation within the study population. Accountability for the monetary investment and energy spent on any CPD initiative is therefore limited. Portfolios, peer review, open-ended problems and simulations, auditing and observation of practice are presented as viable options for effective evaluation of learning in CPD that could enhance integrated scholarship. The future trends in CPD are discussed in terms of the future context of practice; the role of and need for experts; how experts will be educated and how they will maintain their competence. This provides a holistic view of scholarly development through CPD within the context of lecturers in the natural sciences in the Stellenbosch University.

The role of African literature in enhancing critical literacy in first-generation entrants at the University of Namibia

Smit, Talita C. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--Stellenbosch University, 2009. / ENGLISH SUMMARY: In this research project the profile and academic literacy proficiency of a group of First-Generation entrants at the University of Namibia were explored in order to obtain insight into the development of their critical literacy proficiency during the course of 2008. The project was undertaken against the backdrop of a Higher Education sector in Namibia that is facing an increasing influx of first-year students – often students who are the first in their families to pioneer the alien territory of tertiary studies. Such students predominantly come from marginalised and poorly resourced educational environments far from the capital of Namibia. These English second language First-Generation students consequently enter Higher Education with insufficient levels of academic literacy proficiency in English, the medium of instruction in tertiary institutions in Namibia. An important aspect of such under-preparedness is their academic literacy which is often still regarded only as knowing how to speak and act within a particular discourse, and the reading and writing that occurs within the discipline as the only skills through which to facilitate learning in the mainstream; this, however, is not enough to assist them in problem-solving and high levels of critical thinking. In response, the University of Namibia has implemented academic support programmes to address the needs of students who enter university with poor school results. One such support programme is the ULEG course for those students who qualified for admission to the university but whose school-end marks for English were a D-symbol. Survey results showed that the majority of the students in the ULEG course in 2008 were First-Generation entrants into Higher Education. It was thus decided to conduct this project with one class group of ULEG students. Only data collected from the FG entrants were employed in this case study. This qualitative, interpretive inquiry was characterised by multiple data collection methods. Qualitative data concerning the perceptions of the participants were generated via semi-structured interviews, observation and content analysis. In addition, quantitative data were collected and this further contributed to the triangulation of rich, in-depth data. An awareness-raising programme about the use of metaphoric language in order to draw appropriate inferences was designed and implemented, the rationale being to enhance the participants‟ critical thinking proficiency. As source material short stories, novels, a play and poetry by African authors written in English were employed. To establish the value of such a programme a mixed methods research methodology was employed where qualitative and quantitative data were collected concurrently. The results of this case study question prevailing notions about under-prepared students as well as the mainstreaming of students, as all of the participants in the project attested to the significant challenges that entry into the academic community posed for them. The findings of this project, while specific to the context in which it was undertaken, contribute to the growing body of knowledge in the field of academic development within Higher Education and the role of critical literacy in student learning. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingsprojek ondersoek die profiel en die vlakke van akademiese geletterdheid van „n groep Eerste-Generasie eerstejaar studente aan die Universiteit van Namibiȅ om insig te bekom oor die ontwikkeling van hulle vlakke van kritiese geletterdheid gedurende 2008. Die projek is onderneem teen die agtergrond van „n Hoër Onderwys sektor in Namibiȅ met „n toenemende invloei van eerstejaar studente. Hierdie studente is dikwels ook die eerstes in hul families wat die onbekende wêreld van tersiëre studie betree. Hierdie Namibiese studente kom meerendeels van gemarginaliseerde en swak-toegerusde onderwys-omgewings ver vanaf die hoofstad, en die enigste universiteit in Namibiȅ. Hierdie Engels tweede taal Eerste-Generasie studente betree gevolglik Hoër Onderwys met onvoldoende vlakke van akademiese geletterdheid in Engels, die medium van onderrig in Namibiȅ. „n Belangrike aspek van sulke akademiese onvoorbereidheid is die studente se akademiese geletterdheid wat dikwels steeds beskou word as slegs die vermoë om korrek te praat en korrek op te tree in „n spesifieke diskoers, sowel as om te kan lees en skryf na gelang van die vereistes van verskillende hoofstroom akademiese dissiplines. So „n vaardigheidsbenadering is egter nie genoeg om studente te help met problem-oplossing and gevorderde vlakke van kritiese denke nie. Die Universiteit van Namibia het as teenvoeter teen die akademiese onvoorbereidheid van studente akademiese ondersteunigsprogramme geimplementeer. Een so „n program is die ULEG-kursus vir studente wat kwalifiseer vir toelating aan die universiteit maar met slegs „n D-simbool in Engels. „n Vraelys het getoon dat die meeste van die studente in die ULEG-kursus in 2008 Eerste-Generasie studente was. Daarom is besluit om hierdie projek met „n klasgroep ULEG studente te onderneem. Slegs data van die Eerste-Generasie eerstejaar studente in die klas is gebruik vir die doeleindes van hierdie navorsingprojek. In hierdie gevalle-studie is die hoofsaaklik beskrywende ondersoek gekarateriseer deur meervoudige data-versamelingstegnieke en -instrumente. Kwalitatiewe data vi aangaande die persepsies van die studente in die projek is versamel deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde gesprekke, observasies en die interpretasie van geskrewe en mondelinge bydraes van studente. Kwantitatiewe data is versamel en ge-analiseer om by te dra tot die triangulasie van ryk en gedetaileerde bevindings. „n Program om studente bekend te stel aan die gebruik van metaforiese taalgebruik om meer effektiewe gevolgtrekkings te kan maak is ontwerp en geimplementeer. Die beweegrede was om die studente se vlakke van kritiese denke te bevorder. As material vir die program is kortverhale, romans, „n drama en gedigte geskryf in Engels deur skrywers uit Afrika gebruik. Om die effektiwiteit van so „n program te evaluaeer is gebruik gemaak van „n gemengde navorsingmetodiek waar kwalititatiewe tegnieke en kwantitatiewe instrumente gelyktydig en aanvullende gebruik is. Die bevindinge van die projek bevraagteken die heersende opvattings in verband met swak-voorbereide studente sowel as hoofstroom-onderrig, aangesien al die studente in hierdie projek bewys gelewer het van die aansienlike persoonlike probleme wat toegang tot die akademie vir hulle ingehou het. Alhoewel die bevindinge spesifiek is aan die konteks van die projek, dra dit by tot die groeiende korpus van kennis in die veld van akademiese ontwikkeling in Hoër Onderwys, sowel as die rol van kritiese geletterdheid in akademiese studies.

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